Greta Ransom

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…HAD BEEN DECIMATED - she told the children if they wanted heat they could burn books …Greta repeated this at school & little Colin & a friend ! TERESA WAS HEARD ! Kind people over the road…he a retired plain clothes detective… ! My detectives with help from others we knew gathered the evidence from 1960...there was no lack of help winter January (1960) from people I knew, I ANDRE MALRAUX ”

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX winter January-February in distress-

he has his notebooks/Arthur Malone lives near…

…the bastard du Cann had a legal team of 2 persons in the Court - Miss Win Gordon had agreed- she had not asked permission her family- This team tried make trouble for Greta & Colin- they were sent packing with tails between their legs-as much as the Court the town could…but remained LETHAL`

I did not know of his existence until Mrs…Lady Astor told me…December 1957 & Greetha clearly did not know or did not recall any of this history of her mother before the marriage to her father ! However…ASTOR ! She then got them- JIMto her apartment in a half hour after I left !


I now went into disguise all the time … There was much hilarity about Old Eskimos & not allowed make Wills behind my back in the Club (WHITES) I used it infrequently over 10 years…at the time I did not follow this at all… I took an interest in a much more serious matter I felt …the burning of bodies…women & other men killed in London- by 4 young men of your class Peter… who took the dismembered corpses up to Scotland…a sort of ritual…I was able to get their confidence - I have my notesGreta may not recall this dangerous time…`

( Oh yes she does ! So many records/reports/were about 1957/1960 & it got in newspapers…JIM said in WHITES the party inner-circle after hours…`Malraux…spoiling young men’s fun`Naval Intelligence may be bugging JIM too… GR )

1946 - ANDRE MALRAUX Records/others/ Marital court reports on Teresa Gordon Ransom 1940-1945- /Visit Malraux to FJR October 1957- diaries read/some recorded/ but my father attacked by JIM & thugs days afterwards- Ivy Ransom nursed him well but his liver harmed…THREATS FROM JIM to IVY & FJR/

1962 March - IVY RANSOM… I was shown a halter again…

he has hold of two girls when they were young…” Ivy slammed door as it were on Andre Malraux ! She did not know enough -her brothers had tried protect her after her son age 9 was a hit & run in Switzerland on her Estate- done by Lindsay & JIM !

1970 ANDRE MALRAUX winter The Pillar House Harwell

Research & information gathered 1960 by his detectives/ friends/he …/documents with members the Court & others/

1946 Marital Court Proceedings/extracts :

“ She TGR had sold so much to a Clacton second-hand shop-until he was told to take no more her husband was not dead - she used a young garage employee to take suitcases of books for her to COLCHESTER (Donovan Bookseller/The Strand & Colchester branch) - it was proved she HAD ALL HER HUSBAND’s PAY & was taking INCOME from the Estate & with her Noble friends destroying small businesses & grasping at SHARES/Aluminium…others ! …Your class were also taking OVERSEAS LANDS off her for `The Realm`…They know the Estate is administered overseas America Argentine & Asia…

“ Her children had to suffer her lewd behaviour in the HOME & visits by noblemen bragging they had killed a number of children offshore ” (ref. G.R. July 1945)

“… ‘ Also the children had the meanest of bedding & while the boys were clothed adequately the girl Greta Ransom had been seen at schools 1943/5 in the meanest & thinnest of garments in winter-her mother hid her knickers or soaked them in cold water in winter before school…Her mother said the girl did this-she was doo lah li tat & all her friends in London knew it-they were important ! The matter of drugs used was reported upon by a retired Medical Officer who’d made a study of Upper Class use from 1920s…there had been a nurse at the hospital with some training-but knowledge was rare…»

‘ The girl did all the housework she could cope with…of a large house- & 2 other children - GR & CFR were left with 2 pence for the gas meter & sometimes no electricity- there would be candles-a bike torch-an old hurricane lamp-an oil stove-but often there was no oil-

In March 1945 the time of the 12th birthday of the girl… the mother had tipped paraffin over the girl’s school raincoat & tried to push her on the stove when the chimney was not closed…Both these children inherited - the mother had always insisted the child JGR was a bastard…`

That the child JGR was a bastard was denied by Captain FJR who produced photos of his grandfather JOHN RANSOM Educationalist of Montreal & the Greenland Island the RANSOM family home/ there was an almost identical likeness -

The mother was known to take the child JGR to London with her to meetings Whitehall-- two meetings had been noted …` archives/detectives-law/honest folk-

“ The girl GR…1944/45 was left alone all night - with the younger boy born Oct 1938 - her mother was dining at Dedham with soldiers & taxi fares were an astronomical sum each way- She was sometimes away in London a night -

Hospital Reports/others -1930-1940s- these had been safely put away when it was known that records to do with the Estate were removed by the Earls for the Crown…

….& a worrying report on the death of her mother Mary Gordon-

June 1944 - Clacton & other hospital reports…they had locked TGR up 1930s- the correct documents got- but she was GOT OUT by her friend Angela, Jimmie, & some of the Earl Lindsay family Earl Lindsay of the Grand on the seafront pulled down this year 1946... Often the place was listed by Police for various crimes that could not be prosecuted because of the noble visitors-”

ANDRE MALRAUX reads records 1960/his notebooks 1940s/

1938 - TGR & nobles - put a monkey gland in the forehead of her new born baby CFR cutting the month old babe’s forehead/ Clacton hospital locked her in a store room - if the baby lived then they’d let her out- Five days later they took her & threw her on the beach-she could drink seawater - Locking her up having her disappear was the only way they could stop her NOBLE FRIENDS interfering.

1935 - EARL LINDSAY family & their scum : Greta Ransom had been savagely used by them one afternoon when she was 2 years & a half - The reason why they left Britain October 1935...& there had been other attacks in London - death of Minerva ! ”

Family of Earl Lindsay calling themselves the SENIOR branch of the RANSOM families were heard very often to call the child GR ‘pauper-ape-Eskimo/ reports-

`… Thus the family Ransom left by seaplanes October 1935 to go to West Greenland & live at their big warm house on their island…but they found many of their educated kin had been slain because Independence was not wanted for Greenland…this was the chief reason thought at that time…it was but also the PLANNED FRAUD-THEFT OF THE GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE was already operating…JIM an accomplished little killer had got an old Queen to agree with him that it would be best if THE GROTE CHILDREN DID NOT LIVE…because they could upset the BALANCE OF THE WORLD…& ruin the EMPIRE OF GROSS BRITAINAll of them were HIGH on opiums/brandy/& PINS… `

`1935 - TGR - her Noble solicitors-she was to have a divorce-a settlement would be made…she had agreed- she did not want the girl at all who was an ape & eskimo- Teresa wanted her freedom from the Ransom family- & her independence financially-`

`JIM Jong with legally proven crimes was protected by his HIGH CLASS IGNORANCE & SIN persons… had been up on the Ransom Island for the British Government & Crown who fancied having it OFF their Scandinavian connections… But nothing would be put in writing- The child 3 & a half years was kidnapped back to Britain summer 1936 by a woman working for Government in Whitehall- authority granted Lindsays- G. B. Government Lords & Crown…for the LINDSAY EARLS …`

1936 - violence against Greta Ransom began immediately/blows to head August 1936 by JIM & LINDSAY 14 to stop her going with her Aunt Mrs Grote & the cousins DE Salle of Paris to JAPAN to call at the Chysthantheum Court visit the DOWRY islands at the end fo the LUSAN chain…& go on to NEW YORK to return to the Bridal Home & meet with the GROTE FAMILY & others again…`

`The girl G.R. was NOT a Ward of Court & if she were the Estate would not be left to she or to LIR if he were Ward of Court -

It was administered from the USA legally-other nations-`

1936 onwards- 1946 further Reports to Marital Court

August-September at Clacton-on-Sea - Attacks Mexico & North America were confirmed by official hospital etc USA & diary accounts/the family were followed by thugs who were under the authority of the British Diplomatic establishments/separate reports/to be read by the Court members in private/

1936-1939 BRITAIN - after the kidnapping by the Government & the foul mouthed charges from the Lindsay gang & noble friends who visit to their GRAND Clacton seafront it was obvious- the British Establishment clearly did not want to lose the inheritance of the RANSOM children- NOT WARDS OF COURT- the Estate is overseas-where there are other heirs to be accepted if necessary…

Some of the Papers were to be read with the JPs in their own homes…it was felt not necessary to read all in Court…/some things that had happened were very barbaric…to harm the reputation of the children, Master Len, & the Ransom families :

Other attacks on Greta Ransom - the 3 years & 6 months old child was beaten on the head with a metal bar August 1936 by Jim Jong & Lindsay (14) was in the car they used to rush away witnesses- it was denied by the Earl of Crawford & Lindsay they were

in the country-he lied-


The child was unofficially claimed by LINDSAY Premier Earls of Great Britain & Scotland they were called … She was in hospital & then guarded at home for 6 weeks until her Convent School opened in October - G.R had her little face black for a month - “ 3 blows were given…5 would have resulted in death Mr X a dog-walker had not gone to the Carnival but took his dog in the Rec-his wife was not well- He saw the attack heard the man cursing- it was he gave the alert- he saw the man & the man in the car outside & recognised them-he got the child help from the shop over the road by the Rec gates & then phoned the Police & the child taken to the Clacton Hospital her head bleeding & she stunned- it was JIM Jong & Mr Lindsay from the Sea Front…

BARBARIC & FILTHY CHARGES : Challenged by Police & hospital & others at law why the child was alone in the REC on Carnival day, the mother Teresa Gordon R. said `the child went after men-it should be neutered-it played about with its private partsher friends in London & The Earls of Lindsay in the Grand said it was deformed & that the savages on its father’s side had them all like this…They had bred with apes & Eskimos…The mother had not attended school after 12 years…she went RACING with her Noble friends-who had kept her from schools in Ireland 1919/1920-they were all well known persons…& visited the LINDSAY Place the GRAND on Clacton seafront…

1946 Marital Court Clacton - Reports : hospital-others-

The child had lemon juice & vinegar rubbed between her legs…Mr Pong had come with VIM & also done this…said she screamed but they put a bar of soap in her mouth…she itched terribly…G.R. could remember this also happened before they ESCAPED to Greenland…When G.R. tried to stop the itching she was dragged by her hair & called names in the street by themthey then went to Report to the Grand where `monsters from the deep came`… One called himself Richard Strauss or Finzi…& he had tried get in her bed…it was him the Earl`s heir…No 14...she had got under the bed & BANGED THE CHAMBER POT ON THE FLOOR & her father had rushed up-he had no idea they had got in the house…Her father came with his gun now if they appeared !”

1960 Reports - from many sources to Arthur Malone Detectives & Colleagues of Andre Malraux -

& from Hadzor Wiltshire …where it was believed JIM killed the younger sister of Captain Barclay for her Estate 1940/41 & used a local Agent to sell it later for him…claiming it for The Crown…

1936 - Teresa Gordon R. said to Clacton Police/others present/

` that she had asked for a divorce …

“ …her Noble friends in London wished her to stay & try & be a mother to this misfit… SHE HAD WORKED WITH HER BARE HANDS SCRUBBING FLOORS to get money to feed this creature of the apes…from a marriage she had no intention of makingher mother was mad -a drinker ~a DRINKER & Irish- & an Irish fool- She had done this to her …» FORCED HER TO MARRY THE RICHEST FAMILY IN THE GLOBE…her daughter now made heir …`

Reports go onROME 1947 September … stuck her Teresa Gordon Ransom the new mother-in-law of ANDRE MALRAUX back on an airplane after hearing AT the Airfield a good 10 minutes of filthy insanity & spite as the above ! They may have had to PRAY for a year to get themselves on even keel after hearing the IMPERIAL BRITISH HIGH intelligence of the declining but fallen Empire …

They shelter `young Paccelli` too much- he’d probably have hit her round the ear & shut her up in Catacombs ~he at this time knows of the slain GROTE children-

1936 - Greta Ransom at 3 years 4 months- kidnapped back by orders British Government & Crown for LINDSAY Premier Earls -

20th century VIOLENCE from LINDSAY Premier Earls :

who claimed 1933 & ever afterwards that Greta Ransom was an ape-Eskimo …she heir to biggest Estate the Globe has ever had of pure philanthropy & Guardian a real MAN, Andre Malraux… This Document is by one they have always called dumb-deaf-illiterate-imbecile & tried put into an Asylum where they put all their distant relatives they rob ! What an embarrassment to them we were…they who went to church on their birth & death & were washed twice in their lives too…

1920s - They GROSS BRITAIN EARLS had had this immorality from

the Frobisher woman they tried tell Winston Churchill when he kicked them out of England for robbery with violence & trying also to lock up in an asylum Mrs Margarethe Ransom GROTE…richest person in every way in the globe ` They have called GR immortal I think I heard ? GFWR/GMCae.R/

1946 - Reports to Marital Court August-September Clacton-on-Sea-

“ … the child Greta Ransom - She now 3 years 6 months old August 1936 is a month in hospital/photos by Mr Charles McGowan town photographer - the child’s face was black for a month

…small newspaper articles appeared …

LIR - I fear this is why the Clacton (retired Exeter 1954) McGowan family were searched-attacked- In the Argentine we have the newspaper with this article-& others…The Weddell Families had always been JUST & hoped we would all come & live over there…until we could all go to Greenland- Reports on the Grote heirs stored by the Weddell family show that we are looked to continue as Tiggy & Aunt Mag…the JOYOUS VENTURE will see people can have a life without Conquerors striding in demanding moneys for `fair shares`…& coarse upper crust voices calling Old Eskimos not allowed make Wills…IT IS SICKENING WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO COVER UP FOR GREED…`

1970s - LIR reading with Malraux/Diaries FJR & JR®…Andre Malraux & loyal detectives & colleagues…speaking…) TAPES/

Nota bene : KUDOS - TERESA GORDON R. comes from her true-blue chums of the Roaring 1920s THE FALLEN EMPIRE IMPERIAL BIG BOOTS A GANG & Scandinavian relatives & barbaric brutes of OBSCENE GREED all began by THE PENNILESS ARISTOCRATS OF GROSS BRITAIN…1936 they will have an Abdication & put Angela in the hot seat - & all be rich for evermore…Teresa is to be welcomed in Private & held at arms length in Public…` THEY BOX IT CLEVER…

1936 September - `FJR her young (24 years old) father was attacked when the child was brought home from the Clacton hospital who had called a Specialist in/not one recommended by THE LINDSAYBUGGARHS on the seafront who were seen at Clacton CARNIVAL with the usual two collecting tinsbig one for them ! Police helped with a WATCH during the day - The Attack in August 1936 Clacton Recreation Ground - ` G.R. the child had been given a narcotic to make her barely able to stand…It was violence by persons very well known…`

1960 - Reports given to Arthur Malone Detective/Colleagues/ Patrick MacDrew-for ANDRE MALRAUX MINISTER OF FRANCE

1943 February - REPORT from a retired MEDICAL OFFICER - his home close by where he found the child Greta Ransom… Before 10am frosty & still a very cold morning

on the Clacton-Holland-on-Sea seafront road beside the cliffs -

…he found the girl Greta Ransom age 9 years with her brother’s shoes that had been cut off at the toes - her mother had bound them on with string ! She did not go to school because she was shaking & dizzy bruised with some bleeding- but at 8.30am had made her way to Holland-on-Sea seafront where she felt her mother would not come-

The girl GR was sitting on the wooden Council seat trying to warm herself in the morning sun- the child was shaking & could hardly speak- her mother had begun to burn everything in the grandmother’s home in the kitchen range- Her mother raged- she had found Granny had bought the two of them new shoes (little Colin 5 years old & Greetha) Granny had paid for them from dear Augusta’s account which came in each month for school things & outings. TGR had begun shouting & hissing not quite screaming at her mother Mary Gordon when she found out ! She had hit Granny & all of them !

(Granny had been taken to hospital the day before…) John had been sent off to school early ! Her mother said `Colin was to have brother John’s shoes when he grew out of them- Colin’s shoes would be sold…John could have the new shoes first…NO NEW SHOES FOR APESYOU BLOODY BITCHMY FRIENDS WANT YOU DEAD ! `

Nota bene : The retired Medical Officer knows of the murder of the 9 years old Miss `d`UFF Macdrew Newfoundland heiress in the school Greetah is in-in her class-he knows her uncle Patrick MacDrew…& his mother who lives at Holland-on-SEA…The connections will be important in giving evidence over the years-

it will also lose many witnesses their lives when Mr Mengele paedophile Harrington steps in November 1953 & gets his snout in to everyone`s lives…& is paid - his employment authorised by friend Philip Mountbatten…

1943 February - “ NO NEW SHOES FOR APES ”

Teresa Gordon R. her mother kept shoutingShe her mother had waited until Granny was taken to hospital & began going mad again that school morning...

SHE HAD BURNED THE NEW SHOES bought for both of them-

Greta & little Colin ! She had seen Greetha`s new shoes set ablaze… That left GR with no shoes- The old ones far too small but still in nice condition had been given to a poor family by her Grandmother Mary Gordon…Little Colin wore his old ones which were very broken & worn-he was going to keep those for playing after school in the REC when he came home with his little friends…they played football »

“ GR had also body bruises from blows-an examination was later carried out by a school nurse when the child was composed -she had been kicked & had blows to her mouth which had been bleeding-some hair on her scalp may have been pulled out- She was sturdy & quickly cheerful as soon as she was got warm by my Aunt`s fire - & the whole of that time polite & noticed little ornaments & the cushions were nice- perhaps too anxious to have little fuss made of the violence- The Chief Medical Officer now retired twice said he regarded her as under-nourished…highly nervous but sturdy-he recommended Cod Liver Oil other things if available - Yes he knew her ancestry- North Pole & some down the other end South Pole

…good bones & teeth & smooth complexion…»

“ It was in Hospital records/& prison records/that the mother 1920s & 1930s became insane on narcotics - they could be obtained from the Clacton Noble Mafia sometimes in their Place on Clacton front- called THE GRAND- this family of Scots Lords (LINDSAY) were demanding an Estate be given to them- It was they & their highly placed friends who insisted the child GR was an imbecile because of her ancestry- Sea traders-philanthropists-Others could comment here-

`The retired Medical Officer he said -` HE HAD MADE A STUDY OF THE USE OF NARCOTICS BY THE UPPER CLASSES- since 1923- when he ‘came ashore’ & decided not to be a ship’s Surgeon- He made it a leisure study-narcotics/dope-users/ it was an area of medicine little understood- one nurse at Clacton hospital before this War began had also studied & had some training in this field-

1943 January - `The previous month January 1943 this sad woman with these noble connections was frequently found to be violent - TGR- was to have been transferred to a Mental Institution after serving another year in the prison- However, again a message from a woman known at Clacton-on-sea 1920s/30s as Angela a friend of the Earls Lindsay- ` ( their place the GRAND stood on the Seafront next to the Royal Hotel on a small piece of spare land )

`…It was she ANGELA urged authorities they let Teresa Gordon Ransom go free to take care of her 3 children…Angela said the girl was known to be difficult, perhaps mad & caused much trouble for her

mother ! This 1920 association of Teresa Gordon with a wild set-was known to the town before the War to be a worrying connection & was continued because of Lindsay Noble CLAIM to the Estate - In his opinion it would be helpful to Teresa if she were given help in an Asylum…& her companions of her youth kept away from her….Angela with Mr JIM Jong often a worry to local Police & other counties !`

1942 - `Mary Gordon grandmother had legal care of the 3 children when their mother TGR was put in a secure place by the Counties of Wiltshire & Worcestershire 26 December 1941 & to remain for 2 years then be transferred to a Mental Institution to await her husband’s return from the WAR- a request had been made that the WAR OFFICE was to have him return for Home Duties…`

Earls of Lindsay & JIM saw he did not-they tried have him killed in Kenya-he was hidden by a family Malindi who knew of GROTE HOMES & their worth


1942/1943 - TGR had been given LEAVES from the Prison in Wiltshire/Worcestershire too frequently during the year 1942 - ….she would return to Clacton-on-sea by train but go swiftly to her Noble friends - ( A Miss Butler reported her fears to an Essex JP & the Clacton Hospital staff her aunt Mary Gordon knew ) Sometimes Teresa would go to Clifton a house owned by the Astor family…TGR had just spent the Christmas there 1942/New Year 1943... TGR returned early January & violence began at her mother & the girl GR & the 4 years old boy CFR- A relative a Miss Teresa Butler had been alarmed at her cousin Teresa`s behaviour to Aunt Mary Gordon & the children Greetha & little Colinbut had to return to her War Duties… Miss Teresa Butler knew of the unsuitable companions of her cousin TGR - They noble Britain & some from Scandinavia had little money but knew only too well where it lay…Southern Ireland & with the Ransom Estate…”

Chief Medical officer continues

February 1943 Mary Gordon had been taken to hospital suffering from malnutrition & violence from her daughter Teresa over some days-she demanding money ! TGR clearly was a user of narcotics & he feared a specific narcotic used by the upper crust-grown in Scotland- he diagnosed this immediately he saw the child GR & heard her account of the early morning while they were preparing to go to school…she & her two younger brothers…& that narcotic had to be got from the Noble persons their mother TGR knew…One person now in a very high position had Teresa G.R. released in JANUARY 1943 & this clearly should never NEVER have been allowed…”

Police Records 1943/Marital Court 1946/Research 1960/

1946 - Clacton-on-sea Marital Court/

JP discussions/Police/schools/others/