Greta Ransom

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These girls are of families who each year travel to thee Rutland Boughton Opera Season in The Midlands - he has thee Opera

`The Stone-Henge ` Thus they `ah teach`th meee`yh tooo` spae`ke thus- 17th century Nonconformist speech ….

… that H.W. Poulter Deputy Curator COLCHESTER MUSEUMS was so proud of my having in 1952-

1972 - All this past history is known to MALRAUX- LIR- & POLITAN…when they are at the `renaissance party` March 19th - But not to Greta Ransom- I see it in my mind again nowadays-

I do not question it…I go to their words…

Nota bene : The rising & falling of the vowels in this East Anglia Nonconformist speech… the lingering endings of words is very much dictated by the matter spoken-& there may be body movements too…expressive of meanings… Andre & Josette liked it 1937 `FORRR`HHH …FOUL WINTER…IT DOTH COMMMMHHHHhhh…

Non-conformist-QUAKER speech…it was much appreciated in our erudite circles & at Taplow Court luncheons…at `Clouds` where Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom Grandpa has his mother Millie Frobisher her kin & kith … back to a Lord Wentworth who had 10 daughters & one married Sir Martin Frobisher ARCTIC Mariner 16th century… 1930s we go to other Places of intelligence in G.B. & abroad…where they are delighted in my speech….

1935 - in South America when near to San Julian’s Bay they understood me …some are Celts Gaelic stock…I made a speech thanking the President of Argentina for the Green Train for Christmas- Lennie threatening to jerk my bib if I say`eth I would hath preferred a toy train- (my frocks have large collars Len… I do not wear a bib ) G.R. is to be 3 years in March 1936 in Jean`s lands -

1960/1…ANDRE MALRAUX with LIR & brother Dr. JR® will find the train-Argentina…train now retired & they recover the name plate saying GRETA…of an ancient tongue very pleasant to listen to- from Continental refugees 16th-18th centuries- speech now lost - pencil sketches upon the East Anglia airSummer 1937...

1968/1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX APPEARED Harwell 1968 summer brought over by a good guy who worked in PARIS the week- he say`th `… in little room containing Mighty Men… Greta…`

he repeated it 3 times trying wake my memory…I said slowly `Henry the 5th `… it was being spoken of…the visits to the cinema Andre & Greta had made to see the Olivier film 1946...

But its papers-photographs-a Deputation that quells FEAR…that is required…not the opening of a door a half inch…then dark corridors where dawn is only a memory…THE EVIL ARE LOOSE about Scarlet Town…& now have advanced to Oxford…are about us here in the countryside…the blue paedophile car of Doc Mengele … in his own village…this good man soon to die…

Nothing can come from black-silver layered graves of Greta`s memory where not even Rosy fingered dawn is allowed to be a memory` - I cannot recall in the past 20 years that thrice I have been called `MALRAUX`s WIDOW `… day by day all memorabilia is taken that is photographic/letters & cards/ THE ROBBERY OF OUR POST/MAIL STILL GOES ON

Where is my father & his family…why are they not come A DEPUTATION…? I WANT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR ABOUT ME ! Present the PAST & I will have a memory ! & SPEAK OF THOSE WHO HAVE MURDERED & DESTROYED THE GREAT JOYOUS VENTURE…slain the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN the globe…

The intention was to give me G.R. enough memory back to 50 Lancaster Gate Square & say that MALRAUX had to go to work in GAUL…wished to raise as a companion a girl he had known after the war who often lived with her mother

` Errrh ! We do not wish to bring up the 1920s/1930s & VIOLENT FRAUD & killings so the penniless NOBLES could get dough ! ` ?

Enough memory so that kind persons could modify & hide the obscene racists at their fraud- violent theft cover up- the mindless sniggering of `apes & Eskimos` the muttered sadistic lies as excused because …

» Well- it was in the way of British Trade Sir James tells us »

The monsters far worse than the Hitler gang…& operating a much longer time…were to be slithered into history as OF THEIR TIME…???

Mr Mengele paedophile Golum Royal Satrap Harrington was to be glimpsed by the alert in the kitchens of some well off households- discovered to be pouring the drinks - One hostess keeping the kitchen door banned- whispering who the drink was for through two inches of the opened guarded door where nobody was allowed in to help with the washing-up…here two old people took the drink from me…Andre sometimes stays with them…

1967-1970s…A fuss was made by young people in teens early twenties ABOUT the PEDOPHILE about the countryside Berkshire/Oxfordshire…. Mr Mengele paedophile royal Satrap ex-prisoner ex-Lunatic in-mate from 12 years old with 5 commitments-Gollum… His presence & blue car was often hidden- but he had many places ‘bugged’ by his Naval Intelligence thugs/JIM helping… (1,600 persons of secret-silence-services available to him 1960- in the 1950s he had 200 thugs)- Post/mail stolen-examined-FALSE MESSAGES : homes broken in on when lawful householders out or away-theft of documents- photos- paintings- old letters & records- often heroin or memory loss powders cunningly in beverages, medicines in kitchens…in the sugar…! ~

Mr Mengele Harrington is directed to destroy blood lines so nobody can be proved to have existed- he has begun, we hear, destroying or re-writing the births-deaths-marriages- All DNA must be lost by burning those in graves or replacing with bones from the London unnamed poor- Greta is said to be now the child of a Henry Harper…

There must never be any evidence that Weddell Apes-Ransom Eskimos had a claim to this Estate of Margarethe Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote-an American- ALL FRAUDSTERS OF NOBLE GROSS BRITAIN- Scandinavia HAVE GONE INSANE 1920s/30s onwards Divinorum Salvia Scotland -other dopes- booze -kudos GREED-

1970 April - I hear outside The Pillar House School Lane little kitchen window Harwell the piping pig noises of Mr dirty Jimmie CUR James rattling chains (next year he is made Lewd-Lord James ) ordering men to measure up the whole plot of the Pillar House on the corner down to the East Gate - I nearly fainted in fear & horror…felt very sick & shaking… JIM had been the person with 2 others attempting to buy the Jeffrey’s back half of the house with the big garden & swimming pool- for CHEAP - He went in with 2 thugs one nightlater we hear JIM & Mengele intended cutting the roof joists our side & the floors where they could reach into them

1970 April - sale of PILLAR HOUSE the back half with big garden :

I told Mrs Jeffreys an hour later that morning ! “…if you would like to telephone Peter’s cousin he will tell you we can buy the house soon- late Spring…& we will give you the asking price 12 & a half thousand pounds…” She said `we want you to have it- put it back in one house- we only separated it because we got robbed in Wantage with a shop`

She described to me the house as it was built… how the West sun came in the side & front windows & the calm she felt entering. But they had been robbed horribly by a Manager in a little shop Wantage they had opened…& her husband had to work full-time the garage they had opened to keep going … She said then young Derek Southall Artist came with his family- He climbed in a window to look at the house as they were out working in Wantage - He bought the front of The Pillar House - & saved their lives ~

They had a son called Peter who lost his life in a road accident…he was 18 years …Andre Malraux stayed in his room one night…the East wing…I did not know…until he gave me a fright appearing at the end of the long corridor south-west to the gardens

…I quickly had a nightmare about The Pillar House extending into modern rooms heading south & they were boys rooms…full of their teenage clothes & equipment…THE ROOMS WERE HORRIBLY FULL OF NOISE…& one room I had to duck my head because of the violence of the occupant against LOSS …(it was Pierre`s room) I knew it in my dream & waking… as «…the room of the elder boy…I vowed to try get in these room again…tidy them up…make them bright with music…but not destroy them…leave them intact remembering the young lives … »

1993 - I had the same nightmare when I arrived here in GAUL…a house in a village ANDRE has visitednear to San Bertrand where LENNIE drove them 1960...when they came for THE LAST FALL…with ANDRE…& stayed at `JO`S place `….Charente Chateau…near Tulles

The Derek Southall big cross construction in purples he leaves 7 years on to the BMNH new owners- Its like the Greek letter T or a G …he began to think of this & that as young people do as he walked a student amongst Albert Speers buildings East Berlin 1960- & saw The Pergamon remains-… ANDRE MALRAUX said he would put it in an alcove - we had it at the top of the impressive Pillar House staircase…as it is here in GAUL…

The Pillar House Harwell home of 3 British Artists…

John Henry Frederick BACON - L.Leslie Brooke - Derek Southall… We moved into the house 4 Feb 1969... getting the back half 28th July 1970 & the house was again as it had been when the artists lived in it-

Built 1852 after the village fire the family asked the Builder to put back their home so that the building is more 18th century than 19th- an impressive staircase the shutters inside floor to ceiling- floors of wood-quarry tiles-brick-& flagstones…moulded ceilings-great kitchen & bread oven -Candlelit it had a beautiful atmosphere & we knew all whom had passed over the old floors…

Here to The Pillar House Harwell … came the widower of JOSETTE … 1968 to his death 1976 - ANDRE MALRAUX

retiring Cultural Minister of FRANCE…his mother Berthe` having English ancestry from the 9th century East Anglia…

….with summer 1937 in his soul -

( histories/photos/records/biographies/ )

The artists are John Frederick Henry Bacon 1890s then L. Leslie Brooke to 1909...both painting here in the Studio & exhibiting Royal Academy…other work…books for children especially…

Then an Architect Mr Street whose Aunt was his housekeeper- The 5 Misses Clarke with their Primary School & one got married…the smallest known as Miss Mousie was a tough young Nurse in early 20th century Canada… 2nd World War had Dr John Fletcher & family Harwell Atomic & then to the University of Oxford- Derek Southall Artist & his family 1959 selling to the Whitehead family BM Natural History-us -

The exciting artistic `At Homes` of Mary Freeman artist over in Winterbrooke House kept the village alive to art- she‘d grown up with famous artists- Dr Peter Whitehead & family The Pillar House 4 Feb 1968-30 April 1993 (Greta widow & grown children take a similar house in France Neo-Classical 1830 with more land- ANDRE MALRAUX & Jo came out of SPAIN 1936 this way-) MALRAUX visits Harwell 1968 as Minister of Culture FRANCE & had met Mary Dudley-Short Cotton (Freeman) in Ceylon in the 1920s…Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM came to meet an old teacher 1970…a Vorticist… GR was not told whom he was…just a nice kindly man who was in grief…his brother (Dr John RAY Ransom) had gone missing in Scotland…an invitation to Montrose the RANSOM FARM…invitation later denied…He was killed by NOBLE MONSTERS about JIM…Mengele-others…they poured petrol down his throat & chased him..Mengele fired at his head…2 WITNESSES fled ! Gave evidence later to families/others/

1970 June - Harwell - Rural Conservatives & others had JIM BANNED by Police -not allowed within 5 miles of Harwell or Didcot - Ted Lay farmer knocked him out -hit his jaw 1968 - JIM told him to Order the Whitehead twins mother OUT of Ted’s Farm Cottage Walnut Tree Cottage Townsend- Ted said he thought the little man said he was `Chairman of the Communist Party`…The old cottage in question belonged to old friends of everyone- ( artist ) Gertrude (Teddy) Ostrander Palmer Mrs PHR Whitehead of Wheeling West Virginia exhibited a bronze head of the owner’s daughter Margaret aged 12 with plats in the Royal Academy 1940s- JIM 1970 had been preparing to hit Victoria age 2 years old & Greta on the head to our deaths as we took a walk down the Cow Lane- To be a repeat of his attack August 1936 on Greetah heir to Margaret Ransom Grote ... Little Peter is born August 1970- Reports from school children & others Harwell had JIM investigated…» a fat man drinking 2 bottles of whiskey in his car & sleeping with a newspaper over his face…»

The dangerous dope fire blown to pellets Divinorum Salvia Scotland is still used by these aging criminally insane : Teresa Gordon R. with two live male bastards (bastard du Cann 1924- bastard Norway `King of Sweden`-one evil the other perhaps not - their mother Teresa de Havilland-Gordon a Party & Travel friend of Angela & JIM since 1919...they are on a cine film…1920/21 in lovely flower fairy frocks but are Roaring 20s insaneJIM MAKES THEM SO…he is A PIMP ON THE PIN…

Sheshe Clytemnestra Mad Mother Kali Old Mother Ransom

(married my father `young Fred Ransom` 1932 he a few days aged 22 years…) She my legal mother had telephoned that morning June 1970 urging me to “take a walk-at 1 o’clock-down that Cow Lane-” I expect she too like Mr Mengele Harrington is to be made a Countess ! Phil the GREEK is said to have given them all this idea ! If so he got it from the older ` Dicky Bird`…

Teresa-Treasa Sheshe has sold my life again as she has done to the lives of Ransom-Gordon-Weddell families from the 1930s…She believes LINDSAY Earls & Mr Pong when they say they will give her a MILLION POUNDS- they have promised her this since 1933 - they will DO HER IN when she has carried out their evil…

A pellet of the pretty looking translucent mauve pebble is seen in her Clacton flat 57 Oxford Crescent in 1975...SHE CALLS IT LUCKY !

1957 November - That prison she kept you in 9 years…


1947 September - He had come into 57 Oxford Crescent with a key from a well-wisher to try take me out & talk with me…but been attacked by her-& she threatened FRANCE too with her NOBLE IMPERIAL YOBS…

1957 November - we came for Saint Andrew`s day & to see many people including my great-aunts The Misses Bessie & Annie Williams whom George-Andre calls `MY INTELLECTUAL EQUALS` - There is a MATTER that the future BURGERMEISTER OF PARIS wishes to politely ask about of the older family members !

2 weeks before ANDRE MALRAUX has been given PERMISSION by `young Paccelli` ROMA for us to re-vow…& the Pope has said

I DID NOT CANCEL THE MARRIAGE 1947...not after my Representatives spoke to your mother-in-law…Mary Gordon`s daughter ! …”

MALRAUX was impressed that the POPE knew Mary Gordon, Greetha`s grandmother…But how ? But `young Paccelli` was still UPSET that the wedding present for 1947 for Andre`s study, the 2 best watercolours he had painted were acknowledged by a STAMPED letter from Angela !!! ???

Pope PIUS 12 told ANDRE to go & clear the Re-Vowing with the Cardinals, did not call him a French Registry Office bigamist& saying he had other things to do indicated that ANDRE hop off ! …MALRAUX in AWE curtsied & left thanking `young Paccelli` very very very much…

` AND IT CAME ABOUT … (of course)

The Visit to the Seaside quickly turned very sinister & an attempted poisoning of us…It can be read or listened to- recorded by Greta reading…/The visit to the Seaside the country THAT was`nt…/

WE left for London at 9 pm from Thorpe-le-Soken…having arrived at 5 pm at Clacton…ANDRE MALRAUX WAS FEARFUL of what Teresa might have planned with her NOBLE true-blues All of them hoping to stop him getting a MINISTERIAL appointment in the French Government…de Gaulle now expected to form the next Government…

1968-1972 - LIFE WAS VERY SCAREY & ANDRE MALRAUX age 70 in 1972... came with LIR age 50 years, & Arthur Malone-POLITAN he 70 years old 1972- to give PROTECTION ! Dr John RAY Ransom also came 1968 & 1969 with them - they were terrified for the new family ! It has never been made clear to me who this Dr Ray is…he as JEAN`s middle son disappeared from my mind 1941...

1967 October 12th - The quiet unexpected no expenses marriage to PJPW had stunned them badly - They had all felt I would return to ANDRE MALRAUX when I recovered my state of mind- came out of my so-called amnesia- They do not seem to understand all I need is photos to give me that memory back… ALL OUR POST/mail is again STOLEN for The Pillar House in name of British Government & Crown…false messages sent again…TRICKSTERS WITH TRICKS about us…

ANDRE MALRAUX “ But poor Andre has no sons ” says Great Aunt Annie artist Carroll Williams at `STELLA MARIS` Granville Road Clacton-on-Sea…she in her 88th year…as she holds Victoria 2 months old 1968... the Roman Catholic marriage they, she & Bessie now dead, felt would be taken upTeresa Gordon R. now rushed at us crying YOU OLD FOOL to Annie…Peter was told to get me away…JGR was outside with his car…I KNEW NOW THAT THEY HAD FOLLOWED TO SEE WHERE I WENT…the nasty fuss made had TGR calling me names…I felt frightened…we returned to The Pillar House HARWELL…

( G.R. is not a bigamist- 1967 was a legal State marriage & I had no memory of marriages to GEORGES-Andre Malraux -

The 1947 marriage to ANDRE MALRAUX should have had us fill in certain FORMS in Great Britain in 1948- 1947 Some idiot MP in Houses of Perversions made bastards of the upper-class & Nobles who had made Roman Catholic Church early weddings “ some BRIDES age 12 or 13 years when Boer War or the 1st World War might take a young son & heir to death

I hear about this from an honourable old man in his 80s XMAS-tide 1953 WHITES Club- now become a low bar with JIM there- This old Catholic man had great-grandchildren from a very happy marriage to his 13 years old bride - they both alive & very well never regretted their Early Wedding ! HE told me of this FOOL MP who had made BASTARDS of their first children…until they got something on paper in 1948…they all had to queue up and SIGN !!! )

JIMMIE- a half-breed British Chinese- who calls RANSOM family Apes & Eskimos- THIS PIMP on the PIN is insane with weird Chinese history & knife revenge PLAY in his head- perhaps from his 2 years training Chinese OPERA Peking- Jimmie Jong Mr Pong Sir James 1953- Lord James 1971...He has been harming GORDON/& the Southern Irish cousins Murphy O`Brien & Carroll…& RANSOM WEDDELL GRONLANDER families from the the end of the 1st WORLD WAR - Before GR is born in March 1933 - HE IS A PIMP - ON THE PIN - A BAR RAT …

( I have recorded how he 1936/1939 on his unexpected early morning visits to Teresa kept me G.R. from school- I had attacks from him until 1941 with Earls Lindsaybuggarhs his companions at the seaside & elsewhere… & other noble thugs hung about with them- Scandinavia gave out threats from 1936 ) - All is documented/records/diaries/ official papers/

1937 Autumn…Clacton-on-Sea … JIM`s VICTIMS -

“ JIMMIE - he was not a nice child- I was sorry for his mother- At the tea table he whispered behind his hand- had mischief- rushed off with another-he was 11-12 years- They had to send him to a school in Wales to learn English- he spoke perfect French & Chinese--` She Lady Rutland , VIOLET LINDSAY ARTIST ( 2nd cousin to Millie Frobisher) & JIM`s Chinese mother went to a London Magistrate November 1937 to get a document to lock him up in an Asylum- there was another son to think about- VIOLET ARTIST was poisoned with heroin December 1937- It was known to be murder by person(s) known-


Thus to Mr Tate-Mr Chartris-Mr Wayland at Ettie’s (Lady Desborough bereaved of all her 3 sons- the last 1928 a car accident arranged by JIM Jong ) The three men at Taplow Court tried get JIM left arm & elbow of Angela …” arrested - Mr Tate was dead in 48 hours/with a SPOOF suicide note. Mr Wayland kicked to death - died in a month - & Mr Chartris dies 1944 - his wife worried about visits from some men - She had married him late in life & did not know his SOULS connections when young- THEY WERE NOT SOULS, at all, who came VISITING Chartris National Gallery Committee…AT NIGHT-

1919 - onwards…JIM taking Angela with him to Ireland 1919/1920 savaged the cousins of Mary Gordon SOUTHERN IRISH Murphys/O’Briens/Carrolls with 3 Baronetcies-raising some RACE HORSES- The mad bullying plan was to accuse them of Treason & get horses- JIM knows Teresa 13 years old 24th November 1919 - she had come to stay with the Carroll cousins on their farm…

Jim had probably known Teresa Gordon from when she was about

age 6 to 9 years… Young people went to riding lessons at the Horse training-Ceremonial ground outside London- The actress Paulette Goddard has a lot of information here- she had lost a parent at 2 years of age & been taken care of by Mary Gordon & others for a time

( there were photos of her in her pram ) - she wrote an Xmas letter to Mary Gordon every year after she became a film star- ANDRE MALRAUX knew Paulette too…

1937 Summer - Mary Gordon confides to Andre Malraux of matters concerning Teresa’s FALL- “ JIM a piece of vermin who goes for young girls with prospects…” JIM was responsible with others for the burning of the Murphy young couple`s home Ireland- only cousin Brian 6 years of age was saved dropped out of a window 1919 - JIM has known ANGELA since she was 12/13 years of age…a curse on my life…the pair of them… ”

Information in Andre Malraux’s notebooks given here- PJPW was allowed to make photo-copy of parts of them & LIR & others have the same information…

2 Nannies to Jim 1900s - report on JIM when he is 7-8 years- he was found to be using heroin- told lies-& was selling others or himself - They do not blame the Chinese side- but comment on the Scots Nobles at this time- & life in Northumberland & about Hadrian`s Wall…JIM b 1898

1920s - “ 1920s JIM got the use of the Lindsaybuggarhs

` P E N` their GRAND on Clacton-on-sea Seafront - a low crouching building of dark grey Scots granite between the Royal Hotel & the Towers Hotel Clacton seafront - they got a piece of land cheap where the horses & dogs would be put when visitors came in carriages- It was built 1910 & began to crack & slip- The builder had said he did not wish to go on with the building as the stone was too heavy- he was forced to by A Court that Lindsay Earls knew-

1944 - the schools were told not to walk on the pavement that side & wooden bars were nailed on the door - demolition winter 1945-1946

1945 July - The Earls of Crawford & LINDSAY mob were back from the killings of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN & boasting of it …

(I have given in this BOOK of SUMMER 1937-what I & others heard-) They were allowed to enter in the daytime their GRAND but not to sleep there. It was pulled down by early 1946 -

Andre Malraux remembered it very well 1937 Summer

& as a Widower 1945 some autumn walks with Greetah...

1946 - The LINDSAY Earls now frantically began tearing out all references to themselves in Essex- a woman worker in Clacton Town Hall reported- some documents were put away- Lindsay as usual were breaking the LAW- 1940s-1960s using the G.B. Government & Crown authority LINDSAYbuggarhs called in all Clacton Hospital Carnival photographs with an announcement to organizations they were wanted for a Project… Womens Institute-newspapers etc. The Lindsay mob & JIM, others, could be seen in photos- & with 2 collecting tins- one for them- the fullest one- HISTORY OF THEIR VIOLENCE IS RECORDED by several hands-/drunken dope bragging by them & true-blues/

1953 New Year Eve 31st December 9.30pm - 1 oo am -

“ THE LITTLE GUY the Earl KEPT ON ABOUT A MILLIE LINDSAY a fortune…the others would take it off them…unless they destroyed all their names …”

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