Greta Ransom

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…some Private Reports from the last years showed Angela & JIM-the Earls of Lindsay instructing law & medical authorities to free TGR- it was pleaded by them to the law & medical authorities that TGR was needed by her sons- There was a note on files (1940/1941) examined 1943 that two years ago Angela & JIM Jong (he now an Army Major working in the Palace where he had an apartment from the 1920s) were speaking in noble gatherings calling this young heir born 1933 being insane & she was violent to her mother & others- this was clearly untrue ~ JIM was known to be `on the PIN ` always…`Staff reported in the Palace some things missing-taken by him…he sold things abroad…` He was often unbalanced-unpredictable…”

It was discovered 1939 by the RANSOM family that ALL POST/mail addressed to Miss Greta Ransom from CHRISTMAS 1933 WAS STOLEN IN THE NAME OF THE EARL OF LINDSAY & TAKEN TO Buckingham Palace where it was opened -

Documents correspondence being taken to Whitehall to Rooms set apart…THIS WAS NOT ALLOWED AT LAW…WAR had begun September 1939- It became alarming… many people connected to the family were missing…their properties sold on…this was often outside Great Britain & its Empire…` This came to light in a frightening manner late 1940s/early 1950sThe Weddell families were disappearing in South America without trace…` reports/

1943 January -the Authorities Law & Medical were ignored -

… it was arranged by the Earl of Lindsay, Mr JIM Jong & his friend Angela who telephoned the Worcester & Wiltshire authorities that TGR should be released to go & take care of her children…as HER MOTHER Mary Gordon WAS A DRUNK… Therefore this violent woman Teresa Gordon Ransom as requested by her noble friends walked free - they knew her daughter Greta was HEIR to Mrs Grote…the biggest philanthropic Estate running round the globe in nations not under the boot of the Imperial British Empire…

By February 1943 it was clearly seen that the noble friends gave TGR narcotics… & he Chief Medical Officer Retired-retired-come from retirement to help in the War - with experience of DOPE was quite certain it was this very dangerous dope known to Police as frog spawn- Divinorum Salvia Scotland- pellets were fitted in the nose cavity where they dissolved over 6 weeks or so- it went to the brain in 2 seconds & gave a sense of power - vigourIT WAS ADDICTIVE ! `

1944 3rd June- Then the death of Mary Gordon-from poison-given a dose of narcotics at 11pm by her daughter TGR who then left her with her youngest child EGP- TGR denied she gave her mother dope & said `old girl took anything-drank` She admitted to `perhaps she had given her mother medicine` -

Greta Ransom 11 years 3 months told a school friend & the friend`s mother how she heard her mother cursing to the stars in the back garden at midnight saying “YOU WON’T SEE THE SUN RISE OLD GIRL… I’ll give YOU interfere with my family- I will have them all in prison - in the bloody Lunatic asylum - my friends will see to that - THIS MONEY IS OURS…` Greta did not let her mother know she had heard her…

( G.R. report / She Clytemnestra had returned from a relative she said but I think she had been to London for she said something about the train… Granny Mary Gordon was just come out of hospital to Auntie Esther`s house …)

“…Mary whom everybody knew a God fearing woman of great intelligence died at 2.30am on the bathroom floor-she did not cry out…” Chief Medical officer retired-report-

1944 - a soft June night the sky black the stars high specks of diamonds & pearls “ in that eternity the Universe where we will go when the ships are invented that will take us there…to these other worlds…” ( POUL GRONLANDER`s little mother who reads LUCRETIUS in FRENCH early 18th century … WEST GREENLAND )

DEATH of MARY HELENA b 1870 ( Mrs George Ernest Gordon m 1890 Manchester/A Polka Dot Wedding white-cyclamen )

1944 June - GR recalls feeling sick with grief- an evil world we were in- I bent over in grief telling a friend 2 days later at school- then oin 4 days being told off by Aunt Miss Win Gordon ATS…WHAT I SAW THAT NIGHT HAD REACHED THE CLACTON HOSPITAL who had found Mary Gordon was poisoned !!!

I GR can see it all as a Film at the cinema -I can act it out-put it into movements…retrace my body upon that TIME near midnight & what I see that night when this VAMPIRE SheSHE shaped from the Imperial OBSCENE GREEDY ignorant brutish system made to get hold of MONEY & LANDS… She was calling out in the `Pearly` garden of The House at the End of the REC witch-like phrases…. records/ ( creatures like Lindsay Earls-JIM-using Imperial obscene Britain should be dropped in pits as they did to thousands of GROTE CHILDREN-& filled in ! GR )

1946 - Marital Court Clacton- Captain Frederick John RANSOM is able to show he had many times put his wife in a good Clinic 1930s-

an expensive cruise she was sent upon- & that she was got out of any Clinic or Hospital by her NOBLE LONDON CHUMS-who kept her free as a Spy- crushing Greta & little Colin born October 1938 - threatening the families both sides - it was known the deaths of his parents were unnatural- because of the DEMANDS in secret-silence that this Estate be given to LINDSAY EARLS & Angela (a woman who got a Crown by default) - (1943/1945- It was known to many people the Grote Children had suffered deaths-accidents-abroad-but not known the full extent- total slaughter A to Z the globe/Genocide)

1946 - Marital Court Clacton-on-Sea - Reports-

`The children GR born 1933 & CFR born 1938 were both with anaemia summer 1943 as had Mary Gordon grandmother mother of TGR

In 1943/44 Medical examination saw the condition called

`Saint Vitus Dance` in G.R. & JGR…the younger child Colin Frederick 6-7 years was free but remained anaemic…THE MOTHER TGR went to her LONDON LIFE with Noble friends…

1946 “A lot of information was given in closed-court- the County Press were clearly on the father’s side “ - newspapers were asked not to print legal matters or medical matters on the death of Mary Gordon- IT WAS DECIDED THAT Miss Winifred Mary Gordon would see to the entry of her sister TGR into the Hospital at Tendring Essex & they should be able to accept her in a month- arrangements would then be discussed by them where she should go for a long time -

The du Cann mob were telling Auntie Winifred she was PORTIA & it is they stop TGR being given help in the Asylum…everyone knowing she is responsible for Mary Gordon`s death… Ed du Cann speaks of Angela by this her chosen name & he knows her from a child at visits to CLIVEDEN the Astor House `records/vast research with help by the Ghost House Team Colne Engaine 1960 -

1946 September - ANDRE MALRAUX was allowed by Miss Win Gordon to attend the Clacton & Chelmsford Courts for 20 minutes -Miss Winifred Gordon said to Greetha Ransom “ I have to consider Edward - & I don’t want ANDRE to think she your Mother is beyond reprieve - even though I call her Uriah Heap…& EDWARD TELLS ME HE HAS THE BETTER EDUCATION THAN YOU & YOUR BROTHERS… ORPHANAGES ARE NOT WANTED NOW & THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT NEED ALL YOUR FATHER‘S MONEYS FOR THE NATION- I have asked him about the dead children of the Homes on the Continent & he says the nations rose up against the system & found the children diseased….”

Surely Aunt Win & the du Cann mob & ANGELA & HER MEN are quite criminally insane- Yes ! & this Edward uses heroin every day since age 17 years … Churchill speaks of its father as “a penniless lawyer Teresa Gordon got mixed up with…”/1960 January/

1983 - Cousin Julie Butler said `the beggars were giving her dope-

I thought she might be drinking-but THEY WERE MAKING THE TEA- she hid in the house for 2 years after the Town tried tell her SHE HAD NOT DONE WHAT WAS INTENDED - But she never told me-or Fred Potter-or Harry-THEY his crowd, Edwrd…THEN LEFT HER FLAT

…they were offering her marriage-she had all her chances ruined

pre-war by all of them- a sort of MAFIA on the Seafront before I came down from Manchester…I heard about it… .I did not get any of this history until 1959...! (1953 Julie’s doctor found she was being poisoned by Treasa - ` he had to flee ! Reports 1960 )

1947/1948 - `We all woke up to the matter-why was not she locked up…The case would have to go to Court again- & this time nobody would have been so discreet- I said she Win had left a madwoman loose- clearly it had lead to the failure of the marriage of Greetha & Andre- Talk about the bloody Dissolution of the Monasteries- Everybody fell on their faces in Manchester & in Ireland- SHE GOT GRETA BACK ! The College Colchester seemed the best thing- but nobody had any idea what was going on ! Fred was attacked-had to live overseas-he had to try keep some of it going I gather-`

( Julie Butler ex-ATS a well known Manchester family- brother Mayor of Manchester- City Council work etc…)

` him this Ed (du Cann ) & creeps - they were promising her a good marriage ! When they had got what they wanted…after properties moneys in Malaya… she was told a marriage with this older guy was on if she changed her RELIGION- No-it was all lies !they had used her to keep Treasa their spy free - Nut House not to help- more trouble for all of us- I think now she Portia of the Courts was in danger from the Law- they held the carrot over her donkey nose… Oh SHE ~they were giving her Racing Credit…she would continue to get her FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS Racing CREDIT a YEAR to see we all did nothing about the Estate- `

`….me…I am the youngest of them- of the cousins…I did not know what went on before the war down here…& then Aunt Mary was dead 1944 before I got out of the ATS 1945 …terrible blow for all of them-

her sisters…my Mam is Teresa her eldest sister…`

` Oh they were not giving TGR the big mansion & moneys & invitations…all they had promised…back in 1932 when she got the marriage to young Fred…All of them had lost their parents too early-see everybody in Heaven was all you could think…`

( Julie Butler b 1920 Manchester daughter Teresa Williams & Bill Butler -speaking to PJPW Clacton-on-Sea Bowley Drive 1983 & he not wanting Greta to hear too much-but Julie would rather Greta Ransom W did hear…)

1946/47 - Marital Court Records Clacton were also TAKEN to the Vatican & showed the tragic times the families Gordon-Ransom had had to live in because of the greed of British Noble Imperialism-

`young Paccelli ` had experience of the Imperial Greed (as Germany did !) from late 1920s over the GROTE HOMES - half of them being in Roman Catholic nations- approved & then welcomed very much by VATICAN from 1870/Tiggy a visitor & welcome/& the settlements welfare facilities growing around them-especially South America…

1946 - Clacton Marital Court RECORDS -showed the state of mental health of the mother of the 3 children Ransom, Teresa E. Gordon Ransom… the woman being kept free in the land of Great Britain by her old friend Angela & Earls of Lindsay & Noble Britain & Scandinavia - She TGR would, the Court instructed September 1946, be placed in a Mental Hospital by her sister Miss Winifred Gordon-in charge of the arrangements…She should apply NOW to TENDRING HOSPITAL asking them to accept her sister-& give names of the Court officials as given to her to use…they would be available with the documents…

Family & other people now heard Win was keeping TGR out for CHRISTMAS…that the Hospitals agreed…& then until after the wedding in April 1947...THE HOSPITALS HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF THIS…& there may have been interference by du Cann & Angela again & EARLS OF LINDSAY claiming Teresa Gordon R as KIN !!!

NOBLE BRITAIN RULED O.K. !!! The Court had said the TENDRING Hospital would decide where she TGR should be transferred- it was a delicate situation & the Courts did not wish that her noble bastard sons & her families suffer her DOWNFALL…for she might have been HUNG ! If not found insane !

1946/1947/1948 … THE COURTS HAD A PHRASE WITH OTHERS AT THIS TIME…`THE LOT OF THEM SHOULD BE HUNG AT NUREMBERG as far as we are concerned…the women long term hospital care…` Nota bene : all these good people know ANDRE MALRAUX WIDOWER…a humanist a kindly still young man…

1946 September /1947 February - THE TRUTH NEVER TOLD TO ANDRE MALRAUX…that in September 1946 the sister 4 years younger than TGR, Miss Winifred Mary Gordon, is put in charge of Court Proceedings for The Gordon Ransom Families & she was entrusted with transferring her sister to The Mental Hospital at

Tendring Essex -

Miss Gordon RC `Child of Mary League` & ex-ATS…The Court of good Clacton & District persons did not doubt the spinster would make swift arrangements that Teresa Gordon R. her insane sister who had killed their mother be accepted at the Tendring Hospital by the end of September or early October 1946 - BUT the bastard Ed du Cann & legal advisors told Miss Gordon it would not do his career any good if his mother “such a jolly fun loving person” was locked up…& the COURT HAD NO AUTHORITY AT ALL to lock his mother up-he had a Degree OXFORD… ! He & his Dad went off to rob Malaya…

… see Dept LAW Oxford University at this time ! Students appear to have taught themselves…

nota bene : He was put in European Parliament when found to be going mad in Gross Britain-

Ed du Cann - he got himself more women on his blood gore moneys Grote Homes Ransom Estate…he has disgraced his blood line grandmother Mary Helena ! November 1957 he with Mengele & JIM tries have Greetha Ransom killed…/Records MALRAUX the VISITOR to them & notebook …says `THEY HAVE ALL GONE MAD ON THIS NARCOTIC …they call it purple plum…I have to learn more…`/ Archives/records-Ghost House Team Colne Engaine 1960 onwards/

1946 - August/September & on into 1947/1960

another report - ` Came Edward Gordon RC re-named age 2 years du Cann & his legal team of 2 persons- solicitor & accountant- & Miss Winnie Gordon was advised by this her bastard nephew to NOT SEND HER SISTER his mater to an Asylum - he had the Papers looked at …& the COURT HAD NO AUTHORITY OTHER THAN RECOMMENDING THIS…he burbled on about Teresa being `such a jolly lively person` & IT WOULD HARM HIS CAREER IF IT WERE KNOWN SHE WAS IN AN ASYLUM -

… he was well aware his mother had poisoned his grandmother Mary Gordon June 1944/ it was spoken of in the ‘ Private Marital Court matters’ - & considered by J. P`s another place…Ed…he has grown up with all of them…& he now heard in this Marital Court the attempts in her madness HIS MATER to poison or kill by brutal methods her daughter Greetah Ransom THE GROTE RANSOM HEIR & her youngest son Colin who can inherit too …`

(GR would have them all on chains…there is building to do…putting back all the ESTATE that these dope-addicts criminally insane have destroyed…I want two Universities UP-planned 1938 North South Poles POUL GRONLANDER, JAMES WEDDELL & San JULIAN INCA !

`Paccelli ( Pope Pius 12 ) by 1940 he knew of some deaths of the Grote Homes children Scandinavia & Europe -then that they were being were slain South America & Asia- He knew it was not from German or Italian hands. 1945 the POPE had had visits from Catholics in the RN- ` (he dies 1958-letter from H.W. Poulter to Andre & Greta disappears-another exists about the new Cardinal at Westminster-) (Reports 1970s by those trying to help Andre & Greta…/Report to PJPW & GRW 1986...from Vatican visitors…)

L.I.R. - report on autumn 1957 “ Nicholas (called Andre’s side-kick) saved you in the REC- there would have been an attack- he got you back to Andre’s home. He was not especially interested- he did not know at that time that JIM the Club-WHITES- could ORDER the complete investigation & exposure of a persons financial & private life…in the name of 3 women- JIM had known their mother since she was 13 years of age- `No Angel` (vast records/ diaries/fraud-theft the globe)

“ It was after ANDRE explained to him the tensions then the happiness of Summer 1937... how you both got better together…`

that he Nicholas came to UNDERSTAND… `you did not have a chance-you or ANDRE ` …This was the Inheritance that could never dry up…

it was world wide- IT WOULD NEVER GO AWAY- danger was where you both were…”


“… He Nicholas does not seem to have fathomed further…at this time…JIM HAD HIM under full private investigation- One at a time all of these young men at this Catholic Mission 50 Lancaster Gate Square were to be crucified- if they tried be supportive of ANDRE or Greetah the Ape-Eskimo… a birth he JIM would NEVER HAVE ALLOWED…

but Teresa was so headstrong…she’d shown it before…`

…Nicholas did not understand immediately that they have committed the greatest crime of the world…& can never feel safe unless everyone is ridiculed…exposed…then dead - JIM is a pimp-on the Pin…JIM has the support of everyone who has taken moneys from this Estate worldwide…”

“ WHEN THEY SAY THEY NEVER SAW A WILL ALL OF THEM THEY LIED…it was shown 1960 they had access to several…

…That the Estate was ‘dreadfully in the RED’ was exposed & even by Whitehall as they began to see photos films Grote Homes children slain - They were crumbling while early the year 1960 Andre lived… they are victims earlier…end of the 2nd World War…`

“ RUSSIA - while Andre could tell them to hide it- retain it- everything was O.K…. After his death the G.B. Government & Crown sent well suited gents in to investigate about trade…& learn where our NAMES were…& slyly have them removed - they were also after some kudos from our lands - & THE HUNTING OF EX-GROTE RUSSIAN STUDENTS WENT ON - all to be mercilessly destroyed - not even a grandchild to remain - no memory must be allowed…all done to protect the British Lords & Crown…` LIR/others

“ Andre had impressed on them (Breznev-RUSSIA)…

hide them all…all former Grote Homes students… orphans…& my brother Dr John RAY…`never say Grote or death visits you… from the British system/Naval sources…the bloody muddy puddles out of Scandinavia …»

“ They…were all penniless nobles - & from 1929 this was the way to lay hands on an old Eskimo’s properties- mock the heirs-INVESTIGATE- impress that the Apes Eskimos are-were- unworthy-unskilled- JIM IS A PIMP-GONE HIGH- he has always lived by the PIN & they LIVE by the PIN …”

1960 - WE HAD ENTERED THE LIGHT - discovered a system in Gross Britain-a Naval intelligence department used & many PIMPS at the disposal of JIM PIMP Mr Mengele Harrington comes to join LINDSAY scum & JIM & all who have stolen from GROTE ESTATE RANSOM ESTATE ….in 3 Parts A to Z globe…`

1939 - LIR & G.R. ( present & listening to the grown-ups & then hearing them speaking to others later ) RANSOM ANCESTORS

`Uncle Fred MacMurray is over to make a film with some filming at Oxford…he is saying `its awe inspiring-when you see our full ancestry- main line direct- all of the lines branching off- I will go and see Liam- how is he getting on…?

Uncle Fred MacMurray film star Broker Wall Street…

He is in England for a Film about this Rise of Nazi Germany-

Basil Rathbone is coming into it of the Quaker family…My father FJR

is seriously asking questions & making sensible phrases…he is answered by Uncle MacMurray… Yes I know Fred -but we have to think of them out in Ohio-Wyoming-middle America…they have no experience-we have had to keep it simple… On the other hand it will be appreciated by the families that have come in from Europe …

to THE UNITED STATES…learning English…`

Film 1939 black & white - the family did not take me Greetha

LIR says `I did not see it until later…`

1939 - LIR 18 years old/ E. AFRICA Spring 1939/ had to fly down with others to Mombasa to look to 3 or 4 GROTE HOMES- one had a great British Warship RN staring at them offshore…Staff children threatened told CROWN PROPERTY Gross Britain-not allowed educate to 18 years coloured & black orphans…

1939 spring - EAST AFRICA - expensive suited British men told

them it was not allowed by the British Empire to have these HOMES `It is not the policy of Great Britain to educate to 18 years other races…` The GROTE HOMES had not had so much interference before…the children & staff from one African Home were found missing/slain…LEN with solemn face tells FCR on the journey home to ‘Jerusalem`…JEAN ballerina WEDDELL SEA has been poisoned by LINDSAY & JIM & TGR for `THE EMPIRE` late summer 1938-

THE REPUBLIC MAY HAPPEN…so all Noble Britain is packing its saddle bags with anything it can NICK…they have palatial Mansions in CANADA to retreat to…LIR & GR others family RANSOM go amongst the Noble scum…invitations come from our FROBISHER line…we hear of the FEARS that the Empire Fallen will lead to a Republic…

I went to meet Lennie in with Grandpa Ransom…Lennie

he came out of the little plane (1 of 3) & is now a young man…

com`th he towards us …non-smiling & walking with a weary step…

his leathers on…Len is no longer called with me The Ransom children` WE HAVE GROWN SO ANCIENT SINCE THEY MURDERED JEAN…& the Norwegian Grote Homes children-the photos & Reports came from a woman BERLIN- heads bobbing before they drowned…

LENNIE Immanuel RANSOMHe was drenched in white powder &

I called out `THE GHOST BOY`…but there is no fun now…he had serious things to say…they had hit a volcanic ash cloud that was all…it was all over the cabins… 1939 & earlier FLYERS-we really flew up to the STARS as on the way to GREENLAND…ploughing the sky as someone writes of Andre’s friend Antoine who took the POST/mail…Planes then become hotels- it is not as the early flying anymore- except when NASA goes to the STARS…. ` GR

Uncle MacMurray Broker Wall Street-Film Star - He does publish

2nd World War on his ancestress Okinawa- his Chinese grannies- his 17th c. Red Indian granny Harriet (a little tribe between/not quite/ Navahoj … & matters Nevada-Nebraska ?)…then he is off the main stem RANSOM- he does not have our late Greenlander & our INCA lines-see his pedigree-MacMurray- if they have not wiped their bums on it- the creatures High Class Sin ON THE PIN- his son JOHN was thrown down a mine shaft/he Len`s best friend & cousin /lived with broken back 15 years…He his families are in Collected True Tales-the Grote Brokers sailed in-other family histories-RANSOM…back to 77 AD Londinium…/out of Jutland/


Diary L.I.R. `Lennie says…`You GR were clearly inspired by grandpa POUL Gronlander who died 1765- & you not yet three years…”

18th century - POUL GRONLANDER West Greenland

1936 - “ In South America you saw a tall man & said `I feel the chill of love down my spine-he looks like Great POUL`…It was my father FCR who had read deeply Poul’s hand…but then he had the great house to himself when he left Aunt Mag with riches to see Tig’s HOMES were safe…to Greenland he went for she had inspired him with the presence of her mother’s grandfatheralso Margaret Yates of Carlisle Poul’s lawful wife…& JACOP their eldest son…” LIR to GR

( 1740 - POUL & Margaret he 6` 5 ins & she 5` 4 ins they married at Frederickstown fearing G.B. & Norway might stop them marrying- the 2 sons of Pastor Egede their witnesses-Margaret wore a crown made for her by the Eskimo-she gave the trousseau money to the poor…her father brought her wedding rings from France & soft linens for them…both are dead in 16 years in accidents-the marriage was one of perfect happiness-with 5 children…JACOB Poulsen eldest son 15 years his letter `on father`s death `can be read in Finn Gad History of Greenland 4 vols.)

1930s - LIR - “ I want to take you from my boyhood diaries into those Realms when we humanists had such beautiful work everyday of the yearI am LEN who they will not let you know-

a freak show is in place…A FREAK SHOW…`POUL- he did not arise from the Norwegians taking him as Catechist aged 10 years- his mother is a figure importanthis father too - She dies when he is 7 years but had told him of her parents world…We think she read French & that is the Lucretius slant…`

LIR has discussed this EARLY LEARNING with Annie Agnes sister of Mary Gordon Greta‘s grandmother 1930s when they go sketching to-gether…“ but its her parents who shape her…We do not think she left West Greenland but she may have when a young child - (SHE DID Lennie-went to VENICE ! Ref. your brother Dr John RAY…) Ships sailed in & sailed back all over the globe… IT IS THIS EARLY LEARNING WHICH SHAPES THE CHILD THE HUMAN BEING…I think I may have proved thatYOU HAVE A SOUL…ANDRE TOO…it shows…”