Greta Ransom

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1930s - The PLAN was to destroy all mention of our family names…The Lindsay Earls did this in the 19th century to all their Victims… when they were CULLING & robbing people- 1937 onwards the Greatest Crime on Earth was now to happen & they would all be RICH for EVER & EVER - The greatest crime pulled off by Gross Britain Government Nobles & Crown would be hidden if they could remove all knowledge of it… NOBODY WOULD DARE ANCHOR THEM TO IT… & they all SHOVED away at THEIR PINS…tipped up the Absinthe barrel at the back of Buckingham Palace delivered from Portugal every month … & went down Bond Street & Saville Row …

The racist half Chinese - Mr Jimmie Jong/Mr Pong Cur James

The Nation of Gross Britain insulted when he is knighted 1954

… made Nankin Man 1971 - came to Uncle Harry Gordon every 6 weeks demanding a few quid so Harry shut up about his niece her inheritance-Thorpe-le-Soken- or he’d burn him down…

They came in 3 cars autumn 1957 to kill him…but the Village Policeman was going by on his bike with a Walkie Talkie…They came from WHITES Vice Club & were known as `JIM’s MEN` Harry born 1912 calls them dope-fiends…& has had them about him

Since the mid-1920s … Records 1880s-1990s

Harry Gordon is in a mechanics vital repair unit in the British Wartime 2nd W.WAR from Autumn 1939 - there were horrible threats then … & Mr Pong now calling himself Major Carew/James/O’Carroll-Kubla Khan as usual pours the TEA- & entertains in his Apartment 2 rooms that he hath had since 1923 back of Buckingham Palace…he has a 2-man Unit Intelligence run from the back of Buckingham Palace/a biography 1960 June tells of this/ghosted for JIM/

1934 Buckingham Palace - a similar apartment to JIM Jong

is given to Teresa Gordon Ransom married woman & a friend from

1919 of Angela & invited to take part in the winter Witchcraft by her parents … Teresa called Grey Kiel/ somebody was Eidlewisse /it sounded like purple passages VENDETTA ...

Nota bene : I Greta Ransom OBJECT to my mother being given

OPEN HOUSE by such nasty stupid sub-sub-APES … all done up like DOGS DINNERS ! THEY KEEP UNHOLY HOUSES …


She has been in Holloway Prison 1926-1931 … over 4 years … while the Noble acquaintances spent the 60,000 of her out of wedlock son Jack Gordon

1932 - SHE Teresa E. Gordon HAS MADE THE MARRIAGE OF TEN THOUSAND YEARS…& her first child born in WEDLOCK is THE HEIR to the globe`s greatest Estate….Teresa - she is popular again with the EVIL IMPERIAL CIRCLES records/accounts/ 1920 on-Mr Mengele dropping some spiteful Clangers too- about JIM`s casual work for The Crowns of Noble Britain & Scandinavia…-

IMPORTANT : 1960 February - Another REPORT … “ The Courier come to NEW YORK for General de GAULLE was asked to STEP OFF THE PLANE for a few minutes while some seats were REMOVED … a large package had to be taken to France & this was the only way they could take delicate packages …HE DID SO…We feel this could have been when the first attempt was made to LAY HANDS ON THE PORTFOLIO GOING FROM PHILIP SILVERLEE to ANDRE MALRAUX & General de GAULLE

1976 December winter - a group of 4-5 rain coated capped figures one female bowed from the rain as they stepped up on Pillar House steps the main entrance with the pillars a

mid-evening (Len could be amongst them but I know his face and form about for some years but NOT WHOM HE IS … the blackmail upon the family HARWELL & BMNatural History is as ever it was BEFORE … BEFORE I was born … or LIR )

They spoke unusual words … clearly they were in GLOOM …

“ … Greta you had ANDRE in your ARMS since you were 21 years… A DYING MOOSE … he came to you to hold him up … to rest his weary head … HE could not get the boys away to safety … he felt a good home with you would have them released …they were to go to school over here… YOU HOLD HIM IN YOUR ARMS A DYING MOOSE now until you die … HE SAID WHEN he had lost you again- when you were taken from him Colne Engaine … HE WOULD BE ALWAYS ON YOUR LEFT HAND … UNTIL YOU DIE … WHEN HE WILL TAKE YOU IN HIS BOSOM TO HEAVEN … put your raincoat on if you feel you can get away … come down the lane we are going on to the PUB … see you perhaps in the KICKING DONKEY … if not we have drifted to THE CRISPIN … ANDRE DEAD IS AS IF THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END …”

This world suddenly opened without WARNING stuns me …

I do not think I go … I do not leave the children alone … if we go out then either they all come or very trusted people take the evening in the house … & some neighbours are warned we are not at home … some people know there is danger … from MONSTERS OF THE DEEP & IMPERII…

1937 SUMMER - I have a note of 3 of the ancient family names of Georges Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX … his ancient family names East Anglia from The Wash down to Kings Lynn to Saxmundham the Hall - Histon/ & Wake-something/ another/-there are Somerset names 17th-18th centuries- ALL are I understood up to winter 1953/4- on his MOTHER’s ancestral lines -

H.W. Poulter Camulodunum Colchester- “ The young Emperor ANDRE at 7/8 years & very interested in his ancestors , Child …

His mother from her father’s family - she had Papers & photos of a Hall when they go rather up market- do well in cash … ”

the speaker is Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator Colchester MUSEUMS & Curator Hollytrees Mansion Museum Colchester - A GREAT HUMANIST-

I hear Saint George ANDRE 1937-1945/4- 1954- speaking on his ancestors…& after The Holiday of the Last Fall 1960 recorded by Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM in his diary 1960 there is more … when he is asked to be DRIVER to help ANDRE MALRAUX take the boys to `Jo’s Place` Perigord… & there is more spoken…/Len reads the boys his diary entries 1937 October AFTER SUMMER 1937... His niece telling his parents her grandparents about A SUMMER OF HAPPINESS with ANDRE & JO a young lady who writes lovely stories … «

Dr Len Ransom continues on a tape made in 1970s …

(G.R. may have heard this information in Oxford 1970s too)

“ Mengele Harrington had the monument torn out - but we have been able to reconstruct it - you have to remove the letter R to a J-

but its Andre’s family -Mengele was heard boasting he had flung it in the deep for his Noble employers…”

( Well then ! They are like Mengele who is criminally insane & of several other unpleasant sub-sub-sub APE manners …We are told they accept such behaviour to a hero ANDRE MALRAUX ! By Mengele ~ )

1947 summer - Mengele Doc Harrington got hold of many Records : Beginning summer 1947 it is reported first-hand observersthe peculiar Doctor you do not want near small boys … putting his ugly snout in `Jo’s Place` in her cupboard with all her writings & her life with ANDRE & their two sons - the chateau Andre will buy after her death - This was their home the day she died the 9th November 1944 - she died a manslaughter but perhaps she was pushed by the 2 gunmen sent by the British Consul to kill she & Malraux ? A Visit 2 men Whitehall December 1945/good souls/we have their fate - records Detectives Colleagues & friends of Andre Malraux 1960 wards …

1950s - Mengele Doctor Harrington paedophile & a double Gollum/Lord of the Ring - boasts he is employed by the Government & Crown of Great Britain in this work of destroying good citizens the globe - but apart from it being bestial violent theft aided by parts of Whitehall/ ADMIRALTY divinities - I do not remember all of it in sequence … but much is in the Records of others - except I recall hearing there is a man at the end of a passage WHITEHALL with a bust of a man outside - who is in charge of OUR RANSOM FURNITURE round the world in our many houses & apartments -

& it is sold off when the market is good & the moneys distributed to all the Noble scum of Gross Britain -

LEN & Greta RANSOM - legal & chosen heirs of Margarethe Ransom Grote & the Globe 1933/1938 WILLS & documents- & we are trained to take `CARE OF OUR PEOPLES & OUR LANDS` to speak with all of them…to whom we are related- being 14 races & 27 nations from 92 AD Dunwich- whence B. C. we enter` th East Britain from JUTLAND-

N. B. Mad Mother Kali - TGR goes in smart togs to meetings after 6.30 pm Whitehall/Admiralty 1943/44/45 the British Wartime -

I do not hear of so many obscene gatherings after the PEACE arrived April 1945 - She did not get big money ! But they dine well & still have those parties - & believe in their dope-booze divinity…They live by corruption - This is Gross Britain at the TOP- /

Records galore on SHEshe collected 1960 by Andre Malraux Detectives/colleagues/friends & families ! There is a file printed CLYTEMNESTRA …

1960 summer - Colne Engaine - GROTE HOME FRANCE

`a man raised alongside a Grote Home Northern France beside the sea…1900-1920 ... an onion seller … LAW in Rome first … hands to Arthur Malone Detective employed by ANDRE MALRAUX a notebook full … This is after the British Territorials` caught at night the Noble ranters baiting Greta Ransom about ACID poured in… « Oh THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF WHAT THEY HAD DONE … `

1960 Summer - SO EVIDENCE COM`TH

` He had started his life an assistant in a Lawyers Office

ROME then Facism came & he took to being an Onion Seller for Gaul/FRANCE… Essex his biking territory - he`d take Orders-deliver smaller orders & had them come down on the TRAIN from London Town…married a widow Clacton & to their astonishment produced two children & at their ages too ! - stayed in England the 2nd World War & helped in matters …

Greta saw him on his bike when War ended 1945/1948 & Miss Win too…Amazed how TALL Greetah had grown… it was useful his bike with an iron basket on the front-shopping could go in…`

(Yes I can see him in my memory…I am such a nervous girl

even when `WALKING OUT ` Whitsun 1946 with Colonel George ANDRE MALRAUX…& stately after we are officially ENGAGED in the Church choir loft 1946 November…)

`He’d known all of them 1930s when they were all young men…

the Ransom brothers…Harry…Patrick MacDrew…caught sight of Silverlee & family…remembered TEA at the Gordon house …`

1960 Summer - PAT MACDREW was here Colne Engaine

taking DUTY - GOOD MEN THEY WERE SHOCKED THAT ANDRE MALRAUX HAD NOT ANSWERED THE COURIER`s PACKAGE sent by Silverlee from New York end of FEBRUARY …OTHER THAN IT WAS BEING CONSIDERED They felt it had to be delayed by de GAULLE … Politics ! … BUT THIS WAS A MATTER OF A MILLION CHILDREN KILLED SO HORRIBLY BY a group of NOBLE THUGS well known to them ALL … 1930s … who had come here this spring summer to threaten some more ! & had put Mercenaries in the trees…whom they won over

1960 Summer - Patrick MacDrew`s mother is murdered with heroin in a needle…some planted in her handbag…a mid-evening by her FLAT at Holland-on-Sea…Everyone was distressed & linked it to the MURDER of Philip`s daughter in the ARGENTINE that May 1960... All of them recalled ANGELA & JIM about Essex 1920s-1930s & set about writing up a list of the criminally insane for investigation by good guys

1960 Autumn : NO ONE COULD GET THE RIGHT RESPONSE FROM MALRAUX & General de GAULLE…they were said to be STILL CONSIDERING THE PACKAGE ARRIVED February with the COURIER TO NEW YORK … There was a sense of having been let down dreadfully …

1960 - IT WAS BARBARIC THE WAY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN WERE TREATING THE MATTER … they were fat hogs dripping blood & gore moneys of the slain children the globe A GENOCIDE THEY WERE HIDING …they bloated with KUDOS & luxury debauchii living !

PATRICK MACDREW was a tragic figure more than ever since

the SPRING with much more known about his murdered niece 1942/43 NEWFOUNDLAND HEIRESS age 9 years in Greta`s class at the Town CLACTON School run by the musician folklorist Captain Leroy- all of these good men recalled the occasional visitor Phil Silverlee 1930s with his young family… he had called after the War from the Argentine 1948 on-

1945 end of the 2nd World WAR: Arthur MALONE 2 Years

Trained Lawyer/RAF/decided to be a Detective : He is the STRANGER - does not know any of the 1930s Essex friends until 1957/60 - he was brought into 50 Lancaster Gate Square by ANDRE MALRAUX desperate to have Greta with a Detective & NOT HAVE HIS HAPPINESS DESTROYED AGAINby MONSTERS OF THE DEEP …

1957 November - General de Gaulle one morning watched

Greta walk across the Square - he had hoped to meet her but

she was so shy she dashed down the stairs … de Gaulle felt

`the girl had a face of pure honesty & agreed that ANDRE take

the Catholic marriage up again as PACCELLI agreed …

« … as ANDRE had gone to ROME & spoken with `young Paccelli` & he said he`d never cancelled the marriage- It was the mother wrecked the marriage - she a daughter of Mary Gordon & Mrs GORDON & her sisters he had always known….”

ANDRE MALRAUX left the VATICAN puzzled WHY Paccelli should know of Mary Gordon & her sisters…but too shy to ASK WHY !

but because of UNHOLY PARIS the re-union of the Wedding of Grace 17 April 1947 had to be a quiet life in London in this

lovely house 50 Lancaster Gate Square…across from the great Museums … which suited Georges-Andre & Greetah !

1954 onwards/the 21st birthday of the HEIR unknown to Malraux & de Gaulle but known to ALL THE NOBLE MONSTERS of grisly Gross Britain dripping blood & gore moneys stolen from the Estate by SLAYING THE GROTE CHILDREN IN THEIR HOMES/ -

& 1960 it is A MATTER OF the KUDOS of the twisters of POLITICS & IMPERIUM both sides of Oceanus Germanicus…` it’s the connexions that matter at this time… `

THE FOLLOWING NOTEBOOK extracts given are so very IMPORTANT…by an educated FRENCHMAN a humanist born 1890s…who grew up alongside one of the 5 GROTE HOMES & knowing the children…The HOME is on the coast Normandy & RETURNING after the 2nd world war found their dead bodies in pits about the gardens he had played in as a child …

1920s Italian Lawyers Office/to French Onion Seller 1930s Essex / HANDED A NOTEBOOK FULL TO ARTHUR MALONE /POLITANhe had often noted his life…did not want to publish really- he liked to think about thingsafter the war he’d gone into Petroleum Shares…always good at arithmetic…did well…they lived outside Clacton Town…raised the children…

( later go to Australia to retire…survive…? )

“ 1900s-1940s/ THE GROTE CHILDREN

… he knew them & gives many of their names…also the names

of the Mass Murderers- he has noted their movements after the War `…there were pits after the War in his town Northern France on the Seashoresone had small teeth come out … a hotel went up ( in the HOME ? ) …but the lands were gutted the HOME pulled down within 18 months of the end of War

1948 you could not tell who had sold it on … «

(…meaning investigation of the DOCUMENTS of LAW…France & Britain - perhaps Scandinavia too …)

“ … then the Hotel (went up) but THEY now got the INCOME he’d made some investigation…THE NOTEBOOK IS IN FRENCH & IT IS FULL…we have published it twice…& added our notes

1961 - At first ANDRE MALRAUX could not be bothered to read it … THE BOYS HAD JUST BEEN KILLED …»

Then he ANDRE MALRAUX did read it… some of them he recognised as in Public Service - FRANCE - now we sent investigators … `

1961 onwards - (The discovered GROTE HOMES pupils are now IN TERRIBLE DANGER … if it becomes known who they are they & their children even grandchildren will be SLAIN The British & Scandinavian Nobles in Navy & Army are being protected from any lingering knowledge of the BESTIAL BARBARISM done to GROTE HOMES 2nd World War- SO THE VAST FORTUNE OF GROTE RANSOM ESTATE can be stolen by they & others at the TOP OF THE PYRAMID of the IMPERIAL WORLDS

This is explained 1966 by a great Scientist visiting Gross Britain from his smaller nation… they have to remain hidden … only meet in secrecy in small numbers about the globe `Your nation during the War had an Ugly Woman at the Helm…/it continues/

“ … by this time 1961/1962 … you G.R. were out of it …

we felt you could not cope & had retired to your games on the REC … Arthur Malone/Politan … says later he had enough evidence to KNOW YOU WERE A VICTIM OF MEMORY LOSS DOPED ! …but he was stretched in his work

… & had to take such care to keep Mr & Mrs Mengele Harrington at bay…from all of ushe knew who they were working for…

he had begun to get the drift…at Lancaster Gate Square …

when ANDRE first engaged him as your Detective & generally for the house & staff - Harry sent Phil Silverlee along to give Malone a day off once a week… Harry felt he could help a bit …»

1945 He our onion seller of GAUL - CATHOLIC CHURCH on SUNDAYS - had not bothered to remove his mother’s grave from France to England when he settled … along-side it were some with names he`d known when a childin a near place

a pit you’d not wish to investigate…

in France … `

His wife had spoken to Greta Ransom Xmas 1945 & she Greetha told her how she had made her Convent school uniform from her dead grandmother`s clothes --- Mrs Potter did not know enough of what had gone on ! His wife had been to the hospital & they said Mary Gordon poisoned June 1944 - it was time to lock Teresa up - they had spoken with Miss Win ATS the sister … `

1944-1945 “ Captain Ransom was expected back anytime … the War Office had sent instructions (SUMMER 1943) months ago - `to return for Home Duties`… His wife heard Greta had told a school friend about the poisoning of her grandmother & that her mother was saying HER FATHER WAS TO DIE ABROAD …

the girl then told her own mother who was concerned …”

I G.R. said SHE Clytemnestra says he that old fool FRED RANSOM is to die abroad…` (name given to TGR by G. Rs class 1944)

Lawyer/Onion Seller/later Britain Stocks & Shares/

…. Italy & France his notebooks :

His wife could be found in the school music room…or she might be taking a basket of clothes to the Cleaners for old folk…

she did a number of things…she noticed what went on in the town … Greetha & Colin were neglected & Greta had St Vitus` Dance rather badly 1944...`

“ … She`d (his wife) speak to Connie Nurse Napper -

(1944 & 1945 about the NEGLECT of little Colin & Greta eldest

about Greetha RANSOM heir to this Estate which included the GROTE HOME that her French husband had grown up alongside 1900/1930s ~ & knew some of the educated children ! `

… but she (his wife) did not get close after the wedding April 1947 to ANDRE failed … Fiona-Funneula-Faith…she had

been tricked - tripped up ! By Miss Winnie Gordon listening to Italian East Enders just out of Prison & Borstal …”

Fiona-Funneula-Faith MACDONALD - early R C wedding, St Clare`s Convent School & wartime Town school of Captain Leroy, Llewellyn Road Clacton … she an heiress Ironmongers-Seed merchants-household goods A big old fashioned wooden floored Stores alongside the WALPOLE Hotel Clacton seafront/ Inherits properties/moneys/& later owner Clacton Manor House/Training Nursing Clacton Hospital/became a Matron/2 childrenMENGELE the spoof Doctor HARRINGTON IS GOING TO MESS HER LIFE UP … from 1954 … !

BECAUSE SHE KNEW ANDRE MALRAUX very well 1945-1948 …

Records/G.R. our life 1940s Wartime & Fiona-Funneula her own records … & ACCOUNTS of having Doctor Harrington BOOT IN HER DOOR - on his 3rd VISIT she a Matron KNEW HE WAS INSANE but he came from a Philip Mountbatten & his evil Uncle a Playboy sometime in ParisTHEY BOTH HATE Andre Malraux A HERO … & he … legal GUARDIAN to the Estate that little Miss North Pole Greetah legally inherited about the world with PERMISSION those nations - She Miss MacDonald would speak with Mrs Mary Gordon on the seafront & when she came into the family STORES Clacton in the Wartime & later to many others in the family … IT WAS TRAGIC WHAT HAD BEEN DONE TO GREETAH & ANDRE by ignorant persons who wished to rule the world of business … `& those horrid Earls of Lindsay who used to INFEST the seafront Clacton when she was a child were known to break into other peoples HOMES if they left them unguarded… she could recall the local POLICE had given a guard but not always able to stop the violence against good families …

`… Doctor Harrington whom she has now learned is known in the MEDICAL WORLD which disapproves of him as MENGELE …. He has stressed to her that he comes with Powers from the British Government to INVESTIGATE CRIMES against the FOOL Malraux his Patient- He is appointed by the MALRAUX WIVES of FRANCE & the British Crown SHE COMES TO KNOW THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALLY INSANE … records/Andre Malraux/Philip Silverlee/Arthur Malone/Mengele crashing in for The Crown 1960 onwards with THREATS )

The French onion seller/formerly LAW Italy/later City stocks & shares … continues in his NOTEBOOKS …

« they’d been paid, the Italian East Enders to break the sombre suited couple up Andre & Greta were of a similar age because of circumstances …”


Suddenly there were extensions to the grounds where a Grote Home had been … & now a Hotel had been erected 1948 seashores of Northern France … `

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