Greta Ransom

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Part II

MALRAUX IS NOW OLDER - I tell him not to screw his face up when he tells me we have lost 10 years…LOVE IS NOT LOVE WHICH ALTERS WHEN IT ALTERATION FINDS- WS

He brought in several photos of himself over the decades … saying “ Which one will you choose ? I chose 1952 on the front of his book/Canadian photo-saying truthfully- “ I could not marry that boy you were 1930s…I don`t think . The schools gave you wolf whistles 1945 & do not look much different if you will stop screwing your face up Georgie. Lock that other one from GAUL that ANDRE in the cupboard ” …

1958 March - It is discovered that Mengele has been prescribing MALRAUX a lethal medicine for 4 years & a half…A chemist finally said what the prescriptions were…he had begun learning about the creature Mengele Doctor Harrington ROYAL PHYSICIAN in Private to a Queen

It was alarming for this medicine could cause failure of LIVER & would have Andre in a wheelchair in 15 years ! …

ANDRE had earlier lost his temper with Mengele for a number of things…jabbed Mengele with one of his own needles from his Case - marched him out into South Kensington Gardens where Mengele took off all his clothes/newspaper item- ` doctor attached to The Court-trying out new drugs for NHS `

Andre Malraux said he had ` PUT IT IN HIS HEAD to strip off in public…` & that he was sick of Mengele playing these hypnotist-dope tricks on he & others…including Greta …” Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square/notebooks/files …

1958/60 - Mengele Doctor HARRINGTON - “ IS BELIEVED TO HARM THE HEALTH OF MIDDLE-AGED MEN- FOR MONEY…” Reports/Secret Services other nations/…

1950s-1960s - Information is being collected…Mengele Harrington went about with top Nobles on a yacht & stopped off at tropical islands - spending DOUGH in name of Grote/Ransom/Weddell - some reports of Mengele Harrington chasing little boys - frolicking in the seas in the tropics 1950s-1960s…Stealing Grote Ransom moneys from foreign Banks went on/it was impossible to stop powerful Gross British Scandinavian figures/doped up drunks/& Hurray Henrys/slags…`

1950s …what is still remembered by some …

`THIS IS AN ESTATE FORMED BY A REVERED & MOST HIGHLY EDUCATED WOMAN OF BRITAIN & GREENLAND-& THE GLOBE -born 1841 Margarethe RANSOM Tiggy Grote`s widow, he ran the HOMES…everyone educated helped…around the world…keep them safe…Mrs Grote she was murdered 15 May 1938 ( by dirty Jim Mr Pong slitting a vein behind her ear & giving it out WHITEHALL `Greetah did it with the old Eskimo`s hair ornament…lock the kid up …`) reports/archives/1960 additions

1939 - “ Margarethe had another 10 years to go ” said an old lady of 101 years of age - Complaining to families and guests at CLOUDS - (Diary/visits/memories/records)

“ They have killed Margarethe… WHY are you two on shore Lennie ! Greetah ! I want you OFF SHORE ! Where is Frederick Charles ! … ” And she dashed off like an aged Flower Fairy to find my grandfather ! & heard our Passports had been withdrawn by Angela “ a bad choice…” …& the Earls LINDSAY “ always pinching other peoples paintings ! ”

1939 - There were civilized educated persons in G.B. … apart from

FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…THE OLD LADY of 101 years WOULD KNOW the following :

… Margarethe`s great-grandfather is POUL GRONLANDER polymath/genius/Catechist/Trader/wrote an extra half hour to HAMLET then another complete HAMLET - extended many WS plays `for the Greenlander mind`- `they liked to chew them over for 2 weeks-` The orchestra was always 40 players- lots of Richard Wagner lastly Tchaikovsky towards the end of civilized life on the island but much 17th 18th century music - The Danes & the Earls of Lindsay dirty sheep-stealers making life impossible - a Lindsay Earl monster 1884 coming up with 3 very big RN ships to get dear Millie Frobisher & her husband JOHN RANSOM their party of young educated friends OFF - Or he would shell the Island…these young highly educated intended making it their home 8 months of the year & running the school again-theatre-everything…! JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND - a little Republic a Classic Democracy where civilized intelligent beings would again dwell together as before we Greenlanders/Eskimo out-breeds …Peoples whose ancestry often known to them easily back 1,000 even 2,000 years as with the Chinese…There were in the library of The Holm wonderful books, paperwork of the 18th century…Play Bills…an Emperor of Ethiopia sailed in for the PLAY SEASON… Shakespeare & the great plays-the Sages-the histories of the globe…were spoken on the stage…West Greenland…

1850s - Greenlanders were trying again for INDEPENDENCE FOR GREENLAND - not just having it supplying the gambling moneys for Scandinavia & Gross Britain & their UPPER CLASS SIN EMPIRES- 1930s GREENLAND West - Greta Ransom was last there June 1938 - Lennie & Greetha RANSOM flew

up with an old pilot ( been flying since 1910 ) - We had to go up in secret silence…TO GREENLAND OUR HOME TO HAVE A BEER…& take Aunt Mag’s spirit back to our Island Jacopsholmen her childhood home & the home she preferred best of all…We got there & back with help of kith-kin…& Greta is fastened into a borrowed fur jacket from a Catholic woman we know…(diaries/letters/archives 1600s to 1960s)…

1720s-1760s - POUL GRONLANDER & his wife Margaret Yates of Carlisle would perform the Shakespeare plays up & down the coast of Greenland - her father brought her a set of Dolls from FRANCE - they used these as puppets- the DOLLS were STOLEN & dropped into the Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion FRANCE - JIM stole the 6 dolls ( Greta saw them … property her grandma ( 4 times back ) her wedding dolls … for the first time ) that day 15th May 1938 - he killed Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE in the early afternoon -

MARGARETHE RANSOM Mrs GROTE the morning on the day of she murdered by JIM Jong Mr Pong…made Sir James 1954...That morning he awoke me in AYRSHIRE Scotland from a drugged car ride kidnapped from Clacton ESSEX & said “…when I get the door open…run to your Aunt`s room… hand your Aunt this parcel for her birthday - it is a book…then I will come in…» He took me to her bedroom door when he had given his TALE to whoever opened the door of the big gracious farm house … (O`Neills farm Ayrshire/see Debretts Peerage etc…BLOODY HAND OF IRELAND…) …JIMMIE James Jong Mr Pong came in like an IMP… he said some kind of greetings…blaming me for the visit…& `can I see the DOLLS Auntie` … he had his little pin prick eyes on…& was playing the little Page-Puck-Courtier …MARGARETHE GIRL OF THE SNOWS A GODDESS had been asleep under her feather quilt she always travelled with…She would have been woken with her porridge bowl, a piece of fruit, some China tea…as usual…This was her father`s DIET discovered to be best in 18th century Europe & globe by enlightened circles …

1960 January - Dr John RAY - Night Watch - Colne Engaine, says “ … she must have been terrified when she saw him with you…because he had harmed her grand-daughter…who would not marry him & could not get rid of him…then she died…”

(I G.R. had no memory of 1938/or pre-war … I thought the speaker was ANDRE MALRAUX…& fell asleep in peace…HE HAD COME I believed…after I had more empty broken souled months… all that summer autumn…now HE HAD COME from our SHADOWS…our winter times…I am age 27 years coming March 1960... That we had the Wedding of GRACE 1947 April may have lingered in some form in my memory WHEN I HEARD some reference to it…or something linked to it…IT WAS NECESSARY ALL THE TIME TO PUT IN A KEY IN MY MIND…it had to have a label … ! It is not amnesia ! It is brought about by the criminal insanity of high power dope-fiends who live by THEFT…controlling people with narcotics…)

1938 Mai 15th AYRSHIRE - Greta`s great-great-Aunt… MARGARETHE girl of the SNOWS…she had to now rise from her bed…when I just woken from a drugged sleep was pushed into her room by MR PONG…She rose from her bed like a dancer… PUTTING ON A HOUSECOAT of heavy cotton OF SUN YELLOW from the USA she told me (… & when ROSY fingered DAWN had changed to her robe of SAFFRON GOLD…Homer- ancient Greece…)

`…Blinking her eyes…looking carefully at me with her blue grey eyes … she soon began telling me Greta about the BOOKS OF ANDRE MALRAUX that she had already read…as they were published…& THE NEW ONE which had just come from so-&-so…& that she preferred reading this young writer in FRENCH…so she had waited…`

`… SHE SAID she had not heard from ANDRE MALRAUX yet…she had written to him again & all the Documents had been sent to him…she had talked with Mary Gordon who had sent on his letter to her & to her Solicitors accepting The Guardianship…She had heard he had been in AMERICA…so perhaps he had called on Tiggy`s father`s firm … GROTE BROKERS … `

I felt some amazement…as I handed her the robe of GOLD… Yes… `she is A GODDESS of the SNOWS…WEARING GREAT LEARNING …` Mr Pong Mr JIM had now entered & been prowling about the room near the windows…it is a large downstairs bedroom… He now left having been shown the dolls in the cupboard under the window … He knew they were valued…perhaps he intended giving them to his evil women…

Mr PONG JIM gone from us…Margarethe looked at me alarmed… she said to me Greetha “ I AM TO BE PROTECTED FROM A NUMBER OF PEOPLE … I DO NOT KNOW HOW HE Mr JIM HAS FOUND MY ADDRESS - I DID NOT EXPECT YOU HERE GREETHA…” She said she would get bathed & dress…her leg injury was pronounced healed…she took walks with the young O`Neill boy daily…we would take one this morning… A woman came up from the village to help her with her long hair & her make-up…she would telephone her… Perhaps I would like to go with young O`Neill ( I cannot recall his name, he is 7/8 years old- he will be persecuted from 18 years of age because she has left him a sum of money for his career…I fear when he goes to Australia from Southend we call him MARTYR…) …& he would show me his little piglets…he wanted to be a Pig Farmer when he grew up…he adored the tiny pigs… We did this, he chatting away a kind face with hair gold-reddish waves...

1938 15 Mai - I G.R. was still unsteady & worried that I did not know how I got there…I did not believe Mr PONG`s tale about how I got here in AYRSHIRE… that I had whined to give her “ your Aunt…” he kept hissing…a birthday present ! I do not call her Aunt…she is `Margreethe…that girl of the snows…` & I speak about `our dear Thomas`… LEN speaks in his boys way about Aunt Mag & TIG…

1938 - Research that SUMMER proved that ANGELA HAD GIVEN HER AUTHORITY…to trace the phone calls…& the address of Mrs Grote…whom she called OLD ESKIMO & that ALL the Estate in savage lands had been given to HER…AS A DOWRY… ! They have all gone criminally insane on DOPE…Roaring 1920s !

10 am - Mr PONG had disappeared with Teresa Gordon R. whom I was not able yet to remember had been with me…but I seemed to have slept all this journey from Clacton to Ayrshire ! Teresa SHEshe appeared when we left by car to go to a restaurant…Margarethe & I thought this anyway…but Mr PONG directed the car to a Public Bar … Teresa hissed at me ` YOU DO NOT KNOW ME…I am simply a woman engaged to look after you ! DO AS I SAY YOU APE …` She Teresa looked so ugly & sour & had no make-up on…her clothes looked as if from a poor person & rather worn…she was Vampire like… GR

In the Pub Bar Mr Pong began being rude to Margarethe by bringing her a foaming tankard full…he was winking at the working men in the bar…joking about his AUNTIE the old girl…. He was surly to me when I looked at some framed prints on the walls & said something … Margarethe said she felt ill … she asked to go back to the farm…she had put on a big picture hat & a brown coat…very fashionable… SHE, Margarethe SPOKE TO ME Greetha AS AN INTELLIGENT BEING & very kindly…we were for those last minutes of her life OF THE FAMILY RANSOM …

I think that Mr PONG put something in this beer… as she sipped it commenting on beer about the globe & how we made a light beer on Jacopsholmen Greenland when it was our HOME … But I fear he Mr PONG JIM got at her tea earlier on when it was brought into her…HE MAY HAVE INSISTED ON BRINGING IN THE TRAY…He is a killer & POISONER- ALL OF THEM ARE IN NOBLE BRITAIN IN THIS NOBLE Class- they have no DOUGH ! GR

IT IS THESE WORKING MEN in the INN the Public Bar … WHO WILL GIVE A COMPLETE DISCRIPTION TO MY GRANDFATHE RANSOM, Margarethe`s nephew the son of her brother JOHN RANSOM & Millie Frobisher… In 3 days time FCR got to AYRSHIRE & to them in this Pub… after the murder of Margarethe … They were not so low & stupid…they had not been taken in by the little bit of VERMIN…they said he hit the child when he thought nobody was looking… & the child seemed frightened…the child was talking to her Aunt very pleasantly & she to the child but they sensed anxiety…The woman with them had a sour face & had hunched shoulders…they felt she was a servant to the family

Then they heard Mrs Grote say she would return to the Farm & they all rose to leave…They thought she would be driven back by the driver… BUT IT WAS HE the little bit of VERMIN called JIM who leapt in & INSISTED ON DRIVING Mrs Grote back to the Farm…THE O`NEILLS HAD GONE OUT FOR THE AFTERNOON…nobody knew this yet… There was NO ANTAGONISM between the Aunt Mrs Grote & the child… ! Records/Scots workers/FCR/LIR/ FJR/GR Mr & Mrs O`Neill & son age 7/8 years …18th MAY 1938

“ … Yes JIM Mr PONG hit me Greetha on the jaw…I fell in the corner of the Pub & he said I was clumsy & had been drinking ` like the Old Girl…` I hoped the men would help…then Margarethe said she wanted to return…would we get her to the…she was looking very pale…I see her getting in…bending without any help…her big brown picture hat has a curled father…her brown coat…she told me where she had bought it & its connexions to FAMILY EVENTS…she liked to keep many clothes about the globe…& they brought pleasant memories to her…to others…” … THIS IS THE LAST GLIMPSE OF THE GODDESS under the world`s daylight skies…that calm oval eyed Goddess Andre Malraux saw when he was 18-19 years of age in PARIS…

I ONCE SAW A GODDESS…at the end of a long Salon in Paris…she was with very distinguished men & women…I was NOT INTRODUCED…I was very young… ” NIGHT WATCH January 1960 came MALRAUX…Bergermeister of PARIS/Menagier de PARIS 15th century…a book with common sense & delicacy…?

1939-1945... JIM bragged in his CUPS of this in the Wartime years….he was over-heard by frightened people…they spoke to others…I GR DO NOT SEEM TO HAVE ANY MORE INFORMATION…

1938 14th May - I had been kidnapped. Teresa Gordon R. had the look of an IDIOT A VULTURE on her face lunchtime 15th May…

POUL GRONLANDER … devastatingly handsome deep blue eyes dark hair 6` 5inches tall & Margaret Yates, pale skinned & calm & energetic & pretty with blonde curly hair light blue eyes not at all tall…both 18th century enlightened humanists…their education fitting them for any learned gathering…both into botanical medicines not the animal…

` The Greenlanders/ESKIMO…always felt W.S. got it right ` human relationships…` they always came to the same understanding as W-S. but needed to explore more, not just hear the words & pass on with the play. Hence 18th century the Greenlanders/Eskimo took 2 weeks stopping starting the PLAY…questions to be asked…` POUL extended some plays for them, including Hamlet…then he wrote his own HAMLET/ it was in the house when the de SALLE FAMILY of PARIS were imprisoned on the Island…1939 December onwards…

POUL died 1765 of accidental gunshot - he was teaching a man to use a new gun- the man fired it at him by mistake- his eldest son Jacob 15 years old has a letter `on Father’s death` in Finn Gad 4 Vols History of Greenland…& Jacop’s mother is British Margaret Yates Carlisle she to die just before POUL…she went out alone to save a boat with several children…it overturned upon her & others… Gotharb…POUL away on his WORKS at the time …

… JACOP their first child BECAME HEAD OF THE FAMILY age 15 years 1765 with both parents early dead…he received help…& took off to NORWAY when he was 29 years old to pursue his education…A late marriage gave 3 children he very carefully guarded & one becoming Count Poulsen of Norway making a good marriage in enlightened circles…

GERTRUD only daughter was given the island as her Dowry as she was a girl rather lively & saintly given to ` placing back in nature all she took out of it `… She is painted by Delacroix several times & is seen with indigo veil in Death of Sardanapulus Louvre…her exotic looks & her 18th century ENLIGHTENMENT had her in youth very popular Continent & the globe…she opened the mind…`

POUL’s family are given the ISLAND to keep as a holy place of study & good works & erect the University `when you can`

DECREE 1770 Ministers & King of Denmark…that King later, of course, is said to be mad…1830s marriage Poulsen/Ransom creates the drive needed … to make the Island a secure democracy & ask AGAIN for Independence…` Records Dr John RAY/LIR/FJR etc

1960 June - Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland - How could these criminally insane of BRITISH & Scandinavian HIGH CLASS SIN be allowed the POWER to bomb the buildings on the Island…cut up the first BELL ever cast in Greenland, smash the carved great boulders that Eskimo & Greenlanders came & carved with their histories upon 1840s-50s … for incorporation in the University Building…the first College building is going up… The church of JACOP’s heart that he struggled to build then his son-in-law FRED RANSOM came & finished it as only a ship builder can is famous for Xmas & Easter celebrations… Fred RANSOM who married Gertrud Poulsen…he also a draughtsman & a young man with artist friends including Gericault & Delacroix … all interested in science-music-technology- STARS…`

… Here on the Island was a great library- the school is called by Captain Alan Villiers ` the best education in the world at that time `

“ Gold varnished & embellished a theatre with tier ” … architects PRINTED Report 1935 “ The Theatre she will last 200 years… & he could have put the 2nd tier on…with a little addition of strength here & there…” … Known very well was the Eternal Staircase where every child born on the island had its name carved - Playbills of 30 years, lists of distinguished visitors & letters - the very valuable Theatre collection of historic garments made in Spain Italy France…An Emperor of Ethiopia sailed in for a month of the plays- A FAMOUS ARCHITECT WENT OVER THE BUILDINGS OF THE ISLAND in 1935 - `buildings will be standing in 200-400 years untouched…superb ship building work `…

“…they should have had INDEPENDENCE by 1800 at least Peter ” …says Captain Alan Villiers…SHAME ! SHAME ! - Britain & Denmark bombed the island 7 years ago - MALRAUX had learned things- got a jump ahead of Malraux & General de Gaulle… One SAIL Margarethe gave us the key- a Democracy-a Utopia- Cousteau and I have had no end of trouble because we used to sail up there…THEY killed all the children - the HOMES - round the globe..” Records/diaries/letters/research from several sources/

1950s onwards…It has become MENGELE Harrington’s lucrative JOB overseeing TEAMS to spy on good people … from whom Noble Britain may steal filch NICK dough & properties - he must also see that the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE the globe is kept absolutely quiet…it is property The Crown is to be the CRY if anyone dares ask… THE EVIL STARE IS TO BE GIVEN TO all Enquiries !

The paedophile Royal Satrap Harrington is overseeing the destruction of the HEALTH of ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta RANSOM… with his criminal cunning … to help The Realm who will make him a Peer dodge the matter of the SLAIN GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…slain by British Nobles …the Realm has never approved educating foreigners to 18 years of age…beyond a few tame Rulers children…

1950s - the urgent matter 1950s is to see ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN the Estate of Margarethe RANSOM GROTE & Greta Ransom heir are parted ! And the Ransom brothers must be kept away from them…they are to be attacked, vilified…used to trace all SOURCES of knowledge upon GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE the globe…It is very well paid work…PERKS are holidays in the thousands of houses, apartments about the globe…any tenants are to be given the push…or fooled…PROPERTY IN SECRET SILENCE…CROWN & Government of Gross Britain…


1960 - CHICAGO “ … they have amongst themselves arrogantly spoken of divine right to an old Eskimo`s fortune…CHICAGO got a FOREST of BRITISH LORDERY … a criminal DEPUTATION …voicing

` … GIVE US EVERY BIT OF PAPERWORK … ITS CROWN BRITISH PROPERTY …” … Chicago asked ITSELF… ? WHY…OH WHY WHY…have we had nothing NOTHING in writing…no Paperwork of this CLAIM to the GROTE HOMES & Ransom Estate ?

…C H I C A G O … Told them, the LORDERY of BRITAIN… “ GET LOST … AL CAPONE & GANG…are on your heels from now on…” AT WESTMINSTER THEY WERE SO UPSET… DISTRESSED…distraught They had plotted planned how to spend the dough … but the NOBLE LORDS will be back again to Chicago with FIREBALLS & dirty tricks…” Reports USA Intelligence Services & Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960/1961

…. Before his two sons are killed in yet another deliberate crash…to remove all who know - MADNESS RULES AS USUAL … the only way GROSS NOBLE BRITAIN can get enough dough…`

1957/59 - ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM attempted a quiet discreet life 1957/59 - it was made weird & dangerous ! The two rings used in the re-vowing allowed by `Paccelli ` 10 years after the Wedding of Grace were stolen…

… The little pretty ring from Andre Malraux was a reverse of Mary Gordon’s engagement ring…he apologised & said the jeweller could not see his way to getting an exact copy done in time… ( Navy blue sapphire-gold set in tiny diamonds ) ... That morning approaching 11 am, after we returned from the Re-Vowing 7th January 1958...Mrs Mengele Harrington & TGR Clytemnestra Mad Mother KALI appeared beside me while I was to wait 20 minutes in my top room for ANDRE MALRAUX to come & take me down to the quiet reception of staff & friends in the drawing room 50 Lancaster Gate Square. They were THUGGISH with horrible jealous eyes & like NAZI CAMP female Commandants…The pair insisted “ WASH YOUR HANDS - TAKE THOSE RINGS OFF …WASH YOUR HANDS !!!! ”

They swept out with the little ring from the basin…I REFUSED TO TAKE THE WEDDING RING OFF saying “ NO…you never take your wedding ring off once it has been put on at the Altar…” I knew they could attack ! I was dizzy from a drink given me when I came in…coffee by the housekeeper…

… The wedding ring stolen a week later…Brown was found to have taken it to a Jeweller & got it turned into a lump of metal… He was calling it his `lucky nugget` in WHITES Club & childishly throwing it up on the counter…someone noticed his behaviour & reported it to another who traced the bestial theft ! He had clearly been paid to do this - ask Whitehall - they’d say `Gov & Crown`reports to everyone later -

1958 19th January - ANDRE MALRAUX left for the GUYANAS Tour - Representing General de Gaulle - Mengele Harrington was in my room within 10 minutes of ANDRE leaving - & jabbed me with a needle … “ I I I won’t have YOU remembering my patient MALRAUX ”

2 weeks later a phone call from Andre South America at 11am in the morning had my response clearly worry the telephonist- he saw Greta had NO IDEA WHO WAS PHONING- & seemed to have forgotten ANDRE -

The telephonist who has excellent French, earns his wage & keeps his invalid mother…& cycles in to work…he was now in danger…

SHEshe mad Mother Kali had been re-instated for some nights by Doctor Mengele paedophile- /it can all be followed in the vast accounts-Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square-by 1960 there were many accounts/& others add to the records in coming years -

MALRAUX had no idea until he spoke with Pope Pius 12 November 1957 that the April 1947 `early wedding` allowed by him had never been annulled -… he knew Mary Gordon … ( He did not tell MALRAUX what he felt he MUST know …that he Paccelli had also known MARGARETHE GROTE !! ) Andre Malraux came back from ROME & said to Greta Ransom & others … ` he Malraux would not have gone down the Registry again` … if he had known the Early Wedding had not been dissolved … he had signed something September 1947 for Teresa & Nurse Connie Napper …

(… comforting words for the Catholic relatives up North)

1948 - This 2nd French Registry Office marriage March 1948 ... was understood by Roman Catholics as NUMBER 18 THE PRAYER BOOK FORBID - you cannot marry your sister… ” !!! / or sister-in-law /

Registry Office alliance No 2 - Keeping the rented Jan Steen Tavern residence PARIS they lead their own lives after a very short time / IT WAS NOT A HOLY HOUSE … records-accounts-many hands /ANYBODY LUNCHING HERE GOT narcotics in drink & food…SO THE UNHOLY HOUSE WAS NOT NOTICED…/REPORT/

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