There is a history of RANSOM Post/mail STOLEN- & some mention of the ripping open of correspondence sent by ANDRE MALRAUX to the families Gordon & Ransom when it reached Gross Britain by POST/mail- from DECEMBER 1937…« 3 grey suited men from Whitehall in attendance-carefully laying aside documents-letters-messages-as attend the above POST/mail for Greta Ransom, LIR, RANSOM family mail to be investigated & sometimes answered to delay or separate people from one another- this persecution & THEFT is possible by using the institutions of the Nation` -
Gross BRITAIN MASSIVE FRAUD of the Estate is planned from 1929 when parts of Noble Britain decided to MOCK the families as Apes Eskimos & jeer that the OLD ESKIMO would not be allowed to make a WILL…It is in the 1930s that the STATE institutions & Services are used to REMOVE ALL RECORDS OF THE SEA TRADERS RANSOMS-THE WEDDELLS OF THE WEDDELL SEA-INCA San Julian line-& make filthy remarks about the children in the GROTE HOMES educating to 18 years - THUS to the killing of the children the globe commencing 1938/9 winter Noroway- & under cover of the 2nd world War using Navy & Army recruiting Special Forces from thuggish types who could be relied upon to take DOPES & KILL…for a sum of money/reports/diaries/letters/photos/ORAL- “ ATTENDING upon MANIACS IN TREACLE ”
CRIMINALLY-INSANE G.B. & Scandinavian ARISTOCRATS discovered they cannot AT LAW CLAIM THIS ESTATE- they ordered more destruction of records/killings/frame-ups/Bank robberies of capital/declarations of `IN THE RED`-using the Nations institutions- Past-present experience had them know it was an easy matter to lay hands on Estates of people outside the NOBLE CLASS - Orders could be got easily from Government Lords & Crown using NOBLE KUDOS & spiking THE TEAPOT or the Decanter
Say about the London Clubs that the children are diseased & Prostitution is the real purpose of the GROTE HOMES \ Say a DECREE is proposed that the lands of an old Eskimo belong TO Angela - she was given them as a child by this old Eskimo who could not read or write- `
Promise Mr Beaverbrooke THE PRESS that he will get a Peerage-
1936 January- The children Montevideo took Greta Ransom’s hands in the GROTE HOME & said ‘ Aunt Margarethe`s little niece & you will grow up to take care of all of us- you are coming to school with us when you are 5 years-to learn JEAN’s languages- They told me such funny tales of The Adventures of Tiggy- how Tiggy broke the LAW on Jacopsholmen & Fred got the great dog Rienzi to stop Tiggy getting out of the snow playground & not wandering off in the icy parts- & we are all going to put up the University & some of us will like to go up & study more…` (`TIGGY had a comic with family histories & modern day adventures issued for The HOMES`…The Whitehead Twins mother Wheeling West Virginia remembered it when she was a small girl -she Gertrude Ostrander Palmer born March 1907-1973)
GROTE HOMES children-staff-settlements slain- 1941 big RN ships stood out at sea- eye witnesses Venezuela/Uruguay/ Bolivia/Peru/ reports-/photos- burned in pits/ sunk nets at sea/ full reports Ransom family & Grote Brokers 1940s & 1960 Andre Malraux Detectives/Colleagues/friends (an account of the barbaric burning of the children SPAIN 1941 by a friend of Andre Malraux repeated 1971/3...)
JEAN WEDDELL RANSOM- MURDERED the end of SUMMER 1938 by Jong/Lindsay 14/& Teresa Gordon R. handed her the poisoned cup/they were on the train to Liverpool Street & removed her case-handbag-contents when she collapsed/ SHE WAS WINNING FOR AUNT MURGATROYD IN THE SPANISH COURTS-getting the Estate back that the LINDSAYBUGGARHS & fiends had taken by force July 1937... “ Oh Angela gave it to them ” & burned alive in marmalade the only child age 22 of Murgatroyd Missionaries-he was translating the Coptic records there-full reports/diaries/Law-Ransom-Murgatroyd-MALRAUX
1937 Summer THE REASON WHY RANSOM family were not in Clacton-on-Sea to meet ANDRE MALRAUX - RANSOM` WERE ON A RESCUE MISSION SPANISH COAST- our launch & seaplanes used- LINDSAYS & SCUM…19 of them partying in the farmhouse -my father FJR burned it down & killed some of them that night of the discovery- Lindsay mob - 5 BIG BUGGARHS escape in a truck he did not see -
`Earls LINDSAY` burned alive 22 year old boy in marmalade… A TINY FACTORY HIS PARENTS RUN with the COMMUNITY SPAIN -he only child of the Murgatroyd family- Missionaries out of Ethiopia …she my girl of the russet silk bridal gown 1936 September … Len & Greetha hear October- we live in dangerous times because of violent GREED of Gross Brit aristocrats- a Crown penniless from gambling the last 2 generations- since Albert went home in a wet carriage from Cambridge - & died …
REMOVAL OF HISTORIC & PUBLIC RECORDS-Private & personal- removal of books-paintings- evidence of people having lived- HOW EASY IT IS TO DO when you can call on Naval Intelligence- get prisoners out on parole with necessary talents- recruit Army thugs- have kudos in RN big ships- & use the machinery of Whitehall- Government- & dazzle with Empire Figures from a Morgue claiming to be Divine - Maniacs treading in Treacle- HIGH CLASS SIN-
Frederick Charles Ransom is Len’s Dad & is Greta’s grandpa her father’s father- JEAN is Mrs FCR- /see the true records Picardy/Battle of Jutland/hidden & in some foul hands-
1960s - MALRAUX & LIR put a little exposition in d’Orsay Museum Paris/it was ripped out overnight- BRITISH Diplomats had Orders from the Heads of Government etc `anything to do with RANSOM family et al was the PRESERVE OF Gross Britain & Royal Crowns & Scandinavian rellies - maniacs in treacle-
1960 - The PERSECUTION OF ANDRE MALRAUX goes on - British Naval Intelligence TEAMS EMPLOYED TO REMOVE ALL RECORDS-leading figures in this are JIM Jong known 1950s as `dirty JIMMIE` or Cur James & the Royal Satrap paedophile Gollum Mengele HARRINGTON a spoof Doctor who likes to keep diseases & failing bodies ADVANCING… he intend get a PEERAGE FOR ADVANCED MEDICAL SCIENCE … The lot of `em are CRIMINALLY INSANE …
Planned little EXHIBITIONS PARIS/South America : GREAT WAR histories : Andre Malraux & Ransom Brothers-others of the families: ` The Engineers bolt hole-Picardy/& Battle of Jutland Greetha`s grandpa FCR re-arranges the Engine Room & they sailed away to safety 1916 ` Records in Imperial Museum seen 1920s-1940s go missing Copies all records with Ransom Brothers overseas-others- But in 1960 Imperial War Museum spoke upon information in the Archives pre-2nd World War - `THIS INFORMATION HAD BEEN THERE in the Imperial WAR Museum Archives pre-WAR - I Greta Ransom three years earlier … who had worked at Colchester Museums with varied duties apart from Bookstall duties & typing- references to be checked/pot sherds to be washed & catalogued/some hours at Hollytrees Museum a month learning great WISDOM of the MUSEUMS worlds . was sent to Visit & to ask about this information/Poulter & Graham Greene & Miss Win Gordon ordered to do so by cousin Julie Butler/ October 1957... …October-December 1957 this information was now acknowledged as in a ledger by an assistant & another at the Imperial War Museum - & an assistant would look for the full records - I must fill in a written note & they would certainly trace it & send to Mr Poulter at Colchester Museums of course-
1957 July 28th…I Miss G.R. lived at 50 Lancaster Gate Square & paid 20 pounds a month for my top room- October-November I had demands for further payments-until eighty pounds had been taken by Doctor Mengele Harrington Physician Royal Satrap & Doctor for Malraux ordered by Clara & Messalina Malraux wives…& Brown rnvr was getting a RETAINER from LINDSAY to be No EARL 15 …
1957 November…ANDRE MALRAUX told by Greta Ransom she paid him 80 pounds for this room for one month & the matter was to go in the hands of the Paddington Rent Tribunal- I also showed him I could pick him UP & had recovered from the illnesses given me by Mr Mengele Harrington & gang including Mad Mother Kali Old mother Ransom Teresa Gordon…
1957 October - A message had reached Whitehall that a woman with 2 daughters has sent Greetha Ransom at Andre Malraux`s place a message…`Yes she knew she was there…& Teresa`s daughter did not have to straighten her hair anymore`…THIS IS SCARLET TOWN INDEED …
Angela companion of LINDSAY/JIM/Teresa 1920s… is the woman sending RACIST jeers …Her name has not been in my memory since 1942... & I did not attach it to the fat black beetle of 1940-1941 Bulford Camp Salisbury Plains visit of HORROR… She a drunk Queen said my mother told her I G.R. played truant from school so she was going to push my head in this bowl of icy water in the deserted school wash-room…I had been told to stay on until a Visitor came at 5 pm- Luckily Mrs MacDonald & 2 others who knew Angela & JIM since their teen years stayed too/ hidden at first…one has a father living on ARRAN…
1957 October - I am very polite - my hair continued to ripple down my back in a pony tail or some days up in a Victorian bun like the young Queen Victoria big penny coins still in use - I did know the remark was meaning I might be a foreigner - RACISM at the Imperial top was normal & they of a certain age ill-bred & poorly educated were certain INDIA would want them back-
1957 November -Saint George ANDRE MALRAUX was suitably impressed with the corruption of this Catholic London household - he had it in the Jan Steen Tavern Paris because Mengele Doctor Harrington & G.B. Noble scum got in - where they got his ancestry out like dirty washing etc ! ”
1957 Autumn - 50 Lancaster Gate Square - This young Catholic household did not wish to upset the General Saint Charles & Tante Yvonne who knits him winter socks - but were too fearful to say what they grasped about these Noble companions of `The Saint Lizzie Head a Pub down the Buck Road` the fearful PIMP dirty JIM & WHITES VICE bar gang- Mengele Doctor Harrington & Naval Intelligence slithered about with Teams - The staff find violence & madness entering about Malraux & Greta from Cur JIM & slowly recognise the role of Doc Mengele Harrington…& Earls of Lindsay especially no 15 calling itself COUNT Lindsay offshore when at evil with them- But POWDERS in cups in BEDDING…was winning
Two of Andre Malraux’s young Workers heard mutterings from WHITEHALL from own age group or older family & friends- `MALRAUX AS GUARDIAN TO THE GREATEST ESTATE IN THE GLOBE & kept from knowing this for 20 years -
…they heard how along WHITEHALL amongst the TWISTERS it was terrifying many now that Greta Ransom had come back to OLD HERO ANDRE MALRAUX-it is reported she studied at the College of Further Education Colchester POLITICAL ECONOMY … Colonel MALRAUX Andre-the GOV…they had the Wedding of Grace ten years ago 1947- he allowed to be Widower Malraux by Paccelli - Pope Pius 12 - a kindly intellectual common-sense good man -who did fine watercolours when he could slip out of VATICAN in a monk’s old worn robe to sketch…
`MALRAUX Gov-Andre-Sir` no longer drear or downcast of spirits announced he was `having a re-vow with the girl he used to `push out in her pram 1937 `- Saint Ethelreader`s Crypt Church City of London - when the 4 BANNS complete now Reading at the early morning MASS - Malruux’s sister had agreed to continue her own life as she had been accustomed to & serve as his Consort if needed - Saint Charles the General would give a sign …`
1936...The WHITEHALL Government buildings have THE UNLAWFUL RANSOM GROTE FURNITURE ROOM with a Civil Servant in charge- & 7 harpsichords other instruments etc had been sold-as well as works of art-sculpture-drawings-famous paintings-Mansions/planes/cars/trains
ANDRE MALRAUX & GENERAL de GAULLE KNOW NOT OF THIS- `Margarethe a Goddess had more than the Louvre` 1961 onwards says Malraux & he will make a catalogue with Ransom brothers colleagues-detectives/a young man Kennedy President/others the globe/
THEFT & violence-killings-blackmail-destruction of records-any excuse to grasp at OUR Estate lands & moneys had never stopped from Crowns & EARLS Lindsay who cunningly claimed it-mouthing their racism `OLD ESKIMOS CANNOT MAKE WILLS` - 1957 October my Aunt Miss Winifred Gordon on the telephone to 50 Lancaster Gate Square said Cousin Julie Butler had told her to tell me & ANDRE about some family records about London to do with my father & his Ransom father… She referred to a visit pre-war to Hithergreene School where Dr John RANSOM worked & left his Greenland library for his son…She said we had gone with the Ransom family of Deptford & me - I WENT ! Found the name John Ransom on the stone gatepost…it had been a little defaced…I was followed by 3 men in a car from WHITES Vice Club…I complained to the Policeman on Duty at the crossroads…a visit had the Housekeeper told THEY ARE FROM A GENTS CLUB …WITHIN 2 days THE TELEPHONE WAS REMOVED FROM MY top room…Malraux was put later to tell me I had been miss-using it…
BY mid-OCTOBER 1957 the THEFT OF ALL POST/mail was as from 1933 & 1937 professionally managed & apparently HAD BEEN SO all the time from my first XMAS 1933 / The FRAUDSTERS G.B. NOBLE CLASS were living on blood & gore dripping GOLD they had stolen from the globe smashing up our philanthropy Estate … as we are Apes-Eskimos !
1957 - Miss Gordon had pressure on her from her Manchester family her uncle & cousins…which gave her some direction & probably less fear of those aggressors around her from age 4 years… 1915 JIM & dope-fiends- then came Angela 1919 onwards-
1957 - Greta had entered ANDRE MALRAUX`s home London - & HE HAD TOLD THE FAMILIES & Colchester Museums HE WISHED TO AGAIN TRY TO TAKE UP THE MARRIAGE but it must be quietly lived because of his career & POLITICS… Cur dirty JIM - Mengele Doctor Harrington - Lindsay Earls & thugs…& Teresa & other monsters of the deep now prepared yet again GRETA‘s HEARSE - but they began dirty mockery & filthy rape tricks/Files LIFE AT 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957/1959 are vast/ … Intention is to pull down MALRAUX & General de GAULLE of F R A N C E & STOP Malraux getting a JOB in the coming new FRENCH GOVERNMENT !
The Vatican with `young Paccelli` Pope PIUS XII annoys them so very much … The Vatican at this time with PACCELLI alive (until 1958) was a Repository of their crimes against GROTE HOMES children & Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote & her husband T.I.G. visitors since 1840s …from GREENLAND & USA …
1957 November - Miss Bessie Martha Williams great-aunt of Greta & sister to the poisoned 1944 June Mary Gordon is now asked by the Roman Catholic Church to come on board & as eldest Catholic in the family grant her blessings- meetings were of Church dignitaries retired- Oblate Saint Charles where Aunt Bessie goes to tea with old Catholic Priest friends is round the corner from no 50 L.Gate Sq., - even Mrs Murgatroyd Missionary sent her blessings but via Teresa Gordon ?
1957 autumn/winter : GIRL IN THE RUSSET SILK BRIDAL GOWN a Missionary/Aunt Murgatroyd/ POST/mail…phone calls to MALRAUX…all denied… Greta is not told she is alive or even allowed to remember her & her kind letters to us both STOLEN in the name of the usual British Earls & Crowns …then the EVIL have her fade out of the proceedings for fear MALRAUX learns of her LIFE & her close connexions to the Estate & that she was THE REASON WHY he did not meet RANSOM family SUMMER 1937...the RESCUE SPAIN that failed to save her only child age 22 years murdered by the LINDSAY ! …she will die to soon at their bloody hands…these Noble FRAUDSTERS wrecking the globe … )…
The gang of NOBLE BRITAIN - JIM -Mengele- Lindsay Earls- using Brown RNVR to fool all good people- knew THEY COULD LOSE THEIR FORTUNES if the truth of the slain GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES seashores of the world did become KNOWN TO ANDRE MALRAUX & General de GAULLE- of France-
1957 late October…GRETA RANSOM WAS NOW DOPED at 50 Lancaster Gate Square DECREE of NOBLE BRITAIN… `SO BADLY SHE SCARCELY KNEW HER NAME in the mornings` …I managed to get out & get into a big Museum or Art Gallery- by 2.00 pm I would feel better-I thought I was dying…The doping got so heavy handed I was sometimes heaving with sickness-this had me throw up the morning dope in the tea & coffee- I might feel better by 11 am…
1957 Nov/December…Mengele Harrington was given overdose of DOPE by old boyfriend & got himself taken to a Clinic- ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom got 10 days on the surface of the world…
The Manchester family & cousins Butler were well educated & Roman Catholics- Mr Mengele Doctor Harrington had been calling on Win Miss Gordon since 1954- this was not discovered until 1959 December ! His dirty game was as usual intimidation with women he could get to when they were alone- She was religious- Dr (Mengele) Harrington-religious in that he preached on Saint Michael falling & fallen- Clacton Police & neighbours-townsfolk- knew him a paedophile before Miss Winnie was made aware ! They threatened to run his car off the end of Clacton Pier if he did not keep clear of the Town- it was known he was a friend of `Soapy` a Duke from over the North Sea - No arrest possible !
Gaseous groups between MI5 & 6 use ` GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND` as a Training Ground for Overtime dough- accounts etc/ Thieves RN FCR`s Silver Salver-inscription from the crew of his ship-Battle of Jutland -` threats it had been dropped in the deep `
A CALENDAR OF SOME IMPORTANT DATES : 1. 1960 January- The Team (some self-appointed for they knew Gordon & Ransom families pre-war-) for MALRAUX Colleagues Detectives DISCOVER with legal team- USA… ANDRE IS LEGAL GUARDIAN- A LEGAL WILL registered January 1938 which is in the hands of the USA & Argentine legal authorities- No CLAIM can possibly be made on this Estate by Earls of Lindsay & Angela & families a commoner who has moved up into divinity-
Gross BRITAIN SHOULD NOT KNOW WHERE THE ESTATE LAYS- CALLING THEMSELVES BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN they HAVE FRAUDULENLY TAKEN THE RANSOM POST/mail from December 1933/ANDRE MALRAUX post from 1937... & PROCEEDED WITH KILLINGS TO REMOVE FAMILY- SETTLERS-GROTE HOMES children the world… Robbing & blackmailing THOSE OF ERUDITION of the WORLD WHO because of their knowledge of the above…STAND IN THE WAY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT EARLS OF LINDSAY & THE CROWNS- all of them HIGH ON DOPE…especially Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets up their snouts & have added 1950s THE USE OF LSD… None of them can legally or morally touch one piece of this Estate round the globe - In 1938 Angela was handing parts of the English Estate to her friends who had it FIXED with LIES & CUNNING that this part or that was `IN THE RED`… «because there was such Noble British concern- why the family Ransom apes-Eskimos were unable to read or write… These impoverished Nobles G.B. & Scandinavia have been at these tricks for decades…Records we have reach back to the 1860s…Millie Frobisher`s MOTHER…A Miss LINDSAY who married main line of Sir Martin Frobisher ARCTIC MARINER a brave MAN-like MALRAUX…
1938 MAY 15th murder of MARGARETHE GROTE by JIM Jong travelling companion of ANGELA…GROTE Brokers New York & all other nations big many small were administering with the 3 LEGAL Wills the Ransom Reserves & GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE the GLOBE… Little Nations receive intimidation from G.B.
2. 1929-1939 Plans laid : GIGANTIC EVIL FRAUD-to slay the children & take the lands ( 3 Wills needed here for the matter to be legal ! ) Earls of Lindsay/JIM/ “ Angela a pack horse for their crimes ” writes Augusta Frobisher to her Kinsman House of Lords an Ettrick Napier branch…c 1953... THE FRAUD THE STEALING OF ALL RANSOM POST sent to Heir Greta Ransom & sub-co HEIR Len Ransom- The theft & fingering of all of ANDRE MALRAUX POST - & the people willing unwilling or ignorant of this G.B. FRAUD who have access to him- are about him- some several persons were assisting with this DECEIT & FRAUD- Maurice brother of Clara Malraux 1st Registry Office wife 1921 he 20 years of age- he gives unlawful help to JIM from 1941/1948 to assist the criminal robbery of GROTE BROKERS New York USA -
Nota bene : These crimes by G.B. & Scandinavian Nobles are EQUIVALENT TO TERRORISM -more powerful using Government Nobles & Crown of Gross Britain in the 20th century-
3. 1944 November DEATH OF JOSETTE R.C. wife of ANDRE MALRAUX from a fall out of a train on the Railway line-her legs run over “ hours of pain before the morphine worked ” - she leaves 2 sons 4 years & 6 months old- “ The British Consul FRANCE end October 1944 sent 2 GUNMEN TO KILL SHE & ANDRE MALRAUX…he was away/
1960 January-March- ALL VIOLENT THEFT MURDERS FRAUD BLACKMAIL have come to the surface from the splendid research of the Colne Engaine Team Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux- They so shocked as they come upon details & witnesses the slaying of the million children the globe- They are learning swiftly by questioning many relatives-friends-people in State Employment… WHO HAD NO IDEA ANDRE MALRAUX received NO POST that was not searched by The British Government Lords & the Crown from Xmas 1937- RANSOM BROTHERS now learn some FALSE MESSAGES from ANDRE MALRAUX came to the globe Overseas Agents from early 1938 & that all the letters they sent him never reached him -
4. 1962 MARCH Ivy Ransom discovers her niece Greta Ransom has no idea of this Estate- that it was last in her head- her mind- her brain the British 2nd World War- ( information Detective Malone & Gordon family friend Patrick MacDrew that Greta was threatened about having knowledge of the Estate 1944 when her grandmother was poisoned ) & 1944 summer Mary Gordon has arrangements made for her to take Greta Ransom to Southern Ireland - Decree some important human beings of G.B. & living overseas-
5. 1962 March -MALRAUX & General de GAULLE at last see the 3 WILLS required to run this Estate/March 1962 Paris - From end of February 1960 false messages - an elaborate & costly & cunning enormous fraud goes on again against LEGAL GUARDIAN & the GENERAL of FRANCE… they say March 1962 they sent no such messages - some they are shown others told about- received by Ransom family et al- Hereafter DANGER- again the threats-violence-arrogance-from G.B. Government & Crown- & to all who know of Estate & Guardianship-MALRAUX poisoned twice 1960/1962.../diaries/records
6. 1961 May 23rd Andre’s two sons 18 & 21 years of age deliberately killed after MI5 withdrew Cover believing as the youngest came of age at 18 years Vincent they could not justify Cover any longer as PAID servants of G.B. Gov & Crown -
THE EVIL MONSTERS WERE NOW QUITE SURE THEY COULD KEEP MALRAUX & de GAULLE ignorant while they went on pouring ACIDS into the Grote death pits & depth charged off shores- & 1960 JUNE they bombed entirely the settlement Gronlander/Ransom of 19th century WEST GREENLAND believing they had removed all evidence of its greatness- its supreme theatre the PLAY season of 4 decades-its education-its HUMANISM- (Capt Alan Villiers Oxford comments Dec 1967 on the bombing `SHAME! Shame! Britain ! Denmark …SHAME ! Shame !` )
7. 1962 March Malraux & de Gaulle see the 3 WILLS… too late to stop more violence-murders-removal of records-bodies- The the DOCUMENTS got to them because Ivy Ransom spoke to her 3 Ransom brothers saying their niece Greta had NO MEMORY- an important USA family whose parents had known Tig & Mag & Jean Weddell- cousin Clarke Gable-the families Ransom-Grote helped swiftly (Kennedy family) |
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