Greta Ransom

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( Wax Dolls stolen by JIM on the pin from the lower cupboard the O`Neill Ayrshire big house on the farm the day he killed Margarethe Ransom Grote 15 Mai 1938 they have been soaked in cleaning fluids & cleaned thoroughly (report-conservation ! ) … & on display in the ` A bloody Liar Dusty Mansion in France ` where a label may say an ancestor collected them ( LIES ! ) (medics/intellectuals/spies/ 1953 Xmastide…many will go brain-drain from Gross Britain …)

Information from a young victim present Greta Ransom … confirmed by Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960 onwards … & onwards …

` But the devotion to nature - the commonsense understanding

of a world shared with other forms of life- the dependency- was born in them- it had been passed on from father Jacop from his parents both dead so tragically by the time he was 15 years old...Jacop`s children could read their grandparents in Papers/Plays/letters copied…

Music …

(as Captain Alan Villiers tells PJPW & GRW 1967/68

“one sail Margarethe gave us the key it was all in the house the writings of the GRONLANDER a mighty brain … the house biggest put up in Greenland a solid bit of building… he Fred Ransom built it like a ship… would still have been there 400 years hence Peter … SHAME SHAME !! & he blames the cripple minded NOBLES of Gross Britain & Scandinavia !

Jacop`s children & great-great grandchildren could read POUL GRONLANDER writing on his mother - a girl an Eskimo a bit of French blood - who read Lucretius /French translation/see Cosmo Gordon Bibliography - & spoke on Science & of the STARS & upon MATTER to her small son POUL before she died when he was 8 years of age - her parents have travelled to Europe with her when she a young child - a VISIT - 18th century Venice we hear about… had Greenland able to sing as Saint Marks 17th century -

It is this range of thought that will have Jacop`s daughter Gertrud ELOPE with the young `Millionaire` FRED RANSOM ”

He & his brother JOHN from 1801 own 19 acres to be under New York - that `parcil of land` their father bought when Antigua was becoming lawless & he felt the happy domestic homestead of CAIN their second son could no longer be the main home -

(He Frederick Ransom of 1801... his 4 children are Fred-CAIN-John- & a sister-who married & went to live in California- There is a file of RANSOM BRIDES )

JACOP in 1770 age 20 years old is given the Island `for father`s death` Jacop was determined to have church-College- holy work begun-

His children were all fiercely Greenlanders - hoping for Independence -

… they dressed in Eskimo garb or Western clothes - in Great Britain only Western clothes~ JACOP is half British his mother Margaret YATES a family of Carlisle- good stock- “ a Frenchwoman married in way back ” - but otherwise all British stock- sea peoples-

Nota bene : All these people joining their lives are very well educated- tolerance is a feature- HUMANISM ! They are all bred of SEAS people ancestry- & ACT THE GOSPELS OUT …

meeting them to-day you would think `what a nice bunch..`

1820s - there sailed into Jacopsholmen Island the

RANSOM brothers Frederick & John, of Montrose Farm with many Estates the globe

Fred & John RANSOM, they had lost their parents recently … & their brother CAIN & never got over that…Cain the crocodile who never knew he was … ( History of CAIN/diary/letters/drawingshe played football for Antigua a monument to him was DESTROYED by Noble British in 1950s … a lady scientist saw it then … reports)

They had distant kin Greenland - back to Icelandic Saga centuries & nearer in 1160 AD when they were still able to go trading across to VINLAND/CANADA…beaver skins & other furs … a marriage was made with an Indian girl by Fred or John Ransom ? She will have some standing from her father as she gives them her DOWRY at Winnipeg of lands & water

‘WE, the RANSOM main line at this time SAIL UNDER THE FLAG OF DANMARK … QUEEN MARGARETHE WHO HAS THE MONOPOLY ON GREENLAND TRADE & she lives to be 92 YEARS OLD…` When we go OUT EAST 1400 AD we sail Courtesy ZHENG HE` Admiral of the China Seas because we can speak 5 hours at a time with him on PHILOSOPHY…& our wives too…We marry 3 Chinese brides to FRED…& the JOHN has some too… Fred marries 2ndly the Lady of JAPAN…(We had rather slanting eyes at that time…)

19th century : The two Ransom brothers 1820s Fred & John could count their ancestors & the Ransom Brides on their fingers …. as they counted their crew…” They were educated Continent & privately Antigua & N. America earlier…they were complete enlightened 18th century MEN & into every 19th century advance science-technology- They were also musical & able to play the music of other nations where they held lands & had a female line going back through the centuries …They were TRADERS… & could build a ship…& soon a railway train…

1820s - Old Jacop now beyond 70 years of age -

was inclined to the aesthetic & holy & much humanist learning - he was only anxious to get his CHURCH finished & a College up perhaps for training young Priests & Missionaries

& medical men & scholars

JACOP & his wife MONICA had less money now they had raised the children so well & set them up … Jacop was not good at TRADE as his father POUL … which was how Poul Catechist polymath had made them a small fortune & banked in Norway…Poul made his first investment with a Norwegian Merchant when he was 15 years of age…& he seems not to have been let down

… But Poul GRONLANDER was protected by the famous Norwegian family EGEDE who worked in Greenland & were good people…Pastor Hans & wife Gertrud & 3 sons two of them were Witnesses at the Wedding of POUL & Margaret at Frederickstown when it was feared the British might OBJECTPoul & the Egede boys remained firm friends…they had learned Ancient & modern Greek together … « one day a man got off a ship & spoke a language they had only been able to read … they sat with him 2 weeks by the seashores … he came from GREECE …»


He did not at first approve the Plans the RANSOM boys put forward for workshops on his Island - but he had NOT his father POUL’s skill with moneys & trading - Young FRED RANSOM said he would finish the CHURCH for himbut they had to have some INCOME coming in…although he & his brother were millionaires it would not do to keep on pulling out CAPITAL that their father had made…a lot out of ORANGES then some minerals & skins…& there was the 19 ACRES NEW YORK…

bringing in a bit All these ancestors 18th-19th century of Lennie & Greetah are fiercely educated & have many languages they can use fully … Arabic, Chinese etc Fred has Coptic…& Greenlandic …

1920s/1930s - FRED RANSOM keen to marry Gertrud suggested a furniture shop begin- the oak ballast lay about the shores from previous centuries- CHRIST WAS A CARPENTER said Fred Ransom - JACOP had not thought of simple things where the island was concerned … Yes, he Jacop had to agree

`CHRIST grew up in the family learning the trade in his father`s Carpenter shop `

An enamel works got going too - but after a short time F.R. discontinued it- technology not good- he returned to metal pans & utensils - He began from his scrap metal heap to think about a GIGANTIC BELL for the Church…& time keeping on the island JACOP had his great bell made ! Twice as tall as himself -

1935 November - Greta Ransom nearly 3 years was wandering about this scrap metal heap & the shore, the workshops, the theatre …& saw his ghost they said - Grandpa TWICE BACK Fred Ransom- hence her strength- HIS GHOST JUMPED IN~

~1967 - Captain Alan Villiers saw the Island late 1920s…

“ … & the greatest house ever put up in Greenland for Gertrud the Gronlander`s grand-daughter…built like a great ship it would be standing in 400 years Peter ! SHAME ! SHAME ! they bombed the Island 1960 got a jump ahead of de Gaulle & MALRAUX… SHAME ! Great Britain & Danmark did it…!…`

“ Oh…we are going back home `down under` as soon as the children have finished here what they want to do…” OXFORD December 1967 … Captain Alan Villiers great SEAMAN describes the Island & its cultural life …before the British Imperial scum & Denmark set about having the first bell cast in GREENLAND CUT UP…

& the horror they subjected the family to … (Ransom Gronlander lines) M. DE SALLE OF PARIS with 4 children under 12... kicking them out of the warm RANSOM house Christmas 1939.. .keeping them prisoners … only the 2 daughters surviving into the late 1950s …` Records 1950s-1970s …

ONE SAIL , Peter , MARGARETHE GAVE US THE KEY…great house all modern cons…he Old Fred Ransom had built it on the American 19th century OPEN PLAN downstairs…staircase rising…built it for that MIGHTY INTELLECT…THE GRONLANDER…for his grand-daughter…you can see her if you are over in PARIS…the big Delacroix painting…SARDANAPULUS …They were all young people to-gether about the world all over Europe…in those days…SAIL ANYWHERE…” ….ALAN VILLIERS MARINER…1967/1972...

1820s/30s - GREENLAND Jacopsholmen Island :

… FRED RANSOM explained to JACOP soon his father-in-law that they had to have a community & educated support coming from other nations or the Danes would walk in & take it alleven Norway was becoming unpleasant over JACOP owning the Island & they had neglected shamefully the Pastor EGEDE`s humanist family when they returned to Norway- neglected such kindly heroes … The age wanted profit & had lost the Enlightenment of the 18th century …

Imperial Noble MUCK & MONEY was the rule …

I Greta Ransom- Fred RANSOM & Gertrud`s gt-gt grand-daughter saw the early photographs of F.R. beside the BELL- It is much higher than him - & the dear OX is there- he in the Xmas Plays-

A second theatre was by the shores - a natural theatre using the landscape - this was for winter lights performances-

here F.R. heated the open air seats- I think it must have been with pipes & hot water…electricity was used from very early & the first electric shovel to put in pylons for an experimental building for the College

with the remarkable roof & heat conservation design …

Delacroix sailed up from Bordeaux & painted in the church-

& inside the door ! The Angel ! Jacop ! That was stolen, door ripped off - & chewed over in a magazine mid-20th century Europe ! THIEVES ! Is it in the Louvre ?

Gross Britain & Denmark Imperial brutes robbed Greenland

of a great parts of its `18th-`19th century histories - because they did

not want THE UNIVERSITY built - & not on JACOPSHOLMEN …it would mean recognition of RANSOM-GRONLANDER & also interfere with

PROFIT & FRAUD as the great ESTATE & the GROTE HOMES stayed in

the world`s memory - The murders of violence for dough

might be investigated…


it could have been by 1946...again by 1960...

but they use the STATE to cover up & threaten…destroy & murder… Mr Mengele Harrington & earlier JIM fulltime… were leading monsters helping LINDSAYbuggarhs Earls … & they could have large trained TEAMS to help- IN THIS IMPERIAL CRIME -

WITH THE HISTORY of the Island AGAIN KNOWN abroad …

these obscene dope-fiends could not grasp at the greatest piece of philanthropy GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE IN 3 PARTS- Reserves- Sea shores of the world A to Z- education for children A-Z agreed by these independent small nations…They who had such violent arrogance from Gross Britain at the top of its CLASS PYRAMID 1930s demanding their Bank moneys in name of Grote-Ransom- Weddell…IN SECRET SILENCE as it all belonged to Angela as a child from an old Eskimo…

1820s - Gertrud eloped to PARIS with FRED RANSOM-

she so dark haired he so fair - `her eyes were as diamonds in the Northern skies` married blue-turquoise eyes - `Jacop’s Ladder`

a long autobiography by Fred Ransom after Gertrud‘s death/some restored handwritten MS stolen by LINDSAY 14 & JIM Jong 1938


1970s - MARTYRS of the Imperial -

& its sticky toffee paper framework & Ramparts attached

called by 80 percent the globe big DIRTY boots -


- the unknown Dr JOHN RAY Ransom USA citizen

To-gether & with other human beings have arranged the MSS are PRINTED & for Libraries upon MARS …

of a GENOCIDE begun & kept on-going by GREEDY IMPERIUM Scandinavia & Gross Britain-Netherlands - & others Europe HUMAN BEINGS WILL NOT WISH TO LIVE THUS Deus Vult…

NB : ` Reader should maintain how to be a human being

from this Document SUMMER 1937 acting the Gospels out...

as we assemble from the writings-speech-lives of those become our tragic HUMANIST MARTYRS & reading this BOOK OF SUMMER 1937 you have been travelling with them … Anchor those fashioned by EVIL to their crimes …

… then get them BUILDING in the snows … `


… showed hope to the world … the way



whom the 4-&-a-half-years old Greetha RANSOM compares

ANDRE MALRAUX to in the SUMMER 1937...& likens him to POUL

her grandpa 4 times back of West Greenland living less than 200 years before us - We, Andre, Josette & GR now dwelling upon a seashore this SUMMER OF HAPPINESS )

18th century - POUL GRONLANDER`s little mother is Eskimo/some French bloodwho taught him her only child of MATTER as she learned from LUCRETIUS…they sat by the seashore

& she taught him to look at specks of matter in the sea, on land, of plants, fishes & animals …

& singing from her family visits as a child to Europe & VENICE where Venetian music in SAINT MARKS Church was taken to Greenland - She says “ WE WILL GO TO THE STARS for God intends this…when we have invented THE SHIPS THAT SAIL TO THESE OTHER WORLDS…put there for us to go to live upon …”

1730s - Poul`s mother “ little soft white snow fox paws-Maria” & his father die beyond GOTHARB of a European epidemic when POUL is 7-8 years At 10 years of age orphan POUL speaking GREENLANDIC NORWEGIAN & CHINESE from his father`s line comes into the Norwegian Settlement with an Uncle… he begins to train as CATECHIST at GotharbPastor Hans EGEDE & his wife Gertrud have THE MISSION … They are saintly HUMANISTS … people neglected quickly in old age by a greedy NORWAY…

MARTYR - Tiggy Grote who at 19 years of age 1862 has

THE IDEA FOR HIS GROTE HOMES … using the lands & moneys of his Guardians RANSOM … He marries Margarethe 1864 …

He began in Ohio then rushed across the Pacific establishing the HOMES with help of educated dignitaries . Tiggy took difficult persons not sure about his HOMES off to BALTIMORE … where charming MANNERS & mod cons had a change of mentality… RANSOM True Histories The Roaring Arab Clerics 1880s - who stayed 2 years…returned & let girls have education & no longer believed in chopping off hands…19th century …

TIG age 19 years is the drawing by Edward Lear `Old man of Corfu`

Lear has also irreverently made Gertrud favourite when young of painters `The old woman of Greenland`…

1969 - “ You are being made fun of here Greta…” say an old couple whom ANDRE MALRAUX stays a night without his FOLLOWERS PAID BY EVIL finding out… They were kindly watchful into the late 1970s … There is music I associate with them at the ending of their lives & ANDRE…`I can feel it-in the air-the night` & another ` I have seen your face before my friend…/Genesis ? ` become with other music another REQUIM for ANDRE MALRAUX …

1968-1970s - I GR W knew sometimes during this time I was being fooled… BUT I HAD NO POST/mail & even telephone calls were stopped in the daytime to me … before my father is killed March 1969 … all cunningly ngineered by the foul mouthed Doctor Mengele Harrington Dirty JIM CUR JAMES (1971 made Lord/LEWD James) …he who is that old Jimmie Jong Mr Pong of pre-war …

& their IMPERIAL THUGS know they can get triple-PAY out of Whitehall …

1967 November - IMPERIAL NOBLE BRITAIN had the shock of its sleazy obscene thieving ON THE PIN/plus LSD HIGH boozing lives at the late marriage of the Grote Heir to prominent Quaker Nonconformist 18th early 20th century families …

& to The British Museum NATURAL HISTORY …

Department of THE SEAS Pole to Pole & circumnavigating

the globe go PJPW`s little Clupeoids/herrings & anchovies etc

( « … Greta dear … they now wet themselves about Scarlet Town

…SAY NO MORE ! … )

1967 onwards It was dangerous for us the families & all good people as usual ! A third of the RANSOM Estate had been set up about the globe all connected as before …when the pulling down in BRAZIL began 1968 it tipped some thousands IN THE GUTTERS thus other nations-say a prayer for PERU our INCA kin…

The BMNH (British Museum Natural History) helped very much -


MUSIC & the above compositions raised memory of a piece of music rarely played after 1930s-1940s Days …` FOR A CHILD DIED ON THE TITANIC` by Frank Bridge- something Aunt Margarethe says

1960 SUMMER - I Greta Ransom at Colne Engaine …

that horrible Summer 1960 had jeering Noble monsters outside `…they CATCALLED all documents of family histories were burned` & we did not exist but Dr John RAY had read some things aloud to me from his LETTERS FROM JEAN his ballerina mother … poisoned for Noble Britain & Scandinavia 1938 end of summer

1960 - GR others have manage to recover some fragments…

Dr JOHN RAY Ransom reading LETTERS FROM JEAN & his research with scholars USA etc & his visit 1948 with colleagues & family to JAPAN - Luckily the British Territorials/Territorial Armies/ passed by Colchester & came to Colne Engaine that summer & asked POLITAN & Patrick MacDrew what it was about …& got two of the DIVILS GR did not get invitations to the funerals )

1960 - Andre Malraux Detectives Colleagues/families/ friends/acquaintances/GROTE HOMES Ransom Estate in 3 Parts the GLOBE … A-Z 80 percent of the world where Ransom have ancestry… kith & KIN …

1960 - It was discovered that IMPERIAL BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA had destroyed this most delicate & indestructible piece of philanthropy funded by all needed for

civilized life about the globe …they had killed the children… & destroyed the million & a quarter people in the care of the legal owners of the Estate 1938 onwards …killing perhaps a half of them by 1954

20th century Nobles had used Noble KUDOS to empty banks & chortle & whine IN THE RED at the Estate they were robbing …They had all seen the legal three WILLS & knew THEY HAD TO PROCEED IN SILENCE until they had a PORTFOLIO of filth against the legal OWNERS …

… employing the likes of Mengele Harrington …& the devoted


OF THE DEEP…with a collection of valuable assistants of same nature …all paid in triple … Whitehall et al

( Curiously the charges they bring against us the HUMANISTS are from their own crime record - their own directory/pattern book/ of CRIMES but then they themselves are the criminally insane … )

THESE crass ignorant HIGH LIVING nobles CAN NOT BROKER A PENNY at LAW- they have no understanding of the 20th century they engaged in MOCK courts & after closing hours Whitehall & Westminster DRUNKEN back patting reaching into PLANS of violent bestial obscene criminal insanity …

ANDRE MALRAUX says December 1957 …

“ they live dirty lives these men & some of their women too …”

` NOT ONE OF THEM IS A MAN … some not women … none

of them approach the level of intelligence of most

sub-apes that Lucy Leaky does not speak to & are certainly NOT human beings … GR et al - upon 20th century NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavia

20th century - ORGANISED DESTRUCTION by the STATE of EVIDENCE OF EXISTENCE of property moneys peoples :

Destruction of documents of the lives of Lennie I.R. & FJR

my father- John Ray Ransom & Ivy Jean R & their parents & THE HOME `JERUSALEM` by Deptford sloping little park

All evidence of the life of their great & grandparents was searched for & destroyed 1890s-1970s … The criminal persecution of us included a bizarre EXCAVATION 1960s run by CUR JAMES ( friend of IMPERIAL FIGURES now STOMPING THEIR BIG BOOTS on the RANSOM JOYOUS VENTURE encircling the globe ) to remove two bodies from the big SEPULCHURE where is buried Millie Frobisher & her husband JOHN RANSOM & destroy all DNA… (probably Highgate ? Or a cemetery near Deptford ?)

Someone City London ? said the tomb was replaced with MURGATROYD only upon it ?

Gross Britain & Scandinavia criminally insane Nobles had to have destroyed or hoarded for future sales & devilry all objects valuable

… or that could booster their FRAUD & CASE Portfolio of Documents…

dirty PICS … & blue-films that Mengele & JIM were making


sub-sub apes were calling good people Apes & Eskimos - so they could STEAL with VIOLENCE off them !

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