Greta Ransom

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For the modern day here are stupid GREEDY systems exposed & WARNINGS about the undercurrents that SHAPE OUR LIVES when criminally insane are allowed to wear ROBES of AUTHORITY - when FIGURES from a MORGUE use the MEDIA to become DIVINE

I thank HAROLD Walter POULTER late Deputy Keeper of Colchester & Essex Museums 1950s for guiding my education & assisting ANDRE MALRAUX with his good sound common sense. Mr Poulter speaks in these pages/letters/ & he is on the COLCHESTER Museum Web site - they claim his ghost is in his last home that lovely house Hollytrees Mansion Museum

We were fortunate in having dear Mr Professor R. WINNCLEMANN History of the Chemistry of the Brain & his Staffordshire 2nd wife guarding & guiding Widower ANDRE MALRAUX & I Greta Ransom during the years 1945-1948

Here is my tragic late 19th century - 20th century RANSOM families - & Uncle TIGGY GROTE who with his wife, Margaret Ransom of Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland, made the `Joyous Venture` & the Thomas Immanuel GROTE HOMES A-Z the globe - founded on profit from our 19 acres under NEW YORK purchased 1801 & NEVER GIVEN TO LINDSAY EARLS or ANGELA / Reports 2 Detectives New Year`s Eve 1953 Nethrington Hall near London, when 40 LINDSAY clan are discussing the share of the money they will have from ` a fiction MILLIE LINDSAY of their FRAUD ` Present by misunderstanding , Andre Malraux & I nearly lost our lives we did not know what it was about  

& often owed my life to my tragic heir-co-heir Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM polymath b 1921 I give you his phrase TO GREENLAND FOR A BEER to make this new century aware of these brave young early FLYERS & how they ploughed the skies & flew by starlight we go again in this work with Lennie FLYING US TO GREENLAND from Bristol October 1935 3 seaplanes - we refuel in the air it is his TEST for his Pilot`s licence & he receives it with honours in NEW YORK Len is just 15 years of age October LENNIE (LIR) is now a FLYER MALRAUX`s friend Antoine De Saint-Exupery is a great Flyer & part of flying early history - he has a book for children called The Little Prince

This work is instructed for me to do by ANDRE MALRAUX my GUARDIAN from October 1937 - 1970-76 he says you can type quite well - put your hands on the keys & when you hear my voice in your head WRITE WHAT I SAY - DO NOT QUESTION WHAT I SAY …” Yes Georgie-Colonel ANDRE ! Here is some of you - nearly 4,000 pages  

Georges-Andre has my love & understanding into eternity GR  

MALRAUX (born 1901-d 1976) in his career is becoming an Archangel, he a gentle young man raised by THREE GRACES his grandmother, mother & aunt, he becomes a Minister of FRANCE but would have been the perfect GUARDIAN of the EARTH, the role that he is lawfully appointed to by Margaret Grote & her eminent advisors 1937

The searching & THEFT of his post/mail from XMAS 1937, the persecution & murders about him, all meticulously organised by NOBLE BRITAIN & SCANDINAVIA using corruptly their IMPERIAL NATIONS - the Earls of Lindsay Crawford leading & CLAIMING ALL THE ESTATE IS FOR THEM all this BREAKING OF THE LAW done with violence in the names of FIGURES from a MORGUE An IMPERIAL SYSTEM rotten at the top

MALRAUX has had his life disfigured by his Guardianship of the greatest piece of Philanthropy of the globe. His two sons & their mother killed because of his Guardianship & his health is harmed 1950s by a madman called in the medical world Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON born 1912, a sadist & paedophile who attacked a year old baby 1935/6 & received a Prison sentence on the Continent Harrington `Mengele` has noble connections Britain & Norway - Sometime schooled in Norway but dismissed for vicious attacks on young children - he travels with Royal circles & goes about with PHIL the GREEK as he Philip Mountbatten is known to young Europe This maniac psychologist could fool General de Gaulle & his wife that he was a Royal physician & appointed to take care of Malraux discretely

1958-1960 REPORTS from USA State Department SPIES & others “… Mengele a PIMP , of the 40 Saville Row suits, found to be ACCEPTING Commissions to destroy the health of prominent men…” They are trying to TRACE WHO EMPLOYS this madder-than-mad creature those are their Orders He is BANNED 1982 by BMA but could still move in high circles & use illegal authority to `boot in` & persecute people - Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM is one of his victims  

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