Greta Ransom

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Nota bene :

` 1961 Summer Andre Malraux came to represent General de Gaulleat a SOMETHING in Gross Noble Britain & he was not recognised , passed by … snubbed … a creature with a Morgue Set face member of the thieves of Noble Britain & Scandinavia …

We refer to the blood & gore muddy frozen puddle out of Norway … He whose fawning business men of the world …

( reference … perhaps a little to the Play Richard 2nd by Shakespeare ) easily grabbed by the short & curlys when they saw him alongside his evil Uncle Louis … whose party trick was to knock young girls of the lower & middle-class with dope & follow them in arrogant Roaring 1920s style to a lavatory etc etc etc “ you would wake up without your handbag your reputation gone … ”

… ` Another of no HUMANIST education … born 20th century & so easily from 2 figures of age made nasty spiteful mad by having Mengele & JIM & the crazy violent LINDSAY mob about him … ENCOURAGING HIS GREED … so they could ALL have more DOUGH DOPE SOAKS in the 20th century ruled the Universe … swept to power & more madness in their unholy Church Belfries by the Media they had created to HIDE THEM FROM THEIR CRIMES of VIOLENCE … The murders of the GROTE CHILDREN are one example . 1950s-1960s - These toffs have been put on tape-recorders saying, chortling , how they love a GOOD WAR … it that a good WAR gets the JUMPS out of them … They are upper-crust of Gross Britain, Scotland & Scandinavia …

1971 - Andre said ` Peter he felt had a screw loose suddenly

& it was MENGELE ( spoof Doc Harrington giving Peter Whitehead dopes ) with his mixtures of rare dopes ! That he, Andre, used to hear him raving upon Pity nobody told him , ANDRE , that was Harrington`s name It was NOT before 1959 when he, ANDRE MALRAUX learned of this use of mixing dopes ... & of Mengele Harrington `ACID BATHS for the BRAIN TO REMOVE MEMORY ` … !!

He ANDRE had learned late 1960s how THEY Gross Britain & Scandinavia Nobles doing everything in the name of Crowns, were washing peoples heads out with acids complete memory loss … It was being ordered up so they, these bizarre figures heavy with dope could go on clawing big incomes from the GROTE HOMES RANSOM vast so VAST philanthropy Estate to which he was GUARDIAN from OCTOBER 1937 & to Greta & Len Ransom until they were at least 25 years of age … & so many other persons had not been guarded sufficiently… because the POST/mail was stolen Orders The British Crown & LINDSAY EARLS… … THE GREENLAND ISLAND BOMBED 1960 … it was tragic … then his two boys dead … another car driven FAST at them … BROOKLANDS Britain, RACING circuit style 1920s-1930s » `

Nota bene : Noble Britain, many into nasty Witchcraft to take land & moneys off peasants, HAD LEARNED many dope Nut House tricks /Psychiatric Clinics/ during & after the Great War 1st World War/ when they came to visit victims of the WAR who were SHOCK Cases

… A new method was to WASH OUT THE MEMORY WITH ACIDS then get them back into Action or life they were expected to now be able to enter normal life again He, ANDRE, felt it had been done to him but he had his notebooks & he hid them in different places … for he, MALRAUX, could trust no one after Josette`s unnecessary death …

Nota bene : Clara Malraux learned this technique Out EAST “ from a wily Chinese ” ref. Diplomatic Force & Vatican Corp - ref. H.W. Poulter Hollytrees Mansion Museum December 1953 ... RIX Wheeler ( Sir Mortimer Wheeler ) archaeologist “ hot foot from PARIS with startling news about MALRAUX needing to be got away into a normal home-life …

20th century … The RANSOM Weddell Gronlander SURGE & THUNDER of the ODYSSEY … hath BECOME IMPRISONED in CAVERNS DEEP enmeshed by the CRIMINALLY INSANE …

Reporting LIR & Arthur Malone/Politan

1971 - We read to ANDRE the Diaries of FJR late 1936 into spring 1937 of your life … before he, Andre with & JO, arrived at the seaside SUMMER 1937 …

FJR his DIARY ENTRIES : “ He had to nail her to the door & force from her details of this violence given his daughter, himself, his parents, his brother Len & many other relatives & friends in Clacton & London …since 1932 December ! … He had found his daughter Greta & even his tiny son John with beatings & burns spring 1937 …

He now learned from her was made a SHE-DEVIL … He made her tell for whom she did this violence … She now began to WHINE & whine like an animal caught in a trap … she whined & whined like something wild & horrible … Still he would not let her go Finally he said he would meet her with lead ! She knew he was a superb shot & she would have no chance & he would have a bullet in her first !

She now said it was JIM & Angela & the LINDSAY Lords … They all wanted SOME OF THIS MONEY HE HAD … the old ESKIMO had no right to it … They & she, her friends, were British & it should be used to have their kind put back on top … She was one of their kind ! They told her so !

He had tried telling her she had made a marriage of quality & if she behaved & stopped her violence she could travel the world with he, his family, her children … ` There was so much to do about the Estate … & the Children in the HOMES & the tenants of every nation needed us calling, so many of them related through the centuries . Aunt Margarethe was not able to dash about the world as she used to but now went more slowly round the globe` … SHE COULD NOT FATHOM WHAT HE SAID ! None of them up there had much education after 10 years or so … ( ` … then they began to SQUANDER MONEY … relying often on income from overseas cheap labour factories & squalid investments …` Greta Ransom )

“ Her face, Teresa Gordon R, thrust forward & she jeered at him …

In a loud voice `WHERE IS THIS MONEY THEN … I do not get my share from you ! WE WANT TO KNOW…MY FRIENDS & I … WE WANT A SHARE OF THIS MONEY ! … You are a nobody Fred Ransom … an Ape & have made me have these children … APES ~ APES … Eskimos ! MY MY MY … MY FRIENDS ! MINE ! WANT TO KNOW WHEN DO WE … GET OUR SHARE … OF THIS MONEY

HE, FJR, HAD SEARCHED & FOUND THE RIDING CROP … the beatings she inflicted were severe … done by a maniac … he had taken one off her before … He now knew why his mother the ballerina one afternoon after she had danced IBERIA had been beaten … BUT SHE JEAN Weddell HAD NO MEMORY … His daughter & son had no memory after they had been savaged … they were left on a floor amongst coal & wood shavings …HE WOULD NOT LET HER GO… he threatened HER with hot coals … if she would not say how this was done !

FJR - He was quite sure now how it was done ! NARCOTICS ! Morphine …God knows what else ! SHE BEGAN TO CLAIM TO BE A SUPERIOR CREATURE WITH THEM the Figures from a Morgue ( who had started this violent abuse against the Estate in the 1890s …)

So they, Angela`s parents, had taught her witchcraft. Had her up there when she was 14 years of age ! 1920 !

( FJR was only 9 years of age 1920 & had already travelled the world in the Estate boats & seaplanes with his families learning how to run the Estate )

( SHEshe Clytemnestra Mad mother Kali went on defiantly, foaming at the mouth, SPITTING as all the British Roaring 1920s used to do …) They the Nobles used this method in Scotland … beat a peasant who will not give you his land … OLD PEOPLE had to be got off ! THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO LIFE ! The Nobility sent abroad the crop grown in sheltered Glens to factories of serfs … they, foreigners, worked as they were told to do … it brought in BIG MONEY for the right kind ! …

He said she kept on repeating `BIG MONEY … that she, they… wanted BIG MONEY ! The NARCOTIC she used ? He did not yet know it was in this form … pellets … & inserted in the nose … HITTING THE BRAIN IN 2 seconds …Its name Divinorum Salvia Scotland … ”


to get lands & moneys & Peasant` s savings… THEY WOULD NEVER KNOW - what happened to them …they did not live long after this… Aunt Mag & Tiggy had learned about this dangerous crop the first two years they owned ARRAN, when she bought 98 acres & THEY THEN STOPPED THE GROWING OF THIS CROP … A nephew visiting said that Lake Tania was full of dead bodies these past 100 years … he had been talking with people who knew of the terrible old days before Margarethe & Thomas bought it & used The Grange as a place to rest in from circumnavigating the globe every two years … ! (TIGGY GROTE murdered on Arran 1904 by Earls Lindsay & Arran etc Aunt Margarethe Girl of the Snows got protection from her grateful tenants ! )

FJR MARTYR - his diaries 1930s - before the ARRIVAL of ANDRE MALRAUX & Josette SUMMER 1937 … ( MALRAUX met Teresa Gordon December 1924 in France )


God had sent them to work ! They were nothing but peasants … nothing … GOD had put them in that place ! They must do as they were told ! ` … DEMANDS FOR BIG MONEY came always … he FJR let her think the child John Gordon WAS, as she insisted, a bastard ! He knew he was not … he looked very like his great-grandfather John Ransom … he had to hide the photographs of him now …”

HE FJR her young husband FELT SHE WAS EITHER INTOXICATED or gone mad… SHE then … `WAS A SHE DEVIL` … she described herself so … she had a name Grey Kiel, & Angela was a poisonous Swiss mountain flower … Angela`s father went out with them at night as a Wizard, & her mother sometimes as a High Witch »

He went to Mary Gordon her mother 4-5 minutes walk away on the Skelmersdale Road ( she widowed March 1937 ) … She now told him the truth about Teresa`s early life … ANGELA & JIM came calling Woodford Green … on horses … where she`d eventually had her eldest son Arthur & wife three doors away until they had to move to Thorpe-le-Soken because of the trial & get Esther to a safe place … he JIM - VERMIN ! He had learned before The Great War of her Irish cousins with money, fine places, & sometimes raised a few horses … JIM, he a bit of VERMIN … & they had followed her to Ireland 1919 … lead her into this witchcraft & had taken her up there … to Angela`s parents big place … She Treasa younger than them, had no sense about it … THEY DID … it got them money ! Her Catholic upbringing was of no use to her … she told lies after meeting them …she could not stop the lies & making TROUBLE for her family when she had them near her … Angela & JIM …` Mary Gordon speaks 1937 probably end of winter/early April -

` 1938 - FJR - `… after Aunt Margarethe`s murder … IT WAS NOT UNTIL 1938 that FJR found out about the pellets she, Teresa Gordon R., put in her snout … the Chemist told him & the Police said this was what they called `frogspawn` & warned the young people in the Town never to go in the Earl LINDSAYbuggarhs GRAND … or you could get it powdered in a cup or a tumbler glass … they & others grew it up there … Scotland …

KEW Botanical Gardens had a man killed 1920s … when he tried make a report on the ILLEGAL growing of this narcotic in Scotland …

( 1936/1939 - GR who was there : I can see it as a Movie -

SHEshe had been throwing things, gazing into space, she kept the curtains drawn… she was gazing into a starry night perhaps breaking some delicate furniture in the little sitting room…

her arms thrown out like a ROBOT … I can see her that morning, I GREETHA RANSOM whom she has kicked out of her way as if I am not there … & she often does this It has been worse some night times when she throws me a dirty potato in the coal scuttle & kicks me saying “ RAT … eat it …”

One night she was making my father sandwiches for the next day carefully cutting off the crusts … then SHE WOULD ASK HIM FOR MONEY ! … she threw the crusts in the fire ashes & on the floor… & he my Father, came in & caught her telling me that was my food … I was feeling sick so she had put something in a cup of milky tea for me/ sometimes it was a big spider at the bottom weighted down with a stone/ THEN SHE SWORE TO GOD THE HOLY MARY & JESUS that she SHE SHE saw me, the Ape, do it… I had wanted to get HER so holy into trouble she would mope…& she has learned to wring her hands & cry pretend tears … !

? I THINK SHE HAS TAKEN ACTING LESSONS FROM JIM MR PONG who was put a 2 year Course PEKIN OPERA by his Chinese Grandfather who found JIM a violent fraudster & forger of cheques … /

Records by Greta Ransom born 1933 heir to Margarethe RANSOM Grote with Lennie Immanuel Ransom born 1921 …

( JIM & ANGELA tell porky FAT sausage LIES in the same manner … its done for MONEY … Remember when they were children they would turn the TEN COMMANDMENTS upside down Sunday afternoons … & mock the Church Service … THEY ARE PROTESTANTS … not Catholics or Quakers or other Nonconformists … who do not behave so … )

1930s - FJR diaries - shown & read by LIR & Politan …

to ANDRE MALRAUX 1970/71 in SPAIN -

That morning SheSHE was gone crazy, he FJR saw something sticking out of her nose … He got it out as she writhed on the floor !

( A pellet of mauve like jade or onyx - she rushed up stairs to rinse her face because her nose was streaming blood - Greta Ransom )

… In a half hour he took it to the CHEMIST putting his daughter Greetha at `Crail` with Mary Gordon grandmother … He now heard from the Chemist its narcotic history…what it did … Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire-blown pellets hitting the brain in 2 seconds … addictive ! Grown in Scotland mostly Western side … it fetched the NOBLE BRITAIN a big sum of money abroad … Used for slave factories etc `…

1937 onwards - M A L R A U X - crucified for being chosen GUARDIAN to the great philanthropic Estate THOMAS GROTE HOMES educating to 18 years HUMANIST curriculum … begun 1864 , & his wife Margarethe Ransom her ESTATE RANSOM the globe in 3 PARTS … her two brothers JOHN RANSOM & POUL RANSOM of West GREENLAND Jacopsholm Island off Xristensharb … a Democracy Utopia from 1770 …

… murdered 1890 & 1891 are John & Poul RANSOM … by Crawford LINDSAY the criminally insane Premier EARLS of Gross Britain, accompanied 1929 by bilge rats Noble of Scandinavia determined to have their SHARE of the old ESKIMO Fortune

… EARL LINDSAYbuggarhs were claiming the Island from 1883 after the marriage of their hostage …. Miss MILLICENT FROBISHER main line Sir Martin Frobisher TUDOR Seaman of the ARCTIC …

20th century - A RACE TO THE TOP mentality of Noble scum who had the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN A-Z the world, murdered in their homes during the 2nd World War : IT WAS PLANNED AS A MILITARY EXERCISE 1938/1939 … 1945 enter TOP BUSINESS MEN of Gross Britain … easily able with booting-in TRADE … DECREES to attack small Nations & therefore HIDE THIS OBSCENE CRIME of GREED …

80 percent Nations of the earth, especially those small & vulnerable/were abused/

RECORDS collected show HOW in the years 1938-1947 approximately 99 percent of their orphan GROTE HOMES children kicked into fresh dug overnight pits & burned while many not dead from the BLOWS TO THEIR HEADS , & others put in nets & dragged out & drowned offshore -

photographs drawings eye-witness accounts /

“ always the great RN ship stood out at sea, sometimes two ships ” /


Reports kept hidden in British Admiralty until 1969/& Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960 onwards… Grote Brokers est. 1830 FILES to 1960 kept in the Wall Street offices 1930s-1971 !

… & Solicitors for RANSOM Estate since 1830s Buenos Aries-documentation until 1960 …/USA State Department RECORDS 1946-1988 ...

…. A silly question , of course is , WHY IS NOT ALL THIS INFORMATION ON THE INTER-NET … ??? ??

1945 onwards - Now NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA easily WIN dripping blood moneys & kudos of a sort … gathering EVERY CROOK they can about the globe … they count the quick PROFIT into their empty coffers & pay all their borrowings since 1900s - They RISE UP ON 2 LEGS & hee-haw … jeering in Marble Halls ( tape recorders from 1950s) about an old ESKIMO & her Ape ancestors & descendants …

ROBBERY with VIOLENCE , done by these Noble criminally insane is dope-booze-grandeur TOSS-UP at the GAMING TABLES of HELL that THEY FREQUENT …

` a RACE TO THE TOP `… & they can have gold bath taps & blondes in every Port a Yacht can call at Cold blooded murder of foreigners by DIVINE well dressed IGNORANCE means QUICK CASH for Noble Britain & Scandinavia-especially in the 20th century …

“ 1970/1971 - Andre, speaking to us in Spain -

His ANCESTRY from his MOTHER Berthe

HERE a diversion for ANDRE MALRAUX …

& he headed for SPAIN HE LOVED TO TALK UPON THE LIFE THAT HAD BEEN He began to say to us in SPAIN

`how his Mother had crucified him for marrying a Jewess because she had lost her English piece of land & the family moneys because of a Jew ! She was not bitter at all Jews - only at her lost independence

He would now tell of that SUMMER 1937...

… ANY EXCUSE TO SPEAK UPON THAT HAPPINESS How with Josette & Greetha they had travelled to LINCOLN & re-traced from old photographs & letters his mothers lines found the monument complete & other landmarks In 1945/46 he had been able to trace her little piece of land & a home built upon it long ago part of a big Estate He would have tried buy it back 1937 ( if he could have exactly found it ) & visit with Josette Later he thought of finding it again … & buying it for the boys & it was Mr Poulter & Quaker friends who helped here 1954 end of winter … «

Nota bene : SAXMUNDHAM HALL, MALRAUX his mother`s Ancestral line at sometime was found out by Mengele Harrington & his RN thug SPIES 1954 & he ordered the landscape of the gardens & the interior scene in the photos taken when Andre`s mother was a girl … be devastated ! NOTHING MUST REMAIN !

Remember : that HARRINGTON has joined a Witch Cult of Saint Michael Falling & FALLEN in France … in the 1930s …

1945 May - It was when he RETURNED to the seashores of Summer 1937, A WIDOWER OF JOSETTE November 1944 … that he went with a new friend a Geographer …

(Armstrong Cambridge University taught in East Anglia schools all the wartime rushing about in his car Wartime 1942/1944 he taught Greta & classes GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY & knowing the good young man FJR, Gretas father, before the War 1930s, Armstrong began to put back her MEMORY with his lessons … realising that Teresa Gordon Ransom was INSANE & with her NOBLE CHUMS was WASHING OUT with narcotics GRETA & little COLIN… harming their BRAIN & they had anaemia too nobody trusted Dr Clarke for he was a RACING chum 1930s of LINDSAY Earls who debauched in their GRAND on the Clacton-on-Sea seafront …

1945/1946 - “ Andre, WIDOWER, was taken out by his friend the Geographer/History Cambridge University, Mr Armstrong who had petrol for his car THEY FOUND IT ! He, Andre could recall, HIS MOTHERS LAND WAS BY A SCHOOL in a certain area They found it ! JOY ! The building had little left … but a home could be made it had been part of a bigger Estate when they had risen up in wealth awhile She would have brought him here … if it had survived a Jew who took the property & the land from her family …

ANDRE MALRAUX - his mother & father -

It was probably her Dowry Andre speaking of her says ` he felt she fell in love with his father for his looks then found he had not the same dimension of her soul Perhaps if shed had this English land & theyd visited , even stayed awhile , the marriage would not have faltered She was given to books as his Grandmother Adrianna they had given him his early learning … `

ANDRE - he was not RACIST at all it was understood ”

But he , ANDRE MALRAUX IN HIS GRIEF 1967 … onwards


… WHEN HE ARRIVED WITH JOSETTE … & Greetha taught him how to behave & what to look for in life & SHE WOULD BE A BRIDESMAID … or a PAGE AT THE WEDDING …. if her hair was cropped short again by Sheshe & Aunt Margarethe could pay for it - in LINCOLN CATHEDRAL IF THEY WISHED…” ….. ( 3 people talking of Andre Malraux… )

I Greta Ransom - 1945-1970s ... am weak at the knees when I see … & can recognise … the Colossus of GAUL come striding to me, he known to the globe as ANDRE MALRAUX

… Come from Gaul where he & General de GAULLE ( Saint Charles as old Catholic people called him Wartime ) have had to DISCOURSE with EVIL sub-sub-MEN deceiving them over GROTE HOMES children slain & RANSOM vast Estate the globe . After his stay of some hours, or 3 days, he becomes to my memory & understanding as Georges-ANDRE … but he must depart from 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957/1959 ... & return to GAUL, where he & the General de GAULLE have TWISTERS about them … even in the Holy Realm of Fair FRANCE.

But in the hours days of his STAY in this his London home, I have recovered some part of that life with he as George of the Wedding of Grace April 1947, that Georges-A. Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX …& perhaps he has put back in my frightened memory some things upon SUMMER 1937 … with JOSETTE … killed so savagely in November 1944 …

MALRAUX MARTYR HE DEPARTS … Immediately my MEMORY IS WASHED OUT by ORDERS, or by Mengele in his dope RAGES … that Mengele Doctor Harrington Royal Satrap PAEDOPHILE Gollum, & his evil accomplices … All of whom pay themselves VAST MONEYS from the Estate GROTE RANSOM … which my father & his brothers are LEGALLY ADMINISTERING IN THE NATIONS OF THE GLOBE …

In Gross Britain the properties, investments, lands have now nearly all been STOLEN or hi-jacked or TRASHED… by ANGELA a WITCH since her first teenage years, & her fiends/her various attachments wearing dustbins on their EVIL brains .

Late 1950s , here is again as 1953/1954, that Georges-ANDRE whom I hath roamed East Anglia coasts & villages with … & the now dead Josette of SUMMER 1937 … & 1945/1947 again the same places we tread … & he has become the WIDOWER OF JOSETTE 1944 ... In all those years I tell`th HIM OF ALL THERE IS from my soul … Late 1950s with he, I have begun to be myself, FIND MYSELF again , journeying with him back into the YEARS He is a Catholic boy a HUMANIST when I get used to him … after some hours of his return from GAUL

1937-1976 IT is for 39 YEARS that ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM are seen WALKING side by side , two TALL STRONG HUMANISTS ; sometimes TOGETHER … through those hideous years when everyone we cared for was killed by THEM … … their savage mighty greed always clawing at us

1968 - A MAN TALKING ... Greta Ransom W. trembling from insults behind her back at Blewbury village in BerkshireI am being fooled in front of some ARAB … If I had a normal memory day to day I might ask him if it was his Grandpa may have sent Aunt Mags HEIR (me) a prayer mat Christmastide 1936/1937 … ?

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