Greta Ransom

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Report No 2 -

1930 : Visiting `Jerusalem` Deptford, the little home by the little Deptford Park, were the LINDSAY/Lindsey Premier Earls of G.B & Scotland & families : about 20 or so called without warning in the little garden they tore the small green apples of the one tree and threw them at one another they drank our sherry then sent out for more alcohol - the bill was later given by the shop keeper to my father Frederick Charles, with apologies ` but there were too many of them and not time to call our Policeman `

They now proceeded to drink gin - whiskey - Port, all over our little 4 down, 4 rooms upstairs Deptford home They trampled the garden where the tall grass was left with the spring bulbs growing they tramped about the house, upstairs too, and COST UP every item of furniture, pictures, tableware, BOOKS that are rare or first editions : they, as usual `nicked`

my father said after they had gone `the last time LINDSAY vampire magpies get in our door ! ` We must say in future `going out - Police on door, or that guests coming to call or we are going to a Ball for retired Policemen and their good families `

That late afternoon Frederick Charles had to tell them `they calling themselves Cousin LINDSAYS they were` that some eminent visitors would arrive for tea and cake and the evening Dad said he must insist that they, the Noble Lindsay families, must now leave the Policeman would come to see the late afternoon and evening eminent visitors were not disturbed

Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM, future kind brave grandpa of Greetah b 1933 , writes of this unexpected visit ` they demanded that afternoon of their excessive drinking, that I leave ALL the ESTATE of GROTE HOMES & RANSOM worldwide to them OF COURSE ! I have three sons and a daughter and the Estate is never to be broken up it is our family work `


1938 Widow Mary Gordon - widowed because of LINDSAY-Lindsey and criminally insane chums :

the knock at the door had me think it was the afternoon Postman they BOOTED IN - like from a 4 ALE BAR, Harry all of yeeh should know I was on my own - they tore up a book - eyed the paintings of my dead husband I said `IF YE TOUCH A PAINTING by George I`LL HAVE YAH EYES ` They knew, after the men came from Ireland and beat them all up after they tried kill the priest and the Nun died they knew what could happen to them . They took the Cat with them

They heard the child was with me alone here wanted to tear the child to pieces at that place on the seafront

WILL OUT ! accepted everywhere abroad NOT ACCEPTED THIS HEATHEN LAND

((( Later we heard they threw the CAT out of a train window - Len & me GR were at `Stella Maris` across the road my great-aunts Bessie Martha and Annie Agnes artist : Len and Annie A. Cl. W. do sculpture/marble work/sketching & painting Lindsay & JIM have destroyed a sculpture by Annie she 17-20 years 1900, possibly Madonna, Saint Anne & child, in a Manchester grave yard Graves in Wales will be destroyed soon on the Williams-Carroll family line)))

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