Greta Ransom

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1937/1938 XMAS-tide - the Guardianship became known to her families in Manchester, Southern Ireland by letters from Mary Gordon & her sisters at the seaside … Miss Butler`s aunts …

1937-1959 - Neither she or her Manchester families, as far as she knew , had a letter from ANDRE MALRAUX - no telephone call - there were messages of a sort she heard of - from a department - an Embassy ( presumably to the elders in her family ) …

perhaps the blame was being laid on the early marriage - She had to leave it to the men in the family who had the better education but it had made her quite ill … she had slipped into depression … slipped into the BLUES » …

Her cousin Teresa was 12 years of age in 1919 when she & these TRUE BLUES in 1920 burned the Murphy household down Southern Ireland … little Brian a first child, age 6 years, was dropped out of a window - nobody else survived - The Irish Police were horrified & knew it was not the work of niece Teresa Gordon on her own -

THEY these BRITISH had ALL been AT THE RACES - & WERE COINLESS - HAD LOST - & were on the pin ”

Nota bene: Murphy have 2 baronetcies & lose male issue wartime/ as OBrien wartime they appear in Debretts - try 1953 -

1920s/1970s - TRUE BLUES & their SUNDAY GAMES - centre OPERATIONS WHITES CLUB & Whitehall/Phil the Greek Place/

1957 October/November - I Miss Greta Ransom lived at 50 Lancaster Gate Square two winters 1957/58/1959 ... helping my mother 2 summers at the seaside with the JAYWICK Holiday Shop owned by the kind elderly Pritchard couple who live in Charles & Mary Lamb`s house at Enfield - ANDRE MALRAUX had told Teresa, he would put some money into this small business if the first summer 1958 did well … she would then have a place of her own & an income & need only work summers …

1957/1959 winters - ANDRE MALRAUX coming & going from GAUL - but I GR had little memory of his visits some occasions - I had physically attacks of such a mad kind & had to keep a bucket filled with urine/toothpaste water/tea-leaves/ to THROW at the INVADERS … I caught 3 at least OH GOODY GUM DROPS they would NOT wear those smart togs in WHITES Gents vice CLUB again -

ANDRE-Georges might be over from GAUL & as I came in those winter early evenings so bitterly cold, he would have his door open & smile gently & say `I am so happy you are back, Little One ` … & tell me to `Come down to me in 20 minutes` I would climb to the top to my room & make a warming cup of tea, or take a drink of Squash, & have NO MEMORY - Little One can pick him up ! He took to calling me his 3rd son …

1957 November - One evening in my room ANDRE MALRAUX poured himself a big glass of Robinsons Lemon Barley squash, drank it half down saying he was thirsty … THEN ROSE FROM THE FLOOR WHERE WE WERE SITTING WITH OUR BOOKS … & did a sort of Doctor FRANKENSTEIN monster-MAN walk to the door … slowly very slowly flung it wide … & with out a word did a PERFECT Frankenstein MAN walk stiff & slow along the passage disappeared down the long flights of stairs

I…now called Greta MALRAUX Ransom... heard two days later he was picked up in the drawing room NOT KNOWING HIS NAME … he then slept for 16 hours …

Clearly I, Miss Greta Ransom, had some tolerance to this stuff

But I was frightened at how very effectively the MEMORY could be removed I now tried drink only water & got nice & slim in

5 days - all young girls do this, of course, go on water diets … especially with a new frock … you can suck hard sweets if giving up your QUICK 1 or 2 weeks slimming programme …

Very clearly slimming on AQUA/water had saved me from appearing a dumb ZHOMBIE very often … & as all young girls knew we SAVED MONEY not needing foods or milky drinks …

1957 autumn-winter - 50 Lancaster Gate Square -

PERSECUTION of ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom … by the criminally insane who have SLAIN the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN around the globe… during the 2nd world War …

Mengele Doc Harrington paedophile Royal Satrap GOLLUM now had aerosols with memory remove powers - as well as his case of needles-Doctor Pins & Needles another name for him & a London suburban school calls him Doctor NEVERHISKNEES, recognizing him as a paedophile

Because of the Early Wedding 1947 Mengele HARRINGTON a sentenced paedophile Continent 1936 has used BLACKMAIL on ANDRE MALRAUX …

1957 - WE ARE again TO-GETHER & trying AGAIN to be LEFT IN PEACE to build that life we began when he WIDOWER came to Church with Greta Ransom, permission VATICAN - WE DO NOT KNOW he is GUARDIAN, she the HEIR …

Nota bene : The criminally insane of IMPERIAL NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavia , with Mr JIM Jong now CUR JAMES are BY MOONLIGHT seeking to part us or destroy our reputations … or kill us …

The coming Government in FRANCE to be headed by General de GAULLE, then a JOB for MALRAUX .. has the MONSTERS of the MORGUE scared of exposure & the removal of their great blood & gore INCOMES … They have PUT A RIVER OF BLOOD AROUND THE EARTH …

1957-1958 - Mengele Doctor Kill-the-Birds the paedophile, has in his pockets syringes of dope & knock-out drops … & HIDES IN THE PASSAGE BY MY TOP ROOM some winter evenings about 6.30 pm.

When I come in … I got caught two or three times & was jabbed in the wrist … He hisses I WILL NOT HAVE YOU YOU YOU near MY MY MY PATIENT ANDRE MALRAUX… I I I am in charge of MALRAUX …


Nota bene : 1938 - 1992 Mengele HARRINGTON submit’s a BILL for his HOURS of this PERSECUTION WORK for The Crown & Lords of Lindsay … he is PAID by The WHITEHALL …who have ROOMS devoted to the THEFT of the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE … Evidence collected by Secret Services USA/Russia/China/1950s -

HE is an insane dangerous PIMP …

Mengele Doctor HARRINGTON ever the PEER-in-WAITING

& his blonde Nurse wife, now put dope powders on my pillows, my sheets, my pyjamas … put MEMORY LOSS in my beverages - my lemon squash - my toothpaste - shampoo & face creams/ IF I WAS SO FOOLISH TO LEAVE anything in my room … even for a day …

ANDRE was fooled about his sore mouth - & told he had to have all his teeth out - it was the Mengele-his blonde Nurse-Teresa-JIM at their old Sunday Games of the Roaring 20s-dirty 1930s

1950s/1961 - 50 Lancaster Gate Square : POST/mail WAS STOLEN … a criminal PERSON was on duty all night to STEAL any messages, written communications, intercept any persons arriving to talk with Andre or Greta … Phone calls go to these spies first …

... NOTHING was to be delivered for ANDRE MALRAUX or GRETA RANSOM without CAREFUL EXAMINATION by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN SPY SYSTEM/paying well for these HOURS … We are searched & spied upon every hour of our lives … IT IS A FACTORY run by NOBLE BRITAIN & its purpose is to REMOVE EVERY BIT OF EVIDENCE OF THE ESTATE - PAY is big … persons of criminal skills are GOT OUT OF PRISON …

1957 mid-November - JIM & Doc Mengele Harrington now ordered Teresa Gordon R. to move into my room … they would use Teresa E. Gordon ex-Holloway Prison 1926/1931 to separate again

Andre MALRAUX & Greetah RANSOM”

... Un-discrete drinking sessions in St James` WHITES Club in the mornings went on with JIM, Clara Malraux/Madeline/Teresa/Mengele Harrington & other Roaring 1920s followers of JUNK FRAUD BALLS & BUNKUM stemming from 1890s OLD VIENNA Psychiatrists... DEEP DRINKING in his private office where he has DOPES on the lower shelf … They acted out themselves of the 1920s/1930s...

ALL OF THEM, as usual, SHORT OF DOUGH & HIGH on lethal combinations of DOPES...STUFFS ...

1950s all EXPENSES PAID ... These criminally insane were re-living the 1920s again … private suites, Savoy etc., & big drinking-feeding (nosh-ups & slosh-ups) all expenses claimed from `Crown Office` or the WHITEHALL criminal British Government & Crown ROOMS who are selling off RANSOM possessions when the market is right … & properties, lands … & allowing Diplomatic staff to draw a few hundred pounds for trips overseas … present the secret number GROTE RANSOM Estate !

1957 November/December - I was embarrassed at my mother mouthing rudeness at Andre Malraux early mornings when she invaded his rooms before she was dressed ! She was squatting in my room at this HOLY HOUSE & turning my room into A PIT ! … She MAD MOTHER KALI-CLYTEMNESTRA began again doping me evenings with heavy sedatives SO ANDRE & I COULD NOT SPEND THE EVENING TOGETHER …she had ORDERS from dirty JIM Jong now Sir/Cur JAMES to do the same to ANDRE MALRAUX who lived here half the week ... SCARLET PIMPERNEL of General de GAULLE ...

... (NB: these dope bar-rats are self-cultivated 1920s to HATE human beings...& thus TAKE DOUGH from them ... the Noble MOB can use the whole of the apparatus of the Realm of the BRITISH GOVERNMENT & its FALLING EMPIRE to get DOUGH & cover up the most bestial of CRIMES...the killing of the GROTE CHILDREN worldwide in their HOMES is one example ... 1930s they are all ADMIRING HITLER & over in silver planes at gatherings ... many of them have ancestral connections to Germany via a great grandparent or FAMILY further back ... connections NOT LOST ... )

1957 November-December … THE BANNS are now being READ once a week at the City Church of Saint Ethelreada the ancient ROMAN CRYPT…WE ARE TO re-VOW early morning 7th JANUARY 1958 - Feast of Saint Cede Bishop of OTHONA & LONDINIUM … before ANDRE went off to the GUAYANS for General de Gaulle - January 19th (the postage STAMPS Commerative are issued in FRANCE !)

… MALRAUX returning EARLY to 50 Lancaster Gate Square ... the second half of March 1958 … I left to help Mother Ransom-Clytemnestra last day April 1958, he, Georges-ANDRE agreeing but expecting me Greetah to return to HIM by late JUNE…

1958 May-June - ANDRE-Georges wrote me Greta 8 LETTERS… SHEShe took them from the Clacton delivery Post-boy … Lieutenant-Commander David S. BROWN RNVR sold them to dirty CUR JIMMIE at WHITES CLUB/a very low BAR now All these Noble freaks 1950s/1960s of Scarlet Town are STIFF with DOPES … as in the 1920s …

1958 August - Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX came down to the seaside to TRY TAKE ME GR BACK with him … she Teresa G.R. poisoned him Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator COLCHESTER & ESSEX MUSEUMS saved the LIFE of ANDRE MALRAUX after midnight … getting 2 skilled doctor friends of the Colchester area to him immediately …

1958 November - I Greta Ransom young Roman Catholic Madame X... GOT BACK TO HIM at 50 Lancaster Gate Square…Again HELL opened its PITS & JAWS ... with Mengele Doc Harrington & his hideous dope soaked Mrs Mengele in control of the place taking ORDERS from WHITES BAR ... a CLUB full of dirty monsters all LIVING on the dead GROTE HOMES CHILDREN & the JOYOUS VENTURE Ransom ESTATE in 3 Parts !

1970 winter - The Pillar House, Harwell, reading his own lifetime NOTEBOOKS, ANDRE MALRAUX, puts back in the memory of Greta Ransom the events from 1957 to January 1959 & to 2nd June 1959 when I again LEFT his side … to help Mad Mother Kali at the Seaside … /Files & files/

1957 December - Mengele Doctor Harrington went so INSANE after we MALRAUX & RANSOM had got OUT ... It is one late night 11 pm... We had to creep away separately to meet & go look at the CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Regent Street … Mengele ROYAL SATRAP Peer in Waiting found we had just vanished & followed us/Teresa Gordon Ransom telephoned him ! Mr Mengele paedophile who HUNTS small boys about dusktime BRITAIN returned to 50 Lancaster Gate Square BEFORE US … & was WAITING WITH ACID TO THROW IN OUR FACES … He cannot be arrested because he is the friend of PHIL the GREEK & his monsters ... some calling themselves business Nobles

& they are all dope soaks it is well known … as well as Divinorum Salvia ScotlandOH WOE now they have LSD & mix things …

…These criminally insane all ROB the Estate the legal property of the RANSOM family…heirs Lennie & Greetah Ransomthey PIMP on us & have put a RIVER OF BLOOD around the earth…THEY ARE ALL ON THE PIN…& lack education in humanism-they are not civilized -

1958 March…when he ANDRE returned from the GUYANAS Tour for General de GAULLE it was as if I DID NOT KNOW HE HAD EXISTED …& had NO MEMORY of he & us…no dramatic re-vowingbut HE is AS FAMILIAR AS THE NIGHT SKIES…yet I seemed to be looking for Georges Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX ... he of icy WINTERS - Oh so far away ...

Wicked barbaric SEDATIVE DOPES used on MALRAUX Guardian & RANSOM had me young heir GR try find my way back into that perfect happiness of SUMMER 1937 & its following three years when we RANSOM Family/GROTE BROKERS/ & their partners in Buenos Aries Argentina, our old respected solicitors from 1830s for FRED & GERTRUD RANSOM in ANGST ...

1937 to 21st century ... We RANSOM-Weddell-GRONLANDER ever in angst AWAIT THE COMING of the APPOINTED GUARDIAN ...

HE WHO HAS ACCEPTED in a letter to Mary Gordon October 1937 - IMMACULATE Arch Angel ANDRE MALRAUX ... of FRANCE ...

ANDRE MALRAUX is as familiar as the night sky to me GR - 1958 our LIFE had been wiped OUT again It is called ACID WASH of the HEAD / MALRAUX does not understand this until the 1960s … & 1961 his boys were a staged road crash …

1950s - HELL IS ABOUT Andre & Greta DAY AFTER DAY & ALL are DOOMED who know of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN slayings by IMPERIAL BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA Fallen Empires so they might keep their KUDOS & RULE THE GLOBE / all they hath done is strut about in new togs & LUXURIES …

... there are long records//some seconds-minutes of LOST TIME// upon this TIME lost /several files are kept upon LIFE at Saint Edmund`s House, No 50 Lancaster Gate Square … And from 1937-1976 …

1970/73 … People speaking upon this horrible situation for Andre & Greetah , early 1970s said `they felt Greta let her Mother stay, splitting the divan bed up, Greta sleeping on the hard base, to get protection…try STOP these Invaders at night WHEN THE YOUNG STAFF were out evenings or away at weekends & then the place was empty -

NB : 1957 autumn ... KIT WAS KILLED 1957 Autumn ...

his friend had an AUNT who knew MARGARET GROTE pre-WAR ... They learned of a ROOM down The WHITEHALL where secret numbers for the BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN got moneys drawn about the globe & EXPENSES could be re-funded ... Those British Noble Crust who drew moneys were CRIMINALLY insane ...

... these moneys were the legal Estate of GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE the globe - the Government Lords & Crown of Gross Britain & Scandinavia did not wish the SLAYINGS of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN to be known by the world ...

NB : these CROWNS are held by persons closely related & very, very interbred ... they had become uneducated & criminally insane ... they expected MONEYS to fall as CARGO from the HEAVENS or enter in tunnels from The WHITEHALL ...

1950s - It had been noted that Mrs Mengele Harrington & Mrs Cur JIM/she now a sour lemon faced dope user with some Kenya habits ( ... known to BMNH & AlbertOpolis as “ the broom cupboard woman ” ) used the building AS THEIR LONDON HOME at weekends all the 1950s ! They had others call & IMMORALITY went on - they also charged drinks to the local hotel with a Westminster Catholic Diocese & French Embassy account when they could get away with it … GAMBLING also went on. Greta arriving autumn 1957 GOT IN THEIR WAY !

1957 October - Saint Edmund`s House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square … Lieutenant-Commander David S. Brown RNVR was told to tell me it was a common boarding house - & he HIGH ON DOPES from age 17 in RN helped demand my rent in excess too -

I Greta Ransom am able to threatened them all with Paddington Rent Tribunal ! The V & A Museum helped me

I come from Colchester Museum & have some KUDOS Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis … & the Curators are very well known & respected I can tell fellow HUMANISTS to telephone to Harold Walter POULTER deputy Curator Hollytrees Mansion Museum Colcestre ... I am a British-Roman Maiden from 77 AD Thamsis Fl ...

1957 November - Sheshe Old Mother Ransom/Clytemnestra/Mad Mother Kali had hissed one morning after she had come to sleep in my room at ANDRE MALRAUX`s London home 50 Lancaster Gate Square

YOU FOOL - Tom says I - I - I should marry him! I KNOW about that sort of life-me me meYOU- YOU- YOU ARE NOBODY ! I am told by MY- MY- MY KIND… to keep YOU - YOU -YOU away from that OLD FOSSIL - THAT OLD MAN ! She then began a whining voice “… all your relatives WONDER how YOU with your beauty … can stay here with THAT OLD MAN ... ”

Teresa Gordon Ransom, given dopes by JIM whom she has known since a child ... she is referring above to Andre Malraux -

1957 Autumn-winter - She is being paid with Noble invitations to HARM us… her bastard Ed du CANN a heavy heroin user lodges in the Houses of Perversions where EVERY QUESTION since 1948 to do with GROTE ESTATE … is REFERRED TO HIM it is given out in secret silence it is CROWN PROPERTY - therefore CANNOT BE SPOKEN OF … & NOT to be taxed either !

GODS in ANY HEAVEN ! These criminally insane HOW THEY DO BOX IT CLEVER … Ed du Cann is seen at Scarlet Town dinner parties of TRUE BLUES pushing a pellet of purple Divinorum Salvia Scotland narcotic up his snout with the PORT … & he is best chum to JIM & ANGELA , she has petted him since he was 10 years old …

At 15 years old Ed du Cann (born 1924) wished GREETHA Frobisher Weddell Maureen RANSOM the legal HEIR dead !

The regard for foreign orphans is “ should NEVER have been born ” ... PURPLE BLOODY DUSKS & DAWNS were already plotted by IMPERIAL BRUTES of Gross Britain & Scandinavia who grin at the KUDOS they have with FIGURES from a MORGUE ...

1957 December - ANDRE tried EVICT Teresa from the HOME of he & General de Gaulle 50 Lancaster Gate Square / SHEshe age 19 years

a woman who could strangle a man” ... said his young friends... SHE whom he age 23 years of age first met 1924 Deauville when he tried help two girls who had been robbed by a half-breed called JIMMIE /...

... ANDRE MALRAUX Envoy & spokes-person for de GAULLE from 1946... & had to punch her Teresa Gordon Ransom on the jaw one late night…drag her up to The Kent Hotel empty doorway…he did this three times in the two winters `1957/1958 ... she has the speech & threats of her BRITISH NOBLE 1920s onwards CLASS

& their abuse & blackmail are aimed at REPUBLICAN FRANCE !

She Mad Mother Kali has brandy bottle in her bag from JIM`s BAR WHITES & a pellet of purple pickle/Divinorum Salvia Scotland/ to insert in her snout for “ FIRMNESS of PURPOSE ”

1950s - She CLYTEMNESTRA (earning double moneys from Noble Britain keeping Andre & Greta AWAY from FJR & his relatives) is frightening when she has been drinking with JIM WHITES Vice CLUB - HE GIVES HER DOPES … JIM Cur James has come into my top room with 3 thugs threatening me- I found them October 1957 searching my room early evening !

I hurried down the stairs to Andre`s floor where the young staff have their Workrooms... The criminally insane JIM had cockily given ORDERS “ SEARCH HER NIGHT & DAY ... GET OUT GREETAH ! ANDRE has LOTS of women ...”

I was half way down the stairs in seconds... when dirty JIM rushed like a bull & PUSHED me down the last five stairs …JIM a half-Chinese quoffs of working for the Crown & 3 BROADS & a GREEK ...

NB: Jim Jong Cur James (now called DIRTY JIM by young men in Politics or quasi-business world) stays with Clara & someone called Messalina in PARIS when ANDRE is not there…

Records: “ ANDRE does not know this too well, at least not the extent of this SINISTER booting-IN … ”

1957 November - Doc Mengele Harrington is seen by the Catholic Novelist Graham Greene with Teresa Gordon in a very discrete expensive restaurant…Master Greene (a Colchester Museums acquaintance to GR) spotted them with expensive dishes & in between her excellent table manners they were DANCING THE TANGO . He has made acquaintance of Teresa Gordon R. in the 1930s... finding her “ALWAYS AT THE RACES ... ”

Is she Aunt AUGUSTA in Travels with my Aunt ? He did say in Colchester Castle 1952 “ … one day I will write something cheerful ” I Miss Ransom the new girl, age 19 years, had told him his BRIGHTON ROCK was a book that had made me feel very miserable so he brought me some sticks of pink, green & orange Seaside rock to cheer me up …

1957 early November - She CLYTEMNESTRA Teresa appeared as I left No 50 a cold frosty morning, & began pulling at my sleeve in the street ` Hey - where are we WE going - SHOPPING ? YOU - you get as much as you can - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LAST - You can get me a refrigerator - & any other things I need for my flat - send it all down on the TRAIN - the shops will see to it - GET WHAT YOU CAN now ! HE HAS LOTS OF WOMEN you bloody fool

She swings her big black holdall bag at me in violence when she sees the early morning persons are not looking at us ...

I, GR , am 24 years & have NO HUMAN RIGHTS in the eyes of she & her disgusting criminally insane G.B. Nobles ... they whom have SLAIN the GROTE children in their HOMES during the 2nd World steal the RANSOM lands/wreck infra-structure of small nations/& EMPTY BANKS/ using the silent DIVINE Crown authority of ANGELA to continue their bestial CRIMES...

She is rudely spouting about Andre Malraux General de Gaulle`s Envoy ... Malraux GUARDIAN from 1937 to the great Estate her young husband & his brothers are lawfully administering for Guardian & heir... whom they have been lead to believe are `not interested` ...


& is part of the great British Scandinavian NATIONAL INDUSTRY that ROBS this Estate. An Estate administered IN SILENCE because the British CROWN & Nobles have muttered it all belongs to Angela & they have control of the MEDIA ... an OLD ESKIMO 1910 gave it to a 10 years old child, known to City of London Elders as “... the former Miss Bloody Liar ” ...

1957 November - I Greta Ransom replied “ No - I do not do that sort

of thing - it is criminal - I am going to my studies in the Museums ”

If I had a quick brain I could have said ` I DO NOT BEHAVE LIKE YOU OLD MONSTERS of NOBLE BRITAIN - but at 24 years of age I am crushed by being left with her for 9 years The vulgarity of her was unbelievable … The man JIM is like this we hear around Scarlet Town of WHITES Club a vice bar …

1957 - ANDRE MALRAUX - I do not remember very much of LOST TIME with the man in the Glenn Miller raincoat ANDRE MALRAUX …but now that I am to call him GEORGES as I used to 1945-1947 I find some fragments of the lost years of US more & more natural...He begins to read me sentences from his Notebooks of the years. He makes my legs go weak when I look at him … I feel shy & want to hide inside his raincoat … when he is in it !

... He is not always here in Scarlet Town, & that is dangerous for me . He goes to Gaul - I am at a few weeks study - as I have paid my RENT here for a year !

1957 October - I was going to take a job in one of the big Museums but Mengele Harrington is making this impossible with his DIRTY MOUTH & JIM THUG would be booting in the Museum door again FOR THE CROWN ! There would be thugs in a big car waiting outside to catch me for DEATH … at the end of the day !

1957/1959 … & ANDRE-Georges MALRAUX does not wish me to work HE WANTS A FAMILY of three or four children QUICKLY ! We have LOST 10 years ! 1947 I was removed from Convent School to help her Old Mad Mother Ransom KALI , she pleading POVERTY

… 1947 I was 14 years of age … & DID NOT KNOW that I & ANDRE had the town Elders, GROTE BROKERS New York USA, Argentine Solicitors, very GRATEFUL for this MARRIAGE OF MALRAUX & RANSOM … It was hoped by they, poor innocent things robbed of their correspondences, that now with the marriage the Republic of FRANCE & General de GAULLE would HALT the disgusting G.B. NOBLES slaying & BOOTING IN on the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE ! …

She Teresa Gordon R. & her wicked & criminal little bastard Ed du Cann born 1924 & their obscene Noble MONSTERS had wrecked the Wedding of GRACE of the GUARDIAN & the HEIR as they had wrecked the meeting December 1946 of Widower Andre MALRAUX with RANSOM & Weddell families by having FJR attacked that late afternoon in the gathering dusk of London ... he on his way to LIVERPOOL Street Railway Station to meet his relatives & come to the Naval Ball Harwich. Extensive Records of that day/diaries/research/interviews by Arthur Malone Detective for Andre Malraux 1960 onwards/

1947- at the end of May I went to work with the family friend Charles Magowan photographer that summer…but it was felt ANDRE & I WOULD BE SOON BACK TO-GETHER … & I could RETURN TO THE CONVENT SCHOOL in the autumn ~ I was kept badly sedated - & because Sheshe used a heavy hand I would some mornings SICK IT UP thus I kept some miserable understanding !

Records 1960 Arthur Malone Detective in The Lawyers Gown/Fiona-Funnola MacDonald Clacton etc etc report on this tragedy ... `Miss Gordon not informing anyone of what her nephew Ed du Cann & his crooked colleagues & his mother her sister were getting her to do for them `...

1923 - 1926 - SHEshe & her friends including ANGELA & Jim were having a good time in the house Hilldrop Crescent using this SEDATION method to get a GOOD TIME out of the old retired man She went to Prison 6 years for it - served less than 5 years -

( Information/records/& Mrs LADY ASTOR to ANDRE MALRAUX December 1957 )

…. ` But then Teresa`s illegitimate son JACK GORDON had been incarcerated in an MARINE RETIREMENT HOME … MADE A WARD OF COURT … this 3 year old had 60,000 English pounds from his two great Aunts. His father having made him at 4 years of age a WARD OF COURT - he a Medical Man Royal Navy … WAS PUSHED OVERBOARD !

It was a scandal at the time...`

Only ARNOLD BENNET novelist comments … he might have got to the truth … in 1940s his diaries had SHEARS & SCISSORS taken to them … he had one mention or so of TERESA GORDON & the disgrace … or much more ... ? Records

1947 first week of May - Miss Win Gordon said `well you had better help your mother now you have dirtied your marriage - I am told ANDRE may wish to have your HEAD CHOPPED OFF IN FRANCE … ` .

I HAD NOT done this . I wrote a quick letter to ANDRE MALRAUX probably 1st week of JUNE 1947 … & said `I am supposed to have committed ADULTERY … ( I had to look it up in the dictionary to be sure of the word ADULTERY … it was a forbidden one until you got to the Class for 16 year old at Convent School ! )


& others clearly … in charge of ALL of the POST of ANDRE MALRAUX … Even this PRIVATE ADDRESS he had where letters from ENGLAND had reached him since 1945 summer - February 1947

THE ADDRESS he wrote on the envelopes FOR ME TO SEND MY LITTLE LETTERS TO HIM & which he & I used safely through February 1947 !

Nota bene : This much improved tight & professional SPY SYSTEM 1947 is increasing ever more about ANDRE MALRAUX - he is now WORKING for General de GAULLE … BRITISH TRADE demands STOLEN lands & Bank accounts come to its refurbishing of the National Economy after the 2nd World War. BRITAIN MUST RULE THE WAVES AGAIN … & IT HAS TURNED THE OCEANS THE SEAS TO BLOOD with the SLAUGHTER of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN … The Nobles of Britain have to BLAME all savage signs of death on the young bodies emerging in pits & nets as the crimes of the un-civilized nations, of course …

1947 end of May/early June … I G.R., now the young Madam X, thought ` HE WILL COME … HE WILL COME …then I can explain to him… that I think they have GONE MAD ` !

I intended TELL HIM SOME MORE OF THE HORRORS of living with

SHE Teresa the CLYTEMNESTRA - MAD MOTHER KALI, especially in this last Wartime … in THE HOUSE on the REC … & her cruelty to Grannie Gordon & Colin & me … I KNEW HE Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX, WAS NOT TOLD ENOUGH OF THE MARITAL COURT September 1946 ! Esther always upheld my father … “ A young Teutonic knight ” she quietly said he reminded her of …

1945 onwards - Miss Aunt Win Gordon had FORBIDDEN ME to tell ANDRE Colonel MALRAUX or Professor Winclemann ANYTHING … saying IT WOULD BE A MORTAL SIN … & LATER, 1946 November

WHEN WE ARE ENGAGED to marry … he would NOT marry you …think you are a TELL TALE ” !

1947 summer ~ I stuck my nose in the air & refused to think about these filthy charges ! SHE, Aunt Win Gordon, had listened to 4 ex-Cons from the Italian East End of London … one had come out of Prison for Violence , another cousin out of Borstal for violence & theft , another a Reform Home for Girls ... her crimes handbag snatch robbery & shop counter robbery & violence

Nota bene: 1947 August - TREASA GORDON R. was caught paying the three OUT OF MAGOWAN`s TILL on Saturdays after 12 noon for these LIES … McGowan & a big Scots friend got it OUT of the rat October 1947 nick-named `The Drape` after hanging him up on garage doors…

1947 summer - MEANWHILE, nobody knew how the obscene MONSTER called Mengele HARRINGTON an ex-con for paedophilia 1930s HAD FASTENED ITS JAWS & CLAWS into ANDRE MALRAUX & his sister-in-law … CLARA MALRAUX was an old chum of Mengele HARRINGTON & took a sex HOLIDAY with him summer 1938 -

CHARGING ANDRE for it ! MONSTER Harrington is a well known Noble British & Continental PIMP paedophile !

1947 September - “ Andre, (he tells us) THE NIGHTMARE became VAST for HIM … he was not sure of his understanding sometimes at all … he got married to his sister & ` his AUNT` French fashion in

1948 March/that is all related in this Document earlier Records Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960/1961...

... “ ANDRE … he tells us, he went in September 1947 to ROME, intending to see The Pope he wished to say HE HAD NOT ENDED the MARRIAGE & he did NOT mean to SIGN THIS DOCUMENT earlier that month of September …

... But he felt in Rome he was ill - clearly he was being DOPED-poisoned by Mengele Harrington & Clara & followed about everywhere & he had no correspondence coming to him except what they wished him to have - they were used to getting their own way by crying WOLF ! That Malraux had nerves ! ... We think they gave him excessive nerves & that Clara had done this since she met him when he was still in his teens ... she was a heroin user & knew other dopes ... ”

1947 SEPTEMBER - “ ANDRE at this time felt Greta`s mother Teresa had done it to them …caused all this horror - she was jealous … he had met her in 1924 … SHE WAS MAD a lot of her NOBLE CLASS were criminally insane nowadays & he doubted it was the WAR ! ”

… “ September 1947 - HAD HE, ANDRE, DONE SO, he would have been met with details of the VATICAN experience only the last month August 1947 … about their VISIT from Teresa that August 1947, when two/three Vatican persons met her at ROME Airport - listened for 10 minutes & (probably blushing from some of her foul lies ! ) then RETURNED her to Britain … not allowing her to leave ROME Airport … they felt she was MAD there was NO NEED for her to see The Pope !

The marriage would NOT be cancelled ”

Nota bene: PACELLI now Pope Pius XII is a young acquaintance of Mary Gordon`s SOUTHERN IRISH Families Murphy/O`Brien/Carroll … Mary Gordon wrote a brilliant PIECE on Catholicism at age 18 … it is known to Pacelli/ he sends she & French Honoria-Rachel messages to Clacton 1930s … especially from 1933 … WHEN the GRAND-DAUGHTER of Mary Gordon IS PROCLAIMED HEIR to Mrs Margarethea RANSOM GROTE - GROTE HOMES educating children to 18 are in all Catholic lands/only penniless Nobles of IMPERIAL BRITAIN disagree with them/

The 20th century German Herman Goering is accurate & eloquent upon the HUMANISM of the Grote Homes & the Joyous Venture Estate circling the globe of Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote widow...

Reference/ read in this Document - the experience of PACELLI 1920s-1930s Germany& REPORTS from the GROTE HOMES Ransom Estate around the ROMAN CATHOLIC WORLD … reaching him from the VATICAN Diplomatic circles abroad … & others

1936 came Reports of the young HEIR Greta Ransom being kidnapped back from safety abroad by the BRITISH LORDS & a woman called Angela (all well known on the CLACTON SEAFRONT/the great new Catholic CHURCH a stone throw from it … where they had a building called GRAND … a place of immorality …

FIRST HAND INFORMATION, observation … came via an old friend of PACELLI, the Italian Priest sent over by him to Clacton-on-Sea 1929 to take charge this great new CHURCH of Our Lady An architectural miracle says ANDRE MALRAUX in 1945 JUNE … discovered in the dusk that June evening

... ANDRE MALRAUX did not enter it SUMMER 1937 … only escorted GREETAH-Greta to it on SUNDAYS to meet Mary Gordon … Georges-ANDRE explored the other 7 churches of variations on HUMANISM … This is the WAY of the 7 churches that Fred RANSOM takes his daughter on Sundays from Great Clacton Manor to the seafront Catholic Church of Clacton …

1947 September - IF HE HAD KEPT HIS NERVE , ANDRE MALRAUX, WOULD HAVE LEARNED THE VATICAN ISSUED NO SUCH DOCUMENT ! That THEY had sent Teresa Gordon Ransom his new MOTHER-IN-LAW back by plane to Britain after a 10 minutes HEARING in the Airport SHE WAS MAD ! THE MARRIAGE 17th April 1947 IS VALID ”

“... PACELLI /Pope Pius 12 1938/ knew sufficient of Teresa Gordon MADNESS 1920s/1930s,

... this daughter of a good Catholic family who was in the CLAWS of Noble Britain with her older friend Angela ...

... Angela 1921 got engaged ... married 1923 ... having overcome the objections of the Sailor King by persuading his wife Mary Teck that she had at least a HALF of this great piece of PHILANTRHOPY & she would SELL IT OFF & give the DOUGH to The CROWN … MARY TECK is proved to have had such horrible great gambling debts ...

... The British Sailor King George 5th had a nasty shock in the early 1930s when told of violence done to the GROTE HOMES by BRITISH NOBLES ... He objected to the culprits ... then HE WAS SUDDENLY ILL ...

Nota bene : Herman Goering/with a family connection from 1860s GROTE HOMES/ may have told PACELLI of seeing the 3 years old HEIR, “ A CHILD WHOSE SOUL HAD FLED IN FEAR ” … but, he hoped, with MALRAUX as GUARDIAN , young LENNIE flying a WINGED CHARIOT in the SKY … they may survive ” …

RECORDS Paris FRANCE November 1935/& 1939 summer/document Summer 1937/

“ … PACELLI now Pope Pius XII - That is why he had sent an invitation to MARY GORDON to come with her grand-daughter heir 1938 & be safe in A LITTLE TWO ROOM APARTMENT near the GATE of his new Place ”

NB: I Greta Ransom remember the 2 photos PACELLI sent Granny Mary Helena when he had GOT THE POWER from ABOVE - young Harry Gordon speaks of `GONE ON HIGH - mother`s friend ` - Miss WIN GORDON had the photographs in 1946 ! But she never showed them to ANDRE MALRAUX …

Pacelli, now POPE, had MOVED HIS little SCHOOL for CHILDREN at RISK inside the VATICAN … There were some JEWISH children too … Report 1960s/1970 - a girl who stayed until 19 years of age …

she writes on the happiness of the arrangements of the schooling for them in the 2nd World WAR inside the VATICAN … ”

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