Greta Ransom

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1953 December - Mr Poulter Deputy Curator, in the Colchester Castle Keep “…its rare to get two birds like you two together Child…you will keep one another safeit’s a harsh world …outside our civilized world…of Museums…

1970 winter - MALRAUX is saying to PJPW `Old Winnclemann had this in mind - marriage-the moment he knew I was not dead at the end of the War … He had listened to Greetha at her games in the Recreation Ground with the other children after school when he and his wife took their dog to walk … He had even called out joining in a game about Roman Britain “ lead on-we follow-to the High Place of the Kings…” He described it to me.

`There is no need at that time for romantic words as we have been together since Summer 1937... do not like what you have been told Peter…LIFE WAS TRAGIC - as it is going to be TRAGIC as we go into the 2 decades ahead…

I GR remember darning Colonel Andre`s socks 1945/1946...again in 1957/1958… But in 1959 he was ARRAYED by the Marks & Spencer girls 16-to-60 years old who adored him & whom he went Ballroom dancing with…he had to have un-darned things for Gaul… He, & me the Pauper girl , know nothing of his Guardianship to the miracle of Grote RANSOM Estates….yet many people think he does know & has refused the administration because of his work with Saint Charlie General de Gaulle…

1957 November - Leo Genn & another famous actor called…the actor Leo Genn/Quo Vadis ?… who was a young Solicitor to Boots Chemists 1930s called me `GREETAH…`…that awakened my memoryEsther & her husband of 1937... 6`nearly 5 inches Fred Potter would see him acting at Wimbledon…an amateur group…

MENGELE HARRINGTON had a near heart attack at some visitors to 50 Lancaster Gate Square ! He could get tumbled from his expensive paid Noble BARBARIC JOBharming Andre & Greta…he now harmed badly with DOPES Andre & Greetah…calling both of us names…he had Andre in a stupor sometimes…& gave ORDERS to the Jan Steen Tavern that t he Malraux women were to KNOCK OUT ANDRE`S memory when he came over every few days…! ANDRE IS A MAN OF LETTERS…Mengele a paedophile in Noble employment of Gross Britain & SCANDINAVIA…for blood & gore MONEYS…

PJPW touring the South Kensington Museums of AlbertOpolis learned more 1966/67...Speaking in the 1970s…

“Yet I hear now several people from our Museums South Ken knew him…went over to the the place 1950s… suppers…Oh Lancaster Gate …a little Square off the Bayswater Road… They clearly were not going to tell a young fellah like me too much»

1967 December - The mother of the Whitehead twins telephoned M. MALRAUX Minister FRANCE in Paris…She said her sister Mrs Joe Sparkman often stayed with the USA Ambassador Paris a family friend…& he had met her son at an event in Paris…” “ Yes…he had met her son Sir Rowland…” She asked him `What exactly Deearh…is your relationship to my bootiful new daughter-in-law…I know you are not her father…” He said “ SHE IS A BIGAMIST …in my eyes…SHE IS A BIGAMIST ! I will be over to see you after Christmastide…

THE WHITEHEAD TWINS MOTHERsee Debretts/Burkes Peerage…Rowland John & Peter James born 24 June Old Midsummer`s Day 1930, Kenya, first white twins born in Kenya… Mia Carberry Nursing Home, /files/family histories/photographs/…

Gertrud Ostrander Palmer, Mrs Philip Henry Rathbone Whitehead born March 1907 died March 1973 Harwell/Oxford…HER dry comments waving a fag & reaching for a glass of Morland`s Beer under her low chair Harwell Walnut Tree Cottage Townsend…are of interest/

HER FATHER John Campbell Palmer lawyer has 725 poems 1900s-1940s for the Ogle Bay Rhymer Club/ some should be in the Library of Congress/ comments in rather 19th century fashion, family life, day-to-day matters occasionally USA as affected by Off-shore…Lawyer, lecturer, m Virginia Waugh Ostrander issue 2 sons 2 daughters/ Wellsburg & Wheeling W. Virginia.

Photos Kenya life-The Sotik 1929/34 Coffee farming… she trained Bordeaux School of Art a year 1927/8.…Dr Joseph Belle Palmer line/ see Salt Lake City Records/


TRANSLATION from West Virginia Hills speech-early 20th century

(not Emmanuel acting Little Caesar ! /Edward G. Robinson)

“ I have been talking with him deearh- Monsieur MALRAUX-ANDRE

…he came in other morning told me something of what it has been like…the Jan Steen Tavern deearh…over there…Poor crittah…”

“ When he was in residence over there PARII…

PARIS deearhthey would not let him put his boots under their table…”

“ … And they kept getting his ancestry out like dirty washing

LIKE DIRTY WASHING ! Poor crittah ! Poor crittah ! I have also telephoned some of my old friends WHITEHALL…and round about your country deearh…just because you get a Divorce you don`t lose all your friends…”

“…He ain`t Arthur Miller…but he has had a HELL OF A TIME …Everybody read his book…great book…STORM OVER SHANGHAI…” (other titles/Mans Fate or La condition humane)

“ I have also read the the SPANISH HOPE…but somebody pinched it off me…perhaps it is on the Blind Library…I am enjoying my blind studies…” Teddy Palmer Whitehead Mrs Kerven winter 1967/1968

before V-A 2nd Legion Rome is born/…West Virginia Hills speech Gertrude Ostrander Palmer , She & Whitehad twins/see Burkes Peerage & Debretts

“ … Ah hev also telephoned sum orve mah old friendzzzz Whitehall an` round about…jest cos yah gitz a Divorce yah don`t looooze yer friendz deearh…



He ain’ t Arthur Miller…but he hes he`d a Hell of a time - EVERIBUDY READ HIS BOOK- GREAT BOOKSTORM OVA SHANGHAISTORM OVA SHANGHAIAhhhhhh hev alsooh read the SPANISH HOPE.but sumbudi pinched it orf me--perhaps they iz ohn the Blind library- Ah am enjoying` mah blind studiezzzzz…”

The hill-billy West Virginia accent could rise as she got into sorting this Saga/telephoning across to New York friends with a hospital, asking about MEMORY REMOVE DOPES used for 30 years/reports/ Her sister Kathleen Aunt Kay enters with startling news of the dead children…with her husband Joe Sparkman she had met Aunt Margarethe Mrs Thomas GROTE & her sister should know they had an in-laws line to GROTE family…

Kathleen/Kay Palmer Sparkman…her husband J.S. is Life president the New York Yacht Club…Their eldest, son will lose his life soon 1970/71.…he had worked his first job for GROTE BROKERS, New York 1950sThe time they had to amalgamate with another firm to keep going…RECORDS WERE FOUND TO BE INTACT in 1969 he told PJPW his cousin…MARTYR Palmer Sparkman’s visit 1969 to she his aunt Gertrude`s cottage Townsend Harwell, & of course visited us, Peter his cousin, Greta & children at The Pillar House Harwell…This will have probably been overheard as we are told later we have chips/bugs/& all listening methods trained on all of us by Mengele Doctor Harrington, CUR JIM… & their Teams of the Realm… Cousin Palmer Sparkman`s VISIT to BM Natural History & HARWELL will have been observed...MARTYRS are made -

1968 - I GR could not believe this world was rising about me again…I had fled it to Colne Engaine 1960... ( but Mengele Doctor Harrington was my first visitor 1st or 2nd January 1960 & the THREATS WERE SADISTIC BARBARIC & CRIMININALLY INSANE…but he is The Royal Satrap Gollum…)

…But I am only the heir they have robbed…& killed the children Grote Homes so quickly they could thieve our lands…A monster called something Pleydell something has ripped off our Transvaal Estate with a dirty trick against a black man to get his Race into trouble in South Africa Records come thick & fast 1960s THESE CRIMINALLY INSANE NOBLES of Gross Britain & Scandinavia are always busy removing their bestial & barbaric crimes against GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE…

WE ARE ALL UNDER SEVERE 24 hours Naval Intelligence/gaseous ex-Army Groups/other thugs WATCH ! As usual . The criminally insane who set up the greatest crime of Mankind 1929/39 has still greed for our lands, investments/ Now administered by the Ransom brothers legally & MALRAUX et al 1960 onwards/a delicate flower garden around the globe as before but two thirds smaller …

1940s-1950s - GROTE HOMES DEMOLISHED & our carefully manicured or natural surrounding lands claimed sometimes by tiny line on documents falsely British crown property- an old trick of JIM -

The line in the document with this will disappear at some time in the

Negotiations of secret silence…About Whitehall not a mention of GROTE HOMES to be made or you die…the children’s bones still coming up at sea & in pits on land…

Late in the 20th century - early 21st - GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…their BONES STILL DREDGED UP BY FISHERMAN-

false analysis…When the criminally insane know their crimes are likely to be found they go landscape gardening…big concrete blocks…At SEA…Depth Charging by the British Navy &

Scandinavians had not removed all evidence of the slain children

or the fears of the top notch who were penniless 1920s/30s on-with big debts on which they paid the interest on the interest…

1943 - It was hoped 1943 to blame the Jerri & the Japs for the murders of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN… (Germans & Japanese)it became a rather seedy charge by 1950s that had not worked…-

1933 XMAS - THE POST/MAIL to Frederick John RANSOM for his daughter Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM… STOLEN BY ORDERS GROSS BRITAIN GOVERNMENT & CROWN - EARLS of Lindsaybuggarhs…by Agreement with Crown

Gross Britain linked to Scandinavian criminally insanewill pay all the massive debts & undertake 1938 onwards to pay bills - for household & TOGS…luxury items…FLASH & GLITZ…in exchange for this Estate ‘of an old Eskimo’ …

handed to them by secret DECREE of

Gross Britain in secret silence…this results in the secret Westminster HALLS OF POWER & their secret refusal to acknowledge the legal WILL being already administered in New York & Argentine Asia… A fallen Empire & its Scandinavian noble Scum put on big boots & storm in helping with the KILLING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…/Report comes from BERLIN 1939 January of the horrific deaths of the NORWAY GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…left with High Tide coming to drown them/Reports/ WOW ! Nobles DIVINE can tour the Casinos of the globe spending from Grote Homes dead children blood & gore moneyshee haw he haw !

1936 onwards - Selected British Embassies abroad are told to

help themselves to Banks in names Grote Ransom - `Pay expenses where they can get away with it `… “ Properties that are in name of the two Ransom apes Greta & Len RANSOM …” (& Colin after he is born in October 1938)

RANSOM-Frobisher-Weddell-Gronlander-San Julian INCA…

NONE OF US are Wards of Court…NO DECREE ISSUED IN SILENCE says GROTE HOMES New York USA… can be ACCEPTED & democracy USA Institutions say the same…or they choose HEIRS of the RANSOM blood who live OFFSHORE

…our AMERICAN RANSOM branches are vast !


We RANSOM-Frobisher-Weddell-GRONLANDER children are now badly abused wherever we go… so British NOBLE DOPE ADDICTS & boozers, BAD BLOOD FAMILIES as they are called by HUMANISTS…can sell our Art Works or HOARD THEMAnd the CRY in secret silence is to be ALL PROPERTY OF British Crown

ALL given to Angela & her non-men…those sluts of the MALL

DECREE in secret silence : All Buildings that can be identified & not lose their MEMORY FOR THE LOCALITY… to be quickly trashed…then land sold on & buildings swiftly pulled down & suitable trashy quick profit short-term Ventures installed… COMES 2nd WORLD WAR…& this is of enormous benefit to NOBLES Gross Britain & SCANDINAVIA …. OF APLOMB…

1936 April - Here re-read Paul Whiteman musician conductor… he an American Gentleman …

`Wake up Savages from Tittle Tattle land…I have opened your bank this morning - with 3 American Senators

… YOU may now go shopping all over New York…”


Gross Britain Government & Lords… ARE USING PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against young HEIRS…

Nota bene : 1936 - Earls of Lindsay issue illegal Decree


…& WHITEHALL after those Pubs close… :

1. Properties may be used by G.B. Nobles - Angela gives her permission - 2 . Art works are property of G.B. Government & Crown in SECRET SILENCE - 2 A & to be received by the Lindsay Earls …

3. Earls of Lindsay in charge … they claim the 2 Ape children are of their LINE…THEY WILL CULL THEM AT LONG LAST…

( Nota bene : A Miss Clouts VERY RICH… married a Lindsay/Dereham Park 1830/ probably drugged & in chains dragged to the Altar… )

1937- TOAST for the new reign G.B. “ OLD ESKIMOS CANNOT MAKE WILLS…” … but to be kept for a jolly snigger at boozie parties-Races-Casinos-Christmas Parties…Destroy the reputations of these families RANSOM-WEDDELL-GRONLANDER…Remove their existence on the planet…

Churchill had no illusions about British aristocrats-

“…they were penniless all the time or from time to time.”

Information : Philip Silverlee & others who are also MEN OF LETTERS…

( NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA…As their debts increased 1920s-1930s they the dope addicts of the British Empire increased in savagery against those who had wealth…to go on living as ARISTOCRATS should - as God wished them to do )

1937 May - Unlimited use of the British Realm using Noble KUDOS

& UPPER CLASS aplomb… to massacre Grote Children the HOMES educating to 18 - Then take what they could… giving some to the

`new church of divinities` at the top - No one could tumble Lindsay Premier Earls…those culling the heirs Premier Earls of lucrative purple narcotic fields Scotland…

The trial of 1910 had shown them, LINDSAYbuggarhs… on the edge of a flat earth - but the Great War/1st World War…obliterated this cold blooded crime… ….continues….

THE HEIR PUT DOWN THE Maritime investigation Hole in the Sea :

…“ except where in East Anglia scrap books were kept with newspaper cuttings etc of the Earl & his brother who are Nos 12 & 13 Earls…They put their 12 years old heir down a hole in the sea…

rowed off & claimed the Insurance - Newspaper coverage/records insurance/

The Earl & brother had insisted this child was not normal…it was raised at home…THEY SAID…THEY WERE WITH A BIG INSURANCE on the LIFE of this CHILD…

I ALSO, GRETA RANSOM, HAVE BEEN RAISED ON A LINDSAY HEARSE…by Lindsaybuggarhs dragging me on to it by secret silence DECREES WESTMINSTER …centre of British Government…

…but I have kept getting off… Read again Arthur Malone/Politan & the Team of Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux 1960 Colne Engaine…THEY ARE TO SEE THE NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS KEPT ON ALL OF THIS…it shook them…for life…!

1953 3rd November - enter MENGELE DOC Harrington paedophile taken up employment for another Mountbatten & he boasts about it with his future intimidation at the victims - Doc harrington Mengele has all these Playboys on dopes` Mengele is to CLEAR OUT ALL RECORDS OF THESE CRIMES for Noble Britain & they will make him a PEER…because JIM has become a CUR…

Mengele Doc Harrington stresses he will charge the correct rates for his work murdering maiming anyone who knows of GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE slayings & persecution & THEFT - Oh he Doctor Mengele Harrington paedophile will submit his record of expenses & his hours to Whitehall - He will enjoy blaming the good people & extolling the evil

HE IS MAD SINCE age 12 years of age on DOPES !

For this criminal insanity & removal of RECORDS…the graves the existence of those who own the Estate…he will have free use of the Grote RANSOM Estate around the globe to holiday uponHe will bring false charges & execute people who know of GROTE… in slow style in hospitals/Clinics/their own homes- spiteful fun & JIM will so enjoy it too…& some other perverts !

1950s at 50 Lancaster Gate Square - Doc MENGELE Harrington

visiting daily sometimes, he a sinister Dead Fish eyes charlatan

a dangerous paedophile attacking tiny boys

he is running a club for Sexual Athletes in central London … ( “ …they exercise mornings in a disused Marmalade yard…. / presumably a marmalade factory ? )

“…he is slow-killing ANDRE MALRAUX (March 1958)…. using women in his Jan Steen Tavern Paris to assist…

(reference 1967 November PJPW of the BM Natural History-“when the Master of the House is in Residence…”

1950s References/Medical world of the scared : & Detectives Colleagues Andre Malraux…1960s…onwards…1987 onwards !!!

From 1950 Andre has been trying to get his boys free & into suitable schools…By 1954 MALRAUX is made ILL by Mengele & JIM PIMP BAR RAT & their Lordly nasties& threats against he Malraux & General de Gaulle & their work…The boys should be in Ampleforth School with children of parents of MALRAUX`s intellect -

Manipulating leaders of the globe with dopes was Mengele`s plan 1950s- a listener realised this runt was not being funny- & he gave out lethal medicines to good men

( proved March 1958 by TOP MEDICS…& ANDRE MALRAUX had been one of his victims for the past nearly 5 years !!!!

(Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON Royal Satrap, tropical travelling companion of PHILL the GREEK…Mengele is a double GOLLUM, a nasty paedophile with a Continental Prison sentence for savaging a babe under 1 year old… OH ~ sentence so easily converted 1930s by the IMPERIUM…to ` the dear boy…needs a rest in a clinic…`/his mother was AT COURT-a Montmorency or Moriaty-

19th century - GRONLANDER-RANSOM of Jacopsholmen Island their main home…West Greenland-

P A R I S “… they were RANSOM family… Conservationists before their time…Fred had to teach Gertrud whom she could admit to their Paris home, the Perigord Chateau…after they eloped to Paris- old Jacop (eldest child of POUL GRONLANDER & Margaret of Carlisle) her father following swiftly on

In Europe she was an attraction- her exotic looks- her outstanding position & education was such a surprise…& her languages- /foot of the bed SARDANAPULUS-old Delacroix/its in the Louvre…but they were never allowed after 1920s to say whom she was…a highly educated lass of GREENLAND …heiress…now Mrs Fred Ransom…he counts his ancestors as he counts his crew… ( SHAME ! LOUVRE ! SHAME !

You insult Andre Malraux/ Liberte Egalite Fraternite )

“ … It was her use of her Greenland lore that had the educated listen & not just look - Old Delacroix paints her several times.”

( two destroyed by JIM- Tree- Ange- Mengele - )

( `Gertrud in her savage necklace by the Greenland shore was by Will of Frederick John RANSOM left to his daughter Greta Ransom W. 1969 - destroyed in name of G.B. Governments & Crowns…`

& another `Gertrud in heathen robes`…

… it is proved that if I had made contact with my father or Ivy after 1962 I, Greta Ransom, would have been SLAIN by Mengele Harrington for The Crown he & his MASTERS/& SLAGS… would be in fear of BLOOD & GORE dripping MONEYS going missing…he Doc Mengele would have to earn his keep as a physician…& he cannot do that…HE IS A FAKE…)

“ … Gertrud Poulsen old Jacop`s daughter the Gronlander`s grand-daughter went to a Finishing School in Norway- & could sing Grand Opera - Fred Ransom her husband had to show her people of worth in Europe & Gross Britain whom you could trust…the simple technician who had a matter to explain & came with drawings or some other work…`not the expensive factory owner who destroyed the bodies & souls of men women & children, they must not be let in the door…`

“ The humble aristocrat who came to her without racism & listened to her bursting enthusiasm over her snow lands & heard her philosophy of her people `that you put back in Nature what you take out`… these persons … she could allow entry to their circle or their home in Paris…invite to their other properties about the globe…

17th century/18th century - Paris Ransom house - a home that had belonged to them since 17th century - The that time Father Ransom of Laetitia & Fabricius his son (Let & Fab Ransom as Lennie calls them-)

Had educated the 9 years old Lettie whom his teenage sons had picked up in a cockle-shell boat off Karachi 1707- A runaway bride helped escape by a sympathetic servant … who feared her sister age 12 had died at his hands…that nasty old Nizam/ 1 engraving of him in a Western publication - He whom now chased the Ransom brothers for 20 years until his death own - Marriage 1717 & Lettie now a fine Classical schola r- the family had connections to Hans Sloan- Visit to her parents India made when she age 50 with F. Ransom husband & sons -

A happy re-union…they begged her forgiveness…

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