Greta Ransom

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NB : 1890s - 1990s - SVENGALISM meaning hypnotism/mesmerism/sedatives-DOPES/Micky-FINNS/laced Cocktails etc/ and it is bed-fellow to BLACKMAIL & PIMPING - All these methods are used on persons of any age , sometimes families, children who are HEIRS to see they cannot do well at school … done without their knowledge - so as to get banked DOUGH = money properties & Kudos = KUDOS It is a very nasty 20th century upper class CULT, a veneer shaping human communications in the 20th century - It is especially taken up after Gerald du Maurier published a Novel TRILBY c 1890s :

HWP 1950s - speaking is the great Pedagogue (pedagogue) Harold Walter Poulter Deputy Keeper Colchester & Essex Museum 1934-1962 …

` … In Gross Britain, SVENGALISM, it blended into witchcraft and bogus psychoanalyst soirees … it often built upon the `Vienna crowd` & their Studies and gossip about them of the `well off` MAD … it gathered crazy ideas and non-moral behaviour from ignorant understanding of the on-going work of Freud-Jung-Adler et al Blended with Italian FUTURIST Manifestos , SVENGALISM picked up some dangerous garbage they had thrown into International gutters …` ( = The often coin-less partakers of this PIMPING Cult, from not being part of legitimate Art and sociological circles, could do great damage to HIGH CIRCLES without HUMANTAS education ... GR )

HWP Colchester 1950s “ … SVENGALISM - entered the impecunious fashionable groups edging about the so called superior `Watering Holes` and Continental bourgeoisie ” -

( … some by the 1920s often living by their wits & squatting on good citizens … Such as the Britain and Scotland Premier Earls of LINDSAYBUGGARHS migrating from BLACK HOLERS = that is sinking old ships for the INSURANCE = Insurance Fraud/ref. Mr JAWES our Solicitor 19th century for RANSOM estate Offices HIGH HOLBORN and the half British-Chinese b 1998 with PEKIN OPERA training JIMMIE JONG PIMP to be made SIR/cur JAMES 1954 for the New Reign … and there are others named in these accurate RECORDS of the GENOCIDE of the GROTE CHILDREN and the RANSOM Families and their worldwide helpers in the miracle HUMANITAS ESTATE - observations by Greta Ransom who has valued the teaching of Harold W. Poulter from 1952 when I began to work at Colchester Museums … 1939 outbreak of WORLD WAR II I am kept away from my RANSOM families by Aristocrat lunatics minds BLOWN on their lucrative home grown DOPE of Scotland DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND ) .

HWP 1950s : SVENGALISM, Child … generally it created circles of doubtful good manners ... with lack of common sense … we have lived through it at my age - in my 70s now … du Maurier said he wished he had NEVER published that bally book ! He said to us that it set Britain and Europe back 150 years in uneducated circles at the top of the pyramid of CLASS and at the bottom ! SVENGALISM was used at Fairgrounds, on the Music Halls, unfortunately in private well-off circles dabbling in the BLACK ARTS - lot of it going around here East Anglia 19th century … probably not died out nowadays where ignorance is Often it could attract the gullible with WEALTH … Harold Walter POULTER, Geologist/Deputy Curator of Colchester & Essex Museums 1934-1962 … he a great Pedagogue = paidagogos


( RECORDS: 1952 November - 1962 January speaking with Greta RANSOM at CAMULODUNUM C.V. /Colchester Castle, Hollytrees Mansion Museum & Essex Museums :

… based on Harold W. Poulter summing up mornings and afternoons in 1953 December on news ` come hot foot` from PARIS :

` Over there … peculiar Doctor, disapproved of generally, Child, by top Medical Circles is in the MALRAUX HOUSEHOLD in Paris … His two young sons by this other woman who has died - you knew her before the War … are hostage over there - not allowed to come to good Catholic schools over here … The place is frequented by people not in his class, Andre . Now he the young Emperor ANDRE MALRAUX is crème-de-la-crème intellectually … People over here are trying to help him … he has to be got away from them … He is helping de Gaulle with a Charity … got a nice little place Lancaster Gate gardens…nice young staff all Roman Catholics … Do your duty Child - you are `bespoke` as it were … you`ll not regret it … you dove-tail together … its rare to get two birds like you two together … everyone agrees …` ( matter is RANSOM = MALRAUX … ) HWP December 1953 -

Greta Ransom adds : `1950s-1960s the worst of Aristocratic Gross Britain, WHITES CLUB, and Scandinavia treats PARIS as a `dirty weekend` . Around and encircling ANDRE MALRAUX 1950s-1960s is a boggy swamp of SVENGALISM that could enter the supposedly holy home of ANDRE MALRAUX 50 Lancaster Gate Square - a Catholic CHARITY with young Catholic boys in training living in this Workplace and Hostel - The sadistic weird HARRINGTON born 1912, a convicted 1936/37 Austrian paedophile is spoken of as The Royal Satrap … Harrington is an ex-patient of several NUT HOUSES since he is 17 years of age … He calls himself a Doctor from a GP. Licence of dubious training that had to be given him in HONG KONG - He is the sadistic hypnotist Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON of an infamous ` expensive blue car ` … The Police can only ignore him … sometimes he has a LOGO on his car that informs he is a member of A Royal Household …

1950s-1960s He `Mengele` HARRINGTON is employed to run down the health of prominent men in politics and business worldwide/Records USA and other Secret Agents astonished at his curious KUDOS from Philip Mountbatten and his Uncle the Playboy Lord Louis My father FJR and good friends keeping the great miracle Grote-RANSOM Estate off duck-boards … come to know that he, HARRINGTON with his Aristocrat fiends, also PIMPS on the RANSOM ESTATE … & with all of them is well aware of the slain GROTE HOMES CHILDREN sunk in nets about the world, and burned in pits upon the sites of their HOMES … HARRINGTON is a friend of Philip Mountbatten & socializes with his Uncle Lord Louis wartime head of the British Royal NAVY … founded by King Alfred 9th century …

It became inter-woven with popular techniques of the Gross Britain Nobility - dove-tailed into their very violent witchcraft LORE -

They also picked-up GARBAGE from THE FUTURISTS ” : Aristocrat TRIBES of Scotland were primitive & often dangerous maniacs … they should never have been allowed down to LONDON … ” quote from a man of PEACE in 1973 - his observations and encounters from 1920s …

Doctor HARRINGTON is acknowledged as Physician & school friend of British & Scandinavian Royalty Appears alongside in newspaper photos : 1950s occasional photos/newsreels/the world = uses DISGUISE = Film Studio Make-up Technicians made very good disguise for the RICH …


NB : 1941-1944 - HARRINGTON meets with General de GAULLE & his Family

2nd World War they took SANCTUARY in Suffolk & London - A French family in WARTIME = unlikely to question those about them in England = they might learn that HARRINGTON had OPEN DOOR into British & Scandinavian ARISTOCRATIC & ROYAL circles …

They would accept persons allowed near them : JIM Jong, now calling himself a Major this-that - has a 2 man UNIT called INTELLIGENCE at the back of Buckingham Palace with a man named Clive - JIM has held a 2-room apartment at the back of the Palace since 1921 JIMMIE Jong , in the uniform of a British Major , would wish to meet with General de GAULLE & his family = they given a country house in Suffolk England during the 2nd World War years

HARRINGTON is named `Mengele` by the Medical World 1950s … he did some studies late 1940s in Hong Kong CHINA for a G.P. licence … but Examiners would rather not have passed him … he Harrington was only interested in making a lesion bigger, failing a kidney and destroying a liver … & mixing drugs …” In Hong Kong he took lessons in HYPNOTISM and evil arts In the 2nd World War - he stayed in Britain until summer 1944 then went to FRANCE after the Liberation/seen PARIS at Café table with CLARA MALRAUX - In England he was said to be a Director of a Scientific Unit - near Market Harborough he had no qualifications for this … he was driven out of the small town by local people because he was a blatant paedophile - claiming to be an aristocrat from Scotland and Norway … ”

1938 summer - ` he HARRINGTON, released from a British Psychiatric Clinic after less than 2 years, is immediately given a JOB by the Centre of British Government The Whitehall WESTMINSTER - a MOONLIGHT job He will be paid by The British Government & Crown & the Premier Earls of Scotland LINDSAY - JOB DESCRIPTION : to spy upon = & where possible destroy the reputation of ANDRE MALRAUX young Man of Letters - a French Citizen …`

1938 July - Scotland ANGELA - a State Visit to FRANCE - with her British husband the new sudden King George VI as his brother Ned (King Edward VIII) had to leave his post swiftly : he will not agree to destroy GROTE HOMES which are worldwide neither will Hitler and Goering and all the Nazi … also all QUAKERS Catholics and sane minded good folk of every shade and Race … and educated citizens of the globe = they do not want destruction of GROTE HOMES - educating to 18-22 years of age in all civilized learning, with 3=4 languages each child, to be given in secret silence to LINDSAYBUGGARHS and shared out with ANGELA who got her marriage by telling lies -

Neither ANGELA Bowes Lyon or my mother TERESA GORDON her 6 years younger friend from 1919 NEVER did have any CLAIM to the miracle ESTATE of Margaret nee RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE = TIGGY founder of the HOMES, real HOMES for unwanted children worldwide ! Self-SVENGALISM has swamped the pin-heads of the British Scandinavian Aristocracy since they murdered TIGGY on ARRAN Island in 1904 … They have all become criminally insane from using since childhood from shoving DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND pellets up their SNOUTS - They and their dope-soak `chums` speak of my Aunt Margareth girl of the SNOWS with STABLE TALK VIOLENCE … The pair of them, `ANGE & TREE` as they are called, with LINDSAY TRIPE & the MOONLIGHT PIMP Jim JONG should have been dropped on an Arctic Island and told to build an igloo if they wanted shelter they would probably EAT ONE ANOTHER given a good supply of `purple plum` that dangerous narcotic grown in SCOTLAND GLEN on the WEST SIDE They have INSULTED the globe … G.R, & Lennie Immanuel RANSOM and others …


1950s - BRITISH NATIONAL INDUSTRY : He Mengele Harrington investigates for Premier EARLS of LINDSAY the whereabouts of descendants of QUAKER-ROMAN CATHOLIC marriage of `THE ICE WHITE BRIDE` of the sub-ARCTIC Quaker Mariner Navigator JAMES WEDDELL ( Weddell Sea named for him ) … a marriage to the highly educated INCA Roman Catholic daughter The Aelovedah-Maria Miss San Julian, only child of Yahmah Josef San JULIAN f. San Miguel Acting Governor = a humanist Appointment without salary - for Spain

HARRINGTON - now called Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON wishes to show in the ATLAS sub-arctic where the WEDDELL SEA is the name MOUNTBATTENJames Weddell brave Mariner will be given a remote corner … Mengele HARRINGTON the maniac paedophile a Peer-in-Waiting wishes to honour the use of the British Navy in the slaying of the GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES - MOUNTBATTEN the man at the helm who allowed the British Navy ships to sail in & the violence to be carried out - many children being sunk in big nets just inside the 2-mile limit of their nations ~ BRITANNIA and SCANDINAVIA RULE THE SEAS !

Aelovedah-Maria and her father San JULIAN had INCA relatives in Portugal … her elder son James has a grand-daughter, JEAN ballerina, married 1909 into Family RANSOM SEA TRADERS & PHILANTHROPISTS - All RANSOM families are under observation by British Government & Crowns from 1904 : 1946 LINDSAY Premier Earls 14 & 15 set about THE CONQUEST of PERU …

1953 - HARRINGTON, a spiteful sadistic MANIAC, learns RANSOM family Deptford & WEDDELL families the globe are ` direct descendants of HUASCA brother of the Scientist-Astronomer-Horticulturalist ATAHUALPA HUMANIST Priest & Guardian of the INCA …`

History books tell how the ` Emperor ` of the INCA and his brother were slain 1533 in the SPANISH EUROPEAN HOLY CONQUEST of the 16th century … the `Emperor` = ATAHUALPA = Huascar = his brother = left a 5 years old heir - smuggled away on a hay cart - an education to this surviving 5 years old boy begins by his own people and two Monks In the next century JESUITS give education to the descending families -

RECORDS : From November 1953 - HARRINGTON Dr. `Mengele` is told to search out female descendants and families of the INCA Ruler - some are believed to be in 18th-19th century PORTUGAL - it is known the line received Catholic education …

1938 - 1st JOB DESCRIPTION : for this criminal work in the name of the British Government & Crown & GHOULS of Scandinavia HARRINGTON a British-Continental paedophile ex-convict, ex-lunatic asylum patient will receive an income monthly quite suitable for him to live in style - as his UPPER British CLASS background expects …


1950s - RANSOM ESTATE - 3 Parts

includes worldwide GROTE HOMES of slain CHILDREN 1938-1954 = to make Britain RICH - (separate file GROTE HOMES is being issued & has RANSOM-GROTE reports=histories of our TRAGEDY … IMPERIAL BRITAIN RULES THE WAVES & EARTH & has tangled a new `slick or innocent business world` into this GRIZLY FRAUD = children dumped in nets at sea or burned in pits where stood their HOMES have concrete pleasure Domes rise … VAST blood & gore PROFIT goes to BRITISH GOVERNMENT its ARISTOCRACY and its CROWNS including Scandinavia … RECORDS vast : all questions the Reader asks can be answered by careful reading of this work & ongoing work - we are on a SAIL through the 20th century -

… but I have made tapes of our TIMES of HOPE : Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX official GUARDIAN to our ESTATE & to me GR, has 2 books/he calls them novels/ 1933 La Condition Humaine/translated as `MAN`S FATE` or `STORM over SHANGHAI`= USA & China editions … and the SPAIN experience 1936/38 L`Espoir = MAN`S HOPE` … Books sometimes spoken of as `books that men enjoy reading` …. I think to-day many women will find them human documents they can understand … He, a young man, is writing from experience of being on the spot . I have quoted he & Josette speaking 1937 SUMMER on their experiences in the BLOOD & GORE fighting of SPAIN in the Civil War … and their ongoing trauma …

Readers will have to plough into my assembled 3 Parts document “1937 SUMMER etc” - Its colour code and the big figures used for dates will assist - a difficult first piece to assemble for MARTYRS and families and so many kindly people who were dragged into this GREED = organised by British Premier EARLS of LINDSAY & the older friend of my mother Teresa nee Gordon she ANGELA Miss/Lady Bowes Lyon of West Scotland - she became a Duchess then got a CROWN

( her brother-in-law a nice man learning in maturity about the world about him , King Edward VIII, got EJECTED for this-and-that in 1936 )

NB: The date 1937 is always in this shade of mid-green & this is the best place to begin - you will not regret embarking on this SAIL Hopefully somebody will set about an INDEX … or send IDEAS … ? ?



(Diaries : RANSOM = JRR/LIR : Arthur Malone Law Detective :

“ ANDRE MALRAUX & GRETA RANSOM = Doctor `Mengele ` Harrington HAD COME to PARIS SWIFTLY ”leaving Mrs `Mengele` Harrington an Expensive Clinics Nurse to KILL Greta Ransom - finally this time - where we & the Staff live : Annex to the London French Embassy

at Blessed Saint Edmund Campion House, No 50 Lancaster Gate Square, London …grisly

In PARIS Andre MALRAUX this week 1958 January had terrible shooting pains in his brain one day, he too much in pain to sometimes leave his room in the French house it became a terrible headache lasting a week … ”

` … `Mengele` HARRINGTON - in his role as sombre physician - insisted in PARIS & round & about the Town & Government circles that it was MALRAUX at his gross drinking again … foamed a bit at the jaws - overdid it … `that you never knew what old Andre got up to` … ”

( NB: Doctor `Mengele` keeps daily NOTEBOOKS for amusing his Imperial Noble Employers of Scotland & Scandinavia … )

“ … That week GRETA WAS IN HER DEATH THROES Mrs `Mengele` is a cold blooded KILLER trained by her husband the 20 years older Doctor `Mengele` Harrington she was enjoying a life of luxury abroad using the moneys stolen from a vast ESTATE … she is compared to a Nazi blonde haired female Camp Commandant - two invisible fierce dogs on leads - that is since she married old Mengele 1953 : This is a worldwide philanthropy Estate - kept low key because of previous murders of owners … ” ( Reference: Thomas Grote 1904 and his wife Margaret RANSOM Grote May 1938 )



MEMORANDUM : Frederick John RANSOM father of Greta Ransom has with some success picked up the pieces from 1945 a third of the ESTATE damaged - stolen by Noble figures of Britain - Government Lords & Crown - they using 2nd World War to aid them/this carefully PLANNED crime = LINDSAY Premier Earls lead in violent attacks and slaying of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN. FJR with help from his two brothers & loyal staff got three-quarters of ESTATE running : guarded by nations who always valued it … However - robberies from BANKS in small nations persisted : this could only happen if the CRIMINALS could use the official Financial system

Very important to our understanding - Report 1979 :


our RANSOM WEDDELL GROTE GRONLANDER=Poulsen BANKS overseas robberies -


1979 = DISCOVERY by SCOTLAND YARD - after working hours

… certain good workers had journeyed with this VIOLENCE from ANGELA and her crew since 1940s … (Louis Mountbatten has been blown up on his yacht in Ireland by old British Territorial Army members and others assisting - he was known by civilized persons to be an evil monster … )

LIR/Len Immanuel RANSOM/tapes he has made about his life : the killing of his parents - the GENOCIDE given GROTE HOMES CHILDREN - the killing of his son & then his wife a 3rd cousin Miss Weddell … then 1978 his wife is missing = Police investigation Wales pot-holes could reveal nothing - or find the 6 years old daughter last seen TAKEN OFF BY Dr Mengele HARRINGTON - he, pseudo Doctor HARRINGTON this massive well known Royal Satrap & very sadistic paedophile now began to slimily bring his FOUL MOUTH to evil fashionable hard bitten greedy DEPOTS, saying that Lennie was a paedophile : it is a FILTHY FOUL CHARGE that any NATION would STOP ! Have caught HARRINGTON long ago and exterminated him ! Only his IMPERIAL CRIMINALLY INSANE MASTERS leave him free - to collect his generous WAGES from the WHITEHALL centre of British Government !

… MENGELE HARRINGTON of British UPPER CLASS FAMILIES is imprisoned for sadistically attacking a baby only months old for at least 2-perhaps 3 months - the child in terrible pain had been SEDATED ! These British monsters often CUT THE TONGUE OUT OF A BABY when they have become so BESTIAL ! It goes on amongst aristocrats in SCOTLAND ! Yet the BRITISH IMPERIAL PUCKER SYSTEMS with relatives in NOROWAY, Scandinavia, can protect `Mengele` HARRINGTON from 1938 to his far too late extermination in 1992 February …

… This monster born 1912 had a long life in harness to his Royal and Aristocrat chums who promise him A PEERSHIP in the British House of Lords … he never got it … he made mistakes 1981 onwards … he was now eased out of PUBLIC PERFORMANCES - but could still travel about the globe with KUDOS and using other names - one false name is Esterhazy He was assisted by the immense KUDOS of his MASTERS & MISTRESSES to hang on to the sleeves of ANDRE MALRAUX and General de GAULLE and families in semi-private … : RECORDS/witnesses-of this true tragic saga :

LIR reports : I went to call at SCOTLAND YARD … I have an old friend there … I said I have no money I am told I have never held BANK ACCOUNTS in Argentina, in India and in Canada and in NORWAY my friend spoke with colleagues … who talked the matter over after hours with other colleagues - and they solved the emptying of banks after a few hours …

1980 - a distraught Len Immanuel RANSOM on a tape - born 1921 his mother JEAN nee WEDDELL had to live abroad 4 years when the LINDSAY GANG began to attack she and toddler Lennie from 1924 … her husband Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM would visit them abroad helped to go in stealth by RANSOM RN … She fled to her WEDDELL cousins and relative of her mother Minerva-Olivea nee Hesketh & her childhood SHAKER neighbours : FCFR had in 1897 his mother Millie Frobisher Ransom killed by her two second-cousins LINDSAY … they drove up in a carriage and put her into his arms at the little home `Jerusalem` Park Road by the little Deptford Park - HE, my grandpa Ransom, was 14 years of age .

20th century - In IMPERIAL BRITAIN nothing can be done to apprehend the Aristocrats of Gross Britain & Scotland trained as children to use the dangerous narcotic DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND “ … they may even BREED INSANE ” -

Reports 1970 - by 2 world leading Medical Establishments after TRIALS made in the 1960s …

… The narcotic plant is fire-blown and stuffed in pellets up the SNOUT by coin-less and greedy aristocrats - it can also be dried powdered and mixed for the unsuspecting in drinks, soups 1953 Philip Mountbatten was seen to push a pellet up his snout on ARRAN Island when he toured it with dirty JIM JONG Pimp a lifelong chum of his mother-in-law … 2nd World War recently ended 1939-1946 witnesses had seen the pits, the nets, the slain GROTE HOMES CHILDREN worldwide - knew it to be a GENOCIDE arranged with his Uncle ` Lavatory Louis Mountbatten a Playboy ` an addict to various narcotics including the lucrative sales abroad West Scotland crop of Divinorum Salvia Scotland :

Nota bene : the British CROWN had tremendous debts in the 1930s - at the end of the 1920s they only just met the interest-on-the-interest - they were forced to take out LOANS overseas & these were expensive for they had a poor 19th century record of payment ! It was known in Financial circles in Britain there would be little repayment if you were so foolish as to get into this big boots muddle … you would not get justice from them … you would be expected to receive their request to BORROW as an HONOUR and never expect re-payment … GROSS BRITAIN RULED THE WAVES … that should be enough to understand … old King Edward VII began mounting debts - as he got older rich Americans did not pay his gambling and HIGH LIFE or that of his wife from Denmark … MONEY was worldwide short : my READERS can find histories of these times … :

1922/23 - ANGELA lied to get her marriage to the younger son of a King saying she had been given ALL THIS GROTE RANSOM Estate by an OLD ESKIMO … this was protested by GROTE BROKERS of New York, other administrators, RANSOM FAMILIES, and officially by Mrs Margaret nee Ransom GROTE in letters and face-to-face by HERSELF … and many others 1934 onwards : A horrible worldwide GENOCIDE WAS CAREFULLY PLANNED from 1929 !

MEMORANDUM : 1934 - an attempt to murder Margaret Grote in West Scotland is given in file GROTE HOMES being issued on several web sites …

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