Greta Ransom

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Part II

MARTYR - Tiggy Grote who at 19 years of age 1862 ... had THE IDEA FOR HIS GROTE HOMES using the lands & moneys of his Guardians RANSOM… Tiggy took difficult persons not sure about his HOMES off to BALTIMORE…where charming MANNERS & mod cons had a change of mentality… RANSOM True Histories The Roaring Arab Clerics 1880s - who stayed 2 years…returned & let girls have education & no longer believed in chopping off hands…19th century… (TIG is the drawing by Edward Lear … `Old man of Corfu`…he has also irreverently made Gertrud favourite when young of painters…`The old woman of Greenland`…)

1969 - “You are being made fun of here Greta…” said an old couple whom ANDRE MALRAUX stayed with without his FOLLOWERS PAID BY EVIL finding out… They were kindly watchful into the late 1970s … There is a modern BAND composition I associate with them at the ending of their lives… `I can feel it …in the air…the night…Oh Lord…` & another ` I have seen your face before my friend…` that is with other music become another REQUIM for ANDRE MALRAUX (is it GENESIS ?) …I knew at this time 1968 into 1970s I was being fooled…but the children had to be reared…the BMNH (British Museum Natural History) helped very much - BUT EVIL STALKED ABOUT US ALL… The above compositions raised a certain memory of a piece of music rarely played after 1930s-1940s Days… `FOR A CHILD DIED ON THE TITANIC` by Frank Bridge…writers on F.B. will find the connexions here…

1960 SUMMER - I Greta Ransom Colne Engaine that horrible Summer 1960 had jeering Noble monsters outside `…they said all documents of family histories were burned` & we did not exist…but Dr John RAY had read some things aloud to me from his LETTERS FROM JEAN his ballerina mother…poisoned for Noble Britain & Scandinavia 1938 end of summer I have manage to recover some fragments…Luckily the British Territorials passed by that summer & asked POLITAN what it was about… & got two of the DIVILSI did not get invitations to the funerals ? )

20th century - ORGANISED DESTRUCTION by the STATE of EVIDENCE OF EXISTANCE of property moneys peoples :

Documents of the lives of Lennie-my father-John & Ivy-their parents & THE HOME `JERUSALEM` BY Deptford sloping little park… All evidence of the life of their great grandparents was searched for & destroyed 1890s-1970s included a bizarre EXCAVATION run by CUR JAMES friend of IMPERIAL FIGURES the globe to remove bodies from the big SEPULCHURE where is buried Millie Frobisher & JOHN RANSOM & destroy all DNA… (probably Highgate ?) Gross Britain Nobles & Imperial Clowns had to have destroyed or hoarded for future sales & devilry all objects valuable or that could booster their FRAUD & CASE Documents set aside for later years IF REQUIRED…DESTRUCTION OF THE CHARACTERS OF FAMILIES WAS GIVEN PRIORITY Sub-sub apes were calling good people Apes & Eskimos- so they could STEAL off them !

2,000 years of RANSOM Seas people histories/ we have restored much - but they the good & pure-humanists- have lost their lives - so corruption can call itself divine- & ITS VULGAR GREED reign…They have been killing people & children with sadistic hate envy & racism for money…for DOUGH…

“ USING THE STATE … the Top Dogs of glitz they remove gravestones- documents- homes- photos- but hide a collection designed to GET THEM CLEARED OF THIS GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND … They can still hoot & jeer again about `an old Eskimo`in the red…& her ape offspring & families … The utopia-democracy JACOPSHOLMEN Island … where we gave even seven ROMNEY lads education 1850 onwards … permission given by Gross Britain to FREDERICK RANSOM of Montrose & Jacopsholmen to take to education in `The Mary Rose` his family ship…see what you can achieve… (EDUCATIONALISTS…JAPAn got going in 12 years ! ) ( Nota bene: a tradition is to call your first WINDS SHIP after your mother ) …/1850/report Captain Alan Villiers too 1967 - 1970s ……

1950s - CREATURES OF NO BREEDING but massive greed : - The filthy behaviour from 2 Imperial Yachts upon the GRONLANDER RANSOM island granted to JACOP “for a holy place & to erect when you can the University to POUL GRONLANDER was photographed by hidden Eskimo- WITH BOX BROWNIES Photographed in the 1950s when they abused & did not stop the imprisoning of the Poulsen de SALLE two girls … Thrown into an ice cold large hut on the shores for CHRISTMAS 1939 - the Arctic WINTER 2 letters & later reports… De SALLE family PARIS had to live in the bitter cold…the great warm RANSOM home wired with explosives & nailed up by JIM Jong for the G.B. CROWN… M. de SALLE of PARIS & wife with 2 baby sons soon dead 2 daughters 12 & 10 in 1939 still imprisoned 1950s - 2 diary writers record JIM Jong at Party back of Buckingham Palace December 1939/ tell Detectives Colleagues Friends ANDRE MALRAUX 1960 -

1958 c - Released `2 young women who had been living wild `… released into Netherlands/BRITISH Custody/Canada too after REPORT by USA Missionaries discovering their presence but not daring to remove them because of the circumstances : …Sarah & sister Poulsen de SALLE … All this TRAGEDY to be lost in smutty jokes of IMPERIAL monsters `not virgins yah know` … from Navy RN & natty suited little curb crawlers NOBLE including Ed tin Cann bastard of Teresa Gordon both of Cliveden/Clifton on High SEAS/

G.B. Territorials being shown the PICS of the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children… say`th `we will excuse the women…that is not our scene…but we will try get a big buggarh or two…no more contact with us…we have to work alone…or they get us…` POLITAN others understand/

Sarah`s sister dies swiftly in CANADA after a VISIT by Doc Mengele Harrington paedophile for The British Government Naval Intelligence & CROWN… ?

Nota bene : why is Doc Mengele Harrington - paedophile ex prisoner ex-Nut House monster spoof doctor who is no more than a failed G.P. Hong Kong training re-wrote his qualifications…allowed to run about & take King & Queen FLIGHTS…& call Angela & families his old friends … with the Lindsaybuggarhs & Mr Pong…& about 2,000 other British Noble criminally insane who have blood & gore dripping moneys…& wreck all small nations …removing BANK moneys & destroying the seashores etc. of the RANSOM ESTATE GROTE HOMES that they have destroyed renting or selling off the lands…using THE STATE INSTITUTIONS… MATTER ANSWERS ITSELF… penniless British nobles… can do as they please…1920s onwards …

More vulgar sniggers were recorded at the 3rd drink of the raised arm… in a Vice bar…WHITES CLUB …& some others… What was called `Perverts Corner` in these Clubs had become 20th century the refuge of a handful of humanists Mr PONG & LINDSAYBUGGARHS Fraud-theft-obscene speech about MALRAUX de Gaulle & Greta Ransom & families…LEGAL heir & Guardian plagued MALRAUX autumn 1957...

SO… HE, Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX went for a DRINK 1957/1959 to WHITES CLUB more & more…acted FOOL…a drunk…& LISTENED TO THE SNIGGERING BEHIND HIS BACK … THEY ALL KNEW HE DID NOT KNOW OF THE ESTATE…or General de GAULLE… He will hear 17th December 1959 at Thorpe-le-Soken from Miss Teresa Butler soon to be a MARTYR…A caller from The VATICAN `called the VAT Rotweiler by the young` & his not knowing the TRUTH now `young PACCELLI` was dead…had her HIT THE ROOF… /Records here/ etc.

1830 onwards - ELOPEMENT : There was a practical plain reason for it -young Fred Ransom knew the British would object - It was the romantic flight which appealed to Gertrud a modern aesthete to be an early JOHN RUSKIN young woman … by 1843 Modern painters Vol. 1. …& her nation Greenland its natural history dear to her heart part of her education from her father JACOP - a girl that old Delacroix is going to wish to paint…she has several languages…& drew attention quickly in PARIS, France…a girl who `put back in nature all she took out` & explained WHY…

THE BRITISH WOULD INTERFERE WITH A RICH YOUNG SEA-TRADER-MARRYING AN ESKIMO/ that she was of a British grandmother, a Norwegian French mother & their education was very immense would be discounted by Imperial Britain always on the look out for rich people to MARRY INTO THEM & push them quickly off a cliff … & young Fred Ransom knew her father JACOP, even her brother Count Poulsen Norway would fast get objections at Noble & Diplomatic level who would be told to stop such a marriage … the aristocracy had an eye on all rich young sea traders in Gross Britain - hoping they would die ! The racism of Gross Brit at the TOP was disgusting ~nowhere in the globe was it quite so harsh & GREEDY !

“ But our dear sweet Gertrud got 4 weddings-4 frocks-4 rings…this pleased Old Jacop her father -keen on these things…»

He old JACOP (b 1750 first child POUL & Margaret Yates Gronlander) had intended his only daughter who pleased him well with her HUMANISM & care for her PEOPLES & HER LANDS…for a HIGHER marriage in Norway perhaps- her brother is Count Poulsen - The PLAY SEASON began 1830s - the theatre then built as a stout sailing ship is constructed… as soon as Church finished for JACOP…

All buildings examined 1900s to 1930s by many fine sailors-architects- & Alan Villiers & seamen “one sail Margarethe gave us the KEY …» Ship construction- old Fred Ransom …he knew what he was doing Peter `…The Theatre…then a tier added…he could have added two…we examined it… & then the gilding inside after they’d all seen RIENZI … Richard Wagner`s Opera in a small German Theatre, Margarethe told us about it…how her father got his ideas…they all came back…& painted away inside with varnish & he`d got the gold leaf …all the Island called in to help… Performances … the Classics, Shakespeare all of him , even Schiller’s The Robbers - to please the young ! Performed in several languages - Latin & Greek performances too / in Latin some ancient plays were experimented with - Miracle Plays at Christmas … Medieval & Asian pieces too…Oh SEAMEN have fine tastes …» Poul’s Hamlet…& his extentions to the plays `for the Greenland mind` for they liked to take a play over 2 weeks - stopping & starting-asking questions…

Playbills Programmes for our PLAY Seasons `1830s-1850s

I, Greetha Ransom nearly 3 years … saw Jacopsholmen West Greenland as a child & with Lennie Ransom 12 years older than me…he has just flown us UP FOR A BEER… 1935 November we looked inside our Theatre & saw the great glow of GOLD - all these educational cultural & CIVILIZED activities utterly & cunningly disapproved of by Gross Britain & Scandinavia WHO WANT THE ISLAND TO DEBAUCH ON…earn PIN MONEY & 1884 Island CLAIMED by Earl of Lindsaybuggarhs upon THE MARRIAGE OF Millie FROBISHER & JOHN RANSOM Widower -

1920s JIM on the PIN - & the Nobles of Racism…who live by violent theft - using the Nation`s Institutions to perform their evil - TAKE HALF THE ESTATE by kicking small nations Banks open or the Lindsaybuggarhs will GET TOO MUCH… ALL BEGAN TO GRAB… although THEY KNEW THEY COULD NOT LEGALLY BROKER A PENNY….

“ Angela - A PACKHORSE FOR THE CRIMES OF HER MEN…” Augusta Frobisher 1953 letter to a Noble KINSMAN/copies/

1957 October - Mr Mengele Harrington & Teams- he a sentenced paedophile for attacking during 2/3 months a child under a year in the mid-1930s- has us listened to (Naval Intelligence with Peter Wright `down there` having done Science has some advance technology for SPIES) ` Listened to for the Crown the Crown the Crown - & the British Government & Nobles` -

“ THE IMPERIAL FRAUDSTERS had to be ANCHORED to this THEIR CRIME…to stop further crimes of violence for DOUGH…further lies & conning of the globe ! …”

ANDRE MALRAUX has to be half the month in GAUL - he split’s the week & tries to have weekends with his two sons born to JO 1940 & 1944 - Then we are all vulnerable in the lovely home he tries give us 50 Lancaster Gate Square - MALRAUX is likely to get an appointment in the coming FRENCH REPUBLIC Government 1958 of General de GAULLE -

These Noble British criminally insane true blues would dearly like to tumble all Malraux & de Gaulle’s chances - but think perhaps SPYING UPON THEM in France/ the frogs… might give fun & more PROFIT- floating currencies & FUN Hunting big game, therefore, GOES ON… A DECREE went out October 1957 WHITES VICE Club when JIM had his SUN-UPPERS 9.30am Kenya style MEETINGS of EMERGENCY - & they pass round THE PIN… DESTROY REPUTATIONS & KILL IF WE CAN …»

1957 October - The Ape-Eskimo Greetah Frobisher Weddell RANSOM & THE GUARDIAN ANDRE MALRAUX - he about to get a POST in the 1958 FRENCH GOVERNMENT GAUL…have been seen striding TALL about LondiniumSOMEBODY at sometime IS GOING TO HAND MALRAUX that WILL ! there are still many copies in odd places the GLOBE…every Grote Home had a printed courtesy copy…every investment…every seashore/ settlement/ Reserve/ Hospital/Umbrella for the Arts-music-athletics… Convents Monasteries small schools…A grant to London University a rare library had the plaque to Margarethe Ransom GROTE until autumn 1957...they did not lack funds therefore… Mr Mengele HARRINGTON got a brainwave when he saw Greta Ransom October 1957 walking into the building…Miss Win Gordon had been told by cousin JULIE BUTLER to notify ANDRE & GRETA WHERE THE ENDOWMENTS WERE ABOUT LONDON ! This wretch Mengele is a chum of Crown figures & Scandinavia too…his mother was AT COURT & gave all her money away to a Charity…he was angry about it…

1937/1938 - Nota bene : ANDRE MALRAUX’s POST/mail is stolen by Gross Britain Government Lords Nobles & Crown since November 1937 - XMASTIDE 1937 …now the trestle tables back of Buckingham Palace can rip open the RANSOM WEDDELL GRONLANDER & MALRAUX Christmas Greetings from the free world…NATIONS A TO Z… who have the Joyous Venture & GROTE HOMES because they desire it thus… “old hookers … FIGURES FROM A MORGUE` … PASS THE FIX/the syringe/the scarlet cups …”

1950s/1961 November - The Catholic residence & Mission St Edmund’s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square we do not know is WIRED c/o Naval Intelligence bilge rats etc - We know we are followed about Scarlet Town/see G.R. Reports & others including Malraux/ “FOLLOW THEM EVERYWHERE” says JIM BIG ORC to his ORC hoards “they are endangering the Crown”

JIM Jong CUR JAMES - drinks with the Noble ORCS at a place called `Saint Lizzie`s PUB` & they go in THE BACK WAY - reports on JIM violence -kidnapping-blackmail in the 1930s/1940s/ 1950s- & Doc Mengele GOLLUM HARRINGTON assisting him 1953 November onwards…the committed paedophile with a prison sentence/ Mengele will become a Peer … it had become a joke a decade later-Mengele Peer in Waiting…got a carrot in front of his nose…

A really penniless NOBLE CLASS OF GROSS BRITAIN MUST STAY IN POWER - TEACH THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD HOW TO BEHAVE … ( “Whack fol-di-diddle-“ Mary Gordon sang first performance in Britain 1916 -she knew the composer Ireland… & she also sings in church choirs, & was a standby for first PERFORMANCE Claude Debussy`s “ PELL & MELL” PARIS…. )

1950s LONDON - `The early morning newspapers happenings are spoke aloud upon by just woken bundled figures both men & women… Londinium/The Scarlet Town… early morning Workers on buses early mornings … I go to hear him Preach in shirt sleeves at Southwark Cathedral… 6.o0 am A Workers Mass by the river & ancient steps…`

I could be a normal young girl of my times - book of POEMS in a pocket … about Londinium I go in other centuries for I have work & learning about Museums …not so much of Ancient Roman Britain & GAUL as at Colchester…but H. W. Poulter Hollytrees Mansion Museum has said “ get to know the 18th & 19th centuries Child - it could be more helpful to him ANDRE …»

& I Greetha Maureen Caecelia young Madam X hath a still young EMPEROR come from GAUL, Andre X -George-Georgie- `

1957 - We Georges-Andre & Greta have lost a mere 10 YEARS from the marriage day granted by `young Paccelli` 17 April 1947 (/9 tapes 90 minutes from text & CD ) but are grateful to begin again …to me 24 years of age our life stretches ahead but to ANDRE MALRAUX not so-

He MALRAUX speaks thus “ I have you back & we can look forward to 20 years…I can leave you with children three… perhaps four then…perhaps I can live a little more…I REGRET THE 10 YEARS STOLEN FROM US …We were lied to…I most of all ! We are going to live quietly here…”

1957 December - I have now forbidden Mr Mengele the door ! I chased him to his DIVE in Paris the other night…he has a cellar down a lane where HE GOES MAD ON DOPE … I told him I would hit him with my knuckle dusters on if he came through our door !

I have to go away after New Year for General de Gaulle…but you will be safe here in our home…”

Andre Malraux Notebooks read 1970 Harwell The Pillar House/

/GUYANAS Tour…records/Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square/records Detective Arthur Malone/Philip Silverlee too/

/He ANDRE MALRAUX still cannot understand the hatred behind his back about London Town & sometimes in Paris - Mengele (called A Peculiar physician in learned circles & disapproved of very much so - ) is a nuisance but ANDRE cannot get rid of him for he is APPOINTED by the wives in Gaul who have him staying with them sometimes /they have their own lives/Reports/

Georges & Greta WE ARE VICTIMS OF NOBLE GREED…& often they threaten our lives … & will again … THEY ARE CRIMINALLY INSANE & have blown their brains as KIDS in the Noble Stables stuffing a dangerous narcotic up their snouts from 11 & 12 years of age…some earlier… Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire blown pellets which HIT THEIR BRAINS in two seconds…)

EVIL IS ABOUT US - ANDRE & GRETA - we who do not know of GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE- every kind of Gross Britain Noble thug is grabbing big extra moneys - they are all top of the pyramid -

1953/1957 - AUNT MURGATROYD & her husband… (London Mission Society) TRIED TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ANDRE MALRAUX - there was always vague remarks & attacks upon the character…from Scarlet Town & from PARIS France…

(… I think she may be of the Fred MacMurray FAMILY branch of Ransom- he Broker -Insurance Wall Street & Hollywood film star - he would take a big house pre-war & all the cousins went over -he acted Pied Piper- I Greetha was too young …Or is she, my girl of the Russet Silk Bridal

Gown, a FROBISHER … ? )

& then 1936 I was illegally kidnapped back SUMMER 1936 by LINDSAY Premier Earls ACTING FOR ANGELA of a BAD BLOOD FAMILY…) who drinks ABSINTHE FROM BARRELS…” …

whom they are giving “ A LEG UP TO…”


LINDSAY…. who do not WASH from birth to GRAVE…

“ There was a party to SEE the Scotlands…they came upon a MAN

at a lathe NAKED wearing just his APRON…Asked why he worked


TO BORROW A TIE FOR A WEDDING ` & he went on working


1936 SUMMER - kidnapping ILLEGAL by GROSS BRITAIN GOVERNMENT LORDS & for a CROWN as they do with young heirs & old ones :

RETURNED to more VIOLENCE especially blows to my head which I would dearly love to give them back & to Mr Pong & LINDSAY Earl 14 & 20 others JIM is the ON THE PIN travelling companion of Angela who both are a nuisance to the GORDON family who have Teresa -

JIM A PIMP learns that Mary Gordon`s SOUTHERN IRISH COUSINS (Baronetcies/& a Castle) raise GEE-GEES… which immediately Mr PONG JIMMIE JONG is hoping to get by accusing them of TREASON in 1919 using Angela`s parents KUDOS… & as is the way with DOPE GROWERS & DOPE ADDICTS…the murderous interest goes ever onwards…

1936 summer…snatched from loving grandparents Frederick Charles & Jean Weddell RANSOM … I am kidnapped back to GROSS BRITAIN ILLEGALLY … by LINDSAYBUGGARHS EARLS claiming me from a Miss CLOUTS whom they laid hands on for she had a Park at Derham… 1830 !!!…. I want to put them in the ROSS SEA… they can collect SALT… & SELL IT ! )

1957 - I HAVE NO MEMORY OF Aunt Murgatroyd MARTYR since 1940 … she my girl in the russet silk bridal gown of 1936 when she came with the famous Spanish Cross & to comfort me… 1957 autumn she would like to have us call but NO POST IS RECEIVED BY US or can be ANSWERED except by SCUM employed in name of Crowns of Scandinavia & GROSS Britain…. THE secret-silence unlawful NOBLE CROWNS either side of Oceanus Germanicus DECREEto KEEP US ALL APART & HIDE THE CRIME OF THE NOBLE BRITISH in slaying the GROTE CHILDREN IN THEIR HOMES…

NO TELEPHONE CALLS come direct to us after the FRIGHTS they all had early October 1957 NO TELEPHONE CALLS or POST not fingered by secret DECREE…

Our Aunt Murgatroyd & husband ETHIOPIAN MISSIONARIES will suffer in this - we should call them MARTYRS & with their only SON…

1937 SUMMER - It is for Uncle & Aunt Murgatroyd that SUMMER 1937 all RANSOM family went away to SPAIN upon a rescue of their only child who got a telephone call to England… This became THE BLOODIEST MATTER IN SPAIN…

The EARLS OF LINDSAY The British Crown & Nobles in callingburned in marmalade the Murgatroyd Missionaries only child…their 22 years old son a Coptic scholar…who ran this Estate they own…& the little marmalade factory that gave employment to the Spanish families…he worked with his mind & his hands… Their ESTATE had ALL PEACEFUL UPON THOSE SHORES …until Angela got an illicit crown by abusing with JIM & LINDSAYs` & others her brother-in-law…& his intelligent friends -

1937, & 1939/45 .… IT IS BY THE SHORES OF SPAIN the whole hideous crime is well reported upon … & when 2nd World War WAR begins the slaying of the Spanish Grote Homes children began …MANY MARTYRS ARE MADE…so new diamonds can be bought & CASINOS VISITED…smart togs worn

(Report a girl age 12 years who escaped from under her desk SPAIN /railway/into France/ `The girl who stepped over her dead class & carefully put on her mauve best coat with embroidery black facings…took a bag a basket with some things…her pocket money…& went by bus to a railway station…She speaks 3 languages well … at age 15 years reports to RANSOM GROTE solicitors & family … AN ORPHAN OF GROTE HOMES SURVIVES … she knows by 1945 they are being HUNTED DOWN by Gross Britain who do not wish this CRIME to be anchored to them…who did it to get DOUGH…

She is hopefully another air lift to USA…1948 A.D. « She heard the British voices cry out the GROTE HOME CHILDREN had no fathers…» /text reports/about the globe 1960/ Detectives Colleagues Friends of Andre Malraux …

1957 July/1959 June - Life at Lancaster Gate Square 1957/59 & onwards - I G.R. am reminded of the City of London 1965/66 - & others 1960\61 ghost house team Colne Engaine/Engayne- diaries/reports/1976-1983/ into 1985/86-88: 1989: 1989/92 : Oxford/

“ Mengele - old Mengele… he did not work in the War…(W. War 2nd) but spy on people - he was EMPLOYED BY A RING OF MEN …”

Another report states that he “ headed some Scientific Institute…a Concern… as Director - BUT HAS DEFINITELY NO SCIENCE TRAINING AT ALL…»

There’s probably available a Register G B. even world-wide, of his kind of insane criminal & special qualities - IMPERIAL CROOKS certainly NEED THEM FOR WORK in FRAUD with violent theft… Mengele escapes the LAW late 1940s/50s for 2 hit & run & paedophilia with violence & horrible crimes of FUN against women & young men WHO HAVE DOUGH - clearly he has kudos-

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