Greta Ransom

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1944 early Nov. JOSETTE knew ANDRE HAD NO POST/mail-about this Guardianship to a big Estate for the child Greta ! They had been told things were in the post in a message from Mary Gordon October 1937. After Christmas everyone had tried to trace the missing parcel- that she & ANDRE had sent off in November 1937 to Mary Gordon with little presents for everyone they had met! It had left Paris - & it had arrived in England !

1937 ANDRE had written letters to Mary Gordon & to a friend he had made with a small homestead on the Holland marshes (In 1945 he learns this letter was received & answered ! )

Their hostess of Summer 1937/38 travelled between Paris & Clacton  three/4 times a year & they sent messages, gifts, & she brought thanks from Greta on her return to is.  The last exchange of greetings, a gift for Greta had been Christmas 1938/New Year 1939...

1944 early November JOSETTE knew there was no post/mail about this Estate reaching ANDRE MALRAUX pre-war !

Except a letter October 1937 received by Andre from  Margaret Grote-an  Aunt to Greta…….

ANDRE MALRAUX says (1970) at that time- October 1937 he returned to several other letters in Paris- tossed it over his shoulder-it said he would hear more- it had no address- He informed MARY GORDON at Clacton-on-sea


1937 October (Malraux 1970, The Pillar House, Harwell )

‘  The writer was a MARGARET GROTE Aunt of Greetha saying she had made him GUARDIAN to her niece ’

… There was no address but he was to hear more later.  He replied to Mary Gordon that he accepted Guardianship but it was a handwritten note & brought over by their hostess (?) - He wrote Mary Gordon a personal letter & put that in the post/mail (Courier is Unity Coe’s mother-  who had her father in the Clacton Seafront Convalescent Home summer 1937- then he died before the Christmas..)

1937 In NOVEMBER 1937 he ANDRE & JO set about a parcel to be sent to Mary Gordon, with gifts for everyone for Christmas.

He & JO took a lot of time gathering things, looking for things in the shops, for this parcel.   It gave them pleasure. When they were told it had not been received in December they were very upset.

1957 Andre said -December 1957 when they lived at 50 Lancaster Gate Square he asked Greta to make a list of simple thoughtful little presents for sending or taking to “our relatives & friends at the seaside” He did not know if they would be able to go to the seaside over Christmas-his work in FRANCE had to come first.

1957 Andre said - Greta put an item, unusual, on the list FOR TERESA-HER MOTHER- saying   “SHE ALWAYS HAS TO HAVE THIS!”   He questioned ‘WHY does she ALWAYS have to have SANDLEWOOD SOAP ?   Greta said once she was given some.  Andre said-  after his first shock - I KNOW NOW WHO STOLE THAT PARCEL we sent to your Grandmother MARY GORDON after we returned to FRANCE from the holiday  with you that Summer 1937... ”…..

1970   ANDRE MALRAUX  is explaining at The Pillar House, Harwell    “I put in the parcel a letter saying how very much we had enjoyed our Summer Holiday- & we looked forward to returning & hoped to do so next year 1938 - I also put a letter in the post to Mary Gordon-a personal letter on the matters we spoke upon & again I said I accepted the Guardianship of Greetha- no POST came on the Estate-from abroad or the Ransom families ”

ANDRE MALRAUX from his note-books of year 1937-

1937 `I did not receive any Post/mail on this matter in December 1937-or the next year 1938 -but I put a telephone call through to Mary Gordon & we discussed how the parcel could go missing.   She said not to worry- ` IT WAS THE THOUGHT THAT MATTERED  - SHE WOULD TELL EVERYONE they had remembered them at Christmastide - & enjoyed their stay-he was to hear more-& THE PARCEL WOULD PROBABLY TURN UP-the Post was a very good Service -` He learned the Parcel had left France !   She & her son & daughter made enquiries at the Clacton Post Office … they were all looking into the matter  … ”

“1937 SUMMER East Anglia Clacton-on-Sea where we found The Gospels- ACTED OUT Peter ”

ANDRE MALRAUX speaks/reads 1970  “From December 1937 Peter my post/mail was taken by the British Government & Crown- & this robbery has gone on since then !  It is organised by the British Government-in FRANCE to a great extent- because of my appointment-I ANDRE MALRAUX to this Estate-she had big investments in France-five HOMES educating orphans to 18 years of age-humanism came out !  & they acted the Gospels Out…

other lands, buildings, endowments….”

( She is Margarethe Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE  USA citizens-with Ransom 19 acres under New York/bought 1801 mounting up currencies to build the University POUL GRONLANDER, DECREE 1770 archives/

She learned from her father Fred Ransom - family ship `The Mary Rose` to TRADE WITH GRACE … to help husband TIGGY with his HOMES for orphans A to Z the globe…/

1880s  : the island with no clothes …

….   after 15 years of educating orphans & insisting ALL their children go in the school- produced the highest standard of literacy the globe had ever known-  Tig explained  ‘well you will have no workers-& you cannot be bringing back slaves from the other islands anymore- Mag & I have been producing you teachers to teach a humanism happy life- they worked it out themselves in terms of humanism, they now sometimes wore cotton trousers & shirts-gentle progress went on-

Nota bene: The RN boats British Empire sailed in & demolished the HOMES where they could-   One on an Atoll- an Arab Prince said   “Tig- the British have attacked your Temple-don’t worry-we have got somewhere else-safe…” records-GROTE HOMES/archives/

1960 Onassis says “ has always more than me, Margareth ” - he tries protect the Greek philanthropy seashores, islands, from British Upper Class Sin invaders-purveyors of trashing the globe-for the upper class to keep doping-gambling etc. on-on-on….

(Tiggy at 20 years had the inspiration for the HOMES 1862/63 & in 1864  (leaving everyone shoeless)  began USA & across the Pacific to Japan …

where his young bride & her family Gronlander-RANSOM have 2 islands … end Lusans/Japan/Pacific … Ni-halah’s DOWRY granted 1512 - our marriage to Lady Japan Old Royal Okinawa family in 1504 in Bruges Cathedral-in a gown of 1504 Rose pink-orange marries F. RANSOM widower of Montrose & the known lands of the globe he 44 & she 27 years from a Convent (issue 5 children)…We at this time RANSOMS are rich - we can be seen in a famous painting not destroyed/& 17th century in another/not likely to be destroyed …

… but records are sometimes falsified-  archives/records/the globe)…an Altar- Kalkar Joest/assisted by young Joos van Cleve- F.Ransom is Lazarus-this red-gold hair comes down even to my father FJR…we trace main line back to Jutland BC before we come to Dunwich, East Anglia 92 AD…

14OO AD  (…“1400 - we went East again-not much before…/diary F.RANSOM …) “The marriage Britain-Okinawa 1504   “& because of 3 Chinese brides before we are rather slant eyed for sometime…”(FJR)

l. Lady Siberia “not high as our wives before but accepted because they had taught us philosophy…”

her dowry/land/Kuriles

2. Lady of the Mystical Condition/she met some missionaries blown off course….said her father, brothers explaining her odd philosophies/dowry land

3. 1450 a daughter of the Sea-Trader, Settlement Governor with his friend alternating, philosophers, the  Confucian HU`E ARTAN-marriage 1450/ dowry land

SEA TRADERS keep records/need to read & write….See True Tales Ransom Brides…embellished by Uncle Gimlet Eyes Mainwarring 1936/37/38...for his grand-daughter & cousin Greetah Ransom from the 16th century marriage of PHOEBE RANSOM to Sir Lionel Mainwarring-at Court- it cost their parents a lot of dough…

1937...We were all to sail the Weddell Sea & JEAN ballerina grand-daughter of James Weddell & Aelovedmah San Julian,  would dance on it- Alfred Charles Ransom, Uncle Mainwarring both RN would arrange a visit…our WEDDELL SEA….

….& a second visit we were all to go & visit 15th Grandpa HU`E ARTAN his 16 feet statue on the headland…for we are of HIS LINE…he makes this clear-  “YOU ARE ALL TO SAIL IN & TELL ME WHAT YOU DO….my kin….after I am dead…I will still be sitting up here….”

19th-20th century….The rest of the family speak some Japanese-& sail in for a cup of tea with young Hiroheto,  & we maintain our 2 islets the very end of the LUSANS-our kin & kith…Hiroheto is educated, a scientist & studies sea horses & things…

19thcentury - Tiggy knew his Dad- keen on education, science, technology…Speaking of Tig to his son,  he says “Tig has no religion-but thank goodness he has all of ours…”

RANSOM had a HERBAL kept in The Temple, City of London, until stolen by Lindsaybuggarhs “ & THE ANIMAL PACK” in name of Angela-all taking Divinorum Salvia Scotland up their snouts since kids of 12-13 years when they visit their marble halls & stables….

1938/9 RANSOM Herbal- was available for scholars

we bought it from the writer 2nd/or 5th cent AD-  We used

to swop books with a Scipio family, Roma (Scipio Africanus) they lived in ROME on same spot 2,200 years-they only sold their home-nice garden end of 20th century/Rome noisy-

1938/9  “ THE HERBAL WAS SWIPED-STOLEN - who got the dough ? - an obscene criminally insane Noble branch of Gross Britain Lindsay/Lindsey is now joined by Bowes Lyon and the in-laws of Norway and Scandinavia they discuss by moonlight … ”

1937 SUMMER- A rainy afternoon at the house on the corner opposite The Co-op, Marine Parade-Pier Avenue-

Josette & Greetah, ANDRE Saint George flown off to Mary Gordon to tea, to new friends he has made in shops, library, Institutions….or the Clacton Pier,or Freddie Clacton THEATRE preparing to open after 7 pm- always a good play….

Those few rainy afternoons as we sew, make things, I watch the scarlet CROSS she is stitching on the BOLERO in black (grosgrain ?) & her embroidery  “wondrous fine”  for the embroidered Cross will be on the back-   she will wear it at something in FRANCE when they get back…ANDRE Saint George & she…1937 SUMMERI AM TELLING JOSETTE THIS FAMILY BACKGROUND -AT THAT TIME IT IS THE NEWS OF THE MOMENT…

1937 NEW YEAR Uncle Liam Captain Ransom who brought me the CHART to learn my STARS….New Year 1937.…

“Young Fred…..I was called in by young Hiroheto as there’s trouble our islands-they’ve been attacked…

Nota Bene: tried to set fire to the school-biggest RANSOM genealogy chart here-links everyone-Liam RANSOM  ( homes in Birmingham/Norway/South America) found it in tatters on the school room floor-he says he can do it again-its in his archives-he carries it mainly about in his head-as he sails his 4 tall ships…

1936 There is no War with Japan at this time-Last two islands very end of LUSANS/Pacific Ocean/RANSOM Estate/ Attacked BY BRUTISH HIGH CLASS SIN GROSS BRITAIN picking off Grote Homes Ransom Estate in 3 Parts in semi-silence as usual! (here we Ransoms are slant eyed)

Captain Uncle Liam said…Been in & attacked them, 3 perhaps 4 dead- Oh because its US-they are meaning to PICK THE ESTATE OFF WHERE THEY CAN this ATTACK is to rough everybody up…they described them-THEM- Young (so-&-so’s) boy (General somebody ?)…he down by the water with the books floor to ceiling has gone up to Tokyo (Toxio)  to the Government…others content to stay home-you know how they are, how Majorie left `em when she died- (Revd.Mother Margery Mainwarring) ‘we fish, read books, make things we need, keep a happy home-life-see you for weddings…’

1937 January … Uncle Captain Liam RANSOM says …   “Alfie-Charles (Alfred Charles Ransom REAR ADMIRAL RN) will go over with the family, friends, to holiday - see to any ships need repairs, nets…but its BAD ‘young FRED’

TIMES ARE BAD!   Young woman!  young woman - how old ? -nearly 4 years & travelled-in charge with Lennie-

You have to be a young woman in these bad days…Beware Courts & Kings-we once found an enlightened Ruler…down in San Salvador…”

Nota bene: Everyone in the family speaks Japanese … they go stay for months as children & learn their sea crafts/philosophy-

1880s -  Majorie-Revd Mother (probably  Mainwarring family) took her 40 Nuns to live decades on the 2 Ransom islands, LUSANS  -she is a relative-at 10 years of age in Scotland, an heiress, she was buried in a coffin for 10 minutes-but an observant bunch at a children’s party knowing of frequent attacks on her  realised a Funeral had passed when she disappeared…She became a Nun….19th century & her tomb on the island was published on 1940s…

1937 SUMMER JOSETTE JoJO&Joh as Andre calls to her….she nods to me & stitches on-   asks me slowly some simple questions-makes notes in her exercise book-we make tea again or coffee-milk for me with-a-dash, a biscuit or two & PLAN WHAT WE MIGHT DO THIS EVENING-even if it goes on raining-WE WILL-  WILL GO OUT…Andre comes loping-flying-whirling in & we say we want to go out in the evening…when he has had a rest-looked at his newspapers:  the first evening newspapers arrive about 4 pm in the Clacton Town-we do not TIE HIM TO OUR APRON STRINGS…

1937 summer evening ‘The Pier-yes lets all go on the Pier to-night…in the rain-umbrellas, raincoats are here- ‘take an ice cream’- walk to the very end past the two theatres where the fishing arm is, come back slowly stopping at this & that…Andre talking to anyone who seems to want to talk or meeting his new friends…a sentence or two or three & on we go, they with arms linked, I a hand held or a little ahead where they can see they do not lose me-  I have explained all these things & Granny Gordon has too…

“….the child cannot be left on her own-you must keep her with you all the time…”

That evening THE WALK IN THE RAIN IN THE DARK- ANDRE Saint George - He bought me brilliant pink candy-tuff, & he won something at the shooting or perhaps it was at the throwing the hoops….I think it was a soft toy for JO…I tell her of the velvet apple ball green & red I had come from Cousin Sarah (family Poulsen de SALLE of PARIS)  when they were in Japan last year with Aunt Magarethe & I could not go- 1936 August MR PONG & the other evil little jack-in-the box had hit me over the head…

1937 August …a wet evening, black at sea, not many ships lights, must be MISTY over the waves we cannot see, not many STARS…we had cool drinks with straws: When the evening draw’th to the close we might have a coffee, tea, a sandwich later ‘ROUND THE TOWN’

or at home & sit in the garden under umbrellas…or ANDRE listens to the BBC news-& changes channels & puzzles over how my Great-Aunt-artist Annie Agnes can understand the WELSH programe!

1937 SUMMER- THIS TIME IS OUR TIME-we are free to take it up in handfuls distribute it daily- nightly as doth please we-ANDRE, JOJoh&Jo & Greetah bound together now for as long as the earth shall be-shall we go into libraries upon the STARS…

We had a quick HIGH TEA  setting it ourselves, putting the kettle on, gathering from the garden-at the HOUSE ON THE CORNER WITH THE RECTANGLE GARDEN opposite the Church OVER TO THE CO-OP- now the WAY OF DAWN NEWSPAPERS…but  `a good tea & NOURISHING` before we set out-some cold meats lettuce-spring onions & radishes from the garden-my HOVIS brown loaf butter not too salted-a fresh pot of tea Chinese-Indian & we will find something for the finish up something light & sweet on our WALK IN THE DARK…some days we do have shell fishes shrimps winkles but only fresh when we buy them late afternoon-

ANDRE Saint George has yet to go Limpet collecting showing JO how he used to do it in Brittany on family holidays when he was a child with the last of his SEAFARING lineage…but that has not happened yet & OUR visiting the rare shop Old Road where they have SHOES for WOMEN with feet 18 inches & 24 INCHES LONG- he knew of these matters to my surprise…

1937 SUMMER - ANDRE holds JO’s arm & he so tall & delicate & bending like a reed in his speech this way & that, shadows of sounds, or arrow flights upon the delicious night sea air- observant of all about him & reaching a graceful arm, a delicate wrist up to the rain dark heavens to gather us STARS-he will part the darkness of night above our heads & gather here, there- now he can light our way with a few STARS which I will carefully place in my little basket for it hath become a habit since JO remindth me ‘FOUL WINTER DOTH COME’we may see something for the store cupboards  ….. FOUL WINTER DOTH COME … Josette loves this phrase …

ANDRE our Lord of the Seashores - now he is talking of his mother’s SEA ancestors from up the coast, Suffolk-Norfolk-The Wash-  & all the time he carefully ` he  doth  guard shee & mee as  most precious  cargo` …

… & JO always a delicate Columbine flower-I think…

I have seen them in The Americas -North I think (Columbines are described by Zane Grey in his novels-I might call a girl child Columbine…one day if I marry … … … but only someone who is as clever as wise as POUL GRONLANDER my grandpa 4 times back on the RANSOM side & he is 6 feet 5 inches tall-buried at Gotharb with dark blue eyes & black hair…)

ANDRE takes my hand, he picks me up on his shoulder if we are in a host of people, a crush of people.     We can call at Freddie’s Clacton Theatre & just wave & say a word-he is always there for the curtain going up & back of the stage…  … he dashes over to Paris for this & that…Unity’s mother did the Poster for him this week-we are to look at it outside on the easel-stand upon the step …

1937 Summer : We have made our visit to the Convalescent Home that morning & cheered Unity‘s grandpa up before he has a nice light luncheon in kindly company with others recuperating there….It is WHITE-washed  Art deco all great windows, facing the SEAS - I think how nice to be living in a room there in WINTER … the sound of the waves at night & cold afternoons with a pot of tea & muffins black berry jam, the ozone smell so fresh …. Clacton has the Muffin people delivering at night-the Italian Organ-grinder …

Winters 1930s & his monkey in a warm coat help too … his daughter has married an Englishman so he stays our winters now & I see him in church on Sundays … & he speaks Italian with the priest from ROME-An old Priest a friend of `Young Pacelli` at Rome … an appointment when the great new church was opened 1929 ...

….but then I would not want to be ill in this Convalescent Home-well, not ill & old yet-I have to grow learn with Lennie for we already take a care to our PEOPLES our LANDS the globe-we are in happy training-

1937 SUMMER - & Greta‘s evening thoughts told to JO & Andre-  Perhaps to have the FOG HORN moaning too often might be for making ‘the nerves’ for that sad moan doth mean bad conditions at SEA- keep off!   ‘Oh keep off- I am warning, moaning sighing  ‘keep off’  ‘keep away from me -go to your Charts-or my Goodwin Sands may have to claim you as more Victims…’

I may pass a sentence or two upon similar thoughts if there is a natural lull in the conversations at sometime…otherwise I do not intrude upon the preparing for marriage & a long long life young PAIR …

1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY … To-morrow may dawn to Trumpets of the SUN -as at tel`Amarna-Babylon where our little man learned to write or  Stonehenge where harebells of intense blue can be found in the grasses …

The INCA - Our Weddell ancestors INCA & Tierra del Fuego came calling ANY OLD JOBS YOU WANT DONE ON THE STARS’ ? Their placard quickly set up at Old Sarum mound where a nice picnic gets going-a craft & agricultural Fair-

‘Astronomy & Mathematic-assistance-/Travel bureau ’… …

… … “ & we’ve a nice line this decade in home-made bread-we use our maize pounded up with botanical seeds-old Sumerian touch that…& from our TINKERS PURSE see here- try these spoons in the orchestra-gold makes interesting sound-harmonizes with the wood & the wind section-try this new pipe- We can SHIP YOU SOME OVER for the spring-see the STARS for the date of arrival-

… Payment ? …we had this idea- when you are not too busy- how about throwing us one of these Stone Henges up ? -we like the blue stones- We could have a dance-Rite of Spring-when old Stravinsky gets himself born-we try not sacrifice our women-but if they wants to think we are savagesperhaps it helps ‘em pay for their fast cars & screw-ball life…

… Bad times are a comin` in  - Paddle over anytime - we can meet you New York - got 19 acres coming to us on a marriage line- … Always some calculations to occupy your time-clearer skies with us than you got up here …   We find faster route is up to Greenland - some visits - parties around the coast … then straight down - we came that way this time … We carved  for you all the way along the route SAN JULIAN CLAN THIS WAY -

Daddy & Lennie can tell our histories in a dry manner - Uncle Mainwarring RN too

1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY - Clacton-on-Sea rainy evening …

This raining night warm to our faces hands & legs … we may if pleases us walk the promenade towards the end in the DARK NIGHT passing happy holiday makers smoking fags wearing raincoats umbrellas unfurled like dark pansy flowers … all enjoying the THE SOUNDS OF THE SEA …   Everybody cheerful for their holiday.  Solid glass covered areas have seats out of the rain-older folk sit & stroll a bit - There are places open to eat a bit … take a summer drink in a tall glass or a last nightcap in a Pub or café … fish & chips in newspaper to eat out of the rain …

WE THREE can walk as far as the Holland beach now called JO`s beach to see if Unity’s mother has her car outside the Home visiting her Father-or we take another direction if we feel like the extra stroll … We could catch a lift home if we find she is still there- but we may not want to - it is our lazy night …  To be sure we will get to bed before midnight this evening !

No STARS to watch- Cassiopia is hid & Andre the North Pole star & me ‘the plough’ not to be seen  …

… the RANSOM families gave me this STAR SIGN early on … because of my energy as Aunt Margarethe’s father Fred Ransom of Jacopsholmen our Island in the Snow- My father `young Fred R. son of F.C. R. ` tells people who ask of Greetha’s energy- `1935- when we took her to The Holm she was wandering about & saw his ghost busy about his Island - she said her name was RANSOM & he jumped in - goes on with his work…”

19th century- Fred RANSOM (they are Fred & John since they sailed for Queen Margarethe of Denmark 13th century) of Montrose -a dozen other Estates & Jacopshomen Island- the family tall ship is Mary Rose- Greetah’s grandpa twice back- he cast the first bell in Greenland & photos 1850s showed it towering above him-beside his church built for POUL & Jacop his son father of Fred Ransom`s wife Gertruid Poulsen -

Fred Ransom also began the University buildings to Gertruid’s grandpa 6`5 inches  Poul Gronlander but the Noble British & Danes stopped him for they do not want educated Greenlanders & in 1883 Earl LINDSAYbuggarh claimed it as the Property of his family because of the marriage of Millie Frobisher to JOHN RANSOM -

The Premier Earl of Crawford LINDSAY sent 3 British R.N. big ships with guns to order Millie JOHN & highly educated friends OFF 1884-John Ransom murdered by him 1890 … after tormenting Millie Frobisher Ransom to 1897 when he killed her - 1st World War saved her son’s life FCR, my future grandpa,  & he married JEAN WEDDELL grand-daughter of JAMES WEDDELL who navigated the WEDDELL SEA :  James an old friend of the father of the bride The Aelovedah-Maria Miss San Julian - a QUAKER Roman Catholic marriage … “ newspapers report AN ICE WHITE BRIDE … her father rich, visits ROME … she is privately educated and a descendant of the HIGH INCA …”

… Fred Ransom, my father`s great grandfather turned the two experimental University buildings, inner circle Arctic, into the Restaurant in the skies - ham & eggs - tomato sauce only - Open Sundays : … to stop young Greenlanders courting in darkness in the unfinished buildings … and perhaps falling from unfinished parts of the buildings …

19th/20th century - Noble Britain’s High Class Sin penniless Vagrants paying interest upon interest the gambling debts of Lords & Crown always they sneeringly call us ESKIMOS & APES … because of the great INCA Yaham. Josef San Julian F. San Miguel Acting Governor -Tierra del Fuego the father of Miss Aelovedmah Maria San Julian who married JAMES WEDDELL THE SEA : & we are the line of James his eldest son born 1825 marries Minerva Olivea Hesketh songwriter/EVENSONGS etc - their eldest daughter Jean marries Frederick Charles Ransom 1909 - eldest son F.J.R 1911./ Ivy J.R./John R.R.1917/L.I.R b 1921 … 

RANSOM continue into the 21th century … commencing BRITAIN when REDEMPTIO = RANSOM begins a new job at Londinium Roman Britain …


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