Greta Ransom

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THE 3 young HUMANISTS amongst The Gospels Acted Out…East Anglia…

1937 SUMMER-ANDRE- Josette & Greta-LIMPETS-

I doth saye in my QUAKER speech….`It is a slip of a shop-thin- between the others-I like it very much in winter or on wet days-I get my best shoes there-but it makes me miserable on hot sunny days…George….Well they are poor shops but very nice people-it is the older part of the town-before the Sea Front became fashionable-  It is our road-the Ancient Way everyone says it was-down from GREAT CLACTON of The Doomsday books-Uncle Liam had the little one OUT in the Library-you don’t touch it but turn the pages with gloves…not everyone does but this is best…I hear them say…

-This little poor shop ANDRE-George- it sells the shoes the women who gather shell fishes wear to walk on the mud flats- they have FEET 2 or 3 feet long  (a joke) ….it is the only shop for miles and miles along the coasts…young Fred Daddy says…`

I am troubled that he Georges ANDRE does not see this little home of ours lit by candlelight-with our friends who come and speak upon the whole world upon ALL TIME-I would like to have him linger and light candles,  we all prepare a supper on the great cooking range and the old tiny range the first ever made at Birmingham  - see them lit up- I sense his misunderstandings of the HOURS OF THE DAY THE WEEK THE YEARS & THE CENTURIES …  `yet he doth come our Way…perhaps he has been too long amongst the bright lights…as they say…`

In my mind as happy are these days as the child with these two so tall young people -golden silvery days they will feel even if the SEAS are wild with the wind & then the centuries they rise from the sunken ships & towns & villages gone for ever because of the coastal erosion… & there are happy times for our line that I know about from Ransom histories & many parts my bedtime stories… & even when all is greyness we have our little home & there is `Jerusalem` at Deptford with JEAN ballerina and all of them- This the WAY OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES TO THE SEAS & I share it all with Josette and he Saint George ANDRE this unexpected Summer Holiday- I am told by Lennie & the family it is called aesthetics to think so…  Young Fred Daddy Ransom and I talk upon these things as we go`th a SUNDAY now-and-then to take me to our Church of Our Lady-that incredible piece of ROME architecture at the entrance to the Holland cliffs-

Earl Lindsaybuggarhs & their Evil Fairy  (D. Lindsay who poured paraffin down the old lady to get her paintings-he uses too much purple dope say the others…) tried stop it going up & hassled the Architect & his clients and families… for they smelled the moneys…2 widows with 20 thousand pounds said- `and you can have more…WE WANT SOMETHING AS WE SEE IN ROME`…`Young Paccelli and the Pope sent an Important scholarly Priest to be first in command…`

1960 In March 1960 Mengele Harrington Golum paedophile Royal Satrap sends Brown rnvr over to my own home…I have bought it new from the makers Sprite…from my wages 2 years at Jaywick Holiday Shops-   the little caravan `Mistral` Colne Engaine- Gallows Corner-   Brown rnvr is to demand `that book`…`A short Critical History of Architecture- H. Heathcote Statham 2nd edition 1927/ Batsford High Holborn

Mengele Harrington with his female vampires was showing his Imperial authority but pretending to The Ghost House Team that he was physician for Malraux & only interested in keeping him & his moneys safe for his family…he was also holidaying with Clara as of old- he seemed to suddenly have a lot of DOUGH Mengele now began drawing up PLANS- To be destroyed by The British Realm ALL BOOKS WITH THIS CHURCH-Booksellers would be told they were helping the GovernmentSecret Services would deal with any stubborn persons All the old Mengele Harrington threats were flying about MALONE/Politan NOW FOUND HIM TO BE DANGEROUS & INSANEbut knew he could lose his own life if he made this known to those who might talk and say where they had this information He could only alert Philip Silverlee & then when they were certain of not being overheard Mengele had under INVESTIGATION All people who have married there-been baptised-funeral services-LISTS OF PROMINENT CATHOLICS IN AREA WHO USED THIS CHURCH- The Agents used would be told they `were in training` for this type of work in the future CUNNING DECEIT was the FLAG that Mengele waved Many Agents used would not live if they came to question too much& it was the custom to REMOVE some of this type of STAFFtip them off the NOBLE FLAT EARTH They could now use Break-in-&- ENTRY-  remove in name OF THE CROWN all iconography memorabilia that shows this church EXISTED`

The book of ARCHITECTURE was a 21st birthday gift 1954 from Brown rnvr’s mother-it had belonged to her dead son John…shot by British in Wales for flying on heroin-and bombing ships- killing 30 or more off Ipswich-he’d dumped his bombs at sea outside the harbour- Things went dreadfully wrong with HILDA’s two boys-she had not wanted to marry-she wanted to be a Nun-she liked Saint Hilda-Whitby…her grandfather was Bacon Shipbuilders but they ran down and produced second rate work…

The Plans for the Our Lady Church Clacton-on-Sea were NOT in the book- I was amazed it was returned to me…

Mengele Doc paedophile sadist Gollum Harrington friend of the Crown & Noble Britain had decided to PULL DOWN THIS Catholic ChurchWHERE ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM took the Roman Catholic VOWS `early Wedding -Marriage of GRACE` 17 April 1947-

1960 March   `THE PILGRIMAGE FROM ABROAD HAS STARTED` says Arthur Malone/Politan…`to see where you and ANDRE married`…we can’t believe it either-  the inside is magnificent- you feel you are in ROME…that altar…the stones of blues, indigo, gold were made in FRANCE…Andre says…a glassworks…the sweep of those steps…it cost a fortune…` ( 30-thousand pounds sterling & the widows & families did not mind at all…they had created beauty…)

1937 SUMMER….`I am not sure Andre-George if he wants to walk back the Old Road way and look…I felt from his face that he did not understand our old little home- where he com`th upon HIS ARRIVAL-JO was coming 2 hours later by train-  This was where he picked me up from my brother John Gordon’s cot-I had to have a sleep-  Monsters of the deep are gone to Scarlet Town for hi-jinks…I am safe until Stella the Stars Unity’s mother comes-

….I heard what they said as I looked at his moonlight colour face & the very bright eyes brown then green shooting stars & he had a much too tight grey woven raised weave jacket on- oh very tight as if he had collected his school jacket from home in a hurry-

She said `we have had to keep her from school a fortnight-the little intellect is racing ahead of its time-the Nuns cannot cope-LOOK ANDRE-the little thing is already in its sub-conscious mind

(they have all thisw Junk Fraud bunkum 1920s-30os  TALK)…` ` ` ` `She went on about Granny Gordon…  `Mary just widowed has her part of the time but she does need a rest now George has suddenly gone…Oh such nice people…part of the town…a loss…Freddie will tell you…`

I Greetah RANSOM see YOU- ANDRE MALRAUX- & you are a cine film a movie in my mind 2008 AD & I found you very pretty looking 1937 as I tell you 1957 when the kissing began again …

…I do wish there was an invention to get this out of my head onto a DVD…hurry somebody & invent it…big eyes brown or green flashing very bright staring at me-& I rise & stand on my points looking at you…I have seen JEAN dance in her LANDS- she put one silver shoed foot on just her toes and stretched her other leg beside her ear…she is my Grandmother…Miss Auntie Winnie says I cannot call her JEAN but must call her `Nanny` as Mary Gordon is Granny…My father only 22 when I am born & he GROANS at this over refinement…but it is really because Miss Winifred is nagged & instructed by Mr Pong & some of the Lindsaybuggarhs Earls as to what I am to be told… SHE IS WARNED BY HER MOTHER & brother TO KEEP AWAY FROM THEM & DO NOT SPEAK WITH THEM ABOUT OUR LIVES… THEY Lindsaybuggarhs on the Sea Front in their Grand when they have the Bailiffs in there other lairs…


But then they sneer snigger at everyone and never pay their bills in Clacton-just say the EARL Lindsaybuggarh will pay later…he seldom does…They have pushed to his death the breadwinner of the young woman with 2 children- pushed her goodly husband out of the grains loft-he just asked they Lindsay Earls  pay for the petrol they kept getting for 2 years from his one forecourt Pump…put in on the marshes for convenience…he sells grains & things to farmers…  She took it over putting on trousers & we put in Capital to keep her going…we took a half…then immediately the War was over my father FJR gave her the moneys for free…to keep she & her children safe…she was able to go away & not work so harshly RANSOM ARE HUMANISTS… So are George- ANDRE & JOSETTE MALRAUX

LIMPET SHOES…It is in the Old Road Clacton-on-Sea this little slip of a shop with its Wares hanging up outside…& sometimes the scent of a good dinner cooking in the back on a slow fire…It is not far from our little house on the other side,  past the Dr Barnardo‘s Orphanage where we have to put little John Gordon RANSOM for  SHEshe has taught him to growl at us & pull all tablecloths off tea tables- the thin shop it is almost next to the hairdresser with the girl who gives me my hair shampoo-washing on Fridays in winter & keeps me with her family until my father comes for me as Sheshe & Lindsaybuggarhs ordered petrol & brown vinigre to wash my hair & they hoped to blind me so I would not be able to sign documents for GROTE RANSOM Estate…They do these things in Scotland where they grow this dangerous narcotic and stick it up their snouts AND A RAGING BEAST IS IN THEIR BRAIN…  Since I am 1 year old two of the girls who are at the old Quaker School had a care to me to help my young father …& again when I went in my pram at 14 months…Our teacher was 81 years old and very learned- The girls are of families which go to the Rutland Boughton OPERA Season & some take part… It is sneered at as `Poormans Glyndebourne` after the 2nd World War…by those dripping blood & gore Grote Homes moneys…

I take George- ANDRE to show HEEE… & now he is not so fussy about his name & people talking to him about SPAIN. He has become a young person of Clacton ! The LIMPITING shoes he wishes for are a bit like my Eskimo baby boots that cousin Sarah Poulsen de SALLE of Paris sent me & which SHEshe Teresa Gordon R. threw on the fire-  This solemn faced young man ANDRE MALRAUX a Catholic as I am…but also a Free-thinker like Great Aunt Annie artist her only brother John Carroll Williams…he is talking intently with the sparse small woman with gold-greying hair & another woman who came to buy them for her trade looking very much like the shop owner woman-

I Greta Ransom am alone & suddenly lost because no RANSOM family are with us… But I doth gaze upon the SCENE knowing it is of TIME & will not be the same again unless we film it or take some photographs-but then only WE can say how this TIME was (Lennie says I am speaking aesthetics & he thinks that all humanists do this…he too is learning especially when he flys our planes)

Saint George ANDRE he is intent upon his conversation with them…I do not exist…I know I am fragile but at 4 & a half years of age perhaps not able to comprehend the grown-ups are fragile too…especially in this JOYOUS VENTURE…which I have begun to tell to he but mostly to JOJo&Joh….I see you Georgie-ANDRE bending swaying, examining the Wares…a white shirt no tie & dark grey trousers & you are so very & tall & slim as Fred Astaire…but like the marsh grasses isolated against the November frosts that lean aslant gracefully…YOU ARE VERY BEAUTIFUL…& your mind too…

& I am suddenly a dumpy dwarf as SHEshe insists I will be if I live to be 17 years….she is not sure I can for I am born of Apes & Eskimos her Noble friends/fiends tell her so…Linsaybuggarhs & Angela…

1937 SUMMER ANDRE MALRAUX looking so carefully at the shell fishes collecting-shoes hanging in a row downwards outside the shop…that I wondered if his eyesight was perfect…  He bought a grey coloured pair about 20 inches long not the expensive ones for he will only use them here a little… but he will take them back to Normandy & show JOSETTE the seaside there & talk to her about his childhood some moreI said I would pay-but he said he would like to- we are very `butch` about these mattersAndre-Saint George & I who discuss EMPIRES when we hath seen our dear JOJo&JOH  a young lady she isoff to London town to research & see the great Museums & be free of bloody SPAIN & matters about the Universe…&  THE  S  T  A  R  S for we will sit out late & she  JO wish she com`th too because it is interesting… but we all going without enough sleep…`

1936 April - I have learned some ETIQUETTE FROM Paul Whiteman`s Establishment New York…when he waked us Lennie & me saying `Goodmorning Savages…I have opened your Bank & you may go shopping all over New York…the Manager Carnegie Hall will hand you a tub full (with 3 Senators USA he had kicked the British Ambassador & his evil staff up the `arse`…APRIL 1936...USA…)

1937 Summer -  Next afternoon we JO & me-Greetah- watched ANDRE wade out to the groyne & begin to pick off the limpets-with a knife I think…I tell he & Jo of our shell gathering, fishing, and shrimping, in the right seasons-winter fishing

not about the accident-the first- Sheshe & ‘satin & lace’ London Town, & the Lindsaybuggarhs & Mr Pong caused to Daddy & friends/ last winter…1936/1937...

accounts-the worst being the intended night murder of them all -the SOS lights & the torches, with dud batteries- but all had been OK when they began to pack the equipment from the Clacton-on-SEA Old Road house into the car to go to the Pier beach where our boat is… Oh how they managed to save themselves from being dashed to pieces under the Pier where the Steamers come in- 2 young men bracing their feet against those great pilons that are the re-inforced columns under the Pier built by the Kingsman family…the other young man rowing like mad to get over that great inset BAY…to where they could just stand under the seas if the boat overturned…

WHY ? this is because we are Ransom-Weddell & we are keeping the GROTE Homes safe & Grote Brokers & all the Solicitors round the globe are stopping then Noble Penniless Imperial Britain taking any more moneys to pay their gambling & obscene lives- because they are Earls & FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…..

1937 Summer Upon the beach that first day -to become known as Jo’s beach’ We hath received the arrival of a sad wilting JO-so-tall Along the SEAS EDGE there was sent HEEE raised by 3 Graces France but caught by Clara in his teens…

“Andre do go & speak with her..”  & to my surprise he went obediently as if he had just understood.   Stella say’th to Freddie-theatre-    “ and I have told her not to upset him, Freddie- not to row with him whatever she does !   Not to give him any unhappiness ! THE TROUBLE IS HE CANNOT STOP TALKING WHEN HE IS WITH OTHER PEOPLE.”

I Greetah guided by Lennie & my father FJR guides us both with firm speech…know’th signs of severe youth- a Grote child will tell you- I do look forward to going to school with them in Montevideo when I am 5 years. I am going to be told not to speak about my worries- but I can think about them- and I am hurting, my limbs my head- my aesthetics…

Unity‘s Mother goes on speaking rapidly with worried nods…

`IN SPAIN- she (Josette) has had such scares with him- in Spain-every time there was the sound of gunshots- he would stride out to get a better look !   She said he does not seem to know how tall he is !   If this man had not dived at him and pulled him down he’d have been killed ! She thinks Clara has done this to him` (Clara is a heroin addict…)

I Greta Ransom can see us, hear us…feel us…to the music of Claude Debussy LA  MER…my grandpa Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom & my Grandmother JEAN Weddell SEA ballerina Ransom have taken me to a performance of it…Music for the Stars & THE SEAS that will come …COM`TH THE GUARDIAN Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX…& a young lady JoJO&JOH…out of BLOODY SPAIN…greed greed greed cause such catrastrophi…We three young people have peace Summer 1937...`with Rosy Fingered Dawn`….

In a few days he George/Andrew ANDRE MALRAUX shows us & many citizens of the Essex shores that he has been raised by `Three Graces` and is a caring clever young man-

ANDRE MALRAUX is elected GUARDIAN  October 1937 to the greatest Estate, to the care of a million orphans in education to 18 years around the globe-A University to HUMANITAS say`th a man of Letters friend of Andre Malraux who hath gone down on SPANISH SHORES of the SEA & collected up with others school books of SLAIN GROTE CHILDREN alive a few days before…when the great Royal Navy SHIPS of Gross Britain stood off-shore….

`The children emerged to Act the Gospels Out and enjoy worthwhile lives & give of their learning from their GROTE HOMES much needed & civilized assistance to the world of civilized men women children & bring succour- comfort where there was none-resourcefulness & sufficient enough & help to humankind and a care of the Globe… `SATTEUS LAETUS` Ransom motto 10th century Osbert Ransom & family line descending to Fred Ransom & his grandson Frederick Charles Ransom & he to his sons FJR and Dr JOHN RAY Ransom…and Lennie Dr L.I.R…all three had sons murdered in bestial violence by Gross Britain NOBLES for this Crown… `O tempora Oh mores`…Cicero who designed some gardens along the Tiber for an only child…

December/January 1937/8 Andre Malraux’s POST/mail stolen by BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN & May 1938 his signed Copy the WILL stolen in PARIS by a Visitor with a serious drink problem & with Lindsaybuggarhs & Ilk all on HIGH DOPE- The USA Grote Brokers & others were the high intelligence administration & Argentine all employed since 1830s- NOW a penniless fallen EMPIRE MOB of FIGURES FROM A MORGUE… put ANDRE MALRAUX-his families-his associates-his future work-ALL under investigation by British Intelligence-& they employ those with violent criminal PLANS able to manipulate the Gross Britain State- A DOUBLE RAMPART OF GROSS BRITAIN ON THE PIN NOBLE KUDOS knew there was ENOUGH FOR THEM…If ANGELA did this then they should have their share…& give protection for THE GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND…hee haw hee hee haw… They had all known one another since kids in the Noble stables…messing Sunday afternoons…stuffing pellets from the bowls of purple PLUM Divinorum Salvia Scotland used by Elders for a hard ride…and the jockeys too…

1946   ANDRE MALRAUX begins to help General de Gaulle-in French politics-

G.B. Government/etc./noble thugs-trigger happy TRICKSTERS : HAD THEM BOTH UNDER CONSTANT OBSERVATION in case either should hear of the Guardianship to this Estate-now being abused-seashores gutted/ Properties lands in France too-investments-dead children Grote !  Blackmail was openly added to what neither de Gaulle or Malraux knew about Grote- it was spotted early by Gross Britain nobles these were MEN THAT TOLD THE TRUTH…& as both were Catholics the Noble Brits could compound some mischief over the permission by `young Paccelli` to the WEDDING OF THE GROTE RANSOM HEIR TO HER GUARDIAN ANDRE MALRAUX…Orders given …none to know…KILL IF THEY COME TO KNOW…  Say`th Gross Britain …`we can have fun and make moneys this way…  Oh Sunday Games as of old when we were all 16 years to 24...before we had to think about a career…hee haw…hee haw…`

The matter of the failed April `1947 early wedding` in the Church of Our Lady, Clacton-on-Sea permission `young Paccelli` Pope Pius 12- was well understood as the MISCHIEF of Ed du Cann bastard of Teresa Gordon & Angela and her men… Miss Winifred Mary Gordon Child of Mary had been led to give Ed a bastard her first consideration…he informed her he had the better education in the family of her nieces and nephews…   She a lonely spinster whose three chances and 2 engagement rings had been trodden under foot pre-war by Lindsay Earls and JIM a perverted little half breed Racist…now fell to AFTER WAR NERVES…she could not think very clearSHE DID NOT HAND TO ANDRE MALRAUX her courtesy copy THE WILL OF Margarethe Ransom Grote…because of hints from Ed that `it was not legal…Angela had said so…` & anyway her kids had been on the big spend & her in-laws of Scandinavia…Miss Winnie was persuaded to be PORTIA & not to tell the more educated members of her family…`OUR Bill Mayor of Manchester & all of them…`…

NEITHER De Gaulle or Malraux knew THE WEDDING OF GRACE 17 April 1947 was allowed by `young Paccelli` Pope Pius XII with his burden 1938-1947 of the slain GROTE HOMES CHILDREN a crime of foul greed done by ugliness of Noble Britain…The Pope he was assured by several persons including Professor Winnclemann that as he himself felt THIS WEDDING OF DELICACY & GRAVE ROMANTICISM by two young people `WHO STEPPED INTO OTHER CENTURIES TO HAVE A CHAT` (a letter from Professor W i n n c l e m a n n who possibly made a Vatican Visit February 1947) …Such an unlooked for solution…an ethereal Union of two Catholic raised young persons who by their nature would GUARD THE GROTE RANSOM ESTATE…& this union would guard they the heir Greta Ransom & the GUARDIAN Andre Malraux-

There was also a Report from the Catholic School the Church that the girl Greetha Ransom had tried to help her very insane mother Teresa Gordon daughter of Mary Helena Carroll Williams Mrs George E. Gordon & there was the question of the bastards one son of a Prince `Henry Hall` of Noroway…& Ed du Cann…& dear Jack Gordon who had died unnaturally Spring 1945 after his 60,000 English pounds had disappeared he a Ward of the English Court…his father a medical RN man had been pushed off a boat…after making the 3 year old a Ward of Court… The British Nobles were PENNILESS…  Suddenly the British Crown was sporting dough & they could not be asked `where have you got it from this blood and gore river of slain Grote Children…whose given it to you ? ` FOR THE ELDERS who administered this philanthropy Grote Ransom OF THE GLOBE it was a WAY FORWARD- they in shock 1947 from the discovery of the slaying of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ages 3 years to 18 years…  A widower of Gaul & a British Maid of 14 Races & 27 nations she could travel into & enter a HALL of her KIN… (It went on being BIG GAME HUNTING for British Nobles…the descendants of all Grote children had also to be slain…some had risen high in humanism…records/archives/)

Both General de Gaulle & Malraux were under death threats by dope & booze divine BRITISH NOBLES &  CROWN & Scandinavian Vikings out of ditches Ale mugs in their paws- if they should learn of the WILL- de Gaulle & FRANCE & MALRAUX they lived dangerously-not knowing- 1946-1960...

ANDRE MALRAUX, Detectives, Colleagues, Colne Engaine January 1960 were horrified to find that Miss Win Gordon had never handed to ANDRE her Courtesy copy the WILL when she had him in her kitchen from June 1945...`

BUT SHE HAD PUT IT IN THE ORDINARY POST TO HIM when told to do so (upon its discovery by Julie Butler cousin) mid OCTOBER 1957 telephoning Greta to 50 Lancaster Gate Square…  GRETA WAS TO TELL HIM IT WAS IN THE POST…Then Greta did not answer the telephone or was never in…/Mengele ordered removal telephone & told ANDRE MALRAUX I Greta Ransom was misusing the telephone…/ She Miss Win Gordon had no idea that British Naval Intelligence RUN BY MENGELE HARRINGTON Gollum paedophile had permission to TAKE ALL MALRAUX’s POST/mail for the BRITISH CROWN…& not bother too much The Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs…

That ANDRE he had been put in such danger she could not grasp- her nephew Ed du Cann had told her the Estate was the property of the woman Angela & these nations A to Z had risen and slain all the children-  That his not knowing of the Estate had led to a persecution of he & Greta whenever seen together for so many years she did not follow-

`When Greta was to live at Andre’s London home Miss Win had put her copy in the ordinary Post to him at 50 Lancaster Gate Square, October 1957- not come with it- or sent a messenger- made some arrangement with the Solicitor who had this package for her (Astonished Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960)

IT WAS OF COURSE STOLEN AT THE DOOR BY Mengeles Harrington working for Naval intelligence Government Lords Earls and The Crown…ANDRE & GRETA now had horrendous weird happenings about them-dope used on them-putting they and the staff 50 Lancaster Gate Square , the 2 hired Detectives in the most horrific danger…Nov. 26th when Andre & Greta visit her Clacton she was annoyed but she was clearly bewildered & the THUG the Royal Satrap paedophile Gollum Mengele HARRINGTON was again THUDDING HIS BOOT IN HER DOOR when cousin Julie was out a day…   du Cann & Lindsaybuggarh Earl 14 an evil little Jack In The Box… were also messing about around her & all on HEROIN & now they have added LSD as well as the purple pellet up their SNOUTS… Account/tape The Visit to the Seaside the country that wasn’t-for St Andrew’s Day/ Life of Andre Malraux & Greta Ransom …Guardian & Heir…

All wartime the Grote children & staff & others were being killed- revenge killings of madness to remove whole families Ransom Weddell and other lines has been going on- 1953 the electrocution  of Len’s 11 years old son- Many families- individuals distantly related with properties of their own were missing -no Weddells alive in South America by 1960 - accounts/records/

1962 MARCH- IVY RANSOM realised MALRAUX & de GAULLE HAD NEVER SEEN THE WILLS when they should have received them spring 1960- there had been messages supposed to be from them saying `matter under consideration`  The Detectives had explained they could not risk their lives trying to get to them…& ANDRE MALRAUX was under threat of death as her brother Dr John RAY Ransom found out Summer 1960 when he saved MALRAUX’s life WITH THE VATICAN… IVY now explained what she had discovered from this unexpected visit from Greta March 1962 arranged by a Miss Rose Holder who worked all her life at The Main Post Office St Martins le Grande London….She IVY had 10 minutes alone with Greta before Fred came in-she IVY had just come in from work herself-they had taken a flat above an old shop in Deptford known in happier times to the family-her brother the eldest of them was in a break-down after all this THEFT FRAUD over the Estate of Aunt Margaret ~ …Greta her niece whom she had not seen since a babe in a pram had NO IDEA of an inheritance- or an Aunt Margarethe- SHE HAD NO MEMORY OF BEFORE THE WAR- of Ivy’s parents !  An interest in Greenland the girl had but no idea of an island in the snow…  Greta said she had received no post/mail…but some had been spoken of by her mother & her Aunt Winnie…nothing more…  The girl seemed to her fragile but strong inwardly perhaps… She saw her for about 15 minutes no moreGreta clearly had no idea that her brother Colin born 1938 had lived with Ivy 1949/1951...that she had put him in a London school & given him a proper home…then the mother had called for him back…

The Detective Malone now called immediately & told them some more---she Ivy & her eldest brother Fred Greta‘s father whom she gave a home to for he was ill from it all… & all his Argentine moneys had gone missing & they were told it was Property of the Crown England- you could not get anything in writing from them-

She had had them This Crown hanging about her after dark waving a halter… Mr Malone he had not known any of the families Gordon or Ransom before the War…Philip Silverlee had…& his daughter at 28 years of age 1960 May had been murdered in this…it was clear where moneys were being directed …it was spoken of in The City as FRAUD-THEFT…gigantic theft…a river of bloodbut nothing had been done after the War…They were learning more…some Army Officers & others were helping find the criminals who had slain the children…that was there business & they had objected…& thank goodness for that…

Immediately after Greta`s visit she told her brother in the USA- he told the old Kennedy family members who had known Aunt Margaret & Thomas…   THE WILLS WERE NOW TAKEN DIRECT to General De GAULLE & ANDRE MALRAUX who then began to read the 3 Wills/letters/diaries/ This was what had been sent to them just 2 years before by Arthur Malone & his Team…it had been STOLEN FROM THE COURIER FROM General de Gaulle… By the thieves of the moneys of the Estate…those who had had the children killed had STOLEN THE PRIVATE PACKAGE SENT LAWFULLY to General de Gaulle & ANDRE MALRAUX…you needed no more proof of who the criminals were… She was weary with it all…nobody told the truth… it was all done for 2 girls who had too many clothes…`  They her families & Advisors had all had to have a long discussion…The Estate was being connected up again with the nations that had the Childrens Homes…it was a private matter now & her brothers took good care of it and Malraux when he could…he had been ill since they took away the lives of his boys…she had a son killed in the same way…he‘d been hit by a car…there had been a lot of it…to get hold of Aunt Margaret`s moneys…`  IVY Jean RANSOM & Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux & her three brothers FJR Dr JRR & Dr LIR….March 1962 onwards…

There are files/archives/letters/diaries of harrowing accounts of the slain children-others- 1939 onwards 1948...

Andre Malraux & General de Gaulle reading the 3 WILLS with Ransom brothers & Advisors are shown what has happened… “ A gigantic obscene piece of British Statecraft ” says the General - & learn that from spring 1960 when the package of precious Papers from New York by a Courier of their own was intercepted there has been hurried depth-charging to remove Grote children bodies sunk in nets at sea…/Pits on shore landscaped/concreted/ some labelled in small diplomatic lettering CROWN LANDS/ Fraud theft  A to Z AROUND THE GLOBE- 2,500  HOMES/schools/ settlements/ etc had everybody dead  !  & JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND of the MARTYRS de Salle of Paris…WEST GREENLAND WAS BOMBED June Gaulle & ANDRE MALRAUX had no documents earlier so they did not give the precious Island protection… records-photos-accounts-objects-bodies-personal belongings-books of the dead were collected/    Where are the GROTE children  Mother England  ~ Here they are ~ burned & drowned by you…

G.B. upper-crust are able to use the State institutions & not be questioned because of their “ BIG TIME” - all of them use Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets fire-blown up their snouts- such a pretty onyx-like purple-gilt-orangey pellet- hits brain in 2 seconds, fixed for 2 or more months in a cavity above the nose by that kind of surgeon Race & Clubs circles/violent madness descending upon them all/they become divine…


to keep AN EMPIRE in power - Many playing Mata Hari on booze/dopes mixed/Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire-blown pellets up their snouts/hitting their greedy HIGH CLASS SIN brains in 2 seconds/fixed for 2 months at a time/addictive/grown by nobles only in Scotland from mid-19TH CENTURY-PAYS BILLS/ EXPORTED FOR SLAVE FACTORIES etc prostitution-work in Mines-wood chopping/

An Empire HAD FALLEN BUT IT WOULD DECLINE IN BLOOD & GORE MONEYS ‘Oh how they took England in..’ (apology/Kipling/ `I followed my Duke` re-written in their shock at the slain Grote children photographs seen…Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux Colne Engaine Colchester winter spring 1960...)

….especially moneys stolen from GROTE HOMES/ RANSOM LANDS/..& sadly MONEYS of the kin of THAT GREAT SEAMAN WHOSE ANCESTRY GOES BACK TO 1100s...AT SEA !  JAMES WEDDELL the sub-Arctic SEAhis mother a Miss Pierce of a prominent London Quaker family…his brother Charles RN & his 9 children’s descendants/A Weddell pedigree/ancestry was in progress my father FJR & his school friend (University) guided by an old Herald retired man & others/Weddell line goes back to 1100s-then we lose it/it is given in this work of many BOOKS….MONEYS SOUTH AMERICA INCA Tierra del Fuego & from A HUMANIST…(WEDDELL 1100s in Noroway…FJR/JRR/LIR…NOTES)


you can go no higher.. ” /Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator Colchester & Essex Museums to be found at Hollytrees Mansion Museum/1934-1962/ Web /  who loses his life, poison, in trying to give GEORGE-Andre Malraux & Greta Ransom a life…   “ you dovetail together Child….ITS RARE TO GET TWO BIRDS LIKE YOU TWO TO-GETHER…YOU WILL KEEP ONE ANOTHER SAFE….LOOK !   THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE YOU CAN GO…WITH THIS HANGING OVER YOU…BOTH OF YOU…”    November 1953 /January 1954…..1956/59……196/ January 1962.….

1937 SUMMER come from SPAIN blood & gore



Mr Jimmie Jong/Earls of Crawford & LINDSAYBUGGARHS/& ilk Imperial fists-big boots/Scandinavia joins in/  all nasty kids in the stables of big Places/early 20th century helping themselves SUNDAY afternoons to this narcotic/turning the 10 COMMANDMENTS upside down…they call it SUNDAY GAMES/still play at this in the 1960s in rose gardens a Welsh tower/records/newspapers…

THEY ALL on absinthe cocktails/dopes HAVE IDEA- to put another name on THE WEDDELL SEA-destroy existence J.W….after the RANSOM-WEDDELL marriage 1909 & seeing his grand-daughter the bride dance modern ballet with her own choreography of her Spanish great-grandmother’s line/  She is painted by Degas in 2 works of the dancers - The parents of Greta`s father FJR,  & his sister Ivy Jean,  John Ray R., Len Immanuel  RANSOM … The dope fiends on awful mixes & plotting with Lindsay sub-apes have a plan to hive James off to a few miles they now begin to pepper him with insults/deny him his 2 sons/ James & John (Clarke Gable a great-grandson of the line of JW’s 2nd son John… cousin to my grandmother JEAN ballerina elder daughter of James elder son of James Weddell SEA & Aelovemdah Maria Miss San Julian a Quaker Catholic marriage 1824... )

At the opening of a Gross Brit motorway a public nuisance jeered to LIR   ’my friend the ape boy…EM-O-VE-DAH…hee hee hee haw…Yah Yah Yah…” This figure hath one word on his dope/booze brain at this time  `bloody` & is cashing cheques round the globe at Banks in my name & LIR-   for CASINOES- He has been taught to push this dangerous narcotic up his snout…

LENNIE my co-heir  Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM my father’s youngest brother (kith is Fredk. Im. KANT) is the GREAT- GRANDSON OF JAMES WEDDELL THE SEA-

A very beautiful legal marriage to a highly educated pretty girl of a great INCA Line/  The bride’s father is James Weddell II  & his grandfather  Yahamah Joseph San Julian F. San Miguel had a mother an heiress of Tierra del Fuego who married lst the Aztec Royal line (1 son)  & widowed she marries the INCA Noble line (1 son Y. J. San Julian-) …Roman Catholic marriages/

Jean Weddell marrying Frederick Charles Ransom  (daughter of MINERVA-Olivea Hesketh songwriter singer Mrs James Weddell II & her husband ) her paternal grandmother is THE ICE WHITE BRIDE 14 years of age married in her most beautiful ice white frock, flowers ice white, veil , white Prayer book in her hand, attendants to she com’th up the church path all in drawings & reported in newspapers 1824... ` Mrs James Weddell a Roman Catholic is marrying a friend of her parents…they visit ROME & have been on a Tour by Sea and Carriage as far as North America…an interest in archaeology featured in the Tour of this family with Mr James Weddell Mariner of a Quaker family…`

THEY ARE GOING TO BE MY GREAT-GREAT GRANDPARENTS I Greetha born 1933 -we visit ALL THE WEDDELL FAMILY…72 of them South America…1935 into 1936 …before the attacks on us in Mexico arranged by Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs & Noble Scum with JIM Jong Mr Pong MARCH 1936…  The slaying of Weddell Family in its entirety begins 1946...

MALRAUX & JOSETTE & THEIR CHILDREN- then children of the Widower Colonel Malraux Guardian & the heir Greetha Ransom are to be only left upon earth as ` SPACES BETWEEN OUR THOUGHTS` (Geo.Sefris/Greek poet `King of Asine ` )

Miss Winifred Gordon directed my EARLY WEDDING April 1947 with Georges-Andre Colonel Malraux WIDOWER OF JOSETTE, putting a white prayer book in my hand & Sister Bede allowing the use of her white veil & circle of satin roses she used at her wedding to the Church in place of a hat… All of church & school believing Aelovedmah-Maria would be watching us from HEAVEN, she who died at only 21 years after a dreadful attack upon her…she a very holy young woman… & she is given a Sainthood in South America  her husband JAMES WEDDELL refused leave from Gross Britain for her burial !

For JAMES WEDDELL who has not yet written his book on the sub-arctic SEA is officially OFFERED THE POST OF FULL GOVERNOR BY SPAIN  !   Thus he could not comfort his two sons  James & John  5 & 6 years of age after their mother’s death-  The loving grandparents SAN JULIAN & his Spanish-Basque-French wife raised the two boys to young men/ vast photograph collection/annotated books/Papers/published Papers/ said by JIM JONG to have been burned by him May 1936/   Other records/letters stolen & used as pellets in Catapults by Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs Mr Jong & some young men they were ripping off & destroying their health for their moneys/ THAMES 1938 a car boot full of precious  records burned in my face & Augusta Frobisher with me… by Earl Lindsay & scum 1938, beside Thames as we try leave for Noroway with boxes of records TO GO TO USA FROM NORWAY a vast archives of the WORLD’S HISTORY, SEA & LAND, of good human beings…

FJR Greetha’s father immediately began to put pen to paper & restore what he could…but we were all beginning to wilt under this cunning ploy of claiming all Ransom histories for G.B. Government & Crown & a woman called Angela who got given it all by a woman she & they call `the old Eskimo`… These violent Fraudsters/thieves are not human beings they are diseases upon the earth…

AELOVEDAHH-MARIA Miss San Julian Mrs James Weddell THE SEA,  sub-arctic, Antarctica, her father the last of the INCA line maths-astronomy-Priest Rulers/ “ THEY PARTY AT STONE HENGE-when it was new ” Records burned 1936 JIM & Lindsay scum following us/

1770s-1840s… SAN JULIAN - educated by R.C. monks who found `The Inca boy did arithmetic out of the air…` a great HUMANIST, Ice Breakers owner-goes out always on his ships to safe-guard the young/ Acting Governor Yah. Josef SAN JULIAN F. San Miguel, for Spain…WHERE’S THAT DICTIONARY WITH PHOTO OF HE IN   ?  DONOVAN, Colchester bookseller had his Rare Books room burned by Naval Intelligence RN because 1954 he refused to hand over RANSOM HISTORIES/WEDDELL/SAN JULIAN…to Doc Mengele/Lindsaybuggarhs/JIMMIE JONG CUR JAMES/ DEMANDING FOR THE CROWN…….

A GREAT HUMANIST, San JULIAN his only child AELOVEDAHH-MARIA Miss San Julian makes a Quaker-Roman Catholic marriage with JAMES WEDDELL, her father’s friend- they go to ROME-she intelligently discoursed with holy men since she was 10 years/ Recovered TIME is a holiday in a carriage to Argentina & visit to North America-  Greetah Frobisher Weddell Ransom is told at school lessons in the 2nd World War her history but it lead to horrible violence against her & several teachers being persecuted one attacked, perhaps two…a third was poisoned & left to take another post…

Education Greta Maureen Ransom age 8 to 12 years… has January 1942-1944 summer Headmaster Captain-Commadore Leroy, Llewellen Road, Clacton-on-sea & University teachers invalided out or Pacifists/  Then she moves up to Pathfields School /Teacher for Drama & then Head of School is Laura Lawrence- Newnham College Cambridge/  Geography & history both schools was ARMSTRONG Cambridge University-he knew Lawrence of Arabia in RAF/ Raymond Salt Music Royal College/ 1943/1944 Andrews BA Oxon Maths & Science/ Many of these teachers are companions of ANDRE MALRAUX widower 1945 into 1947 & some onwards...

In October 1945 I Greta Ransom put myself in the Convent of Saint Clare by the R.C. church Clacton-on-sea inspite of orders from Teresa Gordon R and her Nobles that I was to stay where I was…  I prefer to go back to my pre-war school just opened this Term…& I have no intention of walking across empty farmlands where I am quite certain they mean to attack me…Miss Lawrence was upset & felt I should stay put but then she objected to all girl establishments perhaps…

ANDRE MALRAUX WAS NOW PART OF MY LIFE EVERY MONTH FROM MAY 1945 to the `early wedding` April 1947...

Miss Winifred Gordon my aunt allowed me to take some drawings of Aelovedmah into school 1944/winter 1945 but there was VIOLENCE FROM HER SISTER Teresa Gordon Ransom & the appearance of old Noble freaks from pre-war…A man was found dead after seeing TGR talking with `log of wood-old centaur of the sea Louis Mountbatten`  (See the incredible burst in 1937 by him waving a gun to have something signed by TGR…  They have all been nasty kids to-gether early 20th century…) One of the SAN JULIAN treasures was a braid of Greta’s great-great grandmother Aelovedahh-Maria’s hair- her drawings & some by other persons of her show a pretty girl, freckles, auburn hair in two plats round her head, INCA cheekbones a sweet rounded jaw of perhaps her Tierra del Fuego grandmother who is also part  Gaelic/Norwegian …she is the heiress with her brother to lands very extensive San Julian land & marries 2ndly the INCA last of his line-their issue the one son Yahama Josef San Julian born in the 1770s…(Older Blood brother Aztec)

I do not know the fate of these precious Ransom family mementoes…


THE HOUSE ON THE REC-  112 Vista Road Clacton-on-sea February 1939 - 1945 December -

RANSOM Family - ANDRE MALRAUX archives/

COMMENCING in 1943 angry murmering 1944/45  THE WAY GRETA & COLIN RANSOM ARE BEING ABUSED & it is coming from on HIGH- their mother TGR insane on dope goes up to back of Buckingham Palace parties Wartime…to her old noble friends & they are coming down in big cars & meeting her in deserted parts of the town fringes…  Many streets are almost empty as people left the seaside when War began September 1939...It was expected Hitler would arrive that coming winter… The Nobles who felt this could happen had best silk swastikas black & red kept by the Chief Butler at `Cliveden`  (Clifton-on-high seas..) the Astor Place…Orders had been given `bring one case of clothes when you hear he is OVER the Channel & he will be directed here for a greeting…` (Are the Nobles Pacifists now ? Teresa G.R. has been told to bring Johnny Gordon R and in one of her flare-ups on her DOPES from SCARLET TOWN she told Greta & Colin they were to be bayoneted by Germans…)

1945 MAY - Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX- WIDOWER OF JOSETTE of the SUMMER HOLIDAY 1937 returns to Clacton-

on-Sea-  A FIGURE IN GRIEF FOR TWO BROTHERS KILLED, & A CATHOLIC WIFE-  Josette leaves him 2 sons born 1940 & 1944 - Prof. & Mrs Winnclemann his Continental friends pre-war come to live in the town by the Catholic Church & the Walpole Towers hotel…He is surprised to learn that Mary Gordon is dead…

1945/46 He walks into some unease in Essex over matters to do with the Ransom children -they are bereft too early of grandparents & subjected to VIOLENCE by the mother & her noble friends…& some distant kith or kin….He does not hear any names…& he has no idea of the Ransom family they were away Summer 1937...he does not know they were in Spain… He hears a little about the mother needs hospital treatment for violence etc…HE HAS KNOWN Teresa Gordon FOR 2 WEEKS IN FRANCE CHRISTMAS TIDE 1924/1925...

Summer 1945 he has no knowledge of the great Estate to which Greta is heir & he Guardian- people either think he knows or they do not know sufficient- he will understand 1960 that Greetha was threatened by Miss Win Gordon her aunt NOT to tell me about an Estate & her Aunt said she believed it was not anything to do with her anymore or me Andre Malraux…Greta was just 12 years of age that March 1945...” The important matter he hears from many persons is that `Captain Ransom is due back very soon…` The records we have all made show the life daily or monthly of this time the 2nd World War having ended April 1945...



He is not told what people believe he knows ! NOBODY KNOWS THAT HIS POST/mail has been stolen from Dec. 1937 !

Very soon he is in the newspapers as assisting General de Gaulle… It is believed from now on that naturally the matter of Greta’s inheritance is for he & the General…

ALSO IT IS ABOUT THAT THE GROTE HOMES ARE TO BE BLOWN UP OR BULLDOZED & no evidence is to exist about them….Shocking reports are in the shadows of the slayings of GROTE orphan children because they are educating to 18 years….Some numerous important persons are in  fright & horror as they learn of the vast numbers of the murdered children-murdered in their HOMES…

Captain Frederick John RANSOM who leaves Kenya by boat July 1945 has just learned of the vast number of the HOMES where GENOCIDE (as it is going to be called ) has happened…HE IS SHOCK & returns to find the Jim & Earls of Lindsay had his little family home `Jerusalem` Deptford by the little Park pulled down after he had left for the War…they had the JOISTS on the upper floor cut so the bedrooms fell below…

Pre-war 1938/1939 winter there were children murdered in a Norwegian Home & a Dutch one…both done by drowning the children in winter weather in the sea /records of horror exist/… Because this well planned slaughter has been done by British Nobles the matter is fast being hidden…it would ruin the Trade is the glib phrase of penniless aristocrats…

ARRIVES MAY 1945 THE WIDOWER OF FRANCE WITH TWO DEAD BROTHERS & JO …as if he has all of the dead in his arms…He is in shockJOSETTE whom so many people at this seaside doth recall & because in 1937 October she & Andre sent messages by Unity’s mother or telephoned Mary Gordon…& again messages for Christmastide & they had expected to return for the Eastertide 1938...  JO a young lady whom they’d see round the Town with

a shopping basket on her arm…

‘GREETAH & ANDRE PUT TO WAIT SITTING UNDER THE GREAT TREE IN THE CENTRE by the Kinema…Until she returns….she say’th Greetah has made him so good I DO NOT RECOGNISE HIM IN THE DAYLIGHT…` A SUMMER HOLIDAY 1937.…


I Greetah shall say to him in halting words…I write poems …by November 1945   ‘we will take they the dead into life & hold their hands, as we go about from dawn to dusk… we hold their hands… we rise each day with they…one day science may have nobody die ` Archives of the months of the years - George-ANDRE & Greta

The next year November 1946 we became ENgaged- we had been allowed to ‘ walk-out’ late summer on…his romantic FRENCH courtship was `I KNEW YOU WOULD HAPPEN TO ME…no kissing until you are 17 years…I told Father Wilson `I WILL TAKE YOU`…now you will stay in school…I will be over once a month…In GAUL I have to be MALRAUX…` (This is Stonehenge lettering) He explains to the relatives this will be the marriage that his Mother, his Grandmother Adrianna, his Aunt Mary, expected of him…the matter of some slight concern is my youth to he - he hath perhaps another 40 years of life. The Our Lady Church choir gently smiled & said many people did not get 40 years of married life-& Mr Winnclemann has got him a check-over in London with great doctors & they say he can have 50 years-cut smoking…

The Clacton-on-Sea Town & family know there is no fear of being without a roof a penny piece. Uncle Potter gets for us to begin with an old 17th century house out on the Holland marshes with 3 sides of the moat-the Council will put the 4th side back…its foundations are older,  & a Manor House promised in 5 years/records/accounts/ My father in hiding from IMPERIAL VIOLENCE & broken up by his in coming information on the slain dead Grote children…he will see us when he can come with friends to restore & put in modern bathrooms build a raised Study for ANDRE with a view of the SEA, at the little long house of TIME on the marshes.  FJR is ill from this slaying of Grote Children…and he is being fooled horribly cunningly by BIG SCUM IMPERIAL BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA

I would put you all on chains building our Universities IN THE SNOW…for you have all debauched in your ignorance upon our moneys…our philanthropy & your tongues of black reach to your expensive shod devil hoofs… GR


`IT HAS BEEN PLANNED FROM 1929 by aristocrats in ghastly debt & keeping CLASS power -MADE WATERTIGHT IN 1939 using the Nation’s institutions & Armed Services BY THE ARISTOCRATS OF GROSS BRIT…..the grizzly penniless classes of early then all of the 20th century at the top…FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…all ON THE PIN…`

1946 NOVEMBER… George-ANDRE MALRAUX throws away his tie tousles his hair, tries to look 29 years & spake “ I KNEW YOU - YOU -  WOULD HAPPEN TO ME ” turning to Father Wilson & the Choir he said “ I WILL TAKE HER ” (STonehenge script) The language of GAUL… Future Astrix books !

1946 November in the Essex East Anglian WINTER…THE FUTURE BRIDE REMINDED HIM HE HAD NOT ASKED SHE…Who was under 16 years of age…

The FORMAL proposal was aesthetic…the blackberry patch Lovers Fairy Glen Holland Cliffs of Folklore was overgrown so I suggested to he Colonel Georges-Andre MALRAUX that as we had our DEAD holding hands with us… a suitable place might be the Gallows out on the marshes for some of them were certainly victims too… It was acted with solemnity by he an Ancient Figure from Gaul an Archangel Fallen Down… on a November 1946 cold end of an afternoon the light already fading… rushes bent from perhaps an early frost as well as dried from summer winds, a pool with sedge, & we are already called Darby & Joan…

1946/1947 WINTEREssex Marshes & seashores… I say I doth not mind if he is a 100 years old, or Palaeolithic or Neolithic Man…then we’d be like them in the book I had from the Greenland library of Jacopsholmen… I Moonface a girl who has long hair & keeps a good pot of food cooking & stores for winter… & warm beds… & he Sunface who brings in the meat-fowl-fishes & good furs… & we live in a cave.  Say`th meee…`I could NOT marry a very young man…for I am always HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD…& he hEar`TH  me & doth understand

ANDRE MALRAUX retired Minister of FRANCE … is telling Peter J.P. Whitehead Winter 1970 at The Pillar House of the immortal books for Children- Harwell…(Greetha banned from the room by the monstrous things about us for dough…but listening from the `little kitchen`…)

‘ the Prophet had gone, of the summer 1937... she was Will O’th Whisp- they had been destroying her-to get at the Estate …It was Winnclemann had made a friend of her the year before I arrived 1945... & they worshipped at the shrine of Richard Wagner & others….music, history were important…not art- except historical paintings…EVERYWHERE AS WITH JO…I FOUND THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT…UPON MY RETURN TO THE SEASHORES…where we had all been to-gether A UNIT…A FAMILY…Peter…  I beg you NOT TO LISTEN TO TERESA & her Noble friends…they are mad…

1945 ALL SUMMER THE ARRIVAL OF Army Captain Frederick John Ransom was expected…NOBODY WAS TO TELL SHEShe

that ANDRE MALRAUX WAS AGAIN UPON CLACTON SHORES…                                                                         / Archives/  SHIPS  THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT !

1945 September for a stay of 3 days FJR Greta Ransom’s father

` COM’TH A STERN & TRAGIC FIGURE - `like a young Teutonic Knight your Father ` Esther Gordon Potter says 1944... 1945 BEARING almost a MILLION SLAIN GROTE HOMES CHILDREN birth to 18 years in education with 3-4 languages THEY GO FORTH & ACT THE GOSPELS OUT…` now having slain the GROTE children the British Nobles & Crown take the moneys dripping blood & gore & spread it upon their syphilitic in-bred carcases…` (Lord ABC 1957 October)

1945 September arrives at THE HOUSE ON THE REC the bread winner Captain F. J. Ransom- He has horrendous Reports in his haversack & had survived Gross Britain NOBLE MURDER PLANS because he spoke Japanese… he only 22 when I am born…now 34 years, had survived INTENTION TO HAVE KILLED- survived because all the family speak Japanese/ & several other languages European/Greenlandic/Arabic/ Classics/Tibetan/Marsh Arabs/Borneo/Peru of course etc etc…  Ransom are bred of human blood from 14 Races and 27 nations… SEA TRADERS OFTEN ARE because they sail the globe…& use the STARS to tell them where they are…

The Representatives of THE BRITISH NOBLES & CROWN  ordered him killed 1940…a creature called 1940s onwards `dirty JIM/ his clawing cousins of 1830s Earls of Crawford & Lindsaybuggarhs/ & Scandinavia creatures from Hieronymus Bosch HELL…& G. B. assorted Noble criminally-insane …many of these murderers rise from Scotland Noble bogs especially West side Hebrides…


They knew not FJR his Asian learnings as a well brought up Ransom boy visiting GROTE HOMES the family miracle of philanthropy-founded upon CLEAN PROFIT Sea Traders of 1,500 years….marrying girls educated of 14 races & 27 nations…We even have a Red Indian Army Unit 1936 who visited Gross Britain to GET THEIR HEIR BACK…Greta Ransom…a small tribe next to the Navahj0...Colorado…

All good people do not know ` ANDRE MALRAUX & my father Fred. J. RANSOM have had all  POST/mail stolen by Gross Britain NOBLE Government & Crown from Xmas 1933 & Malraux from winter 1937/1938...

1946 MALRAUX announces he is to work for General Charles de Gaulle…  And Clacton town & relatives, friends, must keep him kind ANDRE MALRAUX safe… FRAUD-MURDERS-THREATS-GO ON….

1959 Christmas THE TRUTH COM‘TH FORTH…

OUR SAN JULIAN ANCESTRAL LINES…The RANSOM-WEDDELL family October 1935 take a Nord- Sud Pole tour/our seaplanes, launch/ ships/flying boat Orinoco /long punts Magellan Straights/  Go down to Spain & we call on our Basque relatives & the Home first stop after leaving Paris then go across the SEAS with Alfred Charles RANSOM RN (where he carries me to hold the ship‘s wheel in the Engine Room as I am another little Weddell Frobisher Ransom…)

WE have to reassure GROTE HOMES - they are having monstrous British aristocrats storming in trying to remove the ART WORKS… that Aunt Mag has given the children educating there- they orphans WHO HATH NOTHING until they enter GROTE HOMES & then they are educated To ACT THE GOSPELS OUT

& the dowry for the girl the investment for the boy is understood & has grown with them … because THEY ARE NOW MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY OF GREAT POUL GRONLANDER THE FIRST ORPHAN in this piece of philanthropy A to Z begun by TIGGY USA citizen when he was 22 years of age 1864…

The heirs Greetha & Lennie are also meeting kin & distant kin in 1936...the Ransom elders visit often down to the Magellan Straights-JEAN dances Firebird/3 Cornered Hat for them her line PERU and the Aztec half-brother branch. I saw my grandmother JAMES WEDDELL’s grand-daughter ballerina dance/see records/diaries/ In the Degas paintings she wears a bunch of scarlet flowers…one painting her mother bought has been destroyed in a dope-drunken frenzy by Gross Britain nobles… 1950s Lindsaybuggarhs hacked to pieces a painting of Greta Ransom sitting by the mountain on our Island West Greenland with the sun rising…I am age nearly 4 years…a stout child… I have survived their horrendous attack on me in their GRAND Clacton seafront summer 1935 - I Greta aged 2 years & a half…then we escaped by our seaplanes to Greenland…October 1935... In NewYork March 1936 the hospital found they had pushed broken glass inside me…

1965 soaked in bath/shampoo/Greenwich flat LIR/ unique archives Yahama Josef San Julian F. San Miquel of Peru - Usual Break-IN & Entry in name of British Government & Crown- Naval Intelligence Teams of  Doc Mengele Harrington royal satrap paedophile -he has keys to all our doors- records San Julian/Weddell are in pencil, inks, watercolours, early 19th century/ A Stop-Press 5 lines  news announcement in a London evening newspaper  1965 / then no more to be heard…

Scholarship restores some/ but Ransom-Weddell-Grote histories churned off early inter-net by BIG BOOTS IMPERIAL FISTS- & Scandinavia/Scotland

`nail ‘em  to a Church door - make them say WHY…make them say they are still nervous of the arising again of their slaying of the GROTE HOMES children under cover of 2nd World War…)

92 AD Dunwich RANSOM hold a homestead & move up over the centuries to the farm Montrose bought 1500 as principal residence for Bruges marriage to The Lady Japan/her dowry 2 islets end of Lusans-held until 1948...  theft G. B /or blackmail ? all our kith/kin slain summer 1939 by Mr JIM Jong/ Earls of Lindsay & thugs / & big Ships/ They were seen wearing USA Army uniforms- for a JOKE ? / THIS IS BEFORE THE WAR WITH JAPAN

1939 onwards/seen in them Palestine 1948...

JIM JONG & Earls Lindsay et al wear AMERICAN ARMY UNIFORMS…to which they are not entitled

/LIR-GR-FJR reports/ Ransom children- we were there at Walton-on-Naze early 1939 & Norfolk /we see 4 American uniforms on the evil little jack-in-boxes palatial Army Tent beds/ JOKE ? I showed Lennie how to climb down a vertical cliff holding on to flints & tough grasses- Uncle Gimlet Eyes Mainwarring had let his grand-daughter & I do it the year before…He won`t have nampi-pampi girls in the family…& WE ARE TO SHAPE UP FOR A TRIP TO THE WEDDELL SEA…& Jean is to DANCE on her Grandpa’s SEA…


1950s onwards …I hath followed none too well as a young woman how ANDRE MALRAUX & the Government of Gaul were being threatened by exposure the WEDDING OF GRACE 17th April 1947 & that it failed to Georges Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX - Roman Catholic WIDOWER OF JOSETTE- marriage allowed by The Vatican/ young Paccelli & elders of the Irish families O’Brien/Murphy/ Carroll/ Williams & Ransom/ Weddell/ Murgatroyd families to his Ward…MALRAUX Guardian to the biggest Estate the globe hath known…pure philanthropy

& he believes he is only GUARDIAN TO GRETA RANSOM & this was what he accepted in his understanding October 1937 when he received a letter from a MARGARET GROTE…but it had no address…She said `YOU WILL BE HEARING MORE`…

But the British Government Lords & Crown penniless and ON THE PIN gave orders to STEALS ALL the Post/mail of ANDRE MALRAUX from winter 1937/1938.…


Sent to him by USA New York Brokers Overseas Agents & the Ransom Solicitors of 1830s Argentine…

his post/mail stolen by G.B. Government & Crown from Xmas 1937- - the Will of Thomas Immanuel Grote

& another of his wife Margarethe Ransom Grote -  both WILLS MADE IN USA- husband &  wife USA  citizens- both Wills required for the administration of the Estate  !  Also the Will of Aunt Mag’s father and mother Fred Ransom & Gertrude Poulsen Ransom-

NO PERSON OF GROSS BRITAIN or persons outside the families RANSOM/Weddell/Gronlander-Poulsen/GROTE- are given any part of the fabric of this great piece of worldwide philanthropy… WHICH IS NOT IN THE RED & ALL DEATH DUTIES ON THE BRITISH PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN PAID & 3 times over by 1945 in the on-going theft in name of a faceless woman supposed to have been given all this as a child by `AN OLD ESKIMO` as I have heard her say Bulford Camp Salisbury Plains 1940/1941.. such ill bred thuggish statements are the planned lies by G. B. NOBLES- in this gigantic obscene piece of Statecraft-

Begun 1929-1939 -Plans are to ` proceed in silence & remove all Capital where we can ` `Lindsay Earl 14 acts for a faceless woman`

`Who with another can drink a pub out overnight` ( `Ange & Tree ` the packhorses for the crimes of their men-two women ponced upon by the pimp JIM & the thugs Earls of Lindsay & other penniless nobles ON THE PIN & Purple Plum Divinorum Salvia Scotland…

A list of seven statements of Procedure of Fraud/violent theft-

with  handwritten & carbon copies of letters/ some original letters-notes/ is off-shore somewhere the globe/

G.R. had been read a copy of the items Night Watch 1960 & some papers were lost in the post to Greta Ransom- there were given explanations of the devilish tricks- the criminally insane using the G.B. State to accomplish this.   It includes methods of doping daily- especially Greta Ransom-from age 7 years 1940 -to see I do not do well in my school books which Angela/Lindsays ask for to jeer at me- (They use doping on their race horses -make them go fast or slow)

School teachers & others of high intelligence speak of these tricks ordered by criminally insane of THE HIGH CLASS SIN to steal from young heirs or old ones often old relatives/

The woman Angela sent me a message I was to call myself  PEARL BARLEY winter 1942/1943 at Captain Leroy’s Llewellyn Road town school- here we have University teachers during the war years-one marked me TOP in Science 1944-it was recognized my mad mother rubbed powders in my mouth & nose as pre-war- Orders were given by War Office summer 1943 that  `Captain Ransom to RETURN for home duties & Family matters` … BUT THUGS OF IMPERIAL BIG BOOTS sometimes wearing American Army Uniforms as disguise ….were in control of all RANSOM  lives -

Angela & JIM were stopped winter 1940/41 Bulford Camp Salisbury Plains at some more tricks/ In October 1941 she & he Jim had had me put in the Deaf-Dumb-partially sighted school & a telephone call from her or for her from Buckingham Palace said blazing wicked things about the Ransom family & GREETHA of an Ape mentality -but Mr Polly taught part-time & he had been at a New York GROTE HOMES SYMPOSIUM 1938 & after a few days got Greta Ransom OUT with help from Mrs MacDonald in the normal school /

He is another MARTYR…

Mrs MacDonald whose father lives on Arran now protected me    /records/letters/1940s on…/

Mr Polly was soon blown up in his car-the steering wheel had been fitted with an explosive-his face, chest got it/  he was recovering -BUT A DOCTOR WAS SENT FROM LONDON- Mr Polly died immediately- (Records/etc) These are the usual tricks of the Nobles when somebody knows about GROTE …or helps us heirs & families…  Harry Gordon was asked to comment with other top mechanics on how/who/had fitted the device- & said it was not made & fitted by a German Spy- murder by persons known-

19th & 20th centuries EXPLOSIVES USED BY NOBLE BRITAINSee my 5th birthday present the OWL clock bomb made by Mr Pong/March 1938 See` RANSOM True Tales/& The Grote Brokers Sailed in with Uncle Fred Mac Murray & Hollywood & put them all on a raft/Pacific/Atlantic/off Kuriles/etc etc…

Which went off at midnight, not 9.30pm. as he Jimmie Jong Mr Pong said ( the later CUR/sir JAMES of WHITES Club A VICE BAR ) After Mr Pong had left I swiftly carried it carefully down the stairs into the long garden then I had gone to sleep/ my Night Nurse had been dismissed /  AT MIDNIGHT…IT BLEW A HOLE THE SIZE OF THE CRATER OF SANTORIN…shattering water pipes windows all round…EARL LINDSAY No 12 said they were ALL OFF SHORE to the Police/some men went with GUNS to shoot them/some had axes & spades…Pong has a rat hole in Buckingham Palace everybody knows/ Greta Ransom

“ I picked it up when I dumped her back at the O’Neill place that afternoon…MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I SAW HE  ANDRE MALRAUX- FRENCH written in as GUARDIAN ` said JIM to his cronies in WHITES CLUB  vice bar- they knew how he had killed the Eskimo to get the Crown solvent-to pay its vast debts-and there was pickings for all- Records- by spies listening in amazement

Other records 1939/1944...JIM & Angela/Wartime/school- & other visits :  `…she had Mr Jim Jong James Major Carew Jimmie James/at her elbow for 5 hours in the ARMY MESS/Mr Pong Jong now runs a 2 Man unit intelligence 1939/44 back of Buckingham Palace where he has had a 2 room apartment from 1923/24  (to 1956)

1937 Summer Mary Gordon tells ANDRE MALRAUX `…Jim & Angela they have been chums since start of the last War- a nuisance to all our families- her parents were having Witchcraft up there- took Teresa out with them- in 1919 when War finished they were baiting me for information on my Irish cousins…( 3 baronetcies Murphy-O’Brien  & Carroll with a castle-sometimes raise horses) ` they thought they’d learn things about our peaceful work for Southern Ireland…& make out we were revolutionary- The D`ivils- I have her on the phone baiting me about the child & an inheritance- they were after getting at their properties over there & they sometimes raise horses a bit…They were all at the parties in that house…that got her into trouble & all those years put away…we engaged a leading Barrister…it cost us a fortune even though he only took half his fees…`


JO & ANDRE MALRAUX Summer 1937 are offered a nice house at Orford/Orford Ness…no rent to pay- Owners going to America -they will stay if  WAR comes to Europe - JO & ANDRE could have lost their lives very soon…Noble Britain violence & destruction of character is directed at them because they have been with us & now he is Guardian-  If they had received the Grote Brokers Post/mail or met other administrators of the Estate then they would have been given an accident by Noble Britain & perhaps bodies burned in Scotland…barbaric sadistic hate would descend upon them from the Noble penniless ON THE PIN & Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets up their snouts…

There would be envy too because he is so clearly a real man of humanism…  ANDRE MALRAUX HAS FOUGHT ON THE  WRONG SIDE IN SPAIN - so far as Noble scum is concerned-

Reports/Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960/1961

1960 (Jan/Feb) Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux

Colne Engaine/Colchester/ `A CASE OF SEVERE CHILD ABUSE BY THE NOBLE CLASSES…its in my notebook-I`m keeping them hidden in the oak tree…well somewhere they cannot be stolen again…` Arthur Malone/POLITAN…

1943 February Clacton-on-Sea/Holland-on-Sea/

Report Chief Medical Officer retired-retired-retired “I’m always trying to RETIREI came upon one of the worst scenes of cruelty to a child- an attempt to cripple Greta Ransom nearly 10 years of age- Early freezing morning on our seafront the Holland end- stop her going to school/ her grandmother Mary Gordon a very intelligent woman taken to hospital that week- fiendish violence done by her mother & noble chums since the WAR began because these children had an inheritance…from the Far North…

1939 December when the father rushed out to Philippines-no sense in it- his training was needed in Britain-Gunnery-Stores/ the WAR OFFICE 1943 that summer to Africa sent Orders for Officer/Captain Frederick. J. Ransom to RETURN FOR HOME DUTIES….this was stopped by the mother’s noble chums a branch anxious to harm the Ransom children - girl senior heir , younger boy Colin - to have them put in an Asylum as bred from Apes/Inca/& Eskimos/ Greenland/ not unusual to have these beliefs amongst the upper classes living on investment income from overseas -it was believed the middle child JGR was a bastard…although the father said not so & produced photographs of his side of the family as proof…`

`Intention was to pull a big ESTATE OFF the families- AS CROWN LANDS-the Mafia a Scots Earl mob…been on our seafront since 1910 in their GRAND-pulled down 1946 slipping inwardly a dangerous construction Scots granite too heavy at the start but they won a Court Case after taking the Builder to task…he did not want to go on with its construction…(1910)…A lot of them Noble Britain… wanted their share too…I’d retired twice by the commencement of the last War…walked my dog & learned of these things…ROUND THE TOWN…

….ANOTHER  Sea Heiress in Miss Ransom’s class the previous year (1942 ) a 9 years old…Patrick MacDrew’s niece… had been found strangled near Colchester - the child’s lands were claimed immediately as Crown Lands Newfoundland… first came interference by the Earl’s family…(Lindsay he No 14 Earl)  A little fat man who went about with JIM…JIM now in a position of authority at the back of Buckingham Palace an office helping to run the War… The heir to the Earl  had come to the school & threatened the two little girls- the information got to the hospital…you can find it there…`  (Report of the Chief Medical Officer retired-retired-retired from Feb 1943- it continues after some notes following… )

(Early 1960s Malone & Philip Silverlee taking Harry Gordon with them call on Clacton Hospital and persons they have known in their teens and 20s …they did get the information on this & on much more by end January-early February 1960

Nota bene : Malone (2 years LAW studies/ Detective training & writer `The Detective in the Lawyers Gown` publications) is not emotionally involved pre-war & 2nd World War…his emotion stems from October 1957 when he took this job for ANDRE MALRAUX & Harry Gordon sent along his pre-war friend Philip Silverlee to see if he could help at ANDRE MALRAUX`s London home the Catholic Charity that he & General de Gaulle run… DISPENSING A GREAT FORTUNE left to French Embassy & Diocese of Westminster…1939 )…

Chief Medical Officer retired-retired-retired 1960/

` He  (Earl Lindsay no 14) made a savage faced pretence of a speech for Ship Wreck Mariners-INSULTED THE TWO GIRLS who are SEA HEIRS…the children of the School have pupils temporary because of War &  some come from the Manufacturing families of good responsible Class..they are aware his Family  (Lindsay)  on the Sea front pre-war had a problem of dope & Scottish bravado -   All were badly addicted to this dangerous narcotic… They were now awarding themselves medals as the War progressed…` (Continues in this Document & in previous Books now called Book 2 & Book 3...) He appears to be alive & well - delivers Report to Hospital retired & trusted persons & thus to Ghost Team Detectives & Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX…Colne Engaine 1960/1961...

1960 January Winston Churchill says “  Lindsays -


1937/1938 Legal Will…Margarethe Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTEA handwritten list of gifts to Angela & David & children is with the WILLS. Miss Winifred Gordon also had this list hand-written by Aunt Magarethe girl of the SNOWS…there were identical hand-written lists with others…

The couple & their children (Nobles of Gross Britain) are given NO PART OF THE ESTATE- nothing of the properties/Bank accounts/or Investments/overseas lands/or U.K. properties/

We hear 1947 one new member is heard Forecourt of Buckingham Palace drinking doping chortling & gaffing ` lets see how it works out ` Does he not at his age know of the world concern over the theft of the Estate after the GROTE CHILDREN have been slain A-Z the globe under cover of the 2nd World War…? He is seen 1953 & 1954 taking a pellet of this dangerous narcotic from dirty JIM Cur James 1954...& tramping with Jim over Ransom lands & the two men both stuffed the pellet up their snout… A RAGING BEAST now appears in the brain as the dope hits in 2 seconds… THE USER HAS TO WIN…

1930s Lindsay victims on Clacton seafrontyoung men with money in the Noble class…emaciated, yellowing &  white translucent shades of skin…already booked for the graves… They had been robbed in their cheque books…given HIGH dopes…none lasted more than 2 years… Their parents before the funeral would be told by Earl Lindsay & his mob…`you have raised your son so badly…we have tried help…do not appear at Court or at the Races…` & the Lindsay Mafia had lived on the moneys of the deceased…  Perhaps there were young women too…  I only recall the young men…I was not wisely told names…I recall an Al Quitley …& a Browning who was said to have a chance to GET AWAY…A Duke of Spode & something…   LINDSAY EARLS had to be supported in their role in life Premier Earls Scotland-Gross Britain-All their guests/victims had a heroin problem-`Yah know`….

1970 ANDRE MALRAUX reads his notebooks in Winter at  The Pillar House Harwell `Village of a 1,000 Years`

“ 1937 SUMMER- THEY WERE AWAY a piece of notoriety in London & robbery with violence in SPAIN…Josette & I were simply told by our hostess to keep away from where they were known to come…Greetha was extremely worried for us too & would be quite firm about our not going past the place…she had learned from Annie to refer to them as `MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP`… It was still there when I returned a Widower…after the War…May 1945…It was boarded up a dark gloomy place crushed between two big buildings a name GRAND- nothing else…soon it was gone…demolished…it had become a danger to the passer by on the pavement…`

` It was here, Peter , in East Anglia that SUMMER 1937 with these people… about this very pleasant small seaside town Clacton-on-Sea - its villages ancient towns I CAME TO REALISE WHAT I WANTED TO DO WITH MY LIFE….We had come out of Spain…

I was now 35 years of age

(Andre Malraux reads his notebooks of 1937- 1945)


Mr Jong took away from Clacton-on-Sea Greetah Frobisher Weddell Maureen RANSOM without permission of Mary Gordon grandmother & grandfather F. C. Ransom who are the Police & Nonconformist & Roman Catholic Church appointed guardians of Greta Ransom born 11.3.1933...  Lies & cheating were used to take the child on the  14/15th May 1938.

Jimmie Jong James put Greta to sleep with sedatives & only woke the child on arrival at the O’Neill Farmhouse, Ayrshire using Greetha Mrs Grote’s HEIR to gain entrance.

The O`Neills`  are friends of Margarethe Ransom Grote’s father & mother deceased end of 19th century.

Mrs Ransom Grote`s parents are Greta’s grandparents twice back…THE FAMILIES ARE VERY CLOSE because of their histories at SEA & because of the vast Estate of philanthropy…

The said parents of Mrs Grote are Fred Ransom of the family ship  ‘Mary Rose’  & his wife Poul Gronlander’s grand-daughter owner of Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland, her eldest brother Count Poulsen of Noroway…Island granted 1770 to erect the University to POUL GRONLANDER polymath genius catechist trader…Interference from 1860s became so violent from Denmark that the Plans to BUILD had to be laid aside…  MURDER attempts occurred on Ransom family & Tiggy GROTE of GROTE HOMES was murdered 1904 to grab hold of the Estate- Criminals were Earls of LINDSAY & Arran & other nobles ON THE PIN…often referred to by intelligent persons as `criminally insane` A woman ANGELA insisted as a child `THE OLD ESKIMO gave it all to her` All of this Class are ILL EDUCATED & ON THE PIN…they are PENNILESS from the previous generation…but do not know how to live on what they are given or have left…

In 1938 this woman gave orders  `I want the Grote Homes emptied the lands sold & the moneys are to be given to me`…

Whitehall London assisted her in many ways …LINDSAY Earls insisting they were in control…A Mr JIM JONG was also employed to fly about the world with others to seize the ART WORKS in the HOMES of the orphan children educating to 18 years with several languages…HUMANISTS who ACT THE GOSPELS OUT…Winter 1938/1939 the SLAYING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN BEGAN…

There are thousands of photographs of Grandpa Fred Ransom twice-back & Gertrude & their children growing up and all through their future lives…I Greta always felt that they had only just gone up to Heaven…I will speak about their lives to ANDRE MALRAUX AND JOSETTE SUMMER 1937-

1930s … A DECREE has gone about in secret silence representing Gross Britain Government & Crown & Earls of LINDSAYBUGGARHS ilk to destroy documents… All representation showing that the branch Weddell-RANSOMs England & the globe have ever lived…  Everything is to be burned & entry can be by break-in in name of Government & Crown… (but some documents are to be kept so that in later years they can be SOLD & by careful manipulation of FACTS & the destruction of the characters of the GROTE RANSOM GRONLANDER WEDDELL families a CASE can be shown for the PAST NOBLES of Gross Britain having A CONCERN FOR THE GLOBE…THUS 1938 onwards ALL WOODLANDS FORESTS RESERVES WERE TO BE FELLED…tenants slain as well as the GROTE Children…moneys were to be handed to THE CRIMINALLY INSANE who PLOTTED PLANNED THIS GENOCIDE carefully from 1929...)

Decree : destroy RANSOM Weddell et al their reputations- WHERE A GIFT TO INSTITUTIONS/The Arts/Sport/Settlements of special racial peoples/hospitals/Convents/Choirs/Apprentices Homes/ etc  PEPPER WITH INSULTS/ send in G.B. Special Investigation Teams without permission to destroy their names/ OR SUBSTITUTE OUR NAMES we of Noble Britain… (surprise at NASA ! ) remove all monuments, graves, gifts to institutions worldwide in their names… especially all books which should be burned...all paintings now property of Crown/Lindsaybuggarhs    (at first have it writ in teenie-weenie print)…use the British diplomatic force…….always put OUR  MAN in to handle this matter…it must be run as Army Navy State of the Realm EXERCISES ….REMOVE ALL-ALL-ALL ICONOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC PLACES AROUND THE GLOBE…IT IS NOW PROPERTY OF THE GROSS BRITAIN EMPIRE/Nobles & Crown…& destroy all legal documents archives…birth-death-marriages where advisable...threaten booksellers in various ways…they may be burned down as a professional job - `

1938 THERE ARE MEETINGS WE RANSOM family HEAR ABOUT OR  WITH OTHERS ARE ABLE TO CREEP IN ON-  These DRINK-UPS by Noble Britain ON THE PIN are attended by NOBLE MOBSTERS speaking venomous HATE & DETERMINATION TO COMMIT FRAUD… a long bar at COWES  has Len & I cover meeting of Violent Fraudsters/until the grown-ups Ransom family & others (some Law) could get in quietly the other end-  Greta & Lennie we were put

through a kitchen window…RED INDIAN SCOUTING style- but we have 2 Red Indian Grannies 17th century in a straight line RANSOM back…Harriet & ?  /Nevada & ?/Records in progress of restoration/

FJR `WHO WAS THERE…WHAT DID YOU HEAR BEFORE WE GOT IN ?`… `5 of them at first speaking…` (Greta Ransom)

Mr Jong & the one he goes about with Lindsay to be No 14 /the Evil little Jack-in-the- Boxes who wear & exchange hair wigs different colours….

Mr Prefers Blondes Really

Mr Always a Floating Currency off-shore

Mr Tumble them IN THE RED-  `simple really-often done it `

Mr Push them overboard-outside 2 mile limit

About 10 others-  in the half dark-  THEY BEGIN BY DRINKING A TOAST TO THE CROWN…

Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960 `…it is not until the tape-recorder is put in a little portable box that the GOOD MEN could get tapes of the criminals…even if it did mean holding up a bamboo pole with recorder strapped to it…`at some grisly Noble debauchy Place……

1934 GROTE BROKERS NEW YORK had complained of British Nobles breaking in on Grote Homes- theft/attempted child abuse/boy 18 to go on to University found dead -he had been insulted by 2 slimy British UPPER CRUST in USA…who rudely said  “sent to investigate by Great Britain” - A rude WEED with monocle & elaborate walking stick had moved OUT a new kitchen/ultra modern/ in an ECUADOR  Home/

1934 an Harold MacMillan found by Athens Parliament to be a penniless G.B. aristocrat AND NOT as he claimed for 2 days THE AMERICAN AGENT FOR GROTE sent TO REMOVE THE PAINTINGS/Art/  The Parliament issued a document `BANNED FOR LIFE FROM GREECE `  He got back in 1946...

1930 to 1939 NOTHING IN WRITING COULD BE GOT FROM G.B.  DIPLOMATS - or the Government & Crown of Gross Britain-  GROTE Brokers  asked for an interview at Westminster & were refused !  Whitehall answered on the telephone or sent slimy swanky HOOKERS…

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