PRAISE HEAVEN- Villains are out to demolish GROTE HOMES Ransom Estates & kill us the heirs in scandalous ways-intending to hit the newspapers with foul destruction of our family character - I was fortunate to have toured our ancestral lands & been instructed by ` kin & kith` - I was a good listener early on - it was the family manner- I am now 4 years & 6 months old July 1937 - He is learning too-this young man of Gaul - I hath begun on political economy - but we never take part in Governments or fight unless it hath to be so- Tiggy was always asked to come & talk out political problems in dozens of small nations A to Z round the globe (1860s-1900s)… Greetha Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM b 11.3.1933 - diaries/files/photos/histories/
1937 summer - The ARRIVAL of Andre then Josette - It is coming to 2. 40pm & I am put into shorts & shirt- a tiny suitcase a bag of things beside the bed picked up & off we go in her old car- Somehow we are to meet Josette in at the Railway Station but I think he wants to HIDE from MEETING HER IN PUBLIC… I must each him some GRACE ! - We are to call on Unity`s mother`s father who is on the seafront - where Holland-on-sea begins - the white rather `art Deco` Convalescence Home- we go 3 times a day & this young fellah George or Andre says he doth not mind & it will be agreeable & he will help in the 3 daily Calls- He is nicely brought up then- & later I will hear of his 3 Graces- who stopped him falling into Dante’s Hell- His mother dead … how sad… & his granny Adrianniaea…but his Aunt Mary-Marie is alive- & she cares for him very much indeed… He is called ANDRE-but when in public places we should say Andrew-or George- even Andie or Georgie… I am to glean that a Clara is chasing him with a gun in FRANCE - & most of all wants to shoot JO- Jo who is clearly a young lady - `French Law will allow Clara to shoot - & cry `Crème passion dale ? - cannot ask Lennie-he is away speaking Japanese-Dutch-or Portuguese as he is good at languages like Thomas Tiggy who communicated in 110 when he was 50 years of age…
1937 SUMMER - THE DANGEROUS SITUATION UNFOLDS to the grown-ups we meet during the first week…then it got forgot a bit :
`TO GET AWAY from FRANCE they had to dress a friend up as JO - this had to be done every morning & she the friend sat in a window wearing a big hat with a newspaper & a cup of coffee- Where Clara kept watch or had a watcher - the friend had been able to tell them that the ruse was working & she would go on acting the part sitting in the same sunny window with the newspapers & a magazine … but perhaps not too long if it became dangerous -`
JO is a writer- tall very tall, & he makes her sad sometimes- thus I begin to call him to his better feelings - HE George-Andre IS A ROMAN CATHOLIC & so am I…and Josette … but also like Daddy & everyone our families the RANSOM side I am a Quaker & mixed Nonconformist - & a HUMANIST of course … JEAN is a half Catholic in the Argentine…& a full Roman Catholic in SPAIN with the AQUIDA cousinship who are Basques …I also have a Prayer Mat from the Arab family that Margarethe visits …G-A got himself christened a Follower of Mahomet in Paris when he was 15 years-he says his Arab name too fast-
RANSOM SEA TRADERS 2,000 years : We sail under an invisible flag- HUMANITAS -but we can also sail under that of ZHENG HE`…Admiral of the China Seas- he gave us a Courtesy Flag for 3 Emperors- for he came aboard sometimes- & they talked philosophy. We have at that time the Sea-trading two RANSOM brothers marry out EAST - & give Len & all of us 3 grandmothers in a straight line of CHINA… & `…we must have become slant eyed for awhile` says FJR `young Fred Ransom` my father -
1. Miss Siberia & other parts along the coast/ Kurile Islands dowry-
2. Miss `The Lady of the Miraculous Condition`-
3. Marriage 1450 - One of the daughters of the philosopher-Governor of the Settlement who shares Governorship with his friend 2 years on 2 years off so they do not get bored & can read poetry - HUE ARTAN- He in his last Will & Testament 15th century demands we should all sail in for 10,000 years & visit him as he sits on the headlands & “I will be looking out to sea for you all to come & talk with me .” A statue of 16 feet tall of himself he had made in his lifetime - My father (FJR) hath warned me… ‘YOU are of his line -HUE`- not he of yours- remember daughter - he was a great man in solving human problems - see the Life of HUE`-we hath restored some-
1499 Fred Ransom whose mother was HUE ARTAN`s daughter loses his 2 sons & wife at sea- (2 girls were nicely married) This is how he marries 1504 The Lady of JAPAN of Okinawa (he can be seen as Lazarus in Kalkar Altarpiece & probably the commissioned painter Joest let young Joos van Cleve his assistant their young friend do this portrait or part of it )- F.R. has lost his wife & 2 sons at SEA 1499-A young Japanese Captain picked him up…her Japanese brother picked him up floating on a spar in the Arctic -he will wed again after a Courtship of 4 years for she is in a Convent Bruges age 25 years their mother having died & she is very rich but so is RANSOM son of HUE ARTAN`s daughter …
F. RANSOM WIDOWER & his Lovely Lady of JAPAN : IT IS TO A MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS & his diary first 30 years of the 16th century is a beautiful & holy account of HUMANISTS/sadness when Phoebe Mainwarring dies & her going to Court cost them most of their Fortune- but they SAILED HOME TO OKINAWA & to the 2 islets end of the LUSANS the DOWRY of the Lady YUSS?shampoo (Len`s rendering !) an old Royal line-they were living there in the 19th century to the 1930s & Aunt Mag called in & they called themselves cousins… FRED RANSOM Widower he had to repair fortunes suddenly & her brother will sail his NORTHERN SHIPS…He bought the Farm Montrose Basin about 1 mile or two away… with a view to a steady income from sheep farming - should Political - Religious matters on the Continent erupt - PURCHASE 1500 RANSOM CARVED ON HUGH FIREPLACE BEAM & by our door !
(STOLEN 1939 September claimed 1950s as CROWN PROPERTY by JIM Jong LINDSAYBUGGARHS & other criminally insane ) F.R. decided to move away from the Family Estate about Dundee where he lived with the first wife now drowned with his 2 sons/perhaps a daughter or children took it
(1939 onwards : all this in depth history was in the Records destroyed by LINDSAYBUGGARHS British Government & Crown as they are never tired of throwing in one`s face ! YOU ALL TELL LIES & ARE MURDERERS of the old RANSOMs here September 1939/2 witnesses & 2 who confessed 1960s ! ) -
It is possible this girl first wife is British/French / Uncle Liam & Uncle Fred MacMurray know these lines better than me - My father Fred Ransom FJR worked putting the VAST family histories from 11 years of age 1922 helped & guided by a Retired HERALDS historian - we have held a homestead/heimat on the EAST COAST of Britain since 92 AD…Dr JOHN RAY Ransom & the USA historians put he this RANSOM with a history to 77 AD some stony ground an islet the Thames that was not good for growing things but he also has some JOB in LONDINIUM got himself to DUNWICH 92 AD- …I think they say it was in the river Gravesend/there is more in their Papers/research/ dictated to me by JRR 1960 Colne Engaine…
1504 Bruges Cathedral - The widower 5 years after his loss- he in his mid-40s marries “My Lovely Lady of Japan in Bruges Cathedral 1504 she in a gown of orange-pink ` …the Japanese Sea Captain’s sister in a Convent, age 27- a scholarly man a Trader a humanist- issue 5 children 2 sons 3 daughters -books musical instruments came with them from Bruges & they added … all in the house September 1939/Information `Young Duveen…telephoned me ADA, & said THEY are after the Pictures at Montrose…before he died he warned me…Rising Suns & swastikas chalked all over the house that summer…` (Mary Gordon 26th December 1942/full accounts/& murder of Kitty…Horror of JIM…)
RANSOM : We are a straight line from the 4 Ransom Brides of Asia- father to eldest son- I AM LEARNING ABOUT THEM 1930s for the Estate Len & I hath care of with all the families RANSOM - all lines - our RANSOM brides dowry lands have also made this great piece of philanthropy possible- We all can visit everyone & they come visiting us too- or help with the Estate- & Xmas cards come from 11th 12th century Palestine - Seward Ransom has given us our oldest Estate in Brittany- & holds lands Accre Palestine coast - his wife is Arab & Italian/French/Greek (this may be Hebithyaeah ( I G.R. would have liked to have her name !) who writes poems & he plays flute & psaltery for her ) - they have 5 children & we are from the eldest son -
Our biggest RANSOM CHART with all the RANSOM girls married off is in the 2 dowry islets of the Lady Ransom-Yussah-shampoo (Okinawa old Royal line) the last two islands at the end of the LUSANS- her dowry given 1512- when FR & she visited in their ships & the marriage was approved- they took the 2 boys of the marriage- you see them in a famous painting by Holbein… I & Lennie have not sold the islets - I am hopeful the Noble British obscene thieves were outwitted here- we always found our Japanese KIN so civilized- I missed out on going to see them August 1936- (Files/accounts etc.)-
1936 August/September- I G. R. missed visiting Japan & New York with Sarah & the de Salle family & Aunt MARGARETHE because Mr Jimmie Jong & the evil little Lindsay Earl no 14 hit me with an iron bar…I was in hospital with black face a month for they feared bleeding in my head - then resting - before going to school at the Convent of St Clares` Clacton-on-Sea September 1936 - The EARL no 12 lied & said they were OFF SHORE -
At the commence of the summer 1936 I G.R. was kidnapped on Continent from loving Grandparents who had got me to safety from the OBSCENE VIOLENT LINDSAY EARLS & their henchman JIM all harming us the RANSOM family so we sign a Paper that they can have THE ESTATE 0VERSEAS - I am brought back to GROSS BRITAIN- by the monsters of Whitehall acting for Lindsaybuggarhs & dough WITH UNLAWFUL DECREES that nobody ever sees but hears about - YOU SCUM -
1930s - A gigantic British Noble PLOT of obscene violent FRAUD is going on in secret silence to lay claws on this miracle of philanthropy & DESTROY IT so they can all PAY THEIR GAMBLING DEBTS of 3 decades or more & have HEAPS of dough & KUDOS in the small nations that we protect with fellow humanists - WHITEHALL does as it is told - Len & I heard about the TRICKS of the British & Scandinavian TRICKSTERS when we visited our Brokers & solicitors Buenos Aries & New York 1936...
1936 - “… WESTMINSTER we sent a Deputation …WE CANNOT GET ANYTHING IN WRITING FROM THEM “ say these lawful administrators of the biggest piece of philanthropy circling round the globe -
I G.R. am not at all a Ward of Court or Len LIR - & if that trick had been played then the Estate would have gone overseas to other RANSOM family as heirs - 1937 Summer - I EXPECT these matters are not to be spoken of to ANDRE MALRAUX - because of the planes we have - not that he could have any- `for we do not fight`
1937 SUMMER - ANDRE MALRAUX with his notebooks his book to read or make notes from … the day’s needs on the old push-chair or packed for the car journeys-that 5 WEEKS OF OUR SUMMER HOLIDAY- He will let me talk on- “ like a little clear stream…” Sometimes he calls me ‘The Prophet’ THUS I spake forth - all I hath learned of our HUMANITAS - our civilized families RANSOM- & vast Weddell Family of Jean’s uncle John younger son of JAMES THE WEDDELL SEA - & I spake upon Jean’s grand-daddy’s OCEAN-Occasionally, he now becoming Saint George Andre, doth remind me he hath his own thoughts & dreams & must earn his bread-&-butter by writing - thinking - speaking too - I take the hint - I heir to Grote Homes & RANSOM Estate in 3 Parts - the greatest piece of philanthropy the world hath ever been lucky to have - to be destroyed by the scum the ill-bred the barely literate in the matters of the globe its peoples & green pastures its great wonders -& they PLOT very fast now they have got a new Crown !
RANSOM family histories….“ one hitch 16th century when we are carried forward by Maggie RANSOM Carew Carew RANSOM grand-daughter of the Lady Yuss-shampoo of Okinawa…Maggie is allowed to SAIL AWAY for she is a Trader in her own right…& has an Inventions & Ships Repairs yard at Montrose…losing one Carew she married another as Henry VIII asked her to - they are both cultured & talk on matters of Venice & her Estates overseas - Her recipe for a `mad Carew` was to “hit the Venice hot spots for 2 years -visit the Estates - thus she taught the both of them languages & then care of our overseas Estates- how to be cultured & a good man .” /Dr John RAY/rae Ransom/ Night Watch January 1960 Colne Engaine/
1937 winter-spring - lessons in family history with Len : I Greta am sorry I do not have the sloping eyes of some of the family- I think it very romantic… mine are rather MINERVA’s eyes she grew up alongside the SHAKERS- Olivea Hesketh called MINERVA for her Song Books & an owl on her shoulder at the piano-her pet- my great-grandmother- Whom I just recall holding me-there were photos-& she likes lavender & violet scents-old lace collars` & always had a nipped in waist very small -
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