Greta Ransom

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MEMO : AUGUSTA FROBISHER (Ettrick & Napier branches) 1948 = says to family member REAR ADMIRAL Alfred Charles RANSOM RN 1st & 2nd World Wars/see Debrett 1953/


It is known that Scotland Nobles grow and use a dangerous narcotic DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND and torch-blow it into pellets which are inserted in the nose or fixed in a cavity above the nose - it hits the brain in 2 seconds - it is sold abroad also in powder form to factories employing 2 = 4 years olds & to brothels and places of ill repute = 2 fields will pay the bills for a year for a big Noble place & family says Uncle of Edward du Cann (born 1924 his mother is Teresa Gordon) who grows this plant with 4 or 5 chums = high on HEROIN he is indiscreet to Miss Greta Ransom of Colchester Museums :

It is February 1954 = he had just collected a cheque for 20 thousand pounds SOHO for he and friends have sold an 18 months crop : Its cult names are `purple plum`/`lavender mist`/`purple pickle`/ etc

( / 1937 SUMMER 6 weeks - Andre Malraux, Josette Clotis, Greta Ransom, Clacton-on-Sea & West GREENLAND = document in 3 parts = to 1990s / NAIL IN YOUR HEAD / & RANSOM ANCESTRY Part I = restoring the work of FREDERICK JOHN RANSOM 1911 - killed Deptford 1969 =

FJR centenary 1911 - 2011 AD = Part II RANSOM histories is assembling on WORDPRESS = with other relevant work for MARTYRS TWITTER - FACEBOOK - MY SPACE etc )

I will now include Report No 6 : VATICAN RECORDS intended to be safe with `young Pacelli` Pope Pius XII =

The related 2 - 5 Reports are given after these pages

Reports 2 - 5 are given to show the 20th century MADNESS, the criminal insanity, of these dangerous robbers & destroyers of the Histories of ROMAN, Anglo-Saxon, & Medieval BRITAIN and its sea going and farming families of Essex - Suffolk - Norfolk and up to NORTHUMBRIA READER will get an idea of what is missing by reading the work of my young father FJR in my assembling of RANSOM Ancestry & histories released worldwide web 2011 AD = These bestial crimes are done solely to get BIG DOUGH for IMPERIAL & Noble Britain, Scotland, & Scandinavia


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