Greta Ransom

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LIFE AGAIN AS IF IN A MIST & PENCIL SKETCHES somewhere but NOT TO BE FOUND….MALRAUX owes me some small sums- pennies-silver-a pound or two - paedophile Mengele with his vicious dead fish eyes face his spiteful black tongue November 1957 stopped Andre’s salary from Westminster Diocese 40 pounds a month or took it ? - He was writing FILTHY LIES ABOUT MALRAUX in those horrible notebooks he keeps & at which he spent most of his life…Some are shown to PHIL the GREEK & noble business world companions …

… then Mengele could draw his PAYE down the WHITEHALL on the sheets he submits in meticulous detailed hourly work…They have all gone mad on LSD/purple narcotic/& heroin…ITS WORSE THAN THE 1920s because there are more in that HIGH CLASS/natural rise of population/

1938 onwards - 1948... THE MATTER IS THEY SLEW THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN AROUND THE GLOBE…a million of them…A - Z nations to get hold of the GROTE HOMES LANDS , the investments attached & the JOYOUS VENTURE of RANSOM FAMILY…3 legal Wills administer the Estate overseas… The whole is the property of Margarethe RANSOM Grote & she trained her family to run it after her death…Her heirs are Lennie Immanuel RANSOM polymath nephew…& Greetha RANSOM niece, ANDRE MALRAUX the GUARDIAN… CHOSEN BY SHE Mrs Margaret Ransom GROTE & her Trustees, Advisors, Brokers, Solicitors & FAMILIES !!! She was killed by Vultures Vampires of the Roaring 1920s…all British & Scandinavian 1938 ! THEY `BOX IT CLEVER` 1950s & onwards ! THIS ESTATE IS NEVER IN THE RED…THE SYSTEM IS HONESTY & THE ESTATE CAN NEVER FAIL…around the globe it goes twice & up & down from both Poles…where our ancestry is…we get Xmas Cards from Palestine the Holy Land up to 1929...THEN THE GROSS BRITS slew them…for gambling moneys for a fashionable London SEASON…

1957-1959 … At 50 Lancaster Gate Square often I find myself in this awful dissolving mists I my mind & lack of comprehension…The staff were living in & then it began to fold up Xmas 1958-1959. Had I not heard early 1954 that dirty JIM & thugs had fixed the lease on a place- this Malraux place - it was in a Square they used a nephew of the ancient Duke of Westminster - The nephew keen to develop the Square - pull down - erect concrete commercial & shopping blocks….no safety anywhere - Byron’s childhood home gone in Hollis Street… built into the stores John Lewis…We saw it 1953-1954...

I wrote later `where the only DAWN came from the memory & there were landscapes in the dark ... trying to describe the removal of the memory day-by-day ` - G.R.


I had no memory of the happiness winter 1958-9 only the queer weird things happened when he was not there...The girls he knows in The Marks & Spencer Stores getting him socks shirts underclothes his size - The Menagier de Paris/Goodman of Paris needs un-darned socks now, & he is very tall… Nothing in my memory left by 1960 of that few hours a week or a fortnight of normality of the day by day…

Greta is to give ANDRE breakfast when he arrives from GAUL…the porridge bowls of Willow Pattern I bought…for I am to give him breakfast as Auntie Housekeeper has a little morning job at the church with her friend…About is Doc & Mrs Mengele Harrington & JIM …THEY ARE ALL PIMPS …earning money dripping blood & gore from the slain GROTE HOMES children & the Ransom Estate A-Z settlements & our relatives …HUNTING BIG GAME offshore & drawing FUNDS from WHITEHALL by selling off Ransom properties …2 Secret numbers allow them draw from our BANKS offshore…

1960 Mid-February - he does come with an offer of an apartment at a little place he has in his care- & all the detectives & colleagues will come to protect us at Versailles- I shivered with fear for I could not grasp the Progress of the WORK UNDERTAKEN FOR AN HEIR BORN ON A HEARSE claimed by monsters who cull their own close born young too (12 years old heir Lindsay down a Maritime Hole in Sea c 1910 newspapers/reports `they all need to move up one` letter A.F.)

VERSAILLES - General de Gaulle had this idea…

MALONE came mid-February with News & reading one of his 7.30pm Reports - by then I had MIST in my head & was scared of being attacked as in London - DANGER - I was UNABLE TO RECALL THE ATTACK EARLIER in January from which DR JOHN RAY saved me/although I thought that was MALRAUX with a trusted friend ! That was to be CERTAIN DEATH January 1960

Concerning the APARTMENT Versailles as there was no letter & nothing written down I was nervous. I said stiffly to Arthur Malone I had a home now - a door & windows I could lock… thinking this was so `when I was inside that is `…I need my POST/mail…photographs of this vast important PAST… Malone spoke of two packages he had left early January 1960...`somebody is about then` he said when he found I had not got them… By end January they the Malraux Team & Colleagues included the after working hours amateurs, The Marsh End Boys who had to be alerted by Harry to danger & not to cheek Doc Mengele Harrington… They asked Harry WHAT IS GOING ON ? A girl your niece Harry lives in a field & is followed about by all these men in the early DAWN when she goes with a great big POT down the little lane to get water from the FARM…& that IS MALRAUX OF THE SPANISH WAR - our Mums say it is !

1960 January - Malone said `they had all spotted January a peculiar figure “ in fawn raincoat unknown to any of us circling about the fields early mornings…” … & that this was where the Post/mail went & anything left outside caravan early dawn…Until mid-February THE Malone & Team Centre of Operations was a room in a cottage away from shouting distance to Greta…thus the Marsh End boys/young men helped…THE Detectives & Colleagues DO NOT MOVE INTO THE GHOST COTTAGE opposite the Caravan UNTIL AFTER 17th February 1960...

THE SO CALLED MYSTIC BITS/but with good explanations :

… 17 Feb - That was the day MALRAUX came on another fast unannounced visit out of GAUL & looked at it…& could not understand WHY GREETHA HAD NO MEMORY OF HIM but belted down the lane at 9 am in the MISTS & frost & spitting rain - had he upset her ? COULD SHE NOT FOLLOW IT WAS A SERIOUS MATTER - He had been persecuted for years & JO had died…`

9 oo am about - I WAS RUSHING TO GET THE ONLY BUS TO COLCHESTER for two hours…I must go along the lane & down the hill to the Colchester Road ! I saw him early morning come out of the hedge which gave me a shock (1970 he explains he was looking to see if they could enter by the back in the Cottage & thus avoid the publicity they had been getting…) I vaguely knew he was alive & not a GHOST FROM THE GALLOWS up on that field… because he had condensing breath billowing from his mouth into the icy frosty morning with some white mist… & he slapped his LION GLOVES that the boys had given him for his birthday 1957 & said tipping that hat which looked like SEFRIS the POET his hat borrowed again… said `Goodmorning` without any smiles/later I am told he had been up all night …

… (1970 he MALRAUX says I gave him a shock ! )

IT HAD ALL BECOME SO UNREAL…Brown RNVR had said 1st week February on a surprise visit that he came with URGENT WARNINGS FROM WELL WISHERS ~ WHITES CLUB said JIM was putting it about Greta Ransom could RUIN MALRAUX`s career IF SHE COULD REMEMBER ONE THING ABOUT LANCASTER GATE SQUARE…

… THAT MALRAUX WAS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT & JIM HAD BEEN TALKING WITH 3 BROADS & A GREEK ABOUT MALRAUX & they were all concerned Malraux was harming de Gaulle - further Doctor Mengele wished to keep MALRAUX IN FRANCE with his women - Malraux needed lots of tarts & that sort for a bit of fun…Greetah had a bad reputation because of her mother & they both could harm General de Gaulle…whom he JIM is instructed to kick out…& he has to take the HOUSE 50 Lancaster Gate Square off de Gaulle & Malraux & their Broads for both of them owe the CROWN dough …»

nota bene : JIM JONG born 1898 has known Greta Ransom’s mother (born Nov 1906) very well since 1919 & the early meetings are probably as with ANGELA (born 1900) when they are children- JIM IS A PIMP & CRIMINALLY INSANE - at the LINDSAY tea table from 11 years of age, 1909 ! ALL of them ON THE PIN from 1915 onwards !

Brown RNVR ruminating said Mr JIMMIE he is called a dirty little brute & nobody trusts him but he has been allowed to get too powerful up therethe Club is a centre for gossip & spying on The CityMALRAUX is a fool not to have checked that Lease on that lovely house Lancaster Gate Squarethey are going to rip off money at sometimein a few yearsnobody trusts JIM…” He said a man he trusted at Naval Intelligence had shown him how they fitted listening devices into carshe said only talk when we are 40 feet away from the carhe had shown him again how to check his car for thisbut theyd been able to do it since 1955...` David S. Brown RNVR submarines early February 1960... I


but a muddle in my head about some Guards outside the caravan recently…Arthur Malone with his Reports put some ORDER into my understanding ! I HAD HOPED TO SEE MALRAUX & speak with him.

Malraux & de Gaulle when they walked out of Office 1968/1969…

“ We left because we could no know who was telling the truth & we were weary…” I did not know whom to trust sometimes but felt reduced to a Pauper all the more, I needed it all written down…A typewriter in the caravan January might have helped…although it would have been removed by the Mengele Harrington pair with KEYS to my own new home…We are searched “ for the Lords & The Crown…” …& they are all ON THE PIN bar one said the Prime Minister..& we might add `with total commitment to EVIL after killing the Grote Children in their HOMES under cover of 2nd World War…`

1960 17th February upon seeing MALRAUX - I had no words in my memory & was very misty in my brain & a pauper - I had nothing in my head to make words with…& perhaps he had friends in the big houses about Colchester & did not come to see me…I rushed past to get the bus…IN CASE HE DID NOT COME TO SEE ME…I could not stand any more let down…WHY HAD MENGELE come here ?

THE REALITY OF THE HEIR ON A HEARSE THEREFORE HAD NOT STAYED FIXED IN MY UNDERSTANDING-some moneys belonging to my father whom I did not know since before the war & that did not EXIST in my memory ! It needed to be written drawn & a Deputation come in daylight lead by my father his relatives still alive… MALRAUX kind Malone & perhaps Harold W. Poulter…ABOVE ALL JIM & MENGELE HAD TO BE DROPPED IN A LIT VOLCANO…

There crimes are so bestial…( We owned a volcano in Guatamala 19th century…Fred Ransom needed it for some mineral mix…Margarethe his daughter said so 1937...I have no memories…yet photos were in thousands )

1960 February 17th - I was heading for Colchester Library that iced morn & had some things to look for in books - I had just had 2 cups of tea with sugar & powdered milk & so was very MISTY…The bus goes in 3 minutes & there will not be another for 2 hours…On the bus I hoped he ANDRE might follow me into Colchester so I looked in at Hollytrees Museum…let Mr Sprack know I was about…said nothing else… I cannot easily frame sentences…compose anything in words…a typewriter would have helped…Mengele would have it broken up & said Greta-Ape did it & he wanted me LOCKED UP - MALRAUX might have believed him ! … Enlightenment came with Notebooks read by Malraux 1970 The Pillar House Harwell…

1960 February - A visitor from GAUL Andre MALRAUX saying in the middle of the night outside the Caravan …` you can bring this tin-can too ` when he could not grasp my lack of comprehension & I wanting NORMAL BEHAVIOUR…In my mind no heir has arisen other than if there is some moneys then they belong to my father whom I have not had live with us since 23rd December 1939 when he was sent off to the Philippines to be killed…I need the photographs these Noble scavengers & Vagrants have all stolen -

I have no memory of Len or his little ballerina mother Jean Weddell my grandmother - Her families in South America DO NOT EXIST FOR ME - The Doc Mengele paedophile Royal Satrap Gollum wants hold of MALRAUX - HE IS CRAZY WITH ENVY & Gross Britain monsters want HIM OUT OF THIS JOB …

Nobody tells me I was out of Britain 1935/6 eight months touring GROTE HOMES with the family - WHY ARE NOT PHOTO-COPY MADE OF PHOTOS & given me …given to Poulter to hand to me ! Why is NOT a meeting called in HOLLYTREES the old Doctor`s library ? Then Markham Makepeace was BOUGHT OFF BY THE EVIL. They took all his DOUGH when he was 15 years old…catching him as WARD OF COURT !

January - February … AH the man JOHN RAY … of whom I have now NO MEMORY a few weeks later…has tried tell me & played a tape outside the window when he was on that NIGHT WATCH fortnight & taking his turns…As the winter ended no DAWN WATCH was necessary…the early morn workers on the Farms kept an eye out at 5 am … Mengele knew they were !

The TEAM have been told I am perhaps not bright in my head…

1960 JUNE - I read aloud SEFRIS poems & somebody did some on tapes from the listening system…they the educated NOW UNDERSTOOD THE POET SEFRIS…(Rex Warner translation)…what they do not know the loyal TEAM is that I can no longer hear them…in fact I could only hear them for 2 weeks in JanuaryMengele got that fixed by his Naval Intelligence thugs/others…! This was probably why BROWN RNVR made his visit ! Investigation !

1960 March - Madness is about ! MENGELE valued for removing memory so scavengers can get hold of moneys & Funds of old people went by Gallows Corner February 1960 tooting in his blue little boy bait car- Then I heard he was in the Cottage with Malraux & a great luncheon took place. MALRAUX was in a chair dozy, & Malone detective POLITAN had fallen asleep reported BROWN RNVR who went to BEG some of the HAM from them. Doctor Mengele Harrington came with a HAMPER from Fortnum & Mason - This gave me no confidence. Brown RNVR acting in a fatherly caring manner had turned up with messages & some little kitchen household items from his mother at West Hartlepool -

1950s - All was queer & deceitful 1950s…his mother a widow Hilda Bacon Brown came to bring me a bunch of tulips autumn 1957 to 50 Lancaster Gate Square but was told she could not see me or ANDRE MALRAUX…Mengele had his Nurse Dame on duty with an assistant ! MALRAUX & I Greetha Ransom ARE TO BE ISOLATED FROM ALL WHO KNOW OF THE ESTATE ! That is why we are followed everywhere…since 1953 …

1960 - Clearly Brown RNVR was being offered money to play crook-traitor-for Lords & Crown/or was he being blackmailed/probably both… Doc Mengele was without clothes at nearly swinging an implement of metal & wood from the sounds in the hedgerows & he also had the finished ham bone in one paw wheeling that… He had come into my meadow & was saying he was going to BREAK ALL THE CARAVAN WINDOWS - It was Brown drove him off ! It was 36 hours before Mengele LEFT ! Mr Mengele should have been PUT DOWN BY ALL OF THEM - He has hideous murders for sadistic fun-he is crazy on DRUGS ! He is a convicted paedophile pre-war the Continent! He attacked for at least 6 weeks a child under 1 year old ! Transferred from Prison to 2 years in a Nut House Great Britain, this did not cure him … & he Harrington came OUT believing he was going to be A GREAT PSYCHIATRIST ! He is employed on this Crown FRAUD & VIOLENCE work by 1938 ! All these old Noble Vampires know one another…penniless they are PIMPS & scavengers & vagrants since 1890s…& easily kill for dough…

1960 March - I began to feel very childlike- that was a sign of somebody doping very much my beverages- make a cup every 2 or 3 hours & there is no memory of 2 minutes ago- MALRAUX WAS GENUINE & desperate for a home & settled life with children & he had the permission of de Gaulle honouring a Catholic marriage. It was now 13 years since the marriage allowed by ` young Paccelli ` … Our Team are first-class but we need 2 dozen such… CAME Mr Mengele & women, Brown RNVR & Teresa Gordon R …she now turning up to insult me with “ will you EVER go out to work again…” … “ what TALK you have about here… with all those men in that cottage…I am ashamed for my brother Harry & his family to have YOU with your reputation come near the…» I TOLD HER THERE WAS NOBODY IN THAT COTTAGE EXCEPT 2 old people came & cleaned the windows & tided the garden & the woman who had lived there had diedSO SHE WAS SEEING THINGS…!

I was determined to not have her interfering any more…

Her chums KEEP TRYING TO KILL ANDRE MALRAUX & ME… She Mad Mother Kali Clytemnestra hangs about the ghost-cottage some evenings - men from WHITES known as JIM’s THUGS run her down from Scarlet Town… I was considered a source of information I think after May …& there was the painful matter of Philip Silverlee‘s daughter murdered in May Argentine…

1960 end of February NEW YORK…Theft from the Courier`s briefcase packed by Philip Silverlee with documents that Malraux & de Gaulle were waiting for - 3 Wills- documents- letters- extracted- Suggestions for where the THEFT occurred 1962 March onwards are … the messenger made to wait 2 hours in a hotel room-knocked out said somebody -ONLY THE UNIMPORTANT REACHED MALRAUX & the GENERAL…other information comes in on the theft…the return Plane from New York had everyone get off while seating re-arranged/ & coming from Paris the Courier says later he had felt weak at the knees & perhaps vague when he arrived New York…

1960 May - PHILIP SILVERLEE’s daughter 28 years old murdered in ARGENTINE - she had gone to the old solicitors Argentine & got documents carbon copy letters/happily given her by the old Ransom Solicitors/met her father in New York & they went

together to Grote/amalgamated 1954 after the theft in ANGELA`S NAME - LINDSAY Mob taking a big share/ GROTE gave them files & complete histories/Philip Silverlee phoned saying he felt ILL at what he read through - IT SHOWED VAST FRAUD-THEFT-on a gigantic scale 1921 to 1950s/President KENNEDY BEGAN to make British Government & Crown pay it all back ! Diaries/Reports/accounts/1960-1962...1963 Kennedy dead/

1962 March - 2 years after the Courier from FRANCE robbedGeneral de Gaulle speaks upon an obscene gigantic piece of British Statecraft…”

COPIES THE WILLS-other documents were handed to them/

IVY RANSOM alerted her brothers with Malone after her niece Greetha Ransom visited them March 1962/ COPIES the Wills/originals/courtesy copies/ these had been kept by USA & many Overseas sources not known to the FRAUDSTERS of the British Government Lords & Crown !

By 1962 … it is now 2 years from when the Records were assembled by Colne Engaine Team showing the complete Genocide … MURDERS OF THE GROTE CHILDREN THE GLOBE…The moment the NOBLE MONSTERS of GROSS BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA stole the FRENCH GOVERNMENT Courier`s BRIEFCASE late February 1960 they had hastily planned cleverly with big Teams to destroy & hide the Death pits of children teachers & settlements - A MILLION & a QUARTER had been slain…in the 10 years 1938-1948/Palestine last of all perhaps The PITS hastily concreted or Landscaped into gardens ! Or had acid poured in/ example REPORT in this Document seashore N. France the Onion seller-Lawyer/

Spring 1960 hurried Depth Charging by Royal British Navy & private contractors had been going on round the world…

where the children were in nets harmed first then drowned but the SITES were not always known - QUESTIONS were asked by small nations (including France ) WHY the British RN were depth charging inside their 2 mile limit ? They all, including FRANCE … GOT A THICK EAR from IMPERIAL BRITAIN … Since 2000 AD two deposits of the dead children have been exposed/records

1960 early summer THE BOMBING of Jacopsholmen Island settlement-homes church workshops THEATRE all bombed by Danish & British planes - reports/no protection was given our islands because the necessary documents were stolen by the vast network of thuggish teamwork of G.B Government & Lords & Crown & some Scandinavian noble monsters too-GENOCIDE…heard 1960s/by shocked pre-War helpers with GROTE HOMES & Joyous Venture…Jacopsholmen was HOME to many human beings- driven out by Gross Britain & Danmark SCUM-

General de GAULLE & MALRAUX wept to see the photographs of happiness on Jacopsholmen Island 19th century- the family RANSOM the Gronlander families/Poulsen families/the THEATRE performances/the enormous BELL the first cast in GREENLAND that Alan Villiers speaks about/& Greetah 1930s recalls that BELL & F.R. her grandpa twice back standing beside it proudly…it is much taller than him ! …General de Gaulle & MALRAUX said they would have SAFEGUARDED the Island IMMEDIATELY February 1960 - HAD THEY KNOWN - had they received the French Government Courier package intact…FRANCE has attempted education for Greenlanders …

MALRAUX had to keep his movements secret - he was threatened…in June 1960 Dr John RAY ® & colleagues USA picked ANDRE up in Rome - he was ill had been poisoned - HAD LOST HIS MEMORY - they got him with friends in the VATICAN - took care of him there 2 weeks- 2 weeks another place near ROME… got him well in a month -

LIR drove ANDRE & Jo`s boys on “ The Holiday of The Last Fall” diary/records/

1960 January - NIGHT WATCH Dr JOHN RAY Ransom has spoken of Mengele HARRINGTON as `that Doctor is as mad as mad as it is possible to go…he should not be allowed near ANDRE - why do those women in his house in Paris allow Mengele in - it is believed Harrington takes commissions to destroy the health of older men - there is more known about him in the USA -

1960 January 10.30pm - Colne Engaine meadow/caravan `Mistral` cold late winter night when I had gone to sleep…I was puzzled when a voice said outside the tiny window by my bed “ IT’S THE MAN IN THE MOON…come down not soon enough…I have made my way here from Norwich…well, IPSWICH…I WILL TAKE THE NIGHT WATCH…we expect Visitors…warning has come in from WHITES Club…”

Dr JOHN RAY Ransom believes Greta Ransom knows whom he is

the voice so like ANDRE MALRAUXthe reference by JOHN Ray RANSOM to the MOON , is of course, his work for N A S A…

who had all records & respect taken from them over a gift from RANSOM FAMILIES & the lands they work upon…the BAY…was a gift from GROTE RANSOM ESTATE…Fred Ransom bought it in early 19th century…sailing there in his family ship ‘ The Mary Rose ’


Fat Angela typical Roaring 1920s greed/dope/booze was NOT SENT DOCUMENTS from 1933 the birth of Greetah Ransom heir by Margaret Ransom Grote ! Angela & LINDSAY MONSTERS were NEVER ASKED TO OVERSEE THE ESTATE ! They do not have the education to do so ! Angela always greedy as a girl & her MEN tell LIES because they are DOPE FIENDS since in their teens ! NO Imperial monster Playboys in Scandinavia were given a share ! They have overseen the killing of the GROTE CHILDREN to get big IMPERIAL Noble boots on free nations of the globe !

Quoted BY friends NASA to young Dr John RAY…“… we all fell on our backs…when a diminutive figure unveiled a plaque & said it was her gift…”

1988 - Reply to the USA State Department 20 years on :

Nota bene : It is Mengele Harrington (b 1912-exterminated 1992) with the others who murder Dr JOHN RAY® at Montrose 1969/70-

HE WAS DUE BACK TO USA TO TAKE UP BY INVITATION SENATE WORK - he had accepted - an Investigator was sent from State Department 1988 to ask me GRW if I knew what happened to him -

I said `JOHN RAY was a 17th century Rector interested in natural history/zoology/botany/minerals…At that time educated persons were interested in all of Nature… He lived in Essex` we learned of him at school in ESSEX… ( I am born 1933 )

I had no memory of my father his relatives & Weddell & other families we are related to & knew before the 2nd W. WAR - GR

EXPLANATION : I HAD NEVER RECEIVED POST/mail since December 1939 when the family RANSOM went away to WAR & I was 6/nearly 7 years old I WAS then EXPOSED TO LONG PERIODS OF ACIDS IN MY TINY HEAD/a month at a time…/ to remove knowledge & have me do badly at school & it was hoped by my mother Teresa Gordon & Angela her friend, by JIM Jong Mr PONG & LINDSAY gang & IMPERIAL MONSTERS … that I could be LOCKED UP IN AN ASYLUM…as soon as I reached 12/13 years of age…THEY WERE VERY KEEN I HAD NO MARRIAGE & no ISSUE…THEY ARE CRIMINALLY INSANE MONSTERS & should have been removed from the face of the earth…THEY KILL FOR MONEY…

Your USA State Department Investigator’s Father a teacher Mexico had been murdered 1956 when he ws 7 years of age ( his friends did not want him to know of his father`s murder, they said )- His father taught at a Mexico GROTE HOMES - then continued to teach older students in his bungalow home - I WAS TOLD THAT CHILDREN HAD BEEN KILLED in these Orphanages in South America in the last War - nobody would say the name of them anymore - people died if they knew anything…the British kept WATCH & they had always objected to educating children in foreign nations to 18 years except for a few RULER`s children - MY MEMORY WAS ON THE SURFACE December 1939...& had to be restored from time to time until 1945 SUMMER…

1945 JUNE a trick was played on ANDRE MALRAUX to see he did not find out the true nature of an inheritance he heard spoken of for Greetah RANSOM & that he was GUARDIAN since 1937 to the biggest ESTATE the globe has ever had. He thought it was an inheritance from my great-Aunts who had run a CATHOLIC Mission Northern England… Many good people were fooled too…Deaths & brutal attacks went on by those who might give information to us