(G.R. LIR, it is clear, followed us on our days out sometimes… Ashmolean is an example/looking at paintings…
…we have days out in the holidays from school - I show the children my world which to me is very meaningful… Pete born 1970 21st August/ Victoria-Augusta (2nd legion Ancient Rome ) 1968 21st April
( `A 21 & A 21` as PJPW did call them once or twice ) … I GR do recall this small man… Lennie has not grown like his brothers Fred & John…he has kept the height of his father & the delicacy of his mother ballerina Jean Weddell - His eyes are not round but almond shaped…I KNOW HIM AS SOMEBODY AROUND our district & our activities…sometimes in the Museums we go to for visits or invited to special Exhibitions . There is nothing I GR remembered of 1930s …some horror of the 1940s… but all I have there of memory is misery of she her MAD TRICKS…her threats…& VISITS after DARK of her Noble Monsters - I recall always being told I am a pauper & my father is a drunk a NOBODY… & many nasty things in the dark I run from… A concrete wall of shivering billowing blackness throws itself in my head… nothing more… YET TO CONFRONT THIS MISERY IS THE WAY OF ENTRY INTO THIS PAST THEY HAVE OFTEN DAILY TAKEN FROM MY WAKING HOURS WITH THEIR FIENDISH DOPES THAT REMOVE THE MEMORY…& THEY REMOVE ALL MY POST
search my person, my belongings…The obscene violence done by the British State against MALRAUX & Greta RANSOM at 50 Lancaster Gate Square was not retained sufficiently… so that it could be understood…
1977 onward - LEN speaks on a tape….`ANDRE TAUGHT ME THIS - look at paintings thus …
…1960... he had taught the boys…VINCENT was most interested with it… How to put yourself in the painting-walk in-and look out at the world if you like-walk about in the painting- this painting has all the kindly animals all over the gentle landscape…
… little Peter 7 years understood-Victoria was delighted- I told them how my brother John who worked one time on the STARS at NASA used to imagine himself up in a balloon above the earth and then look at his life-his work-his problems…they understood- my great niece & nephew … my parents great grandchildren…Fred & Jean…”
I G.R. must have been listening to him as well at the ASHMOLEAN…or Pete & Victoria came & told me…for I too can walk about in that painting with little Peter and Victoria-Mousie in a dream I have… Len is there & others of familiar appearance … Big Peter comes & says something about mistakes…then I am in a car Victoria driving she both child & adult merged… She driving & I suddenly see thick mists…the windscreen wipers are not on & she seems to be in a trance as I feel I am…I shout her name…Victoria-Augusta… Mousie ! … I know no more…
( 2nd Legion ROME-the Empress own regiment-the VICTORIA AUGUSTA-II Legion visited Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis-Colchester… Claudius Emperor had his temple there & it is burned by the British Queen Boadicea…Colchester Castle is built on the podium of the temple a thousand years later… )
1967 onwards - GR could have memory restored by her POST/ correspondence from the globe…Her documents & collections of the Past …thus able to live free of these-they full of deceit & madness/. Confidence tricksters spy…gloating that they will not be found out for slaying the GROTE HOMES children & cannot be stopped at the on-going robbery because of their dirty BIG BOOTS stomping upon the Globe…
I have no documents of the delicate flower garden around the globe THE JOYOUS VENTURE upon which TIGGY set his GROTE HOMES educating to 18 years ophans…ALL IS AGAIN BEING STOLEN…the CRIMINALLY INSANE are at MISCHIEF in their Marble halls…
1969 … I can recall ANDRE MALRAUX winter 1969 shouting in agony “ that’s my child …” as we leave a fashionable dinner party at Blew bury to return 2 miles to Harwell. V-A Mousie is put in her carry-cot in the back of the car. He cried out so loudly to the STARS…IN AGONY… “ THAT IS MY CHILD…” He has been walking about this evening with Victoria on his shoulder - she 9 months - she cried if he put her down in her tiny cot …
… I take her everywhere for safety - I have already had threats to
` take her away` from Mengele Harrington & dirty JIM…Royal Satrap paedophile & JIM uncle of 2 girls whose SHIPS SAILED IN…. Therefore V-A Mousie lived on my hip for a year or sat in her high chair at the piano…
SHE DOES NOT CRY ! I did not know she knew how to CRY ! She has too much to see & hear. This was her FEMININE SPIRIT … WANTING ANDRE TO GO ON WALKING UP & DOWN WITH HER…She has made her first Classical tour Italy & Rome & Pompeii ! THERE WAS NEVER ANY CRYING ! He was probably singing softly in her ear…I can remember Georges-ANDRE when I was 4 years old singing in my ear…SUMMER 1937... It is VERY bewitching !
MALRAUX instructions 1945/1946 … `LOOKING AT PAINTINGS` There is a painting by Grandpa Gordon that Andre would tell me I should see him in when he was not with me. He was to be imagined on Grandpa`s big bike coming down the snowy hill & bidding Good Evening to the people going to Church by Moonlight…He said that I should pretend the painting is sometimes with DAYLIGHT & I should remember he comes down that hill on the bike to me. & that he will always return from FRANCE & we shall look at the painting by GEG together `…IT IS IN MY DOWRY…gift of Annie & Bessie my great-aunts…George their brother-in-law painted it for them 1929 -
1968 to his death 1976 - ANDRE MALRAUX calls her VICTORIA
… but we at The Pillar House often call her `Mousie` for her delicacy of movement & early piano playing… She V-A is used to him on his sudden appearances… & she & little Peter smile at him readily…I see her one morning run towards him… she just 4 years old April 1972...she is calling gently over her shoulder to me as she dances from the big kitchen The Pillar House …
“ … its Andre-I love Andre-he makes me laugh…” and she ran down The Pillar House garden to the East Gate. I thought of the little child ` LIKE A LITTLE STAR ` described on the climb up the mountain paths in the story JOHN RUSKIN writes - its printed at the back of Sesame & Lillies “ King of the Golden River ”
Most children recall it as `Mr South West Wind Esquire`…& 2nd World wartime children immediately thought of … “ a lovely joint of mutton cooking over a warm fire…»
Entry to that lost world …of our GROTE CHILDREN…
Len speaks : “ 1977/80 tapes/ I am Len- I am your kin- I am a musician & artist- I have 3 books on social & philosophical matters abroad- I speak several tongues … even Japanese of which I am `A Master` … yet I am not to tell these my kin whom we descend from… All that magic has to be locked away ! One day some grubby creatures may unlock their stolen trunks…& laugh & jeer…some more… I have talked with Miss Welch explained the matters of the Estate. Of course she knew of GROTE…“ enlightenment…” She knew older people who had been to teach awhile or make an academic visit. It was ORDER out of chaos for the whole world . She’d look after the young…I should watch the world. See if there could not be some break-through… She’d try have a talk with some persons involved…» ( See BOOK OF LEN-)
Memo from G.R. (1995-2008 AD - our work programmme)
MEMO to LIR after his death - as I set out this Document as he has done in this manner in his diaries he kept all his life from boyhood…
`Lennie… it was in the June 1945 George COLONEL ANDRE came out of `Stella Maris` from talking with Annie & using the sitting room with the gilded old piano for reading & writing his thoughts his work… I HAVE NO MEMORY AT ALL OF YOU…this Holy House you would so often 1930s go in & talk with Annie - show your drawings, & speak on the ancient & modern art & music & people & life…
( before 2nd World War)…& Mademoiselle Mrs Honoria-Rachel might call on Annie & Bessie or you could go & have a secret tea in Rachel’s tiny half a house both of you speaking in French her first language- The Monsters on the Seafront think she is a beggar woman-she knows there sort ! Did you recall picking her up in the snow…she with her cat in her tiny rough wood cart she takes for her shopping wearing her ragged coat…she plays that beggar woman very well & then flips off to the most expensive Watering Places the Continent for a rest …or calls in on `young Paccelli` & old friends in Rome…I suppose she also knew your `Aunt Mag `… GR
1945 Summer- `WELL-I am in awe of Colonel Malraux-
but in love with him ANDRE I am allowed call GEORGE-- he bends his tall frame & has a ghostly smile on his face but no smiles in those beautiful eyes of his which sometimes have green stars…He is A WIDOWER - & Colonel Andre coming from `Stella Maris` say `th
“ I have seen your Grandfather’s paintings- Now little one- do you look at the one on the staircase where it curves… his painting of snow & moonlight…I want you to look into it next time & see ME coming down that hill on your Grandfather Gordon’s bike - On George’s bike…which I am now to ride about the town …it is for a tall man. In the painting I shall be coming down the snowy hill… I will stop & lean on the pedal & speak to the figures going up in the snow & into the lighted warm church. Annie says your grandfather knew who they were - we will try and find out. I shall then continue down the hill & at the bottom of the hill I WILL COME TO YOU
“I- ANDRE & George will come to you… “
I tremble doth mee G.R. & find some words “ … yes Great Aunt Annie has put it in my bottom drawer my dowry…the painting…Great Aunt Annie did say it last year again…but
I MUST have a holy home for it to come to…”
` George Colonel Andre doth return sometimes to this poetic time Outside time …as when you walk in grief - delicacy- uncertainty - outside dimensions. There was a book I used to enjoy turning the pages of 1943 because it had been my father’s but out of date in his time he said…Old Professor Dunn’s book his ideas on dimensions… but ` they were not sailing upright I had heard` … I will print Grandpa Gordon’s painting in this book for JO - she would have liked it `Going to Church by moonlight in the snow` & perhaps have written it into a story as Andre speaks of it. People sent photo-copy posters of it say what nice feelings it hath rise - Do you recall Lennie sound & such things technology began with Ben Westinghaus` great-grandpa in his garden shed…well I heard something like that when I was 4 years but may have not got it all correct…but your great grandpa Fred Ransom of Jacopsholmen used to call in… where was it in Germany ? Where we had 1840s the first `hole in the wall bank ` ?
/Potsdam I think… There was a letter from JANACEK saying he had used it in an emergency for 200 Marks-as it was designed-The Lindsaybuggarhs & JIM Mr Pong may have used these letters for catapult pellets fired at us when they got hold of our book of famous letters people writing to RANSOM families ` GR
1957/59…Penthatol was used on G.R. it was later reported .
I was seen dumb & in a trance many times , sometimes for 4 days or more. It was later understood they were using needles on me Mengele & his Dames … Mengele IS Tolkien’s Gollum-Lord of the RING - & there are several ORCS about Scarlet Town who drip blood & gore moneys GROTE-RANSOM-WEDDELL- banging their chests in public and saying `look at me-I`m the big Boots`
1958 January - MALRAUX goes for General de Gaulle to GUYANAS…Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square records)
THE TRAGEDIES OF JOSETTE Clotis MALRAUX & the family of M. de SALLE of PARIS stranded by the British on Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland-within the Arctic Circle- Reports 1939-1944-1960-
1939 December onwards - M. de Salle (direct line of Elizabeth RANSOM 1770s married Paris banker de Salle known to Jacques Necker) is NOT allowed to leave with wife and 4 children… they were with no possessions allowed/told all belonged to BRITISH CROWN/… Only wearing day clothes from Paris they are put in an unheated enormous hut near the shores December 1939 - They in 20 minutes ordered out of the great warm RANSOM home where they were preparing for Christmas- It was then locked & wired with explosives by JIMMIE JONG Major James Carew JAMES with 6/7 British Army thugs come in by fast launch from a big RN ship out at sea West Greenland - JIM known to GROTE RANSOM GORDON families is a foul creature from the 19-teens (the first years of the 20th century) he lives by theft with violence- he is ON THE PIN- (Full reports several persons/sources/Secret Services/)
1939 - dirty JIM Mr Pong now calling itself Major Carew or James or O`Carroll/trained 2 years CHINESE Opera PEKIN age 17 years-… Has a 2-man UNIT back of Buckingham Palace called Intelligence- He close friend Angela & parents from 1912/she that age/ He is often called criminally insane & known as ON THE PIN He acts Page-Puck-poor honest relative…pours tea & liquors for IMPERIAL BRITAIN et al… & drops powders/potions in which have him with some control of the person/sometimes a lot of CONTROL depending on strength of the DOPES he carries about with him. Has an apartment back of the Palace from 1923 to 1956. “ Uncle Jimmie James…” who can go anywhere `Queens Flight`…or IMPERIAL SAIL…From 1920s takes TEA once a month with Auntie Mary, Palace or Marlborough House. This is the former Mary Teck…the mad young used to take her fast driving with them 1920s…& she gave them the RUN OF BUCKINGHAM PALACE & other Marbled Halls so long as they let her drive their cars a bit … “ We all had a lovely time in our teens ” says Teresa Gordon…& JIM agrees with her…Lindsay Earls mob too …`
“…but it got less innocent swiftly 1921 onwards…as they got bigger & the dopes & the liquors flowed…few had any intelligent education of the world … past present future… beyond 7 to 10 years of age… A sign said GOD is a Noble of the British Upper Crust above their heads… GOD said to them personally `YOU must have money & power`…» ( … so help yourself to it from the APES & Eskimos…& the funny coloured ones about the globe…I mean to get rid of them…then it will be ALL WHITE … ` ) JR®
A half Chinese racist - JIM passes easily as French, Chinese or British. He had 2 years training in his teens PEKIN Chinese Opera Course where his Report said he was good at villains but less successful at sensitive parts… 1939 onwards The British Thuggery Department of RN have a watch & a blockade on the 1770 Decree GRONLANDER/Poulsen-RANSOM Island - 78 miles of it off Xristenshab - TO STOP THE FAMILY de SALLE of PARIS BEING RESCUED-
1944 - JOSETTE learned many Grote Ransom Estate matters- The end of October 1944 - she was reading ANDRE’s POST/mail she had COLLECTED from an address he had once used in PARIS- it is why she died- distressed ? -doped to make her forget ? or she was pushed ? (reports 1945 Xmas 2 men G. B. War office Foreign Office/ visits to Clacton elders of intelligence & humanism ) “ Before they parted in PARIS that last time she Jo said to Andre she would call in- in case something was there…”
1944 November - 1937 Summer - Just before her death 9 November 1944 JO/Josette READ & UNDERSTOOD…that there had to be danger especially for ANDRE …then she opened the door to be FACED by the 2 GUNMEN sent by BRITISH CONSUL FRANCE to retrieve the lawful correspondence to MALRAUX a French Citizen & she… Josette had made notes in story notebooks summer 1937 of what Greta Ransom told her when she let her/me speak on… for she could follow the human matters
( I G. R. well travelled ) related to her … because there was a connexion now to our SUMMER HOLIDAY 1937...
1937 SUMMER - Greta`s fear is the LINDSAY Monsters of the Deep would return to their GRAND between the Royal Hotel & the Towers…where it is squashed in like a Jurassic dog … that low dark Scotland granite building slipping & tipping from when they forced the builder & the Law Court to allow them put it up…
1944 Summer - Grote Brokers Wall Street New York America- write to ANDRE MALRAUX chosen approved GUARDIAN TO ALL THE ESTATE & the 2 heirs Greta & Lennie Ransom - “…that last year 1943 they received news on the fate of the family of M. de SALLE Citizen of FRANCE who had lived in PARIS - now stranded upon the Ransom Island with his family of wife & 4 children from December 1939 - 2 letters received 23rd December to Captain Fred J. Ransom at Clacton-on-Sea…tell how they have been ORDERED OUT of the RANSOM great warm house…allowed no bedding, furs, food…TOLD THEY ARE TRESPASSING upon BRITISH CROWN LANDS… The island is just within the Arctic Circle West Greenland-Jacopsholmen Island off Xristenshab- 2 hours by petrol launch- a big island of 78 miles…`a little utopia a democracy Peter` Capt. Alan Villiers Oxford December 1967...
1944 Summer - INFORMATION UPON THE ESTATE, cheque book for MALRAUX, IS IN THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO ANDRE MALRAUX from the lawful Brokers GROTE New York USA… POST/mail & CHEQUE BOOK stolen by Gross Britain Government & Crown & Nobles…a dope ON THE PIN group a ` THUGGERY ` …very big amounts cashed by FORGING THE NAME of ANDRE MALRAUX…!
1943/1944 - “ … Rumour…then sightings from the Coast Guards Canada - ships reports/
“… the parents were believed dead & the 2 small boys…but the 2 teenage girls HAD BEEN SEEN RECENTLY LIVING ROUGH… IT WAS KNOWN THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BIG RANSOM HOUSE so warm & comfortable…designed to live in all wintertime ! They had been evicted by a man they knew slightly in PARIS…He was now in the British Army…”
( This is information received by Grote Brokers others by 1943...)
Nota bene: In JOSETTE’s memory would arise the speech of the child GRETA RANSOM-Summer 1937...whose name she now saw on documents very legal- & letters about GROTE HOMES for children around the world- & ANDRE MALRAUX as GUARDIAN- JO would be scared ! She would recall Greetha telling her `the Monsters from the Deep do not want The Children of Thomas to have HOMES`
It was now 7 years since SUMMER HOLIDAY 1937 CLACTON-on-SEA… Malraux was asked about great SUMS on a cheque book ?
The Grote Brokers New York USA correspondence of Summer 1944 to PARIS address of Andre Malraux used October 1937... goes on describing the FATE OF de Salle family…well known in PARIS… of the 18th century banking house… 1939 Arctic CHRISTMAS … In an unheated HUT IN THE SNOW - big warm house locked up- explosives- Orders Gross Britain & Crown …This Island now called BRITISH CROWN PROPERTY…
1943/1944 - The Grote Brokers NEW YORK & other human beings knew by then that their worst 1930s fears were happening… `The British would NOT LET ANYONE GO & SEARCH & BRING THE De SALLE FAMILY OF PARIS OFF an Island of Arctic winters where they G.B. Noble Britain forced them to live rough & hoping for the deaths of them all swiftly… ( de Salle Family Paris a Ransom branch & a Poul Gronlander branch twice… G.B. Nobles knew this family too could inherit this vast Estate if every Ransom Weddell branch from 92 AD in the globe were slain by Noble Britain ! The Noble criminally insane had stolen Ransom genealogies & KNEW THE TRUTH…They also knew THEY ` COULD NOT BROKER A PENNY…`
THE criminally insane WENT ON WITH THE KILLING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…around the globe…The relative of the Crown G.B. & Scandinavia allowed the big RN SHIPS to be sailed in about the GLOBE…where the GROTE HOMES were… He then was Reported/photographs/ « going ashore on the Estate lands…tramping over them…» Reports by frightened & disturbed RN persons … He gets blown up in 1979 …
1938 - cheque 15 thousand pounds for Greta Ransom’s education to 18... Angela got 2 black horses out of it… the rest shared with LINDSAY Earls … Cries were heard in smart places that DEATH DUTIES NOT PAID ON the Old Eskimo Estate… … `DEATH DUTIES NOT PAID so we British Crown & Lindsaybuggarhs are taking this Greenland Island ! No entry ! WE RULE THE SEA ! `
The EVICTION into the ACTIC WINTER at CHRISTMASTIDE 1939 - the de Salle Family of Paris F R A N C E … “We were making the Christmas Cake we always make …” … Inner Circle West Greenland 9 December 1939 with their 4 children under 13 years of age … EVICTION IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN….so Gross Britain CROWN & NOBLES…can pick up fast some more dough…` TRAGEDY of BESTIAL behaviour DECREED FOR DOUGH by GROSS BRITAIN & CARRION CROW SCANDINAVIAN branches… Nobles…
1939 23rd December - LETTERS from JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND granted by Decree 1770 to Jacop Poulsen eldest son of POUL GRONLANDER … (pedigrees available…) “ Mr Jim Jong now a British Major came with 6-7 men in army uniforms & threw us out…Jim had furs on…he took all our Xmas presents in the great window where the SUN comes…
( read poem by HORACE Ancient Rome `all I wished…` ) knocked the top of a bottle of wine, we had 2...& drank it…began eating the candies for Christmas time…he did not offer them to anyone else…”
1939 December 23rd - I Greta Ransom am listening to this LETTER read 23rd DECEMBER 1939 … as we `young Fred Ransom’s household `The house on the REC` Vista Road Clacton-on-Sea had begun putting up the Xmas decorations in an old fashioned style for this OUR FIRST XMAS IN THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC…Old fashioned decorations from his youth…as my young father 28 years of age had thought he would do… in honour of his dead murdered parents Jean Weddell Ransom & Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom parents…his mother JEAN she murdered with poisons 1938 later summer & October 1939 his father… after great cruelty to FCFR all that summer…slain by JIM & LINDSAYbuggarhs with tricky situations… Greetha’s grandpa Ransom F.C. Len’s father hit upon his back by Mr Pong & the evil jack in the Box LINDSAY TO BE EARL 14 …who have a QUEEN ANGELA on dope & booze as is the way of these Roaring 1920s sub-sub-Apes... Records from everyone collected up by 1960 /
1939 October - Grandpa Ransom was poisoned in a Suffolk hospital by JIM Major PONG & a LINDSAY Brute & they used a doped up evil fool Teresa Gordon R to accompany them…..)
Now JIM set about the de Salle family of PARIS on the Ransom Arctic Island….J I M favourite of Royal & noble monsters of dope & divinity…& boozers -has learned conjuring in PEKIN…at the 4 persons dinner party back of Buckingham Palace October 1939 he got from Winston CHURCHILL A SIGNATURE FOR CANADA…& without W.S. understanding A SIGNATURE FOR STOPPING OFF AT WEST GREENLAND… Mr Pong…`PONG CONJURER` POURED THE BRANDY…waffling on it was a gift from a Noble lout…stuck some dope in… (Records related 1953 gathered from 1939 oral & witnesses & checked with others in 1960s…
1939 December 11th/12th
… LETTERS from GREENLAND - from M. de SALLE French citizen of PARIS & his 12/13 years old daughter SARAH … a cousin to Lennie & Greetah Ransom….
GREENLAND WEST Jacopsholmen Island 9 December 1939...RANSOM GREAT HOUSE BUILT AS A SHIP WILL LAST 400 years AMERICAN 19th century OPEN PLAN DOWNSTAIRS good staircase… J I M now a British Major for Buckingham Palace running a 2 Man Intelligence Unit- he has a 2 room apartment at the back from 1923/to 1956...
“ … packed all our presents in a sack & bowled them down the hill to the men with the launch at the harbour. WE WERE ORDERED OUT…NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE ANYTHING … we put on two layers of our Paris clothes … THE FURS & STORES FROM AUNT FROBISHER IN CANADA HAD NOT ARRIVED…we felt they were very late … next day we found all the tinned food & the dried meat & fish in the ice caves was gone…& the grains…there was nothing for us to eat … But it had been filled up the past year…as usual…” …
“ We were just making the cake we always make for Xmas when the men arrived & ordered us out - We were allowed to take no bedding - nothing at all - ONLY THE CLOTHES WE WORE that we had in Paris … Sarah Poulsen de SALLE…”
LOVE FROM GREENLAND - M. de Salle & daughter Sarah 13 years old - letters…taken by a Skipper who by chance sailed in-posted days later in Shetlands the letters which arrived to secret address Clacton-on-Sea on the 23rd December 1939 handed to Warrant Officer Frederick John RANSOM early afternoon who is reading them 2.30pm… at THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC…
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