Greta Ransom

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1954 onwards … Nobody knew that D.S. Brown RNVR submarines is being paid a monthly sum to ` KEEP GRETA FROM KNOWING ABOUT THE ESTATE ` Earl Lindsay 15 asked Lieutenant-Commander Brown to do this…This is Count Garnock Lindsay the metal spade wheeler of the 1930s trying to kill Greta on the beach or chop her leg off when Jim & his Dad Earl No 14 `2 Evil Little Jack in the Boxes` are having him TRAIN FOR HIS ROLE IN LIFE with a pellet of DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND UP HIS SNOUT…

Count Lindsay 15 who has robbed Ransom Estate of all these Canada Transport moneys has on his dopes consumption got Canada Railways in the RED- Then is put in a Clinic Canada for shooting yet another girl with a gun up the legs - JIM & scum taught him this - it was regarded as FUN by the dope-fiends of Gross Britain 1930s-50s… Russian roulette ? (He gets an R.C. divorce 1968- was caught trying to rob VATICAN with a Montague in-law of Malraux Ransom vast records GROTE HOMES etc…under Mengele‘s direction…)… RECORDS… Scarlet Town intellectuals-brain drain/1950s Newspapers/ records to the 1980s…

1957 October - Miss Winifred Gordon was ordered by her cousin Julie to ` SEND TO ANDRE THAT COPY WILL GIVEN YOU by Mrs Grote ! I never knew you had it ! ` Miss Win put it in the post/mail to 50 Lancaster Gate Square `because God will keep it safe - it is coming to Saint Edmund’s House-he was martyred down the road at Tyburn now called The Marble Arch..`

Julie Butler of the Manchester branch sister of `our Bill Mayor of Manchester` does not seem to have known too much what was going on ! Win would say `Julie is the youngest cousin-I do not worry her with Ransom matters ` ( It was stolen at the door - Mrs Mengele has orders to take all post if Mengele is not squatting in Andre’s apartment using the hot water heating & searching his desk & writing these notebooks FULL of filth lies & madness to earn himself moneys from WHITEHALL - they are all hooting evil & insane … )

1949 - diary LIR Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM “ It is about that you…

we… have hung a man in Malaya…”

nota bene : the code of TIGGY GROTE is we do not agree with taking life…discuss…? …this is done by DU CANN father/a British JUDGE now & son & Angela & her men & Earl Lindsaybuggarhs who are at pickings here…PROFIT for they the MONOPODS in name of Gross Britain is all that is required…it is a GAME…you outwit the other fellah…` GROTE HOME children Malaya have been slain by big brutes in control of big RN ships sailing in/there will be a creature from the LINDSAY pack directing !

Nota bene : ASIA - D A N G E R - 1940s onwards…old students /science-humanities-arts / meet in secret knowing they are hunted because several of them have GONE MISSING after investigation by British IMPERIUM…Noble scum… LIR & JR®…& families get help for some ex-Grote to go to USA & S. America…Japan who have a top family in SCIENCE nods - they have hidden their Grote children …

1954 onwards…( Weddell & Marlowe lines (Ransom girls )

It was about the ultra-intelligent medical circles Gross Britain & overseas…that `old Mengele-Wengele had a fixation on burning DNA- & later say he may have been changing over bodies…they wondered about the body of JAMES WEDDELL-in Saint Clement Danes`… putting in pauper skeletons …There was a London cemetery everyone knew-lots of places with bodies not to be missed…Mr Mengele Harrington could use the OS Office or he`d give them headache every morning in their tea/coffee if they challenged him Mengele The Crown…`

1954 - He Mengele had opened the grave of Kit Marlowe using O.S. Office & others…he was after a bit of purple clothe…another bit was in France & lost in a ruined church… & yet another bit in a British Bank for the grand-daughter of Uncle Gimlet Eyes Mainwarring RN…(who does a funny imitation of Captain Bligh walking about the ship…& is taking us to The Weddell Sea…suddenly he cannot…JEAN FIREBIRD HAS BEEN POISONED BY ALL OF THEM….Earl Lindsaybuggarhs Mr Pong & Mad Mother Kali & her horrible fiend/friends `up in Town`…

Mengele Harrington - February 1954 - was crazed that Greta Ransom would not give him information on a 1938 visit when she Greetha was aged 5 & 3 quarters…slyly using DOPE he caught Greta in a cup of coffee February 1954 telling ANDRE she was clearly KEEPING THINGS from him ANDRE…but he meant` from himself ! He was muttering “ THE APE should give me this information for the CROWN…He wanted to establish Kit Marlowe was a noble illegitimate son … ! ` 1950s - ALL OF THEM ARE ON LSD plus cocktails of all dopes -

1954 February - Mengele Harrington got some of the information on


but GR had only told TGR fragments in 1938-this is a day out with our Ransom/Mainwarring/Parsons etc lines/ 1953 Vultures about Teresa E. Gordon Ransom tell her she will be paid by Angela `a packhorse for the crimes of her men` with a big house & income if she supplies Mengele Doctor Harrington a Royal friend/fiend with our RECORDS…he a Noble house cheap hoodlum

with a little boy bait blue car was 6 years younger than TREASA Mad Mother Kali CLYTEMNESTRA…She now got her DOPE from him via the National Health Service for almost NIX ! He promised to remove her Prison Remove her Prison records- LIR & MALRAUX felt he had -

1938 November … I Greta Ransom had the dead JEAN just under the earth…Len & I would go sit & talk to her…she could not dance again…A world of GREED Len & I lived in with danger from Monsters of the Deep…we had both had it since birth…it was too natural… We had thought we were protecting Jean & Frederick Charles & my very young Father…& on this visit we were in mourning for JEAN…

Laura Parsons & I …& her daughter a Librarian coming in for a few minutes were solemn… Laura about 60 years medium height but frail is bowed as she is saying “ I cannot believe our JEAN dancer is beneath the earth…that we won`t see her again…she still young & dancing … ”

We were concerned they Ransoms & Mainwarrings had missed TEA & we should perhaps make a HIGH TEA for their return from THE HOUSE OF THE GIRL IN THE BLUE GOWN…& her most beautiful UNDERSTANDING…of a young man but 40 when he com`th TO KENT & she hid him with agreement the close neighbours for 2 years….then THEY NEVER DID MEET AGAIN…but he hath left letters & perhaps he took his full PRIESTHOOD & sailed via SPAIN to R O M E …

1954 - Mengele Dr Harrington probably SPAT AT THIS HOME-SPUN memory for he is very posh you know…& goes about with PHIL the Greek a bloke RN who wanted me dead when I was 10 years…so hopefully has booked himself a PLACE in Hell… He is on DOPE & was seen 1953 stuffing DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND PELLETS UP HIS SNOUT…trotting all over ARRAN & taking the dangerous narcotic from JIMMY JONG Mr Pong dirty JIM co-Steward of WHITES CLUB a Vice bar…He should never have been allowed to leave the SEA…kept sailing like the Flying Dutchman…he is bored on shore…

1938 November - Memories I returned with … A bluebell counterpane in a blue walled room is Laura`s daughter`s room where I take my afternoon nap…& a girl 16-17th centuries in a blue gown at the Manor nearby …found to look the same as the Ransom Mainwarring elders come with letters that afternoon. They were quite emotional to enter & showed reconstructed letters of the descriptions HE writes seeing her first, describing the first glimpse of THE GIRL IN THE BLUE GOWN, a widow of the SEA, with 2 tiny daughters under 3 years old…The wooden panelled passage exactly the same as described in the letters… LAURA & I made the High Tea & the men returned full of artistic emotions

… Doc Mengele HARRINGTON apparently mocked me for recalling this…I did not know anything…he had knocked me a ZOMBIE with his DRUGS… I was very ANGRY to learn he had done this ! He keeps on about his CROWN ! It is a dustbin ! A chamber pot full ! They are all hooting evil…& now add LSD to their 1920s dopes ! WHY IS THIS MONSTER FOLLOWING MALRAUX ABOUT…& me…! It is a PIMP !

1938 November - & Laura‘s librarian daughter they kill & remove from the face of the Universe soon …JIM & Lindsays for The Crown ! It is a beautiful 16th-17th century true history connected to branches of all our families…I GR have recalled some bits… concerning Kit Marlowe not yet born & his two half-sisters perhaps ? …1938 some of the records were in a Bank for Miss Mainwarring when she was 21 years old or got married/they would be a nest egg/ or she might wish to write about them herself/ …These are from Laura & her family related in Kent to MAINWARRING & also to us RANSOM…for this GIRL IN THE BLUE GOWN is related to RANSOM somehow… RANSOM IS ON A GRAVE STONE in the Kent churchyard at that time 1938 … THEN GONE swiftly ! … 1938 November WE HAVE BEEN FOLLOWED HERE BY SCUM of NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA !

( Records/accounts/visits/1938 November after the scum of Noble Britain have poisoned the INCA FIREBIRD Jean Weddell end of that summer…letters restored of THE GIRL IN THE BLUE GOWN are our Ransom/Mainwarring/Parsons concern 1938 … WHEN WE COM`TH BEARING THE BODY OF THE BALLERINA JEAN WEDDELL WITH US … `Foul Winter doth come`

“… & Laura & I made tea again & thick sandwiches with meats & salads in bowls for they were late back from the Manor Kent…

MY GIRL OF THE AIR BLUE GOWN…& a GIRL very beautiful dark hair white skin who has this blue room with her mother LAURA… LEN can continue our GRIEF…Laura`s daughter went missing/he knows more in 1940s/ she simply disappeared on her way back from the library & never seen again ! MARTYR - IT SOUNDS LIKE A DIRTY JIM CRIME…he likes putting people in sacks & burning them in Scotland or throwing them in watery pits…& cutting a vein behind the ear … `

1954 March 11th - He Mengele Harrington with JIM & LINDSAYBUGGARHS were clearly preparing to keep the Grote Heir Greta Ransom & ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN a free French citizen from attending her 21st birthday party being arranged for her by her father Frederick John Ransom & his Ransom families…

1957 October- from this date ANDRE MALRAUX had a jeering sneering dirty mouthed persecution behind his back -he noticed it in WHITES a real VICE bar with JIM there - He say`th to Greetah whom he is Guardian to from October 1937 ...`I shall stick it out…you do not wear a hat I hear ! I think ` little one` you should buy a hat…but I have to learn what this is about…I G.R. got a ` berry` in dark green…IT WAS STOLEN at 50 Lancaster Gate Square…a white one came from Aunt Winnie Gordon…& that was stolen too…So by mid-November I was hatless but wore a scarf like all other girls on windy days…`

1957 November - COUNT LINDSAY No 15 came to the front door 50 Lancaster Gate Square & asked to speak to me - he said he was Count of GARNI something or other- I had no memory of him at all, he the Spade wheeler pre-war…I replied to his invitation “ NO…I DO NOT WANT TO COME FOR A RIDE WITH YOU ” I answered politely.

Adding ` I was waiting for my husband ANDRE MALRAUX to come from GAUL ` He looked startled & FELL ABOUT THE PILLARS…in a corkscrew dance… He would have killed me & dumped me somewhere…JIM has told him to… I do not go for rides with anyone !

I turned away & left him on the doorstep…the housekeeper stepped forward…I SAID EXACTLY WHAT ANDRE MALRAUX HAD ME REHEARSE WITH HIM THE WEEK BEFORE - I have been instructed by ANDRE MALRAUX how to drive off the Hades monsters coming from WHITES CLUB - He doth return & spoke to ANDRE-

& got a shock OVER THE CATHOLIC EARLY WEDDING allowed us in April 1947 ! I do not know anything else about this… pity…

ANDRE says 1970 … A selection of the criminally insane had again been doubting its validity & Andre-George had heard all this in jeers 1957 October November behind his back in WHITES …! As not one of them in Noble Gross Britain can be sure who their fathers are this did not at all bother us !

1957 November - ANDRE MALRAUX has just been told by `young Paccelli` Pope Pius 12 that he NEVER annulled the 1947 wedding to Mary Gordon‘s grand-daughter - as far as he, Vatican, HEAVEN are concerned-it was on hold- 17th April 1947...61 years anniversary 2008 AD…into eternity…

Lindsay 15 & LINDSAYBUGGARHS & JIM & other Noble SCUM… were in no doubt why PACCELLI had allowed the GROTE RANSOM HEIR TO MARRY THE GROTE RANSOM GUARDIAN- IT WAS TO KEEP HER SAFE & him a widower JOSETTE having died so tragically & leaving him 2 sons -

SO NOW THEY MADE PLANS TO SAVAGE PACCELLI Pope Pius XII - as well as the ongoing persecution of RANSOM GORDON RANSOM WEDDELL POULSEN…all branches…

1937/1938 - Count Lindsay 15 who used to threaten my life with his big-boys metal spade when he was `IN TRAINING WITH THIS STUFF UP MY NOSE FOR MY ROLE IN LIFE WHEN I GROW UP`

Its Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire-blown pellets hitting the brain in 2 seconds - he had a Catholic marriage (divorce 1968) & with Montague in-law began robbing the Vatican Archives after 1957 waiting for `young PACCELLI ` Pope PIUS 12 to die…MALRAUX RANSOM marriage would have PAPERS & with GROTE HOMES PAPERS & ESTATE Papers in VATICAN. They, Nobles of Gross Britain dripping blood & gore moneys from murdering the GROTE CHILDREN… wished to say the HOMES were prostitution & all EVIDENCE SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE BRITISH CROWN TO DESTROY. I can only HOPE the VATICAN is not so THICK BETWEEN THE EARS…But they did not get discovered as ROBBERS until their 3rd visit in the ARCHIVES with a false Priest…

IMPERIAL BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA with Noble creeps… knew that PACCELLI had been a very active supporter of the HOMES-the Estate- That he knew Mary Gordon her sisters & the families the Southern Irish cousins & of the girl Teresa Carroll CLASSICIST Harmony & Plato studies. THEY HAD ALL BEEN YOUNG TO-GETHER, Roman Catholics …

Paccelli knew Margarethe Ransom Grote & her apartment in her house in Rome/it could be used for Visitors to Vatican if they wished/likewise all her houses & apartments about the globe…He knew the GERMAN GROTE HOMES…& her families & those of her husband Thomas Immanuel GROTE founder of GROTE HOMES the grandchild of the GROTE Family West Saxony whose mother came of the family KANT… Frederick Immanuel KANT…

1929-1938 - `Young Paccelli` watched British Devilry against Grote Homes Germany & Latin America…a young Priest of high INTELLECT he knew of Ransom families as visitors to VATICAN 19th century & that Margarethe came first a girl of 10...Also SAN JULIAN INCA & Aelovedah-Maria 10 years of age…she who would marry James Weddell….& that he Paccelli encountered with these people their descendants a REAL WORLD & UNIVERSE outside fashionable flash-glitter circles…HE COULD SEE THE STARS IN THE NIGHT SKIES speaking with Mrs Grote & kin people who had created the JOYOUS VENTURE & ran it as The Gospels Acted Out …

1938 spring - How he, now Pope PIUS 12, longed to speak with young MALRAUX about his GUARDIANSHIP of the greatest piece of philanthropy in the globe…having read his two books La Condition Humaine & Man`s Hope - he was agreeable to the appointment & MALRAUX had accepted 1937 after being ASKED in OCTOBER...

& warn him of the British Noble attitude to GROTE HOMES & his experiences in GERMANY …seeing the British Devilry…they were keen to ROB the art works from the HOMES as well as CLOSE THE HOMES WORLDWIDE & take the lands ! … he needed to tell MALRAUAX that attacks, murders of good students in Latin America had begun …The British Crown & Earls of LINDSAY were claiming the ESTATE outright calling MARGARET GROTE an OLD ESKIMO… He wanted to warn the young writer & HUMANIST … !

BUT THERE WAS NO REPLY FROM MALRAUX…the GUARDIAN CHOSEN…War came…finished…but MALRAUX did not call upon anyone in GROTE & RANSOM Estate… GROTE Brokers New York announced 1949 they had replaced him with the 3 Ransom brothers … His reputation was tarnished because of the matter of the used cheque book ! Perhaps General de GAULLE did not want him to have anything to do with the ESTATE 1945/46 ? … IT WAS PUZZLING…& the GROTE CHILDREN ITALY & the globe were dead…killed by the British in the War !

PACCELLI would know early 20th century that the friendship from GREENLAND was wondrous… & holy when it reached back to the 18th century…& then the Island Jacopsholmen WEST GREENLAND 19th century, the school, the THEATRE, the life saving & common sense administration that went on by having the humanist enlightened Ransom & Poulsen families owing it outright was HOPE FOR MANKIND…Delacroix had sailed up & painted in Jacop`s Church…VATICAN ARCHIVES had the history of the young polymath free-thinker Catechist POUL GRONLANDER -how he risked his life saving the entire ship crew of Italians…the young man was sure of his great strength coming from his goodwill…preached Saint John/& others…& had an understanding of the UNIVERSE that directed him into science medicine humanism…Poul brought GOODNESS TO MANKIND - PERHAPS here ` Paccelli` “going on high 1938 ” saw a likeness to ANDRE MALRAUX…as Greetah young heir had done… I GR think it would be so…

1938/1939 - Clacton-on-Sea & `Jerusalem` London, I RECALL the anxiety of everyone when MALRAUX did not contact anyone…notes from Paccelli to The Montfort Lodge Clacton the Priests Home…had anyone heard anything more other than he had written MARY GORDON October 1937 saying HE HAD ACCEPTED GUARDIANSHIP…? I can see Granny Gordon looking out for Honoria Rachel coming down the road…wanting to show her the latest note from Paccelli…& ask things of her…? ( H. Rachel she a French Catholic now in her 70s was rich…but had to dress like a beggar woman in Clacton so the LINDSAY mug alleys & scum did not take any interest in her…she spoke French with LEN when he was with us…)

PACCELLI would know from the Archives & talking generally with Mrs Grote, that Poul her mother`s grandfather & his wife Margaret Yates of Carlisle were welcomed in correspondence with the Popes - POUL writing in 4 languages told them very much… ( “ for which language your Excellence prefer…) That Pope of the shipwreck time sent presents & was eager for POUL to visit but understood that POUL had a fear of disease & until they could all learn more medicine to protect their FLOCKS he would not come then - Perhaps when he was older & widowed & the children bigger with Jacop eldest in his teens POUL may have intended visiting Italy with them…their mother went to save a boat of children & drowned…Poul was away at the time. So that his widower hood perhaps was to have him step forth into the GLOBE…GIFTS came from the Pope…a horse which they kept very well for 2 years…but the winters proved too harsh…Poul asked to see spices as they grew…discussed books & requested some…He & Margaret sent good drawings from Greenland nature & craftwork to Rome…In exchange he got the botanical wonders of the globe he requested…coming swiftly by ship to 18th century GREENLANDBut POUL is killed in an accident 1765…teaching the Danish Company employee to fire the new gun…THUS THE GIFT OF THE ISLAND…`to erect when you can a University to POUL…to keep as a holy place…`

JACOP was 15 years/his letter on Father`s death is published in Finn Gad volumes on GREENLAND history 1968-1970s/ JACOP set about the education of his brothers sisters & took care of his father`s community…at 29 years he went to Norway to begin his life…had mean`t to enter the Church…but went towards welfare & medicine…married Monica & had 4 children…Gertrud his only daughter to marry FRED RANSOM … All this was in the VATICAN archives in Paccelli`s lifetime. And from 1870s to 1930s Mrs Grote visits her house in Rome. You put a coin in a big ugly mouth…then go up to the top her apartment. Its by “…a fairy temple, a great gate…Rome …”

1960s - Earl to be no 15 & his in-law Montague - went robbing the VAT/VATICAN - The Whitehead family & others were talking with Bodley’s Head (Oxford) 1986 ... The retiring Librarian said `yes it could be done- you’d only have to dope somebody in there- distract them-find somebody with a conscience perhaps ` David Rogers & sister Brenda the Resistance Worker girl 2nd World War- both Catholics- David did research in Vatican in the summertime, taking his holidays…

… PJPW & David Rodgers KNEW THE MATTER of GROTE HOMES & a great philanthropic Estate shattered by Gross Britain Imperial Power…& thus the AUTHORITY that could be used to do this/REMOVE RECORDS/falsify… They spoke upon removal of records & even razoring in holy books… They knew more than G.R.W. could remember in 1986.but would have very much liked my enlightening memory from the 1930s ! PJPW & GRW are about to leave for CHINA 2 months tour Fishery Colleges & Universities. In CHINA , ANDRE MALRAUX a hero to them… was put back in my memory in some episodes of our long life since 1937 SUMMER …

GROTE HOMES established 1864 to educate to 18 years orphans in HUMANISM with 4 languages & Gospels Acted Out…1879 the Earl Lindsay Premier Earl of G.B. eyed the global Estate … & had a marriage made 1883 ! Only daughter of a former Miss Lindsay who married FROBISHER main line the Arctic Seaman 16th century.

Young Millie Frobisher skater little Academy of Ancient Arts with friends…early gym for women… to the Widower of Montreal & JACOPSHOLMEN West Greenland, educationalist JOHN RANSOM - The EARL of LINDSAY immediately latched on…cashing cheques on Estate without any permission from the owners or the GROTE BROKERS New York … Both POUL & JOHN RANSOM were murdered by the Earls of Lindsay in 7 years & all Capital went to them FOUL Earls of Lindsay…they now set about the widow Millie & her son born 1884, & had the son born 1890 drowned at 3 months of age in a bath…Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM survived, hidden when he was 14 years old after Lindsay cousins had delivered his dead mother age 32 years into his arms at the door of `Jerusalem`… he marries JEAN WEDDELL ballerina widow Smith/Aquida of S. America & Spain/ … giving life to us…` Len I.R. & Greta R.

… “ LINDSAY - creatures who when they had the Bailiffs IN, hid in Scotland or Norfolk…sat about a bathtub of beer-spitting & stubbing their fags out in it soaking their feet DRINKING DEEPLY with Ale Mugs in their paws…they did not wash between birth & grave…”

“ …singing improper versions of Robbie Burns from scrawls on lavatory walls awarded themselves DSOs …” …authors POLITAN

et al for Andre Malraux & company 1960 … BUT Philip Silverlee had an appointment with CHURCHILL January 1960 & we hear he said

“ LINDSAY a bloody nuisance since THE PLANET BEGAN …”

The marriage of MILL FROBISHER & JOHN RANSOM was a love match very much so on her side…she was swept off her feet by his vast education his ancestry & the GROTE HOMES - She had her little Academy of Ancient Arts her exhibition skating-a girl of Ancient Gymnasium Arts of Greece… she the direct line of Sir Martin Frobisher the Tudor Arctic seaman- She had to protect her honour age 11 years from 2 LINDSAY 2nd-cousins who tried rape her…She had a Policeman`s truncheon that she had disguised as a doll…SHE HIT ONE SUCH A BLOW ON THE HEAD HE HAD A SCAR ALL HIS DAYS…”

Millie age 32 years (Greetha’s great grandmother) is murdered 1897 by 2 LINDSAY 2nd cousins who took her Florida lands shared with her brother Canada - & her only surviving child her son , 14 years old had her body put into his arms at the door of `Jerusalem` Deptford by the Park- he was then hidden in the hilltop school & learned languages including early Anglo-Saxon until he joined Aunt Margarethe at 17 years of age & had a shock at her standing IN ROME - he is the father of FJR IJR JRR & Lennie by his marriage to Jean Weddell part INCA ballerina & grand-daughter of James of the WEDDELL SEA…Greta’s grandpa is Frederick Charles Ransom as everybody called him for there are so many Freds` & Johns` Ransom since 12th century- & still LINDSAYBUGGARHS could not get hold of the Estate - until again

( 1929 onwards - ) they rose up on their jackal haunches & in silence claimed the heirs Greetah & Lennie RANSOM to belong to THEIR FAMILY…& Greta & Len being APES-Eskimos they could not possibly OWN anything….THUS jesu henri all must come to LINDSAY who when broke sit about a TUB & stub cheap fags out…dipping ALE MUGS IN…soaking their foul lower paws …

1933 … & the LINDSAY gang & Mr JIM Jong… WET themselves in excitement all over the Scarlet Town…Westminster & Whitehall … where they were known for inventing NATIONS so they could have some moneys to go visit these MYTHICAL nations…Human beings, who worked for a salary & a PENSION were scared of them… LINDSAYbuggarhs had DISMISSED the TREASURY when they were refused CASH… Now they had ANGELA to snipe with snooty jibes that Gross Brit could never allow Old Eskimos & Apes to make a Will - They drooled about offshore properties in Independent Nations of chocolate banana types & those of a darkie colour… & how Gross Britain would teach them a lesson…Noble Divinorum Salvia Scotland growing Imperial GROSS BRITAIN would take the TRADE !

Nota Bene: ` GROTE HOMES ESTABLISHED with agreement of Princes-Prelates-Sultans-Industrialists-VATICAN-& independent Nations A to Z …In 1864 Tig rushed across Pacific & round …then another garland round the world…a double bracelet A FLOWER GARDEN OF HOPE…Thus TIGGY left the RANSOM family of his wife SHOELESS for awhile… The HOMES & the lands were called THE JOYOUS VENTURE by Margarethe who often followed on as Tig circumnavigated taking 2 years of visits… She learned Arabic from the Arab ladies or she `sat like a dolly all afternoon while the men talked about the Joyous Venture `….

“ Thomas learned another language & WE TOOK A SHIP TO TRY IT OUT… when we were first married in grandpa Jacop`s Church…I in the scarlet wedding gown Daddy had made in Spain…he so wished to see A SCARLET BRIDE AGAINST THE SNOWS…I had quickly to learn to Trade…Daddy helped me & many good people…thus we kept the JOYOUS VENTURE safe with making settlements supplying all the HOMES needed, farms, old people housed in retirement…all to be normal as in a family…we were following the teachings of POUL…Gertrud our mother`s grandpa…WE showed how to live with GRACE…I began to investment in all transport & useful concerns usually by Invitation to Daddy & Mummy at first…

Great Britain did not agree with the HOMES…It was the only Nation that objected to them…They felt they interfered with their TRADEwhen Thomas died ( 1904 ) I had the help of Frederick Charles your grandfather … & my son & his family…we were all agreed that you & Len inherit…because you were like all of us…”

1936/1938 Aunt Mag to LIR & GR & family….(Margarethe Ransom Grote notebooks- & autobiography)

TIGGY Grote had over a hundred languages well learned at near 50 years of age 1880s - Margarethe Ransom his wife had a straight line RANSOM reaching back to Castile 7th century AD - These sea-traders always knew their ancestors - their cousins- dowry lands were usually along seashores or rivers where ships could sail in find safe berth -Connections kith-kin 12th century Palestine were kept up to 1929s -

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