Greta Ransom

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Part II

1944 - `PETER GRIMES` the new Opera of Ben Britten dominated our class at school & Mr Salt played the sea music on the piano after he had taken the music students over to Aldeburgh… & everyone likes Vaughn Williams - Major Glenn Miller & all the big band swing of the war years & pre-war played on BBC or records are a great help getting up winter mornings in unheated houses - & 1944 our Music Teacher Raymond Salt Pacifist & Royal college of Music took the class up to JOB a Masque for Dancing in London -

1944 - Mad Mother Kali Clytemnestra Old Mother Ransom Riley would NOT let me go & called me Pauper & said `I I I come from that sort of life - NOT YOU … YOU PAUPER ! … I am told by my my MY friends to keep you down - down- down. .. I had to marry your bloody father because of you…”

“ Your bloody father a waster drinks beer my SORT my sort MY SORT only DRINK BRANDY I I I MARRIED TO GET MONEY ! WE ALL MARRY TO GET MONEY ! PAH ! Pah! PAH ! …. He…him…FRED RANSOM… will NOT NOT NOT RETURN … so you YOU YOU need not think YOU Ape Eskimo are getting away from US US US … ! (not get away from Noble Britain !)

(… if only this French-American keyboard had a SIGN for STICKING THE TONGUE OUT ! … )

(When I am in my teens an automatic reply to this eruption is

“… who who who would want to get away from you & your posh lot…”

I mean to stop her Volcanic eruption but she laughs & laughs… At least

it stops her picking up a pan of boiling water or a kettle full & throwing it at me… Miss Winnie Aunt still says go & pray for her…but I do not !

They destroyed Andre- …who are “ George & Greetah summer 1947” …

& now I am told he has NO MEMORY of me - & yet he is often over in East Anglia … I have no father & his parents are not in my memory or LEN … Lennie he best friend until he went away to WAR 1939...HE IS NOT IN MY MEMORY…


THE NOBLE IMPERIAL BRITAIN MOBS & Scandinavia… have learned it visiting Great War (1st W. War) damaged soldiers in the NUT HOUSES… They REMOVE THEIR MEMORIES…& this LOT THEN TAKE THEIR MONEYS HOMES POSSESSIONS… ! DEUS VULT … ?

1960s - We hear from Lord this & that how “ THAT PACK would go for the old relatives in the families - it was how they got money for the SEASON or the Races… They were all HIGH on dope & booze…” !



& THIS IS HOW SHE IS WHEN SHE HAS BEEN UP IN LONDON THE NIGHT BEFORE at parties Admiralty & down WHITEHALL where they ALL have parties with strong DRINK & expenses so they can go & dine after the working desks are closed…They also have “Angela`s place now… The Palace where they have been running riot at the back since kids”… says Uncle Harry Gordon

& many people grown-up he knows … They all know dope-fiends of the RACES…1920s & after I am born 1930s…& leave the RACES when they come on …

1944 - Miss Aunt Winnie ATS only tells me G.R. to go into church & pray for her SHEshe Clytemnestra Old Mother R

1942-1943 … Angela has sent me a message from her Palace ... I am not to use the name Ransom but call myself `Pearl Barley`

… “ The Nation is ruled by a falling British Empire who drink & take cocaine & things…” … say the intellectuals at school …

… A SONG BY HOAGY CARMICHAEL is sometimes sung in the Playground of the Town Schools … `kicking the gong` & another about a woman `counting a million dollars in nickels & dimes from the King of Sweden`

The teachers on duty Playground stop them singing it loudly with dancing … but are not so strict on very cold winter days … WE ARE CHILDREN IN WARTIME & they make allowances … & their parents know of LINDSAYBUGGARHS on the seafront from 1910 … & some understand the Mission come from THE NORTH POLE …

1937 Summer - JO liking Jack Teagarden & wanted to get back to PARIS to hear him - if Clara did not shoot them first/this worried me - Clara with a gun chasing them about Paris …

P A R I S …. where I had been December 1935 with Daddy, JEAN & Grandpa & LENNIE had me on my REINS& we had a lovely time in the Salpetrie Hospital having my heart checked … & they are all coming up to JACOPSHOLMEN to help … & COMING ROUND THE GROTE HOMES - OH HEART EXCELLENT - VERY STRONG -

but we missed Margarethe girl of the SNOWS for she had to go to ROME to see her grandson a priest … however I did a drawing for Mr Bukharin RUSSIA *of his mother when a girl Oh such a nice kind looking girl … in the photograph with Tiggy & Margarethe in Aunt Margarethe`s apartment where we stay a short time he was pleased & replied … or do I mean M. Bulgakov writer , Lennie ?

1930s - Mr Teagarden is the only black jazz musician Granny Gordon will let Harry play on the gramophone after Grandpa George Ernest has died- the year of mourning- 1937

I think it was his comforting name- Mr Tea Garden-dear Mr Tea Garden … perhaps she did not hear `Mr Jeckyl & Mr Hyde & the

bottle of gin` song… but then you never knew in this family who they had met they had the old Catholic grapevine said Auntie Julie Butler that brought in Varese/Charles Bronson/& some surprising people nice & kindly…

1936 - Pre-war I know Villa Lobos, old Varese -well really young still- & Muddy Waters or some one with a name like that at Memphis who let me play spoons as Aunt Mag girl of the snows has them all UNDER AN UMBRELLA - & Buddy Bolden used to play Trumpet heroically over the river when they read BEN HUR in the evenings after work …

… If MEMPHIS has a river then the Mary Rose our Family ship used to sail in with Fred Gertrud & children … Aunt Mag their daughter who begins her first Mission for widows & orphans at Dussledorf age 15 years old - with help from her father my grandpa Fred RANSOM twice - back … helps so many people have a civilized life -

1935 November - The Family they say when I was wandering round the JACOPSHOLMEN Island October 1935 when we went for our National Day … I met his ghost FRED RANSOM … & said my name RANSOM & HE JUMPED IN ... that is the only explanation for my great & astonishing strength & energy …

I will carry cousin Clarke`s oilcans to his car … he is finishing SAN FRANCISCO a film he likes making … & the Weddell cousins will all have a special showing & some may go up to stay with him …

1937 SUMMER - Andre did not believe an ISLAND IN THE SNOW - our heart & soul’s home 19th- 20th centuries was not at all real to him - until Aunt Terry Butler told him December 1959 -

The Noble bilge rats bombed it in secrecy 1960 June …

pretending it was all decayed - & belonged to them & Denmark- but Norway were calling the Nobles of Europe such names - wanting to grab for themselves -

How differently ANDRE MALRAUX regards my Granny Gordon - she is to him MARY GORDON still a girl - & she can tell him many things he needs to know about the world he lives in - I did not know for years she had warned him of JIM not properly that is perhaps ? … & did he know whom she mean`t by Angela & her parents leading the young into some witchcraft … not often white witchcraft … when they the early 1920s DOPE FIENDS are on the PIN -

1957 November - THE Roman Catholic WIDOWER of Josette George-ANDRE MALRAUX November 1957 is giving me my memory back at St. Edmund’s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square - annex French Legation & Roman Catholic hostel Charity Mission & workshop - Andre Malraux’s LONDON HOME -

Here he speaks upon that 20 years ago SUMMER 1937 at Clacton-on-Sea -reminding me of myself & he & Nausicaea-Cassiopeia our Queen of the Dancing our JO-

It is but 20 years ago & to grown-ups still close in time …

Georges or Andre … he has notebooks & memories …

I have no memory I once that child G.R. b 1933 KEPT RINGED ABOUT BY BEASTS OF PREY…”

as LIR LENNIE recorded in his Diaries 1938 -

1957 November - Evenings - Here comes the house-keeper `Auntie` French/Rumanian of No 50 Lancaster Gate Square chosen by Clara Malraux 1st wife Registry Office

or a spooky servant … with 2 cups of warming beverage - hot chocolate or coffee for Greetah & always tea for Mr Malraux … Malraux will often take the coffee back & return with a cup of hot milk for me or ask for it to be replaced he says « you have been ill … I am taking up my duties again …I find I MAY DO SO AS A CIVILIZED PERSON … & we are going to begin our life again … & I have told your mother this … & she is to leave your room for I do not want her here … I am not satisfied with her conduct in the matter of our lives … over the last ten years

… in this OUR HOME … `

All `cuppas` are laced with `NO MEMORY` for G.R. & for Andre Malraux Writer a mixture to make him “ … a nervous cat on a sinking ship ringed by hungry sharks … ”

These are the acids mixtures of MENGELE paedophile - who wishes the GUARDIAN & HEIR to know nothing of the ESTATE he also like NOBLE BRITAIN PIMPS UPON … & he rages with jealousy that Greetah & ANDRE can sit an evening together at their books before taking 9 hours sleep … & they can walk miles & Mr Mengele Doc Harrington Gollum Royal Satrap in his 6 inch boots cannot keep up with us

(he is an awful little RUNT au naturel & I did not recognise HARRINGTON out of the disguise which resembles MALRAUX from the back or the side…he has fooled the STAFF in the house … I only knew him as Mengele or Dr H. = HELL… )

Mr Mengele paedophile GOLLUM Doc Harrington will be made a Peer, if he sees Andre & Greta do not stay together ... they will inevitably learn of the ESTATE - THE GROTE HOMES - THE LEGAL WILL …

& THE GREATEST CRIME ON EARTH COMMITTED BY NOBLE BRITAIN for dough…/noble Britain a coarse gang of creatures that are pre-Lucy Leakey…All of them are getting moneys from Prostitution houses somewhere in G.B. or overseas…they use THESE DOPES on girls & young men … children…


MEMORY REMOVE acids/ were developed the Great War in hospitals for shell-shock soldiers & others…they remove the memory very well…BUT THE PATIENT IS NOT TO SEE ANYTHING…photos-persons-places - & TO HAVE NO LETTERS ` Words spoken disappear to another part of the brain- Illness can sometimes reel some memory back or an anaesthetic from the dentist - but the dope used by the EVIL is very strong & is to produce a zombie who cannot follow 3 words at a time … The EVIl very often are ON THE PIN & have acquired good skill in their planned GREED … control of others for DOUGH … their bestial criminal insanity -

When I have escaped these cups then Mr Mengele will be at the top of No 50 where my room is… haunting the passage by my top room-with a needle ready…`I will not have you Ape remembering my patient Andre Malraux…`

1944 onwards … Mr Mengele Harrington & others top-notch

are paid for his crimes against good citizens of Gross Britain & THE WORLD … from blood & gore moneys & it is authorised by KUDOS from the top … THUS CITY LONDON ELDERS 1960s “ wanted the lot of them ANCHORED TO THEIR CRIME of killing for money “…these children are in pits & offshore in nets …


Mr Mengele … (whose 40 Saville Row suits stink of dung) is living on the moneys of blood & gore GROTE HOMES SLAIN CHILDREN - & when he Doc H. goes abroad & drives smart cars in England he is told by Angela to dip in - to the FORTUNE

Nota bene : Just how much she is in control of her head/her mind can be questioned for Mr Mengele`s C A T ( his moggie ) WEARS Angela`s DIAMOND EARRINGS … he LIFTED them he says to CHECK how compos mentis she is ! Mengele taps his head & yawns as he explains PUSSUMS sparklers being THE REAL THING ~ ( that is his witty dinner party penthouse latest )

1951/1952 - Report by Doc Mengele on Angela :

her son-in-law (known to them at Penthouse RAVES as

`the Grocer`s errand boy` ) called on Mengele Harrington to calm down his new MUM-in-law … when the modern medical world said she was a case of BAG-O-MANIA & dope addiction Her son-in-law called on Doctor Mengele Harrington … known for his dead mother/Montmorency line … AT COURT reports impeccable/some went with brain drain/

`once upon a Time` it was a form of treason to have her state known to the regular old physicians some of whom would certainly NOT WISH TO KNOW … but OTHERS might say RETIRE HER TO A MONASTERY … Athos ? She has grown up a young person of evil decades 20th century … & unfortunate enough to gather to her also JIM JONG ON THE PIN … the pair had descended upon Mary Gordon & family from 1919 … she with the 3 families of Southern Irish cousins… often raising some good horses …

Leading to 1919 the burning down in doped up spite of the young Murphy home … only Cousin Brian Murphy age 6 years saved being thrown out of a window …

1900s onwards - But the training MISCHIEF SITE may have been a Horse training & Ceremonial Grounds outside London … my grandpa George E. Gordon took his daughter Teresa age 6 years there in 1912 for he believed this child was going to be a good horsewoman … Here Teresa Elizabeth Gordon met evil mischief … records/Paulette Goddard the actress had some surprising observances … she is in photos in her pram …

20th century Protocol of Vikings & Huns implied `matter to be dealt with privately or could upset the money-market ...

This was a gathering modern CODE 20th century with the British Empire fallen in soggy diseased poisoned waterways- DECLINE …


1870s -20th century … Oh - NOT ENOUGH DOUGH !

OH THE TIMES … Angela friend of LINDSAYBUGGARHS Clacton GRAND, a Bolt Hole Norfolk & illicit holdings Scotland … with Mr JIM Jong ON THE PIN … he trained 2 years PEKIN Opera ( by a respectable Chinese grandfather who worried at him committing some unusual crimes in his teens )

& 2 RAMPARTS OF British & Scandinavian PENNILESS NOBLE dope-fiends from 1920s were encouraged to be DIVINE (Caligula & Nero style … )

1932 … & still dragging Tree Gordon in for VENEER & to stop any scatty Newspaper questioning the drunken SHIPS OF EVIL FOOLS … suddenly it had to be … put on even keel somewhat :

1933 onwards - Teresa Gordon R told to kill her young husband ( known now as CLYTEMNESTRA ) was shouting about GROTE HOMES brats & RANSOM APES & an old ESKIMO HAD TO GIVE HER … SHE SHE SHE ALL THE FORTUNE in a million nickels & dimes

1947 - LINDSAY Earls & so many NOBLE BRITISH had climbed

on the CHARNAL CARTS since 1937 summer … filling saddle bags full … As Augusta Frobisher writes 1953


1953 November onwards - Mengele Doctor HARRINGTON

went or sent his DAME a blonde nurse, to collect once a month his household expenses from a Midlands firm-bank accounts in name of Greta Ransom & Len I. Ransom…legal heirs -

to the greatest most exquisite philanthropy the globe … these HIGH PIN NOBLES call it `the fortune of an old Eskimo`

Andre Malraux Guardian the Estate

has no idea until 17 December 1959 …

he is often under threats of death should he find out his Guardianship - Attacks continue 1950s on Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM- to whom Angela (of `Ange & Tree` 1920s/40s) … has sent message October 1957 via Whitehall …

“ …. Yes she knows she is there with Malraux & she does not have to straighten her hair any longer…. ”

Have another drink - Cats of Kilkenny -

Xmas is coming… /


1937 Summer Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX autumn 1957... thee did hold back winter for mee - Where did I put my porridge bowl ? Ah…on my shelf on the moon ! And a crown of stars I made thee - from the evening tide - 1937- Cassiopeia our Queen did sleep until The Dancing time…..”

~ Evenings of George-Andre & Greta late autumn into winter 1957 St Edmund`s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square - before the re-vowing upon the Feast of St Cede 7th JANUARY ~ Bishop of Londinium & OTHONA - great fort of Rome -along the Saxon shores…~

1937 SUMMER An afternoon shopping Andre Saint George & Greetah he & mee`eh in Clacton-on-sea town, a ride on a tram/trolley to a ride on two donkeys at Holland-on-Sea…a visit to the Gift Shop Pier Avenue full of everything interesting & from Japan too … & he selects a hat which I insist upon paying for…Granny Gordon Mary Helena ( as her youngest son Harry sometimes calls her when they speak upon Irish Parliament Da`il matters & the world of Southern Ireland…matters outside Essex reaching into horrible Western Scotland … `where bloody liars live or come who kill for BRASS…` ) …

This SUMMER 1937 … Mary Helena has told me to help buy some things for the young people from SPAIN & pay for it all … sometimes for things they`d not need every day… I should remember I am their guest this lengthened time their STAY… My white bag on a strap across my chest is kept full of notes by Uncle Harry & she & Daddy …This is the purse Len & I had filled with too much DOUGH from the Bank that afternoon in RIO…- but we were safe 1935 December in RIO High Street …

Granny Mary Helena she reminds me that Len & I hath income enough for the provision of our Apprentices Hostel for orphans at Holland-on-sea & our little engineering concern … & this young man has a good heart & risked his life in Spain & the young lady with him .

I say outside the Clacton Pier Way Gift Shop to Andre-George he should have a hat like Grandpa would wear before he went to Heaven my last birthday time this

… Grandpa was tall too, & the Edwardian straw with his old school ribbon band of Dr Bell’s Academy Greenwich had the sight of him always make me feel happy…it was a comforting sight to see… he Grandpa would have a sketch book…for a painting to begin…or we `d go to see a little garden & talk… have TEA with his sister-in-laws The Misses Bessie Martha so holy…& Annie Agnes artist & holy too my great auntsbut Annie reads me The Ingoldsby Legends so well & they can be `rumbustious `.

… I hear that « the woman of NO BREEDING like Teresa SHEshe a one time friend « they both sound like fiends… that Angela has called my Grandpa Gordon ` The Law Enforcement MAN ` … & the Lindsaybuggarhs pulled him off his bike to make her laugh & scattered his painting materials all over the Seafront Road outside the GRAND … That was 1934 when I just new to the globe ... Miss Win is bitter over this & thinks it was because us a new Family RANSOM came to live at the seaside … but my father has married her sister Teresa 1932 & she should be grateful we cope with these ship wrecks from the 1920s … But Uncle Harry says «Oh they are all DOPE FIENDS … their first 2 hours are the worst tear the shirt off your back if they think you have a QUID hidden at the GEE GEES…» Everyone tries to STOP JIM sticking to them like a sticky toffee paper …

1937 Summer That he Andre might like to look like Grandpa Gordon … ?

I try convey this to Andre-George-Andrew- But he said he did not want to draw attention to himself & wanted … something to

hide under (Clara waving guns might find us ? )

So with great care & a trying on of this & that he chose a slinky tobacco coloured fine straw trilby as I had seen men wear in JEAN’s country- South America- last year … & it only cost two shillings -

He went around the hat stand outside the Gift Shop his extra inches leaning this way & that like a sea serpent or a delicate bull-rush on the marshes … trying the hats on like a pretty girl buying an Easter bonnet … the Ingoldsby Legends manner might say !

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