1945 Noble High Class Sin & Figures from a Morgue- The cunning brutes were out to blame my father- Frederick John RANSOM Army Captain -whom they’d tried kill Philippines (but useful he speaks Japanese) then in Kenya-saved by some humanists-hidden-got back September 1945 to Gross Brit- FJR in shock from learning of the slaying of all the GROTE HOMES children-staff-settlers-Trying to give his big family Ransom-Weddell-Poulsen the thumbs up` we must save what we can of the Joyous Venture-
1949 Dr Len Immanuel Ransom co-heir says he knew extent of the slaughter GROTE HOMES children-Japan hid their orphans- LIR is a Master in Japanese language- `Len’s shock had no words at first- It is confirmed RN ships used-Alfred Charles RANSOM Rear Admiral & other HIGH RANKING RN confirmed in horror 1946- Admiralty records-eye witnesses-
1946 Augusta Frobisher discovers all children slain- She & Alf. Charles 1948 “on their knees praying” 1953 to kinsman Ettrick/Napier `Angela a packhorse for the crimes of her men`- Augusta murdered Norway 1954 by JIM-
1937 onward- ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN to the globe`s greatest piece of PHILANTHROPY… THERE WAS TO BE NO HAPPINESS…GENOCIDE began…There are hundreds of accounts of the slaying of the children A to Z-nations of the globe outside & within the British Empire who exhibited HATRED at the Estate, its heirs, its families…. heard, seen, photos…it was not until the 1960s that some of the bestial murderers were caught & exterminated- this was after MALRAUX & de Gaulle proved the Will had never been received-AND THAT MALRAUX, & the General HAD THEIR POST/mail stolen by G.B. Government & Crown ruthlessly-
1937 SUMMER Clacton-on-Sea the house with the rectangle garden the garage at the end by the remains of an ancient hamlet 17th century….over from the Church, into Marine Parade-advancing upon Pier Avenue- & GEORGIE-ANDRE MALRAUX goes popping into The CO-OP for this & that - he suddenly notices HOME/HEIMAT/Maison ‘Doth hath the need for-Well wee-mee-think`th Iiiiia`h-some brown sug`arrhh for the custard tarts….’ 17th century Nonconformist speech from East Anglia- which I Greetah, at school in my pram from 14 months, QUAKER SCHOOL- doth retain-until end of 2nd World War & now we hath to all be smart with Scarlet Town speech- or mocked are wee- & get no jobs-except in the Museum world where we are valued…
1937 GHOSTS-Angels-demons, devils, witches… Sitting in the garden one evening after a busy day on our feet seeing churches, buildings, villages our talk came to ghosts & ghostly matters…Josette very level headed here. I saying you perhaps can see them if you can step back in their time-perhaps by thinking-but I am not sure-there are ahead inventions-mankind may learn more-I ask about such matters of family & friends. I do not think ANDRE believed in ghosts at all-only memories having to be upheld-he may hath seen too much of blood & gore in SPAIN- but our thoughts spoken got to THE STARS & TIME-& we will go-we have to…. I knew of Old Professor DUNN & his dimensions- it’s a blue school book- I tell them that my Father says “ IT IS NOW OLD HAT, daughter- but he was pushing at matters at least…” …
Nota bene : My father born Nov 1911 is younger than ANDRE MALRAUX- born November 1901...That SUMMER 1937 OF THE RESCUE IN SPAIN of the 22 years old Murgatroyd cousin…Frederick John RANSOM eldest son Greta`s father is only 26 years of age- killed by all of them-British Noble SCUM employing Mengele paedophile Harrington… At least FJR he stood with his INCA ancestor spirits atop of Macchu Pichuu in 1936...while LENNIE & I fumed below ! You would not know he FJR is 10 years younger in experience of the globe- in 1957 October Andre say’th ‘your father- could run a small Republic-like France- better than me- this was why you were able to talk to me in 1937 & I could learn things from you…a little boy-girl, a stout walker who could make Fairy Cakes…and took such care of me the day I was ill- from not putting on my warm jersey that morning before…it ws not My Nerves…!…”
1945 …we RANSOM FAMILY had a book in the `Pearly` library by Old Fred Hoyle-somebody told me in the 1980s he was only 21 when he wrote it- sorry Young Fred Hoyle !
1937 SUMMER The night was comfortable warm, fresh air from the SEA now a blackness out there from the shores-I do not love it the SEA as all the Ransoms do- I prefer to FLY with Lennie Flyer- & when we go to GREENLAND next June 1938 to take Aunt Mag’s SPIRIT to the Island & we are to say “we have been to Greenland FOR A BEER” I plan that I will always fly everywhere-with Len if I can- Some of these matters I hath passed two words upon -when something stirs the memory in our hours the day & night-to the Blessed George ANDRE…becoming such a good boy-a Catholic boy… GHOSTS & a possible other world- Heaven was not considered-it was separate- at least for me from Ghosties & things dead & evil walking- of science I had some & the stars-& we would visit !
1937 THAT EVENING- I was allowed to speak on a party, queer that SHEshe gave (Unity’s mother was in the kitchen seeing to this & that- glad to have us out of the way)…. SHEshe said it was a party for MEN TOO HOLY…it was last winter-some Salvation Army men & some Bookmakers came thinking my father a man of WISDOM would be there-she gave them a drink from a jug…& they began to take their clothes off- I did not hear what SHEshe was saying as they drank the pint POTS…I crept away on all fours & out by my secret way & went to the kindly neighbour who is half-Jewish & has the sick husband who needs nourishing foods so we have her help us for money-and she is pleased- She went to the other neighbour who has no fear of SHEshe & they called the POLICE-men- They took her off “to the Cooler” & the poor men were taken to the hospital after they had their clothes put back on- they never remembered anything- we could all protect them hereafter- The POLICE-men kept her hidden in a cell for 5 nights-she’d gone mad again-they would not let her have a Solicitor & Dr Clarke her Family doctor as she brags (he is not mine) was told “ little matter about your conduct in Canada before you came over here Sir…” He went to his Surgery & dropped the matter-he’ll not be taken to THE RACES anymore by SHEshe who is often GOT OUT by phone calls from her friends Mr Pong & Angela & the Lindsaybuggarhs who want her destroying our lives… THE POINT OF THIS TRUE TALE WAS THAT I FELT YOU COULD SEE GHOSTS IF YOU WERE HYPNOTIZED… I thought ANDRE-George looked placid at my finishing sentence- When I had just begun his eyes were like two big moons- Josette is much more level headed-& knows life is difficult… ANDRE MALRAUX has known SHEshe since winter 1924/5 when he & friends helped her & Miss Plunket Greene who were in Deauville & had come to CALAIS with Jim JONG Mr Pong & he had robbed them & knocked them with a SPIKED DRINK- he has the KEY to the “dusty Mansion France of the Bloody Liars ” Angela`s ANCESTRAL place-
1937 Summer- The House on the Corner Clacton-on-Sea- Our hostess Unity’s mother came out with her apron still on-she likes to do some things on her own…Just as I added “The POLICE-men went to Grandpa Gordon but he & Granny were away seeing his brother JOHN…….” She explained ‘…George & Mary Gordon they go up to see his brother in Scotland- he has A SEAT & lives alone with his servants-she died just before the wedding-he does not want to forget….” I was a little upset & felt fear about Scotland & said “NO! Granny & Grandpa Gordon never go into Scotland because of what happened to John’s little Bride-to-be-hours before she was to put on her wedding finery…We say prayers in church… THEY ALL MEET IN MANCHESTER- with Granny’s families & have a happy time…sometimes he pops over to Southern Ireland to see them, all Granny’s cousins…” I G.R. was allowed to go on - “ He has had to wait 20 years to send them to Hell, all of his Retainers & the neighbours helping- they caught them one by one- everybody helped- Great-uncle JOHN, he grows the best tomatoes in Scotland-Oh before anybody could grow them…BUT HE DOES THESE THINGS FOR THE LIFE THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD- She is not a ghost but he & all the servants go on living there as if the Wedding had happened- Or they would all have gone insane or at least got nerves-
AT CHRISTMAS THE HOUSE IS LIT decorated & presents- The table laid for a Christmas feast as it should have been- They pretend she & the children they would have had all come down from Heaven- all the rooms are prepared as they were when she was coming a Bride- & the children their rooms as well- he buys some toys-then he gives them to the poor the next year & goes shopping for some more-
1890/91 `HE HAD EVERYTHING READY & SHE HAD HER WEDDING DRESS- then hours before they should go to the Kirk to be married he found her beautiful young face cut off & laid before his door. They never found her body… So they built her a lovely tomb in the garden & decided everything must go on as planned- but they would let THEM forget-then they would SEND THEM TO HELL. She may have been called Marjorie…but I am not sure…Great Uncle John is still there…` (She is a Marjorie Cameron-parents had a factory-were killed-she kidnapped by this Branch-) |
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