At 36 years of age I was about to produce a first child & horrible creatures more like diseases than humankind were about again & Mengele Gollum Royal Satrap criminally insane HARRINGTON from November 1966 has followed me from BMNH to Harwell with the blue car … & has now infiltrated everybody we know bringing his horrible STATE THUGS…JIM a fat man running WHITES Club as Steward/BOOTED IN ON MALRAUX & attacked us & collected a bag of 100 pounds every FRIDAY night… From Henley he now came to live in OXFORD in what was called a FORT KNOX ! …
1970 June - The Police BANNED cur JIM from being 5 miles about Harwell or Didcot…But it would only last for 2 years…it had to be taken up again… JIM was threatening attacks on Greetah & The Pillar House… He had waved a gun 1968 at the Whitehead twins mother down the Townsend lane Harwell…SHE of Kenya 1950s knowing JIM was about had kept a GUN under her newspapers…He had to retreat…English RURAL life was what it had been about Len & me pre- 2nd World War…& we
had never lost JIM Jong Mr PONG after the war either…
1950s - Mengele got off 3 Court Cases/Magistrates Court /reports this document/he should have gone into an Asylum for LIFE !
1960s-1970s … Doctor Mengele escaped detection…probably because he used disguise…I did not recognise him in 1978...or later…he had given up his 6 inch HIGH handmade boots…the false black hair piece…& the raincoat USA Army like ANDRE MALRAUX… Mengele also had 5 cars for he & his nurse wife … DECREE ISSUED - GR the Ape-eskimo NOT to SPEAK with ANDRE MALRAUX…& NOT TO APPEAR AT FUNCTIONS… (photographs of me a tall girl, show why they do not want me to be seen…hair down my back, good bone structure-the foreign look from 2 great grandmothers INCA & Greenland showing…People in this influential society knowing more about Margarethe Grote than I did…GR abused horribly since 1940 onwards so the GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND could continue…so MONSTERS could wreck the earth…be RICH !
Peter J.P. Whitehead BMNH Ichthyology heard of the EVIL of dirty JIM 1951…Later he learns it was JIM burned alive 1st wife Monica Whitehead`s 1st husband JOHN VICKERS in a photographic Store early 1940s & damaged her 7 years old son…/it did feature in British newspapers/I remember my grandmother MARY GORDON ( b 1870-poisoned 1944 ) speaking of it & commenting on evil persons…
This is the little man she is telling ANDRE MALRAUX about SUMMER 1937...
1954 made SIR/cur James & still ON THE PIN… Records/Accounts/Police/ ) 1971 dirty JIM is made a Peer…His friendship with ANGELA is from 1912... She has her elder daughter with IMPERIAL CLOUT too …. & dough !
1947 - A MARRIAGE OF GRACE…Two Roman Catholics - raised in France & Gross Britain…he a Widower of Gaul & she an heir savagely treated from birth by NOBLE BRITAIN …are allowed “ an early Wedding ” by ‘young Paccelli’ a family friend who has ‘gone on high’ Pre-War as a young Priest he has come upon the hatred of NOBLE HIGH CLASS SIN Gross Britain against the GROTE HOMES half of them in Catholic nations -
1929/1931 - `PACCELLI knew a lot about the criminally insane behaviour of Figures from a Morgue Great Britain. They were found trying to steal art works all over the CATHOLIC world sending in their Diplomats or Noble family members - & IN GERMANY too ! IMPERIAL Britain insisted they owned the GROTE HOMES & they would CLOSE THEM…all carried out in semi-secrecy NOTHING ON PAPER !
One example: MacMillan is banned by Greek Parliament 1934
FOR LIFE from GREECE … for pretending to be an American Representative from Grote New York … He had got a boatful to take off for himself & Angela (quick cash) when the Greek Parliament a Democracy yelled by phone & messenger `Take them off him & kick him out he is a penniless British aristocrat called Harold Macmillan 40 years of age & his wife is a whore who spends every penny on booze-gambling-men…HE IS ON THE PIN…
Grote Homes were established in Italy from 1870 - & by 1875 launched into Catholic lands with Vatican approval…Tiggy was now a regular visitor to Vatican…& Margarethe had called by invitation with her parents Fred & Gertrud Poulsen RANSOM since she was a child…the connection being POUL GRONLANDER who saved a boatful of Italians by THE GREATEST SWIM ON EARTH off Gotharb…1740s…
VATICAN - the records of Grote Homes should be upon the Vatican shelves - with other RANSOM histories/San Julian Inca RC etc / The records are NEEDED by an intelligent humanist world ! Or have they been destroyed … by British IMPERIAL monsters …? RECORDS should be in place for dates 1740s-1765...1870-1958 … ARE OUR RECORDS IN PLACE ? ? ? Italy has many murdered Grote Homes children…accounts/records 1943-1986/…
1936 - Report Captain Liam Ransom with Norwegian Mission Visit to HITLER …
It is confirmed by Goering at the elbow of Hitler 1936 autumn..
“… & they will not make them fight…or interfere with the GROTE curriculum - admire it - humanism…Oh they all admire Tiggy rushing round the globe setting up OUR orphanages…teaching them their language & literature too (meaning German tongue) …
From 1864...they know the date…they got one of the first Homes… I remind them TIGGY of their Nation left us RANSOM some years SHOELESS - its admired ! Young Fred ! ` Well we recovered they said …` !
Goring stood at his elbow all the time, his left elbow Hitler…
`Yes they know she disagrees with Racism, Margarethe - the Jewish matter- & she will not enter Germany unless it stops… we understand they said…but we would like to keep the HOMES running ` …
But he’s ranting he is Hitler…he’s going to have a War…
Oh it’s the economy-political economy…of all the others too…”
1936/ Captain Liam Ransom gives young Kurt Gogol Birmingham in the empty evening classroom a hand with some maths… using maths of the SEA - `STARS & THE SEAS …` Liam Ransom was asked to come & help …
1960 end of winter - G.R. hears from JRR & LIR…1960/1961 Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux…Colne Engaine near CAMULODUNUM Colonia Victricensis… NIGHT WATCH & DAWN WATCH … they are saying … & I can recall the visit Uncle Captain LIAM RANSOM of Birmingham & Norway after XMAS 1936...New Year 1937 ... & he doth bring me the MAP TO LEARN MY STARS … « a MAP AS WE USE AT SEA …» as I am telling ANDRE MALRAUX, Josette the happy SUMMER 1937...
1936/7 - New Year - Captain Liam Ransom speaks with Fred John Ransom… `… Goering had an idea a Jewish State could be in Tanjanika but the British & the Dutch disapproved…GROTE HOMES did not take Jewish children because the Jewish people looked after their own orphans. We had every other race-religion-with Grote Homes. Letters came from a Miss Goering before the Great War & until 1938…they seem to have had a member of the family come from one of Tiggy`s HOMES very early/ 1860s …
( TIGGY GROTE a grandson of Family GROTE of West Saxony - married 18th century into Frederick Immanuel KANT…19th century cousins Messerschmitt…kith Junkers …WHY IS TIGGY GROTE & his admired HOMES the globe NOT ON THE INTERNET ? )
(Nota bene : Greetha Ransom is being taught German from Xmas 1937 New Year 1938... “ I was talking with Aunt Margarethe girl of the Snows Lennie & she said that French is rather spiteful when you are young…she began with German because on the Island Jacopsholmen everyone spoke Norwegian German or Greek…”
Thus G.R. could always recall `landshaft`…& learned from PJPW to awaken her memory slightly with `wunderkarma…kunstkarma…`
GR stopped learning German because SHEsheTERESA GORDON R. threw the WIRELESS/radio through the window- a DECREE is issued WESTMINSTER GR to have NO education . Does CLYTEMNESTRA`S friend-fiend ANGELA also hurl WIRELESS/radios through the windows of that Palace ? & perhaps the LINDSAYBUGGARHS EARLS too…FASHIONS OF THE 1930s Gross Britain …
My father FJR was upset about the wireless & the broken window…Len his young brother & I felt we were being blamed…
If we had been older…we might have flown up to GREENLAND for a BEER or two…!
1939-1945 - WAR CAME - the murdering FOR THE MONEY by Gross Britain NOBLES went on fast/ MARTYRS / Blood & gore money is passed to their kids too…BUT FOR the GRACE OF GOD might GO WE…!
1864 - established first GROTE HOMES…
Tig began USA Homes then ploughed across the Pacific Islands & to Japan & Russia…He had all the languages & learned more. We RANSOM were shoeless & his father’s Firm New York GROTE BROKERS our Brokers from 1830s. Nota bene : Grote were horrified what their Tig had done to the new Bride Margaret Ransom & her well-off family … & gave to the Grote Ransom Estate the nearly 4 ACRES to be UNDER the future CENTRAL PARK …& built the Bride the waterfront NEW YORK BRIDAL HOUSE - Sold BY Gross Britain SCUM end of 20th century…
1864 onwards…THE CONTRACT WITH EACH NATION THAT HAS THE GROTE HOMES IS THIS… if the Home is not needed then it is the Property of the Nation it is in - & Grote Ransom hope that it can be used for a similar good cause- The recreation grounds of the HOMES the recreation facilities/ sometimes the craft works if an integral part of the HOME/are also the property of the Nation… WE RANSOM KEEP A LOW PROFILE after TIGGY`s murder on ARRAN 1904 - 1904/records/newspapers/etc. & 1960/61 added records
THE BRITISH EMPIRE NOBLES disapprove of the HOMES…they mouth they are not approved by GOD/ & will result in unfair disadvantages to British Trade/& that these are SAVAGE RACES … & their God will give a SIGN when he wishes the world to be educated…( blah blah…)
The CHARTER of GROTE HOMES is clear ! RANSOM retain the
other lands, investments, etc with agreement the NATIONS…
We hath kin/kith from our vast ancestry of 14 Races & 27 Nations from
92 A.D. There was never any dispute over our presence…& our Estate & its philanthropy showing how a better QUALITY OF LIFE CAN BE ATTEMPTED…
Records were round the globe/& in several BOOKS - history of Tiggy GROTE’s HOMES-RANSOM histories etc- When FOUNDING his HOMES Tiggy Grote got many people of all CLASSES in each Nation to give support. They gave gifts of moneys, & gifts of small homesteads, investments to their local HOME…this all began to roll in when Thomas Tiggy began the HOMES with approval 1864 onwards…Thus he got Guardians in each small nation for the HOMES…
“ He drew in a Queen of Spain…she’d been used to picking up this & that…then she really learned with Tiggy Grote & our SPANISH HOMES did very well…no Revolutionaries emerged but common sense & patient work of HUMANISM…& IT WORKED because as us THE CHILDREN HAD NO GREED… as those Figures from IMPERIAL MORGUES ” … THE CHILDREN ACTED THE GOSPELS OUT…educated to 18 years with 3 or 4 languages each…
1937 - ? Andre Malraux is not told about the Estate by ( Unity’s mother ) our hostess that SUMMER ? Did she think he’d begin the SPANISH WAR again…? Hundreds of seaplanes & small planes serve the HOMES & the Estate. Might he try get permission from GREETHA RANSOM age not yet 5 years … ?
THE RANSOM FAMILY AWAY IN SPAIN…the matter of saving the Murgatroyd son aged 22 years who telephoned to say LINDSAY threatening the ESTATE was owned by them now ! Then they boiled him to his death in marmalade on the Estate Spain the coast that summer 1937 - We in England not told until October . The LINDSAY mob are described by eye witnesses as DRUNK & crowing “ ANGELA HAS GIVEN IT TO US ” . Thus a nightmare for RANSOM family that SUMMER 1937 & they have gone to SPAIN by our seaplanes & a lunch … Angela has been pushed high by penniless nobles - THEY ARE ON THE SCARLET PIN…
1930s - HELL is LOOSE in the WORLD - when IMPERIAL Noble Gross Britain with bloody paws & foul black tongues to expensive boots in semi-secrecy has condemned the HOMES & begun robbery from the SEAS or advised its ON THE PIN NOBLE DIPLOMATS to pay its EMBASSY BILLS using Grote RANSOM banks/& some Weddell… Plans are being carefully made to slay the children using a 2nd World WAR …
NOBLES have gone partying with Nazi figures 1930s & meet at CLIVEDEN called Clifton-on high seas …
Here in the Astor Place the Chief Butler has the best silk used to make Flags with the swastika. These are to be seen in his apartment in his drawers by the Black Shirts & others who like Hitler & gang. The flags will be put up at the HOUSE when Hitler gets over for Christmas 1939...“ we saw them ” …says JIM & gang . “ Hitler is expected to make it at least by autumn 1941...” Records/1939 to 1960s/
Mr JIM JONG & Lindsay Earl to be No 14 have been with Teresa Mrs Gordon-Gordon R … an absinthe & dope party … back of Buckingham Palace 1939 ... LEN & Greetha Apes are to be bayoneted by Hitler… Mr JONG will shoot Angela in the back & stand with one foot on her crying BIG GAME as the German `go-ahead-fellows` STRIDE INTO Buckingham Palace… `
MONSTERS of the DEEP - with PINS & needles…
1938/1939 - GROTE CHILDREN SLAIN - beginning with Norway winter 1938/1939 . Photos letters phone calls from a woman in Berlin where they were all distressed in an Embassy-children left on low lying ground with the winter SEAS coming in…YOU COULD NAME THE KILLERS ! Music Sibelius/Grieg might have reader with thoughts upon the matter -
1945 onwards - RETURN IMPERIAL BRITAIN monsters to lands where they have recently SLAIN GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…Decree is all LANDS are CROWN LANDS - beneath the seas are big nets full of drowned GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…death pits still full of young partly burned bodies - GOVERNMENT & Crown silently agree to say `lands collected by ANCESTORS of CROWN & NOBLE BRITAIN for CENTURIES ` … Angela given ALL by AN OLD ESKIMO including 19 ACRES UNDER NEW YORK/IS THE OTHER LIE ! … They have a SHARE OUT 1950s - & into the 21st century …
1962 March - “ AN ELABORATE OBSCENE GIGANTIC PIECE OF STATECRAFT by GROSS BRITAIN ” - statement by General de Gaulle … 1962 when the full Papers, Wills, were at last GOT TO HE
& ANDRE MALRAUX…after robbery end of February 1960 of his Courier sent Paris - New York by plane … to collect from Philip Silverlee at the New York Airport & return on the next plane to FRANCE …
There continues elaborate hoax, more murders, frame-ups ,
… procedure as before in secret silence…
1960 NIGHT WATCH - DR JOHN RAY ® - research up to January 1960 says “ IMPORTANT POINTS …I have been talking with Sarah … AFTER the horrendous starvation & hypothermia DEATHS of their two small brothers & their PARENTS Monsieur Madam de SALLE of PARIS … Sarah & her young sister were AWARE…a visitor ( to the West Greenland Island JACOPSHOLMEN ) GRANTED BRITISH GOVERNMENT POWER… is their ABUSER … ”
(THIS is ON THE PIN Mr JIM Jong Major Carew/Major JAMES of Buckingham Palace running a 2-man Unit Intelligence 1939-1944- JIM has had 2 room apartment at the back of Buckingham Palace since 1923 …`
( This is that JIMMIE Jong persecutor of the Gordon families from 1920 then Ransom families 1932 onwards & called MR PONG by Greta Ransom. JIM appeared on fast visits West Greenland Jacopsholmen the big Island below DISCO… 1941-1945... telling some men he brought in to work for The British Crown to attack & rape the 2 girls & he was calling them names…NAMES THAT SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN THE WORLD PRESS…HIS NOBLE EMPLOYERS of Gross Britain & Scandinavia employ such names against civilized peoples when they think they are unheard/1950s the tape-recorder became portable ! … reports… `JIM ordered all topsoil of SUMMERTOWN be thrown in the sea…the Contractor found him mad but dangerous because of his KUDOS…there was only 6 inches of coal…JIM had said there was many feet of it…`/Reports 1948/1960
1941 - “ Jimmie Jong 1941 now employed a man from North America to extract coal from under SUMMERTOWN Jacopsholmen Island - the area of 114 acres left as a RESERVE to the GLOBE by Fred Ransom & Gertrud the GRONLANDER’s grand-daughter…”
“ WEST GREENLAND `The Holm` - It had the most unique flowers of every colour & shade, & small shrubs appearing when there was a good summer. Records `Photos recording the flowering area 1920s had a woman die early in the 1950s citizen of North America for possessing these photos & speaking about them - she a Botanist …/another woman a science connection to BMNH -directs where to find records in BMNH collections 1967/evidence was there/... GR has no more information here/
Reports from 2 workers say JIM acting insane :
There was only a few inches of coal - JIM Jong Major Carew had tricked the Contractor…IT WAS FELT THE REAL OBJECT WAS TO GET RID OF THIS SOIL…which produced SUMMERTOWN…` (one of these men employed is a Greenlander/Eskimo) When the Contractor & another man came to understand this area bloomed some years they were TIED TO THE CONTRACT…if they pulled out they would be BROKE/IN DEBT…THEY WERE SCARED OF JIM…he had KUDOS.` (he comes in from big RN ships/or Danish/ fast launch & possibly sea planes… )
“ It was known 2 girls were there-Europeans-the eldest came & spoke to them & asked could they get them off & she bargained fish for other foodstuffs. But it was forbidden to help them & he felt the man helping him could be reporting to JIM. He knew the venture was going to leave him almost skint ! Possibly in debt for 2 years ! ”
“ It had been suggested by Jim that the two girls could be attacked for fun… The elder came bargaining for food, the younger stayed at a distance…but they could speak with some of the Eskimo who lived at the other end of the Island part of the year… Upon returning to USA the Contractor had visits from men representing JIM…he explained the whole expedition had left him broke…he could only pay for the machinery hire ! He made a mention of the girls. He was told they chose that way of life…
ABOVE Information Dr JOHN RAY ® USA State Department/& some Museums 1960s/1980s…LIR/GR/ANDRE MALRAUX Detectives Colleagues at Colne Engaine 1960/61...& Mengele jokes !…
‘ ALL THE FAMILY of Sarah & sister…parents & 2 brothers were dead 1941/42 - from the ARCTIC winters /starvation & hypothermia - Monsieur de SALLE of Paris France…his wife was pregnant & not well…ATTACKED-dead on the shores where she took her walk…
Jacopsholmen Island off Xristenshab under DISCO…same place on the shore where Count Poulsen`s wife was found with her head slit off at the top October 1933 - CRIME by Mr Jimmie Jong with his knife - he also nicks veins behind the EAR -
1957 November - Nota bene: Mengele Harrington did this to GR in Malraux`s home 50 Lancaster Gate Square London…he was CRAZY to copy JIM…he went for a girl in a flat/no knowledge if she lived/ & came at Greta Ransom but her mother TGR stopped him…ordered him OUT of the top room when he came prancing in & put a cut behind Greta`s ear…He began saying Greta Ape did it to her aunt…he would give it her back … Mengele Royal Satrap Gollum paedophile is mixing DOPES-
“ GRETA IS TERESA`s HOSTAGE ” … TGR`s 1920s friend/fiend ANGELA is heard piping…Mengele is her Physician in secret for problems emotional/dope liquor & possibly throwing wirelesses through the window…The Roaring 1920s still went on…
1938/9 - LONDON - “ A small banquet 1938/9 with about 27 or 28 people…a top table…two other small ones …The man David was not at all very alert. He looked quite placid & thoughtful as if in a TRANCE. An old short stout lady whom everybody liked is referred to as `Angela’s Aunt` … In answer to raucous merriment on the top table from several & Mr JIM , the old lady perhaps going to leave the meal, stood up & said “… how can you DESTROY Tommie Grote’s HOMES…” RECORDS - She was a visitor to the USA Homes with American ladies for a number of years…she came at Christmas with gifts for the children…Reports from several sources including 2 people who crept away…
“ Mr JIM Jong leapt down from the top table & at her with a knife…the blood spurted above her head from her neck behind her ear… & she grabbed a plate to defend herself with…then she collapsed…There was a cry for sedatives - SEDATIVES ! … Not for a physician…» ( 2 people went on hands & knees & crept away…one could not leave until the next day hiding in a disused room that had been for cleaning boots & shoes…it had a sink & water) “ … THE PALACE had become OVERRUN WITH HIS KIND…Mr JIM…” reports from the 2 who got away…1960 & notes kept years before…/USA & others/
1941 `Monsieur de SALLE’s two small sons FROZE …he found them dead from exposure to the ARCTIC WINTERS by 1941 - he carried them up to the Ice Caves - telling their sisters they had gone to join the Army…HE DIED… Monsieur de SALLE 1941/2 …
“ Soon after he died…our proud Father - we buried him with his sash & STAR - but he was dug up & the STAR taken…”
15 & 12 years old…& ARCTIC WINTERS AHEAD… RAPE happened to them…& tiny babes born that never lived…the British press never printed any of this … late 1950s early 1960s…
Printed is `the girls could not be Virgins` … as instructed by Doc Mengele Harrington & his Noble Employers, some of `THE NAVY LARK`… & CUR JAMES Jong…& NOBLE SCUM as pre-War & during the 2nd World War…directed at RANSOM families…because we own legally GROTE HOMES RANSOM Estate in 3 Parts the WORLD …A-Z independent Nations outside IMPERIAL BIG BOOTS…
1970s … JIM Cur James got to Sarah after her rescue & said he was only bluffing…for he feared for his life from these Army thugs that December 1939…& from BRITAIN that week he gave ORDERS the family were to be taken of & brought to safety…he was assured this had been done…
…. `Oh YEARS LATER HE JIMMIE LEARNED THE RANSOM FAMILY had kept them there…& the Ape Greta had been spiteful to them…` SARAH would know she could not say other than YEA …or she would die… JIM JONG on the PIN could NOT STOP TELLING LIES…like the rest of NOBLE BRITAIN WHO PLANNED THIS GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND…for dough !
Nota bene : GR is 6 years old in 1939 ! Angela`s kids by 1939 are into two figures of age !
records 1960 - give continuation by Teresa Gordon & JIM after 1939 XMAS…passports asked for/false letters sent/details related get lost in accounts of old SUNDAY GAMES of Marlborough House…bunch of evil dope fiends who have lost badly AT GAMBLING 1900s onwards !
1930s … “ RANSOM family HEIRS….attacked by LINDSAY EARLS GANG…& slimy Jimmie JONG for his Government Nobles Gross Britain & Crowns … ”
Interview text : with Sarah Poulsen de SALLE…. “… my sister was 11 years old when she was attacked…the baby born when she was 12 did not live…it happened again…they never lived…we tried to keep them alive…»
1960 January-February - Records with Dr JOHN RAY Ransom /USA/& USA Secret Services…& many Research workers in shock late 1950s & 1960/61 ... NOTES Read at Colne Engaine Colchester NIGHT WATCH…Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX shocked too by these histories/British/ Territorials coming in JUNE/
1950s - ` IMPERIAL Noble visitors/monsters… come to sport & debauch upon the GRONLANDER RANSOM Holy island/2 big yachts/ A few Greenlanders manage to creep about on the Island - photographed these monsters of Gross Britain & Denmark…they were easily recognized…`
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