Greta Ransom

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Report No 6 - VATICAN - 1945/1947

your father went to see Pacelli -

The Pope gave him his BLESSING -

your father explained what he intended to do He would restore the Estate where he could, offers of help came from the little Nations & many Nations, and good people but it was dangerous because all the children were dead around the globe, pits were full of burned bones - some nets had been found at sea with children in & these were just within the 2-mile limit of little Nations and Great Britain Nobles now had a third of the ESTATE LANDS much had been taken of RANSOM transport investments in CANADA The Premier Earl of Lindsay-Lindsey No 14 said that ANGELA now a Queen had given these massive investments to him and his family

He, your father, wanted to keep his two younger brothers (b 1918 & 1921) out of it to begin with he explained to Pacelli, now Pope Pius 12, they could be called on to help where he and GROTE BROKERS & the overall Solicitors Argentina knew it was absolutely safe for them to go and assist :

( NB : Dave Lindsay-Lindsey 15 (b 1926 becomes EARL 1985-dies 1989) got Canada Railways in the RED because of withdrawals from Banks for himself & families & rest of his TRIBE grabbing = they have also began for FUN the Wars of the INCA again & devastated the Estate in PERU as well as slaughtering all the GROTE CHILDREN and settlements = but as the British PRESS thought he was to marry Princess Meg (Margaret) this was fudged after one outspoken report in a British newspaper )

the POPE gave your father HIS BLESSING they were two men in terrible shock - the crime seems worse than NAZI Germany to us

It had been planned so meticulously before the War began September 1939 by Navy & Army these criminally insane could trust : Orders from the top ? it was to prop up the nobility of Britain and Scandinavia Your father found solace in raising monuments to the GROTE CHILDREN - but these had to be hidden as the road across the fields - it was uncovered once a year.

1938 -1960/1962 - ANDRE MALRAUX had no idea of his full Guardianship we know now - the ring about him was cruel and terrible in its power : at any time he could be slain if he should step forward as GUARDIAN or say he had not received the WILL or came to know about the enclosed letter to the French President that Margaret Grote May 1938 put in the envelope addressed to Andre, with the signed WILL for him a letter in her own handwriting : the handwriting of a most highly intelligent woman

The Pope had the documents, books, papers, letters in holdalls, trunks he watched to see the GROTE HOMES papers nailed down in wooden boxes, crates big 4 inch nails were used it went behind his dreadful DOOR

C 1961 - the crates had been prized open, found empty of everything the big nails were left in the sides as they had been ripped out inside nothing : trunks gone ! We hear a collection of books that were on shelves were missing

We believe , that like the canvas bag - that JIM stole 1938 from your little house the Old Road & ended up with Mengele Harrington 1950s ( Loamshire connexions ? ) - it was reported he, old Mengele Peer-in-Waiting , is heard bragging he would destroy it We believe all of this will have been thrown in the SEAS or set fire to their rages

( Nota bene : Canvas bag had some years work of John Ransom & wife Millicent Frobisher 1883-1890 before he was savagely killed, liver cut out, and left in playground of Hither Green School, found by children early morning 1890, London : I GR have listed what I remember 1938 - Len and I have lessons weekends on our duties to GROTE HOMES and RANSOM ancestors and achievements = we are always shown to be humanists through 2,000 years )

1960s - A report comes that the Papers in the crates were shredded that someone was persuaded to do this the crates had been ripped open, nails showed it had been no attempt to remove papers in orderly fashion …”

Pius wanted all this kept your father expected to live to be 100 his health so good like his brothers Len always in training and a musician too . He would go on restoring the Estate it was agreed, and the HOMES were expected to go back in 1949 - many Nations were going to help put them back : take the lands off the KILLERS where they could

((((( Missing from VATICAN the records of the GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN around the globe 1864 onwards and our RANSOM `Joyous Venture` Estate in 3 Parts : History of James Weddell his INCA wife and the families of approximately 150 persons 1960 - all slain /records `1937 SUMMER onwards/ -/ The 18th century histories of POUL GRONLANDER & families & the 19th century histories of JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND off Xristensharb, West Greenland : The 3 Wills required to administer this worldwide Estate, for the VATICAN too, and us are that of Tiggy Grote, Margareth nee Ransom, and her parents, my great-great grandparents FRED RANSOM Montrose near Basin, and Jacopsholmen Island, his wife is The Gronlander`s grand-daughter, Gertrud Poulsen

a brother to she is Count Poulsen of Norway : his great-grandson lived, existed, until 1957 : he telephoned November 1957 to ANDRE MALRAUX at `St Edmund House` 50 Lancaster Gate Square, London, but MALRAUX receives no postal communications not opened This building ( now a Commadore Hotel ) is a Catholic hostel for young Catholic workers, from well known schools, helping with this CHARITY run by Diocese of Westminster RC, General de Gaulle, and Andre Malraux = Malraux calls this house in the 1860s terrace `my London home`

WHY NOT A BLUE PLAQUE on it ? )))))

SENTENCE for this hideous crime ? : I suggest they be put on tethers and chains, to PLOUGH in the ancient ROMAN BRITAIN fashion

Greetha Ransom


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