Greta Ransom

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Part III

VILLIANS dripping blood & gore moneys are in the 1980s/1990s cunningly thieving our Russian-China-former Yugoslavia-Albania-Greek-East German lands … all that is left of the great Estate worldwide devoted to PEACE & civilizing PROSPERITY...

I want these IMPERIAL Noble monsters on chains building our 2 Universities in the snows - POUL GRONLANDER & James Weddell & his INCA Nobleman scholar father-in-law Yahameh Josef SAN JULIAN F. San Miguel

1930s/1970s - Onassis would sail around Greece to protect the sea edges & islands of the ESTATE of Margaret Ransom Grote - Onassis

& Andre-the three Brothers RANSOM & families - tried give the tenants schools hospitals religious foundations-& those umbrellas of Welfare & Arts & gymnastics protection from 1960 - They were often reported upon & threatened ...Records


1938 in autumn - after the killing with poisons of JEAN -

I told LENNIE MY BEST FRIEND, my co-heir my uncle 12 years older -

LIR FLYER - artist- musician- historian- our young Apostle

“ I CALL THEM UP LENNIE- ALL THE GRANDPA RANSOMS - back to the first living happily in 92 AD Dunwich East Anglia ... THEY COME IN A LONG VERY LONG LINE & THEY PROTECT ME - I see them in my mind -

& then I am brave Lennie - become brave about Monsters from the Deep -


LIR began to draw a procession going backwards from the late 19th century ... Fred & Gertrud his great-grandparents of Jacopsholmen Island of Great Poul Gronlander - Lennie got to the Grandpa RANSOM, he of the Silver Goblet 7th century AD … his WILL says -


... ( translation we are given by FCFR Len`s Dad my Grandpa , who reads Early English … its something like that )

6th -7th century - East Anglia RANSOM had his sons & daughters about the seashores … homesteads/heimat … & they went drifting up to ARBROATH before they set out for America 1492 AD - some messed about in Norway but did not take to iced winters ...& set off for trading with Palestine ... that is how we got into SOAP 1300 ... & made a fortune for awhile - we got some nice harbours with the brides because we are HUMANISTS - we do not fight ! & keep all religions .../the soap is too expensive to make to-day ... it cost a fortune to make in 1937 !

So that it was very good RANSOM soap we traded about Europe with in the 14th century ... scented with roses, oranges, sandelwood, & something else I forget ... Italy was a good customer ...

“ 1492 - one man of the RANSOM branch is on one of the 3 boats ...

... & it turned back so he left some words about it ”

says Captain Alan Villiers who knew all this

... “ & a branch of RANSOM - a bit French…circumnavigated the Globe 13th century - we know he did

... I will try & recall what I know DOCUMENTS seem to have gone missing WHERE we were used to LOOKING at THEM ... `

... adds Captain Alan Villiers ... 1967 December Oxford/ & 1969 The Pillar House Harwell/ & 1970 spring at a Captain Cook RN celebration in the SCIENCE MUSEUM ... Albertopolis/Scarlet town/

6th - 7th centuries AD - When we reach this 7th century East Anglia Grandpa of our straight line back... Lennie doing the drawings he say`th “ ...they are a bit misty back there - 443 AD is alright he`s got his own boat from Dad for his 21st & he`s married Bridget -

But the other early RANSOM ancestors ... well THEY MAY HAVE HAD TO KEEP AXES RAISED or just gone sailing until matters quietened down - I will not put their faces in as portraits

... Dad knows more about him RANSOM 100 AD ... he was young, 22 years old, & did not trust his crew of older men when he laid up for the winter at what will be Portsmouth Harbour ... then he got young orphans for crew & said `we will try make it round the other side this winter` ... they became like the family & all came to regard Dunwich as the heimat ...

L I R - procession drawing on several pages fastened together - can sign as LEN I R/LENIR

Len & me - we had to go about with axes raised in our souls, after copy the legal WILL was stolen Mai 15th 1938 ...

A copy picked up by Mr Jim Jong from beside Margarethes dead body after he killed her, he says that it had him gasp ... & he relates how he read the name of ANDRE MALRAUX - GUARDIAN - with great anxiety … for if France got hold of it, that would severally interfere with their PLANS

JIM Jong PIMP relates how he “ questioned that O`Neill boy 8 years old ” & dashed to Paris with Lindsay 14...two little evil Jack-in-Boxes would lose their fortunes - if FRANCE & French President & ANDRE MALRAUX got their correspondence -

1938 Summer - we hear kind people say at big gardens where we are invited to lunches & teas THE RANSOM CHILDREN ...

going to run GROTE for dear Margarethe - they are quite able to take over - they are showing they can ... come & talk with them ... ”

We meet some lovely people who know us all for a hundred years & Len & Greetha have recorded she of 101 years who writes & visits in afternoons …& does her literary work in bed in the mornings since she got a bit over 90 years of age ... She tells us how to keep good health -

… & there is kind Honoria-Rachel a very tiny Frenchwoman of over 70 years of age...who takes her cat out on a lead in her wooden shopping cart - Honoria pretends to be a Catholic beggar woman when the Lindsaybuggarhs are about - Granny & she get a letter or note from young Paccelli ’ to the Priests House ...

( young Pacelli/ 1938 he becomes Pope PIUS 12/ sent his Italian friend an older Priest to supervise the great Church on the seafront nearly completed in 1929 - & he is still there but takes some retirement too ) ...

My Saint Clare Convent School Nuns & Clacton townsfolk are kindly & hath called me Little Miss North Pole from my birth ...

This EVIL world - ANDRE MALRAUX & JO a young lady writer have entered into Summer 1937 & by late November their POST/mails/correspondence all STOLEN by greedy IMPERIAL Britain & Noble penniless Vagrants & scavengers …VIOLENCE for evermore comes to us all ... !

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX winter - he says to PJPW & GR -

I ACCEPTED, Peter, the Guardianship of Greetha in October 1937 upon getting a letter from a Margaret Grote… but it had no address to reply to - IT SAID I WOULD BE HEARING MORE - I hoped to hear more…from our friends at the seaside - I believed this inheritance was from the family of Mary Gordon & her Catholic sisters who had run a CHARITY MISSION in their youth & had many Catholic Church activities & concerns ”

MALRAUX continues 1970 as Mary Gordon had. But she explained to me ANDRE MALRAUX - that is my name Greetah - I think you sometimes cannot remember my name or you are made to forget methat she Mary Gordon had to keep very quiet about her Charities…because of her daughter Teresa & her Noble friends of her youth. They were AWAY that SUMMER in London. They caused much trouble to she & her family…they had interfered with her families from the beginning of The Great WAR ” (1st World War)

I , ANDRE MALRAUX received NO more correspondence

UPON THIS MATTER - We understood 1960 that Josette in 1944 October had received & read many documents & letters addressed to me -

I had told her to do so when I last saw her ... she now died -

… Sadly I did not know whom Margaret Grote was other than

an Aunt to Greetha - She, Mrs Grote, is savagely KILLED in May 1938 by JIM…for the others…

We, Josette & myself Andre Malraux - that is my name ... expected to return to Clacton-on-Sea to our friends in 1938, perhaps at Easter time ”

“ WHEN I KNEW WHAT IT WAS ABOUT...Christmastide 1959...the

New Year 1960 - I had not given up my Guardianship & the Detective Mr Malone guarded Greta ... staying in a flat on the same floor near to Miss Rose Holder when Greta lived there & went to work in London City - I was told this was what Greta wished to do - be with young people...I would have preferred she be with me ... de GAULLE had told me to offer an Apartment at Versailles February 1960 ... but our communications had been made fragile at this time ” ...

Malraux ... “ I HAD TO KEEP ON WITH MY JOB ... in ... GAUL ”

... ( he gives a little quick smile - then his eyes become those deep pools of brown ... no green flashes & glows anymore ... could I remember them ? )

“ My detective stayed with an old couple Gabriel House Lambeth - they had been friends of the parents of Miss Holder ... & I have not given it up ... the Guardianship - This entire matter has been fraught with violent savage persecution - to all of us - myself & my sons - it caused her death their mother ” -

“ Violent persecution-deaths occurred - frequently ... to STEAL

from this ESTATE - Greta & I experienced attacks - especially when she came to live in my London home 1957 - I did not know why we were the subject of these bizarre attacks - why the hatred directed at us... from your class Peter, came from the very TOP -

... I did not know that we were always in danger ” -

... “ It is because your Nation STOLE MY correspondence ...

my MAIL ! my POST ! from 1937 winter - 1946 they begin to examine & STEAL that to General de Gaulle, to intercept messages to us both - It went on skilfully after the War -

The THEFT has never stopped ... & it has not stopped here ! ...

... I think you know this , Peter !

1970 - Andre Malraux - “... An Earl & his family...then certain Noble & Crown figures ... & the Estate was already robbed in Scandinavia by some of their relatives & in-laws ... becoming figures of the world of business ... they were entering the world of commerce ... Dissolute persons had ear-marked this Estate for themselves -

They were robbing in the 1920s ... to get control of the Estate required assistance - from the top.

... Churchill took care from the early 1920s to see Mrs GROTE widowed unnecessarily ... he may not have known this ... is kept safe -

Nota bene - G R : 1960 January - I GR believe the contact with Andre Malraux & Philip Silverlee was FENCED OFF-interfered with/then stopped after mid-January 1960... by those who had helped themselves & those who feared an exposure of something that would destroy prestige...& a loss of privilege...

Greta Ransom...makes a note to Georges-Andre Malraux 2009 AD...39 years late...there are notes by Arthur Malone read to me February 1960 Colne Engaine/Camulodunum/

MALRAUX continues “ ... The educated in your Class Peter, refer to the creators of this Miracle of Philanthropy as Eskimo & adding APES after a marriage between the North & the South Poles -

,,, There is another holy Catholic marriage - between PERU & a brave Mariner … SUB-ARCTIC They mock this & have destroyed records here … You have heard in your scientific community ... ? Yes - they wish to remove the Weddell Sea & add other names ...

... I say that they are MAD ...

1937 - over 20 years - your nation continued to steal my Post, interfere with messages, Visitors … people are missing !

... Why did no one step forward - speak to me ? People were either too terrified to speak - or they believed I knew & some felt or were certain, that it was a matter for my Superior - now that I worked increasingly for him General de Gaulle -

.... it had some suspicion about us … engineered by the MAD - the criminally insane


by Gross Britain & Scandinavia -


1939 - 1950s it is complained in a secret GREAT BRITAIN Parliamentary meeting that YOU Greta Ransom have a mud flats & have not drained it for years - so they have seen it is RIPE for development & have got an old Queen to have them take it from you

The Mud flats is a small piece of shore & it is a natural habitat for wild life & the people who fish hunt there - they live in the forest you maintain … NOW IT HAS GONE - logged - the settlement families murdered - the place a dirty money making down-town holiday swamp ”

Nota bene : THE Nobles & Crowns get shares … & they chortle & jeer attending The Races & fashionable groupings ...

“ MAKE BRITAIN RICH - British Trade will recover ... & APE Eskimos should be given nothing at all ”

RECORDS : Len & Greetah hear them 1930s ... Greta Ransom


trashed other Nations ... in many unlawful meetings ... some held in the British Parliament buildings - Thus have they destroyed great areas of the globe - thieving lands A-Z the world from a great Estate of Philanthropy GREED IS THEIR GOD

& SAVAGERY their breeding » ...

1976 - “ ANDRE had nowhere to go - after they murdered the boys - The THIEVES had no intention of having you & he produce The Messiah

INFORMATION from a man who lives offshore - he was born of them - but had no taste for their corruption ”

I, Greta Ransom Madame X do not know who this kind person is -

1945 late summer :

Aunt Winnie Gordon said after he ANDRE is in her kitchen taking tea 1937 - You went into the Gift Shop - I was not there that summer for 3 months - I had gone to St Anne`s to stay with my cousins after a broken engagement that did not suit his mother -

... but I heard all about your visitors when I came back to work again - Greetha in Sunday clothes & a tall young man from SPAIN - you bought a present for JO the young lady with you sometimes - All the girls told me when I got back in September ... & how good looking he was - & hed written a book about SPAIN - Harry said the kind that men liked to read ...

1945 - My ex-ATS Aunt Winnie now is to be called WIN, & Aunt Win by nephews & nieces - She had walked me in the month of June by the best restaurant pre-War with dancing - it is on the Seafront & in the town centre - It was now deserted - shuttered since before the WAR began - I had already had an experience of un-tranquillity with George Colonel Andre WIDOWER that summer ... when he wished to walk on our 1937 summer footsteps -

Aunt Win began to reminded me a little of how Andre & JO & I & Stella stars Unitys mother, that summer 1937, all went to this best but more expensive place…& she our hostess paid for it

“ ... as a treat ... ”

Yes - some scenes arose as if from hundreds of years ago -

I G.R. can write of that evening 1937 -

1957 - George ANDRE has given me back some of the memories from reading & speaking from his notebooks -

1937 Summer - Andre puts me to sleep on his folded coat at his feet under the table of the most expensive dancing restaurant in Clacton - He doth not know he hath THE WORLD AT HIS FEET ...

... MINERVA-Olivea nee Hesketh 1st marriage Bussy & 2nd marriage Mrs James Weddell II ... she is my great-grandmother & would write songs immediately about amusing remarks or happy ones IT IS MINERVA coins the expression 1909 FIGURES FROM A MORGUE upon meeting the in-laws to be to her daughter Jean - LINDSAY Premier EARLS & MONSTERS - they have her poisoned in 1934 & swiped ALL her investments, banked moneys, possessions ... her 3 daughters getting nothing !

1937 Summer - Andre & JO ` are swooping in dance

there tall figures full of energy to a good Band of 9 musicians or perhaps 11 - ... NIGHT & DAY & the other popular 1930s tunes -

They begin the supper when I begin to sleep - then I awake to the lovely music playing on - & we all 3 go dancing together - I on his shoulder - or held to his breast - he has one hand for holding JO in the dance - I am a bush baby with big eyes

... We sit on the balcony where our table seems to be half in half out on the balcony where the big sliding glass windows are pulled open wide - Then we go for a walk on the Promenade after sitting looking at the black night blending into the silver black sea ... & it is also a midnight blue to coal black sky where the electric lights reach -

Some ships anchored far out-steamers-fisher boats ... & they remind me of current fashions of sequins on black & deepest velvet black-blue...

... I can see it in my memory-my head... it is like a cine film I can run whenever I want to remember HAPPINESS 1937 with Jo & Andre-

` There is the murmur of sea & soft voices happy tones on the Pier-

& along the Seafront in the dark evening hangs the smell of fags - some different scents are miniature cigars

- NO MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP - all gone to London Town & to SPAIN - the Murgatroyd Ethiopia Missionary Estate savage murder done - I GR do not know until October 1937 -

That evening - that summer 1937 - we saw a world at ease & in our happiness perhaps a feeling that Peace had won - it would surely always be here - But there is talk of Germany & War & we have listened early mornings as newspapers are read along the Seafront - War talk drifts in phrases from turned pages - some concerned faces all serious expressions ... a shaking head or two about us ...

... Mention of The Great War that finished 1919...only 18 years ago` Perhaps the music Sand in my Shoes was danced to by us three -

such a beautiful tune I think - What did they have for supper in this most expensive restaurant ? I do not recall or did not know !

I had been fed at High TEA time & had to take my nap at age 4 years &-a-half ... before rising from UNDER THE TABLE ...

to join in Thee Dancing ... until near Midnight !

` JOs evening frock a disappointment ...

but she explained she has to have something that she can travel with & will not need pressing - It is a dull brick red with broad straps crossed over her bare back & a swirling to her ankles.

I had imagined her in a frock as the film Romeo & Juliet made by Seilznek who all the grown-ups know as Uncle Fred MacMurray makes FILMS as well as making & losing money on WALL STREET ... Auntie Winnie & I saw this FILM in the Odeon cinema some months ago - Or JO in organza-lace-embroidery- fairy like ...

Andre will buy me the pink net ball gown in 1953 & I will be 20 years... JO is dead ...we do not KNOW the terrible FUTURE ... & that soon MONSTERS of Britain & Scandinavia will begin to murder all the GROTE HOMES children of the world ...

`Or Josette could have a goddess gown ... as Margaretha girl of the SNOWS ... in the oyster satin 1860s gown - her trousseau for New York and the Grote family gatherings - or when they sail in ... in the family ship `The Mary Rose` to Monaco or Venice or Alexandria or Constantinople or Russia & China & Albania … & Borneo & the Marsh Arabs `

... 1860s - There was a deathly hush as she & husband Tiggy stepped ashore in Japan - & then both of them greeted her kin in the natural Japanese tongue … TIGGY learns languages easily ...

Our relatives here are living on Okinawa , an old Royal line making the 1504 marriage Bruges to Widower RANSOM … She is called `Nihalah Lady Yuss=shampooher bridal gown is rose-orange coloured…& she has left us letters & books & her husband has written beautifully upon `his Lovely Lady of Japan ` … They had a long happy life, except for some sorrows … `

I have learned a lot of our HISTORY from Margarethe & her RANSOM families ... speaking RANSOM History …

1937 - I am thinking that one day this holiday ... I will draw an evening frock for JO & see if she likes it - then Lennie could do the final design & I could pay for it to be made up ... & after JO has worn it a few times...then it might be a wedding dress for other nations - The Greenland ladies had a sewing room a big one on Jacopsholmen ...

1937 memories : by Greta Ransom, coming 5 years …

F.R. grandpa twice back who is Aunt Margareths father …

He was coming home in the dark of the Arctic Wintertime on Jacopsholmen our Island in the snow, & he saw a famous painting lady drift from one goodly home to another across the snow Getting home he enquired of Gertrud `who was The RAPHAEL Madonna ... he had just passed her as Jacops Church Bell rang `

Len`s great-grandpa Fred Ransom got used to this - the Greenland ladies not only copied the Paris fashions they copied all the clothes in the paintings they would VIEW when he took them a spin to see the Globe in The Mary Rose - For he never sailed empty of those he felt should see the world - it was very useful that they learned so swiftly & they were able to act in the great PLAY Seasons - not just play in the orchestra

FRED RANSOM, he sailed in quietly to GROSS BRITANNIA -

... it was inhabited by high class monsters of racism - he would go quietly to Montrose Basin to his brother in the Farm of 1500, John Ransom & family … As they owned lots of ancient family lands with homes they were always discreet …

... but he was happy to be bidden come talk with a WIDOW in the GERMAN LANGUAGE for she missed her husband ... his death had started her building ALBERTOPOLIS where the MUSEUMS are in the 20th century… they would arrange visits quietly she would have liked visit THE PLAY Jacopsholmen GREENLAND but she was WATCHED a lot of the time by racists & penniless monsters … she got to India …

1937 Summer - By the Gift Shop is the old Kinema Cinema a privately owned cinema nowadays but once an old Music Hall -

... & I tell ANDRE George of the German & Italian films I see with Daddy Uncle Harry & Lennie & our relatives & friends - They have sub-titles written in white handwriting - everybody in theRansom family speaks other languages ... but SHEshe is stopping Len & my father teaching me ... she has thrown a wireless through the window in anger at my speaking in Spanish & German... Sometimes the KINEMA has silent films for the old people on a Wednesday afternoon & evening - Grandpa used to like Charlie Chaplin The Policeman

1945 - ANDRE Colonel MALRAUX returned a Widower

he will ask the father & son who own the KINEMA if they could show some footage of his SPAIN film that he made with Josette - then it was settled it could be shown in a schoolroom somewhere over at Manningtree -

... Colonel ANDRE ... he is the widower we school children are to call George in public places ... wishes to discuss about a showing of some of the FILM with Armstrong Geographer, Cambridge University - He has been our teacher of history/geography in the War years 1942/45 ... the teachers dashed about everywhere having an allowance of petrol for their car ... Mr Armstrong has a petrol allowance now & can take ANDRE with him on his journeys into East Anglia ... they go to Cambridge University ...

1937 Summer - I see JOJo&Jo go into the Hairdressers next the Kinema - Andre & I told to stay by the Tree in the centre of the town with the wood circle of seats around & not go wandering off for hours- she has a shopping basket on her arm & people say to us now - `Wheres JO- ? ANDRE George Colonel Spain answers `Oh gone round the Town - we are to wait here for her - `

he is content - WATCHING THE WORLD GO BY -

This is the phrase of Aunt Annie Agnes Carroll Williams my artist great-aunt of `Stella Maris` a nice big romantic inside feeling house close to the St Clares Convent school - Here in our small town Clacton ANDRE takes 5 weeks WATCHING THE WORLD GO BY

when we are not doing so many things beside the SEAS

` AXES RAISED ` - MALRAUX 1937 would hath been warned of the MONSTERS TRYING TO SCALE THE ESTATE if RANSOM family had not had to go to SPAIN to rescue the 22 years old cousin Murgatroyd managing the little Estate by the shores & the tiny marmalade factory & translating the COPTIC RECORDS of a 900 years Trading Settlement Ethiopia unknown to historians -

... Records given to Aunt & Uncle Murgatroyd, Ethiopian Missionaries, to take to a place of study & safety for the GLOBE- The Earl Lindsaybuggarhs in 1936 got hold some of these records in a trunk buried them in the bare earth near the ESTATE SPAIN BY THE SEA` They had been kept by a senior & noble member of these families - who felt he had now to lose his life - they were family letters - trade bills - world conditions that time -

Earls of Crawford & LINDSAYBUGGARHS are unlawfully given this Estate May 1937 by Angela whom they have got in the HOT SEAT -

“ LINDSAY a nuisance since the PLANET began ” (quoting Winston S. CHURCHILL 1960 January ) were shrieking that the Murgatroyds` Missionaries & Pacifists were


... The precious documents were rescued 1960 by USA secret-services & Dr JOHN RAY/rae (Ransom) - his mother Jean Weddell 1938 had WON in the Spanish Courts for Aunt Murgatroyd -

Spanish being the first language of JEAN WEDDELL ... & she descended from Basque & Spanish as well as INCA & American & Tierra del Fuego from the San Julian INCA line

We RANSOM families - never told poor Aunt Murgatroyd her how 22 year old son had been murdered her only son She my Bride of the Russet Silk gown ... who came to help heal me August 1936 after a most horrible attack with an iron bar on my head by JIM Jong & Lindsay 14 with their get-a-way-car just around the corner from the big REC gates

1960 - Spanish Court reviewing the Case -

... had the records shown dug up - they were not even barely legible ... in a very decaying state - The Law Spain had them given for a MONTH to LINDSAY Premier EARLS of Gross Britain - but they could not touch them - as they were not to be trusted after this wanton damagethere were murmurings over dead Grote children on a beach ... photographs had been shown ...

The damaged MSS papers were held by Spain the month - They were then given to the rightful owners Missionaries Murgatroyd & taken to USA to a place of safety & it was hoped technology one day might recover some of THOSE LIVES - a Trading Post of decent folk

1933 spring David Lindsay an EVIL FAIRY tore up my first birth certificate which said Greta Frobisher Weddell Ransom … he is helping REMOVE all evidence of our FAMILIES ... he had lots of our paintings stolen from GROTE HOMES begin to pass through its Devil claws & paws ...

This is D. Lindsay of the National Gallery - It wanted some paintings 1944 & poured paraffin down the owners throat...

Property of an old lady who now took a month to die in great paint from the paraffin ! A British Court case did not hang him or find him guilty ... so her relatives got him & cut his liver out - hung it on a string - he took 3 hours to die He was an addict to Divinorum Salvia Scotland

1937 winter - ANDRE MALRAUX & JOSETTE a young lady ...

have a blood soaked plaid thrown about their lives - about their lovely tall human shapes -

... 15 MAY 1938 Jimmie Jong saw copy WILL after slitting a vein behind Margarethe`s ear -

“ MALRAUX Guardian - if FRANCE got to know ... there was no hope that The Great Britain Government could PICK IT OFF … my jaw dropped when I saw his name … MALRAUX … ”


ANDRE MALRAUX because of his good breeding high grace

& high intelligence - his goodwill to & understanding of all Races & nations& after reading his literary WORKS it was agreed immediately that he be chosen the Guardian to the miracle created by TIGGY & MAG - earths greatest piece of philanthropy -

a delicate flower garden twice around the globe-

1960 - INFORMATION - NIGHT WATCH Colne Engayne

& RECORDS Detectives Colleagues friends of Andre Malraux

from Dr John Ray Ransom - USA citizen c 1920...

... he, 2 years of age, when he must leave his family & escape Premier EARLS of LINDSAY & JIM the PIN & ANGELA & Scandinavian in-law scum ...

... all of whom are fingering his family ESTATE & make PLANS to take it ... in the name of BRITISH GOVERNMENT in secret silence ...

to prop up the TOP DOGS Class of NOBLE BRITAIN & keep the KUDOS OF THE GLOBE with IMPERIAL SCUM Britain-Scandinavia-Europe ...

Educated USA - 3 degrees - Astra-Physics/Animal Management/LAW

Kentucky - school of very HIGH EDUCATION for babes -

some HEIRS - damaged by MONSTERS ... & some born bodily deformed - children of all nations & religions - a few will never leave the safety of their HOME ... a Doctor had a fortune to help others - he may have been a VICTIM as a baby himself ...

This KENTUCKY SCHOOL & ESTATE was wiped off the AMERICAN MAP ... by Noble Britain in the 1970s ... & ANGELA came with HORSES expecting to win ... & with her all the paraphernalia of IMPERIAL MONSTERSHIP ...

1864-1954 ... THE THOMAS GROTE HOMES for orphans -

educating them to 18 years with curriculum H U M A N I T A S &

The Gospels Acted Out...Most HOMES are BUILT upon RANSOM LANDS of the Ransom brides of 14 RACES & 27 NATIONS from 6TH century CASTILEThe children learn 3-4 languages & are of all races & nations the globe The children in their HOMES are slain by Noble upper-crust Gross Britain & Scandinavia during 2nd World War ... former students hunted as `BIG GAME & little game` (records extensive/some children escaped)

Thomas Tiggy Immanuel Grote - in 1864 age 22 years of age,

began his lifetime travels...until his murder 1904 on Arran by Noble Earls & others of RANK ... A to Z the globe TIG went round twice - thus a HOME in Uzbekistan... he needed another U

TIG felt this system to be sensible & easily understood

The experience with the Marsh Arabs & the Island-with-no-clothes

had him assess his system in the early 1870s/ Tiggy began his serious writings/his COMIC & broadsheet for the HOMES worldwide, everyone in touch & added Letters from Margareth & her Visits began a young bride as she chased Tiggy around the globe by ship-trains-carriages-horses-camels

They had grown up half or more the years from the 1840s at the Island in the Snows & visits to Ransom families & Estates & homes about the globe ... HUMANIST families, Sea-traders, who kept at the forefront of good technology/medicine/science/ & invested where they found the Gospels might be Acted Out ... RANSOM & GROTE families saw a reason for something & set about it ...thus TRANSPORT & by 1830s Fred RANSOM & friends were putting railways in around the globe - including CANADA ...

...this Vast Estate Ransom transport Canada is stolen 1948 by LINDSAY Premier EARLS scum in name of Angela a woman put on high with help from her friend JIM Jong James the half Chinese racist ..

( reports/include Confessions of a criminal ON THE PIN 1960 summer - the previous generation taught him ...)

1870s American citizen TIGGY GROTE found that people called

savages by Gross Britain showed more intelligence-helped with organizing a Grote education immediately & followed Tigs humanist philosophy `don`t fight - lets sit down & talk first …`


as its Empire slipped into the SEAS & they ran out of dough -

“ 1864 - first GROTE Home OHIO -

Tiggy papered the outside walls of this OHIO Mansion with placards saying `COME & HELP with GROTE HOMES` ...then he ploughs across the PACIFIC ...a string of HOMES are left behind him... his energy

his certainty that this was the way to proceed for RATIONAL world development must have amazed even us a FAMILY of HUMANISTS

Early 1870s the VATICAN asking for a 2 years trial say in Italian/Latin `Tiggy you can go ahead` - we wont wait for 5 year results - Tiggy had the Vatican door open because of POUL GRONLANDER his great-grandfather-in-law thus in `young Paccelli`

times GROTE HOMES have almost half in Catholic lands ”

“ 1880s - KKK territories far from saying only whites asked

for orphans a bit different - we sent down the American South GREENLANDER orphans - then Tig & Mag were asked if more might come for education to 18 - on account of their reliable common sense & good tempers - it did not matter that the skin tone might be a shade of olive-green -

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