Greta Ransom

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1940S-1960s . A genocide - In G. B. talk of a change of name on the Weddell Seabarbarism of Scandinavia & Scotland Gross Britain was ON THE PIN all the 20th century & there was money to be clawed in ATLAS PRINTED GREAT BRITAIN 1949-53 with no WEDDELL SEA- extensive records/ & GREENLAND MIGHT GET AWAY

REASONS WHY - OIL-WHALES- Shoot everything that moves MINE/LOG/Cement blocks for quick RENTSgrab all RANSOM seasides & tell lies about land either side- GRAB IT in name of

` 3 broads & a greek ` (a phrase dirty JIM Jong Mr Pong Cur James uses when asked where he is going for his lunch 1950s Scarlet Town) .

Noble Orders are : PULL DOWN ALL GROTE HOMES especially the ones commissioned from modern architects- 2 are GERMAN Architects/ & claim all GROTE is Crown LandsFAMILY RANSOM-pull `em down ! .( Records/meetings Len & Greetah also hear as we play Red Indian Scouts1930slistening to the FIGURES FROM A MORGUE who are out to GRAB our JOYOUS VENTURE& they insult Aunt Mag THE GIRL OF THE SNOWS)

1930s-1950s.Around the Town about the best Gents CLUBSScarlet Town there`s money there THEN ! & WE NOBLE BRITAIN CAN GET IT.. The top Nobles toast was WE WIN FOUL OR FAIR MEANS~

This is their TOAST from 1920s/1990sas Dope ran down & they awaited their FIX of the 48 hoursThey would break into jeering explanations THEY WIN BECAUSE THEY ARE UPPER CRUSTIMPERIAL BRITAINTHE EMPIRE WILL BE GOT BACK…” -

` WE WIN FAIR OR FOUL MEANS `.phrase & toast of upper crust -

` Noble Britain & Scandinaviamany related

Its to become Neo-Nazi 1940s onwards& they 1920s/1930s NOBLE Britain go partying in Greater Germany……(letters from a Miss Goring/GROTE HOMES/from 1900s - Is it possible ??? these British Nobs are swinging the DOPE Divinorum Salvia Scotland Pellets up the SNOUT on the party of New Germany 1920s ? some of the British Nobs have an ancestral line GERMANY RANSOM feature in Tales True- Hanseatic League history up the Rhine (records) This is a REGION for HISTORIANS of the 20th century)

1970 - Records/Meetings/James Weddell- THE SEA sub-arctic- & his Catholic-Quaker marriage & his family & many descendants were confirmed as had existed round the globe & there was still a branch USA & G.B James Weddell SEA- his brother Charles RN 9 years older than James he also had children - with issue. QUESTIONS WERE ASKED WHY Doc MENGELE HARRINGTON was allowed excavate the grave of JAMES WEDDELL St Clement Danes, City London claiming OS Office document ! He was heard boasting on booze & dope 1950s that he had a PLAN to change all bodies over to destroy DNAhe would fetch corpses same age from a London graveyard he also had access to…“ HE WAS TOLD TO INVESTIGATE He would become a Peer…” Jokey Mengele wengele Doc Harrington who was not to be allowed near small boys had become a serious matter by 1970... WHO WAS GIVING HIM THIS POWER ???

1982/PRESS/ the BMA (British Medical Association) announced Doc Harrington de-frocked :

A small British Press entry said “….the British Public can rest assured he will not enter NHS hospitals again as a Doctorhowever we cannot refuse him entry as a patient…”

It also mean`t they could not stop him acting privately as a Consultant (!!!) - Not a mention of the poisoned lollypop given the Catholic boy 12 years old at the KENT HOTEL Lancaster Gate Square5/6th November 1957 ... A POISONED deep red lollypop prepared by Mengele Doc Harrington others of different colours given out by DOCTOR MENGELE to grown-ups that night of Guy Fawkes 5th November 1957 had them with several kinds of illness & discomfort later in the night & the morning of next day 6th November 1957/ reports-several/

1957 6th November - DEATH OF ANOTHER CHILD reached 12 years :

The child jumped off a bus in heavy traffic & was killedhe had been SUCKING THE RED LOLLIPOP - prepared by DOCTOR MENGELE HARRINGTON ./

1957 5th November - ANDRE MALRAUX took the sons of he & Josette, 18 & 14 years old - Pierre & Vincent Malraux down the Thames to a GUY FAWKES bonfire he had been invited tohe knows a lot of folk on the outskirts of SCARLET TOWNGreta RANSOM he announces often that HE IS GUARDIAN AS HE PROMISED HER GRANDMOTHER MARY GORDON & an Aunt a Mrs Margaret GROTE.

Greetah 5th November 1957 as we all stood outside 50 Lancaster Gate Square at a quarter to 8 PM the clockwas told kindly to have an early night as he ANDRE-DAD wished to run along the Thames Embankment with the boys This is ANDRE MALRAUX whom I G.R. call Georges He kissed the top of my head & said because you have been ill& we are to go out to SUPPER in the next day or so…”

1957 November : WE, Andre & Greta WERE SENT ILL TO THE SUPPER & possibly MADE ILL some more by Mengele spoof Doc Harrington in the restaurant kitchen with his lieson the table was a bouquetAndre had it made up similar as our wedding bouquet of 10 years agoexcept there were no white bluebells & three or four blue ones tucked in the centre ring as 17th April 1947 Reports/Notebooks/

`MEDICAL CON` : I am Malraux`s Doctor(a pattern book of deceits from 1920s) he will NOT take his medicineso if you will allow me I will just put it in his bowl & on his plate& in his drinkI his Royal Physician loaned by them OH we do have such a problem with some of these leading figures of the world…”

THUS SCARLET TOWNcode name USA/Russians too

1957-1959... I GR was being doped by Mengele paedophile with 2 hit & RUNS G.B. 1950s & his dames who were all stealing from Bank Accounts Britain & Continent in my name & LIR whom I do not even know EXISTS for ALL POST/mail IS STOLEN & from 1933/

1940s-1950s THE SAME THEFT & FINGERING OF ALL POST/mail- communicationsFOR MALRAUX & de GAULLEwho have 5 French GROTE HOMES of slain children 1943/1945 ... BUT DO NOT KNOWTHEY HAD THE ONE CHANCE 1946 -THE COMMUNICATION FROM EGYPT saying `dead Grote Homes children & we hear in FRANCE YOU HAVE THE SAMEIT HAS BEEN DONE BY THE BRITISH……./Records earlier/others explain

Neither ANDRE MALRAUX or GRETA RANSOM had any idea that HALF of the JOYOUS VENTURE was being maintained by desperate help from so many small nations& THE THREE RANSOM BROTHERS WERE PUT IN CHARGE BY THE Trustees-Brokers-Solicitorswho were still FIGHTING OFF the secret silence claims ALL CROWN LANDSTHE KILLING FOR DOUGH WENT ON

1960s - City of London 1960s - they say a river of blood AROUND THE ANKLES OF MISS G. RANSOMput there by a shark wrapped in satin & her men…” THEY HAVE KILLED THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN TO GET THE LANDS TO GET THE DOUGH all of them knew before the warby 1938/1940...THEY COULD NOT BROKER A PENNY

1958 XMAS - Report : They do not play in the Square againhe used to organise them after schoolwe were ill next morningJenny wrote a letter to Scotland Yardshe had them calling on her grandfather` NOTHING COULD BE DONESir James WHITES

Club - Ohthey go down there . to themits all got too powerful…”

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