Greta Ransom

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Known theft from the Estate USA/Canada …

1948 - 2000 AD into 21st century - CANADA TRANSPORT of the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE being lawfully administered New York by GROTE BROKERS, is given the spade wheeling hooligan of GRAND, Clacton, often on PURPLE NARCOTIC up his snout 1936/1938 , Lord Lindsay b 1926, by his EVIL father in 1948 !

He, made a violent THICK-O by his family elders … who regard him as their INSURANCE for OLD AGE … proceeds to GET our CANADA TRANSPORT in the RED & after some newspaper Reports of his alarming history shooting girls etc - & a STOP OVER in CLINICS again, the DECREE Westminster went out to ` CLEAN HIM UP … ` He is a friend of Royalty & therefore DIVINE … & 1951 expected to marry the Princess Meg … `

1960 SUMMER - He , Count Lindsay Garnock, will BOAST about his GREAT THEFT 1948 of CANADA TRANSPORT from the Estate … to Greetha Ransom Summer 1960 Colne Engaine at midnight … finishing UP `What did I I I know about TRANSPORT… I WANTED TO GO ROUND & ROUND like Uncle Thomas ! IT WAS MY FATHER & ANGELA made me take TRANSPORT CANADA … ` Clearly his accomplices leapt at him … HE HAD SAID WHAT HE SHOULD NOT …

1950s/1960 …The Seniors in the Kennedy family & their older friends were worried about the disappearance of many of the grown-up GROTE children who had gone out to work, sometimes gone on high ! … Many of them with their families were felt to be MISSING … Records were being interfered with & clearly being removed in some areas of USA society No honest information can be got from Whitehall … it is hushed as a NOBLE MATTER …

… They are especially concerned with `the dirty MOUTHS ` that have been heard by persons visiting or connected to the British Embassies USA & Central & South America A Grote HOME in Mexico had older children slain early 1950s … & some staff …

1970 January … It is becoming obvious to ANDRE MALRAUX

that during the past 3 years PJPW of the British Museum NATURAL HISTORY, has little idea of this CRIMINAL TRAGEDY planned & executed 2nd World War by Noble Britain … & that he is told MISCHIEF/dirt ! & about the families of Greta, both GORDON & RANSOM . Those trying to help speak of ` PETER CAUGHT BY HIS CLASS …`

1967 November onwards - Mr Mengele Doc HARRINGTON paedophile Royal Satrap, still expecting to be a PEER/a Lord, & others evil , are SPYING about the Whitehead identical twins … … & the new household at The Pillar House, Harwell. MALRAUX does not know that ALL CORRESPONDENCE to Greta is removed/all MAIL to PETER WHITEHEAD too… everything is opened by The USUAL old GANG … those Noble purple narcotic criminally insane of the 1930s/1940s & onwards Another generation is raised to THIEVE … to HIDE THE GENOCIDE Grote Homes Children …

1969 - A woman has said to Peter J. P. Whitehead , “ THEY HAVE BEEN KILLING PEOPLE, Peter, for this MONEY… we knew about it when I was in the City … YOU are too young to be in charge ”

1935 August - CLACTON CARNIVAL - Greetah Ransom age 2 & a half years `little Miss North Pole` was slipped into the Procession on the seafront … by JIM Teresa Gordon R. & Lindsay monster (Earl 14) …

Nota bene : Dressed in rags, with badly chopped off fair hair, she Greetah RANSOM had one black eye from their fists, another fist to her tiny mouth had it broken bleeding, a bruise across the chin, cheek …

… ` the child Greetah Ransom had multiple bruises, had been kicked on her legs, had glazed eyes & had NO MEMORY ` … reports … Clacton Hospital ... given to Arthur Malone Detectives, colleagues, friends of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960 ...

A NOTICE ON MY CHEST says “ GROTE HOMES ORPHAN… support your GROTE RANSOM HOMES ” … The Hospital was outraged - that afternoon soon the culprits were found & given this VIOLENCE back … they held them against a WALL & beat them up !

( the LINDSAY mob always have 2 collecting tins for the CARNIVAL …

a big one for them … )

A woman called ANGELA / not to be called duchess until she behaves like one - she a nasty JOKE to the Nation … / was known to snigger about this TRICK into the 1950s … The PLAN was to accuse young Fred John RANSOM of doing this to his own daughter, & his young brother LEN was to be incriminated too …

PURPOSE : The LINDSAYBUGGARHS Premier Earls of Gross GROSS Britain will now GO TO COURT in secret SILENCE … THE CLAIM

` Oh such behaviour cannot be tolerated … Therefore Oh Learned Lords & Judges … of the HOUSES OF PERVERSIONS - We the LINDSAYBUGGARHS, IN THE NAME OF THE CROWN will TAKE ALL ! OR WE WILL DISMISS THE TREASURY … AGAIN !

Nota bene : THEY, The British NOBILITY divine, those FIGURES FROM A MORGUE … WILL UNDERTAKE TO TUMBLE GROTE HOMES, put the children in Factories to work for their MOTHERS ARE SINNERS … Yah know !!! Hee haw hee hee !


a back pocket filled … for ISSUE/ kids !


to Jacopsholmen island where we have the magnificent well kept FRED RANSOM Bridal house he built for Gertrud Poulsen, POUL GRONLANDER`s high educated grand-daughter …

1935 October - We flew up in 3 seaplanes our ESTATE owns … 1933 November - The Eskimo, & Gronlander cousins had seen little Miss North Pole Greetha Frobisher Weddell RANSOM ... her young father FRED had FLED to them … the baby born in March 1933 had been found bruised in a bucket in the winter now begun in East Anglia … She is wrapped in newspaper by her so-called mother & JIM a piece of VERMIN… They quickly dressed her ( me, Greetah Ransom ) in delicate fabrics next the skin & warm furs against the North Pole Arctic winter begun … & I had another Christening !

Nota bene : This is that JACOPSHOLMEN Island, the legal property of POULSEN-RANSOM family 1770 … where the Family de Salle of FRANCE … 1939 December ARCTIC WINTER - parents & 2 young sons ARE TO BE FROZEN TO DEATH in 18 months, having been evicted by Major JIM & thugs in BRITISH ARMY UNIFORMS claiming the HOUSE is PROPERTY THE BRITISH CROWN …

… 1950s - 2 daughters survive to be raped tormented robbed, Orders from JIM for The Crowns, a Prospector now, aided by greasy LINDSAYBUGGARHS Earls . Their Danish British FIGURES FROM A MORGUE with Crowns in saddle bags, visiting in luxury yachts mid-1950s, & claiming ALL is THEIRS … jeering at the 2 young women , destroying their Summer Camp with winter stores, & not letting them leave MR MENGELE Doc Harrington visited in luxury Yacht ONCE … after the bombing June 1960 … to remove ALL EVIDENCE of the UTOPIA/Democracy ! THE two Poulsen de Salle young women HAD BEEN SMUGGLED OFF ! Reports newspapers/swiftly falsified/ Reports from Sarah to Dr John RAY 1959/60 - & to other USA State Department AGENTS …

1935 - The hideous attack & exhibition of injuries done to a 2 years old girl-heir, the day of CLACTON CARNIVAL … THIS IS WHY WE FLED FROM THE GLOBE`s most disgusting Nation AT THE VERY TOP … its High CLASS SIN … OF THE PIN … Their BRITISH EMPIRE now tottering, & the uneducated criminally insane FIGURES FROM A MORGUE who sit at the top of this pyramid are all on THE PIN & other dangerous narcotics … one grown to insert in the snout it gives DETERMINATION TO WIN WITH VIOLENCE …

in 2 seconds from the insertion in the SNOUT

A Scots NOBLES CROP… jealously guarded by them… they EXPORT IT TO THE BRITISH EMPIRE…those slave factories they draw PROFITS FROM …to keep up their flash-glitter-obscene & violent AUTHORITY

1937 Summer - Clacton-on-Sea - HAPPINESS day by day for ANDRE

& Josette, come from blood drenched SPAIN & its WAR …

1930s-50s - Ransom families hath Anabaptist Nonconformist Quaker friends Essex seashores - A Non-conformist family ` Finch `18th-19th centuries , then c 1890s changed to FRENCH - Ironmongers once dairy & poultry farmers, in the Old Road, CLACTON -

1947 April - Mr John French senior a friend of Frederick John RANSOM father of Greta is asked to STAND IN for FJR … at the WEDDING OF GRACE 17th April 1947 … Mr John FRENCH is ASKED 2 HOURS BEFORE THE CEREMONY … ` to undertake this position “ AS HER FATHER CANNOT COME … says Miss Win Gordon to him on the telephone … ”

…The bride, me, Greetha, was told by Aunt Miss Win

` NOT to say that I had to cancel your Father coming OR your mother would not come … & now she has refused to come too … Oh I cannot tell my young brother & sister Harry & Esther … Not ANDRE either … we must ask GOD about such matters … he will direct us … or his Saints & Angels

(I think God, bewildered, told his Angels & Saints to BOOK THEM ALL BENCH SPACE IN HELL … the Dissolution of the MONASTERIES was a Beatrix Potter Tale compared to this … )

( She may have had her bastard NEPHEW Ed du CANN hiding in her teapot … & some LINDSAY old bloody handed monsters guiding her faltering understanding ~ )

Nota bene : Miss Win ex-ATS, SHE late night 16th April 1947 cancelled Greetha`s father & party of RANSOM, Weddell Poulsen families attending, they would arrive late morning of the 17th April ~


… all of us having had our POST/MAIL STOLEN & ripped OPEN back of BUCKINGHAM PALACE from 1933, & ANDRE MALRAUX`s POST/MAIL ripped open by these noble SCUM since XMAS 1937 MALRAUX will be INTRODUCED at LAST … to those who hold lawfully the ESTATE & are lawfully administering it OVER SEAS … He will TELL General de GAULLE of FRANCE many discovered matters …

& three young RANSOM brothers will join them … with Solcitors/Notaires/Brokers/Trustees/Accountants … of THE WORLD ! GROSS BRITAIN gets FOUND OUT WHERE ARE THE GROTE CHILDREN … MOTHER ENGLAND ! THERE WAS STILL TIME TO HANG THESE criminally insane at NUREMBURG …

… the British holdings HAVING BEEN criminally GIVEN AWAY BY A WOMAN CALLED ANGELA to her SCUM from May 1937 & much else of the Estate on the Continent has been TRASHED BY THEM for quick PILES OF DOUGH … also SOUTH AMERICA … ASIA treated in the same way ! …

… BY the mid-1950s … their BRITISH NOBLE ARROGANCE together with their SCANDINAVIAN dirty BILGE-RATS … had DESTROYED 2 thirds of the great ESTATE HOPE OF THE WORLD … say many witnesses to its uncomplicated system of ACTING THE GOSPELS OUT

its funding of RESEARCH … its investment in all that is civilized …

1960 January - Winston Churchill speaking `she got mixed up with a penniless Lawyer called du Cann - wrecked her life - Teresa Gordon … a chance … then LINDSAY moved in LINDSAY A BLOODY NUSIANCE … SINCE THE PLANET BEGAN ` ( Records Detectives Colleagues friends of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/61 & onwards )

1924 - du CANN family … & MARY GORDON -

… ` IT TOOK TWO TO MAKE THIS CHILD` says Mary Gordon telling them they will raise it … she has her own young children … THEY WILL FIND A CHILDLESS COUPLE, employ a nurse, & see to its education. SHE had the baby BAPTISED in the Catholic Church, with name EDWARD GORDON from her own son dead 1905 in an outbreak of Scarletina in London …

Nota bene : ` A FAMILY WHO GROW ILLEGALLY PURPLE PLUM - Divinorum Salvia Scotland … ` & NOT just for a tame chemist either ` / reports February 1954 - & the Carroll family Irish saga - updated 1960/1978 & 1990/1 with research additions -

1940/41 We are not growing this narcotic - for the bastard`s family of our fathers cousin Mary Williams Gordon - a little BASTARD & its father & Uncle, its mother one of Mary`s daughters…”

An Irish SURPRISE OCCASION FOR THE CRIMINALS is often written upon- reports/photographs/Irish quick thinking WIT/ & no profit for Du Cann illegal NARCOTIC GROWERS on the CARROLL FARM !

1940/41 !

1957 December - LETTERS of Mary Gordon & Carroll family shown to MALRAUX `Du CANN illegal NARCOTIC GROWERS Northern England & then booked 2 fields on the CARROLL FARM, near Dublin ! Letters of Aunt & Maisie Carroll - Andre Malraux saw the letters December 1957 when he visited CARROLL FAMILY near Dublin .

… UNFORTUNATELY Mengele Doc Harrington followed him ! …

Great Aunt Bessie Williams had letters 1940s about this PLOUGHING IN of the du CANN illegal CROP just RIPE for cutting … while the Irish Town Silver Band played & the community sat down to a fine meal on trestle tables … while the 4 Tractors ploughed the valuable Crop of DU CANN Divinorum Salvia Scotland plants to a muddy MESS ……The noble leaders of the GANG went off vowing REVENGE !

… The Irish cousins Murphy, O`Brien, & CARROLL kept in touch & visited the big Manchester Catholic family or they went across to Southern Ireland …

1957 December - Mrs-Lady Astor opened the door on the past a bit

to Andre … before JIM & thugs got at her 20 minutes after he, ANDRE MALRAUX left, an early winter evening from her Apartment Waldorf-Astoria Hotel London

Ivy JEAN Ransom (nee Rawsthorne-marriage annulled because she was 1

18 years but the violence from LINDSAY was horrible)

her 9 years old son was a deliberate hit & run death on a lane near the Estate in Switzerland 1930s - proved to have been done by JIM & thugs - IVY had abusive threats after dark 1945 to 1960s … often when she returning from her work in London - IVY told by JIM he would hang her from the gas lamp Deptford if she dared say a word about the Estate to MALRAUX - or object to LINDSAY helping themselves/they share with Angela ! IVY Jean tried to protect her brother Frederick J. Ransom & took care of Colin F.Ransom a year & some months 1947/48 - records vast/

1937 summer- we will try to return to writing upon THE JOYOUS VENTURE … with goodly humanists helping from their records & write more upon that happiness 1937 ... when three young people Andre, Josette & Greetah go to the beaches, the countryside see places of interest & meet kindly civilized people - ANDRE MALRAUX makes a first visit to the neat Edwardian town of Clacton-on-sea , but knows some of the history of the ancient lands & villages where his Mother`s ancestors came from - He discovers the records in Little Doomsday Book, & other Medieval treasures, & finds he can travel back in time, treading in the very footsteps of Neolithic Clacton Man - With ANDRE & JO … let us try to live again all that happiness … Summer 1937

ANDRE MALRAUX - was anxious 1957 & to the END OF HIS LIFE November 1976, that I Greetah his `Prophet` recall that SUMMER 1937 … & share its happiness with all good people - to put it safely - WITH THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT - upon the shelves of for ever & ever

1976 September evening 9 00 pm - ANDRE MALRAUX`s last words are `when you hear my voice in your head put your fingers on the keys & type what you hear me say … you can type well enough… do not question what I say … then you will understand … WE HAD A LITTLE WEDDING, I was happy & so were you … WE TRIED AGAIN, & I was very very happy… & I think, Greetah Maureen, SO WERE YOU … I MUST GO back to GAUL … & LAY ON MY DEATH BED … … `

… it is for libraries on MARS & stars beyond - We three young people gathered delicate fragile happinesses - amongst Humanists East Anglia - where the refugees com`th 16th 17th centuries 18th -19th centuries - & on

That Summer we have the loan of a small Clacton home, the HOUSE on the CORNER across from the Marine Parade …step across again, it reaches the Co-op Shops on a corner, where ANDRE almost skips across … to get this little household anything he thinks it hath not sufficient of .

His friend who lives School Term time in PARIS is English-Australian, an artist friend of all of us … her widowed father has loaned us the retirement home … at the edge of the shops of the town near to Marine Parade leading into Pier Avenue - a one way

coming from that Old Road that descends from Great Clacton/Clachintuna - then changing its name to head to the seashores, when it reaches the gigantic Century cinema …

Swiftly Andre Malraux came to know more about Essex & East Anglia than I GR ever did 1937 he comes with books AS A WIDOWER , he makes visits all about the landscape from 1945 with grown-up friends who have cars while I am at school

1937 SUMMER - ANDRE MALRAUX will continue to read winter 1970 from his notebooks of December 1924 & into the recent 1960s - revealing that THE EVIL to grasp moneys by NOBLE VIOLENCE harms us ALL & keeps us SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT -

TO MALRAUX , comes too late … his DISCOVERY OF A GODDESS whom he had heard of long ago, when he was in his teens & his early 20s - Margarethe Ransom Grote, the GIRL OF THE SNOWS

- & real HOMES A to Z the globe … 2nd World WAR all the CHILDREN SLAIN by NOBLE BRITAIN All architect Homes, so many destroyed swiftly to remove evidence of the hideous British Nobles crime for DOUGH This has him grieve alongside his dead JO, & his two sonshis two brothers An EVIL Century the 20th Century … it had become dominated by arrogant BIG BOOTS IMPERIAL GREED ...

1970 winter - ANDRE MALRAUX …

draped in shadows of his dead, & the dead of the GROTE HOMES children… comes to The Pillar House Harwell, He has no home where he may be safe in Gaul or anywhere in the globe

` Thus speak those who know him for A PURE MAN … & know that HUMANISTS have become so rare in the world ANDRE had entered after Josette`s manslaughter … which includes too many penniless Nobles HIGH ON THEIR DIVINITY & DOPES , joined by big business scum those purveyors of trash …

1937 SUMMER - “ We decided to keep her with us ,

not the 4 days planned & then take her to her grandmother, widowed in March, Mary Gordon … for the rest of that summer - Mary Gordon from whom I had much to learn, Peter - I called Greetah the Prophet - the family history was being unveiled - I had no idea it was all true - Hearing her speak I felt she listened ROUND THE TOWN & slept with her door open at nights” …

… “ I WAS NOT TOLD, her poor young father and his KIN were away` A RESCUE IN SPAIN … a tragic matter - a savage obscene death given for fun to a 22 years old young man, by a Noble British FAMILY … `

( N.B. Premier Earls of Gross Britain Crawford & LINDSAY -

… Greetha`s `MONSTERS OF THE DEEP ` spoken of that SUMMER 1937 … when she hurries ANDRE by the horrible grey granite crouching DEN on the seafront with a big word above the door saying only G R A N D … )

who were given this private ESTATE by a woman who now had an illicit Crown - This is the only child of two British Missionaries linked/related to the family RANSOM … 1937 he ran the Spanish Estate for his parents, near to the seashores, & translated from Coptic the records given them to bring to a safe nation who would value them - records of a 900 years old Trading Post on the coast - Ethiopia-Sudan - given the Missionaries MURGATROYD to keep safely, take overseas swiftly by a doomed man - they were family records - his ancestors, Peter …`

1970 ANDRE MALRAUX - reading his notebooks of 1937-

I heard of how a Captain in the family Ransom had said

` Beware of Courts & Kings young woman - we once found an enlightened Ruler down in San Salvador` I had no way of knowing this was all true, SHE WAS ONLY 4 years & 6 months - Sadly I did not comprehend GROTE …

Yet many years ago in the 1920s, I beheld a woman at the end of a Saloon in Paris-talking with a group of very distinguished men - I Andre Malraux, was not invited to come closer - it was SHE the-girl-of-the-snows as Greetah called her -

A Goddess - Peter ! I had read a magazine 1920s about a woman on a barren isle Scotland who owned 3 or 4 Gericault paintings - in the 1920s - there were black & white photographs of them ”

& yet again … ships that pass in the night...

I sat on a sea wall beside a man an old man in Brittany when I was in my 20s perhaps - He told me of an ANGEL who came with a small boy - how she watched him fishing with a net he flung beside his knees - he would wade out & stay still , then fling - She spoke to him a few words - she explained fishing methods where she came from in the NORTH & she came in the mornings for two weeks with her small son & always spoke with him ( Len has drawn this )

… “ Then one day ( he told me ) how she took him to buy a boat - ` No he need not pay the bank anymore than what she had paid to them ` - Payment when he found he had sufficient from the fishing each time - & if he found he had surplus fish then he must take them to a HOME for orphans nearby She took him to see them - & the HOME for orphans was a real home … & it became part of his life - He had his widowed mother & two younger siblings to rear when he met her the ANGEL … & they depended upon him - they could now ALL take part in the life of the HOME for orphans

He said to me that ` HE WAS 15 YEARS OF AGE

WHEN AN ANGEL CAME to him … Margarethe girl of the SNOWS … Now he had one son a fisherman & one son a Notaire - HE NEVER SAID HER NAME & I - I did not ask Ships that pass in the night` - “ I can only bow my head & say that I ~


“ Christmas 1937 my correspondence to the families at the Clacton seaside did not arrive - but we had our friend our hostess making the journey from Paris to Essex 2 or 3 times a year -

& she delivered to them all messages from Jo & myself …

From NEW YEAR 1938 all my mail was scrutiny the British Government & Crown - where they could arrange it later we learn that if our Hostess came to know of the GUARDIANSHIP , they, Noble Britain, had made PLANS to KILL her …

Nota bene : & these criminally insane arranged it well ! An ex-prisoner a paedophile with a sentence for violent savagery for months on a baby, HARRINGTON b 1912 , upon Release from an English Clinic NUT HOUSE, immediately given EMPLOYMENT by The BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN … TO SPY UPON ANDRE MALRAUX now GUARDIAN the world`s GREATEST ESTATE of philanthropy … & spy upon his families, & everyone he knows ( THE NOBLE LORDS et al MAY HAVE GOT paedophile HARRINGTON `early Release ` … his mother Was at Court…)

1937 Summer - ` THE ARRIVAL - ANDRE MALRAUX - He arrives about 2.30pm - with Jo ? No - she had to come later - he will not travel with her . He came by plane - she came a little later on another London train …JO had come by boat from Marseilles - disguised as a sailor … CLARA HAS THEM WATCHED … & waves a GUN … `

I Greta Ransom awoke having been put earlier in my brother John Gordon`s cot for a midday sleep He has gone with the Doctor Barnardo`s Children on a seaside holiday up the East coast

I was put to rest until they came by the kind half Jewish lady with the sick husband whom we pay well to do a few chores if she has time - she will not come when SHEshe is here - & we understand & agree ) I find Unitys mother & a tall, very tall, fragile youth … Oh so very tall this youth or young man … peering into my face … as if he has bad sight ! She says `ANDRE …`

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