Greta Ransom

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OH, she learned there were many of these families who reached back to ROMAN TIMES Northumbria In this case, the family RANSOM, a Noble connexion to them wanted their lands It was they, the Noble connexion to them, who were DESTROYING THEIR VAST RECORDS where they could get hold of them graves and monuments in churches were disappearing too

((( LINDSAY Crawford Premier Earl 1883 - attempts grab all GROTE HOMES & RANSOM Estate G.B. & around the globe Nations A-Z : Wedding of Millie Frobisher-John Ransom : kills them 1890/1897)))

At this one afternoon only exhibition Westmorland he had stressed that the histories and records were of IMMENSE IMPORTANCE to the NATION to HISTORIANS EVERYWHERE …”

The ENVY at the top was BECAUSE THESE ANCIENT BRITISH FAMILIES often owned lands along the seashores of Britain and OVERSEAS

She heard there were many people in the British Government the Lords and their Sons who wished to take these lands to stop other countries competing overseas with Great Britain

She heard that the determination to destroy these old families, they were not Noble families she thought who were originally Sea Traders and Farmers, began the middle of the last century …”

Yes, she could remember she was told that at this one afternoon only Exhibition - Westmorland, he only had it for one afternoon he had stressed that the histories & records were of IMMENSE IMPORTANCE to the NATION to historians everywhere

she had been told that the British Government and Crown were anxious to improve overseas TRADE and therefore they were trying to take these overseas seashores and lands in silence. World trade was not fair to Great Britain and its Empire that was why the British Government were so anxious to take the British lands from them. The man who told her about this exhibition ? Oh, she knew him

She, Miss Teresa Gordon, had later heard that after this ONE AFTERNOON EXHIBITION of documents and this RANSOM family had helped him he could not be found F I N

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