Greta Ransom

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POUL married Margaret Yates-shipping-Carlisle & she helped him with his work- she 19 years of age married Poul about 21 years old- Ceremony at Frederickstown-they have 5 children & brother Jacop Gronlander Poulsen the eldest son is grandfather to Margarethe Ransom Grote-John & Poul Ransom…A sister has her family line in America when we visit 1936...

“ His mother who had travelled to Venice taught him all about nature-matter & the STARS…She says `WE WILL GO because they are worlds like this …we will go IN SHIPS THAT WILL TAKE US through the air…” We call her the first Astra-physicist of Greenland…`little soft white snow paws fox-squirrel-Maria`…her other names are lost to GR/

Records Dr John Ray & Ransom families/Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux 1960 onwards/

1936 autumn - Len & I are making a book on the ancestors-he is drawing the graves-we did some work at Montrose Farm 1936 where we stayed with the Old Ransoms of John brother of Fred Ransom of Jacopsholmen-

The Ransom families USA threatened to peg us on the line with our earth smelling clothes & Ida/Ivy Ransom from America said ‘they cannot come in the dining-room for tea…’ Her two sons are sailing in The Basin-but it was appreciated what we had set about-recording all the inscriptions that had to be covered up when religious maniac times arose-

1937 - ANDRE MALRAUX did not hear or follow the meaning of my fading faltering speech on FRED RANSOM grandpa twice back “…he helped a man paint a Raft in Paris…”

1938 March - next year my 5th birthday I receive from Aunt Margarethe a present from her father now dead - The LOG OF THE MEDUSA - It used to be on the altar of our Jacopsholmen Island Church after FR picked it up on the floor of his dead friend`s Studio Paris- We had Masses said for them their souls…& the Log was on the Our Lady Church Altar Clacton-on-Sea & in the library Montfort Lodge for visitors & students for two weeks March 1938 -

With the Mass for the MEDUSA we combined a MASS for Bishop Arnulf of Greenland … & everyone say`th he the old Bishop will be surprised UP THERE to get a MASS after so long… as he lived in the 12th century when RANSOM sailed under the Flag of Queen Margarethe of Danmark & she had The Monopoly of Greenland Trade- she lived to be 92 years old !

1938 - will HAPPEN killings … & after 1937 that Summer of peace … Jimmie Jong kills Aunt Margarethe Ransom Grote 15th Mai -JIM slit a vein behind her ear - he & noble scum were never to know where she was being kept safe 1938 - soon she was to leave for France & New York - With a change of RULERS 1937 the Post/mail is now very easy to steal & phone calls traced & good Citizens interfered with by break-IN ENTRY…

Our RANSOM 2,000 years of good husbandry is to have all records destroyed & this has been going on for 20 years…our lands & philanthropy are stolen by massive violence & FRAUD kicking in with BIG IMPERIAL BOOTS- The slaying of the million GROTE CHILDREN A to Z the globe is already Planning …excuses for logging-removing & killing families on the settlements-farming & fishing are possible by GOVERNMENT LORDS for the Crown emptying Banks of our Capital & funding in smaller nations, especially South America to begin with …2nd World War will be used as COVER for shameless criminal insanity by ON THE PIN-

1938 March - My 5th birthday present from Mr Pong -

Mr Pong came with a Clock an owl clock he had made - then he said it was a bomb & would go off at 9.30pm- I waited until he had gone-then carefully got out of bed & took it down the stairs to the garden-

or it might blow a hole in the Old Road & the cars could not get by -

IT WENT OFF AT 12 MIDNIGHT - I was asleep & half woke to hear it- but I had put it far away in a safe place-it did not go off at 9.30pm -

JIM Mr Pong’s bomb -

It blew a hole the size of the ancient Crater of the Island of SANTORIN … where Fred & Gertrud Ransom used to sail by with the children in the last century - I heard next day of the awesome breaking of windows in other houses too & water mains - some gas pipes & things- Daddy & friends got busy mending & the Town knew who had done it - the Council had to help with the technical & dangerous parts of the restoration of underground pipes & pipes into the other houses …

When the Police went to get JIM & the other one Lindsay 14-two evil little jack-in-the-boxes- they hear the pair were `off shore` Earl No 12 lied as usual/Daddy & others went with guns to the GRAND…

(I think all the Noble monsters who have robbed us should be made to carry one of these OWL BOMBS to the bottom of their gardens…the HOLES can be turned into boating lakes…& make PROFIT for repair of our Estate ….GR …no need to wait for their birthdays…)

1942/1943 - Lindsay Earl 14 is to go bankrupt because of 2 sets of Death Duties soon -See accounts/records/diaries-the murder of 9 years Newfoundland heir Miss `d`Uff MacDrew 1942 Castle Hedingham/ in Greta Ransom’s class Captain Learoy School Clacton-on-sea- & this nearly an Earl very rude to us Sea heirs to both of us in our class room one morning …

( the Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX are told 1960 by those who put away records/other records emerge…) This cruel little Jack-in-the-Box bosom chum of JIM Mr Pong…wants control of our lands- HE IS like all of them Noble… ON THE PIN-

TRUE STORIES FOR GROWN UPSRANSOM & branches/ & True Stories “ THE GROTE BROKERS SAILED IN… putting monsters like the British Nobles on a raft for any bestial evil- Like cutting the tongue out of 2 years old `Artinuous` rescued & educated at 21 years for two years by GROTE HOMES he became a known Man of Arab Letters. He is rescued in her Holy Work Holiday in The Pacific by the Revd. Mother Majorie Mainwarring…she called GROTE BROKERS attention. She does not like cruelty for greed as she an heir was put in a coffin age 10 years of age for 10 minutes…for being an heir Scotland/rescued…her history known to several family & official sources/

1938 - told to The Guardian Andre Malraux 1973 /

Diaries LIR et al & Greta Ransom W. age 40 remembering :

ANDRE MALRAUX did not know of this OWL BOMB present from Mr Pong for Greta`s 5th birthday 1938 until I was reminded & spake when we all had `a day out` on The Thames in 1973 - LIR confirmed it from his diary & his two dead brothers diaries- FJR my poor young father is now dead killed by Mengele Harrington a CRIME not exposed until 1988-1992.. Dr John RAY/rae®Ransom USA citizen about to return to Washington for SENATE WORK…disappeared at Montrose 1969/1970...had petrol poured down his throat he invited by the Tenant for the Crown to step over the doorstep of our 1500 home-Where F.R. brought his ‘dear lady of Japan’ his 2nd bride- & we are descended from their first sonthis tenant was put under sand & gravel later …& it is about the Town & Shires G.B. that the Territorials `got the buggarh`…they missed Mengele`s part -

Genealogy RANSOM by FJR & other lines-/guided by retired Heralds` workers 1920s…/begins 77 AD Thames islet & LONDINIUM/to Suffolk coasts/Dunwich Port…useful for shipping BC on the East Anglian coast…

` The tenant 1969/70 of our Montrose farm was exterminated

( c 1973 ) by Britishers … He spoke in a lordly manner of being Tenant for The Crown & he was ON THE PIN - This crown has stolen this Estate September 1939 after JIM has murdered horribly the old RANSOM couple who are childless…she a Miss Preston/Prestwick/or Priestly/ …pouring petrol down their throats setting them on fire accompanied by 6-7 Army gear thugs calling him JIMMIE -

JIM a Major 1939 with a 2-Man Intelligence Unit back of Buckingham Palace 1939/1944 -

was now in charge for Nobles & Crown with 6 or more Army thugs of all Ransom properties … including Jacopsholmen Island Greenland…where JIM has imprisoned in a hut the de Salle family of PARIS with 4 children under 13 years of age - throwing them out of our great warm well appointed-provisioned Ransom family home in December 1939 into the Arctic winter - several accounts/records/witnesses-

The tenant in the 1970s for the murder of Dr JOHN RAY Ransom had a truck of sand & gravel poured over him - but Mr Mengele Harrington in disguise GOT AWAY…” Terrible records are gathered by many for-&-with Detectives/Colleagues of Andre Malraux…

Nota bene : A CRIMINAL cunning Fraud trick of JIM-Lindsay-others : is to insert a little line in documents when stealing properties-lands-goods & chattels & that line says it is `property of the Crown … `Jim is said to have invented it in the 1930s because this means the wheeling-dealing can all go UNDERGROUND…CROWN does not have to DECLARE what it has thieved ! This intimidating LINE DISAPPEARS in FINAL DOCUMENTS …

1969 Whitsun - PORTFOLIO…

brought to England by Dr JOHN RAY Ransom MARTYR…from the USA STATE DEPARTMENT Washington … to British ADMIRALTY Whitehall …

…records of slain GROTE CHILDREN have been kept

in secrecy by those NOT EVIL…(Reference Rear Admiral Alfred Charles RANSOM1946 December & other Naval seniors…Present Greta Ransom & ANDRE MALRAUX …& 3 young men of families descended from JAMES WEDDELL The SEA sub-arctic…his Catholic-Quaker marriage to Aelovedmah-Maria Miss San Julian INCA 1924 ...

issue 2 sons James & John Weddell…JAMES II father of JEAN WEDDELL BALLERINA Argentine…legal marriage to MINERVA-Olivea Hesketh issue 2 daughters…previous marriage dissolved to a Mr Bussie? A business man Shakers countree…who wrote one book of Philosophy1 dau Melanie of the telegrams ` We shopped until we dropped for the XMAS we are to have on JACOPSHOLMEN to welcome `the baby doll` to our vast family…September 1933..

Nota bene : Dr John RAY comes officially but in silence…HUMANISTS in Washington USA & Scarlet Town Britain…want this GENOCIDE stopped ! The mature GROTE CHILDREN, their families, even their grandchildren are being HUNTED as “big game” by Noble Madness of Gross Britain

I suggest this is read against Hindemith & Hartmann Violin Concertos…1938/1939 … clouds of War…& 2 genocides…

One of madness Nazi…one of doped up GREED Gross Britain NOBLES…madness of IMPERIAL BIG BOOTS…

1969 - Dr John Ray sent a letter to Peter J.P. Whitehead, Zoology British Museum NATURAL HISTORY, he was to arrive with PORTFOLIO- control the criminal activity about all of us-there would be some control-Kennedy had begun this/the initial research 1960 paid for by his parents-approved by the Senate as a private matter/GROTE HOMES slain children/- LETTER STOLEN by G.B. Lords & Crown -

1972 March - LIR (Dr Len I. Ransom) - renaissance evening 19/20th March at The Pillar House Harwell - murder of Dr John Ray/rae Ransom - MARTYR as his parents & brother Frederick John RANSOM March 1969 - who was to take up Senate Work USA in 1970 …he had been invited to do so…3 degrees Astra-physics/Animal management/LAW/…

LIR … “ Duck Soup - My brother is missing & we now know dead - he sent a letter from New York (1969 ) Peter did not get it - My brother John he told how the Bowl … (Nota bene : Hollywood Bowl -Aunt Margarethe put money into it- musicians Mossolov & others her Russian acquaintances & her parents- ask Bela Lugosi- “a very nice man - he could have had a legal career “…asides by Lennie whom I do not know…he dressed as Malone/POLITAN his Medici SCRIBE )…

LIR - “…the letter said the Hollywood Bowl has been got off them - `we have it back ` - my brother was coming on USA State matters - not in lordly fashion did he come…but to some human beings who did not want this matter any longer covered up - nailed down - under the decks

….(letter to PJPW BM Natural History 1969 is stolen -

all his post is searched from November 1967...

Whitehead twins are a danger to the Noble criminals :

1940 - their grandfather REW had obtained a copy WILL from New York USA/from in-laws/Sparkman New York Yacht Club & Yacht builders/others gave REW information upon the ESTATE 1939/The little British committee of old Q.C. & K.C experienced men of the LAW had been told the scrap of a WILL was not legal & the person with the Estate rather illiterate…incapable…it was in the RED…Estate claimed by Lindsay Earls & British Government & `ANGELA` had been given GIFTS from the Estate for her DOWRY by an old Eskimo…)

LIR “ MY BROTHER HAD NO IDEA WHEN HE CALLED HERE that Peter had not got his letter…”

“ ( 1969 Whitsun-May , The Pillar House HARWELL/Records of the Visit which was not understood & included the intrusion of Doc Mengele HARRINGTON into the garden with Mrs L.P. of Blewbury… & Teresa Gordon R. 2 minutes… acting CRAZY /SHEshe in half an hour telephoned Peter saying she was having such a lovely day out at Brighton- LIES ! )

1972 - LIR - or that Mrs Whitehead had no idea whom he was-that she’d never understood…for her memory was removed daily…as sometimes done to other& ANDRE to you…It is an old trick we are told…in Noble Britain… ` ( Duck Soup may be a code name-as Scarlet Town for London-used by Secret Services or The Admiralty …Operation Duck Soup ?

A reference to Marx Bros film ? …._)

1969 “My brother came with Portfolio from USA…

From the USA Department of State & Senate figures who agreed 1960/1961 President Kennedy could investigate this FRAUD which began with the slaying of the USA Thomas Immanuel Grote Homes children round the globe- using the 2nd World War as Cover -”

(reference G.R. heard JIM speak of the Plans to kill all the Grote children 1940 winter Salisbury Plains Bulford Camp)-

1972 March - LIR - `A PORTFOLIO from USA State Office…

had been agreed…it would be accepted…a request to know where some of the children on certain Pacific islands had been buried at sea- drowned in nets- it was known the information was there… kept safe in British Admiralty records (confirmed December 1946) - `…available said some good men in Admiralty Records & still there Whitehall in spite of the depth-charging in a hurry March/June 1960 after Andre (Andre Malraux) 1959 December/1960 January… was told of the fate of the orphans about the world & the Estate…some explanation by Miss Teresa Butler & other persons in fear that winter 1959/1960 `

Nota bene : REAR ADMIRAL Alfred Charles RANSOM is elder cousin to Dr JOHN RAY Ransom…LIR & FJR & Ivy Jean RANSOM…

1957 October…onwards … Ivy Ransom had to protect her brother FJR who had been attacked again at night in the street as from 1945...their flat was also broken into one afternoon-she feared to tell him what was missing from his photos-poems-family histories- This was because of the two visits to FJR (father of Greta) by ANDRE MALRAUX late October 1957...MALRAUX accompanied by a person in debt to WHITES Club for 2000 pounds sterling of heroin…

“ It was learned that certain NOBLE Naval figures were up in airplanes from March 1960 eyeing the Scandinavian lands of the Estate & that their greed was out of control- Mr Mengele Harrington was often there & advice came always from Mr Jong Steward of WHITES CLUB… ALL OF THEM ON THE PIN

1972 - Speaking is Dr Len I. Ransom/Arthur Malone detective to Andre Malraux/ present is Andre Malraux-another-renaissance evening

19-20th March 1972 The Pillar House Harwell -

Nota bene : President Kennedy is alive until 1963 -` he cleared with Senate & had a 4 man Team to uncover this Fraud-violence-deaths of the children- His parents who had known Margarethe Ransom Grote & the families were PAYING ALL EXPENSES- The accounts/witness reports of the killings of the GROTE HOMES orphans is extensive-

A strong mind is required to read what British Scandinavian Nobles did ON THE PIN to get dough-

1939 onwards - Many matters not understood by Greetah Ransom

or lost by brutal abuse 2nd World War 1939-1945 directed by ON THE PIN PURPLE POWER NOBLES COMMITTING BESTIAL SAVAGE CRIMES against the Family Estate & she/thousands of other human beings too.. When Ransom & Gordon men went off to WAR G.R.

is 6 years coming 7 years old - She had never seen a photograph her father’s brother educating in USA Dr JOHN RAY/rae ® middle son of little JEAN ballerina the grand-daughter of JAMES WEDDELL SUB-ARCTIC SEA- but GR knew all the Family histories as Dr JOHN RAY did from his LETTERS FROM JEAN 1920s/1930s…the ballerina mother he never knew was his own…until someone USA took pity & told him after her poisoning end of Summer 1938 …

Family histories of WEDDELL cousins of whom there are so many & they visit England …SAN JULIAN highly educated Roman Catholic INCA ancient line had his 3 Ice Breakers & went to Rome with his wife & only child AElovmedah-Maria (great-great Grandmother to Greta… & San Julian her father he a great humanist & sometime a very good Acting Governor for Spain getting GOOD CONDITIONS for black & Indian peoples working in MINES for IMPERIAL GREED - This post as Full Governor offered to JAMES WEDDELL-OF THE WEDDELL SEA 1829 - but the British top-notch objected- for James Weddell & his father-in-law Y. Josef San Julian would get many improvements for Tierra del Fuego & Peru…& these would CUT THE GROSS PROFIT for Europe & Gross Britain…

1880s - Tierra del Fuego & lower South America -

True horrible Tales 1880s- recorded by a young RN his writings protected

by his servant after his murder for revealing this G.B. & Dutch et al awful MINES bestial labour-whole families who never saw daylight-ate the donkey droppings- (1930s Whitehall sent a Worker woman to demand them from RANSOM & others- they were not given up-copy will have been given to educated human-beings-)

1917/18 - Deptford `Jerusalem` - AN EVENING CALL BY LINDSAY WOMEN in their carriage - THE ATTACK BY THEM ON THE 1 month old JOHN (Ray) RANSOM …

LIR has a photograph of his mother 1st World War & he has coloured it & used a drawing of it for a magazine article 1950s… :

1914-1919 - LIR “JEAN MY MOTHERbefore I am born …she became an Orderly in the War…she had no nursing skills…she wore this fitted smart uniform issued to them with a nipped in waist, a khaki brown colour…to above the ankles…She told the wounded men tales of her homeland Argentina & the other nations she had kin- Peru, Tierra del Fuego…Mexico… One poorly young fellow recovered mightily & vowed he would go to the Argentine if he lived. He took his family, his parents, his in-laws…some friends…they all kept in touch…by letters…we visited too when we could…He says `To think we came without a penny…& now have comfortable homes, 2 acres we grow food on & sell as well…other occupations…good schools…friends…a blessed life…`

JEAN- she had the TWO GIRLS in the daytime…they who had looked after `Jerusalem` for Frederick Charles…since he was a teenager when his mother died…The girls took good care of the house, all the cooking in those days, & CLEANED TOP TO BOTTOM EVERY 2 WEEKS…You may recall how my father would help them too when you were a child..& he would make them COCOA in wintertime…2 spoonfuls of cocoa & crystal sugar & rich milk…This was their treat & he & they had done it since they were all very young…

The Great War - JEAN SAID SHE FOULD THE HOUSE CREEPY ON HER OWN after the girls had gone home & she left just with the two children at night, Fred & IvyDad away at Sea…SHE SAID MILLIE`s GHOST WAS EVERYWHERE in the tiny house ! She would do her ballet practice & felt MILL watched her twirling her skating boots sitting at the bottom of the stairs…

MY FATHER HAD NOT TOLD HER OF THE HORROR from LINDSAY EARLS & GANG…he had been taught NOT TO FEEL REVENGE…at the hill top school in Derbyshire he was hidden away in to escape the MADNESS OF THE LINDSAY cousins…. WANTING TO KILL EVERYONE WHO HAD AN INTEREST IN GROTE HOMES & Aunt Mag`s Estate…& the Frobisher lands come to she & her brother living in Canada-Florida oranges Estate…

“ 1909 the wedding…the LINDSAY had come in force…admired her magnificent trousseau which MINERVA her mother had made in New York…she was not going to have her daughter the tragic young widow recall the miserable year the death of her dear husband & the child born dead in SPAIN…this was a new beginning & Frederick Charles was a delight…HE HAD GOT HIS MONUMENT TO THE WEDDELL SEA…The North Pole & the South Pole were to wed !

Ballerinas in Europe do not produce many children…When the LINDSAY gang found a third child JOHN RANSOM 2nd son was born they suffered MADNESS to rise…SAW THE ESTATE SLIPPING FROM THEIR GRASP…

(this is before ANGELA & JIM decide they will have THEIR SHARE of the old Eskimo`s fortune !!! )

Greetha Frobisher Weddell Ransom grand-daughter of JEAN Weddell ballerina Mrs Frederick Charles RANSOM …


b 1917 by THE LINDSAY WOMEN of the EARL…

they also send a basket of poisoned fruit/extensive reports & it was published abroad…they killed the 11 years old son of the Wireless operator Deptford High Street…Jean & FCR`were sick & ill…she had not given it to the little children…the shop

& Police could do nothing - this horrible EARL LINDSAY was powerful & ran THUGS …as other bad blood Northern families they CULLED…to get hold of Estates…

“ JEAN my mother - 1st World War - Lennie I. Ransom…

1917 - “She had just returned from her War work as an Orderly …they called mid-evening by carriage or big car she could not be sure ? …the two eldest babes FJR & Ivy were in bed upstairs where the girls had put them…baby JOHN 1 month old was downstairs in the pram…she offered tea but it was refused…she did not keep strong drink except a little sherry…she offered coffee…one accepted…she went to the larder & brought out a new made cake…it had marzipan on the top…the girls cooked very well… It was refused. She was told she must buy her cakes at such a shop-SOHO… JEAN explained they lived on a certain amount of money…but the girls cooked very well…the coffee was accepted the cake refused…”

`My mother records “ why should these women with rubbery faces & scored necks- why should they be so rude to her !”

1917 - The cake was delicious she told them…JEAN says she went to the little kitchen & made the coffeeshe left them with JOHN RANSOM the new born baby in his pram.


1917 the babe is 1 month oldthe future Dr JOHN RAY Ransom to be murdered by them 1969 MONTROSE FARM HOUSE the tenant boasts it is CROWN PROPERTY…/he is done in/probably by British Territorials & some respectable Rural persons who began to exterminate 1960 the slayers of the GROTE HOMES children-others…they had come upon it in the 2nd World WAR…

1919 - “ When Frederick Charles found out what had been done to his second son /probably a medical report/…