Greta Ransom

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Dr John RAY ® The tragic 2nd son of Fred Charles RANSOM & JEAN Weddell ballerinahe has 3 degrees: NASA physicist -Law - Animal Management - Attacked at a month old by LINDSAY Earls -he was educated in Kentucky- a special school for boys with similar mutilations or deformities/ his son 17 years in 1975 POUL Ray (Ransom) will be murdered same way - petrol poured down throat…blown up - no DNA is the idea of them all …Reports/Malraux Detectives & Colleague/Lindsay 15 & Mengele in the 5-man black Diplomatic car…/Canada Estate claimed as Crown Lands & TRASHED IN 2 years completely …

The Noble British Lords & Crown require this CANADA Estate- claiming it is Grote- in secret silence/Dr John Ray ® murdered at our stolen Montrose Farm 1969/70 invited to step over the doorstep- Crown tenant was later put under a load of sand & gravel - Mr Mengele Harrington royal Satrap & paedophile-Golum- AGAIN escaped his part in this KILLING PEOPLE FOR MONEY- ALL EVIDENCE OF THE GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE SEASHORES OF THE GLOBE…in 3 Parts…is to be destroyed…by secret silence DECREE…

19. 1957 October -Lancaster Gate Square- Lord ABC-

… trying to warn me one cold misty morning-


keep her away from Andre- he is a good man I do not know who Angela is/she disappeared in my memory when I was age 6 years…

Mr Mengele Harrington & his teams are about us in the Catholic hostel/Mission no 50 Lancaster Gate Square Saint Edmund`s House

I will not be allowed to retain this information-given to me in good faith-he orders dope in my beverages-powdered morphine etc on my pillow & bedding & threatens me with a needle/IN SOME PARTS OF LONDON he is known as Doctor Pins & Needles-THE POLICE CANNOT STOP HIS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR…he says he is a physician to Angela…

1950s - VIOLENT THREATS -as to all the RANSOM families 1930s/& after the War 1945 it picks up again…I am very distressed & insulted by dirty Jim CUR James & Scarlet Town crooks since early October threatening nasty savage murder in Scotland - their winter games they go in for to get hold of lands moneys & vendetta etc-when they use a victim`s head as a football & burn them on a CROSS…It comes from the 19th century … & burning people at their feet in petrol is also a way of getting lands moneys & having fun with VENDETTA -

Andre Malraux & another person will get 4 of them December 1957 in Scotland & SHOOT THEM by a Loch…

It was in newspapers as ` 4 young men in shooting accident`

Full Account by Andre Malraux in 3 Parts/he was very BRAVE !

I am age 24 years old Greta Ransom & do not know Mrs Grote or that I am Aunt Mag’s heir with Lennie & ANDRE MALRAUX is our Guardian - Len does not exist in my memory at all but he will show in his diaries he tried speak with me 1948 onwards/ I got isolated from my family Ransom Christmas 1939 - My father sent to Philippines to be killed…

A DANGER is the KUDOS of JIM 1939-1944- as a Major Carew/ James/ O’Carroll he is back of the Palace with a 2 man Unit- Pours the tea- ONE MORNING he had to STOP the KING seeing Reports from WHITEHALL on murders of the GROTE Children Europe…so he doped him & tied him to his chair by his dressing gown cord until the daughters had gone to their breakfast … JIM said they had been WORKING ALL NIGHT at important Papers …/Reports/ JIM sent OFF 1944 Africa…He has a 2-room apartment back of Palace from 1923/4- asked give it up discretely 1956 for attacking a woman with a spade in the Yard…

20. My father HE SPOKE JAPANESE all the family do & sailed in from 1512 to our properties…We are of the family of Yuss/shampoo Okinawa , an old Royal line in the 16th century,

& hath two islands end of Lusans Chain out in Pacific…

FJR MY FATHER only 22 when I am born 1933 -He survived Philippines because he could speak Japanese-he was able to help some British Army get away

In Kenya 1944 orders were given to mutilate, murder or mock him - to KEEP HIM FROM RETURNING TO GROSS BRITAIN

& his family- All the war years his wife Teresa Gordon R. has been paid to harm her children Greta & Colin-inform on her family-write her husband letters as if she is kindly & sane- He had no idea she went back into Prison a year 1942...Greta saw her put in a black Maria 26th December 1941 …

Her friend Angela could not stop this but she got her out on long furloughs…& STOPPED her serving 2 years & then being TRANSFERRED TO AN ASYLUM for violence… Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON from 1954 has been removing Teresa Gordon`s RECORDS 1920s & as T.G.R 1941/1942 … HER FRIEND ANGELA phones Wilts-Worc. Prison & says SHE IS NEEDED TO TAKE CARE OF HER SONS ! Mary Gordon her mother/Greta`s grandmother/has tried get these LONG LEAVES from the Prison stopped…Teresa`s Violence was the same & others were getting it~ COMPLETE Records of this madness…At Parties back of Buckingham Palace Wartime Teresa Gordon R. is given DOPES…one is this dangerous narcotic in pellets Divinorum Salvia Scotland… THEY ARE ALL INSANE FROM THE ROARING 1920S…ALL USE DOPE & drink with a bottle in each paw …

21. 1957 OCTOBER - It is now 20 years since ANDRE MALRAUX met families Gordon/Ransom Clacton-on-Sea:

Greta Ransom is with him here at No 50 Lancaster Gate Square his London home/Workplace half the month…

All his POST/Mail is FINGERED & STOLEN from XMAS 1937 by Government of G.B. & Crown- In this building Mr Mengele is in charge of this…he has TRUSTEE crooks to help …

Greta Ransom has post STOLEN from Christmas 1933 - LINDSAYBUGGARHS claimed her as ape infant of low mentality ! I had survived the nailing of me under the floor boards of The Grange Arran June `1933 age 4 months found by a good dog- /reports-Police/ many others

22. 1957 October - MALRAUX doth not know he is GUARDIAN or of the existence of this Estate strewn with a million dead children & settlers small-holders small craftworks providing for their villages towns along the seacoasts & estuaries of the globe A to Z - Claimed in secret silence as ‘the vast overseas lands & properties won by the British Queen`s ancestors of G.B in centuries gone…’

1957 October Miss Winifred Gordon at Clacton-on-Sea was ordered by her cousin Julie Butler to see that ANDRE MALRAUX received the copy of the documents/courtesy copies/sent she & her brother Harry January 1938 from Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE Aunt to Greta a woman who speaks 12 languages plus Classics & travels the globe - STOLEN from the arrived POST to ANDRE MALRAUX by Mrs Nurse Mengele Harrington a close friend of NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavia …

Nota bene : Margarethe Ransom Mrs Grote owns the biggest Estate of philanthropy the world has ever had & its purely due to her worldwide ancestry & cousins & her Greenland childhood…you put back what you take out- & think of the neighbours-Pole to Pole..! Since 1904 Tig`s murder by Noble Britain we keep it low key for the British upper crust so disapprove education to 18 -

1957 Autumn - Miss Win Gordon/ cousin to Miss Julie Butler & Miss Teresa Mary Butler :

SHE PUT the WILL & BUNDLE OF PAPERS IN THE POST/mail Addressed to Andre Malraux to St Edmund’s House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square, London, & she told their niece Greta Ransom on the telephone & in a letter ( who was now living there ) what she had done…She Miss Gordon checked to see if it had come…she did not send it by the Solicitor`s Clerk for SHE WAS FEARFUL THEY WOULD LOOK AT THE PAPERS on her sister`s Prison sentences …collected by their mother MARY GORDON … it would be a disgrace to the Families in the Clacton Town…

Mr Mengele Harrington’s RN naval intelligence & other bilge rats were maintaining a round-the-clock …& picked it off October 1957 at the doorstep of the Catholic household- All phone calls from & to our rooms checked-all persons we speak to during the day where we go REPORTED -

The 2 family men MI5 gave G.R. cover daily outside - This was also for MALRAUX & his sons /& Ransom families… We were used AS TRAINING GROUND & for old semi-retired valuable Agents agents with skills …

MI5 say 1969 -it was known that we were IN DANGER FROM NOBLE BRITAIN…December 1957 they discovered JIM`s THUGS TRAILING AFTER Fred` s daughter & ANDRE MALRAUX- & THIS WAS BREAKING THE LAW-but you could not arrest them for they are of Noble Britain ` The MEN WORK FOR THE Secret Service & found ANDRE & boys & Greta Ransom & families were victims of savagery- that all graves, records, photo albums, monuments had been removed & that TIGGY GROTE of the HOMES had been murdered 1904 with POISONS & pushed in a icy pond on ARRAN isle Hebrides where his wife owns 98 acres & HAS STOPPED THE EARLS & OTHER NOBLE SCUM GROWING THIS DANGEROUS NARCOTIC SINCE 1880s- Divinorum Salvia Scotland up their snouts-it hits brain in 2 seconds-producing violent determination to WIN…WIN…WIN…Not just at the Races by sticking pins-needles in their horses WHEN THEY KISS THEM…MI5 & 6 had crimes the LAW could not handle by Noble Britain of HIGH CLASS SIN on THE PIN…it did what it could to KEEP THE LAW- observing terms of employment…`

1957 end October- Doctor Mengele Harrington swiftly had the telephone in Greta`s room removed . He had been on luxury holiday with his boy friends all summer-using Grote RANSOM Estate moneys. I G.R. pay 20 pounds a month for the room & this was my answer to dirty JIM late October demanding I get out one evening when ANDRE MALRAUX was away.

1957 November -The American General came in to No 50 hearing NOBLE HIGH CLASS SIN were harming Andre & Greta- He had no idea Andre Malraux did not know of GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE- he had spoken with FJR earlier & Ivy-

(possibly he is of the 29th state/our Red Indian granny 17th century Harriet who brought no lands but languages…)

He now handed me Greta a gun - taught me how to fire it in the room/bullet hole by the window that Mengele Harrington immediately had removed -

I AM TO HAVE NO MEMORY…Mengele paedophile sadist Royal Satrap…plots to remove my memory every day- have me staggering about London- push me into a private clinic & kill…

Nota bene : I Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM was taught to care for & fire a gun April 1936 New York USA for my 3rd birthday & am made an `Honorary Member The Keystone Cops` …

1957 November - The USA General who had spoken with the young Staff in the building put the gun in a sealed package to ANDRE MALRAUX on his desk that evening 8 pm with a letter & an account of what I had told him of LIFE in the London Malraux household Roman Catholic ! I think that my father & his brother Len may have spoken to the General…but I am not clear here …I was to be given the GUN when ANDRE MALRAUX was away in GAUL !

Mrs Mengele was on secret duty that overnight & picked it off for Mengele Harrington paedophile/Royal Satrap…He is expecting every lst January to be Count Mengele Harrington for this work stopping the biggest crime of mankind becoming known A to Z…

IT WOULD SELL SO MANY NEWSPAPERS in foreign lands…She has been told by HIGH SIN she would make a lovely Countess & he gets drugs from Mr Mengele- they are chums before the 2nd World War- She & Mengele Harrington are HIGH on dope & brutal with jealousy & greed greed greed …

23. SUMMER 1937...LIR says

“ Did sheShe begin to mock Aunt Mag’s JOYOUS VENTURE when

she returned in NOVEMBER 1937…? She had been to everything of the Celebrations for her friends except the Abbey Service…DID SHE FIND OUT WHOM YOU HAD BEEN WITH ? You would not give it away for you’d had too many awful times with SheSHE by then… We think it is from the November 1937 she was able to confide to someone that ANDRE MALRAUX had come & saved your life from the funeral she’d planned at Manchester in September placing you in a coffin alongside Teresa Carroll her mother`s mother”

Nota bene: She got the parcel from France that Andre & Josette sent for Christmas - she would read Andre`s letter…

1937 Summer - Andre & Greetha - WE RISE before DAWN what is called pre-dawn…he stirs & I, some birds call in the gardens, some seaside little town NEW DAY sounds- the SUMMER OF THE 5 WEEKS OF HAPPINESS & to LINCOLN…to his Mother’s monuments…WE are the SEA PEOPLES OF TALL SHIPS…

24. 1937 October - My capital letters improve & I tell ANDRE George that we get SUMERIAN POSTCARDS…my father & Lennie who is good at the language write & send them to Dr Barnardo Orphanage over the road from our little Old Road house…I do not say to Andre & Josette ‘because it is safer for the postal arrangements…’ Letter is written for me by Auntie Winnie-

The address is not in Sumerian for the Clacton Dr Barnardo`s Orphanage post. This learning of SUMERIAN is because a scholar has pronounced the Little Man of Babylon is real - not a school text - & we now have him one of the family - he thinks like LUCRETIUS on `matter`…

1937 - Mr Babylon Ransom adopted by the family is a middle-aged man come back to us at ‘Jerusalem’ in his tiny glass topped box about 4 inches by 5 inches- I like this being able to enter any TIME- & many-many years on I will realise that he doth too-Saint George ANDRE-Colonel Malraux- but I am not now to worry he & Jo- now they have left the Wars of Spain…

I tell them…`I have tried the Arab headscarf- but had to have a letter written for me saying it is too difficult in class at St Clare Convent it slips over my eyes even though the Nuns have put a grip to hold it in my hair- & crossing the road I am unable to see either way properly . I tell ANDRE-George that an ARAB PRINCE OR KING- somebody Aunt Margarethe/Aunt Mag visits (her Arab Emierate investments the king asked her to make -they knew Tiggy ! ) has sent me a PRAYER MAT & not to worry- ‘ be a boy 6 days of the week & a girl on Sundays ’ was the reply & use the Prayer mat when I like to…& when I come to see them it will be alright if I wear the headscarf or veil once a week…

1937 Summer - Of PRAYER MATSI suppose in ANDRE MALRAUX’s mind he half awake in the DAWN just half hearing the dwarf Prophet striding beside him, running & & a little skipping- he had some imagery of FLYING CARPETS & Bagdad- & felt it was a tale I’d heard half asleep - He had told me he was not a Christian but a Mahommedan-` I thought this a bit narrow minded- I explained that when you travel with THOMAS you have to have ALL RELIGIONS…

& that I did…& enjoyed them…especially our Baptists South America & Catholics Santa Fe`…& our INCA cousins…

SHEshe of Noble Britain with an apartment in rear of a Palace 2 years given by her friends & Mr PONG JIM -has thrown the blue gold & dark blue Prayer MAT on the fire…where she threw the baby Eskimo grey pink embroidered boots with the snow skis fastened-

Baby SNOW BOOTS sent for me to practice a present from Sarah Poulsen de SALLE of Paris 12 years old -

they went on the Visit to New York & Japan with Margarethe September 1936 - But I could not go

I lay in bed a month with a face black from the blows of Mr PONG-it was arranged to attack me alone & I was left in the Rec … dumped by Sheshe…friend of Noble fiends…

Mr Charles Magowan took photos for a lawyer in New York …

GROTE family & Brokers & Argentine Solicitors want me OUT of IMPERIAL immoral circles ! GROSS BRITAIN HAD NO LAW allowing it to kidnap me back & remove my Passport ! My young father FJR insists WE GO TO LAW…WE WIN TWICE…I bury two Judges !

And the WAR CAME … September 1939-spring 1945 …

1937 October - I hear of the death of Cousin Murgatroyd

age 22 years in Spain on his family Estate- & learn where the RANSOM family have been that summer- then I did have my bedroom door open- Aunt Murgatroyd showed me his photo, her son her only child, a smiling dark haired nice happy faced boy-man… when she came to help heal my mind 1936 September

1936 September I have survived : After the beating at my head by Mr Jong with an iron bar-in the name of Angela & Teresa who hate me because I am in training with Lennie as Heir & co-heir- 1937 onwards my young cousin Murgatroyd he will not translate any more of the Coptic 900 years old Trading Centre records- All about an unknown Port & settlement 900 years ago-their families-lives-Trading records & travel-trade routes… Lindsaybuggarhs Earls -they boiled him in marmalade for fun-pouring lemon juice & olive oil in-

My young Father is weeping& sheShe was not to be sympathetic- should have got out of Spain then…” Lindsay EARLS are claiming the Estate near the Spanish seashores- A woman called Angela had told them the year before they could have it 1936 - We are not to tell Aunt Murgatroyd how her boy died she my girl-of-the russet silk bridal gown…

1937 Summer - I try only tell ANDRE MALRAUX happy things… except when I must warn him about going too near THE GRAND

where The Monsters of the Deep can rush out & throw stones & make rude signs - try drag me into a car or into their horrible HOUSE OF INDECENT MEN …as old people call it…observing them all !

But we have that summer happiness… ANDRE MALRAUX will come to sit upon Jo`s beach, Holland-on-sea until the end of his life…his last visit is October 1976...with help from other human beings !

1937 BLACK NIGHT - of the gentle summer with Andre & Jo Clacton-on-sea- It is the second-third week & it is very black night about 10 pm & we sit on the beach at Holland-on-Sea-now become ‘the beach Jo likes- & where she can find us or we find she’ …Unity’s mother Stella-stars is with her father above the cliff in the white Art deco Convalescent Home- his wife her mother died awhile ago & she fears he will not recover from an operation- there is an added sadness to the times of the visit- but we all say we Pray he will get well- I feel the chill advance upon me of my own death September that is not to be& the same is said later by Saint George Andre about his own state of health at this time … `I thought I only had 2 months to live` I Greetha have also my Grandpa Gordon in the grave from March & this causes sadness-


…they have lit a small fire on the beach near to the water’s edge where the clean sand shelves to the ripples of the sea & the beach shelves slopes… & I sit above them 20 feet or so away on the big shingle stones- Andre & Josette they will leave the town & I will have the return of the braying brutal liars who persecute us for this dough…they wish to destroy all the foreign settlements so they are not in the way of British Trade- & they want to punch the faces of the Grote children & hurl them in the deep- I have heard them say so these IMPERIAL Figures from a Morgue - Earls Lindsaybuggarhs & Mr Pong when they creep in our backdoor are full of foul speech & with Teresa drink & eat bacon sandwiches & ham - drink Port & Absinthe & Brandy& they can spite the old Eskimo & get the money !

ANDRE George is gracefully going about the beach of grey black shadows finding dry wood for the fire…he swoops down in a slow motion from his tall body bowing first from the head- Perhaps I notice these things because of JEAN ballerina my father’s mother… & Len’s too -I have seen her dance in many places South America & do the splits in the air- whirl to the 3 Cornered Hat- be the dying Swan…& The Firebird-the Firefly down near the Magellan Straights when we went to her Island the nugget of gold & her sister has the island of the Moon a gift from their great-grandfather San Julian R.C. to his two grandsons James & John Weddell sons of JAMES THE SEA sub-arctic-

…I am remembering last year1936 January our ARRIVAL-

& in the dusk they came by punts-canoes- shadows of them with a pattering of soft sounds from their feet moving towards us up the grass from the waterway with overhanging trees-

All of them moving softly wearing cotton trousers coloured shirts but with a little bead embroidered cap on the head…`The women would arrive in the daylight…`THUS came our INCA & AZTEC kin blood lines to greet JEAN FIREBIRD & her family Ransom

… Len they know well & of course ALL the Weddell branches &

Cousin Clarke…he is making another film called SAN FRANCISCO we are reminded again…but I a 3 years little Weddell San Julian Inca line was another gentle surprise…with the fair hair blue-green eyes…My father says the hair it will go dark when I am grown…

diaries/accounts/photos/drawings- Alfred Charles Ransom RN will arrive too-we left him at The Galapagos to do some surveying & natural history work with a professional man…NORD SUD poles TOUR for Aunt Margarethe Mrs Tiggy GROTE

/JEAN gives a gift to the Grote Homes…she is paying from HER OWN family MONEYS for the whole Tour…the moneys saved can go towards the work the GROTE Children do about the globe…sometimes they adopt babes thrown out in the alleys at night 1936/1936

It is agreed Georges-ANDRE & JO they will stay longer in Clacton Town - Oh they say they appreciate the house on the corner & enjoy our arrangements…they have asked permission of the dying man whose company they enjoy…he in the white Convalescent Home above where Holland-on-sea begins - They have spoken to him of our sight-seeing & the pleasant safe life here in East Anglia after the dangers they have experienced in Spain - & the contrast with the modern world of big cities & rags & riches they have entered when young -

Here is a modern world but ancient at the same time- common-sense ways & SEA PEOPLES - Andre is proud of his English ancestry & knowing it so far back from his mother… commencing 9th century A.D. - As writers they appreciate a home & safe days & nights…Both Andre & JO make notes every day -

& some evenings…they read all the newspapers we can find & listen to the BBC…& he talks & talks & talks to persons about the TOWNsome speak other languages…

1937 - A BLACK NIGHT …We make no human sounds sometimes … for two or three minutes…we can hear nothing except some night birds over the cliffs on the Marshes of Great Holland…The tide out so far away so just the gentle whispering talking of the night sea along its edges where it pushes at seaweeds shells & stones -

I think of Neolithic Clactonian Man coming down to get his shell-fishes & net some fishes…then there is the marsh & sea birds to feed his families with…The very soft voices of ANDRE & Jo sometimes in French-English suit the dark night - Then two deckchair & chalet-care men step from their tasks out of the fluffy sweeps of black brown greyness- they have come to speak about SPAIN- At first a little withdrawn & busy tidying the beach about Andre & JO…then bringing them some more drift wood for the fire- They have been checking the private chalets are locked & no glimmer of light inside…but I have seen them gazing towards us when their forms were caught by the lights along the seafront road above- Then they come stepping towards the fire of driftwood speaking quietly on the warm dark airs -Andre gives them answers & some descriptions of SPAIN- & says do not let anyone go…its a waste of life now. We have made a Statement to the world. They question intelligently. I begin to follow much more why we go at dawn to get ALL the NEWSPAPERS for him-Saint George Andre-

1937 - A BLACK NIGHT - The men know who I am & of our hostess Stella-stars her father trying to recover in the Home above… & have seen us come & go from this beach in the daytimes- Annie Miss Williams of `Stella Maris` is using her chalet & they all talk a little about Town matters… They know my father- Harry- Miss Winnie- my grandparents Gordon & that Grandpa has just died before this summer. THEY BEGIN TO SPEAK ON WAR- The Great War- real to me from Sundays after Church when people talk about the horrible 1914-1919 happenings & remember the fallen they have known - Sometimes older people speak about the Wars before…

Jo & Andre sit beside the Black Night beach fire- Colonel Andre rising because he can speak so much more eloquently upon a historic happening if he plants firmly his feet & can stretch about - Unity`s mother Stella-stars comes down the cliff to join us- she has settled her father down for the night- he is frail but content & sends his Goodnight & “ a Peaceful Night for all ” - I see that it is `SUCH A LOVELY NIGHT` -Oh such a lovely night- so peaceful… ` SO PEACEFUL `-

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