Greta Ransom

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II The Nail in Your Head


RANSOM Ancestry II


1938 the situation : the WILL of Margaret Ransom GROTE is accepted about the globe : In Great Britain there were difficulties from the 1920s old ROARING `20s … they were roaring at the two young heirs Greetah and Lennie … we encountered difficulties  - below is a diary entry of one troublesome matter :


THE NAIL IN YOUR HEAD … 1938 autumn …


After these few pages we are SAILING with the early DARK AGES East Coast of Britain, Mediterranean and Palestine …

35O AD into the 9th century … you will like your early centuries HUMANIST ancestors …

Readers might like to digest this for the New Year …

…  I survived …





Dr John RAY R - 1960 - 1938 - A NAIL IN THE HEAD … you acknowledged as heir - the WILL of our Aunt administered USA and overseas - the BRITISH GOVERNMENT have been informed a COPY the Will may be seen at the office designated in WHITEHALL :   Your father receives a telephone call of acceptance … nothing in writing :

she said it to you before you went to Convent school that morning - your mother …  an episode I did not forget - my strong young body had me recover … Greta Ransom :

( MEMO: She Teresa GORDON Ransom has not yet given birth to Colin Frederick Ransom in October 1938 ? =   NO !   HER MADNESS IS BECAUSE HER FRIEND ANGELA  (now a Queen from 1937) has thrown in her face that she has WON -  And SHE has taken all the OLD ESKIMO ESTATE for herself Nota bene: Glamis Castle-LINDSAY = other Earls and Lords s on West Side Scotland are known to be coin-less and MAD they go in for witchcraft & from 1923 marriage of ANGELA   (Elizabeth Angela Marg. Bowes Lyon) can manipulate the British Government & manipulate very much its overseas EMPIRE administered by persons who work for a SALARY and look forward to PENSION - they do not dare disobey ROYAL commands from ennobled ANGELA Jim JONG, & Norwegian Imperial GHOULS : )

Dr John RAY Ransom : I will read the diary entries ` He FJR had his daughter sit very still after she told him about the morning before school, and he fetched from his tools a pair of tweezers used for fine craft work .  It was in her forehead under the hairline & had been hammered in flush to her scalp he said it had better come out `

` He had asked her  (Greta) about the school lessons that day but she said she could not recall until the last afternoon lesson as she had felt rather sleepy all the day SHEshe had said that morning before she pushed her (daughter) out of the house in the Old Road to walk  to Convent school on the seafront that there was a nail in her head because that was what you had to do with `a changeling` but you her daughter remembered she said `YOU DID IT YOURSELF`  & I shall be believed YOU ARE MAD like your bloody father all my friends know it & they are important not like you bloody RANSOMS you are gutter, apes, Eskimos `

` HE NOW TOOK YOU TO THE CLACTON HOSPITAL - he told them what he had done & asked they check the tiny wound - he was able to show them the nail and where he drew it from they said they could not know - they would keep you in the hospital for the night.   He explained he was too scared to let go of you - that his wife had gone quite mad again & tried to damage the hands of Len who was a musician - she had attacked him, Len, 17 years old, with an axe that afternoon

Memo : The place where the nail was put by my mother is, I see, from a map of the brain, the area of reasoning & judgement G.R.

( NB : At the Clacton hospital this daughter of Mary & George Gordon has given them scares over the past 5 years & people working in the FACILITIES of this small seaside town have to tolerate LINDSAY EARLS MOB and know that they CLAIM illegally the RANSOM ESTATE overseas

From the 1920s some respectable persons well remember ANGELA coming to stay at the LINDSAY `GRAND`,  that sinister looking little dark grey granite building squashed between the ROYAL Hotel & the TOWERS on Clacton seafront erected 1910 -

( DEMOLISHED winter 1945-1946 because it was going to FALL DOWN & could injure citizens walking on the seafront road ) 1920s onwards LINDSAY EARLS & noble & upper middle class scum drank & DOPED until they dropped & went on grocery shop NIGHT RAIDS out in the Essex countryside villages and other small towns they enjoyed themselves with this DARE DEVIL holiday spirit they cannot be caught for they are with TITLES

( NNB : ANGELA = name she is known by OFF DUTY - married 1923 to `Bertie` youngest son of King George V had not stayed overnight at the LINDSAY `GRAND` since 1934 but she made a notorious visit in 1938 to tell Miss Winifred Gordon I have given all the Estate to my daughters Miss Gordon I recognise you from your FAT Irish face

CLACTON-on-SEA  & other places recognise ANGELA from her FAT BEHIND in tight skirts her jeering & bad MANNERS - & drinking until 1 of the clock  the new DAY  = 1 AM after Midnight

( 1957 October - Lord XYZ tells me GR ( 24 years old ) I know your mother & Angela - they can drink a PUB out overnight keep her away from Andre - he is a nice man )

Memo : JJR = FJR/LIR diaries = 3 young Ransom brothers the sons of FCFR & Jean WR born 1911/1918/1921 -

Dr John RAY Ransom - continues : He your young father would not let go of you but held you to him ` Yes a quiet night & no sedative to be given, the hospital agreed they would all have to wait and see ` A Surgeon my brother knew & trusted would come from London to-morrow `

` When you returned from the hospital to the little Old Road home your father told you to do as he said sit still & do not talk but sip the warm milk you said you would like a lettuce and cucumber sandwich of soft bread and butter the Hospital had said ` yes a little supper & warm milk and happy stories to be read then you should sleep and it would all be better in three days ` BUT NOBODY KNEW OF SUCH A MAD ATTACK BEFORE they would all have to wait and see `

` So it was agreed there be no excitement & you should not speak but have an evening with nice stories read by your father & a long warm sleep Mary Gordon your grandmother should not be told anything or Miss Winnie her daughter at home ! Your father would see that it was a very safe night and the Police Station would have a kindly Policeman you knew keep guard at the back of the little house all the night and another would PASS BY up and down in the Old Road able to see the front of the house It would be best if your mother took a rest in the big hospital at Colchester or Tendring or somewhere else & she should be away from her old London friends & the Races …”

( NB : The Hospital knew that Teresa Gordon come from a good respectable family had recently been placed at Tendring Hospital and Colchester before that, even sent on a visit to a SWISS Hospital & also gone on a CRUISE but there seemed no way of giving her effective treatment the problem was that her friend from her childhood the older woman ANGELA ( now with a Crown after ousting her brother-in-law a kind person ) sent word or had a representative visit the hospitals with messages that Teresa Gordon RANSOM was to be sent home & did not need any treatment & the RANSOM family were to blame !    )

( NB : no paperwork is ever sent by Imperial chums only persons in big purple Imperial boots are sent good citizens in jobs in the community cannot handle this ABUSE of IMPERIAL POWER there is no way to protest )

ANGELA had been helping herself to our family philanthropy GROTE HOMES for Children and the CLEAN money making RANSOM ESTATE to pay Family BILLS, aided by JIM JONG Pimp moonlight Worker for various Scots Earls including LINDSAY Crawford

It begins 1923 when after her Imperial marriage she is sent BILLS to PAY - these are for the Imperial Family of her husband who have had to borrow money from Lenders abroad & the interest on the interest has only been possible to meet since the discovery that Mary of Teck Queen Mary estranged wife of King George V had been heavily GAMBLING with friends for some years one year the Family found she had spent ahead ALL the GRANT coming to them from the British Government

she, Mary of Teck,  found the marriage dismal sometimes & kept her own London Town House as well as the Palace - her husband King George V was happy with his old Sailor friends REPORTS :   ` & some Bills are cunningly paid on the worldwide HOMES our ESTATE in NORWAY - these are for Angela`s  in-law Louis Mountbatten & his relatives in Norway & Denmark - the attitude amongst penniless Aristocracy is that Old Eskimos cannot have great Estates `

The BILLS are sent to Angela from WHITEHALL centre of Government ADMINISTRATION of the BRITISH EMPIRE `

1960 January/February - NIGHT WATCH Colne Engaine -

Dr John Ray Ransom - continues : Try keep in mind, that from 1932 Christmas Angela and JIM have been promising your mother half of our Estate & they taunted her she had married an APE & that our family had NO TITLES ! First she was to ABORT you & she is to complain of the marriage to our brother Fred who is 5 years younger than her She should say her Gordon parents forced her into it or other nonsense `

“… AND Teresa Gordon now legal wife of my brother FJR is to supply them with information on our family Estate - Information on the Homes for Children encircling the world and the Estate which draws its moneys heavily from safe transport investments these are investments made by our great-grandfather FRED RANSOM the father of Aunt Margareth `

` this leads to the British Government & Earl of Crawford Lindsay & his large often penniless Family  agreeing to confiscate our Estate MAIL claiming you are of their Family - but it is done in the NAME of ANGELA As she is now of the Imperial Family her money matters are PRIVATE as the Imperial Family & incidentally they pay NO INCOME TAX so that this THEFT can be easily hidden This is the MAIL delivered by G.B. ROYAL MAIL - and they began to steal so easily from it GREED took over when they began to get at ALL your Christmas and Birthday presents `

` I will repeat - all post and parcels to my brother your father is stolen after you are proclaimed HEIR 2 weeks after your birth We of this big family will all have a hand in your training if you die there are many RANSOM heirs to the Estate of our Aunt & you ARE NEVER A WARD OF COURT of British QUEENS ! `

A SET of DOCUMENTS, Reports, is sent to FJR your father from 1933 summer These were not missed because a complete set had always been sent to our father Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM - Fred did not know of this arrangement made by the Brokers  until 1938 = then the THEFT was understood  ! The LINDSAY EARL had given his name to this THEFT 1933 claiming YOU as THEIR heir you have ONE great-great grandmother born a Miss Lindsay ! This is the family that had me attacked when I was one month old & why I had to be hidden in America

` The MAIL & parcels from Summer 1933 are always received to the back of Buckingham Palace where 3 men from WHITEHALL come to investigate the Estate Documents Mr JIM Jong well known PIMP had an apartment at the back of Buckingham Palace from 1921 … he is now knighted as Sir James and is co-Steward/then Steward of WHITES CLUB since 1952/53

… THE CONFISCATION of all presents sent to your father for you began Christmas 1933 - kind people reported the vulgar behaviour going on at XMAS and your birthday a fuller REPORT is from Christmas 1936 at Buckingham Palace & vulgar behaviour described and a list of whom was present - the Report  includes hearing some children  mocking you as AN APE - your name was on the presents they were ripping open  … Your father had been told by these dirty crooks many lies - that his Aunt Mrs Grote had said all the presents should go to poor hospitals abroad

There is the obscene matter of a 200 years old CHINESE CHRISTENING ROBE kindly sent for your christening … it was dirtied and torn, abused,  by Earls of LINDSAY & this old gang - who have PLAGUED my Aunt Margareth since her husband Thomas was killed by some of them on ARRAN 1904 - on land she his wife owned …`

` … other valuable things addressed to your father and you and my brother Len were either broken up or put away for sale when the PRICE was right … a few inexpensive gifts to you reached a hospital …

A room in a British Government department WHITEHALL has a man in charge of all furniture, paintings, books, owned by our ESTATE - he is to SELL when the Market is good & the money goes to Angela & Lindsay Earls this has been going on since 1945 - it was not intended your father Captain F.J. RANSOM return ALIVE from the 2nd World War … good Army colleagues saved him twice … he had people killed who were helping him administer the Estate … you may have heard of the fate of Geraldine …

We are told  much post & packages to us have gone missing in THE ROYAL MAIL Service of Gross Britain …`

LEN has written an account of the NAIL in your HEAD - it includes an attack on him that day which had him become fearful and bewildered he was 17 years old

LIR I was attacked by the wife of my brother Fred with an axe - she went for my hands she had been eyeing my fingers - I had come for a week - she had an axe in a little sack - she had been calling me terrible names - she was  spitting at me & began frothing at her mouth - I got away, got out of the little house and went to see Miss Winnie where she worked in the town.  She showed me a fierce look & began to blame me for upsetting her sister - she forbade me to say anything to her mother adding that her mother was widowed because of us her sister had come from a prison served 4 years of a 6 years sentence for abuse of the household of a kindly old retired man her noble friends had been visiting the household and helped deceive him

I had never received kindness from Teresa after the marriage to my brother Fred in 1932 she had insulted my parents from before the birth of Greta 1933 and immediately the babe was born demanded half of the Estate of our Aunt Mrs Grote she said that the Government for the Crown would take the other half her noble friends could do anything they liked

I was in shock after her attack on my hands - I could have lost several of my fingers - I rushed out of the little house I spoke to my brother Fred where I could find him in the town - I did not want to tell him too much while I could not think clearly he had an accountant for the East Anglia Estate work and they managed this part of it for Aunt Mag - we were to meet my niece his daughter Greetah from her Convent School next to the seafront at the end of the afternoon I decided to try be calm We had seen his wife (Teresa Gordon Ransom) enter the Clacton Railway station with a small suitcase before we went to the school - we had not been seen by her

My niece spoke of the NAIL when we returned to the home - & this was found to be in her head - the top of the nail flush with her scalp I felt the violence was becoming too much for me I felt myself failing in strength My brother immediately removed the nail with delicate big tweezers he used in craft work the nail was an inch & a fraction long & the head of the nail a little over an 8th of an inch  diameter We did not excite my niece (the 5 + half years old Greta Ransom) but showed the nail to her so she did not think it had been a hypnotist trick her mother & noble friends  `were always up to tricks with hypnotism ` the child had overheard them at their nasty SUNDAY GAMES a pattern book brought from their Lordly Marble Halls with great stables LIR

MEMO : (1952-1961 - Mr H.W. Poulter, Deputy Keeper to Essex & Colchester Museums (1934-1962) will say “… that du Maurier wished he had never published THAT book  (`Trilby`Svengali cult ) that it set the ill-educated amongst the poorer classes & all classes

Lacking `BRASS` back one hundred and fifty years, Child )

LIR = Len Immanuel RANSOM - continues My elder brother Fred RANSOM explained he would keep watch on his daughter at home but we would now visit the hospital they should be told not to panic as he had withdrawn the nail we should find out their opinion of treatment The Hospital did not know what might be the outcome the Surgeon would arrive to-morrow

It was mid-evening when I TOOK THE MOTORBIKE and began to drive from Clacton-on-sea back to London it would be late when I arrived but I had to get away from this continual violence at our families from the Uncles Earls of Lindsay and JIM Jong & my elder brother`s wife Teresa Gordon You have to know that the countryside is without National lighting for stretches of the roads and lanes - & I always drive carefully The darkness suited my grey mood - & the depths of my growing understanding LIR

( = profundum = deep seas - the very depths - an abyss)

LIR - I wanted to get to friends in London who are musicians - & I could stay the night with them, I knew I had that afternoon almost lost several of my fingers perhaps a hand I needed to think

Sheshe the wife of my elder brother (Teresa Elizabeth Gordon now Mrs Fred John RANSOM) this acknowledged friend of Royal ANGELA had gone so mad because they were not giving her a fair share of our Estate they had to know the SLAYING of our GROTE HOMES CHILDREN was to begin these FIGURES from A MORGUE as my dead grandmother MIN (Minerva) called them

( NB: the deaths by drowning of all the Children of a THOMAS GROTE HOME was done for Christmas 1938 by noble Norwegian creatures - Gross Britain may have assisted )

( Records: = Olivea (Minerva) Hesketh/Wyoming = lst marriage to Mr Bussy business world & he wrote one book on PHILOSOPHY = 2nd marriage to James Weddell II ) = Grandma `Min` Mrs James Weddell II mother of JEAN ballerina and her sister `Aunt Baxter` (17th century Dissenter branch) : Minera is poisoned in a teashop 1934 by JIM Jong PIMP & LINDSAY heir - he to be Earl No 14 in 1943 )

LIR - I knew I was in shock I could not go home to `Jerusalem` but then I believed my father might still be away I was too scared to journey to Deptford to the empty house .   The roads between the villages and small towns have the cats eyes in the centre of the roads there are not often roadside lights in the countryside I drove carefully on and on …”

I drove down The WHITEHALL Centre of British Government when I got to London - there was nobody on the road I could now understand we were receiving aristocrat & Government VIOLENCE so Noble creatures could take over our Estate I had been pulled off the bike at PIMLICO by a crowd of rough men - they called out  `HEY KID how old are you ? what are you doing on that bike` I gave my name and said I was the younger brother of Fred Ransom our father Frederick Charles our mother JEAN ballerina It was alright & they let me go I explained I had a licence since I was 15 that I also had a FLYERS` licence They apologised I said I wanted to go and stay with a friend because my father is still away Everything was alright they knew our name what we did

We were the legal heirs - my niece and I - a great family over the centuries had made this Estate possible everyone helped with it around the globe We were beset with Imperial predators who did not need to acknowledge to this nation, to any nation, what they did they could kill easily for ` DOUGH ` LIR Diary 1938

NB : Jean ballerina : is poisoned by JIM Jong PIMP , Lindsay heir No 14,  & Teresa Gordon Ransom end of summer 1938 - they spout of doing it to get hold of the Estate of an old Eskimo `

Dr John RAY Ransom continues : 1960 NIGHTWATCH at Colne Engaine near Colchester - WITCHCRAFT do you remember your mother talking of `a lonely spirit `- he was a GHOUL she told you this ( Len has this in his diaries 1930s ) This GHOUL would do things for you sometimes You must not call it too often Its payment was to be rewarded with fine words for very fine words it might help you.  She said she knew how to call it up & ask it for help it had helped her before `

This is WITCHCRAFT & used by ignorant people she learned from others how to use this dangerous mesmerist behaviour to steal from vulnerable families she got a Prison sentence for this - she served a Term in Holloway from 1927-1931 the others having titles went FREE JIM Jong a PIMP went free he is now known as Sir James & has been Steward of WHITES CLUB since 1953 he has had a 2 room Apartment at the back of Buckingham Palace since 1921

REPORTS :  they are known to secretly use various narcotics to have power over the lives of the vulnerable

She your mother (Teresa Gordon) has learned witchcraft with the family of ANGELA in 1920 when she was asked by the Countess to visit -  Her parents Mary and George Gordon wrote declining the invitation saying their daughter Teresa was only 14 years old & not old enough to enter society - nevertheless she went to Glamis Castle Wales that year with JIM - they went into the woods and performed Witchcraft Rights with Angela and her parents -

But in 1919 the year before when your mother was 12-13 years of age JIM and his gang found a woman at the end of an Irish village who taught them some witchcraft they make a visit to Normandy later in the year 1920 and they engaged in witchcraft in Normandy forests The two girls took injections of mushrooms ( toadstools ? ) & had to be hospitalized in France for over a month & then receive more treatment JIM on this visit had the KEY to a big Chateau that the family of Angela got from an illegitimate member of their family

He born illegitimate in the 19th century - a John Bowes Lyon  - he travelled & lived on the Continent and used another name He became rich he was a man of culture & learning, scholarly he had a wife and two daughters but they do not seem to have inherited anything from him when he died ( were they alive ? )

The chateau became the property of the family Bowes Lyon of Wales - the often disused great building has been used to hide LOOT in from the 1930s - this was collected by the family of the Earl of LINDSAY and JIM Jong some items from their robberies belong to us - Generally they were casual about whom they robbed if the opportunity arose some of their victims perhaps died too soon there are disturbing records

NB ` Investigation of these criminally insane families has become the pastime of Secret Service Agents who knew of the SLAYING of the children in their orphanages ` Dr JRR/diaries LIR & FJR Secret Service Agents REPORTS



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