Greta Ransom

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1960 February - Report - POLITAN/Arthur Malone detective/ law studies 2 years/Royal Air Force/writer…

( LIR/Malraux/Politan/ 19th March 1972 renaissance evening The Pillar House, Harwell )

“ I found Mrs Mengele & her friend by Greta’s caravan door - she was gone to Colchester - later I found they had been in the ghost cottage opposite & stolen MY NOTEBOOK…(use of Cottage began that week)

Arthur Malone Detective “ My Report (mid-February) given that evening outside the door of the caravan I told Greta that evening about 7.30pm & that I found it very inconvenient because it was laced with names & telephone numbers especially from the Island ARRAN - I `d gone up on the 27th December…JIM had his BOOTS all over the Island…I worried about people now…I had to warn everybody particularly some people in the Law the City whom I had known when a young man - I `d have to slip up to town next day…or make contact with Phil (Silverlee) … But it was also the work I had from ARRAN & other sources when I had worked over this past Xmas Tide that was very worrying…notes of the help given me. Thinking back to then, I realised Greta did not at all have the responses I would have expected& earlier when I explained SHE HAD BEEN BORN ON A HEARSE…I knew ANDRE would be over when he couldI HAD TO NOW CARRY A GUN…I had permission from the Law…`

`1960 February - I knew by then `Mrs Mengele (Harrington)…she was full of extreme MALICE against Greta & Andre ` Oh Mengele taught her early on no doubt shaping her reasoning with this & that he calls medicines…you know what I mean…The Team Phil & I - were awaiting a reply from ANDRE & his General-we were fobbed off for over a year by Mengele’s professional Team…notes saying `considering` . Mr Mengele could get some State security…It was some old Territorials who came to our rescue…Pat (MacDrew) knew them…We had heard we were promised explosions at Colne Engaine…it came down from London…` /diaries 1960s Colne Engaine-other places/

Arthur Malone does not know that Mrs Mengele is topping up all beverages liquids powders in the tiny kitchen in the caravan with this MEMORY REMOVE (she is a registered nurse) THIS IS A NASTY TRICK that JIM Angela & Teresa & all British Nobles learned visiting shell shock & wounded in The Great War WW I. `the nursing staff & psychiatrists treated men invalided from horrible scenes with mixtures of MEMORY REMOVE….

Nota bene : A small UN New York sub-committee meeting was knocked out with it early 1950s…& JIM used it now & then in The City when he held his Board Meetings…he poured the tea…JIM had used this since he was a teenager 1st World War (somebody should have knocked the lot of them with it…BEYOND URANUS ! )

1960 Mid-January - The Night/Dawn watch Men at Arms : ancient tri-angular meadow Colne Engaine- “ where a Roman took his Grant of Land - stayed with his British family, Child- after he had served Rome..”

1961 December - Harold W. Poulter Deputy Curator Colchester & Essex Museums speaking upon an envelope put in the post from Colchester the past Summer 1961 ! In it the KEY of the ghost-house in an envelope to Greta Ransom Colne Engaine with a note…POULTER establishes GRETA DID NOT GET IT ! Or if it was delivered then another took it from where the Postman placed it ! THE KEY WAS TO BE GIVEN TO ANDRE MALRAUX for he had told Poulter when he would arrive…late night…( little airfields are about Essex…ANDRE MALRAUX knows Essex better than Greta Ransom…he has charged about in cars with Quakers 1950s & 1940s with Armstrong Geographer & several others…)

1958 Summer - I am still making some craftwork in `Mistral` the new Caravan bought from my wages & bonus Summer 1959 at Mr & Mrs Pritchard‘s `Old Curiosity Shop The Holiday Shop at Jaywick Sands…ANDRE came down Summer 1958...helped Mr Smith a few hours in his fish & chip shop…they meet in London on Fund Raising for Childrens Charities…Mr Smith`s second-cousin is Bernie a millionaire. Mr Smith called me down…“ How do you like my new assistant… Kiss her boy…” he said to Andre. Mr Smith went up to SHEshe calling her `Mrs R. ` saying “now…what`s your objections to ANDRE…a good lad…not so young as he was…but got a good heart ”…

THE MATTER OF THE MISSING 8 letters was solved ! Mr Smith got hold of the 19 years old Post delivery boy & said “…tell me about those letters addressed to young Greeta…or I will SEE YOU DO NOT GET PROMOTION…I know your boss since we were boys !..” The post boy said how SHE Mrs Ransom, John`s mother, had demanded the letters be handed to her ! He said everyone was scared of her !

AMAZING CHANGE in Mad mother Kali invited ANDRE to supper at 10.30 pm at the back of the shop-she had everything prepared-eggs in a bowl-pan-table laid with orange juice & rolls.

She directed ME to make the omelette. He ate it. She now cracked fresh eggs for my omelette. She does not eat eggs or chickens. He ate & said I was expected to return with him to HOLLYTREES MANSION MUSEUM …ANDRE MALRAUX said that we should not keep Mr Poulter up after midnight. SHE REFUSED TO LET ME GO. I had reached for my bucket bag with my pyjamas towel & sponge bag, makeup…perhaps Mr & Mrs Smith had said I was to go…HE LEFT ALONE IN THE TAXI ! She kept saying I worked for her ! She expected me to be on the spot early morning to help with the newspaper delivery…

1959 September - REPORT H.W. POULTER his half a day out to the Seaside…(2 coloured photos of Mr Poulter & Greta at Jaywick…SHE is in Colchester Hospital with a nosebleed…& hooked on heroin…)

He is reporting upon an ANDRE MALRAUX visit to him 1958 August…

“ He, Andre, arrived back to Hollytrees about midnight, Childwas not wellat 1 am I called the doctor at the Hospital…he came & fetched another when I explained who it was…They got him through the night…it was food poisoning…then so he did not attract attention in the Hospital they put him in The Falcon & ? Inn as they would be very discrete & a senior nurse was with him for 2 days…HE WAS VERY ILL…but he left after four days…I AM DISTRESSED, SORELY GRIEVED Child…about ANGLO-FRENCH MATTERS, Child…there`s no one else you can go to…it got messed up when you were 21...You dove-tail to-gether…you need one another…two birds like you two…are rare…You will keep one another safe…HE HAS NOT GOT A HOME AS YOU & I UNDERSTAND IT…” HWP …

I froze…his NAME Andreseemed to mean a whole frightening century ! I dare not say it…or comment…I know so little…I AM REDUCED TO THE PAUPER…that was attacked in his London Place…he in GAUL… The bar rat Dirty-JIM WAS IN THE BUILDING AGAIN APRIL 1959 running a Business Man`s Weekend… However it only lasted the Saturday. But it had me stay locked in my room & frightened. I did not go out FOR I FEARED I MIGHT NEVER GET BACK IN !

1957 when AM away I have had to go out & walk about Covent Garden all night finding Uncle Harry`s chums with mugs of tea…come up from Essex delivering vegetables…saying to their `WHY ARE YOU UP ALL NIGHT Miss Greeta ? `…Oh I am looking at London at night for something I am supposed to write…’

I said to Mr Poulter I had to leave the MALRAUX FORTRESS beginning of this summer 1959 to come & help my mother & brother here at Jaywick…I did not say…I HAD COME HERE IN GRIEF…after the attacks January 1959 from JIM & GANG of WHITES VICE CLUBS …

1958 August - The next day after ANDRE was poisoned by her omelette at midnight I HAD NO MEMORY ! The old brute had pulled that off in the orange juice perhaps ! Brown rnvr is receiving moneys from Lindsay 15 Earl & JIM dirty Jimmie Cur James WHITES CLUB a vice club to see I and MALRAUX do not get back to-gther again ! BROWN DOES KNOW ABOUT THE ESTATE & that the LEGAL WILL cannot be disputed ! That these dope & booze Fairy Queens were penniless 1930s & killed the CHILDREN OF THE HOMES to get at the lands & the ESTATE ! He is condemning them…but becoming a psychopath too perhaps…

1959 January - JIM dismissed… after the SERMON on the MOUNT given by ANDRE MALRAUX in WHITES leaping on a chair in anger that Sunday morning was given his dismissal January 1959 by some brave creatures daring to enter THAT CLUB … It was because of attacks on Andre & Greetha they gave out Two thirds of the drinkers in WHITES CLUB that Sunday morning shuffled turned their backs on an obviously MAJESTIC FIGURE MALRAUX with an impressive impassioned SERMON ON THE MOUNT…others knew he was a good man being persecuted…some of this third knew WHY… “ But the whole EMPIRE RUNNING ITS COMMONWEALTH was tied to their well-being…& money for their GRANDKIDS…They had little BRAIN to think further…” … Reports notes on MALRAUX SERMON ON THE MOUNT OF EVIL January 1959.

But I Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM do not know who was supporting us. But JIM will NOT hand over the FINANCES of the Club until May 1970 …” “… because he is a close friend of the Sovereign & her Mum …” He was still running his CITY EMPIRE mornings from the Club all those years…”

Information from BOYD ALEXANDER 1970 CHRISTMAS at the ASHMOLEAN…he is now supposed to have JUMPED ON THE RAILWAY AT DIDCOT IN FRONT OF A TRAIN…the staff say that Peculiar Physician you do not want near young boys was there with that blue car…at the time…MARY Bowdler Cotton Dudley Short FREEMAN went into RETREAT at her artistic Convent…this is not the first death that is peculiar at this time N B : “ They have been KILLING PEOPLE Peter…we knew about it when I was in the CITY…you are too young to be in charge…”

1961 Summer - A key sent by Post from Colchester “ for a man of Gaul in tragic circumstances Child ” … Summer 1961`

/files/diaries/photos/newspapers-media/Harold W. Poulter Colchester Museums Deputy Curator/see photograph of him in grief early September 1961 Jaywick with Greta Ransom WHO HAS NO IDEA AN ACCIDENT HAS HAPPENED…/


“ … in an accident just waiting to happen…”

says Hollis MI5 & others … July 1969 Harwell Atomic Research Site big luncheon/all invited with families…

“ We had only just withdrawn cover, Peter …Greta … we’d always had them with young workers we were training…none of us could begin work in the mornings for 2 years…even now…AN ACCIDENT JUST WAITING TO HAPPEN if we had stopped to think about it…he the old HERO had no support over there FRANCE except from de GAULLE…”

They will meet next week - hidden away in one of the great South Kensington Museums-July 1969 - Hollis dies 1970 -

Whitehead & other families - acquaintances- are under Mengele Harrington 24 HOURS WATCH- Teams of Gross Britain Government & Lords & Crown & The GASEOUS Naval Intelligence with Orders to Listen-Watch…every second…ALL OF THEM CRIMINALLY INSANE & loaded with DOPES/some drunks…no education…except in extreme DIVINE CUNNING… They have no place in the 20th century…they HARM THE GLOBE… Their wealth comes from the dismantling of the PHILANTHROPIC ESTATE THE GLOBE of a family…shaped 20th century by a woman A GODDESS… called by this IMPERIAL SCUM THE OLD ESKIMO…”

1960 January - Colne Engaine near Colchester …

Dr John RAY/® USA citizen/State Department/NASA/LAW & Animal Management…3 degrees…

NIGHT WATCH 10.30 pm a frosty fearfully cold iced air winter night ... A very soft voice, a gentle knock on the tiny middle window of the caravan… which had the soul of Greta Ransom jerk with happiness & I thought it was MALRAUX at the caravan small side window that I am to leave open an quarter-inch-

I G.R. had been asleep in my own little lemon yellow & fawn & grey & pine wood home the caravan brand new I have bought for 350 pounds -a new Sprite Makers model - I could not live as at 50 Lancaster Gate Square ever again with monsters of the Crown & Lords of the Houses of Perversions striding in the door/but I am left with little understanding or `self esteem/human rights…` that I could make NOISES to MALRAUX …if I thought out how to send him messages from the persons who know he is a GOOD MAN & that I am needed by him-ALL TOO FRIGHTENING it has become…

“ We expect an attack” said the voice … “ we have been warned from London-the Club-I shall be at the back of the caravan-I have my guns…do not show a light…”

( & a metal bar for he hits one brute a blow…)

ARRIVED - Dr JOHN RAY, USA citizen from age 2 years old

(denied his name RANSOM after an attack by 2 ugly psychopath LINDSAY EARLS women - he is 1 month old )

Enter a man as pure as ANDRE MALRAUX…to help STOP the Gross Britain Lords & Crown SHAMELESSNESS …their cover up of their GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND…when they had the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN SLAIN 2nd World War to get hold of massive moneys & lands…KUDOS…dictating to the nations of the Globe…wrecking the world in the 20th century !

I his niece Greetha Ransom am trying to find words for he & his help…try Bryant translation The Odyssey book XIII…

~ I will be present with thee. When we once Begin the work,

thou shalt not leave my sight ; ~

Politan Arthur Malone would agree with that …`WHEN WE ONCE BEGIN THE WORK… Malone the Detective in the Lawyers gown `THOU SHALT NOT LEAVE MY SIGHT - THEE & ANDRE`

… the spirit of Pallas Athena with Dr John RAY Ransom all his life…damaged by 2 obscene females Earls of Lindsay -attack a 1 month old babe…obssession from old Scotland-CULL MAIME NEUTER THE HEIRS… JOHN middle son of JEAN ballerina grand-daughter of JAMES WEDDELL sailed the WEDDELL SEA…Jealousy over ROSS family Sea has having an EARLS of LINDSAY Sea a FIXATION in their PIN HEADS/Purple snouts/ …Then Weddell SEA grabbed for Mountbatten who SAILED IN THE SHIPS TO SLAY THE GROTE HOMES CHILDRENsetting himself nicely up from a river of blood PROFIT…ATLASES appeared 1949 with NO WEDDELL SEA…enquiries had a Grammar School master beaten up by official REALM thugs…

1960 February - He Dr JOHN RAY® speaks on the past abuse of Andre & Greta…“… a million children are dead so these creatures have dough ” … & how a Scandinavian told by Scotland Yard to get itself a divorce for its wild life/no wedding ring honoured/ & threats to Captain Frederick John RANSOM 1946/1947 about an ESTATE OVERSEAS he is entitled to be GUARDIAN & TRUSTEE & ADMINISTRATOR to…“ … He Big Chief dirty boots has been going along with this thieving blood & gore moneys & giving them to his son…to glorify THEIR CLASS … ”

1965/66 - City of London do not agree to pass this money into England ! They say “…the pair of them are only setting up a Noble Class & he knows where this money comes from - a river of blood…he uses too much DOPE…” Ref. “ A RIVER OF BLOOD AROUND YOUR ANKLES YOUNG WOMAN ! … »

Reports/notes/ JR-R GR /AM & de Gaulle/ & all whom try stem this blood river flowing on…LIR 1977 onwards to his death ( after Andre MALRAUX`s early death) is commenting on REPORTS of Mengele’s filthy interference & hate & falsifications in writings on ANDRE MALRAUX for EARLS CROWNS & Scandinavia from Summer 1938... Mengele paid big sums by Gross Britain Government Lords & Crown into 1980s …

1960 winter/for Uncle Dr JOHN RAY Ransom 1917-1970

`O nobly born & versed in all usefulness from research & civilized living … with scholars speech & HUMANISM thy cloak & thy burnished shield …

`Now the year 1960 we should at long last hoist the shameless crew who, in our House , for 40 years have made themselves its lords. Care they first for gold raiment & heavy drunken feasts in their obscene debauch…

No cool dark grotto of trustworthy holy companions to rest amongst & with discussion wise & to see the world is well…But these wretches of Scarlet Town come with haughty crooked limbs a raging brute in their understanding & lay innocent brains upon their spacious floors where cascades innocent blood non-stop & ever more… They most squalid wretches of deep barren minds & lives lay gory hands upon the Estates of others & for Pyramids of gold & fun despoil all HUMANISM…Their nightly pleasure is to drain the wine jars of the globe`

Your niece Greetha Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM - thinking upon you & your 17 years old son & wife …murdered after your murder… by the Noble barbarism of IMPERIUM an always penniless Class

EVIL GREED began Noble Gross Britain/Scandinavia…I am turning the pages of Homer The Odyssey book XIII translated by William Cullen BRYANT- Apologies to WCB from GR my gleanings from your words translated (edition 1871 Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., New York, ll East Seventeenth Street The Riverside Press Cambridge/ Library of C.A. MABON…)

1960 January Colne Engaine near Colchester…a car softly drew up at the entrance to the tiny meadow - this raw frosty night about a quarter to 11 pm. The voice I thought to be Andre Malraux spoke so softlyhere they come-do not show a light ! I heard a thud near the caravan after sound of feet in the grass & before something began clearly scraping at the little door...

The voice I thought was Andre Malraux spoke again “ I have hit him with my metal bar- hope I have not killed him …he has a tool & was going to open your door - I hope I have killed him… he came to kill…to force the door… shush..” I GR FELT ICY SHOCK …

A whistle was heard by the entrance, there is no gate, a soft call & a very posh voice `what`s going on` … Sounds of another THUG coming close swishing its hooves in the grass up to the Caravan ‘Mistral’ door. A gasp at his fallen companion a hoarse ‘what’s up’ to the fallen murderer by the caravan stable door - A retreat by murderer number two a return then sounds of dragging his fallen THUG the first one… Some seconds then a hoarse cry a swear word & in very POSH VOICE… “ I AM BLEEDING LIKE A PIG…help me to the car with him…” THE GUN DID NOT GO BANG but thud…it must be the latest the USA Intelligence Secret Services use

Voice very POSH, in anxiety to the driver of the car ( 3 or 4 of them ? was there another in the car too ? )… I could hear very posh voices in shocked anxiety…Oh so very upper crustas those Figures from a Morgue the NOBLES OF GROSS dirty murdering BRITAIN…RULED by the criminally insane…its Empire fallen 1900s…NOT ENOUGH DOUGH !

“ A surprise return by murderer no 2 after speaking with the CAR at the entrance…he begins to drag his fallen companion down the meadow says the voice I think is MALRAUX…I could here the sound of swishing grass & thuds as POSH THUG 2 hurried to get away from CARAVAN `Mistral`…When they got to the car & were about to leave one alive possibly one deadthere is soft laughing from outside the tiny caravan window… should I give them all another bullet … ? `

1960 January - Colne Engaine winter iced night after 11 pm…

I still thought it was THE BURGERMEISTER OF PARIS - MALRAUX EMPEROR Of GAUL ( I am not being funny - here this Document requires montage put great shadowy letters MESSIAH behind EMPEROR…there were so few who claimed noble status in 20th century telling the truth !) But that bitter winter night a thought crossed my mind `perhaps he Georges -ANDRE had some old comrades come help out of Spain & Wartime Gaul`…come to help because he was now with an important job … in a place I only knew from Wartime & some old black white films long ago…

No memory of Lennie & me having an entertaining afternoon in the Sal`petrie Hospital December 1935 ( read ANDRE MALRAUX his BOOK LAZARUS 1974 to experience grief come to him…from that SUMMER 1937 of happiness…) ... Lennie & mee, Greetah, converting all staff we met in the Hospital to coming to help or holiday about the globe with GROTE HOMES & up to our Island in the Snows for the Theatre & good health…West Greenland…

… Lennie translating…they speaking in French-Spanish-English…he fluent in all three-telling them of his FLIGHT to GREENLAND last month…his Pilot`s Licence to be presented in NEW YORK… he is now 15 years…Telling translating for the the staff as I speak from my memory, of 3 seaplanes to GREENLANDfilling with petrol in mid-air…one seaplane waving goodbye to us as we circle over Frederickstown…JACOPSHOLMEN Island where we are bidden Decree 1770 to build when we can THE UNIVERSITY OF GREAT POUL GRONLANDER…THE ISLAND IN THE SNOWS the THEATRE, school that was acknowledged the best in the globe…workshops… good houses…always in the Ice Caves food for 5 years…` ALL HOPE FOR MANKIND WAS HERE…PEACEFUL NIGHTS…gentle progress…and WE GO TO THE STARS…no restraining SCIENCE, MEDICINE … from ugly Gross Britain & SCANDINAVIAN Nobles insulting voices about NOT WANTING THE WORKERS TO LIVE TOO LONG …

When MURDERERS HAD GONE AWAY I now began to get scared ! How brave he was Georges Andre MALRAUX MINISTER of GAUL a gift to me again from Heaven/or Valhalla…Here he was & outside with GUNS ~ The voice I thought he MALRAUX had said “ I will let them get half way down then fire my gun ” He fired his gun & said in a stage whisper laugh “ I hit him in the bum ”. No 2 murderer in a scared much louder voice rather stunned & bleating in disbelief…certainly in some real fright called out to the car `

` come & help me …`

“ I am bleeding like a pig” in very posh voice- Some curses by the car! They drove off not so silently as they came ! I recalled their arrival…the car a muffled sound almost had stopped end of the meadow…now leaving with dead a swirl of tyres…an attempt to be quiet…not successful… The voice said `I think that is the last of them for to-night…I will take a walk around the Estate…report to Arthur…I or someone else will keep watch the rest of the night… But they will be back in some manner…Try to sleep now…’

A beggar girl G.R. was happy to have he MENAGIER de PARIS return & sleep was easy. I would have opened the door had he asked…said `Enter my Hall Saint Georges-Andre…I now lit a nightlight . NOT KNOWING, or they the ghost house team, that THE CANDLES ARE MADE for Mengele Harrington & Teresa & other SCUM…old trick known to ALL Nobles…to keep Granny quiet or the unmarried aunt…& MAKE OFF WITH THE DOUGH…Racing season & a little trip to Continent… `Their way of NOBLE LIFE…been going on since the 1860s says Millie Frobisher`s mother to JOHN RANSOM her daughter`s suitor 1883... She poor thing to suffer early death & house Parklands stolen immediately at the marriage, booted in upon by her relative EARL LINDSAY claiming ALL FROBISHER moneys properties she had …

The winter night near Midnight was silent & I felt I should write it down…but 1957-1959 I have been threatened with savage death by hacking & burning alive & such in messages from JIM & THUGS if I write anything down. He searches my room daily & has me followed by his THUGS taking turns about London/they do not like Museums & libraries or Old Vic/they expected RESTAURANTS & sleazy afternoons/ So JIM had to engage paid professionals - I can often give them the SLIP as I move like the wind changing my high heels for flat springy ballet like shoes…they are all on heroin & have dirty trendy minds…speak lots of posh GOLLUM blah-blah-

1960 - mid January - MIDNIGHT… I felt I could not forget this…

It was about midnight when Dr John RR finished a round of the hedges the lanes…returned & said he would have a relief in a half hour…but perhaps by 2 am they would feel it was quite safe for the rest of the night…I should get some sleep…He’d be discussing the events with Malraux’s friends… `I now felt there had been two men on my Night Watch…I fell asleep without wondering any further …it was 2 weeks before I knew it was a man calling himself `Uncle John`…then that all disappeared…

The younger Police soon said to Arthur Malone “…should have shot them all & thrown them in the hedge…we’d help you remove them when out of uniform…or ask Harry Gordon… We`ve heard about this from the old retired..the records are in the Police Station & about the district…ask the Hospital & old staff…have a word Arthur …They were after moneycrowd of dope addicts sometimes lived on the Clacton seafront…

1960 March - By early March the murder of Patrick MacDrew’s

9 years old niece Newfoundland Heiress in 1942 in the school class Clacton of Greta Ransom same age was raised amongst everyone … & that had the Team with more support A Pilgrimage got going to the Our Lady Church where Andre & Greetah married & a solemn Pilgrimage to that roadside at Castle Sible Hedingham… matters were got out of Archives on her murder by LINDSAY Mafia on the Clacton sea-front…but Essex had enough “ The bloody Toffs could do this sort of thing back then…the Earls had died…the new one had double death duties to pay…and was a Bankrupt …”