1957 - “ late autumn…winter… Greta allowed her mother to sleep in her room because she, Greta, was unable to protect herself when I was not there…I had to be in France…or away on matters for General de Gaulle… I had no idea of this dangerous position I had left Greta in ! I had DETERMINED by the end of OCTOBER 1957 to take up the marriage again…I needed a home & a hearth…a normal life…I HAD MUCH WORK…”
“ 1959 January…it came to my notice the violence going on…my staff called me over…knowing I had to be in France for work for General de Gaulle in a few hours time…I GOT A LIFT OVER…I came for a few hours… I was immediately told by he… him Mengele that Greta was at fault…I HAD FORBIDDEN HIM THE HOUSE before Christmas ! I had no idea he was coming in ! & JIM ! ”
When I learned details I went to that Club & stood on a chair & told them what I thought of this behaviour ! Oh heroin was everywhere…he sold it from the Club, JIM… At this time I had no idea, of course, WHAT THEY WERE HIDING FROM ME - ! What they had always known since I arrived to take charge of this French Mission - for General de Gaulle & the Catholic Diocese of Westminster 1952...when it was considered…
PJPW asks questions, turning pages in his notebook … “ 1937 November-December - Teresa had to have told others, …that I had been the Visitor that Summer & we had Greetha with us several weeks…& took her with us to LINCOLN 4 days… with us alone, Josette…myself…she & they were with dirty mouths trying to lock up young heirs…there are other cases … ”
1945 May onwards - Greetha & I were in danger, great danger & all the time because Miss MINNI did not hand me the WILL…Greta was ordered by her Aunt in June 1945 to say nothing about an inheritance as it was a matter for her father & the British Government to decide - Miss Win had been advised by the family du Cann & others…certainly Teresa…that her sister Teresa knew socially not to tell me of the Guardianship - All my postal correspondence was stolen from our visit ending…organised by your nation Peter…Great Britain -
1945 October/reminded in 1960 - “ I reminded Win Gordon 1960 of an attack with a gun made on me October 1945 at night in the Clacton Recreation Ground-two bullets aimed at my back …” Several reports/Detectives Colleagues etc Andre Malraux 1960 on-
1960 - “ Miss Gordon replies to my Detectives in summer 1960 that she was waiting for her sister’s husband to talk with me ANDRE MALRAUX…he arrived September 1945...she made no attempt to see this meeting happened… Neither Winnclemann or myself could get an answer to our letters…sent & put in the door of the house at the end of the REC…I had to be in FRANCE…I was over to the town for 4 days at a time…after the end of August…”
1960 … “ She, Miss Minnie… had heard that some of the children had been deliberately killed in their Orphanages…that there might have been immorality going on…it was better then they were taken up to God ! She also heard that it was worrying to the new reign…”
“ THIS IS THE DIRTY TALK OF YOUR CLASS Peter…when they are hunting BIG GAME…my Detectives others helping us…learned expressions used in this Nation & by these disgusting men & women…! I have been harmed, & my families… from when I accepted Guardianship October 1937…I WAS NOT TO KNOW… killing of many people went on…” !
1919 - JIM Jong` & his childhood friend Angela - plaguing the Gordon family 1919 onwards - then saucy & vulgar messages & heavy violence directed after dark at the RANSOM families after marriage 1932 Gordon-Ransom- Arrogant CLAIM by Earls/Lords Lindsay mob that `an old Eskimo left them all this Estate…some part to Angela…
THE OFFICIAL announcements making the girl child Greetha Ransom the HEIR, Len her uncle 12 years younger, a brilliant young polymath already her heir, sub-heir, co-heir…had ALL POST/all possessions CLAIMED in secret silence by LINDSAY Earls FOR the Government & Crown…
1944/1945 - Miss Winnie Gordon born 1910 Greta`s aunt - …received devastating reports… shooting-clubbing of Grote Homes children winter 1944/45 - A letter sent to she by a widow of a few days tells how her Officer husband SHOT AT DAWN - He pour soul had REFUSED to kill children whether they were diseased or not - He had a Major/Captain LINDSAY giving Orders - The Officer is one of several men who did not swallow a DRINK given to them just before this SPECIAL OPERATION- his Batman took his last letters to safety - (Lindsay award themselves more DSOs…! )
1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX “ She was unwise Miss Win Gordon to ask advice of her sister’s son… (bastard 1924 du Cann)…. He often visited her after her mother who saved his life (his grandmother Mary Gordon) was killed by them . He came with 2 others of legal status one was found to be not so after the Marital Court ! They were anxious to receive assurance of some monies from MARY & GEORGE GORDON both dead `for Master Edward` now over 21 years of age …”
“…& he Ed had advised the Orphanages were not wanted… of no use in a modern world & moneys were being divided for British Trade & development…& gifts to The Crown…
She did not inform me, Andre Malraux…or Winnclemanns…or her own family…several in Manchester are educated & some in Southern Ireland can call upon THE VATICAN…as I did 1957 November…to tell Pope Pius 12 I wished to take up the marriage again…HE SAID IT HAD NEVER BEEN CANCELLED… I, Andre Malraux should have been informed of this…but all my post was stolen… ”
( The EMPEROR MALRAUX Bigamist of GAUL ! & Marrying No 18 in the Prayer Book page FORBID - is FORBID ! 2 Sins ! Greta Ransom )
“ Miss Gordon did know the meddling of her sister Teresa & the comments of many intelligent people…THAT HER SISTER SHOULD BE LOCKED UP ! She had been instructed by the Marital Court September 1946 to place her sister in the local Lunatic Asylum & they would access her & put her in a suitable ASYLUM … The understanding of the Vatican over the marriage was known to her by August 1947... & she heard more at Christmastide…she seems to have taken orders from a bastard nephew on heroin from 17 years of age ! He had been rudely telling the family who owned the Estate that he was given a SHARE…in a secret meeting at WESTMINSTER…The lot of them should have been now PUT ON TRIAL ! I attended the Nuremburg Trials for a few brief minutes at a time…There are a number of these dirty men & women in your Nation Peter…”
Miss Gordon, she felt he her nephew ( her sister`s bastard…there is another…& one was deliberately killed in 1945...a kindly person who has left a wife & child…hidden in the USA )… he was indicating that the nations with the Orphanages had risen up to KILL THE CHILDREN…& shown they did not want them - She made it clear that she did not agree with this but then she was told all the children had been used for prostitution & were diseased… She told him at first that the children could have been adopted…by families & childless couples…SHE DID KNOW THAT THERE WERE one million GROTE CHILDREN in education around the world… in 80 per cent of the nations of the globe…”
(…because she has a courtesy copy January 1938 the legal Will…she spoke to Greetah & Len & others when it arrived…there are a million & a quarter children & people in your care…WE SHALL ALL HAVE TO HELP…visiting about the world-I can teach a little-I can teach kindergarten…Greta Ransom )
Detectives/colleagues/Andre Malraux 1960 : Her cousin Julie Butler found her talking of dividing up the Orphanages & giving to Ed those NOT CATHOLIC - She-Julie Butler was angry with her cousin & felt she was drinking ! Later she believed the VISITORS were giving her things -drugs-dope-stuff- & not exactly with her permission…” (Julie said) `Win had this Mafia - Earl - Lords & rakish families round her since she was 18-20 years- & the man JIM & his female chum & others Noble…since Win was a child - 4 or 5 years of age perhaps…They’d been after the Irish branch-horses-tried blame them for Irish politics of the time - TREASON ! Murphys-O’Brien-Carroll-& they’d got 3 baronetcies-Southern Ireland- they were into nothing violent - good Catholics- only after some peace ~ `
1970/some heard 1960 Colne Engaine… - ANDRE MALRAUX “ There were also pointed insults from The Cann & others-Jim- all of them on heroin- Sneers & attacks of a sadistic kind on Greetah & Colin- & the RANSOM families - Talk of not having the right birth to inherit overseas properties-a lot of smut- Racism- Several family members held passports to other Nations- & North & South America…Julie Butler did not live full time at Clacton until 1948 -she worked in Manchester & lived with her parents ”
ANDRE MALRAUX “…the matter of the Marital Court Rulings September 1946 - I as a man of Letters-ex-Army- was allowed to attend 20 minutes given a day & time decided by Miss Win-Greta’s father was not present that day- I did not know this would be so - Winncleman & I were anxious to meet this man… Greta`s father ! To whom we had written since October 1945 several times & had no replies ! …”
“ …& I had no idea The Cann & their legal advisors were permitted into the Court & allowed to speak lies-they were found out- Greta’s father won Custody 3 children-not Teresa- she was to go into an Asylum by the end of the month- I did not know what the Family du Cann & their legal advisors knew - that I was GUARDIAN TO THIS ESTATE - all my post had been stolen in France by the British Government & Crown who acted for Earls of Lindsay & a woman in a purple gown ! ”
It was they (all of the Vagrants-scavengers-& du Cann ) outside The Crown Court & Marital Court told Miss Gordon to disregard the Courts & keep his mother free- The evidence of her violence against Greta & Colin her husband & her own family-the poisoning of her mother 1944 I was NOT TO HEAR ! This is also a matter for concern-& more tragedy… I am involved in this - Again I was put in great danger…my life my career- & those I take care of -
1946...the matter was out of control because of the emptied orphanages & the slain children dead on shore & off-shore- It required co-operation at the top…turning the other way…the full discovery had my Detectives grow faint hearted…1960- They had assistance from Territorial Army friends…you will have heard…
ANDRE MALRAUX “ Julie Butler was away in Manchester after leaving the ATS 1945...It is 1948 when she comes to live in Clacton with her cousin Win & they ran the Guest House to-gether … I did not meet her very often-she had no idea of major troubles-she is the youngest of that generation…a child of Mary Gordon`s elder sister Teresa…her brother Bill on Council Manchester-Mayor one year…”
1970 winter - Andre Malraux, The Pillar House Harwell - (some of this read to G.R. 1960 by Arthur Malone Detective 7.30pm his visit to outside the caravan…he now carries a GUN… )
“ Julie Butler…she did notice on her visits - 4 days every 3 months -that her cousin was either sleepy or inebriated - In the ATS they’d learned to drink beer on night with the Americans on gun duty- She, Julie mentioned to the two women helping mornings with the guest house `that her cousin had hoped for a marriage-family- they’d have to cheer her up now she was approaching 40 years - see she’d got Church activities- & that she telephoned her sister in the town Mrs Esther Potter & their brother Harry over at Thorpe-le-Soken Garage- They mentioned she Winnie did not seem to want to go out…not to the cinema or even fetch some little shopping from the Clacton town 2 minutes away …” AMx
Nota bene : 1959 Julie learns from Police/neighbours/detectives/ pre-war friends of Gordon family-events of past years-the visitors/& now neighbours & Police concern over the blue car paedophile with Court connections-goes about with Philip Mountbatten- 1945-1948 Julie was working a 16 hours shift most weeks running a machine shop for an old friend of the older generation Manchester-she earned a lot- to pay off the ATS loan for the Guest House-living with her parents Teresa & Frank Butler Roman Catholics Manchester-
1958 spring she Julie Butler had thought that the blue car spoken of was the property of ANDRE MALRAUX-that he came down sometimes to see the people he knew - perhaps called on Teresa who had tried poison Julie 1953...but charges could not be pressed or TERESA LOCKED UP…Julie supposed MALRAUX was mixed up in this…he had wartime friends about Essex -
Julie, she had no idea of this Doctor Mengele Harrington who dressed up so like MALRAUX he could fool the Staff at 50 Lancaster Gate Square if they saw him pass by- Mengele had boots with 6 inch soles-an identical raincoat to Andre-& a wig made to resemble Malraux’s flop of hair over his forehead…Mengele Doc Harrington a blackmailer & sadistic paedophile who went out with 2 or 3 others & chased small boys in the dark…stuck a needle in them SO THEY WOULD HAVE NO MEMORY when they came round…they would feel very sore…& might be ruptured & bleeding…ALL THIS MENGELE did to ease his hate of humankind…& still the PEERSHIP did not come…`
`Mengele calling himself “ Doctor…just calling for a glass of water…” He had been creeping in on Win Gordon… & many people who knew of the Marriage of Grace 1947...older people who understood the Estate…who knew the good family RANSOM before the war ~& of Teresa Gordon R her violence & horrible outbreaks of madness…her mother Mary Gordon her death was understood by Hospital staff Welfare…some Town Hall …
Mengele travelling companion of NOBLE MONSTERS all on the PIN…helping themselves since teenagers from the Estate worldwide of `an old Eskimo`… Mr Mengele to get this Peerage was re-writing all the truth as falsehood - he was praising evil criminally insane British Noble gangsters…He was reading them sections of his NOTES…an amusement when they went sailing away to tropical places…`
HE WITHDREW BIG AMOUNTS OF MONEYS FOR HIMSELF off-shore & collected his wages for his HOURS OF HARRASSMENT WORK from WHITEHALL Government Departments~ Angela gave him permission to go each month by car & collect a lump sum from Banks in the Midlands…in names of Master Len Ransom & Greta Ransom… HARRINGTON paedophile-prison sentence Continent-2 years compulsory Clinic treatment Gross Britain 1935/1938 -
Spoof Doctor Harrington landed on the MALRAUX FAMILY & connections… Summer 1938 - Now employed to Report on everything they did-whom they knew-he could call on assistance if needed in his investigations for the British Government-House of Lords & Crown-he was well paid for this TERRORISM- Reports/accurate evidence/diaries/County archives-Essex/other sources-
1937/1938 - ANDRE MALRAUX notebooks - “…Winter 1937/38... We, JO & I corresponded with the family at Clacton seaside & our new friends - I had a letter arrive October 1937 from a Margaret Grote saying she had made me Guardian to her niece. I of course accepted & Jo agreed ...I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THE GUARDIANSHIP in full was about…I would have accepted had I known…IT WAS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR TO DO IN LIFE…
(Andre Malraux looking towards me met my eyes & dropped his & returned to his notebooks…I feel we are lost in time that is hundreds of years ago…but the only memory initially has to come from him… what he says …then I can perhaps begin to see in my memory…)
“ Nothing more was heard from Mrs Grote by me - I REPLIED TO MARY GORDON telling her of the letter…I HAD ALREADY BEEN ASKED BY MARY GORDON WOULD I ACCEPT GUARDIANSHIP TO GREETHA & accepted…she had my letter saying I accepted… I had no idea there could be anything else- the Guardianship to Greta that was what I had been asked - The letter signed Margaret Grote said I would hear more - no address for a reply to Mrs Grote was given - sadly I did not know whom she was…
In my 20s…long ago… in a remarkable Salon in Paris… I saw a woman… at the end of an elegant room… She was with very eminent men & women - I was not introduced…I was a very young man…”
1937/1938 - Aunt Margarethe girl of the Snows… says Christmastide 1937 she has read his books ANDRE MALRAUX & is waiting for more…Since September she has spoken with people about him…ANDRE MALRAUX of Sea peoples ancestry…
1937 October - APPOINTED GUARDIAN - WILL courtesy copies sent out January 1938 - There are 7 Signed copies of Margarethe Ransom Grote’s own Will - the Wills of her father-mother & her husband required to operate the full Estate A to Z the globe- 3 WILLS sent to ANDRE MALRAUX-stolen for British Government-Lords-& Crown…PHIPPS British Embassy PARIS held on to the Wills & the letter to The President of the French Republic from late MAY 1938 - refused to hand them to JIM & Lindsay 14 ... but handed them to ANGELA on her State Visit…
1938 - Andre MALRAUX`s letters taken/Ransom families… False messages sometimes sent to us the victims…when the investigating official Government criminally INSANE teams felt necessary…more deaths begin…
1935 December - Diary/LIR & GR- Louvre - PARIS - France “ WHY Lennie is Aunt Margarethe shooting that painting with the Director ?…” The 15 years old FLYER to Greenland with his Pilot licence to collect from New York… fearful & embarrassed by the stout girl/boy niece said to our Entourage ` Greetah has a weak heart…” … meaning we should take a REST !
We spent a happy afternoon in the SALPETRIE HOSPITAL Paris…Greetah allowed to talk non-stop & Len translating in places - Result - all Staff we met are coming to help with dear Thomas-Tig`s GROTE HOMES round the globe & are coming up to our Island JACOPSHOLMEN Greenland FOR THE PLAYS -
NOTHING WRONG WITH MY HEART - Aunt Mag got the bill - We missed her Visit…we were late to Paris anyway…escaping from Stuffed Animals in a British Museum who impounded the 3 Seaplanes - CANADA… The Army getting us out from Canada… They did not like the arrangements for the Nobles if another war came …they said Germany was re-arming…& my father had seen it along the Baltic coast with his Commanding Officer in 1931 …We have GROTE HOMES up there… Margarethe girl of the SNOWS…she had to leave to see her grandson a Priest in Rome…then on to New York later or perhaps to Baltimore…The seaplanes were flown up to New York for us…the Army were not keen on British Nobles thieving from decent people…
SHOOTING PAINTINGS IN THE LOUVRE : She Aunt Mag had found some letters in the attic of her house in The Netherlands to do with this painting she had given The Louvre Paris- its the bottom row- big rectangle- goldie shades… they are using an instrument to look at paintings…it is not a rifle I am told - … I expect the the British Noble pigs did a pig trotter walk off with this - as soon as they kill the children they CLAIM all the art works as Lindsay or Crown Property…
1935 November - We are on the way to The Basque relatives the AQUIDA family , & the seashore Grote Home-then by big ship with Alfie Charles RANSOM RN to North America & South America to see Jean’s lands & call at many of the GROTE HOMES for Aunt Mag because they say SPITEFUL BRITISH NOBLES have been trying to STEAL THE ART WORKS for a woman called ANGELA… & we are to see all of Jean`s relatives - I am to be introduced as another little Inca Weddell…Alfred Charles Ransom RN has to stop off at the Galapagos to do some science with `Old so-&-so…`but will catch us up in South America somewhere… We shall meet that boy 11 years whose mother’s line is Wat Tyler- he will ride a chariot one day like Millie Frobisher grandpa`s mother -Len & I give him a scholarship to Worcester School USA & he brought me a plate of ham & eggs & spoke kindly to a small Indian looking young woman- it was not just his Indian Feather headdress caught my attention/the future Charlton Heston - Diaries/accounts/1960s Detectives too/
MARGARETHE RANSOM (Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE) born 1841 Jacopsholmen Island WEST GREENLAND - killed by JIM Jong 15 May 1938 Ayrshire…the new reign enabled him to trace where her TELEPHONE CALLS came from…she had lived protected since 1933 when her son was murdered by JIM & Lindsay Earls…& they set about her families, her heir born 1933 Greta Ransom…& began RAIDING the GROTE HOMES around the world…storming in saying IT ALL BELONGED TO THE BRITISH CROWN… The owners, the brokers & Trustees of the Estate could get NOTHING IN WRITING out of Westminster the British Government…1929 on - its Diplomats were told where they could they should rob Grote Ransom Banks to pay EMBASSY BILLS…the money could then be reimbursed to Lindsay Earls & ANGELA…ALL THIS WAS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR…but NOBLE BRITAIN had begun to tell itself with help of a MEDIA …& dope & excessive booze …that it was DIVINE… (like Nero-Caligula-Kubla Khan-Ashurnazzipal…)
Margarethe Ransom a highly educated young woman, a HUMANIST with 12 good languages she easily works with & converses in…She marries Thomas Immanuel GROTE same age, on JACOPSHOLMEN Island 1864 in her grandfather Jacop Poulsen`s Church…paintings by Delacroix on door & a wall/other painters 1830s…She sat a Vigil in the church the days before her wedding…sketching the paintings…making notes…writing on her happy childhood…/M.R. talking to Greta Ransom 1936/1938...
Her father FRED RANSOM had the wedding frock made in Spain…SCARLET encrusted with semi-precious stones…a diamond collar of bracken diamonds a gift from the de Beer ladies added…Margarethe they knew from a child… the only girl in the Ransom family…The family home was Jacopsholmen all the 19th century…a DECREE of 1770 asks that a College/a University be established when the family can…to POUL GRONLANDER a genius catechist…the father of JACOP…
LIR/FJR/JEAN & JR® … “ Aunt Mag…she never made an entrance when she took a ship. She often travelled as Miss Miles…or a Mrs Mevrick…The Mevrick family they had been friends of her parents…she could remember them & her Miss Miles…when she was a child…It was understood on board she was not to be disturbed during the daytime- & all her meals had to be brought to her cabin- but in the evening she would join the passengers & was found to be a delightful woman - Although she was getting stout as she got older…more than plump…she could dance like a girl & was very light on her feet. Sometimes there would be someone of her intellect on board …or she might travel with others…they’d all decide to take the same boat perhaps…then she’d loosen up. Otherwise she used the daytime as working time …”
“ She would not be accepted in a British salon- that society of the Noble hoi-poloi - for Aunt Margarethe had always an oriental look from Greenland … although very beautiful as a child a young woman… & she never had a dried out face as the English peaches & cream became…they’d have parched lined faces by 50 something years…”
“ She never let it be known coming on board that she was Mrs Grote the rich woman…she never counted her money in that manner… She knew where every part of the Estate was - the smallest homestead- the tiny supportive umbrella- the investments in big concerns or the family craftwork- & so did Grote Brokers & our Argentine solicitors who have taken care since 1830 when her father found them-
The Estate had been her JOYOUS VENTURE before she had her son at 41 years of age- her only child-he was with her until he was 15 years then went to be educated in France & the world-his happy marriage gave her two grandchildren girl & boy-our cousin is a Priest at Rome…his sister was destroyed by JIM Jong who probably killed her-who savaged her reputation when she did not wish to marry him… FJR & LIR…& JEAN…& in some of her letters to JRR her son…
1958 March - LIR/JR®/ Detectives & colleagues…. Reports read with additional research 1960s/70s.… I Greta present at 11 am in Bond Street cafe March 1958 & ANDRE MALRAUX just returned from GUYANAS for General de Gaulle with us - but popping out to a shop - some scares because I clearly had lost my memory of life with ANDRE as soon as he left that evening…January 1958 (perhaps 19th ?) I was not at all well that icy morning & had begun the latest influenza bout which would last 4 bad days & I should be in bed for at least 3 of those ! I am not allowed to STAY IN MY ROOM IN THE DAYTIME NOW…this is because MALRAUX IS BACK…ORDERS ARE FROM THE CRIMINALLY INSANE WHO HAND BLOOD & GORE MONEYS TO THE DIVINE…I had concrete in my head but I could see all that went on about me-their speech had to be read to me years on-it was in another part of my brain- Mengele & Co use many drugs on me so I HAVE NO MEMORY- |
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