1953/1954 ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom tried to be together but the massive BARBARIC NOBLES of Gross Britain criminally insane EVIL fastened claws-jaws to us- Georges-Andre MALRAUX has Mr Mengele Harrington & non-wife, he the massive paedophile sadist Royal Satrap paid to harm ANDRE MALRAUX…run his heath down… I was reminded 1960 by good men & women - Evil is to WIN again- They have made the globe a charnel house… I hear this in 1960s in the City of London…
“ I had met Teresa age 19 years for 2 weeks DECEMBER/January 1924/1925 in FRANCE - I HAD NOT KEPT ANY CONTACT WITH HER - 1937 Summer - SHE WAS NOT TO BE TOLD I HAD BEEN WITH HER FAMILY…I agreed this with her mother MARY GORDON…this was agreed because of her association with JIM… & a woman who had received an illicit crown….”
“ THEY ALL…whom we had met…AT THE SEASIDE…they before we left in September 1937... ALL AGREED TO THIS - From that date I have never RECEIVED MY POST/MAIL WITHOUT THEFT & INVESTIGATION by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN” … ANDRE MALRAUX asks the questions 1970 of PJPW…
… `Sheshe is always in contact with JIM who calls 1936/1939...we cannot keep him from the door when she is alone…or her drinking companions LINDSAY Premier Earls who have the GRAND Clacton seafront…criminally insane-
1970 - George-Andre- is saying “…they used Mr Pong Jimmie Jong to get information from her & promised her a big share…of a fortune …» ANGE & TREE - packhorses - crimes of their men
RANSOM family histories : LINDSAY Earls- they once dismissed The British Treasury for refusing to give them money to travel to Places they had invented & put on a new map to be pinned on all Government Institution Walls Map but kept under BLACKOUT… They as TOP DOGS Premier BIG ORC Earls could use the State Institutions so easily how they wished…records from 19th century showed this-PEOPLE FEARED THEM- Greta Ransom comments on the violently insane branch claiming she & all RANSOM HUMANISTS heirs …we are related from a female 1830... THE Lindsaybuggarhs claim all properties moneys & cull other branches- GREETAH Frobisher Weddell RANSOM was born on a LINDSAY HEARSE they trail about with them … GRX 1947 Wedding of Grace )…when I was 4 & 5 years they would lock me up with the pickled head of Sulli Zultan…
1976 - Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM diaries/ THE PEOPLE WE KNOW PRE-WAR & GOOD FRIENDS REMAINING - “ Bela Lugosi would have made a good Lawyer-he was always a fair man & so kind…Do you recall the Buxtehude ?” LIR is speaking the time of the death of ANDRE MALRAUX November 1976 “ ANDRE has died too early- too early for that strong body to die”
“ When I knew what they‘d done to John my brother I wanted to pour petrol over all of them too ! & my beautiful little mother JEAN…she will never dance again…They all did it ! She was winning in Spain for Aunt Murgatroyd-in the Spanish Courts- Spanish is her first language- 1938 - Lindsay all of them were flung out - Estate given back to the Murgatroyd Missionaries…we could bury their son…retrieve him from where the body had to be hidden…my cousin only 22 years old…”
I think of my son nearing 12...a birthday party to come. We had just come from the Weddell funeral Cairo -that was their doing-to try put another name on the SEA- push us out to a few odd miles … crush Weddell some more…then they electrocuted my son … LIR
“ That coarse brute… they have won over… He was calling at me over the Motorway ` EM-ovedah-EM-M…mo-ved…Oh there’s my friend the Ape boy Len … ” L.I.R. (whose son 12 years has been slain 1952/3 so this sub-sub-ape & monsters can have fine togs & sex-dope-booze about the globe…) (this DOPE & scarlet DAMES brute knows Dicky Bird - Wanted G.R. dead at 10 years old…ON PIN - MANIACS IN TREACLE - Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux )
1945 - I think upon George COLONEL ANDRE MALRAUX singing beside me that first summer of the RETURN…of he the grim solemn Widower…Suddenly a gentle smile upon his moonlight face…his voice so surprising as he soars up beyond the soprano like an Angel… Malraux has a boy’s voice in the great Our Lady Church that summer IN HIS GRIEF- HE HAS TO CARRY AS GREAT ANCIENT STONES the killing of his brothers…& JOSETTE …She who is now their victim…these obscene barbaric greedy Nobles of Gross Britain & Scandinavia-
(It is known that to sing thus do not eat for 2 days before the performance-& drink very little in the hours before…)… George ANDRE seems to be singing to the SEAS, the STARS… to find some meaning to his Widowhood. Poor Len is somewhere…& he feels the same about his parents murdered by Lindsay & Scum, they only in their early 50s…& soon his son age 12 is killed by the BARBARISM of a British Fallen Empire with heavy slag heaps of Noble maniacs of violence…MANIACS IN TREACLE…all ON THE PIN…
1945-1947 - At Convent School the class say…“ … he may yet take the robe…HE IS PERHAPS EVERY INCH A PRIEST…” This is lightened by recalling that Mrs Taylor head of Church Choir has cheered us by saying… “ …WITH THAT VOICE ! …that writer fellah Andre ! …he will have to TAKE THE VEIL …! ” It is known that even Our retired old Nuns are swooning over The Young Widower who may help Saint Charles General de Gaulle… Divinely saintly & tall & beautiful with eyes that have green stars in them sometimes Colonel ANDRE DEAR… sings in their chapel by their Invitation !
I G.R. think then, that I shall never marry…but become a Missionary even if I hath to change my faith…(Catholics do not have female missionaries ! Only Nuns…) ` DEEP TERRIBLE PROBLEMS HATH WE SUMMER 1945.…We who know the stars are there for us to journey to…We the civilized who GO IN PEACE… HUMANISTS RETURN FROM WAR…laden with innocent dead… they are Victims of British & Scandinavian IMPERIAL PERVERTS…who have been slaying in obscene barbaric GREED so they may have DOUGH…art works…lands…investments…Grasp in their claws, jaws, the Estate GROTE HOMES & RANSOM Estate in 3 parts THE GLOBE…they wish to destroy this piece of global philanthropy…The GOD of these HIGH CLASS SIN creatures doth not approve of other Races living in civilized surroundings…it is not profitable for IMPERIUM…
1943/1944- Jimmie JONG was forced out of the Palace then got to Africa & said `Special Mission for the Palace`… He hunted FJR hearing he had not been killed in the Philippines as JIM had ordered January 1940...JIM now shot 4 good Italians in the back the North African desert for a watch with a compass…then tried play nasty tricks on several soldiers…JIM had Queen`s Flight !
1952 - Forced to leave Kenya 1952 or be arrested `HE FOLLOWED TWO GIRLS WHOSE SHIPS HAD COME IN` (was a witty Naval quip 1952 when asked HOW DID dirty JIM get back into Britain … ? ) 1952 JIM again penniless took the Kenya Army Stores man as partner & they became Co-Stewards Whites Club St James`…Vice as JIM always ran began for WHITES Club & in the City-JIM said prostitution gave a Club spice ! He has known Angela since she was 13 & Teresa probably from age 6-7 years at the Riding Grounds…
1945 November- Andre Malraux doth make a WALK to enter from the sea… into Summer 1937 & life again … HE WILL ACCEPT HIS RESPONSIBILITIES…ENTER LIFE - JO SHE SHALL WALK AGAIN with all of we in our memory & raising their sons - In spring 1947 JO will walk with Andre & Greetha to the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady to The Wedding of Grace-records/tape/text/ Commenting upon the Wedding a guest said years later looking back 17 April 1947...`A big strong girl married a reliable clever & still young… nice & tall… Fellah…the age difference was not really noticed because she had the Convent School ways & took care of him…They had a lot to do…two children to start off with…will have several more…& would go travelling round the world to take care of the Family Orphanages & other things…I think Greetha owned the North Pole…I once saw the Bank Statements for Margarethe… Frederick Charles used to help her son with them sometimes…`
1972 `renaissance party` March 19th The Pillar House Harwell Notes LIR-ANDRE MALRAUX/a group of 4 people speaking: `19th century JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND held by Gronlander-Ransom families-a democracy-Utopia WEST GREENLAND- (granted 1770 for the early death of POUL GRONLANDER his wife Margaret Yates to Jacop their eldest son `to keep as a holy place- & erect when you can the University to POUL polymath-genius-catechist…)
I HAVE NO MEMORY OF MY FIRST YEARS 1933-1940s….I cannot recall Margarethe speaking to me… “ How her father found all the Greenland (Eskimo) ladies on the island were in the wintertime when the snow would shimmer in the night time… attired in long frocks trailing over the snow in the dark - they had made themselves copies of clothes in the paintings - the now famous PLAY Season had them at this because of the clothes made in Spain & Italy for the Players ! Her father Fred Ransom Greta’s grandpa twice back was attending his Ox in its stall- his church bell- his winter duties harbour & workshops-his writings-his designs-& his correspondence…everyone lead happy busy lives…the lovely foods for winter were all stored in the Ice Caves we had for our households…& the men went up once a week to bring down what you wanted…you gave your list…We had curd tarts & wonderful fruit juices some with spices…not alcoholic…just fresh fruit & brilliant colours…»
1830-1860s LIFE on JACOPSHOLMEN West Greenland : Fred Ransom Aunt Mag `s father said one night as he came in to the great house he had built them… ` THIS WILL HAVE TO STOP- CANNOT TELL WHO IS WHO in the dark- I CANNOT FIND MY OWN WIFE- THEY ARE ALL OUT IN THE SNOWS TRAILING FROM ONE HOME TO ANOTHER SHOWING OFF THE STICHING- all dressed as paintings in organza & satin & damask - I have just passed a Titian in gold cloth- a Van Eyck- a Velasquez- a lady of Versailles - & WHO is that with the big picture hat & yards of ribbon under her chin- (he had seen this lady one night alone in the dark on her way to her in-laws home & she gave him a fright he thought she was a ghost !) I SHALL SAIL DOWN TO OUR FORESTS (Brazil & Argentine) GET SOME WOOD - & BUILD THEM A SEWING ROOM…’ ` Aunt Mag`s father (John & Poul`s too) was the most tolerant of men - photos show him fair haired sturdy not tall, his soft American trilby hat always back of his head a white shirt with sleeves rolled up proudly beside something he’s invented - The flowering 114 acres of Summer Town he had granted RESERVE…it had flowers of all colours some years…JIM DESTROYED IT as a maniac does/BMNH etc. had details but were stolen 1950s/60s…
FRED RANSOM - HIS BELL made on the Island the first ever cast in Greenland 9 feet high…made with the Greenlanders who liked achieving something useful ! NOW THEY ALL HAD TIME ! A JOB WAS AVAILABLE FOR Bell ringer by the hour ! A Wreck, a hulk they turned into a Skiff- TO SEE IF IT COULD BE DONE- it raced out into the Atlantic 150 miles- they’d learned something & he was helping a friend ! “ Not do it again..” Fred Ransom (G.Rs grandpa twice back) A man who never stopped working at all that did mean intelligent comfort & progress & happiness for ALL HUMAN KIND- The HOLM is his wife Gertrud`s dowry Island from her father JACOP eldest son of POUL…“ to erect the College/a University when you can…” Here they Acted the Gospels Out…G.R. for all of us
LIR/diary/tapes 1970s/renaissance party March 1972... `The great family history - PLAY SEASON & we had it with Opera & some folk opera too, a great orchestra grew on the Island …The PLAY SEASON yearly…it swept intelligent America & Germany & they had to book in…theatre took 300 comfortably after he put the tier on…Oak, solid woods…an architect said it would be standing in 200 years…Seamen said 400 years…built like a great stout ship…as the house…American Open plan of the 19th century…biggest house ever put up in GREENLAND…
… THEY BOMBED IT 1960...before Andre & others could get up there…CORRESPONDENCE WAS STILL BEING STOLEN… THE FAMILY (RANSOM) …we come sailing down the ages- each one holding his worth his contribution to mankind- fair traders & explorers of mankind & peace-then OUT EAST & our eyes slope 3 marriages & we into great philosophy- On to the 17th century when we are world figures of ancient & modern men even changing religion to Rome now & then…PEN FRED who had me learn the Dutch tongue…an eccentric one Fred No clothes…argument with his father…& wore no clothes…took to a Monks robe for winters…rich…had Quaker friends…married after 12 years of it…perfectly normal…never knew if he made friends again with his Dad… My cousin John MacMurray went to a party his mother gave as his ancestor Fred No clothes…he was 15...she was not amused …I bet his dad Fred was ! He went into FILMS from Wall Street…
(LIR came with us 1979 `MAURITZ A Humanist Prince 300 years celebrations ` The Hague- He spoke to us in the Bookshop in the Avenue of the Medusae…he spoke to little Peter telling him he had learned Dutch when a boy so he could read something written by an ancestor…I DID NOT KNOW HIM…other than a nice looking small man - the kind you see in bookshops…) “ Into the 18th century when we are forefront in our needs of technology & science- arts- medicine- welfare- On to 19th century when we are Holders of the Utopia democracy Jacopsholmen to erect the University West Greenland -all of us now have refined the music to personal skills all playing at concert standard 4 or 6 instruments- THE PLAY season BEGINS 1830s…`
“ We gathered playbills- programmes… but the great bulk was on The Holm-we suspect it was got by Mr PONG- burned- he works for barnacles who should have swastikas tattooed on them- They have used the Navy to sail in & slay the children of the Homes for dough… I have reconstructed the music of the RANSOM OPERA- a little Bach-Brahms- a flair of Wagner & some of your Pretorius- I will improve now we have given the renaissance party…
Renaissance evening March 1972 - ANDRE SO MUCH APPROVED - he wanted to lay down his head & never leave a haven of sanity The Pillar House…where he might remember in peace JO & his boys…& he had made friends with Victoria from a few months old -& looked forward to holding ` the most beautiful thing upon your god‘s earth Madam…little Peter…Pete` LIR tapes…
1972 - Andre Malraux speaking at The North Star Steventon …a lunch of lots of people & Josette`s French friend a woman…The Whitehead twins mother has said I can go- Beryl will call for me & the children…She may come… I am sitting next to him in my pink Young Jaeger coat…so it has to be cold weather…he has a navy blue heavy overcoat on…not his romantic raincoat…Victoria is being sociable as usual wearing her white fur Polar bear coat… Andre who is almost trying to make himself appear much older than his years… holds 2 years old Pete`s reins & says `The most beautiful thing on your God`s earth Madam…` He is drawing me something on a table napkin & speaking about `Old Winnclemann`…He tells me he is going down to Clacton on a visit….Arthur Malone is here…who else ? Records/photos/?
1968 - Victoria had been to her first Private View at 6 weeks- & Annual General meetings etc. Linnean Society-Natural History museum…her first year with eager polite interest shown ! Never a murmur & not a howl- but when at a dinner party ANDRE MALRAUX put her down in her cot she rose on tip-toe & got him back- & they spent another hour going round & round he talking & singing- I hear all this after his death…` I remember some of this happening when she was 10 months -
1972 spring - At just 4 years of age 21st April Victoria-Mousie rushes down The Pillar House East drive calling happily ` Its Andre-Andre…I love Andre…he makes me laugh…` They went walking he holding her hand twice or three times around the lawn of `Johnny Crow`s Garden` where the immortal childrens stories were drawn & written…he with bent head talking to Victoria-Augusta 2nd Legion Rome- (they visited Colchester the Roman Britain town Camulodunum Colonia Victricensis 1st century AD) 10 minutes then a few more…then he away…Beryl waiting by the School Lane gates saying he might break-down to stay longer but `we will come again` LIR/GR
1967 - Captain Alan Villiers speaking Oxford in December - “ These men of the 18th century early 19th century were genius status-polymaths Peter- they had to know everything to survive- they made no distinction in the Arts-Science-technology- Needed to know something- Old Fred Ransom had the first re-cycling metal unit up there- cast the first bell in Greenland- magnificent feat- he is photographed beside it-towering above him- Finest school in the world up there- orchestra-Plays-everybody in all languages-Shakespeare every season- they were always exploring everything…”
`… Fred Ransom he invested in all transport 1830s…that’s how Margarethe & Tiggy got started with the Homes- her mother’s grandfather THE GRONLANDER…British wife…When you read him the Gronlander…& it was all there in the big American style house… you knew you’d encountered one of the greatest minds on earth - ONE SAIL MARGARETHE GAVE US THE KEY … `
` POUL GRONLANDER - he re-wrote Hamlet for the Greenland mind- he`d his Mission too-he‘d confronted the Norwegian church when young but he was right ! All languages up there- they should have had Independence 1790s 1800 at least ! SHAME ! SHAME ! They bombed the island 1960 Britain- them- & Denmark- tried blame France - MALRAUX & De GAULLE had found it all out…! `
Captain Alan Villiers December 1967 Oxford -he sailed the replica of the Mayflower 1953 to USA …`without all the trials we wanted to do…because of the Press & media build-up & all that…I did not know if the damn thing would not fall over on its side in a still breeze ! We got her out in the channel & we knew she was going to be alright…they`d got it right…the Plans the builders…I SAID LETS GO…Wind was right ! We won`t return …they can follow us !
1937/38 AUNT MARGARETHE say`th to me explaining the School studies of The Holm- “…the boys did not mind at all- Oh Greetha it was too much learning for a girl but I was glad when I got to 15 years of age- but my father had to educate us for INDEPENDENCE OF GREENLAND- It was our home” (Independence refused by Denmark 1862/3-they have had an expensive WAR)
LIR Diary/ ANDRE MALRAUX- Arthur Malone/Politan 19/20 March 1972 The Pillar House Harwell… … the renaissance evening party with the candle-lit house with authentic music on long-player records (Munrow etc/we have a big collection of early music & friends play it…12th century-16th) The glorious gold-silver theme of the evening created with our hands & understanding of the times. Foliage gathered from nature- authentic wines- foods- Peter’s great drawings in charcoal & gold paint- The little kitchen a Roman taverna- 100 guests- gilded ivy wreaths- a big table laden with foods of only natural gold-silver-blue (fowls, fishes, “ & those Great Jellies dear to you & me..” (Folgore his Calendar of the 12 months/translation Dante Gabriel Rossetti) , salads, Halva…breads, biscuits, butters & cheeses…creams & pastries…) The buffet …an idea from a party Leonardo da Vinci designed for the Sforza family Milan 15th century (a notice warned guests the gold oranges & Clementines might stain the hands…) - Guests made or hired costumes/ Orson Wells had to cancel the day before-he had to fly to New York- Malone as Politan & LIR Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM clad as a Scribe of Lorenzo da Medici`s Studiolo in a parchment white robe & an OLIVE WREATH upon his head (Thank you Lennie my best friend always saving my life 1933-1939...)
1972 March 19/20 - ANDRE MALRAUX arrived at 9.30pm with Lucretia Borgia…He had been seeing Nixon in Washington…talking on CHINA… The ex-MINISTER/Burgermeister of France & GAUL came not in costume as everyone else but “ in a suit that Greetah Ransom Mrs Whitehead may recall…”
Nota bene : The tragedy of 1958 Feast of St Cede Bishop of Londinium & Othona upon the 7th January- I believe this is that suit he wore at our re-Vowing…THE WHOLE CEREMONY, all understanding of it was REMOVED from my memory in 2 weeks ! Brown RNVR came in from dirty JIM after a week saying “it was a film…he was making A FILM YOU FOOL …did `nt you see the camera ! At the side in the church…”
1958 January 2nd week : Brown RNVR…he went on “ Mr JIMMIE will give me money if I say this to you…I am short of money ! MOTHER & I HAVE BEEN ROBBED by JIMMIE & all of this…” I told him to stop going mad ! He went off from 50 Lancaster Gate Square…biting his fists…looking crazy…to WHITES Club to get free drinks no doubt ~ He KNEW that Doc Mengele & his Dame WERE GOING TO REMOVE THE CEREMONY FROM MY MEMORY ! & no doubt he could find more PICKINGS by hovering near to dirty JIMMIE…CUR James… & Brown RNVR has a COMMISSION from 1954 from Lindsay Count…to be Earl 15...THAT DIRTY LITTLE ROBBER OF OUR Grote-Ransom CANADA TRANSPORT HOLDINGS 1946 onwards …To be Len`s job at the end of the War… He LINDSAY 15 has raised countless women & families in flats on the PROFITS of blood & gore dripping investments … & he knows well of the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children… He is INSANE too …
1958 mid-January - Brown RNVR he disappeared off & perhaps back to sea a few days…the experimental work on tiny submarines he has assisted with off Northern Ireland I believe…he having firsthand knowledge of submarine warfare… Brown RNVR returns the next week to act out this same part ! Now both GRX`s new wedding rings were got off her !…Brown RNVR had the wedding ring turned into a LUMP OF METAL at a nearby jewellery shop…THEY THOUGHT HIM MAD ! He now went about tossing it up calling it his LUCKY LUMP OF METAL ! It was one of the few sane persons in WHITES Vice Club, St James` that found out about this …told another sane person…THUS IT WAS EVENTUALLY TO BE PROVED TO MALRAUX…
1958 January 19th (?) - MALRAUX has left for the GUYANAS Tour to represent Saint Charlie de Gaulle… …I found sanity packing carefully away the Medieval blue cooking casseroles I had bought…an old Northern firm was making a few such heavy earthenware pots…when Andre & I have a home of our own again I will cook him suppers from other ages …but - ANDRE & GRETA are to not be allowed a life…so the syphilitic IMPERIAL CROWD can murder maim falsify to 80 per cent of the world- ROBBERY & cheating is to go ON… 1972 March 19/20th - The Pillar House renaissance evening …LIR- ANDRE MALRAUX…POLITAN & his Vikings on GUARD DUTY are coming & going…Greetha likened by ANDRE to A FUNERAL ANGEL IN A CEMETERY»
1972 - renaissance evening party - Len is saying … to ANDRE MALRAUX, Lucretia Borgia, two others I know but not their names… “ THE ISLAND IN THE SNOW…the Thomas B painting went missing up there- the island- remember the woman with the big picture hat- we bought it because we used to bring her messages- we bought them when he was broke- so we bought a number of them. None are of our family I think. Perhaps they were not so good looking at that time-` (Renaissance party file/can be re-created)- some more talk but it reaches me as heard-read-glimpsed upon the winter airs-the winter seas of all time - The party is a success-a feast for the eyes by candlelight-the music of the 15-16th centuries-
1934 - Greetah Ransom` s first school is the old Quaker School Clacton-on-Sea across the road from our Old Road house & it is just about to be taken over as a Town School … A Quaker enclave that sadly was pulled down ( it would have been a present day tourists GEM…a holy place…the ladies in black frocks with fantastic lace collars smoked white clay pipes with the very long stems…sitting on the tall wood steps up to the white painted wooden buildings with balconies…under threat 1937 as ANDRE of the GLOBE arrives…
RANSOM would have bought the entire site…but EARLS LINDSAYbuggarhs claiming US would confront…LOCK US UP or kill us in a country ditch… ! They were getting some cash for the destruction of this WONDER… ( perhaps enough to have an afternoon on the DODGEMS on the Clacton Pier…but its their kind of JOLLY MISCHIEF…) I WOULD MAKE THE UGLY BUGGARHS put it all back…they not only CULL HEIRS…they in thuggish mode advance on them with their trouser flies open ! Lindsay PREMIER Earls of Gross Britain…claiming us from a solitary female of 1830 !)
“ The Way it cometh by the Old Road down from the gentle rise of Great Clacton ancient Manor Church demesnes - 1934 the school is passing to Clacton Town - An Quaker teacher in her 80th year will continue to teach two years more & she agreed with my young 24 years old Father Fred RANSOM I could come in my pram- 14 months old- two tall girls 15 & 16 years of age take care of me in class- |
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