Greta Ransom

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Postscript = 1957 November




VISIT by General de GAULLE to St Edmund House 50 Lancaster Gate Square London …

( NB: full Report - FILE `Grote Homes & worldwide RANSOM Estate` - Chateau of young Gertrud bought 1830 by her husband Fred Ransom - parents of Margareth, John, and Poul RANSOM of Jacopsholmen West Greenland & Montrose Scotland : HORRENDOUS BLAZE PYRENEES early 1920s many young British Aristocrats die - caused by those who had no lawful authority to have the KEY …

1957 November - Urgent matter for General de Gaulle Visit is his concern over Teresa Elizabeth Gordon b.1906 Nov. (Mrs FJR 1932) who has moved herself into this house … and into the room of Greta Ransom of the Roman Catholic marriage 1947 =

The bridegroom Colonel Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX has just returned from a visit to ROME to speak with POPE PIUS 12 himself and heard the Pope say to him


( NNB: `Young Pacelli and the Irish families of MARY HELENA GORDON (cousins and parents MURPHY-CARROLL-OBRIEN families Southern Ireland) and the RANSOM families have a long association here with VATICAN ROME = but MALRAUX and General de GAULLE do not get their postal communications and DOCUMENTS and are UNDER GROSS BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIAN eagle eyes from CHRISTMAS 1937/1938 :::

MALRAUX October 1937 accepts willingly GUARDIANSHIP to Greta Ransom … this included the worldwide Estate of THOMAS GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN and RANSOM `JOYOUS VENTURE ESTATE … he was kept from knowing this … the SLAYING-GENOCIDE of the GROTE CHILDREN worldwide by the BRITISH and SCANDINAVIAN ARISTOCRATS has to be HIDDEN … :

1957 November Visit : General de Gaulle arrives with worries - and tells how he has just learned of `a most terrible tragedy - a remote Chateau in the PYRENEES early 1920s - many young titled British Aristocrats lost their lives … he is to learn more in WHITES CLUB St James … … …

… he, de GAULLE, has seen the Papers of the early 1920s from the local PYRENEES Magistrates Court of that time …

On the list is TERESA GORDON born November 1906 the mother of Greta Ransom = now acknowledged by ROME as legal ROMAN CATHOLIC bride of 1947 special permission given by THE POPE :::: ((( Yes they can go ahead and have their 15 children - all with ancient Classical world & early Saints names)))

1957 November - General de GAULLE continued with sorrow and anxiety : “ … even now the DIPLOMATIC WORLD of Great Britain expresses HORROR at this happening to their Aristocrats in FRANCE

( … We know that is this Fair France of the dear General = known to old Catholic ladies Britain as SAINT CHARLES when they were charmed by he and his wife during their SANCTUARY in ENGLAND and the home in Suffolk … )

1957 November Lancaster Gate Square : in this Catholic British-French household doth ANDRE MALRAUX in his most quiet thoughtful HOLY SPEECH MANNER ask if General de Gaulle has seen the LIST and read through it ??? He will notice a woman marched into the little rural Magistrates Court without a name … but described as `A LADY of PARIS` …

MALRAUX then doth spake her name … saying that it was SHE born 1900 who had WITHOUT PERMISSION the KEY to this remote very primitive CHATEAU of their MOST SACRED HISTORIC FRANCE …

MEMORANDUM : ( sadly illegally pulled down between 1954 - 1957 and NOT property of the BRITISH CROWN but part of the RANSOM ESTATE bought in 1830 for GERTRUD nee PAULSEN wife of FRED RANSOM … both highly educated and RICH and into much PHILANTHROPY worldwide and in FAIR FRANCE … November 1935 we the RANSOM-Gronlander Frobisher Weddell family are talking at early supper PARIS with a kind man called WALTER BENJAMIN … “ ARCADES … IF ONLY THESE TWO HONEST MEN de GAULLE and MALRAUX could receive their POSTAL COMMUNICATIONS … and NOT be surrounded by TRICKSTERS of the LORDS of the BRITISH GOVERNMENT and CROWNS and some planted IN WHITEHALL … unfortunately in the French Government too : Thank you sweet Workers of the CHINESE LEGATION in LONDON these years 1950s for saving the lives of GRETA RANSOM ANDRE MALRAUX and General de GAULLE …

( READERS can go to / … and WORDPRESS carries finished and unedited Records … some references go on TWITTER … and other sites … THIS IS ACCURATE HISTORY

Greta Ransom for the victims of the LINDSAY Gang & other thugs and the former `Miss Bloody Liar` … = quotes from City of London 1960s …)

MALRAUX announces slowly … “ HER NAME IS … The Former Ms/Lady Elizabeth ANGELA Marguerite BOWES LYON … in APRIL 1923 she married the younger son of a KING of BRITAIN … Mon General will have met her during his years in SUFFOLK or LONDON … she became a Queen … the Records stated that she had NO AUTHORITY to have the KEY to this primitive historic Chateau in a remote part of the PYRENEES … … … …

… SHE born 1900 IS THE MOTHER of the present Ruler the Queen of GREAT BRITAIN … and was well known to 1920s PARIS and certain WITCHCRAFT parts of FRANCE near to the dusty Mansion of BOWES LYON in France - she had the KEY officially here …”

her lifetime friend is Sir James who is barman (Steward) in WHITES CLUB Saint JAMES` : they can go for a goblet, aperitif, there … this morning …

( Nota Bene : Dusty Mansion France now a French Museum - with robbed RANSOM-GRONLANDER etc properties in it … )

( 1957 Speaker/reports … `perhaps General de GAULLE fell through the FLOOR here … hearing the name of the mother of the

present British Queen … )

NB: A known quote from a fashionable GB diplomat `A diplomat is a man who goes abroad to LIE for his Government … ` … … …

1957 November - Teresa Eliz. Gordon (Mrs Frederick John RANSOM) rode a black horse mid-morning from one Barracks to another - across London - Policemen stopped traffic for her …

… Perhaps she told them, as in the 1920s, that she was RICHARD 1st returned from The CRUSADES - she rode that big black horse into WESTMINSTER HALL : 1957 November - the news of this RIDE must have spoilt lunch and supper of several persons … perhaps …

1957 NOVEMBER = has several unusual `happenings` for this month/some on this and other sites/

REMEMBER : … the 4 ABDUCTIONS of the legal 1933 onwards heir Greta Ransom and the curious illness spells of ANDRE MALRAUX her legal GUARDIAN of her body-spirit-and worldwide ESTATE

( in attendance Doc `Mengele` HARRINGTON child abuser - a friend of Phil the Greek and his Uncle Louis Dicky-Bird Mountbatten RN ) …

the worldwide Estate of RANSOM includes THOMAS Immanuel GROTE HOMES = our million worldwide children burned in pits and off-shores in nets …

done by the BRITISH & Scandinavian ARISTOCRATS so cunningly in the 2nd World War :

1957 NOVEMBER : A MINISTER of FRANCE telephoning MALRAUX quite early one November morning to say `he had gone MAD or ANDRE had … what was the significance of this box of decaying FROGS LEGS with a most HORRIBLE EYE in the middle … ??? ` …

1957 NOVEMBER : SIR JAMES (the pre-War Jimmie Jong Mr Pong/suddenly a Major with INTELLIGENCE 2 Man Unit back of Buckingham Palace 1939-1944...) now Steward of WHITES Club ( 2 brothels around the corner to be patronized by young members to help CLUB FUNDS = DOPES on sale in CLUB kept bottom shelf in Jim`s Private Office - HERE DRINK SOME MORNINGS Clara Malraux/Messalina/Mrs Jimmie/Mrs Nurse Mengele HARRINGTON - a blonde with 2 invisible Alsatian dogs she patrols MALRAUX and does WATCH sometimes in PARIS on the 2 sons of Andre Malraux - not allowed to come to Ampleforth School by some kind of DECREE got by `Mengele` in FRANCE in 1947 … he and they discovered the legal Roman Catholic Wedding to the HEIR - an ESTATE TO WHICH MALRAUX IS LEGAL GUARDIAN … RECORDS/Reports/letters/tapes-oral … of these frightening sadistic DOPES FUNDED crimes … )

JIM JONG Cur JAMES collects 100 pounds in a paper bag every Friday night from the young Worker on `duty late evening` …

1957 NOVEMBER : Greta Ransom age 24 years has her clothes missing day by day - she is searched Orders Jim and Mengele HARRINGTON … her mother BOOTS IN and calls Andre MALRAUX `old fossil` = he and young friends helped she and Miss Plunket Green December 1924 Deauville-Paris … they had been ROBBED by dirty JIMMIE JONG … & other web sites :

1957 NOVEMBER : MANY UNCIVILIZED FRIGHTENING THINGS HAPPEN 1957 November - and the years the months from my birth 11th March 1933 and to ANDRE born November 1901 and JOSETTE CLOTIS MALRAUX from Christmas 1937/1938 :

he gladly taking GUARDIANSHIP of Greta Ransom in October 1937 … a letter from Margaret Grote received by him says she is very happy he accepts and “ … you will be hearing more … ” … HE NEVER DID … Records explain throughout this Work why he did not and WHY he and General de GAULLE are DECEIVED … until March 1962 :

FRANCE RECEIVED SUCH AN HONOUR - Young MAN of LETTERS ANDRE MALRAUX made the legal GUARDIAN to a most civilized agreed worldwide Estate outside British Empire =

… … … many Records are collected throughout the initial web site work launched January 1911 (100 years anniversary of the birth of my young father, polymath, great humanist, good soldier, who has had to take the full weight of the violence from COIN-LESS IMPERIAL MONSTERS those FIGURES FROM A MORGUE … gone mad from upbringing and given such KUDOS too … LESSON to be LEARNED here …

Greta F. W. M. Cae. RANSOM = October 2012 AD …

NB : the photos of me posed as in the past - same clothes - are taken September October 2012 AD … they are appearing on

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