Greta Ransom

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1957 November - he ANDRE learned on his visit from PACELLI the Pope … that the marriage was always VALID

(refer to this Document Summer 1937/ 1957 November ANDRE MALRAUX in dialogue with `PACELLI` /Pope Pius XII -

RECORDS : Notebooks Arthur Malone/Dr JOHN RAY Ransom/FJR diaries/Dr Len Immanuel Ransom … others …including notebooks ANDRE MALRAUX …

ANDRE September 1947 in ROME suddenly lost his nerve ...

`YOUR FATHER DID NOT COME TO THE WEDDING … he FJR cancelled at the last moment …FOUND HE COULD NOT COME ` That was all Miss Gordon told him when he asked about the absence of Captain Ransom .

Miss Gordon gave this explanation to other guests at the tea party at the Winclemann home after the ceremony in the Catholic church across the road ” ~

“ 1947 September - ANDRE, his understanding of the situation is

AS SIMPLE AS THAT … GRETA`s FATHER DID NOT COME ! HE HAD NOT SEEN THIS MAN AT THE MARITAL COURT ! He had NEVER answered the LETTERS that had been sent to him by ANDRE & PROFESSOR WINCLEMANN - They were posted to THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC … or given to Miss Win GORDON who said she would address them to Captain RANSOM in London … SHE HAD TO LOOK UP THE ADDRESS … or get it checked by another family member ”

… “ ANDRE says he had NO REASON to doubt her good faith … it is not until her elder cousin MISS TERRY/Teresa BUTLER speaks with him just before XMAS 1959 that he realised what HAD BEEN KEPT FROM HE, & kind old WINCLEMANN …

... 1960 - the detectives & friends of Andre Malraux, after speaking with Miss Winifred Gordon said ` She did not seem to follow the DANGER she had put them all in from JUNE 1945 ` When he ANDRE first met her SHE HAD A COPY OF THE WILL IN A DRAWER in her home ! She did not TELL Julie Butler her younger cousin this ! He ANDRE did not often see Julie those years … other than perhaps three times when she was on a 4 days visit to Clacton … she worked in Manchester 1945/1947 living with her family - she was paying OFF the Loan they had taken out from the ATS in order to get their GUEST HOUSE started at Clacton .

1946 August-September CLACTON MARITAL COURT :

ANDRE MALRAUX … he had NO IDEA that Teresa WAS TO BE LOCKED UP IN AN ASYLUM for an unspecified TIME, at least until the three children had ALL FINISHED THEIR EDUCATION … MISS WIN GORDON ex-ATS did not let him know these matter ”

… “ She Miss GORDON September 1946 is in charge for 2 Courts to MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR HER SISTER TO ENTER THE ASYLUM at Tendering initially - from there she Teresa would be transferred to the other end of the Nation to an ASYLUM. HE HAD NO IDEA BASTARD EDWARD Du CANN b 1924 WAS IN THE COURT & telling filthy tales UNTRUE about Greta...

That this nasty little man on heroin since 17 years old … is ASKING TO HAVE THE ENTIRE ESTATE PUT IN HIS CUSTODY ” ! HE only one of the bastards of Teresa Gordon ! He a friend of JIM, LINDSAY Earls & Angela …

“ ANDRE - He had learned 1960 THAT autumn 1946 The Clacton (& Chelmsford) COURT … DISMISSED ALL that this male of 22 years old ... very spiteful GREEDY on his excessive heroin ... friend of NOBLE BRITAIN, one of the bastards of Teresa Elizabeth Gordon say`th -

It was known in Clacton-on-Sea amongst ELDERS that he now called Ed du Cann b 1924 had his LIFE SAVED by MARY GORDON & she christened him R.C. Edward Gordon/du Cann ... is one of the bastards born to TERESA GORDON , his life is saved by her ROMAN CATHOLIC MOTHER Mary Helena Murphy O`Brien CARROLL Mrs George Ernest Gordon …Protestant Noble girls were normally aborted early 20th century...


born OF CHANCE ~ Now be civilized & act as HUMANISTS ~ H U M A N I T A S !

The globe needs to go adventuring ...

to the STARS ... G R

N B : 1978 - MP Ed du Cann had to present to WORTHIES an ADOPTION CERTIFICATE for himself age 2 years with a change of surnames - Clacton Marital Court & various JPs & others of Administration learned swiftly upon investigation of his two FAKE law advisors with him !

“ ANDRE, IT WAS NOT UNTIL early 1960 … he , ANDRE MALRAUX, now learned fully that GRETA`S father WON THE CASE in the Marital Court 1946 September & there was A Hearing another Court/a group of persons of Essex Administration advising THE MATTER OF MARY GORDON her death early June 1944 … BY POISONING & the CLOSE ASSOCIATION OF ANGELA a woman who had an ILLICIT CROWN ” ...

NB: “ Mary Gordon is POISONED ” as ballerina Jean Weddell grand-daughter of JAMES WEDDELL Quaker sub-Arctic SEA ...

JEAN the paternal grandmother of Greta Ransom HEIR/MALRAUX GUARDIAN ~

“ ANDRE MALRAUX said … It was HE Captain Ransom, that poor young abused man, is given CUSTODY ALL THREE CHILDREN ! He Malraux was deceived ! She kept him away from her sister Mrs Potter at this time !

She , Miss Win Gordon, Greta `s Auntie Winnie of 1937 of whom she Greetah - this 4 & a half year old - had spoke of affectionately ,

... it was SHE ... She did NOT tell he or WINCLEMANN ! SHE SAID AN ARRANGEMENT HAD BEEN MADE between Mr & Mrs Ransom ~ NOTHING ELSE ~

“ He ANDRE aged 44 years old with literature printed in books, a tragic Catholic Widower to Josette, is allowed twice a few minutes in the Marital COURT that September 1946 CHOSEN by Miss Gordon

It was Professor WINCLEMANN had to ask Miss Gordon to allow him ANDRE MALRAUX whose name she had as GUARDIAN in her Courtesy COPY the legal WILL of Margaret GROTE ... to enter & learn of the British System”

“ 1946 August & September - He, WINCLEMANN was asked by the ELDERS of the COURT to give his EVIDENCE ... He an eminent psychologist & scientist CHEMISTRY OF THE BRAIN... Mr WINCLEMANN & his ENGLISH WIFE had called in POLICE to the HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC … because of the BEHAVIOUR of the MOTHER Teresa Gordon Ransom observed by they & School Teachers 1943/1945 spring ”

“ ANDRE needed to know … THE MOTHER WAS known to be OF UNSOUND MIND but she had HIGH POWERED FRIENDS … SHE WAS A VIRAGO … She had been in Prison twice for same crimes SEDATING the vulnerable as her NOBLE CHUMS did & STEALING from them ”

“... 1939 - 1945 SHE WENT TO A PALACE FOR PARTIES & MEETINGS IN WHITEHALL …The three children were often alone in the house 1943/1945 … the elder boy was sometimes sleeping away with friends … Greta was 10/11/12 years & left with the younger brother born in October 1938 …


THE FATHER WAS EXPECTED BACK as British WAR OFFICE had requested “ /Officer/CAPTAIN RANSOM TO RETURN FOR HOME DUTIES ... ORDER out since early winter 1943/44/ ”

“ But 1946 September, Greta`s father Captain Fred John RANSOM was not present that day he Georges-ANDRE Colonel MALRAUX was allowed in the COURT a little under 20 minutes. She Miss Gordon took him in & told him when he should leave & he ANDRE did as SHE TOLD HIM … He, ANDRE, had expected TO MEET Army CAPTAIN RANSOM ~

1946 ... She, Miss Win Gordon ex-ATS, did not tell the kindly WINCLEMANN couple the FULL FINDINGS of the Marital Court either …even though she had spoken many times with Professor WINCLEMANN in his own home the old Chemist Murrays near the Catholic Church... She had been introduced to them JUNE 1945 ... During the Summer 1946 Miss Win Gordon ex-ATS joined Mrs Wincleman & a lady friend, Colonel Andre MALRAUX & Greetah age 12 years with a school-friend at the BLUE LAGOON ballroom - they shared two tables & all danced to a big Swing band ...

1945/1946 - Mr Winclemann born in Germany stayed home those summer evenings 1945 & 1946 because many local Service Men returned from the WAR were at the Ballroom with their families -

Miss Win`s sister Teresa Gordon was reported as very violent & rude at the DANCES & drove her Scottish kilted male partner into the dancing couples of the persons come with ANDRE one evening ... she was particularly bitter & vile as she hit Greetha & Andre with her BACKSIDE & hissed with HATE at Greetah “ GET BACK TO THE HOUSE you dirty bitch you ”. She knew that ANDRE did NOT KNOW of the WILL & the great ESTATE he was FULL GUARDIAN to...

... Her behaviour is several times reported to Mr & Mrs Kingsman who own the Pier & live above the Blue Lagoon Ballroom... The violence increasing from Teresa had them BANN her from the DANCES & The PIER Summer 1946 ... Mrs Kingsman had been helping the young husband Fred RANSOM with the British Estate accounts since 1945 September ...

1945 Autumn Teresa told ANDRE on the Dance Floor of the Blue Lagoon to “ PUT THEM IN A MONASTERY ... THE two ILLEGITAMATES ... YOU cannot go into PUBLIC LIFE WITH THEM them ... PUT THEM IN A MONASTERY ” ! She referred to the two sons of Josette & MALRAUX. ANDRE said firmly & politely “ I AM A WIDOWER, Teresa ...

... That evening 1945 September he escorted Greta Ransom back to

THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC ... ALL WAS AS QUIET AS A GRAVE ... Teresa Gordon R. her mother WAS NOT BACK AT MIDNIGHT ...he told Greetah to go to her room & be asleep when her mother came in ... ANDRE intended speaking immediately with Mr Winclemann about the savage behaviour of Teresa... immediately if Mr Winclemann was awake not gone to bed ... He strode fast to the seafront & spoke upon his return to their home... here Andre Malraux their young friend of 1920s/1930s had a bed made up for himself - he came for a few days at a time from May 1945 to 1948 ... arriving at the USA Air Base IPSWICH ...

“ 1945 September ... MALRAUX & Mr/Professor Winclemann were awaiting a VISIT from Captain Fred John RANSOM who had arrived from Africa ... they were not told he FJR had found his tiny family home Deptford Park vandalized the JOISTS of the upper floors deliberately cut 1940 ORDERS Government Lords & Crown” ...

“... Not told anything by Miss Win Gordon or her sister Teresa ... & Greetah had tried get her father for three days to VISIT Mr Winclemann ... but her mother`s violence had her bruised & she told a school friend she Greta was walking about slowly without any feeling of having legs or arms & her mother had HIT HER HEAD SO HARD SHE COULD SEE RED JELLY OVER HER EYES ” ...

“ Greta`s father was in London or other places in the country...He was heard to say that his sister IVY JEAN RANSOM ex-British Navy WREN was homeless & had been threatened by the EARLS of LINDSAY who claimed both of them as COUSINS ! & WERE INSISTING THE ESTATE belonged to them ... in secret silence in the name of the Crown ... !

“ 1947 March - & SHE, Miss Win Gordon, TOOK OVER the ARRANGEMENTS for the WEDDING - she was insistent that her sister Esther & other friends, including Mrs Winclemann WERE FAR TOO BUSY ! ANDRE was horrified at the cruelty over the wedding frock sent from NEW YORK, bought by the 2 brother-in-laws RANSOM he did not know any of this until 1960 ! She, Miss Win Gordon, never told Greta … or let her see it ! Not until 1963 did he ANDRE, speak with her MISS MINNI she said she felt it was more suitable the wedding be dignified , hence the blue suit that Julie had grown out of , as the Marriage was to a WIDOWER

ANDRE MALRAUX said ... “The SECRECY… what was kept from him, had made him ILL 1960 …he could only call her MISS MINNI ! then Greta seemed to be taken from him again !

The deaths of his sons 1961 ! Greta in London but she seemed to be vague TRANCE LIKE … & HE HEARD HER MOTHER HAD GOT HER BACK AGAIN … POULTER dead …The Colchester MUSEUMs no longer a REFUGE !

` In London from January 1962 - Detective LAW Arthur Malone & Philip Silverlee & Patrick MacDrew took turns to look after Greta 24 hours of the day ! Miss Rose Holder with the flat Lambeth had all the sympathy in the world but she could only think that ANDRE, when he called on her 1963, WAS TOO OLD for GRETA ` …

1960s - ` Malone had later, 1968-1972, explained that they were ALL in fear of their own lives - he had to tell Miss Holder to lock up the flat well when she was inside ! Malone took a room with her family old friends in another Flat on the same floor, across the LIFT SHAFT, Lambeth` .

` Mr Mengele HARRINGTON would park his blue car opposite occasionally… call always on TERESA Mrs Gordon-Gordon if she was staying & off they went to expensive PLACES to dine … Teresa-Terry stayed part of the week in London…then went to Clacton part of the week saying she had to go & help JOHN...he NOT AT ALL A BASTARD as she had given out ALL THOSE YEARS Malone had seen the photos that young LEN had ... `

« He, Detective Malone, kept a forelock pulling acquaintanceship with Mr spoof Doctor Harrington & Mrs H. MengeleHE FEARED THEM ! HE KNEW WHOM THEY WORKED FOR... & she blonde doll like Nurse Mrs M-H. slept around the NOBLE CROWD until she was showing her age - her husband pointed her in the way of this figure or that ... » ...

1961-1968 - « He MALONE/POLITAN could NOT get to ANDRE again except when he MALRAUX was surrounded by shallow crooks or slipping over to England to assure himself young Greta... to whom he was GUARDIAN was in good health - ANDRE reminded them in the minutes he saw them alone that Greta had told HIM by The Albert Memorial a cold winter February 1959 afternoon » ...

« ... he, now MALRAUX of FRANCE 1st Cultural Minister - should best get on with his JOB in GAUL ... & that ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY ... he ANDRE that late winter 1959 felt that the FUTURE LAY AHEAD OF THEM ...

Greetah of the SUMMER 1937 ... is to give them, he & she, as a CATHOLIC MARRIAGE couple some late children ... he would die in 20 years & leave her with several children in their 20s ... perhaps even grand-children ...

... HE ANDRE MALRAUX with his child Prophet of the SEASIDES 1937 HAD A HUMANIST WORLD AHEAD ... & YES they would GO TO THE STARS ... it was only common sense ... he now understood ... IF MANKIND IS TO SURVIVE ...

... In the WINTER of 1958-1959 ... he

ANDRE MALRAUX & his General CHARLES de GAULLE ... had a JOB OF WORK ahead for France ... G A U L ...

Nota bene: He Blessed Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX GUARDIAN of GROTE HOMES RANSOM JOYOUS VENTURE ... is getting secret information from the ALGERIAN DOPE SELLERS whom the PARKS Police were advised NOT TO TOUCH ... they had MESSAGES of PEACE ... for several branches of HUMANISM ?

1960s - Arthur MALONE Detective POLITAN... said he found Greetah was young & strong in spite of the DRAMATIC weight loss of autumn 1961 ... best keep them all alive... & he & PHIL Silverlee Family friend, Argentine-London Insurance Broker, had always felt there was A FUTURE ...

They feared giving Greetah a half memory...they feared what the child had accumulated in those pre-War years ... best go on... ANDRE MALRAUX alongside Charles de GAULLE had a job to do ...`

1960s-1970s - Malone did not agree that ANDRE & GRETA

were too far apart in years ... he had spoken with the French-Italian LAWYER-ONION SELLER of Clacton-on-Sea in Summer 1960... MALRAUX & young Greta were OF THE SAME AGE owing to circumstances... you only had to see them together that autumn 1957 to know THEY WERE on a branch of the same HUMANIST tree...

NB : Arthur Malone is an illegitimate son of Imperial Arthur Connaught born when he in is 70s - some teenage country girls decided to give the old man with an invalid wife of 30 years a LAST SUMMER 1900s... because he was so utterly charming ... ARTHUR MALONE POLITAN never knew his father until XMAS 1959 when his mother & her family become SO SHOCKED at the unveiling of this his big CASE ... for the humanist Andre Malraux ... agreed to tell him WHOM HE WAS ...

Thus 1968 Blewbury, Berkshire /later Oxon/ he EVIL Mengele paedophile Royal Satrap spoof Doctor Harrington is speaking with a sister of David a man jerked into being a King 1937... SHE, his sister, a Widow 1968 ... who owns a cine film showing ANGELA & TERESA with young men 1921... now has Mengele HARRINGTON stepping into her windy Oxfordshire Place ... she will not live too long & he is knocking her head with MEMORY LOSS ...

... Royal Satrap paedophile spoof Doc Mengele HARRINGTON born 1912... had a mother at COURT ... hath come to earn his Peership ... which they BLOOD SOAKED IMPERIAL BOOTS Gross Britain & Scandinavia hath dangled in front of his SNOUT as a CARROT with a donkey ...

... Nota bene : Above reference is to Phil the Greek, a shallow youth in 1947 whose Uncle is the NO DICKY BIRD/ this document relates the history of he L. Mountbatten stealing in a rage my MONEYBOX 1937 - Teresa & a BROAD he calls a BLAZING COW ANGELA apparently OWE him DOUGH.../

... PHIL GREEK comes out of Houses of Assassins Scotland & Norway...they & limpet-mines ATTACHMENTS calling themselves businessmen hath done the new SCIENCE business Studies at expensive PALACES of CORRECTIONS ... They with smart talk are able to control the TRADE of the GLOBE...& give out blah-blah about environment ...

... They are gangs of the most idiotic sub-sub apes to this day 2009 AD ... not one a humanist & many took ACTING LESSONS from Jimmie Jong CUR JAMES who had a 2-years Course PEKIN OPERA 19-teens ... his CHINESE grandpa NANKIN trying to save his soul had found JIM a killer in his family/embezzler/ Fraudster/ a child LIAR is JIM - soaked in HEROIN wheeling & dealing with DOWNTOWN dope-soaks ...& Scottish creatures that left DOWNTOWN SHANGHAI gasping ... )

He ARTHUR MALONE only spoke to Mengele or his wife of simple matters … keeping kind old ANDRE on even keel … & an eye on young Greta who was more at home working in a dusty Museum & Teresa went a bit more than MAD ... after a hard life losing OUT it was only to be expected …he kept everyone alive ...

... & he POLITAN Arthur Malone Detective in the Lawyers Gown, waxed carefully of how he was happy although hitting 60 years of age taking on other little CASES & getting PAID of course ANDRE HAD NO MONEY … but everyone wanted to help him & the old General ….Mengele & his wife were DEATH he felt ...but if they were dead THEN WHAT CAME IN THEIR PLACE ? ... ?... ?... `

« Malone SAID he & Silverlee, MacDrew, ALL LIVED IN DANGER … but it had become A CRUSADE In the City the older ranks were seething over the full discovery of the DEAD GROTE HOMES CHILDREN … but they knew some ex-Army were giving some of the villains the same … two films in colour were made of the FIERY END of two Monsters who had slain the Grote children early 1940s … there were private showings talk of a RIVER OF BLOOD around the earth …toasts to IMPERIAL SCUM of the EARTH ... `

“ ANDRE says 1945/1948 … 1953... 1957 ` Miss MINNI … she never said a man born 1924 to her sister Teresa , Ed du CANN, was advising her about his “jolly happy Racing MOTHER” Teresa Gordon … from 1944 … saying “ That he DID NOT WANT HER, Teresa his MAD killer mother with the LINDSAY mob LOCKED UP - it would interfere WITH HIS CAREER ” ! He urged his mother Teresa to HATE Greetah Ransom 9 years his junior & give him CONTROL of the ESTATE ...& to savage little Colin too ... JOHN GORDON he believed to be a bastard as himself ...His Mater & ANGELA told him so ... ”

“ He Andre learned that this well known bastard had also told Miss Gordon his `Aunt` that THE WILL IS NOT really LEGAL & The BRITISH GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT THESE HOMES & this ESTATE around the WORLD. … It is to be taken to pieces SHARED OUT

... He Ed du Cann had also told Aunt Winifred Gordon that other Nations are not ready yet for schooling to 18 years of age … they must be allowed to PROCEED at the pace the British GOVERNMENT agrees to … ANDRE WAS NOT TOLD ANY OF THIS 1945 - 1947 … ”

IMPORTANT : September 1947 in ROME - He ANDRE now felt himself without support ! Greta`s father did not come to the wedding ...

& Teresa was brimming with rudeness the day AFTER the beautiful Ceremony of GRACE in a Church ... a MASTERPIECE ” …

1947 April - He, Georges-Andre MALRAUX had made a marriage as his mother, grandmother, aunt, had WISHED HIM TO DO ” ...

“ 1947 April then July - He, Andre, was questioned rudely by Teresa & Connie whether he had SLEPT with the Bride - Teresa he learned had followed he & Greetah to Ipswich April 19th-21st ... where the USA AIR BASE had REFUSED her entry for she appeared to the GUARDS on the GATES to be INSANE & a Noble loose speaking woman …”

“ July 1947 - He now in FRENCH PUBLIC LIFE was told by she & Nurse Mrs Connie Napper he could not LEGALLY DO SO, sleep with the young bride UNTIL the bride is 16 years of age ... HE HAD AGREED TO EMPLOYMENT alongside Charles de GAULLE ... he did not wish to take this MADNESS with him into Catholic France ” !

1947 September - “ ANDRE pointed out to them, Teresa & Connie Napper SEPTEMBER 1947 … that THERE were 4 marriages with 14 years old brides the last years - they were happy. One girl had been allowed because she could not live more than 5 years she was allowed happiness before she died in 4 years time from cancer because the GROOM & their families wished it ! There was no sudden leap into these early weddings ... & there was no lack of a home & sufficient INCOME ...”

“ He was not forcing himself on Greta ! IT WAS A PERSONAL MATTER … they had OTHER occupations … music, history, art … & HIS CAREER with General de GAULLE was to prosper … YES he wished to have several more children with Greta … with his two small sons JOSETTE had given him he would like to add more & have a BIG FAMILY ! He was happy with Greta ! And she with him ! Her mother had her own life & he had tried remind her - SHE GREW MORE VIOLENT & threatening of himself & his French relatives ” !

“ HE, Andre, KNEW NOTHING OF A BIG ESTATE around the globe ~ Of a bastard 1946 CLAIMING ALL AUTHORITY over it at the 1946 August-September Clacton-on-Sea MARITAL COURT ” !

“ ANDRE did not know of the ugly woman ANGELA saying an OLD ESKIMO gave it to her - all this ESTATE that he knew NOT OF /for this ugly fat woman Angela had given her AUTHORITY to STEAL HIS POST-to have FALSIFIED answers to correspondence from GROTE BROKERS Wall Street & other parts of the world ”

She Angela & JIM had known one another from childhood. HE ANDRE knew NOTHING about the LINDSAY EARLS & their CLAIM …. HE HAD NO IDEA ALL HIS POST/his correspondence WAS STOLEN, intercepted… since 1937/1938 … That since then messages were sometimes delivered in his name … messages sly crude & designed TO KEEP HIM FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH

That this was done in the name of THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN ” … !

“ 1947 AUGUST - DANGER : A letter had come from Teresa to Clara & Madeline saying SHE REQUIRED MONEY … SHE WANTED MONEY because of what he had done to HER DAUGHTER … ! Teresa, in spite of her Prison sentence, still had NOBLE influential FRIENDS in Britain ! HE, Andre, BEGAN TO FEEL ALONE & FRIGHTENED ” !

1946 & 1947 - He ANDRE, had Mengele PAEDOPHILE HARRINGTON around him in PARIS … he did not like him… but 1947 Summer , he pre-War friend of Clara, had got some authority from the LAW in BRITAIN … he began to chide ANDRE in unpleasant sexual phrases

Andre says `A NIGHTMARE AROSE September 1947 …”

1947 October, ANDRE, now returned to Clacton to speak with Charles McGowan & stayed with his family a big house at Holland-on-Sea in the secluded Gardens

... He was the Clacton Town photographer, also a musician, who had made the most touching SPEECH at the Wedding tea party at the Winclemann home … they had the Chemist shop MURRAYS now open . HORROR ~ They had CLARA & Mengele HARRINGTON call on them Summer 1947 ! she, Clara IN smouldering ANGER …

He, Charles Magowan, talented professional photographer & professional pianist did not know where to get in touch with Greta`s father … then he learned from a London friend that Fred RANSOM HAD GONE ABROAD

“ ANDRE did not know this poor young man FJR , ten years younger than he, was rushing about the ESTATE for GROTE BROKERS … that a half of it had been TRASHED by the filth calling itself NOBLE BRITAIN ! That there were many people missing as well as all the GROTE HOMES children … later all found dead in horrific ways …”

“ ... That the brother Dr JOHN RAY , whom ANDRE had met briefly at the MARITAL COURT September 1946, was helping . & there was another young brother LEN Ransom … he also rushing about the ESTATE with his wife & young son helping to save the great ESTATE … now arrogantly being DESTROYED in the name of purple ANGELA in secret silence ! He ANDRE did not know … their RANSOM parents had been murdered by JIM & LINDSAY 1938 & 1939 for DOUGH…”

1947 April “ … At the wedding, he Andre was given the explanation by Miss Win Gordon that Greta`s Father “ HE FOUND HE COULD NOT COME ” ANDRE DID NOT KNOW he had two talented brother-in-laws … Dr John RAY Ransom & Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM … & dozens of in-laws of civilized minds … LIKE HIMSELF …

Miss Winnie Gordon TOLD ANDRE NOTHING …”

“… Again, 1953 December SHE COULD HAVE GONE TO HER DRAWER & taken the copy WILL & handed it to ANDRE ! We can only think she had become so soured … threatened perhaps … she could not reason other than DOING AS SHE WAS TOLD …”

“ 1961 May - Andre found himself with two dead sons …

21 & 18 years ! He said he felt himself begin to collapse 1963 ”

1957 November - Account by Greta Ransom of her own history :

` It is coming 10 am a cold misty morning ...

She HIT THE AIR … about the Lancaster Gate Square with her big shape in her loose tent coat her big dark coloured holdall bag swinging, & her PRESENCE was that cunning of madness - a PRESENCE an APPARITION that you should beware of … it means THEY HAVE JUST TAKEN A DRUG/A DOPE … Her harsh voice begins in trails of anger , her head tipping her face to one side & her eyes searching me, rude, commanding...`

`... I have come out of ANDRE MALRAUX`s London Home 50 Lancaster Gate Square , this Roman Catholic Charity Workshop hostel with a great FORTUNE to give away by legal WILL .`

`He, Andre, heads it for General Saint Charles de GAULLE & Diocese of WESTMINSTER R.C. …In this great elegant 1860s terrace house I PAY MY RENT HERE for my top room …called The Crows-nest by the young Catholic Staff … I do not know yet the Chinese Legation try protect us from the TWISTERS in the BRITISH Government & WHITEHALL … & some in the FRENCH Government too ANDRE MALRAUX is a hero to the Chinese…especially for a book `STORM IN SHANGHAI ` published 1933 USA & 1934 France as La Condition humaine ... `

`… My mother is acting like CLYTEMNESTRA with dagger raised as the painting in our school books by Lord Leighton/

Sometimes she is whirling MAD MOTHER KALI as the clever Nonconformist boys in class called her in 1943 …

The Square is the same in 1998 so the reader can experience this as I did again …

... A cold wintery scene, last bronze leaves falling -

YOU - what are you YOU living on then - I I I want to know - I DEMAND TO KNOW ! WHO IS KEEPING YOU HEY - You bloody pauper ~ I- I- I- have had my life RUINED because of YOU - you & your bloody father … he sits in the gutter drinking beer & METHS ..

I am told by the Police … GOD OH GOD - how I have suffered having to have you you YOU-you bloody bitch …”

Nota bene : `She Teresa Gordon R. & NOBLE BRITAIN October 1957, have heard ANDRE has called a first Visit on my young father FJR staying with his sister IVY Jean in Deptford …

... ( This family home ... where the sweet HOME `Jerusalem` had the joists cut of the upper floor by ORDERS Angela & JIM 1940 ... they learning that 2 ex-Lord Mayors were getting a Magistrates Document TO KEEP THEM OUT ! They had been SEEN emptying after dark the paintings, books, files of our ancestry into a big black car … they in a smaller one Wartime Winter 1940 … ) `

`1957 November - This morning Mengele Harrington will be watching somewhere close by IT IS UNBELIEVABLE TO ALL OF THESE NOBLE THUGS that ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM , GUARDIAN & HEIR to the greatest Estate the globe has ARE TOGETHER AGAIN ! IMPERIAL BIG BLOOD & GORE squelching BOOTS have been parting ANDRE & GREETAH since 1937 CHRISTMAS It is now 20 whole years on ! They, the NOBLE PIMPS upon the ENTIRE WORLD , are scared …`

`She is a big woman - I feel so sorry for she & her old fiends/friends that they are so IGNORANT … but she is in her NASTY DANGEROUS STATE … Since October 1957 she can now DRINK mornings in JIM`s BAR in his Private Office which is WHITES CLUB, he STEWARD …


We never close …” She has a heavy big bag which I think she may hit me with … It is full of things - a small axe to defend herself or hack firewood on her way home she says - A bottle of brandy the MEDICINE of the Noble Classes - masses of newspapers for she BACKS HORSES every day of every week -`

`I GOT AWAY FROM HER ... I leapt a bus that had slowed down - I knew not where it went ... I did not DARE go across the PARKS to the great CLASSIFYING HOUSES in Exhibition Road, the Museums of AlbertOpolis, SOUTH KENSINGTON ... I feared she might follow & have JIM or Mengele with thugs & they would attack me ...`

What I & ANDRE, do not KNOW is : The CROWN ( her old chum ANGELA & Scandinavian in-LAWS including the DICKY BIRD ... )

& the Earls of LINDSAY from 1945 have agreed she Teresa Gordon R. may have (5000) five-thousand British pounds credit with 3 bookies - she may telephone or write - this is her yearly allowance - But from time to time orders are given by some Noble thug or other that she only have a portion of her winnings - they are giving it to her bastard Ed du Cann - Now & then they invite her to this or that - & call her

`a Racing Queen` …`

`SHE & Angela & JIM their Noble chums, all went to the silent cinema- they have collected the mannerisms of the villains-they all sat drinking liquor with a pellet of Divinorum Salvia Scotland UP THEIR SNOUTS-which also makes the cartilage dissolve - so they are ugly & look like Vampires`

“1957/tape - November morning - already very cold some frost perhaps in the Parks - mists in the mornings.. & at dusk lavender-violet sky for five minutes with bare branches of trees against the startling shade of violets before it fades - I am sometimes almost home by the Kensington Parks to where he Andre-GEORGE comes part of the week from GAUL -

This cold morning, I shaking & frightened at her anger look for a bus - dash to it - too dangerous for me to go across the Park to South Kensington Museums -

Life has been so miserable ... I cannot believe this stupid persecution by her ! ... I perhaps have little real hope of a life with George ANDRE but only , I reason, BECAUSE LIFE HAS BEEN SO BITTER because I have no settled HOME with a father & mother

“ BUT the man the young Catholic staff call `ANDRE Sir Gov `

he, MALRAUX, has gone to talk with PACELLI & returned from ROME ...& we are to RE-VOW...It is not necessary for the marriage is VALID in the Catholic Church...but he, ANDRE Georges MALRAUX wants us to have a Ceremony again in a Catholic Church...& begin a normal life he says ”

I do understand somewhat that I cannot HOLD MY MEMORY TO-GETHER ... it frightens me ... but I reason it has to be STRAIN - NERVES ... nothing more & nerves mend ...` Greta Ransom born 1933 now age 24 years Andre Malraux born 1901 same age as GR ... but OH so mighty CLEVER - but he needs my poetic common sense ? - & I push open doors in other centuries & go in for a chat ...”

1958 January 19 - ANDRE had to go off to GUYANAS for General de Gaulle but returned alive to Greetha with NO MEMORY/records vast/ we tried keep our SOULS as one for some minutes at a time during the coming years -

`1957 - Andre has perhaps a good job coming along IN GAUL - & Mengele & JIM go squat in his Paris house when he is not there - it is known as ` THE JAN STEEN TAVERN - you open a door & they scatter to their chairs

1958 - “ ANDRE MALRAUX should have been a major writer but they never leave him alone say kindly persons commenting on both his households ... infested & criminally abused by Mengele & JIM, LINDSAY Earls et al

1938 November - LIR diary LINDSAY EARLS

“ Do you remember we were walking along the Valley Road Clacton-on-Sea We` d call at the Cemetery to see them all - sit & talk & put some flowers a beautiful place Auntie Esther told you Granny Gordon came on her own to her husband gone to Heaven last year Then we could go if time down to JO`s beach of last Summer you wanted to sit & tell me about last summer “Oh they would come back anytime … he, Georges-ANDRE had written it to Mary Helena Granny Gordon & he had telephoned her from France too - we had to send he & Jo Xmas presents » Len Immanuel Ransom reading on a tape 1961 ...


he reined in our face - the poor horses looked as if they` d like to take HIM to HELL He hollered at you LEN blazed eyes at me

“ GET ME THAT MONEY YOU TWO OR I WILL NAIL YOU TO THEE DOOR …` a nasty PLUTO he is & com`th from HELL not at all like the painting by the man with the blue tiles in his hall `

( Lord Leighton his Kensington London house/Classical Painter )

XMAS is coming - Greta Ransom 1938

LIR says He has 5 children grown-up & he has raised them to be as EVIL as he … ” ( Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets )

( 1960/61 ... “ HE WENT KILLING with fearful savagery the Grote children in the war 1939-48... they the `territorials` are examining him ...” They did him IN & sent his remains to an evil relative ~ Detectives Colleagues friends of Andre Malraux ... Colne Engaine 1960/1961 ... )

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