Greta Ransom

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The GROTE HOMES Ransom Estate monies of blood & gore is spread wide & the offspring of the criminally insane has it as inheritance/they will never let go & could become as evil as their forebears who PLANNED the slaughter of all the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN to take the lands as `Crown lands` & then wreck all small nations the globe for BRITISH TRADE -

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX winter at The Pillar House Harwell -

It is becoming clear to Malraux from the alarming events of the past 2 years that PJPW of The British Museum NATURAL HISTORY South Kensington has little idea of the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE & its great standing in the eyes of the educated world & the very SECURE financial standing of the Estate in every nation & that a third of it has been recovered by 1962 & set in motion again as secure PHILANTHROPY/

PJPW & his identical twin RJRW (born 1930 Kenya) have in secret silence put 130 New York workers in the gutter 1968…& thousands in the gutters of Brazil 1969 mainly RIO ! They have also by BLABBING TO THEIR Noble CLASS got their cousin Palmer Sparkman killed USA (age 41) for his FIRST JOB WAS AT GROTE BROKERS 1950s just amalgamated with another firm WALL STREET after being robbed by LINDSAYBUGGARHS for Crown -

1969 - They were kicked OUT OF JAPAN 1969 in hours - for attempting to REMOVE MONEYS GROTE in Banks & saying ` THEY WERE IN CHARGE OF IT - FOR THE HEIR GR WAS DAMAGED ! No part of the Estate of Philanthropy is ever removed…it does not have to earn big profitIT IS ABOUT PEOPLES & THEIR LANDS OUTSIDE GROSS BRITAIN ! This is RANSOM MONEYS earned BY THE RANSOM DIRECT LINE since 92 AD DUNWICH East Anglia ! ` …

1967 November - Both of them RW & PW should know by November 1967 that LENNIE Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM is also HEIR…& that the Trustees & RANSOM brothers can step in at any time with Lennie or without him …. But this is not accepted by them W. twins - BECAUSE THEY DO NOT GET THEIR POST/mail - neither of the Whitehead TWINS has the LEGAL WILL copies sent to them & other Papers & letters of kindliness - ALL IS STOLEN AGAIN !

(Nota bene : RJRW borrowed 10,000 pounds 1962 WITHOUT the permission of his Trustees his 2 Uncles - LOST IT IN 6 weeks City - In 1969 his cousin Tom Blyth discovered the Bank wanted 30,000 pounds to settle this DEBT ! It was agreed by the 3 Aunts Mercy, Joan & Christabel to pay it - & one of their Trusts should go to Peter Greta & children WHO HAD NOTHING - while RJRW had been living far above his means Family justice !

The BM Natural History Museum London understood all this 1970 when colleagues came to our Days in the Countryside the house of the immortal picture books for children by LLB… with home cooked food of other centuries done by Greetah Ransom W. who used to explore this

EAT ART with Harold W. Poulter Colchester Museums 1950s -

The true FACTS of the WHITEHEAD identical TWINS have got somewhat lost over the last 30 years ! ( RJRW BROKE THE LAW 1962 … & had got in with the wrong CITY Whizz Kid Continental creeps - he let down the Whitehead Rathbone Greg Reynolds Darby Rutter great Nonconformist-Quaker family - )

Natural History Museum LONDON / Attention BMNH staff & retired staff writing - Staff retiring 1950s/1960s would TAKE SUPPER sometimes with ANDRE MALRAUX across the PARK - go in a straight line from ALBERT to 50 Lancaster Gate Square - These old STAFF also knew about WAR & SPAIN & matters EAST as MALRAUX & some had known him for many years when they were all young -

GROTE HOMES Ransom Estate - That legal WILL suppressed illegally by GROSS BRITAIN GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN 1938 …& again suppressed with much more violence AFTER

G. B. NOBLE THUGS KILL THE GROTE CHILDREN - for quick DOUGH - So Noble Britain might misbehave about the globe as soon as the 2nd World War ended ! & wear smart togs buy new diamonds etc go to the Casino - keep women in flats … etc !

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX in winter, Harwell, is trying to explain all this - soon Mr Doctor Mengele Harrington Peer-in-Waiting & his secret silence Government noble THUGS are about us finding a way into The Pillar House cellar…listening with 2 tape-recorders as Dr John Fletcher head of Archaeology LAB Oxford explains to us later (he lived in the house 1940s)They wish to STEAL Andre`s NOTEBOOKS which cover his life … small books he might fill one in 2 weeks or a month … EVIL IS ABOUT US ALWAYS…I have never known anything else since I was born 1933…or LENNIE born 1921 Records/records/records ! Nota Bene : RANSOM can SAIL under the FLAG of ZHENG HE` Admiral of the China SEAS with whom we SPEAK PHILOSOPHY/diaries/papers/ …& have 3 Ransom grannies 1400 to 1450 ! Oh how we are HATED by NOBLE BRITAIN for this history !

1967 NOVEMBER - P.J. P. WHITEHEAD HAS agreed to RECEIVE NO POST/mail & is content for Doctor Mengele & other SCUM to take the POST/mail to save him trouble & interference with his Museum work - ALL GRETA`S post/mail has again been taken in name of G.B. Government & Crown & LINDSAYBUGGARHS… GRETA IS NOT TO KNOW WHOM SHE IS or of the vast numbers of relatives WEDDELL GRONLANDER San JULIAN & RANSOM slain & THE FEW WHO HAVE SENT GREETINGS & kindness since 1967 !

HAS WHITEHEAD BEEN THREATENED ? OR HYPNOTIZED ? He has put many many people in danger ! From those who HIDE THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE CHILDREN FOR DOUGH…& HAVE THAT DOUGH …use it for their BIG TIME … !

1960 onwards Andre has tried to get free of TWISTERS - he & General de Gaulle had them clutching from 1946 because of the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children & RANSOM Estate & ITS DOUGH … Andre`s boys were killed deliberately 1961 May - The General dies November 1970 - LEN is a source of great knowledge on the Estate - he has to hide his records -

1937 SUMMER - here in heavy laden human history lands of ancestors of his mother, the young man comes from bloody Spain & his homeland France - 35 years old ANDRE MALRAUX He is taking on board knowledge about how people live & G.R. the child they have invited to stay with them speaks upon matters which often interest him although he believes some to be her dreams-books-grown ups heard talking

1930s onwards- Ransoms/Gordons hath Anabaptist friends at this time-a Non-conformist family named FRENCH- Ironmongers in the Old Road-Mr John French his son a contemporary of us young Ransoms` attending at the Colchester Grammar School

1947 Mr French senior will be standing in for my father FJR-he stopped coming to give me away at the WEDDING OF GRACE the morning of 17 April 1947Miss Winifred Gordon has visits from a bastard penniless nephew-foolishly she lets them enter the big house 5 Colne Road off the seafront.-he- his father visit with a legal team of 2-Ed du Cann is one of her sister Teresas bastards- Born long before Teresa Gordons marriage 1932 to young Frederick John RANSOM born Nov. 1911 ! Mr Winston Churchill

January 1960 ` she got mixed up with a penniless Lawyer called du Cann- wrecked her life - Teresa Gordon`

`IT TOOK TWO TO MAKE THIS CHILD she Mary Gordon said to the father`s family : Mary Gordon family/bastard Du Cann 1924 ` A FAMILY WHO GROW ILLEGALLY PURPLE PLUM- Divinorum Salvia Scotland & NOT just for a tame chemist either/ reports February 1954-

& the Carroll family Irish saga - updated 1960/1978 & 1990/ more information/

We are not growing this narcotic for the bastard`s family of our fathers cousin Mary Gordon by one of her daughters…” An Irish occasion here was written-reported-photographed-Irish humour-& no profit for Du Cann !

Quoted the letters-Andre Malraux saw them December 1957-Mrs Lady Astor opened the door on the past a bit-before JIM & thugs got at her.

1938- onwards-diaries/letters/ Du Cann - ON THE PIN - heroin & Purple plum- They are claiming HALF 1946 of what Greetah Frobisher Weddell RANSOM has inherited at birth & in a legal WILL by her 5th birthday- [proclaimed HEIR at her birth-2 weeks after it was agreed by Nations A to Z - “we will have a girl - trained by Aunt Margaretha & the family - to keep us all safe ” )

ESTATE GROTE HOMES Ransom in 3 Parts : heir chosen at birth by agreement the families of 14 races 27 nations genes/1,500 years/ -but by 1935 December accepted with very much joy & with Lennie of the same calibre- it was seen in our humanism - our early learning - from our families - our ability to run with delicacy that miracle of philanthropy - & welcomed by intelligentsia OF THE WORLD

1. Cheers as the not yet 3 years old & Len FLYER 15 years gave a boy 11 years a scholarship (rides chariots like Mill Frobisher) :

2. got 17 lavatories put up for GREENLAND old ladies & gentlemen (in the wrong town) - result Clacton Pier FEVER letters- they will put up their own PIER & are coming to see us all at the seaside- we get Mr Kingsman whose Grandfather built Clacton Pier to send them the PLANS - My father having to hastily design a bathhouse for the 17 lavatories - asking WHY 17 ? Oh said Lennie - she counted the old Eskimo people ! Aunt Mag paid but said `remind Greetah she does not OWN Xristensharb but JACOPHOLMENletters FROM the old people were wonderful -/

3 Speech MADE successfully in Argentine- Len holding to my big collar & threatening to jerk it if I dare say LINDSAYBUGGARHS…coming 3 years ! / 4 Verandah Magellan Straights for the old people on their Communal Hall…Wood merchant from USA said he should have thought of it & put another on the other side for winter - he would see Aunt Mag in New York & will pay - `you two spend the money on another good WORKS`

5 A girl 6 years half INCA gets a scholarship & 1950s she is safe & looks after her parents & has a very good job in the Town Hall Brazil …Len sees her 1950s -

WE WERE APPROVED AS A TEAM `1935/1936 - our hearts & our UNDERSTANDING IN THE MANNER OF THE JOYOUS VENTURE of Thomas & Margarethe GROTE/ … RIO - phone calls came from Hollywood to JEAN & Uncle Dr Hebedie a Revered Academic on the Weddell side… HOLLYWOOD where Uncle Fred Mac Murray ( the Pied Piper when making a film for he TAKES A MANSION & invites all family children)- FOOD recipes from LEN- everything is homemade in the kitchen with lots of STAFF ! ) is expecting us US ALL in April for a film on GROTE HOMES/the film crew/2 Grote Homes orphans/will stay on after a film …a famous Child has made the introduction to the GROTE HOMES & its on film already- )

1946 - Aug-Sept - du Cann - they came to Clacton Marital Court & said spiteful lies about Greta Ransom & Colin Frederick - they were proved liars - & had used JGR to tell lies & this resulted in him dismissed The Cubs/Scouts for life for lying on Oath to a group of 3 eminent persons- The foul mouths of du CANN were in the Marital Court to keep Teresa Gordon free to harm the more - They keep a mad woman FREE & they supply her with Divinorum Salvia Scotland She gives them information how to STEAL our Estate moneys ! The Marital COURT dismissed them & did not consider a single matter from them in its findings - They have said in public that “Angela gave them property Switzerland & Malaya from the Estate as she has a claim to it…!

1948 - du Cann will brag about Scarlet Town that Greta Ransom had been in MALAYA 1948…They got into trouble for some people dead & a man hung by the father ! I HAD NEVER BEEN TO MALAYA IN MY LIFE I was kept a prisoner of Ed du Cann`s EVIL insane mother Teresa Gordon R. who had knocked me down the stairs March 1945 for my birthday - a three-cornered hole in my skull was found 1953 ! I would like to give them a HOLE in their heads BACK & all of these old freaks & criminally insane who have harmed me since I was born ! This bastard & his freak father are HEROIN SOAKS & keep Mad Mother Kali-Clytemnestra-old Mother Ransom SHEshe loose so she can harm my families ! -THE COURT Requested her sister Miss Winifred Gordon to MAKE ARRANGEMENTS to have her in the local Asylum within a month - meaning October 1946 - then she would be transferred elsewhere by the hospitals & stay in an Asylum until all we three children were over 25 years of age !

It was known that SHE Teresa Gordon with two others from the Earls Crawford & LINDSAY place their GRAND on the seafront …they & she were responsible 1938 for the death of Jean Weddell her husband`s mother…& the poisoning of her own mother 1944 June WHEN SHE HAD JUST RETURNED FROM NOBLE CHUMS IN LONDON by train & that they were responsible for some Grote Homes children being dead on the Continent ! … It was known the matter could not proceed AT LAW because of NOBLE BRITAIN interference …They had all gone mad in the 1920s & Clacton Town had seen it at the LINDSAY Place their GRAND on Clacton Seafront built 1910 but thankfully DEMOLISHED by the COUNCIL some MONTHS AGO …

The Clacton Court & Elders, JPs., sitting with the Churches, Schools, Masonic Lodge, Retired Police, Newspapers etc felt the matter could be kept under control by putting Teresa Gordon where she could not consort with her Noble companions of London Town … The Court states that Ed du CANN bastard born 1924 had NO NEED OF HIS MOTHER Teresa Gordon & it was NONSENSE to say

that if she was in an ASYLUM then IT WOULD INTERFERE WITH HIS CAREER !!!

“ THEY bastard & father INTEND KEEPING TERESA GORDON R. loose to harm Greta and Colin - they have assisted the G.B. criminally insane in Malaya - they drip blood & gore moneys - thousands die because of this determination to aid the G.B. Government & Nobles & Crown cover up - thieve Grote Ransom Estate They are in the hedges of the LAW & THEY TOO ARE THE CRIMINALLY INSANE . »

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