Greta Ransom

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She did not confide in the old man with the Chemist Shop … he had been an important medical figure abroad - Professor WINNCLEMANN - OH SHE , WIN, KEPT ME AWAY FROM SOME OF THEM … I could say about Fred`s family Estate … I did not come to the Service in the Church … the early arrangement … permission from the VAT …

` …. About girls` getting hitched early ? … Oh they`d usually have a big wedding again … when the girl got to 17 … it was just after the war & austerity …` Andre & the old man the Chemist the Austrian German … some other people about the town … felt she was `nt going to live … with what was coming around from her Mother … her father having to see to things … keep leaving …

Nobody was telling me things … or Esther … not enough… on account of us being the youngest in the families …

Too early ? Well that`s what I thought but nobody agreed with me … girls went to College … They`d been spooning for a few months after he had been over a year … & it was felt to be more than the glamour of his uniform ! … When it collapsed the end of the summer I said it was The Dissolution of the Monasteries all over again … we were told it was finished … then 10 years on he, ANDRE, got told by the POPE IT WAS STILL ON !

…. Years later you can understand what it was about … greed & terrible deeds … well they will be well judged in Heaven … its surprising more of them wer`nt done in … but folks forget …

WIN felt it was suitable & he had the little boys … but it had to be agreed by the Church…& on HIGH Girls had to grow up fast always in Wars … but I did not know of the troubles before the WAR … I came down 1938 for my birthday 19 years … that was when I was first aware of her Cousin Treasa … acting the Empress ordering Aunt Mary her mother about & always coming in for money … But I was` nt told anything beyond she had got in with the wrong kind … THEN THE WAR CAME … we went in the ATS … `

ANDRE ? I DID NOT KNOW HIM WELL I was working up in MANNI & living with my parents … I saw him a half dozen times over the 2 years & then only when he was in the kitchen for a cup of tea … it was rationing after the WAR … you`d give anyone a cup of tea & a bun from the corner shop … If you got there early morning you could get a bag of doughnuts & buns …

` Edward … THEY had been getting round her Win since Aunt Mary died so suddenly (Mary Gordon poisoned 3 June 1944) I knew nothing about it … it was the neighbours alerted me first to HIM in that blue car … chasing little boys on our Front … Police said they`d tip him off end of Pier if he did not keep out…I thought it was ANDRE came down … The descriptions were so like him Andre … I had began to read his books - SHE KEPT IT ALL TO HERSELF … She was not the one with the brain …`

1960 January - Dr John RAY ® takes NIGHT WATCH …

He & the Andre Malraux Ghost house Team Colne Engaine are hoping to catch the MONSTERS WHO THEY ARE WARNED ARE TO MURDER GRETA RANSOM … Records/he got 3 with a gun & a car jack blow to its head in the dark …/account is in these documents calls to car driver & perhaps another ` I`m bleeding like a pig … pulls first murderer away from the caravan door … & is shot in BUM by USA American Agent JR® - on official duty for USA State Department … from 1958 … the murderers drove off /

Nota bene : The parents of the young Kennedy family from the 1940s have been in touch with Dr John RAY & Dr Len Immanuel Ransom … They had known Margarethe Ransom GROTE & visited at the Bridal House Long island It was this connexion that had Rose Kennedy have Lennie put the body of his mother JEAN WEDDELL Ballerina in her family Mausoleum… they knew of the madness of destroying graves & burning bodies … to have no evidence of anybody being robbed … JEAN in her purple lavender frock with the scarlet flowers in her hair was put in the KENNEDY USA family grave until she could be transferred to somewhere safeIn 1980 it was still NOT SAFE to move her She was poisoned age 52/3 by the IMPERIAL THIEVES… end of Summer 1938 …

1960 January - a frosty night Colne Engaine Gallows Corner the little meadow where Greta Ransom who felt she was ALL ALONE IN THE WORLD has put her very own HOME the new caravan Mistral …. ALONE … except for threats coming VIA Treasa Gordon R. from the monsters in WHITES Club a Vice Bar run by dirty JIMMIE … Cur James … She & he drink & DOPE there ….

By the little window of the caravan about 11 pm a cold winter night he begins to speak softly about his research : I THOUGHT IT WAS ANDRE MALRAUX…the voice so like… with a few American pronunciations of some words…that the British do not use… `Reeesearch` … & the use of the Greek KUDOS … & I was happy that the Emperor of GAUL had come to take THE NIGHT WATCH …

“ MAGGIE RANSOM CAREW CAREW RANSOM “ SHE married him the first CAREW … & she may have been a little older than him/5 years ? … She had the money … & the lands abroad …

HER STRATEGY WAS TO HIT VENICE TWO YEARS with a young husband … she taught him about other lands & took him into circles abroad where he had to learn the languages … she taught him to manage her Estates … he turns into a good man & SAILS … TRADES … then the accident… Now her daughter 15 years dies & it might have been in childbirth - whether Henry VIII was flirting there … they were all young people … but he goes to see her, Henry, to express his sorrows & writes … Her son is drowned at SEA …” ….

1963 KENT/Harrietsham England - Records were in place 1960 - & in 1963 I am told by a member of the GILBERT/Rayleigh family `Your name is all over our house when we go to the CAREW branch …

No not Greta … your surname … R A N S O M ….

“ SHE IS TOLD TO TAKE ANOTHER CAREW - presumably by HENRY … …She repeated her PLAN as with the first Husband CAREW … THEY HIT VENICE 2 YEARS … He did not like the colour of her hair … nut brown with reddish lights (See Lazarus Kalkar Altar) SO SHE ALWAYS WORE A WIG OF BLACK WHEN THEY WERE OUT ON SHOW …she is painted with a black wig … but in the painting that was at Montrose she is 90 years by then … a good strong face & Len has drawn her for me …` ….

“ Her second family a son & daughter again … & they lived - But DISASTER AGAIN …. Her second Carew husband was returning by moonlight lanes on a treacherous frosty night … they had been to a Meeting in the Town … the outcome would give prosperity & be good for the area … HE WAS MURDERED her second good CAREW … found by the search party in the mud & frost …`

“ SHE SET UP HER BOAT REPAIRS YARD at MONTROSE … & made INVENTIONS that could be fitted in ships … She would be down there in coarse clothes directing & urging the work on … She was a harsh Mistress sometimes but she took good care of her workers … they had WELFARE … homes & very good food midday & she saw to this herself often stirring pots … & they had security … WHAT A GIRL !

After his MURDER … THE CAREWS BECAME DIFFICULT … they did not wish to release to she & her son an Estate over in Devon … SO SHE TOLD THEM TO GO TO HELL … Her son goes to SPAIN … she brought up the children of his marriage … at MONTROSE FARM … they were all raised well … HER SON TAKES THE NAME RANSOM IN SPAIN … & she often took her own name MARGARET RANSOM when Trading …`

` …. She had PERMISSION from Henry … presumably because of her grandmother the Lady Japan … & F.R. an educated Renaissance man & Trader … She could LEAVE THE SHORES without a visit to The White Hall… ` Notebooks of Arthur Malone

recorded some of the RANSOM histories from Dr JOHN RAY ®

FAMILY HISTORY 1930s : The two sons of F.R. & Lady Japan

(one is Maggie’s father) are in a painting by Holbein - documents have been destroyed or hidden away since the marriage of Millie Frobisher (with a LINDSAY mother ) to JOHN RANSOM - the thieves do not want the Family RANSOM/Weddell to have any kudos - They RIP OFF with massive murders GROTE HOMES & Ransom Estate in 3 Parts - Seashores - Reserves - Settlements the globe -

A to Z - independent nations…/Records mentioned 1960/Andre Malraux Detectives Colleagues/Ransom family …

1980s-1990s - PAWS-CLAWS -Saddle bags & buckets are filled at the last remnants of the greatest piece of philanthropy the world can ever know into the 1990s - THAT JOYOUS VENTURE- Thomas Grote HOMES & Margarethe Ransom Grote the GROTE HOMES & Estate in 3 Parts - seashores-reserves-settlements-Umbrellas of the arts-music-welfare for the POOR- investment in TRANSPORT late 1820s onwards …

1820s - 1954 electrics & sound/Old Grandfather of Ben Westinhause inventing things in his garden shed & Margarethe`s DAD calling by & suggesting improvements EMI the biggest holding of shares in 1954 March heir Greta Ransom co-heir LEN Immanuel RANSOM he highly educated A Master of JAPANESE language with his other dozen languages of the literature histories humanism & all civilized UNDERSTANDING !

1953 CHRISTMAS - INFORMATION GIVEN TO BROWN rnvr Lieutenant Commander David S. Brown of West Hartlepool XMAS NEW YEAR 1953/54 & he trying CLAIM THE EMI HOLDINGS Property RANSOM Family … tries get the complete LOT IN CASH FOR HIMSELF & pay to keep his kids in posh schools - Spring 1954 went round the globe on a spree on the 21,thousand pounds given to Greta Ransom by Arran Solicitors for her 21st birthday … she told NOTHING OF THIS … or ANDRE MALRAUX … Teresa Gordon R. given 200 pounds & a new suit for her middle child JGR … Records Andre Malraux Detectives Colleagues 1960 onwards ….

( one of the Brown offspring is JAILED 16 YEARS 1970S for FRAUD against an old Midlands Firm where he is Accountant & hands to his father DSB rnvr a share of what he has MILKED OFF - eventually the sentence reduced because he was

“ under the influence of an older man …” )

Born 1916 … Lieutenant Commander David S BROWN submarines … (writes music/a ballad AMYTHYST MARCH 1953 for the submarine heroic river escape ) 1954 GIVEN DOPE GALORE free by orders JIM Steward WHITES CLUB… & EARL LINDSAYS nos 14 & 15 to Doc Mengele Harrington Royal Satrap Gollum …

( Mengele Doctor HARRINGTON has early 1950s insignia on his car saying member of Royal Household - no Police can stop him doing 90 m.p.h. on the roads up North … ) Doc Mengele HARRINGTON has been called in by Scandinavian NAVY figures to treat ANGELA 1951 /records/reports/Medics of high degree about Scarlet Town 1950s before they go on the BRAIN DRAIN ...

NOBLE SCUM … THEY all intend sharing out THIS GREAT SHARE HOLDING … ignoring by using their NOBLE KUDOS that it is in names of Legal owner Margarethe RANSOM GROTE murdered 1938 - & she to her chosen HEIRS Greta Ransom & Lennie Imm. RANSOM … born 1933 & 1921 …


ALL EMI now taken off him by LINDSAYBUGGARHS EARLS & they must give Angela & her MEN their share … BROWN was set off on a raft from SPAIN which was sunk off Atlantic coast c 1973 … rammed by a tanker … & he is reported in European & G.B. press as a torso still alive minus legs & arms netted by fishermen… in a hospital the heart was beating the face gone … he died after 19 hours …/ PJPW of the BM Natural History & others were asked to comment on the FISHES THAT WOULD HAVE EATEN HIM … they did so …

? 1973 - ANDRE MALRAUX SWEPT IN - to The Pillar House Harwell - ONE NIGHT WITHOUT WARNING … George-Andre looking a towering figure in a great dark coat … not his usual romantic USA raincoat of the South Pacific musical kind … did everyone have a look of grim satisfaction … ? Brown rnvr submarines … was clearly coming back BROKE & to perform more evil for NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavia … I was not allowed in the dining room where PJPW spreads out his History of Natural History files he works on evenings … but MALRAUX raised his voice somewhat … & we made eye contact … I feel we are two stars in the blackness of the Universe side by side but we cannot communicate … our gravitational pull holds us upright… ( Something like that passes across the mind WHEN TRYING TO RETRIEVE LOST TIME …)

1973 ? - A Court Case of some kind had to happen in SPAIN & Reports appeared in newspapers & a BBC comment on a torso fished out of the water … & endless reports of SPANISH NAVY having FUN with British Navy… a very prominent person Oxfordshire countryside had everyone collect these newsprints up … he said `THEY WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE RECORDS … all evidence removed … `

19th century - THE JOYOUS VENTURE the delicate flower garden around the globe … of RANSOM SEA TRADERS … & TIGGY GROTE setting his HOMES for orphans upon them… ALL EDUCATING WITH 3/4 languages TO 18 YEARS OF AGE … the children come out to Act the Gospels Out … ANDRE MALRAUX in autumn 1937 was made GUARDIAN of the HOPE FOR THE WORLD … The SOURCE that could never run dry …

Thus Greetah Frobisher Weddell Ransom not quite 3 years-played the spoons at Memphis - was it with Muddy Waters ? & went to a New York Midnight performance in German of The Trojans…& escaped 1935/1936 into CULTURE-HUMANISM-SCIENCE & such very civilized human beings from GREENLAND all the way down to Tierra del Fuego calling at all the South American GROTE HOMES for Aunt Mag (as LIR age 15 FLYER is allowed call her) …WE ESCAPED TO THE GLOBE A-Z & to the Races & Nations that have made us … counting back to Aurora Ransom a 6 foot Berber daughter of a well-to-do father BERBER at Castile 7-8th centuries « Aurora has eyes the colour of the Spanish Dawn » writes her 5th child the cripple but the happy chronicler of the family … he/she tells us that he/she is happy …`



FIGURES IN A MORGUE who kill so easily to get DOUGH …

1830s - TRANSPORT 19th century - AN IMPORTANT MATTER All forms of Transport- all Steam - electric communications …then AIR after 1910 was invested in 1820s-1930s by Fred Ransom & his daughter Margarethe & her brothers John & Poul - Fred Ransom my grandpa twice back whom I G.R. knew so well - there were thousands of photographs of his life - letters - documents of our civilized manner of living - When I am coming 3 years old the family RANSOM say my strength comes from meeting his GHOST on Jacopsholmen Island our Utopia-Democracy West GreenlandOctober 1935 … « She said her name & he jumped in …» FJR

1961 spring-early Summer - Colne Engaine an honourable old man arrives - SHOCKED AT THE KILLING OF ANDRE MALRAUX’S TWO GROWN SONS May 1961- He begins to help in June - assisted by friends in Law/Territorial Army & others - Arthur Malone had no idea I did not know him - that he had been ACID REMOVED from my young memory 1940s … The forthcoming pages give an idea of the gathering of information & the background to the research & what is being learned by Andre Malraux Detectives Colleagues Relatives from CHRISTMASTIDE 1959 - 1961 - the stealing & examining of the Post/mail, the telephones tapped/bugged were well arranged & Mengele Harrington losing his temper at the local Post Office Earls Colne got him NOTICED … & he insisted he worked for the Crown …

The speech of the GOOD MAN of Manchester - he was soon discovered to be objecting to the greatest crime of mankind- & he did not live too long- he was kept sedated by Orders the obscene violent criminally insane who have all the modern technology of Naval Intelligence - & other thugs-they can spy on any households - `they … G.B. RN … are too familiar with General de Gaulle’s French country home in 1956 boasting `how easy to walk in`… records Naval Intelligence/ JIM - Earls LINDSAYs -

Mengele Doc Harrington et al - & Andre Malraux Detectives Colleagues Friends 1960 onwards SO ARE THEY JUST swigging THE NAPOLEON BRANDY …?

1959 December 17th - An aunt Miss Teresa Butler born 1899, the eldest niece of Mary Gordon not known to Malraux & detectives had spoken on the VIOLENCE & FRAUD she found herself entered into from 1933 the birth of Greetha- She is dead by April 1960 after making recovery from a poisoning clearly arranged by Doctor Mengele Harrington & Treasa Gordon R her cousin - Mengele Harrington visits the week of her death pushing in the door of her two sisters home Colne Road Clacton-on-Sea where she was recovering in April- They poor things were just up & making their tea at 8.30 am …“ The Doctor with the blue car pushed into our home …” (information 1973 to Peter J.P. Whitehead Fishes BM Natural History ) -

Miss Bessie Butler & Miss Winifred Butler, Roman Catholics born in Manchester - their mother sister to Mary Gordon /Win was Petty Officer in Navy 2nd World War 1973 speaking to PJPW they also blamed the death of their only BROTHER Dr John Butler on the FRAUD allowed over the GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE … “ Our brother CAME TO HELP GRETA & ANDRE MALRAUX when she was living near Colchester but there was nothing he could do to have her understand the situation …”

1960 April - Mengele Doctor Harrington demanded to see their elder sister Teresa Butler that April morning of his frightening visit - they had heard from Miss Win Gordon their cousin that this Doctor was investigating For the Crown everyone in the families He had demanded to see “the patient” & he strode past them & went to her bed & pushed a bunch of mimosa in her face - she could not breath & died later - it is an old trick putting poisons in mimosa…19th century onwards /records 1973

Nota bene : they Teresa/Winifred/little Bessie Butler … are the first cousins of Miss Winnie Gordon & came to Arran Hebrides to receive the baby Greta 3 months old from the Police … The Police had much evidence of a nasty planned crime to be laid at Mrs Margareth Grote`s door ! “ The child was found nailed under the doorstep of The Grange Arran & pure chance had men about to leave in a boat with their dog investigate -they heard a muffled little cry …” - The three young women did not tell Mary Gordon or young Fred J. Ransom the baby`s father They were intimidated by the EARL OF LINDSAY & his noble SCUM …

1933 June - THE EARL OF LINDSAY told these three spinsters THEY COULD ONLY HARM HIS FAMILY IF THEY proceeded with the POLICE plans to CHARGE THE PERSONS WHO HAD BEEN MERRYMAKING in Mrs Grote`s house … & burning her 3 Gericault paintings & destroying documents & works of art …

He believed “ the child Greta Ransom should never have been born...” He said the Inheritance belonged to HIS FAMILY LINDSAY & Crawford Premier Earls of Gross Britain … He does not say & half shares go to Ange & Tree & JIM ~~~~

1933- 1959 - Aunt Terry Butler had in distress kept a collection of documents & added things from time to time - She also told ANDRE MALRAUX December 1959 very clearly as she had to Arthur Malone of the bestial PLANNED MURDER OF GREETHA 1933 summer -

1933 June - LINDSAY & others with the child`s mother had June 1933 nailed the 4 months old Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM her aunt Mary Gordon`s grand-daughter … under the floorboards of a door to The Grange ARRAN - left the Island - gone for 22 hours - taking boats - after burning contents of the home of Mrs Grote - also barbaric behaviour to the babe Greta Ransom - baby was hurled in the sea at one time by Earls heirs & others - it was left naked in an outside privy in a basin & not fed … the island women crept in when the Party were visiting other parts & houses on the Island … they fed the child …”

1933 June- REPORT TO ANDRE MALRAUX December 1959 by Miss Teresa Terry Butler Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex…

… The 3 Catholic girls Gordon & Butler DECIDED THE YOUNG FATHER Frederick J. RANSOM WAS NOT TO BE TOLD - there was sufficient harassment from a woman called Angela & her men friends to Mary & George Gordon - it had begun with a little half Chinese man JIM who was a companion to Angela … he had been a nuisance since the Great War & he was a COMPANION of the LINDSAY EARLS … could stay in their place on the seafront… the GRAND it had been called but the Council had it pulled down after

the War because it was slipping & dangerous …” Notes/T. Butler


he would take his breakfast & eat on the seafront SUMMER 1945 … HE COULD MAKE NOTES … for his work … he now knew the Lindsay gang had tried remove every scrap of evidence they were ever at Clacton-on-Sea … since 1946 when the GRAND was pulled down… he thought he had some photos of it taken before the WAR with Jo & Greetah …

…. she was the eldest niece & Aunt Mary was more like a sister to her after they had lost their mother Julia Aunt Mary‘s sister

Aunt Mary had confided in her the troubles … & now 1933 they were magnified … An attack had been made on Uncle George Aunt Mary`s husband on the seafront in daylight…They had come out of the GRAND drunk … he had been torn off his bike and his painting things scattered all over the road … That was 1934 ... Angela had called at him sometimes `the Law Enforcement Man …in a cheeky way… IT WAS BECAUSE THEY COULD ALL GET THESE POWDERS …the chemists should NOT SELL THEM TO THEM … She felt Aunt Mary was a bit naive here …they could get these DOPES anywhere in that society … THE TRUE BLUES …”

She Miss Butler the elder sister was not told what her two holy sisters & cousin Miss Winnie were handling in Scotland- When she knew in the October she had collected all she could in sorrow - CLEARLY THEY WERE AT PAINS TO SEE MARY GORDON did not know what her daughter TERESA & her wild friends were up to with the new baby Greta Ransom - The young father came of a family intelligent & they travelled the world … she could speak on literature & painting with him… he & his family were musicians … the boy LEN sometimes was asked to come into an orchestra if someone was sick Miss Butler said that she felt one day perhaps her collection could become a novel - or it could be of use explaining the century - ”

1937 - 1939 She had written to ANDRE MALRAUX two very short letters asking him to see her - a postcard perhaps two, near 19 or 20 years ago … this was between Christmas 1937/39 before WAR broke out … then she had gone in the Land Army … She had expected a reply to her side of the family in Manchester when she heard he was Guardian to her niece … she had not received any reply` She signed herself T. Butler -

1960/61 … `ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN DONE TO YOU TO GET YOUR MONEY it has nothing to do with the character of you or your family … it was decided to try & get hold of the old Eskimo`s fortune before you were born … plotted by a pack of rascals … become wickedly insane long ago on narcotics & their Class Divine fame … abroad they are regarded as a nuisance & the dead children are linked to them … they make pompous noise about saving their class when they are amongst themselves with shutters closed & candles lit an inbred pack of rascals … some call themselves `in business` … `

1920s-1930s - Reports gathered : & from Miss Terry Butler speaking to Arthur Malone & ANDRE MALRAUX December 1959 `The family of her dead mother Julia Williams Butler also had a problem at the time of the intrigues & bitterness at the Gordon families by JIM & Angela & their 1920s gangs …this was with the Montague family - concerning a sexual attack which made a girl pregnant who was reaching her 12th year … a very small child she was sent with other children by a Catholic Mission for Convalescence to a big PLACE with grounds … the man would emerge from a wooded area … the children were too frightened to complain … `

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