HARMING ANDRE`s HEALTH… 1950s/1980s - A top Nobles British Doctor is taking commissions to harm middle-age important men of Europe & the globe … Noble business world DECREES are issued … in secret silence
1958 March - The professional medical world present/dispensing chemists/drawn into Andre-Greta troubles since 1953-They are frightened of Mengele near to ANDRE- acting his Doctor lark- They question some medicine Andre has been given for 4 & a half years now by Mengele-the receipts have been collected by a young professional person-at risk to himself & family - for Mengele is seen in company of Nobles including (Phil the Greek) Phil the GREEK - & expects a Peerage soon -
“ Old Mengele is we are sure harming men middle-aged men for money - We believe he has been harming ANDRE’s health for a long time … Old Mengele - he wants Andre`s head on a wall - This stuff he has been giving ANDRE over four years will have him in a wheelchair in 5 years & it is harming his liver … Mengele wants to lock everyone up…” “ Doc Mengele …He is not allowed to touch a patient now…he did one Op that looked as if a screw-driver had been taken to her…a woman who died…` (the wife of the deceased/murdered in the WAR Dr Hopmann/Hoffman ? (house with big garden at Streatham outer London 1930s/1950... ( records/letters/histories/& Andre Malraux detectives colleagues later ) He has pre-war a Cambridge degree/he used to give Greetah Ransom lessons on the telephone 1938 after SHEshe was making me GR too ill to go to school…her friend-fiend ANGELA had told her to do so…& JIM their travelling companion…
1957-1958 winter - CHAOS - over in the JAN STEEN TAVERN North PARIS … a man of Ireland, high integrity, who had lost his wife & two children in an accident had his mother go over - they live in a flat in Lancaster Gate & are friends with ANDRE- I am told by his mother SOON TO BECOME A MARTYR a winter morning… “ ANDRE MALRAUX is a beautiful man … 1957/58 - AN IRISHWOMAN- MARTYR - She on her return from Paris stopping me by 50 Lancaster Gate Square…her Irish face so sad… “ ANDRE does not know what goes on over there… the two boys should not be there & are not wanted… they are hostages - as you Greeta …” “ When I opened a door … … THEY ALL SCATTERED TO THEIR CHAIRS ... ”
She was poisoned soon in their Lancaster Gate flat… her son came to see Andre…with a face of grey grief… he knew his mother had been killed & that we are connections… I GR call this episode Oliver Goldsmiths`good kind mother -
1957-1959 - IT FELT EVER to be winter time … FOUL WINTER DOTH REIGN…
1967 November - 10 YEARS LATER - Peter James Palmer Whitehead zoology/ Ichthyology BRITISH MUSEUM Natural History has work in PARIS - & he makes enquiries of those who work with FISHES of the globe…
THE MALRAUX HOUSEHOLD… called in the 1950s… & by Malraux himself `The JAN STEEN TAVERN`… Curiosity has PJPW return with a Report from 3 persons who wished to help in this tragic matter…on-going since the death of JOSETTE…
PJPW “ I AM SHOCKED…frankly shocked what I have been told by three people…they pleaded I do not say who they are The meeting was arranged for me after I made enquiries about the former inhabitant of that impressive house in Lancaster Gate Square…”
“ THIS IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLD OF AN INTELLECTUAL - I do wish you could tell me more - about him- & living at Lancaster Gate Square… I will read you some -its in French - Well French… I learned it at Radley College… but I do not often use conversation- I only use it for my Science…When I help Budker with his work on sharks I can manage French…enough…” Paul Budker International Whaling Commission/Paris- PJPW translated his book SHARKS-1967-
1967 - PJPW late November - ( letters sent from Paris but only about the work & mention of a meeting about misty matters…) “ Well… I don’t want you to be shocked - but frankly- how did you get in with these people ? I think I feel sorry for him … (Malraux whom he has never met & only read one book…) … …but I have only read well one of his books - I am going to take my notes up to Edmund (Grasses-on loan from Kew Gardens) & ask him to go over my notes. For instance, is buffoon the same in English ? I AM GOING TO READ YOU SOME OF MY NOTES in French to you…WITHOUT COMMENTING…until I talk to Edmund on Monday at the Museum/Botany…& ask him for a translation…I will translate for you…as you had your education halted…as you tell me… ”
Nota bene : German Air Force age 17 years - 1939-45 WAR - Edmund Launert Botanist - career KEW GARDENS & BM Natural History Museum - Edmund can rhyme in one verse in Welsh/ Greek/German/English- His great grandma was Cook to a big household Thuringia - she made Champagne soup & jelly…the recipes in Edmund Launert his “ Edible & Medicinal Plants- Britain & N.Europe/published The Hamlyn Guide 1981/
1967 - late November evening - PJPW FISHES AGE 37 years 24th June 1967 - employed by British Museum Natural History translating from his notes he has been allowed to take down…he used French as his kind informants used … As he reads to me snips…he is breaking off to say `WELL FRANKLY…THIS IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLD OF AN INTELLECTUAL…I AM SHOCKED…` …. PJPW reads the evening of his return from PARIS France …
“ When he, ANDRE MALRAUX, was away the Place had the smell of a Mafia …” “ … two boys up on a platform…they were neglected…”
“ … TWO BOYS UP ON A PLATFORM…(attic of the house)…they were neglected… When he Monsieur Malraux returned…he would go up to them…they were very fond of him…she often took her boy with her…It was known the Master had another place of residence… It was said to be London…for his work for General de Gaulle - A woman of the staff had tried warn MONSIEUR MALRAUX the eldest boy was being lead astray - he was encouraged to waste his time - men came from Britain - but they were fluent in French…»
“ An old woman camped out in the dining room & demanded meals at any time ( “ I am translating from my notes…” …says PJPW-household N. Paris 1946-1961 that MALRAUX maintains where his two boys are hostages because of his GUARDIANSHIP to GROTE HOMES Ransom Estate in 3 parts THE GLOBE A-Z…outside disapproving GROSS IMPERIUM- Britain, Scandinavia & relations…)
PJPW notes “…the staff was big, lavish perhaps… Sometimes a Mafia…You had the feeling you were followed…or listened to…even when you had left you felt you were investigated…” (One goes to New York…he said he was aware of un-natural watch kept on him…for sometime…2 years before he felt he was not followed about…he is killed soon…)
“ … She had her own life…her friends …Why they could get you out of bed at anytime to make up a game of cards… you must not refuse…1 am-even 3 am… If you asked her (Messalina) … if she’d had a happy day you were cold-shouldered- severally rebuffed…Once (he) given a car lift about 9.30 ONE MORNING rather cold…he felt an oddness…to it all…one could be in danger to ask…
PJPW … halts his translating to say “ he the speaker…one of these 3 talking to me in strict confidence I must stress…for they seemed fearful for their lives…but…IN NO WAY DID THEY… my kind informers & helpers CRITICISE HIM - Andre MALRAUX …whose name you seem always reluctant to say…in fact I have never heard you say his name-it is others who say it… But they, these kind people… did not criticize him in any way…curious…I should make that clear, by the way…”
1967 end November - PJPW returned from PARIS/ichthyology/is translating his notes…
“ …In the car- she driving…he asked if she was to have an interesting day…? She was ‘ pointed ’ “ that it was not the business of anyone ” … “ … In the Place there was lavish house-keeping sometimes… … (a black jelly Negro head appeared on the XMAS 1957 table…) SOME DAYS SHE WAS SO DRUNK SHE COULD NOT GET OUT OF BED ALL THE DAY- He MALRAUX was not often there…once a fortnight…he had his career…& some events in Paris could have him suddenly appear …”
(there is the presence of JIM & Mengele & other & Noble criminally insane gangsters in the house when Andre is not there… Gross Britain Nobles play the old Nobles game of squatting & lavishly when they can… Sunday GAMES of `pull them down-call them immoral-isolate them-we may need to expose in order TO GET THE BIG WIN/1920s Roarings of the dripping blood & gore NOBLE BRITAIN/Scandinavia…coming & going in disguise/see Reports/ Police objections 1950s use of disguise by the fashionable! )
PJPW adds “ I will try translate a little more clearly… They were often hesitant…but I think deciding what was important - I had gone with someone - it was arranged - of impeccable standing over there. I won’t say whom. But their sympathy clearly lay with him, MALRAUX … Yes I can see it more clearly now…from my notes…»
“ DID YOU SEE ANY OF THIS WITH HIM ? This UNSEEMLY BEHAVIOUR…No-No- I think you did not. HE IS NOT OF THIS CHARACTER - What am I to make of it ? ”
“ I have not read you all - you could be shocked at some of it … I TELL YOU- THIS IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLD OF AN INTELLECTUAL - Yet…I have now read two of his books… I do not think he is of this calibre…a buffoon…If he were… I could not understand you…well…living in that house…such a lovely house as you have described it…but saying `SOMETIMES…when monsters did not creep in…`but I thought you were being smart…modern quips… (50 Lancaster Gate Square)…when you showed me last year…»
1966 November…Lancaster Gate Square- 7.30pm a mist laden cold wet November night- not a soul in sight- a sign in dull pink-green fluorescent light said `The Dive` to the basement of the house next door to our No 50...I had brought PJPW to see it after he had spoken with Richard Carrington/he is finding references for him for his new book The SEA… OTHERWISE ALL WAS AS QUIET AS THE GRAVE…
1970 January… ANDRE MALRAUX says “…you went back at this time…Yes, I have heard…& you went back earlier…my housekeeper reported that you called 1962 November…there had been an accident a year before but she felt you did not seem to know…not too much… Did you see the sign THE DIVE next door to us ?… A little cellar nightclub put there after we left for FRANCE…otherwise it was the same, was it not ? … ALL AS QUIET AS THE GRAVE …
(Andre Malraux in a heavy dark overcoat perhaps deepest navy-blue, not his usual Glenn Miller USA Army raincoat…icy speech…his hair greying…he had his head sunk into the collar of the heavy overcoat…)
ANDRE MALRAUX in The Pillar House dining room…sitting at the table…icy controlled speech, very precise… I nodded at the figure as familiar as The Parthenon to me…but nothing remained in the memory of THE TENDERNESS, THE LIVING WEIGHT of two HUMAN BEINGS…I have been SCARED OUT OF IT…
…the old PERSECUTION…`its been happening the last 2 years… I must be too scared to see anymore imagery in my memory ! There is no mechanism in my brain to bring up the PAST… But then the misery the loneliness, the neglect, the embarrassments caused by dirty JIM, Mad mother Kali & her creepy freak Doctor Mengele…both of them threatening to lock me up…lock Malraux up…everybody who was kind…& then there were deaths about the Square 1957 onwards…sinister deaths but with that MAD PATTERN of Noble Sunday Games 1920s of these Noble sub-sub-Apes now old Vampires still on DOPES & drinking daily …
A NATION of NOBLES ALLOWED GROTE HOMES CHILDREN TO BE SLAIN to get them MONEY ! Now they must keep their reputations by ever killing persecuting robbing into TIME present & TIME FORWARD… …“ They LIVE DIRTY LIVES these men…& SOME OF THE WOMEN TOO…” said ANDRE MALRAUX January 1959
I had forgotten the reasons for being at Colne Engaine 1960/62… little understanding by 1970...Last 3 years MONSTERS had been visible again…same old threats…
I keep them from ENTERING The Pillar House I hope ! THEY ARE UNACCEPTABLE TO ME… Peter`s father would say this about such creatures…
1967 November …PJPW says “ I remembered as they spoke , my 3 kind informants what you had said about living in his London house…I said a little to them, a very little, about the house in Lancaster Gate Square… ` You said it was creepy-eerie there sometimes…in the London house…the men from that Club got in…when he Malraux was not there…` I do wish you could recall much more ”…
Next day PJPW had a translation done by Edmund Launert Botany BMNatural History & read it over to me two days later… he had the interview correctly recorded in French it was decided by them. Peter did not read the shocking parts…perhaps he was advised not to…
Nota bene : the monsters who prowl about us have all been in The Nut Houses (Lunatic Asylums) on & off…3 in PRISON & JIM a Court martial 1949 DISMISSED THE KING`s UNIFORM for killing in the back with his gun 4 good Italians taken Prisoner… Mengele, JIM, Teresa, Angela would have if they could get her in …some Lindsay Earls…Mountbatten Dickie Bird…ALL GIVE OUT MADNESS WITH VIOLENCE…usually from dope addiction/perhaps kudos/& booze…
Translation checked by Dr Edmund Launert & others BMNH - 1967 November - 3 people speak in PARIS to PJPW BMNH/Fishes on the Malraux Household 1946-1961 :
“ When the Master of the house came he went up to the two boys…It was known he had another Place - it was not known where ? He was very fond of the two boys…they should have been away at school…. When the Master MALRAUX was not in residence the Place had the smell of a Mafia…an old woman camped out in the dining room & demanded meals at anytime…`
“ A doctor rather odd…had attacked young people…young men…`in the buttery` ( The Butler‘s Pantry ) …` `He Malraux & She the Madam…had separate lives… When the Master of the House was in residence…here in Paris…He was treated as a buffoon…` ... there is more… PJPW - “ Well - I have read some of his writing…its interesting. I am a frankly horrified by some of this ( Peter is waving the translation which has now been typed up…I am not to read or hear all of it…he says it is unnecessary at this distance of time ) the things that they have told me in confidence…They are rather frightened - anxious I do not say whom they are or how I came to meet them…I have given my word…this is mainly why I did not tell anymore of your accounts…while living there…” « A little more … “ Sometimes she took her child with her - there were two boys - they were neglected up on a platform … ”
PJPW - “ Well I won’t go on with this…but its not the household of an intellectual…but you clearly did not feel this…with him… You did so many things in London…from Colchester too… I’ve seen your programmes/pamphlets…you`ve told me things things I did not know…about the 18th/19th centuries too… where I have to go into for my Classifying House work…”
Peter J.P. Whitehead is descended from the NONCONFORMIST & great QUAKER families that made British wealth - The families of Darby/iron bridges…Reynolds of Bristol Philanthropist… Ball/Wedgewood/Darwin/Huxley technology & science… Greg of Quarry Bank…waterwheel etc. Rathbone of Liverpool…PJPW is an ichthyologist BMNH 1961 began work in Kenya after leaving Cambridge 1953-1960 for G.B. Government - (vast pedigrees-with all of us )
Peter is worried…he has had this door into 20th century gangsters & politics suddenly opened to him…asks GR “ …what was it like… the day to day life at the ANDRE MALRAUX London place…this Catholic household… ? “ How were you treated…Frankly I am shocked…shocked at the things I have heard… been allowed to note down by them…I shall make certain I do not give them away…or how I came to them…IT IS NOT.. I REPEAT- THE HOUSEHOLD OF AN INTELLECTUAL…”
Married to PJPW 6 weeks- suddenly asked to find my way back into horror- happiness of an eerie few years…misery & terrifying horror ! I was fairly speechless- a typewriter to put things down when I thought of them…? A little Olivetti typewriter to carry around the answer ?…Yes - but then if anything is read by monsters they can attack…dirty JIM Cur James got my notebook one evening- I had just arrived back to my top room …tore pages out & called me a fool & said Mengele would LOCK ME UP ! But I had kept my Stark Lines…the memories aslant…lines collected or composed…a form of a diary upon a few things…hidden in the lining of my duffle coat !
RECORDS : MALRAUX - RANSOM - Gordon/Misses Bessie & Annie Williams & the Butler families of their sisters There are files of the months/ Life at 50 Lancaster Gate Square From the end July 1957- June 2nd 1959/then to Jaywick the Holiday Shop for Mr & Mrs Pritchard & mad mother Kali Teresa HIGH ON HEROIN, Brown RNVR coming to help…various THUGS HIGH CLASS come to the Jaywick Sands for a leer …
Harold W. POULTER, Deputy Curator Colchester Museums comes in late August 1959 “ ON A VISIT TO THE SEASIDE, Child…I am distressed ABOUT ANGLO-FRENCH MATTERS…” …there are PHOTOGRAPHS of his visit to Miss Greta Ransom X at Jaywick…& montage…I was crushed & embarrassed by ENCOUNTERS WITH MALRAUX all the 1950s but no memory of a Wedding of Grace/or a re-vowing 7 January 1958...
1950s-1980s - Mengele & NOBLE BRITAIN with TEAMS Special Duties…used its Secret OFFICIAL Removal of all POST…its cunning `MEMORY KNOCK chemistry` full force !… To the kindly HUMANIST Mr Poulter I could only handle the matter as a normal young person of 26 years of age…& inarticulate because I have no communications…ALL HAS BEEN STOPPED from the first Christmas I was born 1933...NOBLE BRITAIN HAS BEEN KILLING PEOPLE FOR THIS MONEY…jeering about an old ESKIMO in their nosh-ups…
1959 - Mr Poulter, he now approaching fast his 80th year & upset but discrete in dealing with a young woman of 26 years of age… He HWP an important HUMANIST…an old distressed man over the failure of what clearly was DESIGNED IN HEAVEN …MALRAUX RANSOM…two birds rare WHO WILL KEEP ONE ANOTHER SAFE… Mr Poulter …not knowing yet of the ROBBERY OF A VAST ESTATE that GROSS BRITAIN has tried REMOVE FROM THE FACE OF THE GLOBE until it could have it DISCOVERED in State & Royal Vaults in the 21st century…versions by Mengele & other THUGS…
Harold Walter POULTER had no understanding 1959 August… that IF MALRAUX LEARNS of his GUARDIANSHIP to the ESTATE (that GROSS BRITAIN NOBLES & CROWNS with SCANDINAVIA decided to mock-rob-& THIEVE with thudding remarks in PRIVATE WESTMINSTER meetings of `IN THE RED`) …then he will ALERT THE WORLD…Gross Britain of a Fallen Empire is mouthing another line of evil to KEEP ITS TOP CLASS…its blood gore moneys ongoing ! /records many sources/
1959 November - G.R. buys new Sprite Caravan home & it is delivered to Thorpe-le-Soken 5 miles from Clacton… (here Miss Teresa Butler also has a caravan- she can retreat to it from her Holy Sisters when she needs to think & scribble… (bought by G.R from her earnings & 200 pounds BONUS from the Pritchards`… “for working at Jaywick under very stressful conditions…” …with MAD MOTHER KALI…Teresa Gordon Ransom) A Move to Colne Engaine 31st December 1959 to a SITE found by Harold W. POULTER a nearby cottage can be RENTED the KEY IS ON THE BOARD…The Hollytrees Mansion Museum, Colchester, East Hill/this is the coming ghost house residence of the Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux...records from January 1st 1960/April 62 -
1952-1987 - Master Graham Greene had more knowledge in 1953 about Greta Ransom & families than Peter J.P. Whitehead will have in 3 years time from 1967 ! 1954 came the burning of Donovan’s Rare book Room The STRAND, London… to burn volumes on Ransom-Weddell-Gronlander-San Julian-scholarly accounts-& the history of the Island Jacopsholmen off West Greenland/IT WAS A PROFESSIONAL JOB organised by Naval Intelligence for Noble Britain & Scandinavia…Donovan & Greene could say how Colchester Museum had the paedophile Harrington employed by The Crown - demanding all published Works in the names of the family owning legally the Estate…Grote-Ransom-Weddell-Poulsen…
1967 November - The 3 kindly supporters of Andre Malraux`s tragic life with his sons IN PARIS do not tell PJPW… `his 2 sons died`- they believe he knows this. Or they might say `an accident plotted`…& tell of more… PJPW continues speaking upon his secret encounter of November 1967... “ What impresses me is they are only looking back a few years…my notes (made with them) go on from 1949 or so…1950s to 1961 when he moved out & went to live in a house at Versailles apart from the main building…they did not tell me more…their connection seems to end here… You came to the Museum 1962 from Colchester ( 24th January 1962 ) you never said about living over the Park Lancaster Gate Square with him - not in 1962- Only that you called a mysterious man `your second cousin` and had written some poems to him- Only last year you told me more…A YEAR AGO I learn who he is…an impressive European figure…BUT YOU DO NOT SEEM TO WRITE ABOUT HIM AS THAT…& you did not speak of him so…only in a rather mystical way…& it had been all rather EERIE…”
1966 November - I took PJPW to 50 Lancaster Gate Square at nightfall - he had been told 1958 on his Glasgow `sabbatical ` that MALRAUX lived in the Gardens Lancaster Gate Square when he Peter with Monica 1st wife called in on The British Communist Party London…his Grandmother`s cousin HUGO RATHBONE is a Founder Member - It was the author Richard Carrington told PJPW that night of this visit where we were heading “ THE MALRAUX MORGUE…” I had gone with Peter to deliver some Research papers/references for his book on THE SEA just publishing…I GR found Carrington a rather creepy EERIE bloke…in this big flat near to Lancaster Gate Square !
1966 - I Greta Ransom wanted to see if that building of horror-happiness-horror-built 1860s-existed ! I was recalling that EERIE HOUSE when in October 1966 I had returned from 6 weeks Athens with my cousins Jennifer married to Yiannis an Athenian & living there- Some older scientists in the BMNH who had known Andre Malraux from 1920s/1930s… said about my going from one side of the Park to the other when I turned up BMNH 1962...but they were welcoming & discrete…certainly not going to INFORM the younger staff like PJPW about tragic matters… |
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