Greta Ransom

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I N D E X / introduction :

A trailer in 20 pages - as cinemas had for forthcoming films in the 20th century (google) - issued 31st January 2011 AD  

ANDRE MALRAUX & West GREENLAND - SUMMER 1937 , Clacton-on-Sea, East Anglia - Document in 3 parts - 20th century history/

come out of blood drenched SPAIN said JOSETTE

Georges-Andre MALRAUX, ancestry 9th century onwards - & histories concerning career - his future Roman Catholic wife Josette Clotis d 1944/ Summer 1937 - 2 sons d 1961/ his guardianship to GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE A-Z the globe October 1937-1976 ...

1945 May onwards - Arrival of the WIDOWER of Josette Clotis d 9th November 1944 - her legs run over near Tulles by a train, she mother of their two sons Pierre & Vincent b 1940 & 1944 -

Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX a Widower, returns to the “…lands of the GOSPELS acted OUT…”  

1945 AUGUST - HYROSHEEMAH Japan ! & Georges-ANDRE & school children & Greta Ransom walk the CLACTON beaches towards HOLLAND-on-Sea aware we are still alive Mr/Professor Winnclemann has said “… it should NOT have happened, Andre the threat of it was sufficient they could show them it is barbaric

Teresa Elizabeth Gordon ( married in 1932 F.J. Ransom b 1911 killed March 1969 ) she born Nov 24 1906 d 9 Sept 2001 - met ANDRE MALRAUX & young friends Deauville/Paris XMASTIDE December 1924 for 2 weeks  

Teresa (`Tree` or `Treasa`) young friend of JIM Jong PIMP half Chinese b 1898 & Angela b 1900 & many British nobles - as children from the beginning of the 20th century they meet at Races & stables where they learn to ride  

Teresa is referred to in this introductory document SUMMER 1937 as SHE-she, or `CLYMTEMNESTRA`, Mad Mother Kali, or Old Mother Riley-Ransom 2nd World War & onwards She & her friend Angela have names in their Witchcraft - Grey Kiel & Edelweiss a poisonous mountain plant names as witches are given them by Angela`s parents who are WELSH WITCHES of the WOODS  

A book Enquire Within with a section on poisons is known to them  

I, Greetah Ransom b 1933 & Lennie Immanuel RANSOM b 1921 my young uncle hear threatening references to `Spanish Flies` & ARSENIC in my young years 1930s & 1940s We are Aunt Mag`s chosen heirs by agreement the families & the ESTATE around the GLOBE from 1933 & 1936 & ANDRE MALRAUX of FRANCE is the GUARDIAN from October 1937 to this entire ESTATE - & to us until we are 25 years of age

1919 onwards (1919 is Treaty of Versailles end of 1st World War) THESE YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE THE KEY OF THE DOOR to the dusty French mansion of a bastard of the BOWES LYON family a man of education & scholarly pursuits who kept his distance from his father`s British Welsh noble family & used another name

Here are Margaret Yates Mrs POUL GRONLANDER`s dolls - used by them 18th century to act out SHAKESPEARE PLAYS in the dark months of WEST GREENLAND along the seashores they are the grandparents of Aunt Mag`s mother Gertrud Poulsen only daughter of Jacop Poulsen their first son  

JIM Jong PIMP stole the dolls the morning of the day 15 May 1938 - he slit a vein behind Margarethe Ransom GROTE`s ear in the afternoon - he & LINDSAY EARLS insisted she had NO RIGHT TO MAKE A WILL as she was an old ESKIMO Greta Ransom age 5 years was present, with her Aunt Margareth girl of the snows he Jimmie Mr Pong also saw that morning for the first time the name of ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN in her own copy of her WILL violence & murders, & horrible tricks & fraud using the BRITISH GOVERNMENT now follow into the 1990s )

RANSOM families- 77 AD onwards - Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM his wife ballerina Jean Minerva Weddell marry 1909 - sons Frederick John Ransom b 1911-1969/Dr John RAY Ransom b 1917-1969/Dr Len Immanuel Ransom b 1921-1982/1 daughter Ivy Jean -  

( persecuted then slain early in life for DOUGH & their honourable KUDOS by the criminally insane of noble Britain) & sister Ivy Jean Ransom ( m 1st Rawsthorne 1 son/2ndly Hewitt-receiving only persecution from Doc Mengele Harrington & his SHE-Vampires …) Greta Ransom b 11 March 1933  

Cousins to above - Families of Rear Admiral Alfred Charles Ransom/Herbert Chas. Ransom/Uncle Mainwaring & Grace Mannering/ POULSEN families Norway & cousins de SALLE of Paris - RANSOM ancestral line from 77 AD when our forefather comes from JUTLAND & developed a JOB for himself waterfront LONDINIUM for he had several languages including LATIN

MARGARETHE RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel (TIGGY) GROTE, her brother John Ransom marries Millie Frobisher (family of Lindsay Earls/see SOULS & she a cousin to Violet Lindsay artist) , & Poul Ransom & their parents Gertrud Poulsen (she grand-daughter of POUL GRONLANDER the 6`5 inch Eskimo-N. Chinese genius Catechist Trader Gotharb m Margaret Yates of Carlisle) & husband FRED RANSOM of Montrose Farm, Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland family tall ship `Mary Rose`  

TIGGY Thomas Immanuel GROTE HOMES A-Z the globe educating children to 18-20 years, 4 languages etc. & HUMANISM commenced 1864 circling the globe twice by 1880... Almost a half of them in Roman Catholic nations from 1870-approval by VATICAN

Music & the Arts, Film world & relatives-Hollywood - art works of the RANSOM families - “… she Margaret Grote the Goddess of the Snows, I saw in a long Salon Paris when I was 20 years had more Art Works than the LOUVRE around her GROTE HOMES & her properties stretching in a delicate flower garden around the earth …” says ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/61 & commences a catalogue then the death of his 2 sons Pierre & Vincent 21 & 18 years of age

9th century to 20th century music - Musicians & composers & dancers - Le` Syx -Villa Lobos-Stravinski- E. VARESE- Paul Whiteman & world of Jazz including Blind Blake etc Darius Milhaud etc France & New York, North & South Americas

John RUSKIN Art critic painter & Cardinal John Henry NEWMAN humanists - MEN OF LETTERS 19th century young people shown a path of HOPE here

1930s-1970s especially - BRITISH BANKING 20th century - & the international intrigues & manipulations - including CRIES of WESTMINSTER secret silence meetings & Houses of Perversions private Rooms old Eskimo in the RED tee hee-hee pooh pooh !  

U.S.A. STATE DEPARTMENT, Washington 1880s-1988

INCA relatives (Yahama Josef SAN JULIAN F. San Miguel of the ancient astronomer maths Priest line) by marriage to Weddell Ransom (Grote) families/issue & descendants into the 21st century/histories of Peru-South America BC to 1949 ...

RANSOM ESTATE : & GROTE HOMES regarded as an American Institution of HOPE for the GLOBE PROTECTED as long as President Roosevelt is alive Dr JOHN RAY Ransom b 1917 works NASA & USA State Department/ 3 degrees Astra-physics-Animal Management-LAW/ murdered Farmhouse Montrose Scotland 1969 on duty for USA Government petrol poured down his throat he chased & set on fire (2 witnesses got offshore fast) - His son aged 17 POUL RAY Ransom murdered 1975 in the same way by 5 men in a big black saloon car by LINDSAY Earls Premier of GB Jim Jong Sir James , Dr Mengele HARRINGTON b 1912, ( Some slight newspaper coverage Canada & Gross Britain said the men would not probably be found The name Ransom is given - he had begun to say his real name was RANSOM

ESTATE CANADA now cunningly taken as British Scandinavian Crown Lands by LINDSAY et al - & logged trashed in 2 years wife of Dr RAY mother of his only child murdered/newspapers `woman in a dressing gown in Montreal` … VIOLENT CRIMES continue to hide the Fraud Theft of the GROTE HOMES-RANSOM ESTATE - a million & a quarter children & persons murdered A-Z the globe during the 2nd world war is a GENOCIDE that was hoped to be PUT UPON THE GERMANS the Nazi & Gestapo but it could not be made TO FIT … The horrendous GENOCIDE became the secret silence work, a kind of national industry , of Great Britain & Scandinavia 1936 onwards …

DOPE/20th century upper class British-Scandinavia drug abuse - Divinorum Salvia Scotland grown in Scotland & pellets fire-blown worn in the snout - hits brain in 2 seconds/reports 1970s  

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