Greta Ransom

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as they had spoken with `young Paccelli` & he said he`d never cancelled the marriage- It was the mother wrecked the marriage - she a daughter of Mary Gordon & Mrs GORDON & her sisters he had always known….” but because of UNHOLY PARIS it had to be a quiet life in London in this lovely house 50 Lancaster Gate Square…which suited Georges & Greetah !

A MATTER OF the twisters POLITICS…` it’s the connexions that matter at this time… `

1920s Italian Lawyers Office/to French Onion Seller 1930s Essex / HANDED A NOTEBOOK FULL TO ARTHUR MALONE /POLITANhe had often noted his life…did not want to publish really- he liked to think about thingsafter the war he’d gone into Petroleum Shares…always good at arithmetic…did well…they lived outside Clacton Town…raised the children… ( later go to Australia to retire…survive…? )

1900s-1940s/1950s/ THE GROTE CHILDREN

… he knew them & gives many of their names… also the names of the Mass Murderers - he has noted their movements after the War `…there were pits after the War in his town Northern France on the Seashores one had small teeth come out … a hotel went up…but the lands were gutted the HOME pulled down within 18 months of the end of War you could not tell who had sold it on … «

(…meaning investigation of the DOCUMENTS of LAW…France & Britain - perhaps Scandinavia too …)

… then the Hotel (went up) but THEY now got the INCOME… he’d made some investigation…THE NOTEBOOK IS IN FRENCH & IT IS FULL…we have published it twice…& added our notes…At first ANDRE MALRAUX could not be bothered to read it … THE BOYS HAD JUST BEEN KILLED …»

Then he ANDRE MALRAUX did read it… some of them he recognised as in Public Service … FRANCE - now we sent investigators … `

…. by this time 1961/1962 … you G.R. were out of it … we felt you could not cope & had retired to your games on the REC … Malone/Politan … says later he had enough evidence to KNOW YOU WERE A VICTIM OF MEMORY LOSS … DOPED ! …but he was stretched in his work … & had to take such care to keep Mr & Mrs Mengele Harrington at bay…from all of us…

… he knew who they were working for…he had begun to get the drift…at Lancaster Gate Square … when ANDRE first engaged him as your Detective & generally for the house & staff - Harry sent Phil Silverlee along…to give Malone a day off once a week… Harry felt he could help a bit …»

1945 He our onion seller of GAUL - CATHOLIC CHURCH on SUNDAYS - had not bothered to remove his mother’s grave from France to England when he settled … along-side it were some with names he`d known when a child in a near place a pit you’d not wish to investigate … in France … `

His wife had spoken to Greta Ransom Xmas 1945 & she told her how she had made her Convent school uniform from her dead grandmother`s clothes … Mrs Potter did not know enough of what had gone on … His wife had been to the hospital & they said Mary Gordon poisoned - it was time to lock Teresa up - they had spoken with Miss Win their sister … `

Captain Ransom was expected back anytime … the War Office had sent instructions ( 1943 ) months ago - `to return for Home Duties`… His wife heard Greta had told a school friend who then told her own mother `SHE Clytemnestra says he that fool FRED RANSOM is to die abroad…` (name given to TGR by G. Rs class 1944) His wife could be found in the school music room … or she might be taking a basket of clothes to the Cleaners for old folk…she did a number of things…she noticed what went on in the town … Greta & Colin were neglected & Greta had St Vitus` Dance rather badly 1944...`

“ … She`d (his wife) speak to Connie Nurse Napper - (1944 & 1945 about the NEGLECT of little Colin & Greta eldest & Greta RANSOM heir to this Estate which included the GROTE HOME that her French husband had grown up alongside 1900/1920s ~ & knew some of the educated children ! ) `

… but she (his wife) did not get close after the wedding April 1947 to ANDRE failed … Fiona-Fueunnula, she had

( Fiona-Feunnula-Faith MACDONALD - early wedding heiress & owner Clacton Manor House/Nursing Clacton Hospital…Records/G.R. our life 1940s Wartime & her records/Andre/Philip S/Malone/Mengele crashing in for The Crown )

been tricked - tripped up … by Miss Winnie Gordon listening to Italian East Enders just out of prison & Borstal …`

` … they’d been paid, the Italian East Enders to break the sombre suited couple up Andre & Greta were of

a similar age because of circumstances

1946 - Suddenly there were extensions to the grounds where a Grote Home had been & now a Hotel had been erected 1948 seashores of Northern France … the end of the 1940s….


the earth received it reluctantly … the idea was to destroy the bones of the children…& there`d be some of the staff down there IN THE PITS…workshops… & homes for retired still in place after the WAR ?… ALL GONE immediately after the 2nd World War …


& by 1946 it was known who they were -

He’d not gone back after 1948 OUR ONION SELLER WHO WAS in a Lawyer`s Office in ITALY when he began his career 1920s/1930s …he had his mother’s grave taken good care of … alongside the pits of the GROTE HOME children slain by those who won the war He had heard of nets full of children dropped about the shores of EuropeHe had talked with those who knew …they had to keep low or lose their lives…”


to STOP this ignorance & bestial GREED …

He manages to get away (lawyer/onion seller) … escape Mengele Harrington & his moneymaking teams … I can say no more…`

LIR - Peter is overboard … he & his brother had little of the humanism of ANDRE MALRAUX & you and I Before the WAR…when we sat by JEAN’s grave (1938 October/December) & we knew they had poisoned her for this doughYOU BECAME `MY ADMINISTERING ANGEL`…we would go on…I was just 18 & you coming 6 years the next year

Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM “ ANDRE before he died cried like a child & said - She Greetha does not have even one memory of being with me - & JO- that summer - or in Lincoln - our journey back across the country -

East Anglia - WHERE I FOUND THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT - after we had come out of SPAIN … ”

Memo G. R. to the dead who now live again : No photo has been shown me, Lennie- of all the thousands back to the 1840s- photos you-my father- your brother John Ray- sent to me in the 1940s-into the 1970s- THERE CAME XMASTIDE 1970/71... a bullying of me from cold faces… at a big gathering in Berkshire…to go look at a photo of me in that far too big Convent School summer hat …. THE ARRIVAL … SUMMER 1937... `

` … it was linked directly at that time to foul sluts & old buggarhs behind my back in 1968 …. Orchestrated by paedophile Doc Mengele HARRINGTON & his Dames of the FOUL MOUTH … all employed by The Crown-the crown-the crown …& criminally insane -

Mengele Harrington spoof Doctor but now Berkshire paedophile sadist … is putting about the Ape Eskimo … “ you were perhaps a nuisance to them on this break they took from SPAIN 1937 & their own lives ` hhhmmmn ? A child under 5 years of age … with that mother … what could you YOU you know… & MALRAUX had been his patient…for many years…”

“… & obscene leering & attacks on my education- & drink me CHALICES putting EGYPTIAN GRANITE IN THE HEAD-

its old tricks from the 1870s when the British NOBS found they`d no money to keep up with the USA…Rothschilds all of that-Racing horses, yachts, new diamonds …” GR

` Tip `em in the Ross Sea-or on chains on a windy mountain top to build something back-THEY ARE EVIL & all ON THE PIN-& ignorant beyond ignorance of any other century of mankind …`

`THE EVIL ARE IN FRIGHT- they might have to take to flight … & grow their crops of Divinorum Salvia Scotland elsewhere- or how to pay their Bills ?

LIR Lennie (tapes 1970s - after Wing Commander Michael Morris both World Wars DSOs got them from PJPW in Department of FISHES -

BM Natural History … in a locked drawer 1981…/also MARTYR Philip Silverlee`s LAST TAPE 1976 `You will not hear from me again`

Michael & friends felt Greta had been played these tapes perhaps at night when asleep or drowsy …but might not recall He & Jill his wife (in Cabinet Room Falklands War) were well aware of these tricks `Junk Fraud Balls & Bunkum`…they‘d been in Cairo & Alexandria wartime… Jill dies too soon… LEN c 1981 has died & there is shock about the understanding at The Pillar House - but more tricks go on … more loss of life … 2 people who had known Andre Malraux & were of his age… spoke perfect French…

Mengele HARRINGTON got a foul message put on the BBC c 1980/81…the old 3rd Programme…now RADIO III …about Len saying he was wanted for questioning … it was known THEY … THE LINDSAY & PONG & other monsters … HAD BEEN CLOSING IN ON LEN since ANDRE MALRAUX died…for they could take off by sea or air together…guarding places & peoples…

IT WAS KNOWN EVIL WERE ALL MEETING, with big business freaks, over at WANTAGE in a palatial place… other persons in the REALM had listening equipment too…! « it was said they had `a grocer`s errand boy` some nights…the talk was often about lands in foreign lands they could lay hands on…from an Estate some in Communist Socialist nations…it was not too late to claim it …TITO dead…things were loosening up…»

(…the Newfoundland heiress niece Castle/Sible Hedingham of the good soldier PATRICK MACDREW strangled age 9 by Lindsay & Pong 1942…has also lands down Yugoslavia/her grandpa spoke Yugoslavian…they are a 900 years old ESSEX trading SEA family… RECALL…she Miss M. MacDREW 1942 is in the same school & class as GRETA RANSOM…who is receiving spiteful messages from Angela `I am to call myself Pearl Barley…` )

1980s - PJPW had failing health … he travelled a lot for the BM Natural History as his FISHES The Clupeiods/ HERRING like fishes went round the WORLD & Pole to Pole… sneaked up rivers … (b 1930-d 1992)

1953 onwards - Mr Mengele Harrington Peer-in-waiting… makes people ill who know of GROTE RANSOM Estate…it is in the way of his EVER COMING PEERAGE for his noble work destroying with his Naval Intelligence Teams - many of whom know of this FRAUD & bestial dope madness…THE GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND… begun by THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ….

1979 - The removal of an accomplice … had again AN ATTEMPT TO ANCHOR TO THE CRIMINALS … `THIS MOST FOUL CRIME` … the equivalent of the Nazi Camps butchery…EXAMINATION of the deaths given to some GROTE HOMES CHILDREN had many persons say `it is WORSE than the Concentration Camps The 1960 Colne Engaine/Onion Seller & comrades … passing Territorials had become figures of mists & dark nights… they would not go for the WOMEN as it was against their CODE…but where they could they WOULD GIVE THEM IT BACK-as they slew the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN… /Records/


BECAUSE TWO YOUNG ESSEX SEA HEIRESSES age 9 years in same class Clacton School 1942.….one murdered horribly …the other attacked mercilessly since birth… & by THEM…NOBLE criminally insane OF GROSS BRITAIN-always penniless…grow a dangerous crop Scotland …pays the bills…& sold & sent overseas to factories etc. for the RICE BOWL/potage… Gives maniacal strength- hits brain in 2 seconds…can be powdered for other results evil ….

1977/79 LIR This is what he ANDRE wanted you to hear from him & remember…The CATHEDRAL MONUMENT- Lincoln- You have to change the middle letter to a J ”- & it is his Father’s cousinship - their line… his SEA ANCESTORS … as we hath- `

LIR speaks on - Mengele has threatened he will blind me with wire & have me thrown in the seas - he is so insane ”

Nota bene : 1948 - TGR Mad Mother Kali tried blind GR with electric cable - the cuts down my forehead took 2/3 years to heal…Magowan photographer threatened to get some Scotsmen to finish her off …

But these EVIL CREEPS held over everyone threats of EXPOSURE of the FAILED marriage of GEORGES Andre Malraux & Greta…the disgrace to the Vatican…let alone Holy FranceMALRAUX did not know the marriage was NOT dissolved by Pope Pius 12 until he went to see him November 1957 …10 years on -

`They boxed it clever` these dope-fiends … always after

THE BIG WIN…! THEY HAVE ALL GOT SUCH OBSCENE MINDSthese old Nobles of 1920s& are expert BLACKMAILERS We hear 1961 Mafia a certain nation excused themselves ALL their own crimes after hearing some of the seizure with violence of Aunt Mag & TIG`s Estate…the Hollywood Bowl was got back for awhile 1960s …

1946 - Nota bene : Teresa Gordon R. kept loose by Ed du Cann her bastard 1924 - & his father in the LAW- Lindsaybuggarhs too… THE Marital COURT September 1946 requested her sister Miss Winifred to put her in the Tendring Essex Nut House for an unspecified time - my father FJR having WON the Case & got CUSTODY his daughter & 2 sons September 1946 ... She since 1946 had been told by her Palace & marble halls parties FIENDS to put Greta into factory work & run her health down again…

1945 September - TGR & her Noble GANG are destroying so many opportunities to BEGIN TO SAVE THE ESTATE & have my father meet MALRAUX - It was THE STEALING OF THE POST of all of us AGAIN with the NOBLE AUTHORITY of these MURDERERS OF THE GROTE CHILDREN… it had violence breaking out at us all the more… TGR`s NOBLE CHUMS were NOT GIVING HER A BIG PLACE & MONEYS… They had USED HER ! But she got DOPE…& some doors OPEN !

They were all helping themselves since 1938 SUMMER :

when two big cheques from GROTE Brokers to my grandfather FCFR were stolen…one for my School Fees until I am 18 years of age of 15,000 pounds… The other very big which was CAPITAL for us all…& for FCFR to invest … often he used the FOUNDLING HOSPITAL & this mean`t they got a percentage … The 2 RANSOM brothers Fabricius & JOHN were among the 350 or so Founder Members …18th century-

1970 Peter J.P. WHITEHEAD BM Natural History Museum is told horrible things about my RANSOM grandparents by some well suited THIEVES at the new Foundling Hospital building… Jesu Henri ! They have such filthy lying mouths & often have this DOPE up their SNOUTS…

1948 - she TGR pennilesshit at me in her dope-drunkenness & tried blind me with wire … insisting with a grin God wanted her to -

Greta & Andre have had the marriage destroyed by SHEshe TGR - Clytemnestra/MAD Mother KALI/Old Mother Riley/ & Miss Win stupid beyond belief listening to du Cann bastards OF THE LAW… & Lindsay maniacs I also have that HOLE IN MY SKULL from my birthday 1945 12 years of age…when she hit me with a metal something & kicked me down the stairs … at THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC…that happy elegant little house & garden WHEN SHE WAS NOT THERE … Andre sitting in an armchair reading `THE HOTSPUR` June 1945 !!! He does not like the BIGGLES BOOKS ! I say when he Colonel Andre Malraux lights a fag

Biggles lit ANOTHER cigarette …” I do not smoke -

1949 - when Greta`s entry to Colchester NE Technical College was suggested by the sister of Laura Lawrence our Head/Drama English/Pathfields School … Treasa-CLYTEMNESTRA thought she could get money for blinding Greta I - G.R. got to College with the help of those trying to help all of us after the FALL of the WEDDING OF GRACE … & Andre & Mr Winnclemann gave 200 pounds to Aunt Miss Winifred ex ATS to get me some clothes for I am GROWING AS BIG AS MALRAUX ! Mad mother KALI took half of it ! But Esther got back 40 pounds ! So we went to Selfridges with 140 pounds September 1949 & got me some girls College clothes…!

But SHEshe was allowed to INSIST she had scrubbed floors to find the money for this !!! ~ THEY ALL LIE LIKE THIS - NOBLE BRITAIN AT THE VERY TOP !

I & others 1947 onwards … were wondering why she was not LOCKED UP…

GROTE HOMES FRANCE the seashores born 1900 & growing up knowing the children educating to 18 years with 3-4 languages …

the FRENCH Onion Seller/ex-Italian LAWYER & his wife were only two of many alarmed at the POWER of these noble brutes of Gross Britain & SCANDINAVIA ! ( Miss Laura Lawrence NEWNHAM Cambridge is a Rathbone connexion in our pedigree WHITEHEAD…)

1940s - ALL THE EDUCATED PEOPLE HELPED SO MUCH & other good souls - as much as they could - they did not follow her/their/use of MEMORY REMOVE DOPES… & yet this was why she went to Prison 1920s - ALL THIS GANG were in the rich old man`s HOME at the first house of Hilldrop Crescent, Highgate…All enjoying parties …

YOUNG NOBLE BRITAIN of this Roaring 1920s ill educated HIGH DOPE USER gangs, ALL KNEW HOW TO PINCH A BIT OF CASH FROM old relatives…or get a piece of jewellery to pawn…etc etc etc….THEY HAD NO MONEY as they saw it ! THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE A DIVINE CLASS & GOD INTENDED THEY BE RICH…

1940s early 1950s - LINDSAY Earls have had their GRAND on Clacton seafront pulled down 1946 but THEY ARE OFTEN ABOUT…Frinton…or gone to the Races Newmarket then prowling about Colchester -

1950 - EARL LINDSAY 14 - was spotted GLARING AT GRETA OUTSIDE THE MOOT HALL Colchester he had said that she was a young person of immorality of his family …& he did not recognise her … HE WANTED HER WATCHED…& dismissed THE COLLEGEThe College & Elders Colchester Town wanted to kick him out of the Town…The LINDSAY MOB are often under suspicion for various crimes… but are The Premier Earls of GROSS BRITAIN & SCOTLAND…& run GANGS of THUGS …

SHEshe Clytemnestra was grinning when I returned from College - the Head had made a reference but that I was not to worry - It was frightening… I said nothing to her - ACTED AS IF I HAD NOT AT ALL UNDERSTOOD …changed the subject…She relies on me to clean the flat & organise everything - She has over two thousand pounds RACING CREDIT from Angela & LINDSAYs … She can Back horses with 3 firms … This is increased to 5,000 pounds in 1953 …THEREFORE SHE MUST SIT HOURS sticking PINS in LISTS OF HORSES in the newspapers …drinking from a bottle of Martelle BRANDY - If I see it in a humungomarket in France I feel ill - miserable - & IT OPENS UP THE MEMORY OF ALL OF EVIL NOBLE BRITAIN …& I see them in my memory … at their CRIMES again …

1951 - ENTER - LINDSAY Count SPADEWHEELER of the 1930s -

I took a job at an very respectable Chartered Accountant firm in a garden with old family house in the centre of Colchester/Bland Fielden - I was 17 years of age -

The Princess Judith who married LEON Petralengro (Cambridge University & a Pilot RAF etc.) looked after me/her father-in-law is called King of the Gipsies & her father a British Army Major had FITS over her being called Princess but she was a perfect one from story books … Her father had FITS over some activities of her in-laws ! But they were old now & lived in a modern house -

Aunt Margarethe Mrs Thomas Grote had a FRENCH Gipsy Tribe 1900s…they elected her their Queen after she had taken an orphan to educate- then the difficult one came in for 2 years - he was very good at music/ the first orphan stayed from 7 years to 18 years & went into French Local Town administration & lived happily to mid-50s…I do not recall if he had wife & children …

Gipsy Petrulengro who had a STARS column in a Newspaper cannot have not known of GROTE HOMES… The Tribe IN FRANCE that adopted Aunt Margarethe did not want anything…they thought her a good woman…she may have set up an Umbrella for them in health/schooling/lands/homes for the elderly with all mod-cons-

There were lots of photographs black & white of her with the Tribe and Lennie a young boy running about…my father & grandparents…I expect JEAN danced her own Spanish choreography classical ballet to da FALLA 3 Cornered Hat & Debussy`s IBERIA…

1856 onwards - Margarethe RANSOM began Welfare for her workers families & old folk at Dussledorf when she was still in her teens - proper housing with bathrooms & anyone falling ill was cared for & did not lose their home - they could be transferred to other work if they wished … THE GIRL OF THE SNOWS had civilised CARE of the PEOPLES & LANDS far in advance of Gross Britain …

1951/1952 - THE ELDERS at this firm Colchester I worked for about a year KNEW QUITE A BIT about the Estate & Homes - & the MALRAUX WIDOWHOOD & then romantic early marriage to his Ward ! But it had not worked- 1949/1953 the town of Colchester was quite a buzz in The Red Lion over a second heiress of the SEA…grown to full height … MALRAUX EMPEROR OF GAUL ENTERED CAMULODUNUM COLONIA VICTRICENSIS

“ A frog he would a wooing go … sang Colchester Madrigal Society with him … December 1953

1951 - I was 17 years …not a good typist or shorthand writer - but we had also done Political History at the College which I liked - The other girls were protective of me too - a nice girl called Ardene whose parents had gone on holiday to France before she was born & called her after a forest … she had a good sense of humour …

MALRAUX was not in pictures in my memory at all … it had become SHEER HORROR OF WHAT I COULD NOT RECALL…something dreadful beyond a GREAT WALL… & something I did not recall at all for weeks or months…then the SHEER HORROR would jump out at me… as if I had lived another life…beyond ROMAN BRITAIN or the wall known as The Lost Wall beyond HADRIAN`s Wall …I had 3 girl friends from the College-

I was not too bright because SHEshe Clytemnestra was clearly doping me to stop A MEMORY …but she liked having some of my WAGES …

This APE to be Earl 15 got polite dismissal from Colchester…

1952 - A year later when when I had forgotten these things so very frightening but always half understood at 17, 18 years old … THE MOB LINDSAY tried make trouble COLCHESTER MUSEUMS … A Master Graham Greene CATHOLIC Convert was CAREFUL but gave me some polite protection/ Clearly he could not understand WHY THIS FAMILY LEFT Greetah-GRETA with Teresa Gordon…he had seen her AT THE RACES 1930s with all of THEM

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