Greta Ransom

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1947 JULY - THE MEETING OF TWO HIGH DOPE WITCHES…at Clacton-on-Sea Essex…Clara born 1896 & Teresa Gordon 1906... AFTER THE WEDDING OF GRACE has been ambushed by TG.R. Mad Mother KALI & one of her bastards Ed du CANN born 1924 & his PENNILESS FATHER…IN THE LAW of Gross Britain about to SET ABOUT MALAYA holdings of GROTE RANSOM ESTATE …

1947 July - CLARA MALRAUX divorced 1946/1947 winter has come SCREECHING at Professor & Mrs Winnclemann who live by the Clacton Catholic Church - THIS WHORE HAS BEEN OPENING ANDRE`s POST/mail too…with the HIRED fake Doc Mengele HARRINGTON… Nota bene : CLARA 1950s called C. Cow (Seacow) comes with Doc Mengele HARRINGTON to CLACTON-ON-SEA & in the afternoon TAKES A 2 HOURS APPOINTMENT WITH THE LORDLY TERESA GORDON R/

1947 July - Charles Magowan Photographer - closed his Clacton centre town shop & let them DEBATE the marriage of ANDRE & GREETHA in his spacious STUDIO - he pianist with 3 grand pianos for French music/experimental colour photography/friend of ANDRE MALRAUX/ Magowan raised & taught MUSIC GLASGOW good parentage out of AYRSHIRE/ CLARA is accompanied by a friend of the penniless British & Scandinavian Royalty Doc Mengele HARRINGTON … a Montmorency/Moriaty … whose mother was AT COURT & St James` …until her untimely death in 1926…

1930s - Mr Harrington b 1912 with a questionable married state to a questionable Viennese Countess has served part prison sentence Continent 1935/6 ... then 2 years transferred to a psychiatric clinic Gross Britain…for sexually attacking a child for some weeks under a year old… ( it is stated to be his own…) the future Doc Mengele HARRINGTON was PAID to SPY upon ANDRE MALRAUX & families from 1938 …by Gross Britain Government & Lords…for the Crown …


… IN A LEGAL WILL sent to him MAY 1938 STOLEN by ANGELA`s MEN … of the old Eskimo as ANGELA & other NOBLE SCUM ON THE PIN & penniless call Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE the richest woman in the world…


Tiggy knew Princes-Prelates-educated families-Humanists all walks of life WHO AGREED WITH HIM & CONTRIBUTED MONEYS TO MAKING THESE HOMES understanding from 2 years observation of them that the curriculum had the children at 18 years emerge with HIGH SKILLS that brought civilized meaningful standards to the world…a SENSE OF BALANCE… lands-waterways- old arts & crafts preserved…streams & rivers clean…the 3-4 languages the children had were a great FACTOR in maintaining a peaceful world…it was understand the LANDS ABOUT THE HOMES were ancestral lands RANSOM held or regained…all by PERMISSION nations OUTSIDE …the IMPERIAL EMPIRE OF GROSS BRITAIN…

Margarethe RANSOM … she used her skills of HUMANISM learned from her parents -FRED RANSOM & GERTRUD POULSEN the GRONLANDER`s grand-daughter- …& passed to Greetah & Lennie with PERMISSION the globe of civilized person A-Z the continuation of their work … reaching back we find in Family Records to kindness even in 92 AD East Anglia DUNWICH

“ …. destroyed with cunning using their divinities & the 2nd World War…& many of GREED seen to be criminally insane….rowdy criminals ON THE PIN - UP THE SNOUTGross NOBLE BRITAIN ! Who have a LEG UP on the globe… especially the Near-

the Middle & the FAR EAST … By 1939 the most penniless of the Northern European lands were in GROSS BRITAIN …”

1947 July - CLARA & Doc Mengele HARRINGTON threatened Professor WINNCLEMANN ( known Clara since before she was born at Magdeburg ) they “she & this young Doctor” would `DESTROY ALL HIS WORK ON INSTITUTION & LIBRARY SHELVES…for divorcing Clara this past WINTER … “ & having MALRAUX make an illegal marriage to a minor PERMISSION

VATICAN …” The murderers of the Grote Homes children held this threat over MALRAUX to his death 1976 … & after…

Nota bene : VATICAN ROME have a half of GROTE HOMES in Roman Catholic lands … & by Legal Wills … OWN the HOMES & LAND THEY STAND UPON “ should they not be needed for the original purpose…” .

1938 - Further : The Grote HEIR who was said BY one ANGELA …

( called by Lord XYZ 1960 Slut of the Mall` who drinks until she cannot stand …” / Angela & TERESA - CAN DRINK A PUB OUT OVERNIGHT - I HAVE SEEN THEM … Oct .1957/another Lord -

1938 - Angela`s PLEA : in secret silence MEETINGS held by LINDSAY Crawford EARLS who claim all properties of Scotland & anyone related to them in a thousand years …

GRETA RANSOM is found to be the legal child of Teresa Gordon R a fallen woman & she has bred with an Ape-Eskimo all of diminished responsibilities … Angela - trained in Witchcraft by her parents …GRABS ALL … for AN OLD ESKIMO… ”


SO SHE Angela & JIM ADMINISTERED THE old Eskimo`s ESTATE - with her MOTHER-in-LAW & now her coming SON-in-LAW of Scandinavia… JIM JONG on THE PIN - has told everyone 1934 …


…… KICK THEM BACK BEYOND LUCY LEAKEY…she passes by on the right side of the river ……

1943/1945 - a winter :

I Greetah living in THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC … a place of GHOSTLY HAPPINESSES & PHANTOMS OF KINDLY GATHERINGS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN intelligent persons & families… SITTING WITH THE GREENLAND LIBRARY . recall Angela`s future son-in-law… winter 1943/44 or 1944/45 … he said he had a lot of sisters … he was WITH THE LINDSAY FILTH dripping BLOOD & GORE from embarking upon 1939 onwards the secret-silence OFFICIAL slaying …of our Ransom & families /MY Grote children ! There is NOT the education in these well togged luxury living NERO type characters …. they cannot understand that ato save further massive bloodshed this crime had to be ANCHORED to the CRIMINALS - Like all of them this young man has only a mind-set of COVER UP … from childhood he is taught to be DIVINE ! His set-up is very SHORT OF MONEY & KUDOS with a falling British Empire & leaking roofs in Scandinavia … where they have their Marble Halls … NOTHING OF VALHALLA HERE We RANSOM begin our official Records out of JUTLAND 77 AD Londinium…caring for our peoples & our lands …


he has been raised by THREE GRACES

1938 onwards … all these PENNILESS old middle aged NOBLE Britain & SCANDINAVIA some Continent & their ill educated young are spitefully jealous of MALRAUX THE MAN

… AH ! He is chosen GUARDIAN the greatest Estate the globe has ever had … pure philanthropy … THEY getting more DIVINE so many little CALIGULAs` ARE ALREADY ROBBING IT & commit FRAUD & fraud-with-VIOLENCE… ( as Grote Brokers off Wall Street USA call it ) from 1921 !

FRAUD with mounting VIOLENCE : lead by THE EARLS OF Crawford LINDSAY … grotesques in violence… ALL SUCH GOOD CHUMS SINCE THEY WERE KIDS IN THE STABLES 1900s/1920s …stuffing up their SNOUTS pretty lavender gilt pellets of Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire blown It hit their BRAIN in 2 seconds… It is suspected MR PONG TEACHES CHINESE OPERA to them MORGUE FACES - DIVINITY…more !

1979 - ANDRE MALRAUX DEAD - Mengele began calling Len names in public & stomping in with something called a CID at Laines Barn Wantage - It was NOT ! But Mengele may have a tame one who would be easily used because Mengele might have him on DOPES… MENGELE HARRINGTON was getting a DIVORCE & felt he would be PEER if he went on destroying the reputation of purity & humanism in our families- LEN had 2 books out in other languages & much more to write - he had our family histories in his memory … he was musician artist humanist FLYER…WE CALLED HIM OUR YOUNG APOSTLE 1930s for his pure young mind … ANDRE MALRAUX valued him …

1970s - advanced listening equipment Naval intelligence were pretending they are JUST TESTING- an obscene powerful business world all high on dopes were listening `to households in Berkshire-Oxfordshire- Reports/Plans made to listen to them/

1976 - ANDRE MALRAUX dies too early November 23rd …we without protection - Len has published 3 books that the EVIL at the top of the pyramid could not lay hands on & remove from the face of the globe as though they had never existed-as their custom-

1970s - 3 reports reached Museums & Science circles Gross Britain & abroad… of a grotesque Diners mob Wantage - expensive togged blokes living off Grote Ransom Estate the world with dope-fiend chums from 1930s - Mr Mengele Harrington now a bond brother .”

1940-1945 - Greetha Ransom b 1933 wished dead - I can run like the wind & hide in the REC…flee down the Valley Road to headlands of Clacton Neolithic families…& there is the Cemetery up a little road Grandpa painted with sheep coming down 1930s …& where he is with Kitty his daughter... then Granny Mary Gordon June 1944 … Lindsay Gang have called my families of the globe nasty names for years before I am born … HUMANITAS a word not applicable to them…

1930s - MY FATHER & I, when I was a child in single figures, we had them leering at us & horrible attacks on both of us … which is WHY we FLED October 1935 to go up to GREENLAND for more than a BEER - A previous document/BOOK tells of the savagery at he by Lindsaybuggarhs Earls claiming a COUSINAGE…/

1945 July - G.R. age 12 years grown tall with long hair (with an unknown hole in my head that could have had the brain squeeze out said Colchester Hospital 1953 ) …came some younger Lindsay Naval gold tinsel…advanced in the REC - I spoke politely but not knowing who they were then returned swiftly to the safety of Colonel Georges-Andre X… they did not recognise him… We were mending a toy speed boat for the boys …

They reported we hear later `… ` she turned to a tall FROG in battledress - no rank - they were with a pack of children sailing boats…`

THEY HAD SEEN A HUMANIST & A MAN OF LETTERS - the young man of SPAIN … November 1946 I am allowed to `WALK OUT` with him- preparation for marriage for life … The Widower Guardian will marry the Grote Ransom heir…in church…granted `early wedding` by Pope Pius 12...

The LINDSAY gang returned to their dopes & violent fraud lives -

The robbery of our ESTATE … having killed the children -

Phil no Greek came with an immoral Countess 1955/56 winter-

& wanted signatures in a London lay-bye after dark or it would shoot me- IT SHOULD GET OFF THE PIN ! HE HAS HAD TO LEAVE THE SEA … therefore IS AMONGST EVIL NON MEN & some old slags…Roaring 1920s…

1957 December - Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX warns G.R.

`You must protect me from women of a certain type -& age…

I will teach you … Little One` - I get a kiss top of my head …

1955/56 winter - PHIL Duck Peter Grimes - This is the young person allowed by it parents to FRATERNISE with LINDSAYBUGGARHS violent thieves & dope growing EARLS of Crawford LINDSAY- its wife should lock it in the Tower : nobody can catch Lindsay Premier Earls they are cunning sub-sub Apes … (they got hold of my relative CLOUTS a rich girl in 1830...) If I had a gun … 1955/56 … I would have marched IT into Thames up to its neck- this GREED is to get moneys etc for which the LINDSAY have slain the million GROTE HOMES children in humanist education to 18 A to Z the World to grab our seashores & moneys - to gamble & pimp upon the globe & be FIGURES FROM A MORGUE …

1955/56 … Lieut-Commander David S. Brown rnvr was in charge of taking me to this unlawful obscene procedure - these are all men & women who know Mengele Harrington paedophile & dirty JIM Jong Cur James & are using this narcotic Divinorum Salvia Scotland up their snouts- -plus heroin-cocaine & LSD given the young … by JIM Mr Pong a half Chinese Racist co-steward of WHITES CLUB St James`a Vice bar calling itself a GENTS something - DOPES on BOTTOM SHELF his private office cupboard …

1980 LIR - `LEN having his shoes removed so he could not attend Grote RANSOM Estate meeting Frankfurt & finding his bank did not know his name ORDERS Mengele Harrington & Private State CID etc etc … PJPW (BMNH) Natural History Museum gone out of his mind … a request Greta go up & walk amongst the Geological Museum AGES of EARTH … & say how were things at The Pillar House … (educated persons are aware they are bugged/tapped by obscene Big Time RN & ex Army…)


`Old Tarts & pots of stale lard` were hissing & forking from the SEVRES porcelain in Marble Halls again … ` Len had never worked in his life & could not really fly a plane - was not A FLYER ` etc etc … - urging his death because of what he knew - as they’d done to his parents when he was 17 & 18 years old - the `hunting big game` went on … of the Eskimo Ape families…

“…I have no respect for anyone who goes to see Mr Mengele

LIR tape/Reports/diaries/

1937 SUMMER -

SHALL WE TRY TO RETURN TO THE SEASIDE HOLIDAY - warm days & the sounds of the seas - visits made- sitting under the STARS talking of when we will journey to them -

5 weeks with Andre & JO - THEN TO LINCOLN - it was the longest spell of unbroken happiness I G.R. hath ever had in my entire life - free of MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP- The year before we had them following us with their thieving diplomats- LINDSAY STUFFED PORKERS intend on harming Ransom & branches-Weddell - Gronlander & Poulsen- other branches - Mainwarring - de SALLE Paris… Embarked upon destruction of all evidence of our existence… telling foul lies about our families when they find it difficult to thieve from our Banks - In violence taking the MONEYS LANDS INVESTMENTS of Grote RANSOM Estate 3 Parts a bracelet twice around the globe - A FALLEN PENNILESS EMPIRE embarked upon FRAUD & blackmail

Paris ? - sit beside the tomb of MALRAUX The Pantheon throw my long hair over him & sigh `Georgie-Saint George-Colonel ANDRE- HOW I DOTH WISH To WEEP - WHEN I DOTH WRITE UPON YOU-

& JOSETTE A young lady… Will Shakespeare `Oh how I faint when I of you do write` -Sonnet LXXX

There is much work to place good & beautiful people back upon the globe - to have their lives known & their civilized kindnesses to all upon the earth … & for libraries upon THE STARS - Villains of GREED may’th come with guns & hypnotists-poisons & pins & needles as they ever did to us who were the creators the owners of this the greatest piece of philanthropy the globe ever hath known ! We must continue this Work they & I for them thus try to replace upon the Globe’s face … replace all of them who hath been slain so early in their lives by that secret silence of a greedy Class in a fallen Empire - They able to criminally use the structure & institutions of Gross Britain - bragging in Marble Halls of the corrupt KUDOS they wield by being part of an obscene Noble Class - Hi-jacking with violence & madness in the name of officialdom because they claim … divinity from smart togs & titles -

HIGH DOPE VILLIANS dripping blood & gore moneys to this day, grabbed by their issue- 1980s they go after our Russian-China-former Yugoslavia-Albania-Greek lands of PEACE & PROSPERITY or hath already trodden them to poverty for fast profit- I want them on chains building our 2 Universities in the snow 6ft. 5 inches tall POUL GRONLANDER & James Weddell & his INCA Nobleman father-in-law Y. Josef SAN JULIAN F. San Miguel mathematician astronomer Priest line …

1940/1960s - Onassis would sail in to protect the seas edges & islands of Margarethe Ransom Grote’s Estate - he & Andre-the Brothers RANSOM tried give the tenants schools hospitals religious foundations & those Umbrellas of Welfare & Arts gymnastics … protection from 1960 -

All this time Mr Mengele Harrington was at the old Gross Britain Nobles & Lindsaybuggarhs 19th century tricks with JIM Cur James removing monuments graves local records…all were being destroyed - now it was his mad mission to remove all DNA for the future … & he began to excavate graves with a spurious Document from nobody… at THE ORDNANCE SURVEY -

Often he said `he was acting for the last of the family … & gave some credentials as Doctor Harrington … he would have it understood by the gullible he was of the Royal Household of Angela His clothes & expensive motorcar …the bottle of champagne displayed on the jockey seat of the blue car…the blonde NURSE …he could take in GOD …

Nota bene : He liked to refer to himself when out & about in HIGH LIFE as “Saint Michael Falling…Fallen…you get which one you deserve …” He could also HISS this at his VICTIMS …

Records/accounts/diaries/newspapers G.B. sometimes Continent/

1950s/1960s - JIM & Mengele Harrington were taking people to tame hospitals or private clinics… sedation & brain washing with ACIDS or injecting the liver to slow kill - Mengele saying he was the doctor in charge - always speaking of his work for `The Crown`- / A REPORT FROM NORTHERN ENGLAND- observant staff /

“ … killing the victim with his needles - making a liver a kidney a heart fail - that is what he studied in Hong Kong…”

reports say he is insane- with Gross Britain Noble connexions-

1920s-1980s - The fashion for DISGUISES - many famous people did not wish to be recognised … the film studios made them disguises - Rita Hayworth would go dog-racing with the charity Fund Raisers East End - there were many people in disguise about London - Vincent Price did not bother - he knew he gave people a shock because of his films & they would THINK THEY HAD SEEN HIS GHOST …ANDRE MALRAUX used disguise from 1948-

1960s - THE CITY OF LONDON & others … they did not know that MALRAUX`S peculiar Physician USES DISGUISES…

G.R. only knew him Doc Mengele in the disguise resembling ANDRE MALRAUX & then when you saw him Mengele sideways or from the back - He sometimes, they the staff say, fooled them Malraux`s staff … when they saw him pass by in the house 50 Lancaster Gate Square - he wears 6 inch special made boots BOND STREET…a black wig …a copy of ANDRE`s great champagne coloured USA STYLE RAINCOAT … with epaulettes … (Like South Pacific Musical~) but when you see THOSE DEAD FISH EYES … it is NOT NOT NOT Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX EMPEROR OF GAUL ….

1953 - New Year`s Eve at Nethrington Hall the EARL LINDSAY 14 reads out to the 40 assembled A LIST : F R A U D -


“ … he, the fat little guy covered in medals spoke about 4 acres under Central Park… but they would have to wait a bit… they were getting a lot of money that summer… it was clearly gangster stuff … I had no idea it was USA …I thought it was suburban London … somewhere I did not know … ”

/puzzled Detectives Reports/ ` The little guy …URGED THEM ALL to take from the Punch Bowl a piece WHICH SUITED THEM BEST…telling them they knew their size best suited to them…`

One Detective reports `they took an orange pastille & sucked it`… His Reporting Agent said `THEY STUFF IT UP THEIR SNOUTS…a dope they grow…` Yes , said the Detective…but I though you might think I had been boozing…if I said they stuffed it up their snouts…` HIGH LIFE as reported at THE YARD …

1938 in autumn - after the killing with poisons of JEAN -

I told LENNIE MY BEST FRIEND my co-heir my uncle 12 years older- LIR FLYER-artist-musician-historian-our young Apostle-


( 92 AD Dunwich/out of Jutland-axes raised ? ) THEY COME IN A LONG VERY LONG LINE & THEY PROTECT ME - I see them in my mind - & then I am brave Lennie - become brave - CAN YOU DRAW THEM FOR ME ?

I can see in my memory Len`s startled face… he had not thought of this one ! He knows it is my Roman Catholic upbringing blended with his Nonconformist more sobre understanding of TIME …

LIR began to draw a procession of RANSOM going backwards from 19th century Fred & Gertrud his great-grandparents Jacopsholmen Island of Great Poul Gronlander- Lennie got to the Grandpa RANSOM who is he of the Silver Goblet 7th century AD whose WILL said - « YOU WILL ALL USE MY NAME FOR THE FAMILIES FROM NOW ON… RANSOM …or I will LEAVE YOU NO SILVER OR GOLD … NO BEST BEDS …OR BOATS... ” (translation we are given by Len`s Dad FCFR who reads BOEWULF early English - its something like that…)

7th century AD - RANSOM SILVER GOBLET - He had his sons & daughters about the Essex Suffolk seashores homesteads/heimat …

& they went drifting up to ARBROATH before they set out for America 1592 AD (one is on one of the 3 boats with C.C. & that one turned back so he left some words about it why they turned back … Captain Alan Villiers knew all this … & there is a branch French branch from a girl RANSOM …he circumnavigated the Globe 13th century… every seaman knows he did but you must not UPSET Courts & KINGS … )

When we reach this 7th century East Anglia Grandpa RANSOM of our straight line back Lennie he say`th `they are a bit misty back there- 443 AD is alright he‘s got his own boat from Dad for his 21st & he‘s married Bridget- But the other early RANSOM ancestors THEY MAY HAVE HAD TO KEEP AXES RAISED or just gone sailing until matters quietened down from time to time - I will not put their faces in as portraits because we do not have them or descriptions … I will leave them misty … ” LIR procession on several pages fastened to-gether- has it been destroyed or is it hidden by a MONSTER OF THE DEEP ?

1938 - Len & me - we had to go about with axes raised after the WILL was known Mai 15th 1938... A stolen copy picked up by Mr Jim Jong from beside Margarethe’s dead body after he killed her had him gasp … he relates how he read the name of ANDRE MALRAUX - GUARDIAN - with anxiety for The Crown of course for if France got hold of the Will that would severally interfere with their PLANS he questioned that O`Neill boy 8 years old … & then dashed to Paris with Lindsay 14...”