1860s “ Thomas learned another language & we took a ship to try it out…then a HOME would be established…”~ says Aunt Margarethe Ransom Grote 1937…Greetah`s GIRL OF THE SNOWS…Greenland… “… the ladies taught me Arabic or I sat like a DOLLIE all afternoon when we visited Arabian lands…” Records THE ISLAND IN THE SNOW, a democracy/utopia… WEST GREENLAND…1770 - stolen by coarse DANMARK AFTER BOMBING IT WITH GROSS BRITAIN…June 1960...coarse crass money grubbers of RACISM…
1961 LIR/ Len “ 1938... do you remember having again to ‘protect your honour’- you told us at ‘Jerusalem’ …YOU WOULD NOT sleep in the little Old Road House when SHEshe was there - & theyTHEY could come in- You say “I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED BACK by the British Crown & nasty Diplomats so I can be ATTACKED again- They have now taken my Passport ! Daddy is going to LAW… ” ( yes we will win but what is the use when they kill the Judge - everyone-& we are told to START ALL OVER AGAIN…’) G.R. LIR “ I wrote some down - you were very upset - we had no idea you could remember WHY we left…flying up to Greenland 1935 October - When we got to our LAND…dismay…then finding the British had given orders we were not to live on our Island - it belonged to them - the Eskimo were not to have the school again` Then we went to Canada… America & into Jean’s country to call at the Grote Homes who were asking that their family come as they used to - Aunt Mag was getting on & she had been told to HIDE - for the British wished to kill her again & take all the HOMES & shut them - grab our lands- They were Vagrants these British Nobles- robbing banks with other peoples names on moneys…” (They are vermin Lennie…)
Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM born October 1921 - MARTYR … “ Our young Apostle ” murdered c 1981 by Mengele Doc Harrington Royal satrap Gollum-clone paedophile GIGANTIC PAEDOPHILE & hidden by authorities that he is caught by Austrian Belgium French USA British Police several times but NOTHING CAN BE DONE because of whom his NOBLE BOYFRIENDS ARE….whom protect him so they can CLAW in THE ESTATE OF AN OLD ESKIMO … ` Oh Kali-nitrah & all of that DOUBLE TALK `… Mengele HARRINGTON doctor…paedophile PEER IN WAITING … had FOUL messages 1981/82 given out on BBC for his MASTERS wining-dining at WANTAGE… naming Len whose children he & The ROYAL ANGELA Thee Mr Pong dirty JIM JONG… have had killed in spoof accidents 1952 & 1970s -he Mengele HARRINGTON had been hunting Len RANSOM in Oxfordshire- with spoof CID- stopping him helping us at the Sealed Knot - Laine’s Barn Wantage - Mengele & his Masters threaten Len to say nothing to his niece- her children- Not of whom he is- he has no protection after the early death of ANDRE MALRAUX…& this coarse British Scandinavian Noble MOB of morbid violence REJOICE…& go on protecting the CRIMES OF ANGELA & her men…& thus the penniless have smart togs ….
1930s silently with violence …. claim all properties of `AN OLD ESKIMO…Margarethe a Goddess…of WEST GREENLAND…born 1841 … & `killed before her time…she had another decade to go…Mai 15th 1938 upon her birthday…murdered for Earls of Lindsay & British Crown by JIM JONG…who intended HAVING HIS Share…(Pong trained Chinese Opera Pekin… thrown out of China by his grandparents…he born c 1898 to his rich Chinese mother by an RN…GB. Of a falling EMPIRE… The criminally insane JIM… joins 1921 BIG BLOODY & GORE SOAKED EXPENSIVE IMPERIAL BOOTS those FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…reaching across The Oceanus Germanicus too….)
1937 - LEN/ LIR/ is the co-heir in LEGAL WILL 1937/1938...to much of GROTE HOMES lands Ransom Estate in 3 Parts the Globe nations A to Z…called a girdle a flower garden twice around the globe- his parents were murdered 1938 & 1939 by Jim Jong Lindsay 14 earl & Lindsaybuggarhs & noble IMPERIAL scum…records/ Doc Mengele Harrington de-frocked by BMA as a Doctor in NHS Hospitals 1982 - 1986 Mengele Harrington divorced again for persecution of wife & step-son in G. B….now Reduced to some IMPERIAL poverty - but still employed semi-secret silence by British Naval Intelligence…Harrington has since 1938 worked in the Genocide & FRAUD destruction of Grote Homes & Ransom Estate…killing/ he sucks-up & blackmails Andre Malraux…squats on him from 1938 when it was known by BRITISH NOBLE SCUM at the very top of the EARLS…that Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX IS GUARDIAN THE WORLD nations A to Z…outside GROSS BRITAIN IMPERIAL EMPIRE of greed…THE GREATEST ESTATE PHILANTHROPY 19th-20th century has come from …..the GREENLAND shores…
SUMMARY…the British IMPERIAL NOBLES 1938 appointed this paedophile HARRINGTON & others to harm the households of ANDRE MALRAUX…as soon as they knew MALRAUX GUARDIAN seashores the globe …& other matters…See the legal WILL …
1992 Doc-dopes Mengele Harrington was exterminated on his death-bed of 20 minutes in 1992 February it is said over ACADEMIC OXFORD… & Mengele Harrington cursed `Soapy frozen blood puddles Duckie…monopod of the globe…who employed him 3rd November 1953 to REMOVE from that Flat Earth of IMPERIAL BIG BOOTS NOBLE FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…& KILL - DESTROY ALL WHOM KNOW OF THE GROTE RANSOM ESTATE & MALRAUX GUARDIAN…& blame the legal Owners of the GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE the globe with their seashores/investments in Transport/their Reserves Settlements helping those NON WHITE…save face of ANGELA & her non-MEN… THEY ARE described in Gross Britain by the educated 1930s 1940s as piles of dog`s dirt along a seafront… ALL ARE A LIFETIME ON THE PIN…& can use EVIL PROFIT THINKING as their SUNDAY AFTERNOON DRUNKEN DOPE GAMES …
ANDRE MALRAUX of FRANCE - Guardian A-Z the globe for GROTE HOMES & RANSOM seashores …& HUMANITAS /investments transport 1830s & PHILANTHROPY UMBRELLAS function with all peoples Ransom are related to by our 14 Races & 27 Nations from 7-8th century Castile BERBER `Aurora` (their 5th child the cripple THE SCRIBE)”
8TH century Castile / “ RANSOM family… OUR MOTHER HAS EYES THE COLOUR OF THE SPANISH DAWN…SHE IS RECEIVED IN GRACE EVERYWHERE & wears garments of both Religions…& that was why our Father white skinned courted her…He came trading hay & marmalade…our mother`s father did not trust him at first…then knew he was a good man…she is 6 feet tall our mother & has brown-black hair to her waist…we children are a little paler & the grandchildren are white…I do not wish to marry but am happy with my life for I am crippled… I AM HAPPY WITH MY LIFE & my families & we are all united although of different colours & religions…… …. 8th century RANSOM young person of CASTILE & EAST BRITAIN …direct straight line from 92 AD DUNWICH… to FREDERICK CHARLES FROBISHER RANSOM…
1884 is born- FCR- only surviving son of Millicient FROBISHER Mrs JOHN RANSOM…legally married 1883...( grandfather of GR ) born 1884 in 1909...marries JEAN San Julian (INCA) Aquida Hesketh WEDDELL…(legal marriage to the Noble INCA) educated grand-daughter of JAMES WEDDELL he a great Mariner who charted the sub-Arctic SEA…She a choreographer & ballerina & mathematician…1886 she is born to JAMES WEDDELL II & MINERVA OlivEA Hesketh -JEAN delicate holy GRANDMOTHER of Greta Ransom…is poisoned by Noble Britain 1938 aged 52 years still dancing…(Complete records of decades)
7th-8th centuries AD- Grandmother Aurora a straight line to 20th Century RANSOM families East Coast Britain 92 AD… marrying JOHN RANSOM a Trader of East Britain coast 7th century & Castile (2 Religions) …( Our earliest British direct forebear comes from JUTLAND BC (red hair !) (pedigree) he holds 77 AD an Estate Thames…moves to DUNWICH Suffolk 92 AD…a great PORT BC-early AD….(pedigree- & also fingered as `rice paper ` by IMPERIAL Britain from Papers they have stolen …) -
Paedophile DOC HARRINGTON `Mengele` ….Appointed 1938 & WITH higher wages 1953 November .…TO steal & harm “ ANDRE MALRAUX`s homes in 50 Lancaster Gate Square & PARIS …. France …. Gross Britain IMPERIAL the penniless Nobles….Noble appointment in semi-secrecy … Mr Mengele Montmorency/MAURIATY Harrington is to CONTROL….all MALRAUX persons of France…/ search/….dope THE kitchens …./MONITOR/REMOVE from ANDRE MALRAUX ANY COMMUNICATIONS ….on THE ESTATE which NOBLE IMPERIAL BRITAIN IS THIEVING FROM… (Records RN Whitehall - called Admiralty it had a few good humanist men…)
1938 onwards - ANDRE MALRAUX`s HOUSEHOLDS from 1938 …Harrington British Noble Class a sentenced paedophile was able to infest…- HE employed by British Government & Imperial Crown to INVESTIGATE ALL POST/Mail CONTACTS of ANDRE MALRAUX… Mengele Harrington of a so-called Noble line Gross Britain has a Continental Prison sentence & 2 years psychiatric clinic in 1930s Belgium-Austria-Gross Britain-for repeated attacks on baby 1st year of life- who we learn decades on was his own illegitimate son…& whom in the course of his WORK so NOBLE he pushes out of a small plane…when it was in the AIR…(possibly 1950s)
Mengele Harrington histories/ That left one non-official offspring…who was employed by his NOBLE MONSTER MASTERS to follow at certain HOURS in the FOOTSTEPS OF THE ARCHANGEL ANDRE MALRAUX…& his young early wedding Bride HEIR to Margarethe RANSOm Mrs Tiggy Grote of WEST GREENLAND…where we RANSOM-GRONLANDER families have by DECREE the holy Island JACOPSHOLMEN…to `erect when you can THE UNIVERSITY TO POUL GRONLANDER…` AH- Noble Britain is into Fast PROFIT…to be thieved from the non-white races…
( That 18th century King of Danmark granting 1770 JACOPSHOLMEN to POUL GRONLANDER`S ELDEST SON…is, OF COURSE, said to be mad…by his greedy coarse ignorant line & inlaws…later on…who dovetail in SOME BLOOD & GORE SOAKED DITCHES into GROSS BRITAIN…
1938 onwards….THE GROTE CHILDREN ARE KILLED IN THEIR HOMES OR NEARBY…so luxury-debauch can be enjoyed 20th century BY the NOBLES OF SCANDINAVIA & GROSS BRITAIN who have done this GENOCIDE for DOUGH…. ALL of them should have ABSINTHE BARRELS ROUND THEIR NECKS…& PUSHED INTO THE SNOWS…top of an Afghanistan mountain or a stall in Baghdad Market Place at Noel… THE GROTE HOME in AFGHANISTAN was deemed necessary 1881 to ALL Arabic speaking OF THE NATION…Some Revolutionary Leaders from 1950s will lose THEIR FIRM APPRECIATION OF TIGGY GROTE HOMES…& lose records photos books of visits by he & family from GREENLAND-
1880s - Tiggy going on to TIBET 1880s…where we exchange STUDENTS at 16 years of age… It was their IDEA the MONASTERY that `perhaps girls too come in but we have hesitated to ask you TIG…`… TIGGY thought this was what possibly he too should aim at…he suggested to THE ELDERS OF THE TIBETIAN MONASTERY 1880s `that four girls come then… with the 8 boys…. & we dress the girls as disciples…` “ YES !!! “ These young people came out with philosophy…& some returned for a 2nd year….1904 TIGGY Immanuel GROTE who is then speaking 110 languages WAS MURDERED BY GREEDY BRITISH EARLS…Records)
1949 Paris- Mengele Harrington used Andre’s name to get himself off nasty Rape of a blind young man Paris 1949- Harrington`s step-mother a medical woman told the Malraux women to NOT ALLOW her step-son Mengele HARRINGTON…anywhere NEAR ANDRE he was jealous of ANDRE MALRAUX…., who had been brought up by gentle women…Italian Grandmere Adriennae, Mama Bertha, & Aunt Mary…
1949 Mengele Harrington was committed to another period in a British Mental Institution 1949 by this step-mother a medical woman : Harrington called Mengele by young Medical London… emerged after 6 months to help Noble Angela in her weight problem etc- her son-in-law asked him to help- they are chums of the purple narcotic DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND… RECORDS …son-in-law of Angela seen stuffing it up his snout proffered by DIRTY JIMMIE…trying to entice him to buy ARRAN Hebrides from him JIM Jong Mr Pong…in Autumn 1953...before the HEIRS might inherit…Lennie Ransom & Greetaha…WARDS OF ANDRE MALRAUX of FRANCE… ( ANDRE MALRAUX, General de Gaulle, Dr Lennie Immanuel RANSOM & Greetha Ransom are in …“ A world of legless frogs & one legged mosquitoes …that does not seem to know the 2nd World War happened…” ! )
1952 Doc Harrington earned his name Mengele 1952 from botched operations he did - he was banned London hospitals from touching a patient 1953 but because of his illustrious connections in G B. hospitals could not stop him being `CONSULTANT`…he has trained somewhat in Hong Kong records/ The French PRESS seem rather nervous of him…
Doc Mengele HARRINGTON born 1912 …Joined `dirty JIM-1953` who returned from Kenya to the horror of many good G. B. citizens - & penniless too - he was heard rowing with his wife because he had used her dowry-the divorce in Kenya was laid aside because of his illustrious connections G. B. `following 2 girls whose Ships had come home` - Becomes co-Steward WHITES Club in 1953 - began planned violence again against the families who legally own and run Grote Homes & Ransom Estate- namely Ransom Weddell families & Gronlander lines- 1952/1953 onwards TELEPHONE CALLS TO TERESA GORDON…She had letters from him Kenya 1944/1945 in pale green envelopes…They have been close fiends OF HELL all 2nd World Wartime & have had the RUN of Buckingham Palace & other Marble Halls since 1919... …2 close chums since their EARLY teen years to ANGELA with whose parents they went out in Wales in Witchcraft…
JIM sends via HARRY GORDON snipes at Miss Winifred spinster whose 2 engagements 1930s he helped DESTROY…he likes her kept alone…then he can glean information from her…known her since she was 4 years of age… JIM decided the Ransom 98 acres ARRAN Island Hebrides would be his PAYMENT to sell on-he set about a scare in press that the Scots Islands were being destroyed - his usual co0nnections helped him- They-he-have lived by fraud-theft-violence all 20th century - he is close chum with some EARLS of Lindsaybuggarhs from 1910… records vast about the globe…
1949-1950s - Mengele has 2 known hit & run murders by 1953-other deaths 1951- abuse of children- a terrible trick where a girl had her neck broken- A case in the British Press 1953 the bestial crime putting mice inside the womb of an 18 years old girl SWEDEN-JIM was with Mengele- A British Consul’s assistant would not give evidence- the girl was recovering after 6 months then died because it got in the newspapers of England - It was spoken of by London Medical World 1953... It was known 1950s Mengele used horrible mixes of drugs - & LSD had come into use for the Noble Classes … (they of poverty of intellect & HUMANISM ) -
Records A young man called LEO with the first Computer at Lyons Corner Houses was sickened by creatures like Jim & Mengele out with the highest in the land…LEO slept beside his Computer in sleeping bag-or it rang him up at home & he had to come in after midnight ! (biography since 2,000AD) 1950...Mengele has other obscene crimes talked about - he uses several disguises - as JIM & Lindsay no. 14 did pre-War & very likely afterwards…they had wigs 1930s of different colours - it was difficult to tell them immediately - I G.R. sometimes knew them because they were so very small- like imps- fiendish pixies…
1939 September OUTBREAK OF WAR- increase in violence ordered at Greta Ransom as from the HEIR`s birth 1933 by Lindsaybuggarhs & Gross Brit HIGH CLASS SIN because they intend taking this Estate in secrecy -
they are described as murderers of the GROTE children by witnesses 2nd World War-records- Greetha-Greta heir to Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE -that Tiggy who put a girdle around the Earth twice on his wife‘s ancestral lands- ( her Grandmothers in direct line reach back to 7-8th century CASTILE-) We hold all our Ransom lands investments projects always by invitation not conquest - & take care of our peoples & our lands… …from 1890s when Lindsay Earls claimed the Estate from Mrs Grote because of an 1830 marriage to a Lindsay on the line of her sister-in-law Millie Frobisher there were enough distinguished persons to stop them after the murders of JOHN RANSOM & wife Millicent Frobisher 1890 & 1897 1st World War THE GREAT WAR halted British Scandinavian Noble EVIL somewhat for awhile-
1921 - an organised attack began including LINDSAYBUGGARHS & JIM…& a 21 years old woman who preferred to be called Angela - she now said `an old Eskimo gave her all the Estate & the Homes when she was a child`…(see LIST of what GIRL OF THE SNOWS & HER TRUSTEES left she Angela, husband David, & 2 daughters… LEGAL WILLS operate this great piece of philanthropy from 1890s ! )
The 1920s dopes & liquors fashions were known to have the British Upper Class …who were a very penniless coarse ill-bred upper class… likely to make preposterous claims to Properties-Moneys- Estates- WITHOUT CORRECT DOCUMENTS OF LAW but claiming Noble DIVINITY…
From 1920s began the organised burning of all books on RANSOM WEDDELL GRONLANDER San Julian - Orders given to get rid of all monuments graves all mention of the names-& kill all who know of the Estate & Grote Homes- hunt to death abroad all who have come from the Homes- which are unapproved NOT ACCEPTABLE by The British Empire- It was an Nobles of Gross Britain & Scandinavia obscene madness - but Lindsay Earls had Angela with Imperial Britain to help - they’d give half for help - records/Churchill comments further on-
1938- A bestial crime of 18 years length would have been avoided if ANDRE MALRAUX had received his post 1937 & his copy THE WILL making him GUARDIAN to this vast piece of philanthropy-then he would have spoken with M. de SALLE of PARIS (the son of Elizabeth Ransom`Pastor’s marriage` to a pure Venezulan was adopted in her 2nd marriage to the 18th century banker-letters to Jacque Necker- De SALLE-A SMALL BANKING HOUSE PARIS 18th-19th centuries-
FJR & Greta speak with Monsieur (Ransom) de SALLE 1938 London- Clarke Gable’s cousin (John Weddell line) is with us too - two girls with a pram in the little Park Deptford ask him `are you his brother the actor in San Francisco ? `…A delicate version of Cousin Clarke he say`th `No his cousin -we have been raised in France with his/our great-grandmother’s kin`… THESE two young men, related to Len & Greta, HAVE BEEN ATTACKED BY THE EVIL LINDSAY EARLS…they have managed to ROB them very badly & insult the family of M. de Salle & family in PARIS /Soon they got t he family home France off the cousin who is Aunt Cindy`s son she whom we stay with in her homestead outside Montevideo 1936... Reports are to come…Records/letters/eye witness accounts/
1938 - French Citizen Monsieur de Salle - he has permission to live on the West Greenland GRONLANDER-RANSOM Island Jacopsholmen - with his wife of the Gronlander line Poulsen…their four children…Permission Received LAWFULLY from Ransom Grote Administrators autumn 1938 - Aunt Veronica & Uncle Paul Frobisher (direct line of Millie Frobisher Mrs John Ransom) & family of Canada are sending all ALL the stores- furs- & helpers of good family ) 1760s - The de Salle ancestry is from Elizabeth Ransom 18th century…she frail & ill from childhood made a visit West Indies which had her recover age 26 years in the sun & perhaps it was the diet too- she married a very tall dark brown educated young man in a German Pastor Marriage - ISSUE 1 SON - the line to be killed 1970s by boasting Mengele & Lindsaybuggarhs/ Her letter 18th century to Madame de Stael `it is impossible to bring a man of colour to Europe in this age`…
1937 SUMMER … Andre Malraux returned to PARIS October 1937 but no Post/mail reached him after November - If Gross Britain had not begun theft his POST/mail, he would have saved the PARIS De SALLE family (Ransom Gronlander Poulsen branch) - DEATH inner circle ARCTIC - Jacopsholmen island off Xristensharb…XMAS TIDE 1939-1942...2 girls 13 & 11 years old survive into1950s…
“ … the de Salle parents & 2 tiny boys would not have died on Jacopsholmen Island just inside the Arctic circle - Sarah & her sister 13 & 10 years old would not have been imprisoned there 17 years by JIM Jong Major James-Carew who with Army thugs turned them out of our great warm RANSOM house December 1939- help from Army thugs special extra PAY & Royal Navy LARKS… Letters/records/accounts-volume printed in other languages-offshore 1970s- ANDRE MALRAUX is official GUARDIAN this Island & properties the Estate of Gertrud Poulsen Mrs Frederick RANSOM (grand-daughter of POUL) given lawfully to her daughter Margarethe & she lawfully to her brother JOHN`s great grand-daughter GRETA RANSOM & LEN Immanuel RANSOM his grandson - `to erect the University POUL GRONLANDER when you can`…`1770 Decree` to Jacob POULSEN elder son of POUL… |
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