Greta Ransom

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Harry Gordon / He took it more seriously 1945/1953 when thugs or Mr JONG himself a little PIMP 1930s came threatening him `THE ESTATE HAD TO BE SHAREDWESTMINSTER MEETINGS HAD DECIDED IT COULD` Harry said they always threatened to put a hammer axe in the engine of the Car I was working onHis sister Miss Winnie did not say that his brother-in-law FRED RANSOM had to be kept safe from attacks by the distant relatives MAFIA LINDSAY Clacton Sea Front who always CLAIMED ANYTHING they couldTHE LINDSAY gangEarls of Crawfordwho would descend on the town 1920s 1930s& rob small shops if they could.

1953 DecemberCAME ANDRE MALRAUX in BRIDE GROOM CLOTHES AGAIN to an evening meeting with the family he calls THIS IS MY FAMILY TOO Peter…” (1970)

These Mary Helena GORDON & WILLIAMS families do not know that Miss Winifred Gordon HAS A COPY OF THE WILL got from her dead mothers Estate June 1944... Only her sister Teresa knows of this WILLshe ex- G.B. Realm Prisoner & friend of NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA tooespecially at that kind of partiesbut also at SOME DIGNIFIED TIMES OF HISTORY- & Teresa she is at this Family meeting December 1953- & allowed POUR THE DRINKS

1953 December - Greetha the subject of it not present & this DEMANDED by her mother Teresa Gordon Mrs R. Greetha not yet 21 years old & called PAUPER BY HER MOTHER who has given instructions FOUL FOUL FOUL to the just appointed Lieutenant-Commander DAVID BROWN rnvr & it is he will STEAL a great amount of moneys from the Island ARRANforging a cheque bookJIM JONG joins in 1953he was GIVEN THE ISLAND BY ANGELA & Lindsaybuggarhs in 1938 he SWEARShis SHARE OF THE BOOTY JIM TELLS MASSIVE porkie lies to Westend & City Slickers often penny short Nobles of another generation all taught to SPONGE AGAINBritish Trade & TOP CLASSALL ON THE PIN-

1953 December MEETING at Clacton-on-Sea he Andre Malraux of FRANCEGuardian until I Greta am 25 years & THIS GREAT ESTATEbut he doth not know that - all his POST stolen by British Government & Crown for Lindsaybuggarhs Earls-

the whole pack of them PENNILESS 1938 !!! MALRAUX does not know& neither does SAINT CHARLIE General de Gaullea favourite with Northern England Catholic circles

The family outside Miss Win & her sister Teresa have no idea that Greta Ransom has no memory day by day & that Teresa Gordon R. is not telling her daughter anything at all- but she is on the telephone to JIM- & Lindsaybuggarhs are gathering about us as if for an Unholy WAR.

THEY BOX IT CLEVER…” Its an American phrase

1954 January - ANDRE MALRAUX has announced his `sister wife no 18 the Prayer Book Forbid` wishes for a divorce & he can then take up the Marriage of Grace to Greta who is suited to him- ` & he would like several children as this would be best for them both & for the two boys of JOSETTE

It will all be very discrete & Saint Charles wife is knitting baby clothes for us & Greta who is shy he has realised now- will not have to shake hands with rows of Generals - there are lots of ladies & persons can do this for him.`

1953 November - WICKEDNESS & EVIL has put Doc Mengele Harrington paedophile about us swiftly - Andre & Greetah & familiesTeresa is popular ABOUT SCARLET TOWN AGAINeven her bastard Ed has to curtsey to herJIM insistsbut they`ll mock her to those they fool

JIM (on the run from Kenya International society for crimes) is running VICE WHITES Club & Lindsaybuggarhs are swelling with dough & up to bestial entertainments offshoreTHE NATION AT THE NOBLE TOP IS HEAVY ON DOPE & big spend from killing the Grote children & mouthing still about `old Eskimos not allowed make Wills` youd not think there had been a War-

Swinging Noble 1950s & now they have LSDtoo

1950sor at anytime If Greta Ransom is handed her post/mail her legal documents (& ANDRE MALRAUX given his too) -given her photographs the first 7 years of her life then she will have a sharp memory & call for Len LIR her heir & co-heir to come to the meetingHe was murdered for them all at the beginning of the 1980sto hide his Heir-ship to the Estate & his superb collection of Historic & modern Records/his diaries since he was 12 yearsTHIS GENOCIDEby criminally insane with no control of themin their big marble hallsALL ON THE PIN& other FIXES

20th century - NOBLE Britain will go on spouting its LIES & wagging its foul black long tongues reaching to its blood & gore dripping expensive boots when candles lit shutters drawn- You slew the GROTE CHILDREN to get yourselves big doughyou laid hands on so much of our properties moneys investments you wasted fortunes in your sleazy greedRecords/the globe/

Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM & Greetha RANSOM legal heirs always can inform on the slayings of the Grote children the globe- & where the moneys have gone- the missing art works-who has stolen the lands & destroyed the infra-structure of small nationsA to Z the globe (a Raphael too-its got a broken vase -a Degas with JEAN in the chorus line, Minerva bought it-

JEAN WEDDELL ballerina(daughter of James Weddell II & Minerva Olivea Hesketh, SHAKERS AmericaSong Writer of EVENSONGS her 2nd marriage 1885...) has often danced with a bunch of scarlet or purple velvet flowers in her hair to show she is the Spanish dancer choreographerIT IS ALSO BECAUSE SHE IS A YOUNG WIDOW OF SPAIN Senora G. Smith he of Argentine a Ranch with a brothershe a trained Buenos Aries & North America ballerina2 years Franceall before 1907... & mother of a dead child - her husband died of an appendicitis Spain (Records AQUIDA her great-grandmother`s families)

Jean makes a 2nd marriage to Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM 1909 / his mother Millicent FROBISHER claimed by EARLS of LINDSAY who are known in SOCIETY to be badly insane from use of this dope up their horrible SNOUTS/

Full records of the Courtshipfrom she& grandpa1930s/ Jean Weddell is very thin- Len her 3rd son can pick her up on one arm when he is 12 years old- I Greta saw her my grandmother dance several times before the 2nd World War War & she was still dancing brilliantly at 52 years of age when the Nobles poisoned her She is called to dance `3 Cornered hat` very often & the INCA relatives call her `Firebird`JEAN WEDDELL grand daughter of he the SEA sub-arcticby his Quaker Roman Catholic marriage 1824 to the INCA scholar Nobleman San Julians daughter - she died age 21 from an attack by evil Noble Traders of Gross Britain & the Dutch leaving two sons James II & John born 1825 & 1827 -who have ISSUE21st century

SHAME ON YOU VATICAN FOR HIDING ALL THIS & allowing ignorant sniping at `young Paccelli` You could learn from the records of THE GRONLANDER& all of the families who made THE JOYOUS VENTUREwhich you VATICAN benefited from so enormously from 1870... See our Account of XMAS MASS in Santa Fe` 1935...& learn some SCHOLARSHIP& CARE OF YOUR RECORDS

Every quarter from 1872 you received Records of GROTE HOMES from Grote Brokers New Yorkas well as from the old Argentine Solicitors who took a care of this DELICATE FLOWER GARDEN ROUND THE GLOBEup to 1953...& possibly you were receiving record up to 1959... ?

`a great mind, PeterTHE GRONLANDERone Sail Margarethe gave us the keyit was all there in the big house he Fred Ransom had built 1830s like a great ship FOR THE GRONLANDER`S grand-daughter SHAME SHAME SHAMEthey bombed the island 1960...7 years agoThat house that Church that Theatre would have been standing in 400 yearshe knew what he was doing building like that in oakbiggest house ever put up in Greenlandhe`d used the early 19th American Plan downstairsopen staircase rising

.We were never safe- SAILuntil I took the Mayflower across 1953- GOT THE PUBLIC BEHIND US THEN- SAIL ! ...if I told you from who !!! Royal NAVYBritain, Danmarkused us as Sunday sport& even France for a short timeSHAMEGOT A STEP AHEAD OF MALRAUX & de Gaulle 1960 OhWe are going back to down-undersoon as the children have finished what they want to do over here GREED BOMBED JACOPSHOLMEN……” ALAN VILLIERS SEAMAN 1967

1930s- 1980s& on These truly penniless NOBLE monsters of Gross Britain have abused our lands & tenants- settlements- logged mined rented turned Reserves into slums etcThey are G.B. & Scandinavian aristocrats of no education as civilized people understand it should be - they respect no religions- are mostly over the limit with dope & booze - & all go about the globe & Gross Britain sporting stolen blood & gore dripping wealthwhich they have got by FRAUD/kudos of their CLASS to also pay their massive debts of the pre-War-

STOLEN PROPERTIES COME EASILY TO THEM AFTER THEIR GENOCIDE of the Grote Children - SO EASILY THE CRIME CAN BE PLACED ON THE NATIONS who are small& diplomatic remarks NOT FOR THE PUBLICon the Failure of the old Eskimo`s Estate & no nations outside IMPERIAL BRITAIN wished to have these orphanages educating fatherless to 18 years in 3-4 languages & HUMANISM with all religions respected by them

THEN NOBLE mouthings with liquor in a paw at gatherings of NOBLE POLITICSattacks on the character of THE OLD ESKIMO& her relatives being apes-& Eskimos..

By stealing everyones Post/mail & slaying the Grote children the globe nobody dared stand up to them a million a quarter children & tenants-settlers-staff are now missing 1953-slain- The criminally insane with pre-war Lindsaybuggarhs & ILK have used the institutions of a nation & 2nd World War to carry out The Biggest Crime of Mankind . (ref. Lord XWZ speaking 1960-he retired) newspapers told to spout that the double rampart at the top of the pyramid is divine



Down the coast of the former Yugoslavia when TITO dies

1954 March : I Greta Ransom will have no 21st birthday presents post/mail- 11.3.1954- all post examined by men from Whitehall after the ripping open of presents to Greetah-Gretanew names & addresses were found on this private personal POST/mail sent to the RANSOM family & heirs They are visited by thugs in name of Realm-all photos-documents-archives removed `for The Government & Crown of G. B .`

Greetha`s post/mail & RANSOM mail arriving from overseas always goes to the back of Buckingham Palace- is opened on two trestle tables- from XMAS 1933-

(Several Reports - 1936 it got out of hand) LINDSAYbuggarhs EARLS claiming this Estate from a marriage made to them in 1830 by a woman called Clouts of Dereham Parkthe legal WILL for Malraux stolen PARIS 1938- `Angela a packhorse for the crimes of her men`

1960 comment on Palace life- to go to the back in the reign of Jim Jong 1920s onwards- them- you needed a Travel Visa for dangerous regions- ` Wartime-JIM helped himself to a Vase & things to sell in New York when he went over / `Queens flight`records Detectives Colleagues others-for Andre Malraux

1952 - MARTYR 1942- a 9 years old heiress murdered for her Newfoundland Lands - Castle/Sible Hedingham :

COLCHESTER CASTLEA Master Graham Greene/Third Man film/ who comes in & writes reviews-novels-ideas away in spooky corners in winters at the Colchester Castle Keep is very worried with his friend Donovan Bookseller after speaking with the new tall girl with very long hair come to work in the Castle The name RANSOM had them nervous Miss Greta Ransom heir had been in the same School class 1942 as the murdered Newfoundland heiress of Castle/Sible Hedingham a 900 years Old Essex family now extinct- They were given some information Colchester Societyespecially a senior Army man who had been teaching at the College 1948/1950... & his daughter in films Both of the girls were known Sea heirs - 9 years of age in 1942- The murdered child niece to the Roman Catholic Soldier Patrick MacDrew- it got a little worse for the Army Barracks at Colchester spoke of massive HATE of the RANSOM family in the 1930s by the family of Earls of Lindsay - & there were known to be dead children off shore. records ghost team Colne Engaine Detective & Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960

1945 June - Referring to this tragedy- a child murdered for land & money- a murder by persons known- a highly educated person said No child heir is safe in Essex or Britain to-day Andre BELIEVING MALRAUX would understand HIS FULL MEANING

1945 Summer : BUT WIDOWER Andre MALRAUX as he now calls himself& shows photographs of his two sons did not know Greta Ransom was an heir of importance as this child Miss M d`UFF MacDrew Andre is with Members of the Humperdinck family & they are rehearsing the familys Hansel & Gretel/ reports-globe/ & Malraux`s Detectives & Colleagues/Friends 1960/East Anglia

1945-48 - ANDRE MALRAUX has no idea Greta is an heir beyond she has something to inherit from his intellectual equal.. Miss Bessie Martha & Miss Annie Agnes Williams, sisters of MARY GORDON whom he has returned hoping desperately for her CALM COMMON SENSEin his WIDOWHOODShe who was a companion to them SUMMER 1937 - Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX has no idea that BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS EARLS & CROWN have been stealing all his Post/Mail since December 1937. The good people of Essex who know of the legal WILL assume it is a matter for MALRAUX & General de Gaulle-

BOTH Andre MALRAUX & GENERAL Charles de GAULLE& THE VATICANare being insulted by the Gross Britain Government Lords & Crown

1960/1944- CARBON COPIES-LETTERS (written on typewriters 1944-it was easy to take 5 copies with carbon paperthin paper would have 9 copies readablePOST/mail delivered this vital correspondence to the greatest piece of philanthropy established by a family of 14 Races 27 Nationswho administer it round the Globe A to Zwith help from their HUMANIST relatives kith & kin gathered lawfully from Ransom Brides all in contact since 11th-12th century PALESTINEall these nations OUTSIDE The Evil GREED of the FALLING very penniless BRITISH EMPIRE.)

Retrieved end February 1960 New York & Buenos Aries :

TOP COPY correspondence sent to ANDRE MALRAUX from December 1937- also retrieved CARBON COPIES CORRESPONDENCE sent from New York- Argentine- 1944 - gathered February 1960 Philip Silverlee & his educated daughter from Argentine- obtained lawfully & given with graceNOT THE BREAK-IN ENTRY 1920s/1990s of BRITISH CROWN & some Scandinavian CROWS

????? What was it written from New York Grote Brokers-others- to ANDRE MALRAUX that JOSETTE read & was disturbed by ? One paragraph is `Will he please not say whom the Asian Agents are as it endangers their lives-

& COULD HE ANDRE MALRAUX ACCOUNT FOR THE SUMS OF MONEY DRAWN ON HIS CHEQUE BOOK SENT 1938... (The noble filth of Gross Britain & its EMPIRE had been cashing cheques FORGING MALRAUX`s SIGNATUREon GROTE BROKERS & the Globe A to Zlittle nations that could not protect themselvesIMPERIAL BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA are DOGs` TURDS

1944 November first days : JOSETTEs mother records that JO her daughter was walking up & down saying to the air the first days of her visit but he has not had a cheque book ! ! ! She Madame Clotis felt it was a story her daughter Josette had to finish for Josette was earning the money to keep them in this big Chateaushe is very upset he is not there & that Jo has no address for himshe has come to see her two grandsons& they filled her heart with delightbut she wished to give him A PIECE OF HER MIND !

`say a prayer for Madame Clotis who is to see her daughter on the Railway line that early morning 9 November 1944- she chosen wife of ANDRE MALRAUX mother of their two baby sons JOSETTE has her long legs run over by the trainNO MORE WILL SHE our JOJo&Joh WAIT FOR US WITH HER NOTEBOOKS UPON THE HOLLAND-ON-SEA beachas she contentedly did SUMMER 1937...

1960 : Records/ Arthur Malone Detectives/Colleagues of Andre Malraux/ 1960 February…“ WE ARE VERY UPSET OVER THISTHAT GIRL HAD TO DIE IN ALL THIS…”

COMMENTS on Night Watch Feb 1960/ The two GUNMEN for Gross Britain suddenly disappeared ??? They did not !!! - Why were not her legs amputated ? Why was it reported `Oh there was no surgeon near` WHY WITH THIS POWER FROM THE BRITISH CONSUL 1944 BRITAIN TO FRANCE Bloody Britain embarked from 1939 upon the killing of these CHILDREN could they not get an Army Surgeon fast ~ A SURGEON TO SAVE HER ~ OF COURSE THEY COULD ! We used to be proud to be of our NationWE ARE NOT ANYMOREthere are some meetings happeningI shall hear more…” THE ANGUISH of JANUARY/February 1960...

1944 November 9th - Telephone messages went back & FORTH to BRITISH CONSUL FRANCE within a half hour of the final hours on earth of JOSETTE ! MASSIVE GREED OF IMPERIAL BRITAIN there would be extra dough for all…”

1960 February - Detectives Colleagues for Andre Malraux now knew by the end of February 1960.`that girl died because of this YOU Miss Ransom HAVE BEEN BORN ON A HEARSEtrouble is you keep getting off This Noble Family claiming YOU have been culling again…”…THEY detectives & colleagues of Malraux WERE SHATTERED AT WHAT THEY HAD COME UPON THE GREATEST CRIME UPON EARTH…”

1960 late winter - anguish of Detectives Colleagues for Andre Malraux : Reference 1944 end October-November 9th she had to know it was dangerous-that girl JO Andres Catholic Wife she was trying to help them on the Island.`then the British Consul to France October the last days 1944 sent 2 gunmen to kill she & Andre & RETRIEVE THE CORRESPONDENCE which told him ANDRE MALRAUX Citizen of France that he WAS THE GUARDIAN GREATEST PIECE OF PHILANTHROPYwe have been reading some of it


these childrendirty mouths have been saying the children were diseasedthe HOMES were prostitutionWe know where the prostitution is with their sort !!! CLAIMED IT AS THEIR OWNDIVIDED IT UP TO PAY NOBLE DEBTS & BILLS from lascivious living

Gross Britain & some Scandinavian Carrion CROWS- ALL OF THEM ARE ON THE PIN` ..

Nota bene : This dirty charge sometimes used for the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children was that the HOMES were of prostitution & all the children were diseasedReports were received from Armed Forces who say the official line from G. B. & Lindsaybuggarhs was the children were diseasedsyphilis was still feared during the 2nd World War

1944 - The end October-early November Josette is reading correspondence to ANDRE that tells her of a great ESTATE the globe to which he is GUARDIAN- for the Child with them SUMMER 1937...

THE FULL ACCEPTANCE of the GUARDIANSHIP when fully understood by the legal documents from 1962 Confirmed by ANDRE MALRAUX 1970- I would have accepted immediately the FULL GUARDIANSHIP 1937 -it was what I was looking for-what I had come to UNDERSTAND Peter`This Joyous Venture`I did not understand until 1962 when General de Gaulle & I saw the legal WILLs 1937/1938...MY POST OUR POSTwas stolen by your Government & your Class…”

1938 WILL of Margarethe RANSOM girl-of-the-snows & WILL of Thomas Grote her husband- copies have been sent round the Globe- & MALRAUX was sent all : copy Thomas Grotes Will & Will of the parents of Margarethe GROTE after she had informed him of the GUARDIANSHIP & then she had received his LETTER he wrote to MARY GORDON saying he ACCEPTED GUARDIANSHIP TO GREETHA RANSOMOctober 1937


RESULT : DANGER FOR ALL GOOD LAW ABIDING PEOPLE OF THE GLOBE even remotely connected to this great Estate

1960 month of MAY - retaliation from NOBLE Gross Britain- PHILIP SILVERLEEs DAUGHTER MURDERED IN ARGENTINE

(old Ransom solicitors killed Buenos Aries- office ransacked- Philips grandchildren son-in-law his parents have British CID etc Naval Intelligence Diplomatic dipsomaniacs storming in on them ARGENTINEThey are told all this paperwork & information is the POSSESSION OF THE BRITISH CROWN

(Arthur Malone others in the law-London-Colne Engaine receive accounts/records from MAY 1960 onwards-Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux-)

MURDER of a 28 years old girl : because she Philips daughter has retrieved lawfully February 1960 this correspondence for Andre Malraux (causing JOSETTE`S hideous painful DEATH 1944 ) . & his employer from 1946 (see history of French Gov. this time) the concerned General Charles de Gaulle PRESIDENT OF FRANCE 1958 (to whom Grote Brokers had sent personal notes from 1946 the short lived GovernmentWHO OPENED THIS POST?DID IT LEAVE USA ? ??? )

Nota bene : February 3rd week 1960 : All copies correspondence through the past years on typewriters (with this old method of making a letter etc it was possible with CARBON PAPER fine to take up to 7 good copieslook at the technology PRE-computer techno) of the lawful information sent to ANDRE MALRAUX were obtained by Philip Silverlees daughter in the Argentine Offices of the 2 old Solicitors who look after the Estate RANSOM GROTE as a delicate flower garden twice round the globeThe firm Buenos Aries were employed by Fred Ransom father of Margarethe from 1830s to take care of his global possessions of land from his RANSOM brides his ancestors in a straight line- Philips daughter then took a plane to New York late February 1960 -met her father- He was already SCARED at what he`d got from former GROTE BROKERS now amalgamated with another Wall Street firm

(Records/ being read by ANDRE MALRAUX to PJPW The Pillar House 1970.account of how he Philip Silverlee late February 1960... moved Hotel New York without warninghidmade phone callsdeposited records in places of safetyHE HAD COME UPON THE MOST EVIL CRIME done in the name of Gross Britain & its CROWN)……

1960 ( & until 1970 ) ALL RECORDS of this firm GROTE Establ. 1830 onwards were intact(they were intact until 1970...when Palmer Sparkman is killedin this massive GREED of Gross Britain Nobleshis first job with GROTEWAKE UP USAYOUR HISTORY WAS STOLEN by Gross Britain Lordly monsters& its Crownto cover up the GENOCIDE of our million children A-Z the globe)

1830s-1936/1970.(RECORDS/Diaries/letters/ I G.R. remember the 1850s photos of the first GROTE buildingof woodoff a turning from Wall Streetthey re-build about 1900sIn April 1936 Lennie & I go by our Bridal Home car. ( with chauffeur & housekeeper wife to be corrupted swiftly) to the new Offices Wall Street/NEW YORKLen has been beforehe knows lots of people in New Yorkwe hear the British Government have given orders the ACCOUNT IS FROZEN for RANSOM families

1936 April - Soon Paul Whiteman who is an AMERICAN GENTLEMAN with 3 USA Senators kicked the British Embassy USA up the BUM& STOPPED THEM SWINGING British Government EMBASSY BILLS & personal BILLS ON GROTE BROKERSGROTE then sent a Deputation to Westminster but were warned OFFBY SCUM…” NOTHING COULD BE GOT IN WRITING on the LINDSAYbuggarhs EARLS CLAIM which included a woman called ANGELA who had told Westminster she was given ALL BY AN OLD ESKIMO. but the USA Senators stopped the theft by G.B. Gov & its Crown UNTIL THE 2ND world war! )

1960 late February - Arthur Malone reading his notebook Colne Engaine midday & 7.30pm a phone call from Phil in NEW YORK to Londinium just come in on the ticker-tape New York to Londinium

Later Malone came trudging up the meadow at duskworriedhe opened his notebook

I HAVE HAD TO OPEN ANOTHER CHARNEL HOUSEI have a ROW OF THEMfor YOUsince we began Christmasjust gone…”

IMPORTANT : 1960 Notebooks Arthur Malone :

February NEW YORKThe next day together Philip & his daughter they went to GROTE BROKERS- amalgamated with another firm after the CRASH caused by the THEFT OF YOUR 19 ACRES RANSOM under New York 1954 - `they found more carbon copies correspondence & documents which showed the on-going FRAUD on the Grote RANSOM Estate by Earls Lindsay-Crawford for the British Crown& other branches NOBLE since 1900s - these were sent to Malraux & General de Gaulle special courier…”…

( The filth of British Intelligence did not know of the old RANSOM solicitors in Buenos Aries 1960 until they STOLE end February 1960 from the briefcase of the French Courier sent from GAUL to covey this ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATION in original documents to The President of France& the abused mocked ANDRE MALRAUXRoman Catholic Widower of JOSETTE

Next year MAY 1961 the British IMPERIAL SCUM of GREED has Andre & JOs sons 21 & 18 years of age in a spoof car accidentapart from something in a drink we are told another car had to have driven at them & had them swerve/accurate reports/many similar murders in this pattern are reported from 1920s the work of Jim Jong- Lindsay mob etc etc IVY RANSOM Rawthorne`s

only child 9 years old sonsplattered all over the Swiss road by his homereports up to 1992

1960 - In May DEATH to another young woman with children- Evil about us ordered for big wads of DOUGH to keep the lid on this GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND which has paid debts- bills of Nobles & Crown of Gross Britain - & SCANDINAVIAN vulture crows too-GFWMCaeR-

1960 May - MURDER of Philip Silverlee`s daughter age 28 years so the threats of exposure would be found& THE KILLING FOR DOUGH by Gross Britain NOBLE could continue :

(.she would be at Frinton with her brother father mother Philip 1930s& call at `Crail` for teawith Mary Helena & George Gordongrandparents of Greetha RansomTHESE WERE YOUNG PEOPLE all of good characterthey are eyed by NOBLE PENNILESS BRITAINwho are ALL ON THE PIN…’ NOBLE HIGH FIGURES FROM A MORGUE& AN Hieronymous Bosch HELL)

1960 MAY - MARTYR of a G.B. Crown murder - It was just over 2 months since she went with her father Philip Silverlee to lawfully get copies of MALRAUXs Post/mail NEW YORK & copies 2 WILLS which lawfully operate with Margarethes WILL GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE -

She got a windfall from Argentine ! Phil has said on the phone he cant believe it & he is scared - the FRAUD is all therethat woman in that Palace should phone you & apologise for what her mother has done(there had been such vulgar displays of the new found Imperial kudos & big spendcivilized nations objected & the very small ones……& so did educated persons young men had been murdered who spoke the GREEK TONGUEby the most disgusting display of Medieval intriguesall for DOUGH)…”

You can call me KING ARTHUR! We have heard some of these little nations do not want that Yacht sailing in again - it costs them too muchanyway` Arthur Malone Politan the Detective in the lawyers Gown` Reports Detectives Colleagues for ANDRE MALRAUX at Colne Engaine/the globe1960 January onwards

MURDER for British Government Lords & Crown :

PHILIP SILVERLEES daughter 28 years old- an educated professional woman happily married with 2 small children was murdered in the Argentine ! Orders G.B. Government & Crown Earls & Lords- Lindsaybuggarhs EARLS still being used in secret-silence to CLAIM THE ESTATEbut too much dirty mouthing had arisen about RANSOM Frobisher Weddell & GRONLANDER - it was understood to be spiteful hearsay gossip because NOBLE DIVINITIES were able to get big wealth - Denmark hold Jacopsholmen Island by claws & disgusting LIES- (hot seats for some had the others able to extract riches too !)

1960 late February : Philip Silverlee & his daughter :

They came out of the New York Offices & were amazed at what they had got- went to a place for lunchfelt weakPhil felt it was not safe to go back to his hotel where shed booked him(he may change hotels twice-thus 3 hotels in fear ? )

he wanted to get the stuff copied & on the way to ANDRE & General de Gaulle fastI will hear…”

1960/1961 - Report Arthur Malone from phone call from New York to his LAW friends in London late February 1960 & to him at Colne Engaine GHOST HOUSE (they have SAFE HOUSES now for phone messages/`ticker-tape` to City of London/some help from the GOOD part of the LAW/others unknown to G.R)

1960 May - “…Phil`s daughter murderfeeling is WE HAVE BEEN LET DOWNBY ANDRE & his GENERALthe feeling isI don`t think Andre would let us downNo.but ITS REACHED INTO POLITICSthis noble family claiming YOU were trying to blame the `Jerri` (Germans) for their KILLING OF THESE CHILDRENI think its time to OPEN ANOTHER CHARNAL HOUSE for Andre & you…”

Arthur Malone detective Andre Malraux May 1960 Colne Engaine

1960 MAY In part of the frozen lake filled with blood & gore that I Greta Ransom have for a heartas all of themI FELT advancing a horrible ageless MISERY OF A LET DOWNevil was to win then ! The wild roses were out in the 900 years old hedge beside my new home the Caravan `Mistral` Colne Engaine meadow leading to Gallows Cornernear to Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis

1960 SHEER EVIL STOMPED about the GROTE CHILDREN in pits A to Z the globeburned alive some of them& came SAILED over them below drowned alive in nets the RN big ships always stood offshore2nd World War…” a GENOCIDEa contribution of Earls of NOBLE BRITAIN on the PINfor its Upper class & its TRADE


“… an Old Eskimo in the RED gave it to them

to Angelathe biggest blood soaked bit`

& Angela a pack horse for the crimes of her men…” Letter Augusta Frobisher of branch Napier & Ettrick killed 1953/54 Norway(that dear `grey girl` where Lennie & I & others of her family go to tea 1930sshe lives in the Cecil Hotel with an apartment overlooking the THAMES& says I am frightened of Earl Lindsaythey have killed my adopted daughterin Rome…”…(1934)

1960 May Philip left City of London/Colne Engaine/Colchester to return to his nation - Argentine - he was educated at Radley College et al- (biography in this document Summer 1937)

His daughters husband & his parents, the two grandchildren were threatened- ! Thugs for Gross Britain Government are BOOTING IN WITH IMPERIAL BOOTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE searching their homes Argentine. Rudely searching every cranny every crack~ …” It was quite clear it came from Nobles of Gross Britain & Crown & certain nobles in Government- & their State sponsored teams/THEIR KUDOS with the ARMED FORCES OF GROSS BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA

1960 - ALL PAPERWORK/documents/monuments/art works/ TO THIS ESTATE WERE DEMANDED AS PROPERTY OF THE G.B. GOVERNMENT & CROWN - .in this independent Nation Argentina

`One old Solicitor killed in March 1960 immediately - the other retired to die/he dies in a few monthsboth had their homes torn to pieces& their relatives hunted

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