Greta Ransom

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I had no idea that YOU and General de GAULLE did not know of the full GUARDIANSHIP you agreed to in October 1937 and wrote a letter to Mary Gordon saying so (and she informed Pacelli of THE VATICAN ) You did not know that it included the THOMAS GROTE HOMES worldwide for CHILDREN and our family worldwide RANSOM `JOYOUS VENTURE` Estate in 3 Parts : I and my brothers, others of our families HAD NO IDEA THAT YOU HAD NEVER RECEIVED the WILL and the CORRESPONDENCE sent you since 1938 =

there was also the matter of big sums of money drawn on a cheque book sent you from New York ? Replies to our polite correspondence received short answers `busy just now` `will get back to you` and so on …”

You did not whom I, Len, was - I came in because we were worried about Greetha I was allowed to use the name of a friend who worked in The Whitehall our family RANSOM were very concerned disappointed that Greetah Ransom had never been able, or interested enough, to take up her position as HEIR the education she had received pre-war had proved she was not born mentally deficient as her mother and her very NOBLE CHUMS insisted : and I am her heir the matter of administration of the Estate was very carefully worked out pre-war

REPLYING : MALRAUX said that ` 1957 November he felt he lost the way when SHE Teresa came in - put herself to live and sleep in the room he had given to Greetha HE PANICED OVER THE REPUTATION OF HE AND GENERAL de GAULLE the GENERAL and he, MALRAUX, had no other reason than SHE Teresa had a well known long Prison Sentence in the 1920s - a 6 years sentence Holloway Women Prison (1926-1931 release for kidney problems `

( in 1932 she married young FRED JOHN RANSOM father of 1933 Greta, 1935 John, and 1938 Colin - 3 healthy Ransom children )

MALRAUX continues : `He and General de GAULLE were threatened since 1947 summer over the Catholic Marriage 1957 November he ordered Teresa OUT of the building he even packed her case early morning when she refused to go she stayed out some weeks then came back in He constantly heard from she and Doctor Harrington that Greta was insane and a danger to everyone : he did not find this to be true but he found her forgetful :

Reports to General de Gaulle bore out her quiet nature and her interest in the world of Museums She had been working in Colchester Castle Museum 1952-1955 and kept her friends there He Malraux knew them Mr Poulter Deputy Curator of Essex and Colchester Museums had been up twice to stay in the building they had gone out to dine in places well known at the turn of the century Poulter had been 20 years out East - travelling in CHINA before the BOXER troubles `

That month November 1957 he had just learned that the marriage was never dissolved by POPE PIUS 12 HE HAD BEEN TO SEE THE POPE And he had said before dismissing him, Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX

POPE PIUS 12 = I NEVER DISSOLVED THE MARRIAGE TO THE GRANDDAUGHTER OF MARY GORDON Yes - take up the marriage again go and see the Bishops clear it with them I HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO

(((( 1957 November : And the friend known as `young PACELLI` to the Southern Irish families of Mary Helena Gordon, and Margaret nee Ransom MRS THOMAS GROTE BOOTED OUT `young MALRAUX` ? )))))

MALRAUX CONTINUES 1970 NO WILLS or WILL that WE KNEW OF if de Gaulle had known of the inheritance in 1947 he would either have dismissed me or had me joyfully take it up depending upon circumstances He has said when we examined the WILLS March 1962 that he would have urged me to take up the GUARDIANSHIP and help these poor people who HAD otherwise NOWHERE TO GO

NOTA BENE : 1957 October : MALRAUX met my father FJR b 1911 - FJR read 1932/1933/1934 diary events to him : then my father is seriously attacked in London - the attackers are JIM Jong/Ed du Cann/JGR/and ex-Kenya-Scots thugs : Ivy Jean RANSOM would not allow MALRAUX to see my father again - she was polite but said he had to leave for some work … SHE DID NOT SAY HE HAS BEEN TAKEN ABROAD TO A SURGEON HE CAN TRUST … It was feared damage to his liver - he recovered - only to be attacked again March 1969 and killed by Doctor HARRINGTON friend & acquaintance of Crowns and Aristocrats … RIVERS OF BLOOD FLOWED ON …


1920s TRICKS : 1957 AUTUMN - persecution of ANDRE MALRAUX : Aristocrat `SUNDAY GAMES` 1890s and continuing into the 1920s-1930s were done to ANDRE MALRAUX and a French Minister 1957 autumn :

EXAMPLE : ANDRE MALRAUX at St Edmund House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square received urgent message from French Embassy London one evening about 8 pm … ` General de Gaulle wished him to ` go urgently to a certain COFFEE BAR London and LISTEN to the conversation around you … REPORT BACK … to General de GAULLE … URGENT … `

Georges the `BLESSED ANDRE` , he returned after two or three hours or so … he knew he had been `HAD` …

… He may well have uttered as he came through the door ` I will kick MENGELE HARRINGTON up his stinking arse if he enters through this door again … when I am in need of a good night of sleep … & MUST have PEACE to think and write … `

1957 November : I had complained of MENGELE hiding in the passage beside my top of the house room and jumping out on me with a NEEDLE saying ` I will not have YOU talking with my Patient ANDRE MALRAUX ` I complained to Georges-ANDRE of this and he said he had asked Mrs NURSE Mengele Harrington and she said I imagined it … Her husband was between 6 pm - 7pm working hard in Hospitals :

I said ` HE IS NOT !!! I CAN SMELL HIM … and I have to come up the stairs without my shoes and RUN OUT when I can SMELL HIM … that is WHY I do not come home until 7.30 or later … I go to the Design Centre, the Haymarket Tea Centre, or call in at all the non-Catholic Churches where they are OPEN in the evenings !!! ` I was hot with TEARS coming - age 24 years !!!

Georgie-ANDRE MALRAUX-Colonel Gov-Sir … looked at me carefully then uttered one word `D U N G ` … …


RETURNING FROM THIS COFFEE BAR (where was it ?) perhaps Boy Wonder Dreamboat of the Asian and Western Worlds

MALRAUX said much more strong language … He had learned some fruity phrases I suppose in SPAIN from the necessarily nameless = those friends he has down the River Thames … who are known to greet him with ` ` AL`OW ANDRE OLD SOD … ow`s Yerr Aunts ? … CARRY ON … … … … `

( = The Aunts are Clara and `Messalina` known to PICK ANDRE MALRAUX UP LIKE A TANKARD OF BEER AND SLAM HIM DOWN EMPTY … Doc Mengele Child molester HARRINGTON, JIMMIE JONG chum of Angela - he now SIR JAMES , & some of the LINDSAYBUGGARHS are known to BOOT INTO THE DOOR of the 1946 - 1961 rented Dutch style PARIS HOME of ANDRE MALRAUX and they … )

these British penniless Aristocrats had a book of TRICKS : Teresa Gordon had one … found 1937 to be used by her - she tipped a great tin of yellow paint over the head of FJR damaging one eye Found by her young husband of 1932 Frederick John RANSOM … the hospital worked for 48 hours to save his sight …

After her VIOLENCE I now BEGIN to CALL MYSELF PALLAS ATHENA the Guardian of our little Clacton-on-Sea ancient CLACTUNA heimat and our GROTE CHILDREN in their REAL HOMES around the globe … GROSS BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIAN monster Aristocrats do not like the nations of the world outside their EMPIRE having education in civilized occupations to ages 18 and 20-something … WE ARE HUMANISTS and BRING PEACE and UNDERSTANDING of human lives :

… A chum of all of them from the Roaring 20s and a bit before is HAROLD MACMILLAN who creeps about influential French persons … he was banned for life from GREECE by The Greek Parliament 1934 for attempted sordid behaviour to teenage GROTE HOMES girls in the Island Home -

… and he had packed in a boat ALL THE VALUABLE ART WORKS - paintings and sculpture … GAINING ENTRY BY SAYING HE WAS A REPRESENTATIVE OF GROTE BROKERS, Wall Street, NEW YORK :

… Urgent messages to ATHENS from this HOME had the reply ` TAKE ALL ART WORK OFF HIM … help on way … He is NOT a representative of GROTE but a KNOWN penniless BRITISH ARISTOCRAT `

MEMORANDUM : This Greek Island and the HOME was bombed to smithereens in 1946 by the BRITISH … Reports :

Nota bene : `HAD NOWHERE TO GO AFTER THE GENOCIDE OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN and the continual theft by IMPERIAL sordid persons from the Estate

GRETA Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM for our worldwide dead




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