Greta Ransom

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Soon Little Bessie Butler dies - isolating sister Win Butler … WHITEHEAD had been told of the Montague mischief & met the man & his wife … but he would not let them introduce themselves to me 1968 or 1969 - they had awful trouble with David S. Brown rnvr … & did not know what to make of Teresa Gordon Ransom cousin to his mother whom he seems not to have spoken with but sometimes with the others of the families MENGELE was now ARMED with more information to earn money from searching, stripping of respectability… & hurrying into early death for moneys … MENGELE can use his FOUL INSANE TONGUE to present trouble WHERE THERE IS NONE AT ALL … where good manners prevail… Mengele is also called DOCTOR KILL THE BIRDS/Royal Satrap/in medical circles Scarlet Town … HE IS VERY RICH FROM HIS BLACKMAIL - can present some of his BILLS FOR PAYMENT to WHITEHALL …

Dr John Butler has two daughters who marry into Ford & Ellis- Were they all slain 1970s ? He is Mary Gordon’s nephew son of her dead sister JULIA WILLIAMS m Butler - dau of Teresa Carroll Platonist-Harmonist degree S. Ireland- she married John Williams of Wales whose mother is Anne O’Brien - who widowed becomes a Little White Nun for a time then comes to Manchester to take care of her son’s family when Teresa her son`s wife dies in 1882 - mother of Teresa - Julia - Bessie - Annie - & Mary Gordon - their only brother JOHN died in his 20s in South America -

b 1880 d 1972 - ANNIE AGNES CARROLL WILLIAMS Catholic artist - Valued by ANDRE MALRAUX for GUIDING HIM IN HIS GRIEF June 1945 to her death …

`Ref/ Letters from brother John Williams to Annie his 7-8 years old sister writing of the beauty he sees in nature & that he will have her out to stay when he has done well & she will be treated like a little story book Princess/ there mother died when she was 2 & their father when she was 10 years she then lived in the family of her Aunt JULIA Williams Butler …mother of Dr John Butler At 17 years she began to work for Dr MANZONI at the Granville Marble Works Liverpool … going with him to do some work at Harold Rathbone`s DELLA ROBBIA POTTERY Birkenhead … her MARK is A Cl W sometimes A Cl …

ANDRE MALRAUX 1970 speaks I regard my Aunts Bessie & Annie as my INTELLECTUAL EQUALS Peter … I have told you ! Do not listen to Teresa … she is insane … as her Noble friends & acquaintances … “


Notes of Arthur Malone residing Ghost House across the meadow & Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux /City of London etc /

“ … 1930s : The Plans formed : using the authority/& institutions of Gross Britain & Scandinavia the aim is to wipe out all records of the GROTE RANSOM Estate … the murdering of the WEDDELL families begun 1947 is almost complete … (out of 150 Weddell family known to exist 1950s only 3- or 4 hide in the hills 1960 Cousin CLARKE GABLE dies 1960 ) all other branches who work at & know of the miracle of philanthropy GROTE RANSOM that is anything at all are if considered a danger to be dealt with - branch of Mannering/Mainwarring RN to be constantly under surveillance … they are to accept tales of LOSS OF CHARACTER of the Ransom families or be PULLED DOWN … stripped …/

`…. Discussion has shown THE FRAUD on the ESTATE has only been made possible by the SLAYING OF THE GROTE CHILDREN under cover of the 2nd World War - I G.R. hear some phrases that DAWN but I am to hear more later in the day or that week ?Mr Mengele`s TEAM work will be listening … but the Detectives & the TERRITORIALS are PROFESSIONALS TOO & will not speak or even enter the ghost house … & that WAS SO … `

Nota bene : ALARM BELLS DO NOT RING UNTIL March 1962 -

` ANDRE MALRAUX`s dismissal JUNE 1960 in Egypt of the MATTER to his Detectives/Colleagues/others …. CAUSING THEM TERRIBLE GRIEF SHOCK & the belief they had been LET DOWN But this is because he & General de Gaulle received by FRENCH GOVERNMENT Special COURIER late February 1960 from New York NOT AT ALL WHAT HAD BEEN PACKED IN FEAR IN NEW YORK BY PHILIP SILVERLEE end February 1960/ he telephoned a message top SAFE HOUSE City of London … to be given to Arthur Malone …

he was scared of what he had found in carbon copies & Original DOCUMENTS- notes given in this Document Summer 1937 `

1960 end February/early March “ … some irritating PAPERS arrived & not the EVIDENCE of the GREATEST CRIME ON EARTH … as PHILIP SILVERLEE & his DAUGHTER gathered in Buenos Aries & NEW YORK … she murdered because the contents of the package brought by Special Courier New York to France was NOT RECEIVED INTACT by General de Gaulle & Malraux …”

Report Arthur Malone & others : ` The Courier … arrived from France & stepped off one plane received the package from PHILIP SILVERLEE & returned almost immediately by plane back to FRANCE - He came from General de GAULLE - He was knocked out 2 hours in France while waiting in a room in a hotel … the important overwhelming evidence of the GUILT OF Noble Britain taken & IT WOULD HAVE MONSTERS & BRITISH SPIES directed by Mengele & other LORDLY MONSTERS … ANGRY WITH FEAR THEY COULD BE FOUND OUT … `

( WHY DID NOT 3 OR 4 couriers COME from Fair France to COLLECT PAPERS OF SUCH IMPORTANCE ? … the evidence of January 1960 was startling enough … ! MANY MORE GOOD PEOPLE

WILL DIE BECAUSE THE PAPERS DID NOT REACH their destination & the theft only discovered MARCH 1962 … ! One death is Philip Silverlee 28 years old daughter & 2 more young deaths will be Malraux`s OWN SONS G.R. )

1960 February ` … Somehow the Courier`s package was expected by the EVIL …?

The exchanged Papers had been well enough prepared ? … some ill mocking statements on GROTE HOMES … the running of the Estate … & other things … which embarrassed the two mature

& dignified men

It is not until 1962 March THEY KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN FOOLED




THEY learn FULL HORRORS 1962 - 2 years too late…

1969 July/ UPON 1961 May 23rd - THE DEATHS OF ANDRE MALRAUX`s two sons of his Catholic marriage to Josette Clotis …

AN ACCIDENT JUST WAITING TO HAPPEN …” says MI5/Hollis July 1969 to PJPW others … Luncheon Harwell Atomic Site - for new Director/

1961 May - the speaker of the early DAWN Summer 1961 …

Dr John Butler

The speaker has an old worried honest voice … he refers to the killing of the two sons of ANDRE & JOSETTE 21 & 18 years of age 23rd May 1961 … their deaths that month … of which Greta Ransom is supposed to know -

SO - there has been yet another car killing for the DOUGH from the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE … these PLANNED car accidents have been going on before G.R. was born 1933 - she is now 27 years of age & quite sure she is A PAUPER ) - the MALRAUX boys sons of his Catholic wife Josette … had a spiked drink with them …” it was said at Colne Engaine …


1961 23rd May - killing of Pierre & Vincent 21 years & 18 years sons of ANDRE MALRAUX - B U T …

earlier in the day … marks of a car swerving/ semi-official Report for MALRAUX et al …

1961 Mai 23rd … another car may have been involved - suddenly driving at them making the driver Pierre swerve & hit the tree … Vincent was alive for 20 minutes or more - flung out … head wounds … the passing CARS DID NOT STOP … it is REPORTED as having believed to have happened earlier in the day …. “ A passing Motorist saw the car but thought it an accident happened earlier …

( Records of 1961 immediate at that time …not told to Greta Ransom until Xmas 1964 …! )

1961 Summer - `Records are all to be re-written BLAME laid on MALRAUX … FIGURES FROM A MORGUE hiss he is responsible for the bad upbringing of his natural sons - the MALRAUX barely educated boys…VIOLETS UNDER THE LEAVES YAH KNOW ` chortles Noble Britain et al THEY CREEP WITH DOPE … they frolic offshore … as always …

1961 - ANDRE MALRAUX … is ringed by NOBLE British & Scandinavian ROBBERS of the Estate TO WHICH MALRAUX APPOINTED legal GUARDIAN October 1937- not to know until December 1959 … AIM of FIGURES FROM A MORGUE is to fool threaten & horribly EMBARRASS MALRAUX & General de GAULLE … They are now older statesmen of THEIR NATION … intent upon common-sense for GAUL & LEAVING TO HISTORY THEIR INTEGRITY … they MEN of LETTERS …

1961 - It is many years since Andre Malraux young writer of STORM IN SHANGHAI 1933 ( which is `la Condition humaine` 1934 ) wrote from his soul about injustice He a hero in China 1980s especially FOR THIS EARLY BOOK when Dr & Mrs PJPW are on tours Fishery Colleges & Universities for British Museum NATURAL HISTORY / records etc /

1961 May - OBSCENE NOBLE SUB-APES have killed ANDRE MALRAUX`s two sons at 21 & 18 years of age … desperate 1960 they could be found out the Noble Robbers of the Estate to which he appointed GUARDIAN have stepped up VIOLENCE The once penniless British & Scandinavian NOBLES & others they compromise are from spring 1960 BLAZING ABUSE & INSISTING Angela cannot be blamed …

…. or Premier Earls of Gross Britain LINDSAY GANG who when penniless sit round a tub of beer with feet in it stubbing their fags out in it too … & spitting … plotting break-in & ENTRY …

Lennie & Greetah Ransom only hope our great-great- (great) Grandma CLOUTS Lindsay did not sink so low … but kept a decent hearth …

1961 - the EVIL know they can be found out … & are rearing up & charging at this Estate offshore all the more horribly …

for it PROPS UP THEIR SUB APE CLASS- they who have gone

off-shore of Gross Britain & SLAIN GROTE HOMES CHILDREN … had them dragged out to SEA in nets … See Accounts/South American nations/Fichier GROTE HOMES

Nota bene : Quote Lord FZY … “ NOT ONE OF US KNOWS OUR FATHERS FOR SURE…some of us not even their mothers …the age had us with NO MONEY ” 1957 in winter Lancaster Gate Square-


Its typical of JONG LINDSAY monsters & fiends … this car mischief 1920s/1930s - as Ravel explains … & Ettie’s last son & others are victims - IVY RANSOM`s 9 years old son … a mass of car accidents staged by Noble Britain thugs for access to DOUGH -

records/archives -

FROM 3 November 1953 Doc Mengele Harrington has Naval intelligence to draw upon officially - his mother was AT COURT -

(Information gathered 1970 onwards - Life at Colne Engaine Gallows Corner & afterwards … )

196l May 23rd I G.R. have no idea of deaths … She TGR

is to come 25th May to break my wireless & has cancelled a national newspaper that comes twice a week … I can follow this many years on with the BBC Radio Times pages that week / text-tapes…then gleaned information from others 1970 on/

1961 May 25th … 3.50pm the meadow Gallows Corner

… a hamlet of ancient Colne Engaine near Colchester -

`SHEshe CAME WITH A POISONED CAKE … She Mad Mother Kali Clytemnestra seemed very weird & acting witch like … I saw her big frame in her tent coat bowed over as she came up the little meadow…she clutching the usual big bag … a sight that gave me a sense of drear & seemed to destroy TIME …

I am always polite with her & try to turn the tremendous sense of drear she brings into cheer … going forward … sailing on …

She produced the cake in the tin she had cooked it in & said

“ TEA TEA … I AM GASPING… No show me the kettle … I have my own things … I do not wish to touch your things … YOU DO NOT WORK … you need to keep your things for yourself …”

She began a tale of being poor & how she had looked around her cupboard & wondered how to make a cake … yes some cocoa left … some flour some butter from her ration … yes an egg was needed… she went to the corner shop to buy 2 eggs for she did not eat eggs herself …

1961 May 25th - 2 days after death of MALRAUX`s 2 sons :


“ EAT IT … EAT IT NOW - TUCK IN ! YOU ARE TOO THIN… ” I began to wonder if this was all that there was to any lives … drear & more drear …even the spring afternoon seemed to become grey landscapes … I wanted to hop a bus into Colchester … walk the ancient town, hide in a corner of the museums … find a bargain book in Eld Lane in one of the tin baths outside the shops … BUT I AM ALWAYS POLITE TO HER & try to cheer her … if only she would STOP fishing out of her big bag the pile of newspapers folded on RACING PAGES … & making it the most important matter in the universe how she is going to be given a WIN by God… for he knows how hard she has worked to raise us … work for HER FAMILY …

She now asked in that very nasty way she used at me after she gate-crashed us 1957 autumn 50 LANCASTER GATE SQUARE … Tell me … TELL ME… WILL YOU EVER EVER WORK AGAIN… DO YOU INTEND TO EVER WORK AGAIN … Greetah ~ Tell me - I am your mother …WHAT DO YOU LIVE ON … ! It becomes almost mesmerism … BUT SHE IS EXACTLY LIKE ALL HER NOBLE COMPANIONS … they are all criminally insane … !

Mr Poulter has said recently … “ … one should remember the 1920s young were horribly influenced by the Vienna crowd … control of others … adding “ SVengali … du Maurier told us young he wished he had never published that book… it set the ill educated back 150 years … he did not say he wished he had not written it …” …

UNFORTUNATELY I told her I had sold some little craftworks & I preferred to do something I liked … & I had time to read … She scathingly spoke on how I should be earning big money as a secretary … & helping SHE … SHE “ who ONLY HAD A WIDOW`S MITE …”

1961 May 25th - I DO NOT KNOW THE two sons of ANDRE MALRAUX are dead 2 days ago in fact they do not exist in my knowledge… Mengele & his monsters have so removed it all from my memory

NOVEMBER 1957/1959 & the things that mattered are GONE - only threats are left a lot of fear & humiliation

There are references from Andre about the boys in 1959 winter


is a way I have come to think about that time …

ALL OUR STOLEN LIVES & they the million & a quarter victims GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts … slain so the Noble criminally insane can have BIG TIME ….

After she left I was shaken as often from her presence

I refusing to give her the bus fare to come to my own tiny home & refusing to put the caravan on a SITE for renting out … She wanted me to SIGN A PAPER then SHE WOULD GO & SEE TO IT … I would “ have MONEY REGULAR MONEY coming in…” … I could return to Clacton to her flat because as everyone knew she always gave me a home … she never saw her children without a home … it went on & one … AGAIN MESMERISM …

I looked at the CAKE & could not BELIEVE WHAT I FELT IT WAS …

A POISONED CAKE … I threw the flat cake in the hedge when she had gone down the lane … & I would not walk down the lane with her to the bus stop quite a long way descending to the Colchester Road … past the Farm … I did not wish to return along the lane alone …

Two days later my pet thrush that hopped in the caravan in the mornings was dead … & after that birds & hedge animals were found dead … the old dog at the farm was sick & died after a few weeks… a Vet was called … he found HEROIN he said in the food chain of the animals … there may have been something else too

ANDRE MALRAUX notebooks 1970 PJPW says “NO WAY WERE THEY HAVING YOU THE MOTHER OF THE MESSIAH …” He does not seem to understand the ROLES of several criminally insane …

Mid 1960s I heard JGR say `Oh the Doctor was getting all records out of the Vet`s office … ` The doctor would be Mengele … By then I had returned to London & worked for an Agency … Malone & Silverlee were by me every day … it was believed I had shock … Malone felt it was done with DOPES but so dangerous was it all that he made friends with everyone & acted good Detective … he never trusted Mr or Mrs Mengele The years from 1961 can be followed notes/diaries/

1972 - March 19th - renaissance evening ANDRE MALRAUX & friends - The Pillar House Harwell - I am going to be told the 2 sons of Mr Andre MARLOW have died 11 years ago … he is standing at a little distance from me & he nods slowly … MALRAUX retired Minister of France some minutes after arrival has got angry with Peter saying `… you know it is still going on … she cannot even recall me at Colchester Castle with Mr Poulter - I warn you Peter … no good can come of this … ”

People this evening know who he is … I cannot think WHY

PJPW has written him on the guest list as Mr Andre Marlow … It is commented on he has JUST RETURNED FROM SEEING NIXON IN WASHINGTON … & he is speaking like the Flying Scotsman puffer train going all OUT in full steam … speaking in FRENCH about it …

The evening is well documented & the following weeks …

If I do not see people then they do not exist … SURELY if I have photographs & RECEIVE MY POST then I can collect a memory of time past … & build a memory day to day …

1970 … Len disappeared to War RAF 1939 & he does not exist in my memory … LIR whom I do not know is a relative has been speaking as I move about the house in the 3 rooms we have turned into renaissance times … 60 friends in costume have come … by 4 am in the morning over 100 people will have come by to see Peter`s great drawings & admire the arrangements hear the original music & enjoy the candlelit old house re-built after a village fire 1852-

LIR “ A DIFFERENT PICTURE after the War - Germany having honoured Estates & investments held pre-war … Well Herr Muller he began to climb back up a little but he was changed…he was shocked … “ WELL WHO COULD YOU TRUST THEN ! ” You’d not want that villain Hitler back - but they’d never interfered with his lawful & useful ventures …”

“ He now came on board…& I’d trust him Herr Muller. He says THEY are FRAMING the young man in the British Museum - leading him on to not let his wife have her post from abroad- or know what has occurred since the War… she’s to have no knowledge…The young fishes man has been lead to crash certain industries & put the Capital in big Museums...& its all been whipped off ! & do you know they have all got a share out

AGAIN- Jim & his gang …”

“ Herr Muller we will call him…but he’s changed his name to survive what he knows - A GREAT & HORRIBLE CRIME…the slaying of so many children under cover of the 2nd World War-

He says he won’t ever go back … or be able to forget…

LIR/Andre MALRAUX/ Politan-Arthur Malone/others …

1957 December - WHITES CLUB St James` a vice bar -

ANDRE MALRAUX December 1957 No - little one !

I continue to go in there … I act drunk & a fool … they jeer behind my back … I want to know WHY they will not leave YOU

& I ALONE … they also mock my General …

These men live dirty lives … I know … & some of their women too I can receive Reports at any time upon them … if I wish to do so … ”

( NB : little one G.R. showed her strength & picked him up in November 1957 … I did not wish him to worry over thugs trailing after me about Londinium for he has to be IN GAUL part of the week … where he himself is followed by gangster politicians & Liquorice Allsorts … / I only liked the blue round ones & the lemon yellow … but Georges-Andre likes the solid rolls of liquorice … he says the French taste does … UG ! But then GREEK OUZO is liquorice & I will appreciate it 1966 UPON THE HOMERIC SEASHORES LISTENING TO THE SURGE & THUNDER OF THE ODYSSEY … )

1957 - A HERO a REAL MAN … enters WHITES CLUB St James`

a vice bar under dirty Cur JIM the Steward 1953 onwards-he is former 1930s Mr Pong Jimmie JONG … who has been at a LINDSAYbuggarhs tea table since 11 years of age (c 1909/10 Violet nee Lindsay Lady Rutland refers to tea-time in her London House) … Violet Artist found him “ … a child that was disturbing-he disturbed me-he would whisper not quite behind his hand … then with another or two they`d dash off … I was sorry for his mother …”

Violet artist to Mary Gordon October 1937 `Crail` …/records/

RANSOM histories : There are happier true tales -

LITTLE MAN OF BABYLON - he writes us on a crumbling at the edges clay tablet - he has learned in his maturity to write in his language … A SUMERIAN letter from the heart …

Found 1860s/1884 ... by Sylvia Henshaw 1st wife & John Ransom - or Millie Frobisher 2nd wife & John Ransom on site - its a reject from tablets offered to Museums late 19th century because it is so fragmenting - but with perseverance & great affection he hath been saved - translated - A TRANSLATION EXISTED from a scholar … & 1920s/30s the Ransom & Weddell boys learned to read the tablets of Ancient SUMER & sent POSTCARDS to one another in the 1930s but the addresses were in modern script so as not to puzzle the Post Offices -

Greta Ransom has restored what she can recall of his observations on life/read 1937/38 - I had to be informed he was not believed to be a RELATIVE …

He lived contentedly in a little glass box at `Jerusalem` by the sloping Deptford Park with very tall trees his thought is pre-Lucretius & all of that by the later Greeks & Romans …

Sadly , Master Babylon Weddell-Ransom - his WRITINGS on his tablet were crushed 3000 years later 1939 under the BIG IMPERIAL BOOTS of the ugly greedy Gross Britain & Scandinavian invaders into ‘Jerusalem’ the little home with the lane leading beside it to the sloping Deptford Park winter 1939-40 ….

… when the 4 RANSOM children had gone to War - those children of the poisoned ballerina 1938 JEAN WEDDELL the SEA & her husband Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM SEAMAN tall Ships & Battle of Jutland … Man of Letters … he also poisoned & forcibly taken doped to a Suffolk hospital October 1939/

Reports - 3 alarmed medical staff turn up 1960/

... Andre Malraux Detectives & Colleagues-

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