Greta Ransom

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1928-1938/1968 /40 years - The same GANG of criminally insane vagrant scavenging violent once penniless Noble Britain Earls of Crawford & Lindsaybuggarhs with half-Chinese JIM Jong/Cur James

& Mengele Harrington paedophile are persecuting to the death an 18th century Ransom line of PARIS France/ BECAUSE THEY KNOW

of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 Parts …/

Elizabeth Ransom 2nd marriage M. de Salle Banker, her brother our main line 18th century (Margarethe`s great-grandpa) had a little RANSOM Museum of THE SEA in our 18th cent. Paris house at the Revolution it was moved to our Chateau Perigord/

Montaigne French MAN OF LETTERS has a Ransom line from his great grandparents MONTROSE Scotland

When France 18th/19th century was peaceful that FRED RANSOM returned & put the Museum of the SEA up against a WALL

… ANDRE MALRAUX Burgermeister of PARIS 1960 does not say which WALL Information given by him on NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine 1960 JanuaryWould somebody knock on Georgie-ANDRE MALRAUX in The Pantheon PARIS & ask him which flipping WALL in Paris ?

1972 `… after the `Renaissance Party` The Pillar House Harwell 19 March 1972 Records LIR/Politan/another/


Until his death (1976 November ) ANDRE MALRAUXhe had to keep coming to see Madam Whitehead & her childrenit kept him saneafter the little exquisite angel was born the boy Peter (21 August 1970) he was desperate to have a child againhe found assistance Spain a woman who had wept at his plight & got permission from her husband…”

Memo : Greta Ransom W/others/ ` We met the child an afternoon at Blewbury Village 1978/9... He went blind at age 9 years, & had a hit & run car death age 11 … same as IVY Ransoms son & so many othersit is a display of Noble anger -used in the 1920s when these MONSTERS raced daringly at BROOKLANDS, Norfolk records are too many

IVY RANSOM had to pick up the pieces of her 9 years old childs head on the roadhe was `called over the road ` in Switzerland JIM & Lindsay 14 “ two Evil Little Jack-in-Boxes ” do this then RANT at the families of the victims … THEIR FANGS HANGING OUT

1972 Andre … he was overjoyed at Greetha managing a largish house a home & the gardens The garages haunted him … where 1970 he was promised a small flat & the long gallery to go up - but it all got lost in madness vile threats & messages from on high from creatures of the lowest kind Had it been built Len & others could come theyd do good work on the records - The garages had been the outbuildings of the Pillar House 18th-19th century before the house was burned down 1852 in a village fire - From 1890 two British artists with young families, both becoming well known made a Studio in parts -

L. Leslie Brooke of the delightful books for children took The Pillar house 6 years on a RENT of 130 pounds a year…John Henry Frederick Bacon & young family leaving to live in London in 1903 - FHFB has a gigantic canvas in the Guildhall London -

Andre he had looked at it ( in the Guildhall ) after Greetha was drawn to the Place by dim memories surfacing of what she no longer understoodthat was when she lived with him & they had taken up the marriage once more HE HAD NO IDEA THEN WHY THEY WERE ATTACKED EVERY TIME THEY WERE JOINED TOGETHER…”

She Greetha put the fruit trees in the old gardens as soon as they got all of The Pillar Househe Andre would have bought 4 ... but she ordered 21 fruit trees & when he saw them planted it worked he saw the first blossoms & took Victoria by the hand & they walked around the old gardens she was then 4 years old & not at school but at home learning in garden & nursery & what was becoming a world of its own in this classical proportions house - he felt there would have been children like her he was told she looked like Margarethe had when she was a child . (Doctor Miss Bunty Grandison BM Natural History is related to Ransom via Uncle Frank Grandison to whom Greta & Lennie sold Pirn Mill Arran Island in 1938 for he had the SKILLSbut we retained the land for our Estate Ransom Grote/ It was she said that Victoria at 5 years looked like Aunt Margarethe) Andre he had a photo of the girl of the snows when she was 11 years of age/1852 ... the same firm gaze the Goodwill in the greeting

1945 JUNE - he remembered how Annie had told him


we can talk to them in the church grounds or by the sea `

& he had entered a harmony of graceful human practical striving Theyd seen him through that first year of his WIDOWHOOD to JO Here in Berkshire (later Oxfordshire) from 1968 when Greta made a Civil marriage to a man of the seas from the Natural History Museum … Andre quickly knew all the history from the villagers Harwell before Peter No one felt the marriage could last for a girl who had no memory and now was under attack from MONSTERS OF THE DEEP as she had warned he & JOSETTE about that Summer 1937...

1968 Christmas He Andre had come to take she Greetha & the baby Victoria away … if they were in the way of the death squads again JIM had moved in to Oxford & they were infiltrating OVER THE HILL (Blewbury) Leslie Paine (died in Paris Jumbo plane crash 1973) was a good man & tried to help but tardy persons were often by his side ” ANDRE MALRAUX speaking & recorded 1972 after the `renaissance evening`

` … At the Renaissance Party ( where Arthur Malone & Len stood guard at the East Gate ) he ANDRE felt he would not be needed to be GUARDIAN all the time but he WOULD TAKE HIS DUTIES AS HE HAD ACCEPTED 1937... until his death He had asked that she Greta be allowed to come to South France with them April the friend had not understood GRETA WOULD NOT LEAVE WITHOUT BOTH CHILDREN WITH HER the friend had felt he ANDRE could not cope with small children so it was all called off IF ONLY HE HAD KNOWN …” (he would have organised AIRLIFT France for us … !)

( MALRAUX copes very well with small children/& when he is in his late 60s too …he has to be FREE of evil sub-Apes 20th century ! We HUMANISTS do not speak their LOGO … )

He Andre had wanted Greta to be given some moneys from her Estate but was told as she did not know enough about it then it was not at all necessary he had explained that she had never had a penny piece & that massive sums of money dripping blood of the slain had been STOLEN in name of British Crown by the THIEVES these FRAUDSTERS who planned as a WAR EXERCISE the slaying of the CHILDEN in their GROTE HOMES around the globe

He ANDRE did not understand soon enough the system of HIGH POWER that could remove moneys from anyone with the mark of a THUMB from a once penniless NOBILITY of Britain & Scandinavia He felt Peter was under pressure not to take a penny either & so he began to give it away to big Museums abroad …» where it was swiftly removed for the MOST EVIL REGIME…`

1969 - He ANDRE MALRAUX … had entered the last room of her father that poor clever young man born 10 years after he Frederick John RANSOM THEY HAD STRIPPED IT OF EVERYTHING then they began to give away all his properties

an Island Norway … his books were pulped that night of his death AFTER HE HAD EXPRESSLY LEFT THEM TO HIS DAUGHTER GRETA Frobisher Weddell RANSOMhis choice of her name …” Report LIR/A.Malone/ etc …

Nota bene : Frederick John RANSOM, his daughter 11.3.1933 her family names chosen by him her father age 22 years … /her mother Teresa Gordon Mrs Ransom had been ordered to ABORT the babe at 5 months by ANGELA & JIM Jong…who exhibited spiteful drunken behaviour towards him legal father FJR from XMAS 1932...

Angela is already the mother of 2 girls who are to be told 1933 onwards

( when the HEIRS of GROTE HOMES are legally named ) of the GREAT LANDS they OWN OFFSHORE…about the globe…CONQUERED by their ANCESTORS ( some of them who got up out of a ditch in the 17th century … )

1933 March 15th - the monster EVIL FAIRY David Lindsay … of The National Gallery Committee … wacky hey ! , had ordered the child`s name be changed … her mother siding with him a sinister MONSTER ( copies original birth certificate already sent about the GLOBE … retrieved by ESTATE in 1949 … )

… & THIS Earls of Crawford LINDSAY SLIME-MONSTER is to pour paraffin down the throat of the old lady 1944 to get her paintings… Her relatives got him 1946 after they could not get JUSTICE … they cut his liver out … he died in 3 hours… she had taken a month in terrible pain to DIE … He insisted SHE HAD DONE IT HERSELF … in COURT … This David Lindsay of the Art World/known as THE EVIL FAIRY/was addicted to purple-plum pellets Divinorum Salvia Scotland … /

1968 - Legal WILL FJR - an Estate left for the 2 eldest children of Peter Whitehead another in Kenya Estate Norway for Victoria-Augusta his grand-daughter . It was all TAKEN BY THOSE WHO HAD TRODDEN IN GLEE IN THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN blood & gore All of them with pellets of Purple Narcotic UP THE SNOUT

… in name of Gross Britain ANGELA of the FALLEN EMPIRE & her NORWAY Scandinavian in-laws … THE PACK OF THEM ON ABSINTHE TOO … … tipping up barrels to their snouts … hung round their necks … ( it would make a good cartoon … perhaps it did… )

1967-1969 - REPORTS Deptford friends & LIR/ “ Mrs Mengele HARRINGTON had a key to his room, the very honourable man Frederick John RANSOM whom she & her husband Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON had robbed 1960 of his own moneys Argentine in the name of the British Crown : two of these bilge rats especially their friends the PIMP LOUIS & nephew PHILIP MOUNTBATTEN … both gone criminally insane by stuffing Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets fire-blow UP THEIR SNOUTS … & then in the name of their glitzy crowns had a humanist`s PASSPORT taken away … FOR THE dirty obscene evil REALMS of Gross Britain & its relatives & thugs Scandinavia

… She Mrs Mengele HARRINGTON … who sleeps on billiard tables 40 minutes at a time with both the above was removing all valuables in the collection of FAMILY MEMORIES he had retained for his brothers & his children & grandchildren

ALL she & MRS dirty JIMMIE & Mengele HARRINGTON spoof Royal Doctor … could spitefully lay PAWS on … All moneys & all possessions belonging lawfully to Frederick John RANSOM … `

She Mrs whore Mengele Harrington put them in Auction London & she & Mrs dirty JIM took the money . They with their so-called husbands were walking in on FJR & calling him names ! They smashed the Art work he had done … fine gold leaf work … They, these PILES OF DOGS DIRTY had clearly put dope in his beverages … to have Frederick John RANSOM stagger if he went in the street … After awhile he could not go to the Library to work or sit in that tiny Deptford Park near to his family home, the destroyed JERUSALEM …`

1968 … ` it gets far worse when Greta produced the baby Victoria & the home, The Pillar House Harwell, was envied by them all/THEY WERE VISTING & PLOTTING WITH FAT ANGELA in one of her satin kennels … All taking dangerous dopes as when young She was only concerned her CRIMES with her SUB MEN 1920s to the late 1960s did not get found out… or her son-in-law (cousin-in law ) would DUMP HER IN A CONVENT & wriggle away from it … `

Mrs Dirty JIM Cur James & the Mengele-Harrington pair HAD KEYS TO ENTER at any time on Greta`s father, unprotected… FJR had his one room & depended for sanity on his writing-his biography-his great family achievement, the GROTE HOMES situated on the ancient RANSOM lands … These VAMPIRES were taking with them Teresa Gordon Mrs F.J RANSOM … gone insane on this narcotic … AS ALL OF THEM SHEshe Clytemnestra mad Mother Kali is to INSULT her husband … 6 years younger than she when she HOOKED HIM 1932 … Her persecution of him is obscene brutal coarse … as the behaviour of LINDSAY Earls , & now all of them these dope-soaks living BIG TIME on this blood & gore moneys fiddle-faddled from the great ESTATE …& their behaviour is of VIOLENCE to the entire RANSOM families …

(See the abuse of FRANK MACMURRAY, Wireless expert, & family & murders & abuse of children … 1939-1945 & on … )

1968 … He Frederick John RANSOM found the teapot missing - it was broken & thrown in the street/ he FJR could recall similar things happening to us in Bogota 1936 when JIM the PIN Mr Pong was searched for by the Columbia Police but could DIVE IN all British Embassies/ there followed similar dirty tricks from FILTHY JIM & his perverted wife no 27 at least … & the hideous MENGELE HARRINGTON pair The other tenants knew he Fred J. RANSOM son of humanist parents did not do these things … THERE FOLLOWS other Marlborough House & 1920s tricks by Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON & his wife …a Countess in waiting/she sleeps with Naval monsters who slew the Grote Homes children or knew of the killings … including lavatory Louis & family sub-apes … all on the PIN & purple narcotic up the snout … /

1933 - 1969 … NO POST/NO PEACE is given to the good man Frederick John RANSOM … Mengele Harrington Royal Satrap & Paedophile … called FJR nasty names … It was stopped when several overseas & a British newspaper showed photos of Mengele Harrington on a Royal Yacht trip playing, with others, in sexy manner with tiny boys in the sea in Thailand …

Frederick J. RANSOM , he would go to the Deptford library & write they, the Mengele Harrington`s now snatched from him all he had written & burned it . OFTEN THERE CAME WITH THEM MRS JIM Lady James one of many wives of dirty JIM JONG called CUR JAMES from 1954 when ANGELA had him knighted in a hurry …

1933-1969 … FREDERICK JOHN RANSOM wrote then sent his daughter Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM a poem for her birthdayuntil his very early death by murder organised by Mengele spoof Doctor HARRINGTON for his MASTERS spoof NOBLE & blood dripping Crowns … these British & Scandinavian criminally insane gave Mengele HARRINGTON ( first sentenced as paedophile Austria 1936) the facilities, authority G.B. Gov. & Lords Princes prostitutes & Dames to fake off-hand replies & keep the families apart

Nota bene : … offhand dismissive replies came to young Fred J. RANSOM , falsely said to be from his daughter Greta since she was 15 years of age 1948 after she had made a wedding of GRACE April 1947/ & had it destroyed June 1947 by these Noble British/ Scandinavian & DUSTBIN CROWNS monsters of GREED/

ALLOWED - wedding to Georges-ANDRE Colonel MALRAUX French citizen ( divorced from his Registry Office Wedding when he was a teenager … )

… MALRAUX … he is now made the WIDOWER of Josette Clotis of FRANCE permission granted February 1947 for an `early wedding`granted by PACELLI/Pope Pius XII to GUARDIAN & HEIR of the GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE IN 3 PARTS …

… After the 2nd World War Pacelli , now Pope PIUS XII , is desperate to have the great Grote Ransom ESTATE with help … now that the devastation & PLUNDERING is revealed … & the horrible photos/reports/drawings/eye-witness Visitors … have informed the POPE of the GROTE CHILDREN slain & HOW THEY WERE SLAIN … 1939 - 1945 … by the British Nobles & dustbin Crowns with help from Scandinavia fiends …

… FIGURES & details & grief were reaching him , PACELLI … & NOW WE HEAR in the late 20th century early 21st HE IS A NAZI … thus the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 parts can be trodden hidden … slain & drowned again by moonlight … in the Tiber … for NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA … criminally insane SCUM …

1980s … GREATER GERMANY GDR , was not yet sacked of its RECORDS GROTE RANSOM … when the WALL CAME DOWN …

SHAME ~ SHAME - SHAME VATICAN … ( quoting Captain Alan Villiers Oxford December 1967 speaking upon this whole sordid greedy matter…including the GRASP of the greedy of Britain & Scandinavia upon GREENLAND … )

You lacked GOODLY LIBRARIANS & ARCHIVISTS who understood from the RECORDS 18th-19th centuries … not to let Noble Britain LINDSAYbuggarhs & Montagu et al WALK in with fake Priests 1960s …

1958 - after `young Paccelli is dead ` - there was no GUARDIANSHIP in the VATICAN of this greatest piece of philanthropy the Globe has ever had/or is likely to have

The mainline RANSOM Family achieved it by being bred of 14 Races & 27 nations … out-breeding to keep the blood pure … & with girls who are HUMANISTS & can read & write play music If we stretch back in a straight line RANSOM we reach Aurora daughter of the honourable Berber trader member of the town council of Castile 6th - 7th centuries AD Records are in this document Our RANSOM families knew these our Castile BERBER line of 14 centuries ago & meet until 1933 … then JIM & Earls of Crawford LINDSAY found out they existed & they disappear THE Noble British snouts allowed in secret-silence into our lives, our correspondences … JIM & Noble thugs were already killing Gronlander family in Greenland a nation still not freed by Scandinavia …

? … MALRAUX deserves a SAINTHOOD with so many of the RANSOM family … There is to be found many of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM WEDDELL Gronlander families& other MARTYRS … in this Document SUMMER 1937 & the slain young sons of ANDRE MALRAUX & JOSETTE …

( 2nd birth certificate is in name of Greta Maureen Ransom ordered by David Lindsay The National Gallery for the LINDSAY Crawford EARLS … who claim Greta as the Ape-Eskimo child of their line … (1830/via CLOUTS … a rich girl they got hold of … )

After 1960 he FJR HAD GIVEN UP ! Not yet 60 years he only dwelt upon his parents & the family life with them … & would not leave Deptford where he had his home as a boy … Len his youngest brother came to find this situation ! He got Police protection for his brother !

… But Mengele Harrington now waylaid Frederick J. Ransom on his way to a clinic appointment … his liver that had been KICKED by JIM & Edward du Cann with another son of Teresa helping was mended … he was having a check-up

1957 October & November - THE ATTACK ON FRED J. RANSOM damaging his liver was made swiftly AFTER he had met twice with ANDRE MALRAUX … Malraux calling on Police advice, they astonished that MALRAUX had been KEPT from this good man, of a good SEA family of Deptford … Malraux makes the first visit to Ivy Ransom`s Deptford flat unannounced October 1957... THE ATTACK IS DONE BY JIM JONG Cur James Royal Uncle, & Noble Lindsaymonsters & other thugs waylaying FJR in the mid-evening when he came from a library to his sister IVY RANSOM who had always a room for him … An attack on him FJR is already planned … when in September/October 1957 these Noble sub-apes learned his daughter Greta Ransom had gone to live in 50 Lancaster Gate Square … paying her 20 pounds a month rent for a room there …

… such a shock to Cur JIMMIE the LINDSAYbuggarhs & Mengele Harrington, returning from their DIRTY SEXY HOLIDAYS. They were sure they had separated MALRAUX GUARDIAN & Greetah HEIR in 1954 with savage physical attacks on both of them, organised for them by Doc Mengele HARRINGTON Royal Satrap Gollum…

In November 1957 they learned to their horror that MALRAUX had gone to ROME to talk with PACELLI POPE PIUS XII & that the Ape Greetha & the Old Jew ANDRE MALRAUX were to re-vow

& further learned that POPE PIUS XII had NEVER cancelled the WEDDING OF GRACE of 17 April 1947 …

( Malraux was a joke in WHITES run by dirty JIMMIE Cur James… someone started saying he looked Jewish…/Clara Malraux is allowed in this male Vice Club 1950s for a drink now & then … she is Jewish… )

1969 March - Mengele hi-jacked FJR to a Hospital & told IVY his sister he was insane … HE FJR WAS CALLING OUT THE GOSPELS AT THEM … as Mengele Doctor Harrington brought in three TORY ex-Cabinet Ministers to jeer at FJR. A little Nurse called a young Doctor & they got a Matron. THESE TORY MONSTERS WERE ORDERED OUT … But the 3 monsters when Police called were said not to have been in LONDON … a mistake had been made ! MATTER CLOSED !

1969 - IT WAS KNOWN THESE MONSTERS dripped blood & gore moneys from the ESTATE … they kept bragging that all money belonged to Louis & Philip Mountbatten … PLAYBOYS … women booze dope & one phrase in English French & Greek `… bloody off … ` for savaging & insulting good humanists

1987 December - PJPW learns his Uncle GRW K.C. had been attacked & died 1968 for speaking with FJR Greta`s father , commencing November 1967 after the Whitehead civil marriage October of PW & GR . & he had to face the FACT of others in his family killed to HIDE THE ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE OF THE GROTE RANSOM ESTATE … Peter J.P. Whitehead now had without any doubts the REASON WHY HE CONTACTED PERSONS immediately .

1988 onwards - PJPW & colleagues round the globe could now solve many murders USA etc. & several deaths that the Museums worldwide had listed in 1970s/1980s as peculiar … for the persons all knew well of GROTE HOMES & Ransom Estate … Some old or retired workers=scientists had left lists …

1988 January - PJPW now knew that in February 1968 Mengele Doctor Harrington had been the passer bye who left a false telephone number/fuller report earlier in this document /

1988 - Some investigation would be taken against Mengele/dirty

JIM Jong was dead /- 1988 Cambridge University said they would clean up the DUCK … & Yes, he had always been known to be mad so they would give him tuition one-to-one …Mengele was known to have been with Phil the Greek socially since the 1940s … & also Mengele had paid employment to HARRASS ANDRE MALRAUX …

Frederick John RANSOM born November 1911 died March 1969 an ordered MURDER … So these scavengers-vagrants-criminally insane G.B. & Scandinavia could not be found out for slaying the Grote children & robbing 80 per cent of the nations of the globe … Claiming in secret silence since 1933 an ESTATE given to fat rude Angela by an old Eskimo …

Mengele HARRINGTON … the friend & dopes supplier of Noble Britain & Scandinavia … Mr Mengele had been promised a PEERAGE for this work of VIOLENCE against all whom knew of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 parts …

1969 spring - Mengele Doctor Harrington with JIM Jong & Lindsay 15 now organised the savage murder of DR JOHN RAY/Ransom USA citizen due back to Washington department of state TO TAKE UP SENATE WORK … by invitation … when he called at our farmhouse Montrose… just wishing to step over the doorstep of the Ransom 15OO purchase for the 2nd marriage to the Lady of Japan … He was grabbed by 4 thugs & petrol was poured down his throat … he was pushed out on the lands to run towards the sea, the Montrose Basin … Mengele Doctor Harrington followed & fired a gun at his head …/ two witnesses got offshore & gave Accounts swiftly …

1969 - THE FARM WAS CALLED ON A DOCUMENT dated 1940 ` BRITISH CROWN LANDS `. A posh Tenant with a dicey thuggish background well known, he who lead the attack, is put under a truck load of sand & gravel c 1973 ... Mengele Doc Harrington again escapes ! IT MAY BE BECAUSE HE IS USING SEVERAL DISGUISES as from 1945/described in this document Summer 1937/ …

1939 September - In this their farmhouse HOME, the close relatives an old RANSOM couple, childless, had been brutally killed by JIM calling himself Major Jimmie of The Palace … 6 men in Army uniform helped him burn the contents of the Farm after taking all paintings & ancient books in name of The CROWN … The old Ransom couple were brought back in a truck the next day … JIM poured petrol down their throats & set them on fire … calling out they were Spies/ ALL THAT SUMMER 1939 THE FARM near The Basin Montrose Scotland had the Japanese Flag/RISING SUNS CHALKED OVER IT … & Germany`s NAZI symbol & slogans

2 witnesses/reports hidden … 1 witness reports in 1960 with great accuracy to Arthur Malone Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX …

1970/1971 - Diary LIR & Politan=Arthur Malone …

… “ Andre found that with General de Gaulle dead … & then the dramatic death of the only 58 years old Frederick John RANSOM his young father-in-law … & Dr JOHN RAY Ransom gone missing … nothing could be done to take back from these British Scandinavian CRIMINALLY INSANE their booty After his two sons deaths May 1961 (in a staged road accident) he`d met nothing but SCORN FROM ALL OF THEM ”

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