Greta Ransom

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Readings from a NOTEBOOK written about the fate of a GROTE HOME & its children ages 5 to 18 years of age -

& the Grote Ransom Estate lands in Northern France by the seashores ... notes kept by the lawyer onion seller ... a Frenchman MAN of LETTERS


“ He our lawyer onion seller had not bothered to remove his mother`s grave to England when he settled alongside it were some with names he had known when a child in a near place ... a pit youd not wish to investigate ”

1945 - His wife had spoken to Greta Ransom 1945 ... & she told her how she had made her Convent school uniform from the clothes of her dead grandmother Mary Gordon Mrs Potter did not know enough of what had gone on

... His wife had been to the Clacton-on-Sea hospital Summer 1944 ... & they said Mary Gordon had been poisoned - it was time to lock Teresa up - they had spoken with Miss Win no longer ATS ”

“ … Captain Ransom was expected back anytime the War Office had sent instructions months ago `to return for Home Duties`

... His wife heard Greta had told a school friend who told her mother ...

“ SHE Clytemnestra mad Mother Ransom ... says he is to die abroad ” ... His wife could be found in the school music room or she might be taking a basket of clothes to the Cleaners for old folk she did a number of things she noticed what went on in the town ”

“ ... Greta & Colin were neglected ... & Greta & her brother John Gordon had St Vitus` Dance rather badly 1944 ... She his wife would speak to Connie Nurse Napper but did not get close after the wedding to ANDRE failed !

... Fiona-Funnula MacDonald had been tricked - tripped up

by Miss Winnie listening to Italian East Enders just out of prison & Borstal theyd been paid to break the sombre suited couple up Andre & Greta were of a similar age because of circumstances !

1960 summer - He had just been told … suddenly there were extensions to the grounds where a Grote Home had been ... & where a Hotel had been quickly erected the end of the 1940s ... on his homelands ... the seashores of Northern France ... the end of the 1940s - the French community had to keep quiet ... British upper class speech was heard ...

1960 this summer -

... he has just heard from France -

“ YOU COULD SMELL THE ACID FOR MONTHS the earth received it reluctantly -

... the idea is to destroy the partly burned bones of the GROTE HOMES children & there would be some of the GROTE HOME Staff down there IN THE PITS & those who cared for the craft shops & the homes for retired IT MADE HIM FEEL SICK - ALL GONE immediately after the 2nd World War !


... his notebook says ,


& by 1946 it was known who they were …

... Hed not gone back to his French homelands after 1946 ...

he had his mother`s grave taken good care of

... alongside the pits of the GROTE HOME children … SLAIN BY THOSE WHO WON THE WAR …

He had heard of nets full of children dropped about the shores of Europe ... several of them had He had talked with those who knew they had to keep low or lose their lives ”

1972 - LIR diaries/


to STOP this ignorance & bestial GREED

He manages to get away escape Mengele Harrington & his moneymaking teams I can say no more

Peter is overboard he & his brother have little of the humanism of ANDRE MALRAUX & you … and me ...”

“ Before the WAR when we sat by JEANs grave (1938 October/December) & we knew they had poisoned her for this dough YOU BECAME `MY ADMINISTERING ANGEL`we would go on I was just 18 & you coming 6 years the next year

1976 - XMAS - Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM ANDRE before he

died cried like a child & said “ She - Greetha does not have even one memory of being with me & JO - that summer - or in Lincoln - our journey back across the country - East Anglia - WHERE I FOUND THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT - after we had come out of SPAIN

LIR Lennie - tapes made 1970s - Wing-Commander Michael Morris DSO both World Wars took them off PJPW in BMNH the Natural History Museum c 1981... kept in a locked drawer Michael felt that perhaps Greta had heard them played at night when asleep - he & his wife Jill knew all the TRICKS of downtown CAIRO & Alexandria

Greta was not to be allowed to REMEMBER her life !

The Morris couple ... he & Jill (in Cabinet Room Falklands War) were well aware of these tricks of Junk Fraud Balls & Bunkum theyd been in Cairo & Alexandria 2nd World War Jill dies too soon perhaps

LEN has died & there is shock reaching into BM Natural History Museum ... & The Pillar House has only PJPW know & some persons at Blewbury Village - More tricks go on & more loss of life 2 people who had known Andre Malraux & were of his age - spoke perfect French

Mengele Harrington is in the Divorce Courts 1981 - he, in 1982, felt a high class wife would have him with his Peerage ... After a quick divorce from him when he is known to be nasty & mad late 1980s she may have her only child, her son, die in another of these odd accidents ... road accidents - 7 seas Overboard - overdoses of dopes by NON-DOPE users ... etc etc ...

This document SUMMER 1937 records many of the non-accidents arranged to STOP THE EXPOSURE OF THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ... & the devastation of the Estate RANSOM in 3 Parts the globe since 1938 by IMPERIAL & Noble feckless doped up SCUM ...

... The partner of JIM ...the woman known as ANGELA had never ANY LEGAL CLAIM TO THIS VAST PIECE OF PHILANTHROPY ... or her future children & Scandinavian in-laws ... Nor her son-in-law Phil the Greek ... friend of Mr Mengele spoof Doctor HARRINGTON from his youth ...


1970s - LIR tapes - This is what he ANDRE wanted you to hear from him & remember The CATHEDRAL MONUMENT - Lincoln - You have to change the middle letter to a J ... & it is his Fathers cousinship - their line his SEA ANCESTORS as we hath ...

L I R speaks on Mengele ... he has threatened he will blind me with wire & have me thrown in the seas - he is so insane - he has learned from SHEshe what you told Andre about ... how she tried blind you with wire in 1948 slashing at your eyes with metal wire ... but you told Mr Magowan ... & he READ THE RIOT ACT TO HER ...

Nota bene : Teresa Gordon R. kept loose by Ed du Cann her bastard 1924 & his father in the LAW & Earls Lindsay ! Defying the Marital Court 1946 who asked her sister Miss Winifred to put her in the Nut House for an unspecified time - my father FJR having WON the Case & got CUSTODY his daughter & 2 sons September 1946 ...

1946 onwards - She had been told by her Imperial Palaces & Noble Marble Halls Parties `to put Greeta into factory work & run her health down again` 1948 she hit at me in her dope-drunkenness & tried blind me with wire ... insisting with a grin God wanted her to -

Greta & Andre have had the marriage destroyed - by she & Miss Win assisting...become stupid beyond belief listening to Ed du Cann bastard, JIMMIE & Angela , & LINDSAY Earls of all maniacs …

1948 - Upon Greeta`s entry to Colchester College suggested by the sister of Laura Lawrence our Head/Drama English/Pathfields School … IMMEDIATELY Teresa G.R. said she could get money for blinding Greeta … she went in smart TOGS up to NOBLE Scarlet Town …

1949 - I - G.R. got to Colchester N.E. Technical College 1949 with the help of those trying to help all of us & wondering why she was not LOCKED UP The ex-Italian Lawyer French Onion Seller & his wife were only two of many people alarmed at the POWER of these noble brutes Laura Lawrence is a Rathbone Quakers connexion-pedigree/

1940s into early 1950s -

threats of bodily violence made at Greeta by Noble Britain & Noble Scandinavia :

LINDSAY Earls have had their GRAND on Clacton seafront pulled down 1946 - THEY ARE OFTEN ABOUT Essex in late 1940s-early 1950s/Frinton/or gone to the Races Newmarket then prowling about Colchester -

1949 - Lindsay 14 is spotted GLARING AT GRETA from outside the Colchester MOOT HALL he had said that she was a young person of immorality of his family & he did not recognise her ... BUT HE WANTED HER WATCHED & dismissed THE COLLEGE but Colchester ELITE knew LINDSAY gang murdered the 9 years heir Castle Hedingham 1942 to PAY their double DEATH DUTIES

1951 - An Accountant Firm in a garden, Colchester, had very BIG IMPERIAL BOOTS dripping BLOOD & GORE kicking their door in.

GR took her first job here - there were VISITS by LINDSAY 15 & dirty chum, both with OUTSIZE PIGS HEADS from the previous evil obscene Noble generations …

1952 - The Premier EARL LINDSAYbuggarhs Nos. 14 & 15 criminally insane EARLS made trouble at COLCHESTER MUSEUMS They are now unofficially Documented as unofficial murderers of Miss de`UFF- MacDrew of family home Castle Hedingham, 9 years old NEWFOUNDLAND HEIRESS, a 900 years ESSEX SEA-faring family

1952 - LORDS of Lindsay of the Crown, other Noble Lords , were getting dough from GROTE HOMES murdered children lands, & RANSOM Estate - LANDS reported trashed, all trees gone . & NEWFOUNDLAND had LINDSAY belching industrial filth QUICK PROFIT-

From summer 1942 - church & settlement going GONE -

... Oh it should be mentioned the peoples have disappeared ... d`UFF- MacDREW household the Castle Hedingham gone - pulled down - monuments to the family in Churchyard ... gone for REPAIRS all by 1952 ...

... Graham Greene Novelist & Donovan Bookseller STRAND ...

looked scared when they met MISS GRETA RANSOM ...


1976 - “ ... events - ANDRE MALRAUX DIES far too soon

Mengele paedophile Gollum Royal Satrap Doc Harrington, with his thugs & female thugs 1976 set about the humiliation & murder ( of LIR )

removing Banked monies - stealing passports GB & Argentine- birth marriage etc certificates -

“ ... & 1965 IMPERIAL BRITAIN is putting the RECORDS of James Weddell, his father-in-law San Julian & the elder INCA relatives of his wife ... IN THE BATH IN GREENWICH with hot water & shampoo ... House/home no 5 - a yellow rectangle lights up when you push the button for this flat ” ...

LIR continues ... “ My mother`s family records - I knew them almost by heart ... but to have LOST ALL OF THIS TREASURE OF THE NATION ...”

He means treasure of PERU & some of Tierra del Fuego

... Len had his 12 years old son electrocuted by Lindsay 14 & JIM 1952/3 Libya/ Mengele is calling Len names - & destroying reputations of purity & humanism in our families -

... IMPERIAL Gross Britain in the 1970s - now with advanced listening equipment Naval Intelligence etc bug everyone - pretending they are JUST TESTING - & inter-penetrate into an immoral perverted powerful business world of criminally insane OBSCENE SCUM all high on dopes : The Pillar House is warned that they listen to households in Berkshire/London Oxfordshire/

... Mengele Doc paedophile Royal Satrap HARRINGTON is still

... “ a Noble Peer/Lord of Gross Britain ... in-Waiting

1982 - British Medical Association DISMISS him quietly -

ANDRE MALRAUX dies too early November 1976 & we were without protection - Len had published 3 books that the top of the pyramid could not lay hands on ... & remove from the face of the globe as though they had never existed ... this troubled them ...

There were 3 reports reached Museums & Science circles Gross Britain & abroad of this grotesque Diners mob at Wantage - expensive togged blokes had been living & feeding off Grote Ransom Estate the world with dope-fiend chums escorts & perverts from 1930s - Mr Mengele Harrington a kind of BOND brother ...

1943/1945 - When I the HEIR to the biggest Philanthropy Estate the globe has ever had an 10/11-12 years of age... the NOBLE SCUM came on visits to Clytemnestra ...It is reported one is saying `he felt it would be better if the ape Greetha Ransom were dead `

I can run like the fierce North wind & hide in the REC flee down the Valley Road to headlands of Clacton Neolithic families & there is The Cemetery up a little sloping road that Grandpa Gordon painted with sheep coming down in the 1930s I am a child of 9 to 11 years of age & I had them leering at me - & some tried horrible attacks

1945 July - when I am 12 years old they advanced in the REC I spoke politely when they came towards me in a small group...not knowing who they were - Then moved swiftly some yards away to the safety of Colonel Andre MALRAUX whom they did not recognise ...

1945 July - They reported...“ She turned to a tall FROG in battledress

NO RANK - they were with a pack of children with sailing boats `

THEY HAD SEEN A HUMANIST & did not recognise A MAN OF LETTERS or the young man of BLOOD SOAKED SPAIN November 1946 I am allowed to `WALK OUT` with him - preparation for marriage for life The Widower Guardian MALRAUX will marry the Grote Ransom heir in church … We are granted `early wedding` by young Paccelli - Pope Pius 12 ...

1955 - came PHIL tho Greek .. with wicked immoral Countess ... 1955/56 winter - & wanted signatures in a London lay-bye after dark or it would shoot me - if I had a gun I would have marched this FROZEN muddy blood PUDDLE into Thames at low tide up to its neck - This is all done on DOPE DOPE DOPE & booze ...

1950s - A massive IMPERIAL GREED is out to get moneys lands KUDOS from our Estate the globe NOW they have slain the million GROTE HOMES children educating to 18/19 years of age A to Z the World - PIMPS grab our seashores - I am born of 14 Races & 27 nations - so I can truthfully speak of OUR SEASHORES ...

1953 onwards - Lieutenant-Commander David S. Brown RNVR was in charge of seeing I did not learn whom I was ... & it is he took me to this unlawful obscene weird set-up GREEK STYLE ... He receives a monthly stipend from IMPERIAL LINDSAY the Count of MISRULE No 15 Earl ... ALL of them are deceiving Andre Malraux & General de GAULLE - & deceiving every NATION OF THE GLOBE ...

A question 20th century that could be asked by the innocent observer is this ...

Well I never ! ... DOES THEIR NUT HOUSE/Cranky House ...


1980 - LIR - LENNIE - having his shoes, passports, documents, removed from him overnight so he could not attend Grote RANSOM Estate meeting Frankfurt/ Records - ... As British IMPERIAL Fraudsters FIXED-FIXED deal to get the DOUGH !

I refer to those festering diseases & old pots of stale lard & fly-blown custard tarts ... who from 1929 made murderous PLANS to lay hands on ESTATE of old ESKIMO from GREENLAND

... 1970s - These-they are hissing to a well heeled younger generation that Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM (born 1921) had never worked in his life ... & could not really fly a plane - hee haw !

“ Little Len was not at all A FLYER & probably his mother an APE ballerina from the INCA got him out of a Christmas Cracker - hee hee haw “ they went on in their NOBLE MANNER -

... They were urging Len`s death because of what he knew - as theyd urged others to murder his parents when he was 17 & 18 years old - 20th century IMPERIAL & NOBLE `hunting big game` went on

c 1981 - NOBLE IMPERIAL MORGUES had our young Ransom apostle LIR murdered in the early 1980s ... dumped in the seas of East Scotland ... the man who ran the murder ship was later DONE IN ... & the money paid to him would then, of course, be claimed for the BRITISH CROWN ... aided by a powerful sleaze & obscene House of Assassins who hail out of SCANDINAVIA ... Records-records-records-

20th century secret-silence DECREE ...

... NO MENTION to be made of GROTE HOMES SLAIN CHILDREN Nothing to be KNOWN about the necessary removal of these kids FOREIGNERS - in the way of MAKING BRITAIN RICH

until all witnesses & murderers are dead ...

... & a DOSSIER prepared by Mengele paedophile Harrington Doc Gollum & his ORC teams would be placed in Public Record Places about the globe - WHERE IT IS TO BE DISCOVERED ... & life upon earth (if there is any left) urged to GO SHOPPING - BUY COMMEMORATION MUGS ...

...( be grateful Cannibalism is now legalised - as all animal farming has failed owing to diseases somebody let out of a suitcase ... some Film makers get into these realms ...)

These ` SET APART FOR THE FUTURE ` documents of the 20th century National Industry of Imperialism will be seen to blame the heirs& their Eskimo Ape families

20th century - Foul blackened mouths with long black tongues to their expensive boots were terrified of being exposed as slayers of the Grote children - or seen as the savage obscene robbers they are ... destroyers of the green earth ...

1976 - “ ANDRE MALRAUX died 23 November 1976 - just 76 years of age - he should, with that strong body, have lived to 88 years at least -

... I have no respect for anyone who goes to see Mr Mengele LIR tapes / Reports/diaries/


1937 SUMMER SHALL WE TRY TO RETURN TO THE SEASIDE HOLIDAY - warm days & the sounds of the seas - visits made - sitting under the STARS talking of when we go to them … how life should be ... Acting the Gospels Out ...

5 weeks summer 1937 with Andre & JO - THEN TO LINCOLN - happiness ... we free of MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP -

1935/1936 - The year before we had them following us (meaning HOUSES OF ASSASSINS ) with their dirty drunken thieving diplomats - All obscene gross ignorant vampire PORKERS intend on harming Ransom & branches-Weddell-Gronlander & Poulsen-other branches- de SALLE Paris/Maiming & killing for fun - destruction of all the evidence of the existence of us - telling disgusting lies about our families ... RECORDS : GR & others 1930s/1940s

... With advanced violence IMPERIAL brutes are taking MONEYS LANDS INVESTMENTS of Grote RANSOM Estate in 3 Parts - a flower garden twice around the globe - A FALLEN PENNILESS EMPIRE of blackmail fraud cunning murders REARS UP ... helped by vermin out of the wood piles the sewers ... all drip blood & gore gold !

Georgie-Saint Georges - Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX -


Will Shakespeare/`Oh how I faint when I of you do write`/Sonnet LXXX

GOOD LIVES are recorded here to become known again, & their civilized kindnesses to all upon the earth One day they go to LIBRARIES upon THE STARS - In this document SUMMER 1937

I Greeta Ransom record the Creators & Owners of this greatest piece of PHILANTROPHY the globe hath ever known ... the circumstances shaping the making of the GROTE HOMES educating in HUMANISM to 18 & more years ... that JOYOUS VENTURE of the RANSOM FAMILY ...

a Family Ransom who held a little administrative riverside JOB from 77 AD ... by LONDONIUM-on-Thames ... Roman Britain ...

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