Greta Ransom

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Nota Bene : Georges-ANDRE also gave an example of the time wasting of Mengele Harrington He explained the madness of his blackmail over the boys and towards he and that meant blackmail against he and General de GAULLE : I may find a note of this Mengele spiteful un-playful `GOBBO` ~ When he spat it at me I would keep calm and say things like ` now, have you had a good supper when you work hard you must remember to eat the proper things and go to a nice film or theatre `

WHOOOH ~ He scared me always I know some things about his vile mad tricks told me 1953 and he has been BOOTING IN on Colchester Museums since 1953 he was still at this in 1960 - 1962 and involved in the collapses March-April and death of Harold Walter POULTER Deputy Curator


I will have him with his FOUL MOUTH at Blewbury Village and HARWELL Village and OXORD 1967 onwards through the years to the death of ANDRE MALRAUX NOVEMBER 1976 : and with threats at us, young people raising Charity Funds, with The SEALED KNOTT Society, Lanes Barn Wantage our events 1970s-1980s

He MENGELE was breaking in to The Pillar House 1970-1971 he was refused entry to my renaissance evening 19th March 1972 -

ANDRE MALRAUX, just back from talking with President NIXON in Washington, attended the evening MALRAUX CALLED ME A `FUNARY ANGEL` in my white pink frock I shall now have some PICS taken on the APPLE phone by a friend we will try illustrate GATES OF HELL and the atmosphere about us in our lives from creatures who slew the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN to get ` DOUGH ` Greta Ransom


((( 1940s - `Mengele` HARRINGTON had begun to have it known he studied CHILDREN at RISK He boasted that he had even got himself ARRESTED years ago to study the system of abuse by talking to those imprisoned He got howled out of a symposium 1950s by saying he could prove that the child enticed the adult and he could tell from the expression in the eyes of a baby if it was born with this evil intention to lure adult men )))



NOTA BENE : October 2012 AD - the above is on two sites : the main site and

TWITTER has a note for the above piece GENERAL de GAULLE -BLACKMAIL - by ARISTOCRAT BRITAIN :



TAIL-LIGHT - above 22 pages :

November 1957 - LONDON-PARIS :

General Charles de GAULLE &

Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX unknowingly

receive massive deceit from

1937/1938 XMAS :

Obscene deceit and violence from British Government Lords, Scandinavian ghouls, and Crowns

These two good men do not know of the WILL to the Estate of Margareth RANSOM Mrs THOMAS Immanuel GROTE TIGGY whose idea 1964 began the real HOMES for orphans worldwide set upon the centuries of RANSOM LANDS :

Keep in mind that we RANSOM are 14 races and 27 nations thus called by the British Crown & its Scandinavian GHOULS and Scotland Tribes `APES and ESKIMOS`

1958/1959 - Republic of China Workers saved the lives of ANDRE MALRAUX and Greta Ransom =

They report de Gaulle and Andre are two good men - surrounded by TRICKSTERS - in the British Government & The Whitehall & some in the French Government `scaffolding` Document in 3 parts : SUMMER 1937 etc to 1876 : = 1937 features the most happy seaside holiday for Andre Malraux and Josette Clotis and Greta Ransom at Clacton-on-Sea This site also has RANSOM ANCESTRY and short pieces so very relevant to this work featuring 20th century history :

another web site used is and this has finer work in small pieces

1957 NOVEMBER - Malraux and de Gaulle are being jeered at by British Aristocrats and their many Crowns

they are cunningly blaming their long time chum the superb horsewoman Teresa Gordon (Mrs FJR 1932) and her Ape-Eskimo kid (legal heir with LIR) Greta Ransom are `ENDANGERING GREAT BRITAIN and its RESPECTABILITY ` and also endangering the beloved Roman CATHOLIC FRANCE of GENERAL de GAULLE & so forth

1957 November Yet 1920s private jockey who always WINS their `Teresa dear` is drinking mornings with them all in the private office WHITES CLUB of SIR JAMES - the former Jimmie Jong Pimp now called dirty Jimmie by an older worried generation who find the VICE in this Club for GENTS and around the corner in the 2 BROTHELS run by JIM and Gang rather disturbing

1958 - ANDRE MALRAUX Gov - Sir . announces at 50 Lancaster Gate Square to a young staff member and Greta Ransom that he must go out in a dinner jacket that evening : HAROLD MACMILLAN THROWS PRIVATE DINNER AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE

and we hear the next days that at the dinner Harold MacMillan and others were very anxious to persuade ANDRE MALRAUX to not take French Government Post with General de Gaulle ` BUT GO and be HEAD of the FRENCH ARMY somewhere take an ARMY POST of some sort then blah blah blah `

READERS should note : ` THESE ARE ALL the British & Scandinavian CROOKS WHO TOOK PART &/or now DRAW MONEYS FROM that RIVER OF BLOOD THEY HAVE PUT AROUND THE EARTH by their GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN and the RANSOM Settlements The deal for MacMillan is he can have URUGUAY our lands our investments and philanthropy to be demolished :

((((( Yes - so they can get him MALRAUX assassinated in Algiers or somewhere )))))

( SLIMEY & SOAPY are the GLITZY NOBLES of GROSS Britain high on heroin, Divinorum Salvia Scotland, and adding LSD the nasty little runts & slags GLOW ACID GREEN in the DARK : 1950s and the 1960s opinions of City of London/various other Institutions England and overseas )

NOTA BENE : October 1957 - OFFICE of the PRIME MINISTER of GROSS BRITAIN a Nation welcoming very cheap labour from its EMPIRE fringes but denying the GENOCIDE of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN and the 1938-1950s VIOLENT THEFT of the RANSOM LANDS and the smashing of the `Grote Ransom delicate philanthropic FLOWER GARDEN AROUND THE EARTH

Our RANSOM Grote Homes Estate in 3 Parts, a source that can never run dry because of its 18th-19th century HUMANIST investment in advancing technology - TRANSPORT - farming These criminally insane are thieving all this using their BRITISH GOVERNMENT of ARISTOCRATS and SCOTS TRIBES including at the forefront LINDSAY-buggars and the Glamis BLOODY LIARS

and cunningly removing our GRANTS to medical research/the arts/education/mining/fresh water and electricity in South America and Asia since the late 19th century : Using the British Diplomatic workers to empty BANKS in little nations making they and so many sections of British Government and Administration become THE NATIONAL INDUSTRY OF MOONLIGHT OBSCENE sadistic FUN for those at the top RAISED to be criminally insane

NB : Research workers can give you political economy FACTS here : Intelligent HUMANISTS do not need me to extract more from the decades of the 20th century RECORDS :

persons about HAROLD MACMILLAN Prime Minister relay to a senior member staff of ANDRE MALRAUX that aristocrat MACMILLAN finding Greetah and ANDRE are with many supporters of distinction England and France has said with solemnity one morning October 1957

IT WOULD BE BETTER IF ANDRE and GREETAH WERE DEAD …” ( Harold Macmillan, his office, October 1957 )

MEMORANDUM : This is the old 19-teens and 1920s randy CHUM of Angela former Miss Bloody Liar, Teresa Gordon = HER father and Uncles and Aunts have 8 pieces of GORDON LANDS SCOTLAND and a Peninsula lands in NEW ZEALAND and long time MOONLIGHT worker with JIM JONG - thrown out of China by a good family : And the dope growing & CULLING of HEIRS the Premier Earls of LINDSAY-Lindseybuggahrs GANG

JOINED with THEM by the early 1930s is the child-baby-molester (G.P. only - 1947) known by 1950 as `Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON` :

This is that HAROLD MACMILLAN given a LIFE BAN 1934 by the GREEK PARLIAMENT :

his wife is some kind of FUTURIST = having trouble from all this GANG the Italian philosopher etc. MARINETTI has labelled as picking fag ends from cosmopolitan gutters and they emerge from holes in the ground

1934 GREEK PARLIAMENT DECREE: a penniless aristocrat trying to rob our GROTE HOMES of ART WORKS, lying that he was a Representative from USA OF Grote Brokers - also tried sexually abuse the Greek orphans of 17-18 years of age …” )

MEMORANDUM : 1960 autumn France

`The Holiday of the Last Fall`

Len Immanuel (Ransom) said to ANDRE MALRAUX

I could stand beside my niece, in her room, 1958 late winter, your home, 50 Lancaster Gate Square, and SHE DID NOT EVEN KNOW I WAS THERE

We were told by that queer Doctor that she was stubborn did not wish to confess her sins It was me who grabbed a NEEDLE from him as he came up the stairs to her room I pushed it into him, emptied it into him I then grabbed his hands behind his back and jerked him down the stairs and threw him out into the Square - I have described him as `a BAG of BONES in HIGH HEELS - HE STANK ` : I could do this as I always keep in training with my friends in the Argentine Police the nation of our ballerina mother JEAN nee WEDDELL


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